Beloved guy a message for the night in your own words. SMS wishes good night in your own words to a guy

Everyone has their own understanding of happiness. But for me, happiness is not wealth, not expensive jewelry, not luxurious palaces. For me, the main thing is to fall asleep and wake up next to you. I hope you will make me happy soon, but for now - good night, dear.

Favorite! Thank you for having me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But we are separated by night and distance. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed soon. Personally, my eyes are already drooping. But just don't forget to close the curtains tighter. Tonight is not cloudy. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a beautiful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. May your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Unless I can wake you up early in the morning with best wishes for the new day. I look forward to hearing from you again. Good night!

I dream that the time will come faster when I will fall asleep in your arms. In the meantime, enjoy the night dreams in which our feelings are so beautiful. Have a good rest, honey.

You are my joy, my madness and happiness. I am infinitely grateful to fate for the fact that such a bright ray appeared in my life and healed my wounded heart. Thank you for making me happy. Now I would like to be next to you, hug, kiss you. Good night, I love you and miss you.

Sleep sweetly, my fluffy, cute kitten! May this night give you hundreds of fabulous and interesting dreams. Let your bed be a big ship that will take you to a fairy-tale land where dreams come true.

My dear, my angel! I wish you sweet and fabulous dreams, let the dream bring a smile to your lips and give you magical sensations, and in the morning, when you remember it, it will cause you pleasant emotions. Let your body completely immerse yourself in a sweet dream, arms and legs rest, and you sleep peacefully until the morning. Until the sun strokes you with its rays and greets you in a new day. Let your pillow turn into a weightless, tender cloud that will be softer than a fluff, and wrap the blanket like my gentle embrace, and not one extraneous sound will disturb your sweet dream. I want to be present in your dream and wander with you by the hand along the endless alley of love, where our tenderness would never end. Dream more in your sleep, beloved, and these wonderful nights will give you the opportunity to realize your dreams in life. I love you, my dear. Good night.

My love, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

Good night wishes to your beloved man in your own words

The night is coming, and I wish you to dissolve in it until the morning and, like a movie, watch beautiful color dreams. In these dreams, my love, I want to be in the most important role, just like in your life.

Sleep sweetly sweetly, my cat, I will come to you furtively, kiss you sweetly, lie down next to you and forgetting about the night's sleep, we will love you with body and soul until the morning: I love you very much, my heart beats only for you! You are the best!

My love, good night! May all bad things, all ill-wishers and envious people, all sorrows and mistakes go away with this night! Tomorrow will be a new day and it will be the beginning of a new life, which will bring a lot of good news, successful business and pleasant acquaintances! I love you very much and my thoughts are with you every minute! Kiss!

Minutes pass and night falls. This terrible night of loneliness, because you are unbearable hundreds of kilometers away from me. Don't be afraid, because it will fly by, and tomorrow I will come and be by your side. Now close your eyes and quickly plunge into the fabulous world of Morpheus, where the hours will fly by unnoticed. Sweet dreams to you and see you tomorrow, my beloved man!

My beloved, I so want to be near you now, to cuddle tightly to you, hug, feel your breath and fall asleep together! Good night, my love!

Good and gentle night to you! I will walk by the moonlight, enjoying the touch of the eyelids. I will quietly descend to you at night as a star to kiss you barely perceptibly, my beloved, without disturbing your sleep!

Good night, dear, let sleep come like a breath of wind, sit quietly by the bed like a moth on a flower: unobtrusively take it captive Sleep quietly, and let gentle angels wave their big fans that will drive away anxiety and fears.

Outside the windows is evening. Narcissistic stars twinkle in the dark sky. Everything calms down and gets ready for sleep. The crazy rhythm of the day is gradually forgotten, it's time to rest. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you, my love. What a pity that our separation will last the whole night. I so want to cuddle up to you, my affectionate. But so far this is not possible, and therefore I wish you, my dear, good night and sweet dreams. May a good angel protect your nightly peace.

