Classical homeopathy cures urolithiasis. How to remove sand from the kidneys: medications and homeopathic remedies, doctor’s advice and traditional methods of treatment

Treatment urolithiasis homeopathy

Urolithiasis disease

This is an unpleasant thing, although it is easy to compensate for, especially at the very beginning of the process. With dysfunction of the R-V system - Kidneys - Bladder towards hypofunction (degeneration phase), the yang status of the body as a whole decreases, which is determined by the function of the liver. At the same time, tonicity decreases in general (in all organs and tissues), as a result of which we have hypofunctions, including hypoascidity. In general, the Ph of the body slowly but surely shifts to the alkaline zone. Further - the usual pattern is like in a water supply - sediment begins to appear, which, as it grows, turns into stones. In this case, a side nuisance arises that uric acids are released into the joints in the compensation phase, and we have active development arthrosis process (of course, and osteochondrosis).
So, our task is simply to shift Ph into the acidic zone; to do this, it is enough to increase the tonicity of organs and systems. Accordingly, when Ph changes to the acidic zone, salts begin to dissolve - a common process in an acidic environment. In this case, on the contrary, it is advisable not to overstimulate (not to cause a spasm of the gallbladder), otherwise the stones may move with overlap bile ducts, and this does not bode well. By the way, with this pathogenesis it is extremely dangerous to use dubazh, as well as any other methods of cleansing the liver, since they all act by the “shock method”, which practically guarantees a spasm of the gall bladder (with further understandable consequences).
First, regarding acute cases. As Farrington correctly writes: “Of course, the use of homeopathy does not reduce the size of the stones that enter the urinary ducts, but simply relieves their irritation.” Therefore, if “sand begins to come out” - Gepar sulfur-12, Cantharis-12, Apis-12 - perfectly relieve irritation of the genitourinary tract at the stage of exacerbation (stone discharge), after which it goes away almost painlessly. Moreover, the course is quite therapeutic - it normalizes the status very well genitourinary system, the application regimen is usual - as for acute cases.
Now about the “chronicle”. R-V system always affects the lungs (more precisely, the P-Gi system - Lungs - Colon), and therefore we always have a load on cardiovascular system, which needs to be compensated (by the way, it is precisely the rampant nature of this symptom due to venous stagnation provokes the need for that very coronary bypass surgery - a Yin in Yang symptom - Full description in the book “Heart” homeopathy).
So, in the morning: Arnica-12, Cactus-1, Glonoin-12.
During the day: Aza fetida-12, Kantharis-12, Konium-12.
In the evening: 1). Hina-12, Lycopodium-12; 2). Mercury biod-12, Creosote-12. The cycle is for one to two months (up to forty years), after forty – two months.
Second cycle.
In the morning: Arnica-12, Cactus-12, Digitalis-12.
During the day: Moshus-12, Kantharis-12, Acidum picrinicum-12.
In the evening: 1). Apis-12, Lachesis-12; 2). Fitolyakka-12, Aurum iodine-12.
In the same way - for one to two months, after which it is very good to carry out a cycle of stepwise hyperimmunization “according to Nikitin” (starting with the “urine” cycle). Further therapy is based on current indications.
Microwave resonance
First session.
Everything is simple here: we test all bacteria, all carcinomas, all genitourinary, all hepatitis, both HIV, staphylococci, streptococci, and then follow the usual procedure. The therapy is resonant, stimulating Forte (the “leg-to-leg” scheme in “aqueous environments”).
Second session.
We test all catalysts, allopathy in homeodoses, the cycle of calcium, sodium, potassium, mercury, then therapy – stimulating, resonant Forte, “foot-to-foot” scheme in “aqueous environments”).
Third session.
All bacteria, allopathy in homeodoses, hepatitis - all, all genitourinary. It’s a good idea to add mercury to the end of the recipe - in the same way - we test, then - stimulating, resonance therapy Forte, the “leg-to-leg” scheme in “aqueous environments”.
In terms of the dosage regimen, it is very important to keep the patient from wanting rapid stimulation, since all these processes can cause a crisis, so it is important that everything goes according to plan. The usual scheme: “Sergey Aleksanrovich, yesterday on ultrasound the stones lost their smooth shape” - it’s correct that they lost, since when layers grow, the shapes are usually quite smooth; when dissolved, peculiar “hedgehogs” are formed (due to uneven chemical structure sediments).
Next in a month:
- Well, what did the next ultrasound show?
- We didn’t notice any stones, although the device doesn’t pick up anything smaller than 2 mm.
- What was the size at the beginning?
- 6 mm.
- No comments needed.
The usual dissolution cycle is a quarter (with good general condition), after forty there is no need to rush at all - at least six months - there is a lot of additional chronicle there.

