Healthy vegetables for a nursing mother. What fruits and vegetables can you eat while breastfeeding in the first month

What can you eat in the first week after giving birth?

1. Kashi: they should be boiled in water from whole grains. In the first week, preference should be given to buckwheat, corn or rice, since they practically do not cause allergies.

2. Pasta - any.

3. Vegetables: you can eat potatoes - boiled or baked. Zucchini - steamed or baked. Cauliflower and broccoli - steamed or in soups. Carrots and beets can be consumed in small amounts in soups.

4. Meat products are recommended to be included in the diet from the second day after childbirth. The best meat for a nursing mother is rabbit and veal. Rabbit meat is a dietary meat, it has little cholesterol and a lot of protein, which is digested by more than 90%. Beef and turkey are somewhat more difficult to digest. Pork and lamb are not recommended for nursing mothers. Meat can be consumed boiled, in soups, in the form of steam cutlets or meatballs. The general recommended amount of meat products for nursing mothers in the first week after childbirth is 150-180 g per day.

5. Dairy products: ordinary cottage cheese (150-200 g two or three times a week), fermented milk products, sour cream 10-15% fat, cheese - low-fat, simple, without additives, a thin piece on a sandwich.

6. Bread - preferably black, slightly dried. For tea, you can offer dryers, crackers without poppy seeds, nuts and raisins, dry biscuits without additives.

7. Vegetable oils should be on the table daily in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. Preference should be given to unrefined varieties of sunflower oil. Other types of oils should not be tried yet.

First month after childbirth

A week after the birth, making sure that the newborn is well tolerated by all the foods that the mother eats, the diet can be gradually expanded.

To produce enough milk in the first month after childbirth, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid. It can be weak tea, including green, without flavoring and aromatic additives, compote of prunes, pears, apples, dried apricots, jelly from cranberries, lingonberries, currants, chokeberries, rosehip infusion, decoctions of mint and lemon balm. Coffee for a nursing mother during this period is still banned. You can drink natural juices from green apples, pears, plums. It is better if these are freshly squeezed juices without preservatives, in extreme cases, you can drink baby juices. The use of products with a long shelf life should be avoided.

The diet of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth:

Kashi: you can gradually introduce millet, barley, pearl barley, wheat and oatmeal porridge in 2.5% fat milk with the addition of a small amount of butter.

Any pasta.

Vegetables: you can expand the diet by sweet peppers - green and yellow, eggplant, turnips, pumpkins with white-green peel; white cabbage, greens (dill, parsley, lettuce), corn, carrots and beets are allowed in small quantities. All vegetables can still be consumed only thermally processed: this significantly reduces gas formation in mother and baby. During this period, a nursing woman still cannot eat fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, green peas.

Meat: Rabbit, veal and turkey should still be preferred as more dietary meats. You can add boiled beef tongue to your diet. You should not eat kidneys, brain and other offal. Chicken, pork and lamb are not recommended. The norm for a nursing mother is 180-200 g of meat per day. It is better to give preference to steam cutlets, "hedgehogs", meatballs, boiled meat - you can in soups.

Dairy products: whole milk can be added to cereals in small amounts, but if the mother notices an increase in gas formation in the child, then it should be completely excluded. You can drink sour-milk drinks without sugar in an amount of up to 0.5 liters per day. Cottage cheese 5-9% fat can be eaten twice a week for 150-200 g only thermally processed - in the form of cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles. Sour cream with a short shelf life with a fat content of 10-15% should be eaten daily, adding to soups, cottage cheese, dressing salads with it. 1-2 thin slices of cheese with a fat content of 20-30% without additives can be eaten daily on a sandwich. It is necessary to eat foods with reduced fat content, but not fat-free: the child will receive the necessary fats from them, and excess reserves will not be deposited in the mother's body.

Fish are completely excluded.

Confectionery: dryers, crackers, biscuits without additives, simple caramel without filling and icing, natural jelly from juice and gelatin, blackcurrant jam and jam from apples, pears, plums are allowed for tea.

Fruits: baked, you can eat apples, plums and pears grown in the region where the woman lives. Raw fruits tend to cause severe colic in the baby. You can eat fresh bananas - no more than one a day, as they can cause constipation. From the berries you can try black and white currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle.

Nuts are completely prohibited. From dried fruits, you can eat prunes, pears and apples, 2-3 pieces of dull dried apricots. Raisins are not recommended because, like grapes, they cause increased gas formation.

Vegetable oils - unrefined varieties of vegetable oils, especially the first cold pressing, are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for the development of the baby. During this period, you can eat olive, sunflower, corn and mustard oil.

If a child has a reaction to any of the products, it is necessary to exclude him for at least a couple of months, and then try again. Over time, the baby's enzyme systems develop, and, most likely, after a while it will be possible to use this product without consequences.

It should be remembered that you can enter one product every three days, observing the reaction of the child. It is necessary to assess the general condition of the baby, the appearance of the skin - the presence of a rash, redness, crusts. The baby's stool should be yellowish in color, a small amount of milk inclusions is acceptable, without greenery and impurities. Against the background of the introduction of a new product, the baby should not have an increase in gas formation and an increase in colic. When such a problem appears, and also if the child reacts literally to everything that the mother eats, it is necessary to extend the diet of this period to at least 2-3 months.