The day came to an end, the sun had long since disappeared behind the horizon, all the birds were silent. Everything is getting ready for bed. The thoughts of lovers at such a time are always busy with each other. It makes you want to write something tender, affectionate and pleasant before going to bed to your boyfriend, to remind you of your feelings, to wish you wonderful dreams. Write good night wishes for lover! It is impossible to overestimate the small, seemingly harmless amenities that we can do to our relatives and friends. Even if the text is simple but sincere, it will give a person strength for a new day, give a desire to live. Sometimes it is enough just to say in a letter (sms or e-mail) the words “Good night”, it is not necessary to rhyme something. And he will already feel your care and love. You can attach a little imagination and the text will become original and unforgettable.

If you want to create a truly unforgettable message, then think about what to write in the wish. Prose for a guy can be done in a different way - both serious and romantic, and passionate, and touching, and funny, and strict ... The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation. You can add your shared memories to your message. Especially if you've known each other for a long time. But the message should not contain aggression or other unpleasant sensations. It is best to invest positive and good mood for the next day. If you are completely busy and have no time to invent, then you can literally say a couple of words to a person. But the ones that mean a lot to you and him. If you have a common favorite song - order it on the radio in the evening order program. Needlewomen can create something with their own hands.

prose guy

My most desired and beloved man, I wish you a calm and affectionate night. The soft bed is already beckoning you into its warm embrace, inviting you to the world of dreams and dreams. Let a light cloud of sweet dreams pick you up and take you to a magical land of sweetness and relaxation. This night, my imagination will become your abode, and you will surely feel the powerful impulse of my love and sensuality.

The night covered the noisy city with its head and plunged us into silence, close your eyes, my dear, and rest a little. Postpone all plans and dreams for tomorrow, and right now lie down and sleep soundly. In my ear, as always, I whisper that I love you very much.

My beloved, dear! Evening outside the windows again, and I keep looking at the oval of the pale moon in the night sky above me. You can't even imagine, I envy her - she will be able to admire you all night and how sweetly you sleep! I'm far away from you...Today we were separated by kilometers and circumstances. But I really hope that on this quiet starry night you will dream of me, and at least in a dream we will be happy next to each other.
Good night!

Good night, my beautiful. All my thoughts are only about you. You never leave my heart for a minute. I love and appreciate you to death. Come to me in my dreams. May your dreams be as sweet as you. Kiss you warmly.

My beloved, I wish you good night! Nothing will overshadow your healthy and sound sleep until dawn. All the noises on the street will subside and only the music of the heavenly spheres will fill your blessed dream. Your wonderful body will bask on this beautiful bed and you will see wonderful dreams. My boundless love will protect your sweet slumber, driving away fatigue and filling you with strength.

My beloved, fall asleep and flip through color dreams, like an alphabet in pictures, where are color photographs. Choose the page where the moon shines brightly and a wonderful dance dances by the hand with a star. And other stars together, live songs are sung to them. This is a dream and it is like a fairy tale. There is only happiness and goodness in it. Sleep kitten very sweet, good night and love.

Good night dear, thank you for today, you made me very happy today, I am the happiest, and it's all thanks to you. You are a very good man, I am glad that I met you. You are my support, you are the one I have been looking for for so long. Thank you for being.

Good night my love
You are the best of men.
You are gentle and unique
And I love you very much.

Let good dreams come true
The nightmares will be gone forever.
In your sleep you will smile
And happiness will be here and there.

I miss you during the day
So I miss you.
And I'm waiting for the time when again
I can hug you.

I understand you are busy
Enough hustle and bustle for the day.
And I'm waiting for the evening when
I will see you again.

I love to be with you,
Talk to you for a long time.
And you are tired and dear
You return home again.

"Good night," I'll say.
And I look gently.
You rest, my love,
I will be bored without you!

The stars whisper softly outside the window,
I wish you sweet dreams
I asked them to say hello,
Kiss you from me.

Sleep, my love, it's time
Things are waiting for you tomorrow morning
Close your eyes soon
And let me into your dreams.

We will walk beside you,
Let's hug and joke
We will lie on the clouds
Run together in the meadows.

I promise I will come to you
I'll kiss you, I'll take your hand
My dear, sweet dreams
Will be next to my love!

Good night my love
Good night dear.
I want to always be close to you
Like a sky with a sad moon.

