Why don't you dream at night? Why does a person sleep and why do dreams arise.

A dream is a mystery that professionals and enthusiasts work with. There are many approaches to explaining the phenomenon, origin and interpretation. Someone considers dreams from the standpoint of science, some use psychology, and for some, esotericism is a tool for studying this topic. Of great interest is the absence of night visions.

Why do people stop dreaming? For a long time, the question haunts many scientists. In this article, we will tell you what is known about this, and how you can return dreams.

Many experiments have determined that the brain of a sleeping person does not freeze, but continues to work. His actions are in order. Studies of brain activity during sleep have shown that five repetitions of cycles occur per night. Sleep has a structure divided into phases of slow and REM sleep.

The slow phase - the first element of the cycle, takes up about 75% of all sleep. She is accompanied by physiological characteristics: respiratory rate decreases, reduced heartbeat, there is a gradual relaxation of the muscles, slow eye movements. The body is restored - cells, tissues, organs.

This is where sleep begins as a process. The phase can be divided into stages:

The paradoxical or fast phase is characterized by the appearance of the dreams themselves. Its peculiarity is that with complete relaxation of the muscles, brain activity grows, reaching wakefulness indicators. Real visions appear to the sleeping person, if he is awakened at this moment, the experimental subject will describe a rich colored dream.

Attention! There is an assumption that in this phase the consciousness begins to "communicate" with the subconscious, the processing of the stored and received information takes place: cleaning, archiving, systematization.

The mechanism of the development of dreams

In the previous section, we found out that night visions come in a fast phase, which occurs up to 5 times per night. That is, we see about five different films. But what is the basis of what we dream about today?

According to the University of Illinois, dreams can be compared to a symphony:

  1. The very first vision, the “overture”, which sets the tone for the entire night theater of dreams, is based on the thought of the result of today.
  2. The next two dreams are memories, both distant and recent, but distorted by our present mood.
  3. The fourth vision addresses the oldest episodes of memory, cleaning and sorting them.
  4. The last, the longest - the apogee of everything seen during the night, the final analysis of the information takes place.

It looks like a person is watching a real movie with a number of deviations in different scenes.

Psychology believes that a dream contains an answer to the sleeping person's question about an internal conflict, the development of a disease, a recent quarrel. But if the soil of what is seen is memories or known problems, why are the images, worlds and spaces of night visions so distorted?

It's important to know! Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are censored. While a person is awake, his hidden desires are at the back of his mind. When he falls asleep, they begin to go outside, and when faced with the "guardian", they take on a distorted appearance. Therefore, it is difficult to understand what a phenomenon seen at night can mean.

A vision develops from memorable events, thoughts, plans made, unfulfilled desires, it can be prophetic and significant. Memories and dreams are inherent in absolutely everyone, regardless of age, status, gender. But, nevertheless, sometimes people do not see dreams.

The phenomenon of no dreams

Sometimes, for a number of reasons, some people do not dream. On the one hand, this cannot be called a problem, since they always dream. For some, night visions are not at all - the last one was a very long time ago and was barely remembered.

Basic prerequisites

The absence of dreams, like the night visions themselves, has not been fully studied. The problem itself interested specialists at the same time as the study of dreams. Versions that can explain why for a long time no dreams, many. Esotericists say that nothing is dreamed of by those whose soul is too attached to the body, or by those who do not have a connection between consciousness and soul. From the standpoint of psychology, the absence of dreams can mean inner satisfaction ( happy man happy with everything) or upset.

In the course of countless experiments, scientists have been able to figure out why sometimes a person does not dream anything. Often the reasons for the lack of dreams are as follows:

Mostly, the absence of visions is caused by very strong fatigue. In this case, all the forces of the body go to the restoration of cells, tissues and organs.

A change in sleep patterns can also be a temporary cause of loss of night vision. As soon as the body gets used to this change, dreams will again appear. It is believed that even a change affects the absence bed, but there is no confirmation of this yet.

Dreams cannot stop appearing on their own. The lack of dreams acquires a negative color due to psychological problems.