Further nutrition of the nursing mother

If the child perfectly tolerates all the products from the mother's diet, you can gradually return to the woman's usual diet. The same rules for introducing new products apply here.

A woman should drink up to 2-2.5 liters per day. In the morning, one small cup of weak coffee with milk or cream is allowed. Dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries can now be added to compote. With tea, you can eat a coffee spoon of honey, but not every day, as this is a rather allergenic product. You can put a slice of lemon in a cup. A nursing mother can try to include cranberry, sea buckthorn jelly, fruit drinks from berries in the menu.

What can be added to the diet?

Kashi: food can be diversified by multi-grain cereals, rice and buckwheat can be boiled with dried fruits. Various cereal flakes, especially enriched with vitamins and minerals, along with a cup of milk will be an excellent breakfast for a nursing mother, but still you should not abuse them, because whole grains are superior in nutritional properties.

Any pasta is acceptable, preference should be given to durum wheat pasta.

Vegetables: you can gradually introduce fresh cucumbers, tomatoes (preference should be given to local ground vegetables), green peas, grain corn, a little onion, you can try a clove of garlic. There must be greens on the table of a nursing woman. In winter, you can cook frozen vegetables, which, thanks to modern freezing technologies, retain all the vitamins. You should choose well-known, well-established brands of frozen vegetables that do not contain preservatives, dyes, GMOs. When introducing vegetables into the diet, the general rule is: the more brightly colored the fruit, the greater the likelihood of an allergy that it can cause in a child.

Meat: dietary, easily digestible varieties are preferred. From the second half of the year, boiled and baked chicken can be introduced. You can try pork and lamb, but these types of meat should not dominate the diet of a nursing woman. In summer, you can treat yourself to barbecue, but the meat should be lean, marinated in kefir, naturally, without wine and vinegar.

Dairy products: Fresh, natural, unflavoured, low-fat dairy products are still recommended. Butter should be on the table every day: a nursing mother needs to add it to porridge and smear a thin layer on a sandwich. It contains the most important proteins and fats of animal origin.

Fish: it's time to try white types of sea fish - it's better to start with hake, cod, later you can add fatter mackerel, halibut to the menu. Salted herring can be eaten with good tolerance in small quantities, and you need to cut it yourself, excluding the use of fish preserves with vinegar. Later, you can try red varieties of fish. Preference should be given to fish cooked in the oven, steamed, boiled. Breastfeeding mothers should not eat fried fish, as it is less digestible and contains an excess amount of fat. Caviar is a very allergenic product, so it is not recommended to eat it during breastfeeding. Fish should be eaten at least three times a week.

Eggs: it is better to start with quail eggs, as they are less allergenic. Later, you can enter into the diet and chicken, but not more than 2-3 per week.

Bakery products: you can enter grain bread enriched with vitamins and fiber. You can diversify the diet with crispbread and dry biscuits made from corn, buckwheat, oatmeal. But sweet products made from premium flour do not contain anything useful, and they will not bring any benefit to the figure. From sweets for tea, you can try natural marmalade, for example, prepared yourself from apricots, peaches, berries; sunflower or sesame halva in small quantities; kozinaki from sunflower, sesame seeds. Keep in mind that sesame seeds contain a lot of calcium. Feijoa berries mashed with sugar contain a lot of iron and iodine, this jam is not allergenic. Without the risk of food allergies, you can also use fresh blueberry and blackcurrant jam.

Fruits: Everything that was previously baked can be eaten raw. In addition, you can gradually introduce apricots, peaches, cherry plums, red plums into the diet, you can try watermelons - just not early ones, but September ones. From the berries from the second half of the year you can eat cranberries, sea buckthorn. But with strawberries, doctors still recommend waiting, because many kids react to it. When introducing new fruits of bright color into the diet, as well as imported ones specially processed for long-term storage, one should be aware of the possible reaction of the child.

You can eat walnuts and pine nuts: they are the most useful and contain a large amount of valuable oils. Peanuts are a very allergenic product, and their nutritional value is low.

Vegetable oils: you can enter pumpkin, sesame, walnut oil, olive oil. They contain many useful substances and will diversify the taste sensations. The total amount of oil consumed should be no more than 3 tablespoons per day.

During breastfeeding, no diets are allowed. Any dietary restrictions in order to return to "pre-pregnant" forms inevitably lead to a violation of milk production, and therefore, the baby will not receive the substances he needs for growth and development. But this does not mean that during the period of breastfeeding there is no opportunity to influence the figure. The fact is that the mother's body maintains a constant fat content of milk produced. Lactation is the only period in a woman's life when hormonal changes help move fat from the mother's body stores into milk. Therefore, by limiting (but, of course, not excluding) the intake of fats with food, a woman can influence her weight. This can be done by reducing the fat content of consumed dairy products, eating lean meat, low-fat cheeses, and butter. In addition, the process of milk production itself consumes an additional 600-700 kcal, so long-term breastfeeding will not only help the baby grow up healthy and happy, but also contribute to the normalization of the mother's weight.