The formation of stones in the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system occurs due to an inborn error of metabolism.

By chemical structure distinguish between urates, phosphates, oxalates, etc.

Factors that increase the risk of developing urolithiasis:

  • Hot climate. Due to more sweating, the concentration of salts in the blood increases, which contributes to the formation of stones.
  • Hard water with a high content of calcium salts.
  • Not proper nutrition. Abuse of fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, salty and unnatural foods with the use of preservatives.
  • Bone injuries and diseases - osteomyelitis, osteoporosis.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Various diseases of the genitourinary system - congenital anomalies urinary tract, chronic pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, cystitis, prostate adenoma, prostatitis and others.
  • Abuse of drugs, dietary supplements, vitamin preparations etc.

Stones can form in any part of the urinary system: kidneys, ureters and bladder. Diagnosed by ultrasound and x-ray. More information can be obtained from a urine test - crystals of various salts can be found there. You can study the transport of salts in daily urine. The disease is manifested by pain, urinary disorders and the appearance of blood in the urine.

When urates are formed, meat and fish broths, jellied dishes, jellied meat, brains, kidneys, liver, etc. are excluded. In case of phosphate stones, milk and dairy products are excluded. If you have oxalate stones, lettuce and spinach are excluded from food; potatoes, beets, plums, and strawberries are limited.

The pain is aching in nature, but can be paroxysmal and acute. Most often the pain occurs on one side. If there are stones in both kidneys, then pain will occur simultaneously or alternately on both sides. The pain is associated with movement and changes in body position. Blood in the urine usually appears after severe pain or after physical activity, walking. During an attack of pain, stones may pass away on their own.

Shifting from the kidney, the stone enters the ureter, where it can partially or completely block the lumen of the ureter. Stones of the kidney, ureter and bladder will eventually lead to the development of acute or chronic pyelonephritis or cystitis. Treatment of urolithiasis can be conservative and surgical. TO surgical treatment must be resorted to in cases of complicated urolithiasis. Large kidney stones can only be removed surgically. The most popular lithotripsy method today is stone crushing using electromagnetic waves, which allows you to crush small stones.

It turned out that 5 months ago she was operated on for a coral stone right kidney. For that a short time A coral stone has formed again in the operated kidney.

Conservative treatment is, first of all, proper nutrition. Diet depends on chemical composition stones When urates are formed, meat and fish broths, jellied dishes, jellied meat, brains, kidneys, liver, etc. are excluded. In case of phosphate stones, milk and dairy products are excluded. If you have oxalate stones, lettuce and spinach are excluded from food; potatoes, beets, plums, and strawberries are limited. If you have any stones, it is not recommended to consume rich broths, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, spicy, fatty and fried food. You need to completely give up food instant cooking and “fast foods”. It is necessary to limit table salt up to 6.0 -8.0 g and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Coming to homeopathy by A.M. Dergacheva happened thanks to successful treatment urolithiasis. A 50-year-old woman visits a local urologist with complaints of severe pain in the lumbar region on the right, frequent and painful urination in small portions. It turned out that 5 months ago she was operated on for a coral stone in the right kidney. During this short time, the coral stone formed again in the operated kidney. An ultrasound shows that the stone fills the entire pelvis space of the right kidney. In the middle third of the right ureter there is a calculus up to 6*8 mm.