Advice! If you don’t dream about anything due to stress or depression, as well as apathy and insomnia that follow them, you need to contact a specialist. A psychologist will help resolve the causes of lack of dreams, thereby bringing night visions back to life.

The reason for forgetting night visions

Do not worry about a forgotten dream. Mostly what is remembered at the moment of awakening is remembered. As soon as the sleeper wakes up, about 50% of the plot is lost, and the already bizarre image begins to seem completely wild.

Because of how incredible and crazy everything is in our visions, it is much more difficult to remember what we see. The non-linearity and randomness of what is happening, for us, accustomed to logic and cause-and-effect relationships, prevents us from remembering what was depicted.

Return to the land of dreams or how to get your dreams back

Knowing the main reason for the lack of night visions, you can easily restore the world of your dreams.

If you have not had dreams for a long time, you need to do one of the following.

  1. Proper, quality rest. Sleep is sometimes very fragile, therefore, going "on the side", take care of the comfort of the bed. It is worth stopping the use of devices and gadgets that distract from falling asleep. Rest should be 8 hours a day.
  2. You can not sit at work for a long time. It is worth taking a break from business, for example, taking a short vacation, at least for a week. If this is not possible, then it is time to think about a clear daily routine and distribution of workloads.
  3. Never use fatty foods and alcohol a couple of hours before bedtime.
  4. Meditate before bed. It will clear the mind, relax the whole body.
  5. Waking up early, you do not need to get up immediately. While a person is in the comfort of bed, it is possible to remember the last scene they saw.
  6. After waking up, write down the dream. To do this, it is better to keep a pen and a piece of paper nearby. Even if the memories are blurry and fuzzy, still take a couple of notes. Keeping such a diary will improve brain function, in the future it will be easier to remember dreams.

You can also do creative work - compose songs, draw pictures, write novels.

Attention! By regularly creating his masterpieces, a person develops imagination. She is not only able to return dreams, but also makes them brighter.


Do not panic and storm the Internet with the phrases “I can’t have dreams at all, what to do, help.” The dreamless situation has a solution.

It is necessary to provide yourself with the opportunity to fully relax and work fruitfully. In case of depression or insomnia, you need to think about a visit to a psychologist - it is difficult to correct a mental conflict on your own. Take care of the outside and inner world, about the conditions of night rest. Good, healthy sleep- a pledge of vivid dreams, physical and spiritual balance.

Every day in a person's life there are many events that are remembered by the brain and cause certain reactions. During sleep, only the human body is at rest. The brain during this period repeats and consolidates all the information received, which can become a so-called scenario for a dream.

In a dream, a person can see the events of the past day, recent situations, or the distant past. Under the influence of our thoughts, anxieties and dreams, the brain is formed Additional Information, which can cause nightmares, absurd visions and completely implausible situations. A dream is a generalized picture of reality and inner experiences.

Sleep in terms of psychology

From a psychological point of view, a dream is a reflection of the psychological state of a person. If you are happy and your life is not overshadowed by negativity, then in a dream you see beautiful positive dreams. If you have fears or phobias, then they will definitely show up in your dream scripts. This means that the brain cannot cope with negative emotions that you experience in real life. Dreams become black and white, and dream situations cause even more anxiety.

Why do dreams stop dreaming

If you begin to notice that you have stopped dreaming, take Special attention his psychological state. Similar situations usually happen to people who are regularly exposed to stressful situations or are unbalanced. In rare cases, the inability to remember a dream can be a sign of a mental disorder.

There is another point of view, which is confirmed by research scientists. The fact is that sleep consists of several phases, each of which has a special meaning during awakening. Dreams are not remembered if a person is in the phase deep sleep. This usually happens when sleep is interrupted by loud, attempts to wake a person, or when sleeping too long.

Fatigue can also cause lack of dreams. In people who sleep little and work a lot, the brain is oversaturated with information. During sleep, they flash in our minds so quickly that they are practically not stored in memory.