Whatever a nursing mother eats, one should not forget about the aesthetic component of nutrition. Of course, with a baby it is often not up to culinary delights. But it is worth remembering that the simplest food, cooked with soul, eaten in a relaxed atmosphere, will bring much more benefit to you and your baby.

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in the life of any woman. It entails multiple changes related not only to the daily routine, but also to the nutrition of a young mother. In today's article, we will figure out whether it is possible to eat vegetables with HB and what to cook from them.

The benefits of plant foods

The quality of mother's milk depends entirely on what the woman herself eats. Therefore, her diet should be complete and well balanced. One of the most important components of the menu of a nursing mother is vegetables. They are rich in valuable vitamins, minerals and vegetable fiber, which gently stimulates intestinal motility.

Lack of vegetables during lactation can cause many serious problems. It not only deprives the baby of a vital set of vitamins and minerals, but also provokes disruptions in the absorption of protein and iron. Also, vegetable-free is fraught with health problems for the mother herself. Sooner or later, she will become constipated and overweight. To prevent this from happening during lactation, you need to eat about 400 g of plant foods daily.

List of allowed vegetables

In the first months after the birth of a baby, young mothers should be especially careful about their diet. After all, there is a whole list of products that can cause allergies, intestinal colic, diarrhea or increased gas formation in a child. Therefore, it is very important to know what vegetables a nursing mother can eat.

The list of safe foods included potatoes, rich in thiamine, potassium and phosphorus. This root crop stimulates metabolic processes, and also helps to remove salt and fluid from the body.

Also, lactating women are allowed to eat beets. It can be added to soup or salad. With HB, you need to eat not only tasty, but also healthy. And this product helps to overcome depression and promotes the elimination of toxins. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and serves as an anemia prevention. Do not forget that beets are considered one of the most effective natural remedies for postpartum constipation.

For those who want to find out what vegetables breastfeeding mothers can eat, it will be interesting that carrots are on the list of allowed foods. It is a good source of carotene, which affects the health of hair and visual acuity. Plus, this root crop contributes to the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism. However, it must be introduced gradually so as not to cause allergies.

An equally important role in the nutrition of a young mother is played by zucchini. They contain not only many essential vitamins and minerals, but also pectins that neutralize toxic substances. Also on the menu of a woman feeding a baby, eggplant, pumpkin, sweet peppers, celery, green onions and cauliflower should be present. The latter has a unique vitamin and mineral composition and is considered an excellent source of iodine, pectin, iron and ascorbic acid. Therefore, it is often included in soups, salads, casseroles and other healthy dishes.

Prohibited Products

Having found out what vegetables a nursing mother can eat, you need to deal with the list of prohibited components. First of all, this includes exotic fruits that do not grow in our region. Raw onions and garlic should also be treated with great care, as they give breast milk an unpleasant specific aftertaste.

Legumes promote increased gas formation. Therefore, they will also have to be temporarily excluded from your diet. They should be introduced only after the baby is three months old and digestion has formed.

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to breastfeed tomatoes and cucumbers need to remember that these, at first glance, safe foods are not so harmless. On the one hand, tomatoes are rich in many vitamins, on the other hand, like any bright vegetables, they can cause allergies. Therefore, you need to try them only after your baby reaches the age of three months. Plus, for starters, it is recommended to replace red tomatoes with yellow varieties. As for cucumbers, they can cause indigestion in both a woman and her child. Therefore, they must be used with great care.

Also, many young women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have cabbage. A white-headed vegetable promotes gas formation, bloating and fermentation. As a result, it should be introduced only after the baby is two months old. Moreover, cabbage should be boiled or stewed.

You need to buy vegetables only in trusted outlets that have all the necessary documentation confirming the quality of the products offered. The specimens you have selected should not show signs of deterioration or wax coating.

Now that you know which vegetables can be eaten by a nursing mother, and which are better to temporarily exclude from the diet, you need to talk about acceptable methods of heat treatment. Raw plant foods are poorly digested and can cause intestinal disorders. Therefore, all vegetables intended for the nutrition of a nursing woman must be pre-treated. They can be boiled in salted water, stewed under a lid, baked in the oven or steamed.

Pumpkin puree soup

This creamy first course is ideal for new moms. It not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also improves the functioning of the digestive system. To add variety to the diet with HB you will need:

  • 250 g pumpkin pulp.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • Big carrot.
  • 2 tbsp. l. low fat sour cream.
  • Water, dill and salt.

Washed and peeled vegetables are cut into medium-sized pieces and put in a suitable saucepan. A small amount of salted water is also added there. All this is sent to the stove and boiled until soft. Ready vegetables are processed with a blender, supplemented with dill, seasoned with sour cream and warmed up for a short time over low heat.

Ragout with zucchini and cauliflower

Those who care about the health of their newborn baby and try to eat right can be advised to pay attention to another simple recipe for HB. To play it you will need:

  • 150 g cauliflower.
  • Large thin-skinned marrow.
  • Medium bulb.
  • Big carrot.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • Water, salt and herbs.