In urine analysis - a large number of urates, leukocytes up to 40 per field of view, red blood cells cover the entire field of view. Standard measures to stop an attack renal colic(analgesics, antispasmodics, water load, I even had to administer promedol intramuscularly and novocaine intravenously) did not give any result. On the 5th day a homeopath was invited.

Previously, the patient had several times undergone the procedure for removing stones from the ureters using a loop, and 2 years ago she was operated on for a stone of the left ureter 10*8 mm.

After prescribing homeopathic treatment, the pain stopped within 2 hours. The next morning, while collecting urine for analysis, the patient heard that a pebble had fallen into the jar along with the urine. It went away completely painlessly! The patient continued to be treated homeopathically for another three years. The staghorn stone gradually began to shrink, its intensity decreased (on ultrasound it did not look so bright), over time it fragmented and disappeared unnoticed by the patient.

The patient went to live in another country, but her treatment by a homeopath continues. Crystals in urine tests uric acid are not detected. More than 20 years have passed since then. Her relatives visit me and always convey words of gratitude from her. There were no relapses of urolithiasis.

A 42-year-old woman came to see an attack of left-sided renal colic. Previously, the patient had several times undergone the procedure for removing stones from the ureters using a loop, and 2 years ago she was operated on for a stone of the left ureter 10*8 mm. The stone has not come off for 3 days, causing severe pain. Ultrasound – on the left, on the border of the upper and middle third of the ureter, a stone of 12*8 mm. The patient was afraid of the future surgical intervention, because She had a hard time with her last operation. She categorically refused to be referred to a urological hospital. Homeopathic treatment was prescribed. The stone came off within 24 hours.

Homeopathic medicines normalize metabolic processes, which leads to the creation of conditions in the body for the dissolution of existing stones.

The woman and her family have since become our “homeopathic” patients. After these two cases, A.M. Dergachev became a homeopath. Long-term observations indicate that What homeopathic method very effective in the treatment of urolithiasis and its complications. For example, it is often necessary to treat chronic pyelonephritis. Since the main cause of urolithiasis is an innate metabolic feature, the only method of treating the cause of such disorders is homeopathy. It is with the help of homeopathic remedies that we can achieve compensation for weak links in metabolism. All other methods fight the effect, but with the help of constitutional treatment with homeopathic medicines, you can influence the cause of the formation of stones. With homeopathic treatment, the body will find ways to correct errors in metabolic processes. From the point of view of the homeopathic doctrine of miasms, urolithiasis belongs to the sycotic miasm.

We see confirmation of this in the fact that patients, along with stones in the urinary tract, also have other manifestations of sycosis - polyps, papillomas, nodes. We often have to deal with relapse of urolithiasis in patients after surgery and lithotripsy. After interventions, stones grow much faster than before. It’s not surprising - favorable conditions are created in the injured kidney for more massive and rapid stone formation. Remember that by getting rid of a stone, you do not get rid of the cause of its formation. Therefore, immediately after lithotripsy and surgery to remove stones from urinary tract Consult an experienced homeopath for further treatment.

With the help of homeopathy, the formation and recurrence of stones can be prevented. Homeopathic remedies relieve renal colic by promoting the passage of stones. Homeopathic medicines normalize metabolic processes, which leads to the creation of conditions in the body for the dissolution of existing stones.

The reason for contacting a homeopath should be the presence of sand in the kidneys or a large number of salt crystals in the urine - urates, oxalates or phosphates. Selection of medications for treatment is possible only individually. Over the years, more than 200 people with urolithiasis have passed through our homeopathic office, and in all cases a positive result was obtained.

Unbearable urges. Constant urge to urinate with bloody urine.

Reduces the sensitivity of the urinary tract to stretching by a stone and the stone can pass relatively painlessly.