Mystical rationale for dreams

The great scientist Aristotle was a supporter of the opinion that during sleep a person finds harmony with himself and nature. The soul at this time is able to show the future through a dream. Such a hypothesis became the basis for conclusions about the gift of clairvoyance. According to Plato, sleep is a source of creative energy and inspiration.

The mystical justification for dreams is very common. Surely, every person, having seen a terrible dream, will definitely look at his interpretation in the dream book. The explanation of certain symbols develops throughout almost the entire time of the existence of mankind.

unanimous opinion about

Why do we forget our dreams? Photo: Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru.

Why can't I dream?

Many WomanHit readers complain that they often do not see or remember their dreams. Our expert explains why this happens and how to learn to negotiate with your subconscious.

I often receive letters with questions from regular readers of the column that they are not dreaming.
For example: “I wake up every morning with a heavy head, as if I had been working all night, not dreaming.”
Or this: “You write that sleep will help me solve internal problems, but I don’t see anything. Does that mean I don't have any problems?
Here is another one: “I know for sure that something was dreaming, but I don’t remember absolutely anything. Is this normal? How can this be explained?"
It's really important questions Because many of us think we don't dream. And if they see something, they rarely remember them. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you. It also does not mean that your psyche has already done all the necessary work, because you do not dream.
Why then do we often not dream? The fact is that our sleep consists of two phases: fast and slow. These phases alternate several times a night, with slow-wave sleep taking up most of the time.
In this phase of dreams, we do not see, since all our energy is given to the body: during this phase, all organs and systems of our body work actively. An example of this is waking up around 4-5 in the morning in order to drink water. This indicates that our kidneys - the body's filters - actively remove accumulated slag.
We see dreams in the REM phase of sleep, which takes only a quarter of the night's rest. Scientists call this phase of REM, or rapid eye movement. If you look at a sleeping person in this phase, you can find that his eyes are constantly “running”, his eyelids and eyelashes are trembling. This is a sign that the person is dreaming. And this happens to each of us without exception. Experiments show that if you limit a person’s sleep, often wake him up, then the slow phase of sleep is reduced, sometimes disappears altogether. From this it is clear that the phase fast movement the eye is essential. During it, our psyche is rebooted, our experiences are “packed” in us, and we are able to live on. It is at this stage that severe psychological wounds are healed, difficult and painful experiences fade into the background. We can say that sleep is our personal psychotherapist. It is also interesting that during this phase, the activity of our brain and nervous system an order of magnitude higher than during wakefulness. Thus, in this phase of sleep, our psyche works most intensively and is able to cope with many problems and difficulties.
Modern psychotherapists have even used this knowledge of sleep phases to treat people who have had severe psychological trauma. For example, for victims of catastrophes and natural disasters, survivors of terror and violence. The victims were asked to "sleep" in reality, that is, to move their eyes as if they were sleeping in a fast, healing phase of sleep, while remembering difficult events. Thanks to this property of sleep, many of them calmed down, relaxed, later it was easier for them to adapt and return to ordinary life.
Now let's return to the question that we do not remember or do not see dreams. And what can be done about it.
So, if we do not remember sleep, then we woke up at the time slow sleep, that is, when mental activity is minimal, but our body is actively working.
However, an interesting experiment can be done. We can negotiate with our subconscious to remember the dream when we wake up. To do this, before going to bed, you need to turn to yourself and say: “My subconscious, I want to have a dream about what is important to me now, and when I wake up, I want to remember it.”
Put a notepad and pen next to your bed so you can immediately write down everything you remember when you wake up. The fabric of sleep is very fragile, so it can be forgotten while you wash and make your bed. Do not waste time - write everything you remember at once.
Who knows, maybe for you this method will become a lifesaver in difficult times. Or it will be a great way to get to know yourself.