First of all, you should deal with vegetables. They are washed in running water, cleaned and cut. Then chopped onions, potatoes and carrots are loaded into a saucepan filled with salted boiling water. After a few minutes, pieces of zucchini and cabbage inflorescences are added to them. All this is brought to full readiness and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Soup with zucchini

First courses are rightfully considered an integral part of the proper nutrition of nursing mothers. To make one of these soups, you will need:

  • Young thin-skinned marrow.
  • 4 small potatoes.
  • 2 medium carrots.
  • Bow head.
  • 3 ripe tomatoes.
  • Salt, any lean and water.

The first thing to do is start with the vegetables. They are washed, if necessary, peeled and crushed. Then potatoes are loaded into a saucepan with salted boiling water and boiled for a short time over low heat. Then passivated onions, toasted carrots and fried zucchini are added to it. All this is brought to full readiness and crushed with chopped herbs.


A special place in the diet of a nursing woman is given to salads. With HB, you can eat diet meals consisting of healthy and easily digestible ingredients. To prepare one of these salads, you will need:

  • 400 g chicken fillet.
  • 100 g low-fat hard cheese.
  • 2 raw selected eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oils.
  • 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  • ½ loaf of wheat bread.
  • Salt and a bunch of lettuce.

It is desirable to start the process with fillet processing. It is washed, dried, cut into strips and marinated in a mixture of salt and lemon juice. After twenty minutes, the meat is placed in a saucepan and stewed under the lid. Ready chicken is placed in a plate lined with lettuce leaves. Chopped boiled eggs and crackers made from wheat bread are also sent there. Before serving, the salad is poured with olive oil, salted and sprinkled with cheese chips.

Soup with spinach

We present you another simple and very interesting recipe for HB. This delicious and healthy soup will add variety to the diet of nursing mothers. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of drinking water.
  • ½ package frozen spinach.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • Selected chicken egg.
  • Small carrot.
  • Salt and soft butter.

Pre-washed and peeled vegetables are cut into small pieces, browned in a greased frying pan and immersed in a saucepan with salted boiling water. After some time, passivated spinach and a raw beaten egg are loaded into a common bowl. All this is brought to readiness and poured into plates.

Cauliflower casserole

This exquisite and very tasty dish also meets all the requirements for the components of the menu for nursing mothers. To prepare it you will need:

  • 350 g cauliflower.
  • 130 g of any hard cheese.
  • 50 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • ¼ pack of butter.
  • 2 raw selected eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts.
  • Salt and any fresh herbs.

You need to start the process with the processing of cabbage. It is thoroughly washed in running water, divided into inflorescences and immersed in a saucepan filled with salted boiling water. After seven minutes, the cooked vegetable is thrown into a colander, and then distributed along the bottom of the greased form. Cabbage is sprinkled with chopped walnuts on top and crushed with cheese chips. At the final stage, all this is poured with a mixture of salted milk and beaten eggs, and then subjected to heat treatment. Cook cabbage casserole at a moderate temperature for no more than fifteen minutes.

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in a woman's life, because only she can provide the baby with a strong immune system. Therefore, there are a number of products that will have to be abandoned during breastfeeding (HF). Vegetables must be present in the diet of a nursing mother so that the baby receives all the vitamins, minerals, and other useful elements necessary for health.

However, some of them cause an allergic reaction, bloating or colic. Consider what vegetables can be given to a nursing mother, how to properly introduce them into the diet with HB.

Vegetable products are the basis of nutrition, so you should not refuse them during breastfeeding. They are irreplaceable sources of vitamins, minerals and plant fibers. In addition, their use is the only way to prevent constipation in a mother, her baby.

The best vegetables are naturally grown root vegetables in the farmer's fields or in your own vegetable garden in your area of ​​residence. Raw is best consumed in the summer. In winter, they should be used as frozen mixes for soups, stews and other dishes. All useful components are preserved in vegetables. But store-bought products can contain harmful substances due to improper storage.

Cucumbers, tomatoes and other off-season products in winter should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother. They are grown in greenhouses and treated with chemicals for quick maturation as well as long shelf life. For a nursing mother, such food is strictly prohibited.

With HB, any foods should be introduced into the diet gradually. This will help prevent severe allergies, reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. First you need to try a small piece, wait a few days, watching the baby.

If nothing negative has happened, the portion can be increased. If the reaction, nevertheless, is present, raw vegetables during breastfeeding can be replaced with baked or boiled ones. In this case, the likelihood of an allergic reaction is minimal.

Most often, allergies occur on exotic or rare specimens that are unusual for the mother's diet.

The right diet for a nursing mother

There is a list of what vegetables you can eat while breastfeeding. Of course, each child is individual, but the recommendations of pediatricians should be followed. Permitted ones include:

  • Beet. It contains a lot of vitamin C. In addition, regular consumption of the root crop will help protect mom and baby from constipation. It can be used boiled or stewed, as well as cook caviar. The mother must include beets in the diet to prevent anemia.