If purine metabolism is disrupted and urates are present in the urine, sand in the form of brown crushed bricks is visible even to the eye (and for children too). Causticum

In case of associated infection and pus in the urine. Urates in urine. China
(Hina) To stop blood in the urine, during or after an attack. With repeated renal colic with mixed stones
with large sediment in the urine. Oxalates in urine. Frequent appointments

operates at the tip of the needle. For permanent cure of stones, rare high potency doses are recommended over several months. Coccus cacti
(Kokkus kakti) Treatment of colic. Stitching, pulling, cutting, spasmodic pain in the kidney area, radiating along the ureter into bladder

and the urethra.

Frequent urge to urinate. The urine is thick, dark, with mucus, and sometimes bloody. Smells like ammonia or rot. There are urates in the sediment. Colocynthis
(Colocynthis) During an acute attack. Take turns with not only relieves an attack of renal colic, but is also indicated in the interictal period.

Treatment of colic. Sharp, unbearable spasmodic pain, forcing the patient to writhe. Burning pain when urinating, frequent urge for urination, red

sediment in the urine. Bladder spasms. Pain on the left side with a typical posture (with legs pulled to the stomach).

Dioscorea (Dioscorea)
With reflex urinary retention with pain and lack of urine.
Treatment of colic. Spasmodic pain from which the patient writhes. Severe pain in a small area in the pelvis on the right, the pain radiates from the kidney area to right leg and right testicle.

Cold sweat.

Equisetum (Equisetum)
A feeling of painful fullness of the bladder that does not decrease after urination.

Pain mainly at the end of urination, urinary incontinence, pain in the lumbosacral region.

Right-sided renal colic. In the case of an associated infection, there is pus in the urine.

Hepar sulfur (Hepar sulfur)

Kali carbonicum (Kali carbonicum)
Urates in urine.

Kali phosphoricum (Kali phosphoricum)
With reflex urinary retention with pain and lack of urine.

Lachesis (Lachesis)
In case of additional infection and pus in the urine.

Lithium benzoicum (Lithium benzoicum)

Lithium carbonicum (Lithium carbonicum)
For oxalate and urate stones.
Treatment after colic. Spasmodic pain in the bladder area and along the urethra, radiating to the testicles.

Deposition of urate in the joints with corresponding chronic pain in them, often pain in the heart area.

Particular symptom: pain in the heart area in the morning, improvement after urination.

Lycopodium (Lycopodium)
"Drainage" agent. Treatment after colic. Using this medicine as an example, we see a close functional relationship between both excretory organs - the liver and kidneys.

If the detoxification function of the liver is insufficient, stones are formed or salts are deposited in the joints.

Joint pain is relieved when the urine has a red sediment, i.e. when the kidneys are in increased quantity remove toxins.

Right-sided renal colic. Severe back pain is relieved by urinating, the urine containing a large amount of red “sand.”

Very painful urination.
If purine metabolism is disrupted and urates are present in the urine, sand in the form of brown crushed bricks is visible even to the eye (and to children too). Urates in urine.

Magnesia phosphorica (Magnesia phosphorica)
During an acute attack.

Millefolium (Millefolium)
With reflex urinary retention with pain and lack of urine.

Nitricum acidum(Nitricum acidum)

Treatment after colic. Scanty, dark, foul-smelling urine (smells like horse urine).

Cutting or sharp stabbing pain in urethra with burning pain after urination.

The urine contains a large amount of oxalates. Bladder stones with pus in the urine.

Nux vomica (Nux vomica)
With reflex urinary retention with pain and lack of urine. Pain on the right side.

Oxalycum acidum (Oxalicum acidum)
Treatment after colic. Oxalate stones. Pain in the kidney area; frequent, copious discharge urine.

Must urinate immediately as soon as he thinks about urinating. This manifests symptoms characteristic of Oxalicum acidum: the thought of one’s illnesses provokes disorders.

Pareira (Pareira)
With reflex urinary retention with pain and lack of urine.

It is also prescribed for burning pain along the urethra and urination disorders.