Why do some people never dream at all, if they said that the determinant forms them on the computer? Do they have impaired dream perception or something else?
- On Earth, there is a category of people who do not need dreams, that is, the processing of daytime information goes without dreams.
- Is that okay?
- Yes, it is quite.
- And what is this feature by which they do not see dreams?
- Also a different design of man. It doesn't have to be standard. These people already have enough life experience for the formation of the soul and the memory of real dreams is not needed.
- Do they have more mature souls than other dreamers?
- Not. Not mature. Their memory of dreams does not work, because dreams are passed through such a “subtle” body that is not connected with the memory of a person, that is, in this case, dreams do not pass through the block of earthly memory. The more “thin” the body is closer to the physical shell, the closer the memory with the body is, and the more distant and closer to the soul itself, the weaker the memory of the material shell, on the basis of which a person can remember and realize his own dream, is weaker. Therefore, it can be said that the peculiarity of building people who do not dream is that their soul has a very weak connection with the material shell, and those signals or impressions that the soul receives in dreams do not reach the block memory physical body to be remembered later.
- Is it somehow related to high development souls or vice versa - low?
- No, not related. The construction of such a person is designed for two parallel programs that are not interconnected by memory. One program takes place in a dream, the other - in real life. And what the soul does in a dream, the experience that it acquires in it, it must bring to the subconscious level, that is, a person will not remember sleep, but what the soul has acquired in situations should be so firmly fixed in its character, more precisely, in internal “thin” structures, that a person will not be able to repeat in ordinary life some mistakes that he made in a dream. This is the purity of the experiment. Such a person may even have the same situations in a dream and in reality. And he, not remembering the result of the day, should not repeat the same mistakes in his sleep.
- So, there are no people without dreams?
- No, everyone dreams. The only difference is that some remember them, others do not. But in any case, there is an accumulation of experience and knowledge by the soul.


Even if you are on the right path, you run the risk of getting off track if you stop even for a minute.
-- Will Rogers

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It was previously assumed that complete absence dreams can lead to mental disorders, however, this has not been confirmed. Besides, Scientific research showed that if a person is awakened in the phase of the so-called "REM" sleep, then he, as a rule, can talk about a dream even if he previously complained about the lack of dreams. However, there are exceptions.

At the University Hospital of Zurich, scientists conducted a study with a 73-year-old woman. She was hospitalized after a stroke that disrupted blood flow in her occipital lobe. big brain. At first, there was nothing unusual about the effects of the blow - the patient felt weak and her vision deteriorated slightly. But after a few days, something strange happened: the woman stopped dreaming. Previously, she saw 3-4 dreams a week, and after a stroke, she did not see any dreams for a whole year. At the same time, her brain functions were not affected in any way.

For more than six weeks, scientists recorded the electromagnetic waves emitted by the patient during sleep every night. The patient did not report dreams even when she was awakened during the so-called REM phase. The researchers concluded that the occipital lobe of the cerebrum, which turned out to be damaged in the patient, plays a very important role in the emergence of dreams, although REM sleep is also controlled by brain stem, and midbrain.

The woman did not dream during either non-REM or REM sleep. But at the same time, to the surprise of scientists, she slept quite calmly. So far, scientists are in no hurry to draw categorical conclusions - after all, only one single case has been studied. What are the mechanisms for the emergence of dreams? What are they needed for? They are unable to answer these questions. But this case suggests that the absence of dreams is quite normal.

British professor Jim Horn, who has studied sleep at Loughborough University for many years, came to the same conclusion. Here is what he says: “I think that dreams are a movie for our consciousness. They entertain our brains while we sleep." According to him, the absence of dreams is often admitted by patients taking antidepressants, but "these people do not go crazy, they are completely normal and have no memory problems."

Here is what the professor writes in his article: “Many of us believe that dreams are good for mental health, they help to resolve internal conflicts and in some way "treat the soul." But in support of this attractive theory of Freud and others, no serious evidence can be given.

In fact, dreams can even harm a person. For example, people who are depressed usually see sad and scary dreams, which can only aggravate the sufferer's condition the next day. Therefore, it may even be better if a person does not dream at all. There are many cases where patients who did not see dreams for a year or longer improved their mental health.