  • Potato. A traditional product in the diet of every person. In addition to its high nutritional value, it is valued due to its high content of thiamine, which is necessary for the proper development of the baby.
  • Zucchini. They contain such trace elements necessary for health as calcium, iron, magnesium.
  • Carrot. Helps to strengthen the vision of mom, baby. Also, the root crop is useful for skin and hair.
  • Celery. Regular consumption of celery is an excellent prevention of colic, bloating.
  • Eggplant. Contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
  • Bulgarian pepper. The composition of bell pepper includes calcium and rutin, which help strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function. It is also an indispensable source of vitamin C. It is better to eat green or yellow peppers.

  • Cauliflower. One of the most useful products in the diet of a nursing mother. It contains folic acid, which contributes to the proper development of the baby's brain. In addition, cauliflower is very beneficial for the intestines.
  • Green onion. Fresh shoots of green onions are extremely useful, especially during the period of spring beriberi. Green onions contain trace elements, vitamins, and flavonoids.

Unwanted vegetables

When planning a diet, it is very important to know which vegetables can be given to nursing mothers, and which should be controlled.

There is a list of products, the use of which should be approached with all caution. They can cause allergic reactions, as well as adversely affect the digestive system.

These include:

  • Cucumbers. Despite the fact that the calorie content of cucumbers is low and the likelihood of developing an allergy to this vegetable is practically absent, it can increase gas formation in a baby. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon the use of cucumbers in the first weeks of a baby's life.
  • Tomatoes. Tomatoes of red varieties are allergenic products. Therefore, it is better to refuse their use in the first weeks of a child's life. Yellow tomatoes are a great alternative.
  • Legumes. It is better to refuse their use during the first months of a child's life. Legumes can cause increased gas formation, a violation of the stool in the baby.
  • Cabbage. White cabbage can cause fermentation in the mother's intestines, which will also lead to colic in the baby. Sauerkraut should be avoided throughout the breastfeeding period. However, stewed, boiled cabbage can be eaten starting from a few weeks of a child's life.

  • Garlic and onion. They give milk a special taste and aroma. With established breastfeeding, you can enter these products carefully.
  • exotic vegetables. The use of any products related to exotic, it is better not to eat at least until the baby's digestive system gets stronger. Therefore, you can enter them from three months, carefully monitoring the reaction of the child.

Many doctors forbid vegetables with a bright color during the GV period. However, carrots, beets, and many others with bright orange or red flesh do not cause allergies. In this case, it is recommended to abandon only exotic, off-season vegetables grown in greenhouses in winter, as well as canned food with hot spices.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

After food restrictions during pregnancy, a woman is waiting for another crucial period - breastfeeding. At this time, a young mother always faces the question of what products are needed and which ones are better to refuse. One of the most controversial issues is the consumption of vegetables.

The quality and composition of breast milk directly affects the development of the child. It is not in vain that nursing mothers worry about their diet and consult with HB specialists, doctors, with their friends, look for information on the Internet about what foods can be eaten during breastfeeding () and in particular what vegetables can be eaten while breastfeeding .

Many women generally exclude vegetables from the diet during the period of breastfeeding, fearing negative reactions from the baby's gastrointestinal tract (colic, gas, bloating, etc.) and also fearing allergic reactions in an infant.

However, a nursing mother should eat a varied and high-quality diet in order to restore the body after childbirth and give the baby all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are the main assistants in this task.

With their lack in the diet, a nursing mother may experience constipation, because due to the fiber content, they act as a natural mild laxative. There is a risk of gaining excess weight, since vegetables will have to be replaced with foods with a higher calorie content. And, of course, vegetables are one of the main sources of vitamins that are so necessary during lactation.

What vegetables can be eaten with HB - an allergy to unknown foods

The most useful vegetables for a nursing woman are those grown in your area and typical of the local cuisine. They should correspond to the season: in summer and autumn it is better to include fresh vegetables in the diet, and in winter and spring frozen ones will be more useful.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Any vegetables should be included in the menu gradually, one kind every two or three days, and start with small portions. Thus, in a few months, a nursing woman will be able to expand the list and calmly eat almost all the foods she is used to, without fear of negative consequences for the child. If there is a reaction to the introduction of a new vegetable, it is not necessary to completely abandon it. Raw vegetables can be replaced with baked and stewed ones. However, the risk of such reactions is greatly exaggerated and they occur in a very small percentage of infants.

An allergy can manifest itself in a baby, especially as a result of eating some rare and exotic vegetables. Although it can also occur on ordinary, familiar vegetables: each child is individual!

In many cases, fears are exaggerated: yet vegetables are a source of vitamins. Moms should always take care to eat them not spoiled. You should not buy vegetables in questionable places where they are stored for a long time in a warehouse and, possibly, processed with various chemicals. Many imported vegetables contain pesticides and nitrates that can harm a child's health.

During lactation, the mother's diet should include

Allowed vegetables for breastfeeding mothers are vegetables that you are used to eating every day: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant.