Phosphoricum acidum (Phosphoricum acidum)

Treatment after colic. General weakness and loss of strength. Frequent urination at night.

Abundance of phosphates in urine; The drug is especially indicated for diabetic patients with phosphate stones.

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)
Treatment after colic. Phosphate stones (alkaline urine). Kidney stones and inflammation of the renal pelvis and urinary tract.

Urine contains many impurities: gray or red sand; cystic and/or renal epithelium; mucus, protein, blood, phosphates.
Violation of phosphorus metabolism and the presence of phosphorus salts in the form of a white precipitate in alkaline urine.

Plumbum (Plumbum)
With reflex urinary retention with pain and lack of urine.

Rubia tinctorum (Rubia tinctorum)
Köhler: Treatment after colic. Phosphate stones (alkaline urine).

You can try to crush phosphate and sometimes oxalate stones and remove them.

I present a slightly modified method (according to Mezger).

1. First, acidify the urine: Magnesium borocitrici, Sacch. Lactis aa. ad 100. Dissolve 1 full spoon 2 times a day in a glass of water and drink slowly while walking.
2. Rubia tinctorum 0 - 3 times a day, 10-20 drops until the urine turns red (approximately 2 weeks).
3. Calcium phosphoricum C200 1 tablet, after a month you can take 1 tablet C1000.
4. Calcium phosphoricum C200 1 tablet, after a month you can take 1 tablet C1000.
5. Hot compresses on the kidney area for approximately 1 hour, 2 times a week.
During this time, drink 1 liter of hot nettle tea. This tea works best if the collected nettle is immediately (no later than 2 hours) brewed with boiling water, left for 20 minutes, strained, and then drunk. Small nettles (Urtica uerens) are more effective than large nettles (Urtica dioica). Treatment, depending on the effect, is carried out repeatedly for 2 weeks with a week break.

Sarsaparilla (Sarsaparilla)
Treatment after colic. Phosphate stones (alkaline urine).

Pain in the kidney area, radiating to the abdomen, bladder and legs.

Notable symptoms: bitter taste in the mouth, especially at night, coated tongue, scanty brown sour urine.

Sulfur (Sulfur)
In case of associated infection and pus in the urine.

Terebinthina (Tereebintina)
Treatment after colic. Oxalate stones. Drawing, burning pain in the kidney area, very strong when pressed.

The urine is cloudy and often contains blood, mucus, and protein. The smell of violets. Blood in the urine with stones in the bladder.

In any case, a drug selected by a homeopathic doctor for the whole organism, and not for some problem, is always better, especially for solving a chronic disease.
— After you choose a drug for yourself, I strongly recommend reading the description (pathogenesis) this drug on the Materia Medica website page to see how similar he is to you overall. Try to choose a drug so that it is similar not only to your specific problem.

Homeopathic treatment based on the “treat like with like” approach, that is, substances are used in normalized doses causing exacerbation symptoms. At the same time, the body is given the opportunity to independently fight the causes of pathology by developing immunity. Ultimately, the immune system's response to stimuli suppresses symptoms and complete cure. Homeopathic medicines give good therapeutic effect in treatment kidney diseases, which is confirmed by many years of testing and results.

Rules for taking homeopathic remedies

Taking medications requires discipline from the patient:

  1. All products are used separately from the main meal, 30-50 minutes before a meal or 2-3 hours after it. All drinks except clean water without gas are also considered food!
  2. Mint, coffee, camphor, essential oils neutralize homeopathic treatment, you should avoid chewing gum or toothpaste before/after taking the drug or replace toothpaste to another, without the specified components.
  3. Storage of products: in tightly closed containers, out of the refrigerator and away from essential oils, tea, coffee.
  4. The drug granules should not be taken with your hands, you should use tweezers, the drops can be diluted with a small amount of clean still water.
  5. Before swallowing the drugs, you should hold them in your mouth for 1-2 minutes. It is better to dissolve the granules completely.

