How to take stone oil stone oil


Treatment of the genitourinary system with Brakshun:




Urinary incontinence.

Impotence, reduced sexual activity.

Inflammation of the appendages.

Erosion of mucous membranes.

Treatment of the musculoskeletal system with Stone Oil:



Vertebral hernias.


Treatment of oncology with stone oil:




Benign tumors, wen.

Treatment of skin diseases with Brakshun Stone Oil:




Itching, scratching.



Gastrointestinal tract and duodenum:

Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.



Polyps and fissures of the rectum.

Treatment of the respiratory system with Stone Oil:


Bronchial asthma.

Stone oil for the cardiovascular system:





Treatment of the nervous system with Stone Oil:



Migraines, headaches.

Kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder:

Stones in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder.

Immunity, tonic:

Strengthening immunity.

Increased blood clotting.



Net weight of one package 6 gr.



For one person, for one full course of application, 40-60 gr. stone oil, serious illnesses or states 2-4 times more.

The duration of the full course of admission is 1-3 months, 1-2 courses per year.




Stone Oil is purified and completely ready for use internally and externally.

The effectiveness of the use of Stone Oil is 85% with a course of admission of 30 - 90 days.

The working volume of intake at a time is 100 ml, go to it in 3-6 days, gradually increasing the dose taken.

Do not let Stone oil get on your teeth! Take through a tube placed on the root of the tongue.

On the days of the break from taking, eat 50-100 grams of dried apricots and / or raisins.

Follow your diet. Cut down on dairy products, except butter, meat 2-3 times, do not use fatty foods and sweets, yeast bread, do not drink alcohol and coffee. Consume simple food- coarse cereals, soups, black bread.

Aqueous solution for oral administration.3 gr. Stone Oil (half of one package), 3 liters boiled water room temperature, mix, cover the container, leave for 3-4 hours in a dark, warm place. Reception - before reception to shake up, to accept in 30 min. before meals, 3 times a day, 100 ml of solution. 3 days reception, 3 days rest, etc.

Microclysters and douching.3 gr. Stone Oil (half of one package), 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature, mix, cover the container, leave for 3-4 hours in a dark, warm place. Reception - setting microclysters after emptying twice a day, a course of 10-15 settings, the volume of microclysters is 30-50 ml of solution.

Lotions and tampons with a solution of stone oil.3 gr. Stone Oil (half of one package), 200-500 ml of boiled water at room temperature (the volume of water depends on the purpose of use), mix, cover the container, leave for 3-4 hours in a dark, warm place. Reception - setting lotions or tampons every 2-3 hours, a course of 10-15 settings.

Drops in the nasopharynx.3 gr. Stone Oil (half of one package), 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature, mix, cover the container, leave for 3-4 hours in a dark, warm place. Reception - irrigate the nasopharynx every hour, a course of 10 irrigations.



Pregnancy, breast-feeding, children under 12 years of age, thrombophlebitis.



Stone oil Altai purified - 100%, without impurities and additives, chemical composition: nickel, magnesium, copper and chromium, zinc, rare earth minerals, selenium and calcium.



Shelf life - 2 years, store in a tightly closed container at temperatures up to +25°C, humidity up to 75%, keep away from direct sunlight.


Is not a medicine. Before use, consult your doctor.



Legal address: 656015, Russia, Altai Territory, Barnaul, Ave. Krasnoarmeisky, 112A
Postal address: 656066, Russia, Altai Territory, Barnaul, st. Malakhova, 128


During my pregnancy, I almost completely said goodbye to my attractiveness. My teeth began to crumble terribly, my hair fell out wildly, my skin became covered age spots, a rash and began to peel off terribly. Immediately after the birth of the child, I was seriously carried away by my appearance, in general, I decided to take care of myself. I did face and hair masks, did skin cleansing, drank vitamins and calcium, but no external changes occurred. To all my problems, there were also cracks in the nipples and terrible pain. In general, I am completely glued. But then a friend came to my aid, who advised me to try some stone oil. She told me that she constantly uses it to treat various problems she has with her three year old daughter. I did not put this idea aside, I decided to buy a remedy and started taking it, as she advised me. Every day I drank the solution, and in addition, I also wiped my skin with it. I will say right away that I saw the first results only after 3 weeks, the skin began to clear and brighten, and the hair stopped falling out and began to shine. Now, after three and a half months, I began to feel attractive and confident. I even use it on my little son when he gets irritated or sweaty. Heals everything!

I searched for information about this tool on the Internet for a very long time, but I entered one thing, and the browser gave me another. As it turned out, this oil has several names (white mummy, mountain wax, white stone of immortality and tears of the mountains), so do not be alarmed. This is a mineral that is mined in Mongolia, Altai and Bireme. It is very difficult to extract oil, as it is located only in hard-to-reach places, due to this, the price for it is very, very high. But it suits absolutely everyone, as it acts only at the cellular level. The results come after a while, and are not noticeable externally from the first day.

Also, I would like to tell you about the principle of action of the remedy, which is aimed at rejuvenation, healing and cleansing of the body. As soon as the oil enters the body, its enzymes immediately begin to look for diseased cells and act on them. The main properties of the mineral include the absence of toxicity.

    Burns and all kinds of wounds.

    Trophic and purulent ulcers.


    Various diseases liver ( viral lesions, cirrhosis, etc.)

    Traumatology (dislocations, arthritis, fractures, arthrosis, etc.)

    Problems with the pancreas.

    Ulcers, colitis, gastritis.

    Cystitis and kidney stones.

    Bronchial asthma.