  • potato. This vegetable includes thiamine, which is necessary for the proper development of the child's body;
  • beet. Contains a high concentration of vitamin C, is the prevention of constipation. Beet caviar or borscht, as well as simply boiled root vegetables, are useful for anemia;
  • carrot. Rich in carotene, vitamin B6, vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the vision of mother and child;
  • zucchini. Rich in trace elements such as copper, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium;
  • Bell pepper. Rutin and calcium, which are part of it, strengthen the capillaries. It is better to use green and yellow peppers;
  • eggplant. They are a source of pectins that improve metabolism;
  • celery. It helps with bloating, is saturated with vitamins B and E, carotene;
  • cauliflower. Contains folic acid, necessary for the good mental development of the child. This vegetable is also beneficial for the intestinal microflora;
  • green onion. It contains useful substances - flavonoids and a large number of vitamins and trace elements.

What vegetables should be eaten with care

  • cucumbers. It is a vegetable with a very low calorie content and minimal risk of allergies. However, it can cause increased gas formation in the baby, so nursing mothers are not recommended to abuse it, especially in the first month of a child's life ();
  • tomatoes. Contain zinc calcium, iron. They are a good prevention of anemia and osteoporosis. However, adding them to your diet up to a month not worth it. Tomatoes are best eaten fresh. If you are allergic to red varieties of tomatoes, you can try yellow ones, which are hypoallergenic ();
  • White cabbage. In its raw form, it is better not to use it, just in case, at least for the first month. A vegetable can cause fermentation in the intestines and bloating, although not necessarily the same problems will occur in a child. It is recommended to exclude sauerkraut, which is a rather aggressive product. But stewed and boiled cabbage can be eaten safely;
  • legumes. They can cause colic and increased gas formation, so it is better to refuse their use until the child is 3 months old. By this time, his gastrointestinal tract is sufficiently formed and colic usually disappears. Then you can start trying peas, beans, lentils boiled or stewed, controlling the reaction from the baby;
  • Onion and garlic. In the first month of a baby's life, it is not recommended to use these products. They give a specific taste to breast milk and can cause the baby to refuse the breast. In the future, you can gradually introduce these garlic and onions into the diet in reasonable quantities.
  • Exotic vegetables for our area, such as avocado, Jerusalem artichoke, etc. They can cause allergies or indigestion in a baby.

There is a belief that brightly colored vegetables should not be eaten while breastfeeding. It's a delusion. If a woman is not allergic to this type of vegetable, you can safely eat pumpkin, beets, carrots and tomatoes, despite their bright color. But what nursing mothers really should not eat is canned vegetables. Pickles contain dangerous compounds - salt, vinegar and spicy spices. An infant can get acquainted with them last of all, when his digestion has already been established and a complex of necessary enzymes has been developed.

How to eat vegetables while lactating

Eat fresh vegetables whenever possible. But you should not get too carried away with a raw food diet, especially while the child is very young, as they are more difficult to digest. The most harmless methods of heat treatment are considered to be boiling (especially steamed) and baking. This allows you to maximize the benefits of products.

Do not forget also about seasonality. Early vegetables are often processed to ripen faster. Imported vegetables, which are also often processed to give them a marketable appearance, can also pose a danger. Fresh herbs can be grown independently even on the windowsill.

Breastfeeding is a responsible and happy period in the life of mother and child. It is during this period that a nursing mother passes immunity and a particle of her love to the baby along with breast milk. Proper nutrition, enriched with vegetables and fruits, will help the mother regain strength and give the child everything she needs, and the baby will develop harmoniously. telegram channel

The diet of a woman who has chosen breastfeeding for herself and her child requires special attention. After all, the foods that a nursing mother can eat affect the condition of her baby. With milk, all the elements and vitamins necessary for growth and development enter the baby's body. An incorrectly composed menu can lead to indigestion, allergic reactions, and many other unpleasant consequences.

Healthy Eating Guide

Food influences the entire lactation process. Some products increase the amount of milk produced, some can reduce it. At the same time, they affect the taste of breast milk in such a way that the child may refuse breastfeeding altogether. A high-quality menu ensures the production of the required volume of milk and the full development of the child.

For the correct selection of products it is necessary:

  • it is reasonable to approach the choice of food, do not overeat, because. excess nutrition entails gastric discomfort not only in a nursing mother, but also in a child;
  • choose hypoallergenic foods in the first 4 weeks after birth to protect the newborn from allergies;
  • start experimenting with variety in the menu not earlier than the second month, new food is consumed in small portions and the reaction of the child's body is evaluated within 2-3 days;
  • drink a lot of liquid, preferably warm, this will stimulate the formation of milk and at the same time cleanse the female body;
  • treat products containing animal protein with caution (eggs, milk);
  • take into account the saturation of the food consumed with the necessary nutrients and minerals, their lack slows down the growth and development of the infant;
  • refuse fried and spicy dishes, it is better if they are steamed, stewed or baked in the oven;
  • limit yourself to flour and rich treats, as well as various sweets;
  • completely remove alcohol and soda from your list of drinks;
  • do not use canned products;
  • give up mushrooms and homemade pickles, salt and acetic acid can cause poisoning, and mushroom dishes are hard to digest;
  • do not improve the taste of food by adding seasonings and spices, also refuse mayonnaise and various sauces.