But I know it's impossible
After all, you are far from me.
And all I have to do is suffer
To be a lonely star

Good night my love
Good night, my dear.
And let us both dream
That we are together again!

My beloved, forever yours.
Only the moon knows about it.
I will only tell the night
About how much I love you.

You are a guiding star.
I will only love you.
I will fly to you in a dream
Good night, whisper!

Good night my love
Beautiful, sweet dreams to you,
Let the magical night give
Pleasant captivity of their shackles.

Let the pillow be soft
And the sheet does not slip
Let the blanket be warm
Let the bed lure you.

I want you to sleep comfortably
Let your body rest overnight
Try not to think about anything
Rather, my dear, sleep.

Good night my love
You are tired for the day with me.
You are always diligent at work,
So rest, please!

I always appreciate your concern
Your efforts are not in vain.
At least sometimes you are my favorite
Have some pity on yourself!

Forget about everything in the world now
Switch to rest.
Good night my love
And see your dreams until the morning!

You had a hard day...
How are you, my love?
Go to sleep quickly,
Rest, my dear.

It's getting darker outside the window
Night turned to evening.
You fall asleep, and the faster
There will be our meeting.

We'll see you
I'm looking forward to it very much!
Now lie down, dear.
Sleep. Goodnight!

Good night my dear
Sleep under the stars
Let nothing disturb
Your pleasant, sweet dream.

Don't think about anything bad
Rest and sleep
This quiet, moonlit night
Gain more strength.

The stars whisper softly to you
The moon sings the cradle
I wish you good dreams
I love you very much.

Gently kiss on the cheek
I will send my affection
Good night my dear
I want to wish you!

I wish you good dreams
I hug you tenderly
I appoint our meeting,
I'm waiting in a dream!

Get some sleep, darling
My desired, my beautiful,
Gain strength, and in a dream,
I will come to you dear!

The article offers you good night wishes for your beloved man.

Beautiful wishes good night to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in prose, in your own words

Such wishes are an intimate part of the relationship between a man and a woman. When lovers are far apart or fall asleep not nearby, they always try to leave their best wishes for the night so that their “soulmate” can be satisfied and fall asleep peacefully. In addition, such wishes show you from the best side, exposing you as a caring guy or girl who wants to take care of a loved one even in a dream.


Sleep sweetly, my fluffy, cute kitten! May this night give you hundreds of fabulous and interesting dreams. Let your bed be a big ship that will take you to a fairy-tale land where dreams come true.

Dear, I wish you such a sweet and affectionate night as my kisses. I wish you good dreams that will take you to the fabulous world of dreams and allow you to dissolve in dreams.

I convey to you not only my kisses, but also wishes, which will make your sleep strong and serene. I want your rest to be sweet and calm, so that nothing disturbs or worries you.

May my words that carry wishes for the night will give you sweet peace and tranquility. I want your dream to take you on clouds across a clear starry sky, and your soul to be happy and joyful.

How to originally wish a guy who likes good night in prose?

If you are talking with a young man that you like, you can start an innocent and kind flirting with him by wishing you good night. It is best to do this in prose or in your own words, choosing beautiful phrases and compliments. Such a message does not have to wait for a response, so set yourself up for silence in advance.

IMPORTANT: Men like to receive messages from interested women, whether they are wishes of good night or good morning, because they consider such ladies to be responsible, caring, attentive and gentle.

Romantic wishes for a guy who likes good night in prose

You can hint at your sympathy and tender feelings with the help of a pleasant SMS with romantic wishes good night. These words will also sound nice in a telephone or live conversation. Do not miss the opportunity to say compliments, kind words and wishes.

I kiss you sweetly, dear! May my kiss bring you the most tender dreams and your soul sleep peacefully until morning.

How I wish I could fall asleep next to you at this moment. But I will wish you good night and I will believe that today's dreams will show you the most passionate pictures of our pastime with you.

Even though that we fall asleep in different beds, I think about you and wish your dreams to be filled with the joy of our meetings! Sweet dreams!

Let my message give you hundreds my little and tender kisses good night. Sleep peacefully with good thoughts and know that I think about you every second!

I wish you fabulous dreams, my joy! Sleep like on clouds, may your dreams come true tonight and your soul be happy.