Homeopathy for pyelonephritis: benefit or harm?

It should be remembered that no treatment is completely harmless. Homeopathic medicines, due to the absence of “chemistry”, are considered the best therapy for easier treatment. For example, stones are passed without such terrible pain, attacks of renal colic are stopped, and pain symptoms are mitigated.

Important! Any homeopathic medicine leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to disease

When pathology appears, the patient’s body begins to produce antibodies, but long-term homeopathic treatment suppresses this ability, which is why it is so important to select remedies on a strictly individual basis and not use them for too long. Purpose natural medicines carried out only by a specialist who can calculate possible risks and complications. Self-medication is strictly unacceptable!

Important! The main indicator of the correctness of the chosen therapy is wellness patient. If the drug is chosen correctly, there will be no pathologies or reactions, in case negative impact, the patient loses calm, sleep and rest patterns are disrupted, and depression appears


The proven effectiveness of therapy in the treatment of pyelonephritis and urinary tract diseases allows us to recommend homeopathy to patients with acute and chronic disease kidney Admission is carried out only as directed, in the indicated doses and in the required mode.

Pyelonephritis – inflammatory disease kidneys, occurring in acute or chronic form. There is a distinction between primary and secondary nephritis, formed on the background various violations urodynamics (congenital or acquired).

  1. Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by intoxication syndrome: fever, local lumbar pain, dysuria, general malaise.
  2. Chronic is often asymptomatic, sometimes accompanied by pain of varying intensity.

The long course of the pathology is dangerous due to the development arterial hypertension And renal failure. Homeopathy for the kidneys for pyelonephritis involves both intermittent drug regimens and continuous therapy with a change in type medicines. In particular, chronic pathology is treated by continuous use of antibacterial, antimicrobials, herbal uroantiseptics and diuretics. Acute form limits reception herbal preparations, relief of symptoms is allowed: fever, blood pressure surges.

List of drugs:

  1. Runel – used for urolithiasis, inflammation urinary system, renal colic. Released in tablet form, considered good remedy, but requires tweezers to pick up the granules.
  2. Berberis-Homaccord indicated for the treatment of inflammation, irritation and spasmodic urinary symptoms, biliary tract, treats renal colic. Released in dropper bottles with injection solution.
  3. Populus compositumcomplex drug, which has a diuretic and detoxifying effect. Helps with renal dysfunction, cystitis, prostate adenoma, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis. Form: alcohol drops in a dropper bottle. Very good drug against swelling, inflammation.
  4. Solidago compositum– a drug for complex therapy acute and chronic diseases kidney: nephritis, kidney stones, renal hypertension, to stimulate and normalize the excretory function of the kidneys. Release form: injection ampoules. Has antispasmodic, antimicrobial, sedative effects.
  5. Job-Nephrolit - used to relieve symptoms of renal colic, to treat urolithiasis, pyelonephritis. Eliminates chronic and acute inflammation, normalizes water balance. It is not intended for crushing stones, but when taking the drug, the process of removing sand and stones is much easier.
  6. Nephronal EDAS-128 indicated for use in acute, chronic pyelonephritis, kidney stones, cystitis. The release form is in drops, can be replaced with Nephronal EDAS-928 - a drug identical in composition. May cause increased swelling and discoloration skin, sharp burning moving pains, radiating in different directions. The drug is especially indicated for simultaneous or sequential damage to the kidneys, liver, and joints. Has the ability to increase excretory functions kidney In addition, it regulates metabolic processes in the presence of oxalate stones.