What foods are allowed and in what quantities?

The following table tells about what a nursing mother can eat and what not:

CanIn what quantityIt is forbidden
Beef and rabbit, turkey and chicken, minced poultry or beefno more than 300 grPork and smoked products, fatty meat containing streaks and lard, sausage, ham, prepared foods and canned meat
Lean fish (such as pollock or codfish)no more than 300 grFatty or salted herring or mackerel, canned fish and crab sticks
Dairy products, low-fat cottage cheeseno more than half a liter of kefir, fermented baked milk, etc., 150 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of hard cheese and sour creamSalted and processed cheeses, cheese curds or drinks with fruit fillings
Eggchicken - 1 pc, quail - 4 pcsAny eggs with allergic reactions
Fruits (pear, banana, apple)no more than 300 grBright red or orange exotic fruits
Vegetables (cucumber, potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, parsley and dill, carefully carrots, beets and tomatoes)no more than 600 grRadish, horseradish white cabbage, sweet pepper, radish, basil with sage
Sweet and rich foods (some bittersweet chocolate and plain ice cream, oatmeal cookies and biscuits, not-so-sweet homemade pastries) Baking and glazed ice cream seasoned with various coloring fillers or other chemical compounds, wheat bread, jams and preserves
Dishes from cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn) and pastano more than 150 grSemolina porridge and pasta, which include an egg
Sauces, vegetable oil from sunflower, olives or flax, butter15 gr vegetable oil
30 gr butter
Ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise
Freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice, still drink, weak black or green teamore than 2 lAlcoholic or carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, citrus or tomato juices

Dairy products and milk

Whole milk

The intake of cow's milk does not affect the quality of breast milk, but the protein contained in it is an allergen and can harm the baby.

Doctors do not advise drinking milk for up to five months, but if the child does not have a tendency to allergies, it is allowed to start drinking it earlier.

The list of allowed products includes baked milk, because. has better digestibility and does not affect the quality of lactation. While breastfeeding, goat's milk is suitable, but due to the specific taste, not everyone can drink it. First, all cereals are boiled in water, cereals in milk are allowed to be cooked, starting from the fourth month.

Cottage cheese

There is a must when breastfeeding cottage cheese. Without it, the formation of the bone skeleton will be difficult. It is also an excellent stimulant for brain activity and mental processes. It is important that there are no impurities and additives in the cottage cheese, and even better if it is homemade.


Some nursing mothers doubt that breastfeeding can be continued after taking kefir, because it contains a small amount of alcohol. But its amount is negligible and insignificant, which absolutely does not threaten with unpleasant consequences for the baby. However, children's doctors suggest including it in the diet no earlier than the child is six months old. Kefir has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, improves the condition of hair and nails, but you should not include it in the menu more than three times a week.


The list of products for breastfeeding contains cheeses. When the baby is 2 months old, solid varieties are introduced into the permitted products during breastfeeding, later cheese or other soft and brine species are added to them. As for processed cheeses, it is advisable to refuse them.

Sour cream

Sour cream for nursing mothers is shown with a low percentage of fat, it is added to cottage cheese, salad or soup. Dairy products such as fermented baked milk or yogurt will also not harm during guards. Products purchased with nursing mothers must be fresh, so you need to additionally check the date of their manufacture when buying.

Which fruits to choose?

An overview of the most popular vitamin supplements for children from Garden of Life

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Dong quai (Dong Quai) - an amazing plant that helps keep the female body young

Vitamin complexes, probiotics, omega-3 from the company Garden of Life, designed specifically for pregnant women

The list of products allowed during lactation includes some fruits. A balanced diet is impossible to imagine without the inclusion of these delicious and healthy fruits. In order to choose a fruit that will not bring harm in the form of allergies, stool disorders or other troubles, you should:

  1. choose to eat fruits whose color is not bright, with the exception of only those fruits that are easily released from the red or orange peel;
  2. do not abuse citrus fruits;
  3. clarify before use the degree of influence of the desired fruit on the state of the intestinal microflora.


In the first month after giving birth, you can eat apples. Remove the skin from the green fruit first. These fruits are very useful for blood composition and hemoglobin levels. When consumed regularly, apples reduce the risk of constipation.


Pears are also allowed products. They promote hematopoiesis, stabilize the heart and digestion. Although pears are sweeter than apples, they contain less sugar. It must be remembered that you can not eat pears on an empty stomach, and before eating, you need to peel them.


Bananas are allowed foods for breastfeeding. If they are eaten between meals, then this is a great snack, and banana puree is suitable for breakfast. Bananas relieve insomnia, improve mood and stimulate the immune system.


3 months after giving birth, you can try peach and nectarine. Eating them while breastfeeding should be done carefully due to the presence of an allergen in them. In general, peaches protect against stress and depression, relieve swelling, and improve mood.