Erotic wishes for your beloved boyfriend, man, husband good night in prose

Erotic wishes for peaceful dreams at night are a form of communication between lovers or spouses. Such wishes support passion and sexual attraction between a man and a woman. The task of such a wish is to interest the "soulmate", make her think only about you and get a charge of sexual arousal.

Funny good night wishes for a guy: wish options

Funny good night wishes not only make you feel good, but also cheer you up with a sense of humor. In addition, they reveal all the positive qualities of your character. You can give such wishes not only to friends, but also to the man (guy) you like.

Congratulations options:

Sleep sweetly, the object of my sighs! I think about you not only during the day, but also at night before going to bed. Let it be not just sweet, but cloyingly sweet and incredibly pleasant!

So I wanted to sleep sweetly, but I send you all my sweet dreams. Rest with peace of mind and know that if you dream about me, it was not at all accidental - I wanted it so much!

May you have the most interesting and funny dreams so that you smile and rejoice all night long with your eyes closed!

I wish you not just a good night, but a very pleasant and sweet one! Let not a single crumb in bed scratch your delicate skin, the pillows will be soft and airy, and the blanket will wrap you in warm hugs until the morning!

I wish you sleep and not spin all night! I wish that no one disturbed you and did not wake you up in the middle of the night with wild snoring. I wish you a soft awakening in the late sunny morning from the smell of strong aromatic coffee!

SMS with short wishes good night to a guy, a man, a husband at a distance

Messages that lovers send to each other at a distance (in separation, business trip or travel) have a special sensuality and tenderness. It is important to fill your message with pleasant words, affectionate appeals and declarations of love.

Sleep well, my love! It's hard for me to fall asleep without you and that's why I miss you incredibly. May my love protect you.

We are not together now, but I think about you every second before going to bed. Let the thoughts of our love warm you and this feeling will give you sweet, good dreams.

I wish you good night and only good dreams filled with my love!

Sleep sweetly, without thinking about separation. I love you even more when I start to miss you a lot.

Fall asleep without your warm hands and kind eyes is very difficult, but I mentally kiss you and, cuddling, fly away to the fairyland of dreams only with you!

SMS before bed

Good night wishes to a guy in verse: wish options

Good night wishes in poetic form sound more affectionate and therefore are always perceived more easily, more pleasantly, with great love. Send a wish by message or read poetry in a telephone conversation so that the remaining minutes before going to bed your loved one thinks only of you.

How to say good night to a guy in English?

Wishes in English will come in handy when you communicate with an English-speaking man. He will be incredibly pleased to read or hear affectionate words in his native language. This will create a good impression of you and show you as an educated and attentive person.

In English

How to say good night to a guy in German?

In some cases, you may also need good night wishes in German. They are quite simple and not difficult to read, pronounce, write.


How to say good night to a guy in French?

Use the tips in this article and wish your “soulmate” a good night in French.

In French

How to wish good night to a guy in Tatar?

The article offers you good night wishes also in Tatar.

in Tatar

How to say good night to a guy in Spanish?

The Spanish language is very beautiful and sonorous, the wishes of “good dreams” sound interesting and very gentle in it.


How to say good night to a guy in Italian?

The Italian language is very beautiful and it is not for nothing that it is considered the “language of love and passion”. Good night wishes in Italian sound beautiful and interesting.

in italian

How to say good night to a guy in Japanese?

For a change or out of necessity, you may find good night wishes in Japanese useful.

In Japanese

How to say good night to a guy in Armenian?

Wishes for the night sound just as beautiful in Armenian, perhaps these words will come in handy for you.

in Armenian

How to say good night to a guy in Ukrainian?

The Ukrainian language is considered one of the most sonorous in the world. Wish your family or friends "good dreams" in this language.

In Ukrainian

Video: Good Night Wishes

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most gentle and peaceful sleep. So that you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your dream! Gently kiss, tightly hug and very very madly in love with you!

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper my words to you about how much I adore you, love and appreciate you, and the stars shower your face with tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulously, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift.

So the long day, full of events and vivid impressions, has ended. Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away by a night dream - fabulous and unique. Let it be kind and colorful, and in the morning you will wake up in a great mood. In the meantime, good night!