  1. Oxalur EDAS-115 – drops, normalizing the mineral metabolic process and restoring kidney function, the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. There may be increased pain in the lower back, a change in the smell of urine, pain in the joints, bones, and increased sweating. But the drug is ideal for patients with severe oxaluria.
  2. Ursitab EDAS-132 is a drug that helps with chronic, acute pyelonephritis, prostatitis, herpes. Release form: drops and granules. There may be a sudden urge to urinate, urinary retention, fever, lack of fresh air. Directed impact on purulent inflammation projected purulent discharge, pain in urethra, drip or stream copious discharge of a greenish-yellow purulent substance.
  3. Silesia is a drug indicated for use in inflammatory processes. Possible manifestations of fever, pain in muscles, bones, spine. The malaise manifests itself in increased heart rate and jumps in blood pressure. The drug helps to normalize the balance, eliminate infectious symptoms, followed by complete cure.
  4. Hepar Sulfur is a homeopathic medicine prescribed for acute attacks pyelonephritis, with chronic pathologies an increase in the dose of the drug is required.

If pyelonephritis is diagnosed, homeopathy will help get rid of symptoms and completely heal. However, influencing the entire organ system, the drugs act not only effectively, but also radically. Therefore, you should be careful about the dosage, time, regularity of intake and adherence to the diet, drinking regime. Self-medication natural remedies unacceptable! The slightest failure will lead to exacerbation, progression and dynamic development of the pathology.

Homeopathic remedies for urolithiasis successfully applied, despite the endless controversy in this area. With the help of homeopathy, you can get rid of inflammatory processes and prevent the occurrence of stones and sand in the kidneys. However, it is necessary to take into account all the intricacies of homeopathy therapy and visit a doctor’s consultation and gain a supply of personal knowledge in this industry.

Subtleties of treatment of urolithiasis with homeopathic remedies

Most drugs of this type contain a substance, an overdose of which can provoke an increase in the symptoms of the pathology. The fact is that the immune system responds to a stimulus by eliminating symptoms and thus treating the disease.

Homeopathic remedies successfully and effectively treat kidney diseases. You must be prepared that the symptoms will intensify at first, but will disappear after a while. The arsenal of such medications includes substances that act as irritants for the kidney parenchyma; they contribute to inflammation and even the formation of stones: oxalic acid, bearberry. You should understand and not worry, because these are the drugs that are effective for this pathology.

Many years of research have proven that treatment of urolithiasis in homeopathyeffective method eliminating pathology and preventing complications by normalizing metabolic processes and creating conditions for the disposal of stones.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is an opinion that homeopathic medicines are absolutely harmless due to the absence of “chemistry”. Indeed, thanks to homeopathy you can:

  • remove stones and sand from the genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate renal colic.

Sometimes homeopathy is simply irreplaceable, but sometimes it can also cause harm, so it must be used carefully.

A homeopath knows all the intricacies of therapy, so it is impossible to do without his help, in order to avoid side effect. Also long-term use homeopathic remedies can provoke:

  • immune suppression of antibodies necessary for treatment;
  • manifestation not characteristic of the disease signs of pathology;
  • serious complications.

If medications are selected correctly, then no side effects It shouldn’t be, the psychophysical state also plays an important role. Insomnia, aggression and irritability signal an incorrectly selected treatment. On the contrary, if the patient good mood, the course of treatment and the drug were chosen correctly.

How to take medications

There are a number of rules that must be followed during the course of therapy:

  • The medication is taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. All liquids except water are considered meals.
  • It is strictly contraindicated to combine a course of homeopathy with caffeine, camphor, and essential oils– they are able to neutralize the effect of the funds.
  • Funds cannot be used after the expiration date.
  • Store at room temperature or under temperature conditions and instructions.
  • Do not allow the product to come into contact with metal.
  • It is advisable to dissolve the granules under the tongue, so the effect will be more effective.


As a rule, the following drugs have a pronounced positive dynamics of improvement in urolithiasis:

There are a number of drugs with a combined spectrum of action: “Renel”, “Berberis-homaccord”, “Populus compositum”, “Solidago compositum”, “Talion-A”, “Job-nephrolit”, “Nefronal edas-128”.


The effectiveness directly depends on the correctly selected dose and course of homeopathy. An experienced doctor makes prescriptions, examining each patient individually, and his advice should not be neglected. It has been proven that the use homeopathic remedies for urolithiasis very effective if you do not self-medicate.