It is better to pre-cook plums and drink plum compote, it allows you to increase the amount of milk produced, strengthen the skeletal system and normalize blood circulation.

Fresh fruits and berries grown exactly in the season of their ripening, and not greenhouse hybrids, are well suited for feeding a nursing mother.

So white and yellow cherries can be eaten in the period May-August, nectarines and peaches - mid-July-September, figs - from June to the end of September, ripens in October-December persimmon, and useful grenades will be in stores from September to December.

Until the child is 3 months old, it is better if the fruits are eaten dried or baked. This will reduce the content of allergens in them.

Which vegetables to choose?


All vegetables that have a red color should be treated with caution, in addition to useful elements, they include pectin, which can cause severe skin rashes. But it is absolutely impossible to do without them.

If we talk about tomatoes, then, in general, they affect the body positively. They increase stress resistance and fight the formation of cancer cells, have an immunostimulating property. To make sure of their complete harmlessness, it is necessary to experiment first with the fruits of yellow shades and use them without the skin.

Broccoli, cabbage

Everyone knows about the benefits of broccoli and cauliflower. Their use is not able to harm the baby, on the contrary, vitamin C will help improve mood and strengthen the immune system of the crumbs, fighting viral infections and stress. The same cannot be said for white cabbage. It is difficult to digest and threatens the child with digestive disorders.


Allowed for nutrition for nursing mothers from the first days after childbirth. They contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, they help cleanse the body and cope with excess weight, lower blood pressure and normalize the activity of the nervous system.


It must be used very carefully to avoid unpleasant manifestations from the pancreas. During lactation, preference should be given only to fresh young cucumbers with the highest content of vitamin C. This vegetable helps to remove excess fluids and cleanse the kidneys, improves the condition of the heart muscle and increases resistance to stressful situations.

Nursing mothers are forbidden cucumbers in pickles and marinades with cucumbers. They retain fluid, lead to poisoning. But in pickle, after heat treatment, pickles lose this property, therefore, with guards, after six months, it is completely allowed to use it.


Improving visual functions and skin, carrots should be introduced into food with care during breastfeeding, because. may cause allergic reactions.


The list of foods that should be eaten with caution during the Guards period includes eggplants. They are not prohibited, but allowed to be eaten after 3 months of a baby's life in moderation. Eggplants improve metabolic processes in the body, stimulate the kidneys, liver, and digestive system. Eating eggplant will help the baby cope with constipation.


Another natural remedy for constipation is beets. The main thing is not to overdo it. It should be present in the diet in small amounts to improve digestion, development and strengthening of the skeleton.

Vegetables that a nursing mother can eat should be properly cooked, steamed, boiled, baked or stewed. To eat fruits fresh, they must be washed well.

What drinks are preferred?

The list of foods and drinks allowed while breastfeeding is increasing by months. During the first four weeks of a child's life, it is not advisable to drink anything other than plain water and green tea.

Pure non-carbonated water must be drunk throughout the entire period when the baby is applied to the mother's breast. Green tea is characterized by a tonic effect, which is important for coffee lovers, which is included in the list of prohibited foods for a nursing mother. In addition, this drink contributes to the production of milk.

During the second month, black tea, freshly squeezed juice from apples and carrots are excluded from the list of "forbidden foods". It is important that the strength of the tea is not strong, and water is added to the juices, they are diluted twice. Gradually reduce the volume of water. Juice from tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and exotic fruits remains banned.

Berry compotes perfectly quench thirst and replenish the vitamin reserve. Also suitable for making compotes are fresh fruits and: apple, pear, plum, dried apricots, prunes and raisins. It is better not to use all possible bright-colored berries for making a drink. Currants, strawberries or wild strawberries can cause allergies in a child.

Dairy products can be consumed with great care, it is better not to introduce them into the diet until 6 months after childbirth. There is also a six-month ban on coffee. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system of the baby and increases anxiety. For those who feel uncomfortable without coffee, a chicory drink is suitable.

It is strictly forbidden to use alcoholic and carbonated drinks while breastfeeding. They certainly harm the body of a woman, and cause irreparable damage to the health of the baby.

What is there to increase lactation?

The amount of milk produced depends on the measures taken by the mother to maintain and increase lactation. This requires regular attachment of the baby to the breast, choosing the right position for feeding, monitoring the condition of the breast and nipples, wearing special bras, and breastfeeding the child at will, especially at night.

For lactation, an enhanced drinking regimen is very important; warm drinks stimulate the production of breast milk especially well. A number of foods that are allowed while breastfeeding can also contribute to this process.

You can improve lactation with:

  • lean meat, chicken, turkey and rabbit are suitable;
  • broths and soups cooked on the same lean meat;
  • some cereals (hercules buckwheat);
  • a small amount of nuts (walnuts);
  • herbal teas specially designed for lactation;
  • infusions on cumin and fennel;
  • cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bread with the addition of bran and cumin;
  • carrots;
  • ginger and tea with it;
  • gooseberries, white and red currants.

Products allowed for breastfeeding women should not be very hot or cold. This can be harmful, it is better to take all products in a slightly cooled or slightly warmed form.