My sweetheart, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it's time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to part even for a minute.

My love! Let your dream be like a fairy tale, bright, colorful and magical! And in the morning I will wake you up with a gentle kiss, and together we will meet a new day! Have a good and wonderful night!

My dear, I love you very much. You are the most precious thing I have, and I really want to wish you the most gentle and peaceful sleep. So that you dream of white bear cubs in a pink sunset and guard your dream! Gently kiss, tightly hug and very very madly in love with you !!

Good night my love. I wish you a good and wonderful dream, so that you have a good sleep and wake up in a good mood and with the inspiration of the soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

I'm at home all alone, lying in a cold bed and thinking about you. I could not stand it and grabbed the phone to wish the most beautiful and smart guy on the planet a quiet and good night!

So the remnants of the day burned out, a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take away with it all disturbing thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a serene sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Goodnight.

I wish you the most pleasant, calm and good night! Let your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you strength to turn every dream into reality!

Goodnight! May she bring you only the most beautiful and vivid dreams. May it give you strength and energy for tomorrow, a wonderful day.

May the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

May the God of sleep shower you with white and red poppy petals, intoxicate you with the honey aroma of flowering gardens, and take you into a sweet dream full of bliss and tenderness! Sweet dreams my love!

Sweet, gentle, glorious, I wish you sweet dreams and good night. Let sleep become for you a happy time of rest and recuperation.

My love, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

Let the night hug you with its fluffy and tender paws, sing you a lullaby and give you the most wonderful dream in the world! Good night to you my beloved man!

My dear, I so want to fall asleep in your arms, I want to hear your gentle velvety voice, to feel the touch of your strong hands. I so want to meet you in the land of fabulous dreams. Good night, I fall asleep thinking only about you, my love.

My sweetheart, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it's time to rest. Good night, my joy. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to part even for a minute.

Darling, if you only knew how I do not want to fall asleep alone, how I want to feel protected in your strong arms. You are my ray of sunshine, my weakness, my personal brand of heroin. Sweet and sweet dreams.

I wish you this evening to be really kind, and the night to be truly calm. May you have the most beautiful and always colorful dreams!

Good night my love. I wish you a good and wonderful dream, so that you have a good sleep and wake up in a good mood and with the inspiration of the soul. May this night be filled with comfort and peace, and may the morning bring bright joy and rays of good luck.

Today I felt very good and comfortable with you, and I would not want to part with you, but we need to rest, therefore, my dear, I would like to wish you the best, brightest and most tender dreams and a quiet night.

You are the most charming, incredible and amazing man. You gave me a lot of happiness, smiles and tenderness. I want us to turn into one ocean, I can't forget about you and I want to meet in a dream. Have a good and amazing night, my one and only.

In the morning, when you wake up, everything will be fine. Do not think about anything, because the guardian angel will protect your sleep. Candy dreams, adorable Bunny.

My cat, without you, every night seems too long to me, and I will try to fall asleep faster in order to wish you a good day in the morning. Murky dreams to you.

My only one, when I close my eyes, I imagine that I am with you under the covers on such a cold winter night. I'm sorry I can't be with you right now. So for now, I can only wish you pleasant and warm dreams. Rest, my dear.

My gentle, affectionate, intelligent and most beloved man, I wish you dizzying sweet dreams. A soft and comfortable bed for you, my protector.

There are not enough words in the world to describe my feelings for you. It's a pity, honey, that I can't hug and kiss you right now. Being with you is happiness for me. Sweet dreams, my gentle Pupsy.

I hope I didn’t tire you with my chatter, because I really didn’t want to say goodbye to you. I want you to sleep well and go into battle tomorrow with renewed vigor. Adore you.

The only one, you, like a bright star in my life, illuminate my path with your flawless radiance. And I want you to always shine brightly for me all my life. I love you and wish you the most fabulous and pleasant dreams.

My happiness, today is another night that I will spend without you. But the longer the separation, the happier the meeting will be. Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

I believe that soon we will fall asleep in the same bed. In the meantime, I will hug your shirt and imagine that it is you next to me. Sweet dreams, the only one, I send you my passionate kiss.

With all my heart I miss you madly every minute, and I look forward to when we fall asleep together again embracing. In the meantime, I wish you magical dreams and sincerely hope that we will meet in the land of fabulous dreams.

I still feel the taste of your kisses on my lips, and I look forward to the next meeting. But we need to gain strength before tomorrow's difficult day, so I go to sleep and wish you the strongest and sweetest dreams.

My dear, it's already very late and it's time for me to go to bed. And I want us to succumb to the charm of this beautiful night together. Dear and only, I wish you good and interesting dreams.

My sun, for tomorrow I ordered a good mood for you, and in order to get it, you need to go to bed now. So I wish you bright and romantic dreams.

My happiness, I look forward to when you will be there again, how you will hug me tightly and kiss me. Thank you for having you, and I will do everything to make you happy. Best dreams to you.

My gentle, dear, beloved, beloved, incredible, my sun, may all the most pleasant and beautiful dreams be yours. I kiss and hug you tightly, I love you.

I baked a sweet and airy dream for you, poured it with a gooey chocolate glaze of nightly pleasures. Try a piece.

I will cover your dream with sweet mastic, sugar flowers will bloom in the middle of your night!

I am embroidering a romantic dream for you with silver thread. Bright stars, sea surf, a mysterious island and our common secret.

I will come to you in a dream with a gentle warm breeze, ruffle your beautiful hair, caress your beautiful and strong shoulders, touch your lips with a refreshing kiss.

In the form of a light night fairy, I will come to you, sing a sweet lullaby, lull you with a kiss, and I will cherish your sleep until morning.

I pour fragrant strawberry syrup with a drop of expensive brandy into the crystal glass of your dream. Let the night be sweet and intoxicating!

Let millions of brilliant multi-colored dream stars color your night. Have a bright dream!

May you find everything you dream of in a dream - your own island in the Pacific Ocean, a small personal helicopter and my kisses!

I send you a big sweet colored lollipop. Let him replace my alluring kisses tonight.

Let the northern lights fill your night with bright unforgettable colors, open your mind to heavenly fantasies.

I invite you to the theatrical performance tonight. Starring me and you. Performance "Happy Love".

On the spreading branches of your sleep, let the beautiful flowers of nightly fantasies bloom and the birds of paradise of nightly pleasures sing.

Let your dream be like a spring cloud - gentle, light and long-awaited.

Let the moonlight penetrate your soul, warm your heart and give you a bright golden dream.

I will compose for you the melody of a magical dream, let it cradle you with passionate notes of pleasure.

Let the night violin sing to you about how the melody of my life becomes minor without you.

Let marzipan peonies bloom in your dream - sweet, fragrant and tender.

Let the dream cover you with banana mousse and give you aroma and exotic taste.

I wish you cherry dreams, strawberry fantasies and cranberry dreams tonight.

You, like the brightest star in the sky, illuminate my night with a gentle soft light. I wish you to shine in a dream with joy and happiness.

I whip the cream of light sleep for you, decorate them with strawberries of pleasure and chocolate chips of my affectionate wishes.

Let airy weightless dreams about the most beautiful places of our infinite Universe descend on your beautiful eyelashes.

Light up my night with your smile, and even through the distance it will warm my soul and give sleepy peace.

I will take you this night to the paradise apple garden, where fragrant trees bloom, and the path of your sleep will be lined with delicate petals.

I am sending you a thread of my sleep along with a text message, it will bind our souls and allow us to meet in night dreams.

I will put a kilogram of tangerines into the text message, let the night be juicy and filled with vitamins of happiness.

I will powder your dream with chocolate chips, let it be sweet, noble and spicy.

I send you an exotic cocktail of caresses and kisses, let your dream be with the taste of sensual love.

In the darkness of the night, do not lose the moon path that will lead you to my burning heart.

I’ll tell you I won’t keep silent - I always want “this”! I want it on the bedside table and on the sofa! Squatting and upside down! And in the cold and summer heat, when the rain pours overhead! And even if it's too late, I want to. say "Good night!"

I'm waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you soon. I love you very, very much, go to bed soon kitten! Sweet Dreams!

My heart wishes you good night. And my lips kiss you before going to sleep. Good night honey.