  1. Cataract.


    Hemorrhoids and fissures of the rectum.



    Erosion of the vagina.


    Heart attacks, strokes, ischemia, etc.

    Diseases of the thyroid gland.

    Weakened immune system.

    impotence and prostatitis.

And this is just what I remember, the list was much longer.

The composition of the oil contains almost the entire periodic table, and due to this, it affects all problems in the body. In total, it contains 50 components, but the main ones can be distinguished from them:

    potassium, which restores water-salt exchange, nourishes the heart and lowers blood pressure;

    magnesium, which regulates blood sugar levels and strengthens the heart muscle;

    phosphorus, which affects muscle and mental activity;

    calcium, which improves blood clotting, lowers cholesterol;

    zinc, which nourishes the brain, and is immunomodulator.

Also, the main list of composition includes silicon, manganese, iron, iodine, chromium, copper, nickel, cobalt, selenium, lithium, beryllium, sodium, sulfur, vandalium, scandium, tin, gold, platinum, arsenic, iron and much more. .

Stone oil reviews from those who have already tried

Love 37 years

I use stone oil in veterinary medicine, and I also cured myself .. my hemoglobin was 170 and no pills helped to lower it. faster than on a dog :-) I buy only in the Altai Mountains from local herbalists .... I don’t believe in online stores, I counted once for Iceland moss.. laughed until colic ... they push reindeer moss like Cetraria and break the price of space .... and we ourselves collect this Icelandic moss ... also a natural medicine ...

Irina Evdokimova Age 35

I don't know how long it would have taken me to get rid of the erosion of the cervix, which occurred again and again. I have already begun to worry - no matter how this relatively harmless female illness develops into oncology. By chance, I learned about stone oil: application, reviews about it.
I made a solution for a tampon: three grams of stone oil powder per half liter of water. Every evening I laid a tampon soaked in such a mixture.
Periodically visited her gynecologist, she noted improvement every time. After two months of oil treatment, I heard the long-awaited diagnosis - healthy.

Stone oil instructions for use

As far as I know, you can use the oil in the form of creams, tinctures, in the form of stones and balm for oral administration. They all use the same recipe, the standard recipe, as I call it. I took 3 grams of the product and dissolved them in three liters of clean boiled warm water. Further, all this should be infused for 2-3 days, after which the liquid must be drained (it must be consumed inside), and the sediment that remains there is used for external use. It is taken in 50 ml immediately after meals. But it’s best to start with just a couple of small sips. Already after 7 days, you can drink 1 glass 10-15 minutes before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after which you need to take a break of 10 days and continue treatment again. But this is just a standard recipe. In general, their mass, depending on the disease. I will not write them, since finding similar recipes on the Internet is not a problem.

Despite the fact that the oil is not a medicine, it still has contraindications.

    Pregnancy and lactation.

    Children under 10 years old.

    Individual intolerance to the body.

    In the presence of acute thrombosis.

    With gallstone disease.

    Those who take steroids and antibiotics.

    In the presence of mechanical jaundice.

Tears of the mountains, stone oil, mountain wax, white stone of immortality - this is the name of a rare mineral found in the Altai mountains. "Chao-tui" or "blood of the mountain" is his name in Burma. And in Tibet and Mongolia, this amazing, very valuable substance created by nature itself is called "rock juice" - "bragshun". The legend has long been transmitted that the depths of the Altai mountains store, in addition to valuable stones, also a rare healing oil valued more than gold. Observant hunters have noticed that wild animals lick the stones. Having set out to find out the reason for this behavior, they discovered that these were not stones at all, but petrified resin. It turned out that the liquid oozing from the stones solidifies over time in the air.

How is stone oil extracted, the price of which is of interest to many who are eager to get in touch with the healing gift of Mother Earth herself? Places of education, which are few, are located in Altai in hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas. The reason for the appearance of stone oil is incomprehensible and inexplicable, it does not lend itself to any system. This makes it difficult to mine. Stone oil is found either in the form of a film covering the surfaces of rock crevices or hard-to-reach grottoes, or as meager outgrowths on rocks.
So the miners have to literally scrape off the healing substance granted by nature, literally bit by bit. This explains the presence of pieces rocks. The oil must be purified.
It belongs to the group of aluminum alum. Kazakh researchers, after conducting a spectral analysis of the oil, found out an amazing thing: it contains 49 microelements - half of the periodic table! Their concentration is very high. But the human body, every cell of any of its organs, takes exactly as many minerals as necessary for full functioning.
Stone oil is a stimulator of all enzymatic processes of the body, cleansing and strengthening the human energy system, skillfully directing its healing powers to its sore spots. It not only heals, but also protects cell membranes from damage. But it is with the penetration of viruses and poisons into the cells that any disease begins. So, stone oil is an excellent prophylactic. This is a drug of a wide, simply huge, spectrum of action.
What is the use of such a wonderful product as stone oil? Being a part of nature, it heals the human body, nourishing it with the energy of the earth and the sun, which was filled for for a long time of its development. That's why in traditional medicine this is how stone oil is revered, the price of which is much lower than the benefits that it brings to preserve and restore human health.

Stone oil: application

It is used as a powerful immunomodulator, antiseptic, analgesic. Successfully cures infertility caused by inflammatory processes. Helps stone oil fight cancer. it healing agent quickly heals bone fractures, as it contributes to the rapid growth bone tissue. Healing of even the most severe fractures occurs in terms that are almost half as long as with traditional treatment.
The list of diseases that stone oil helps to cure is very large. It's easier to say: this valuable substance was created by nature to save a person from any ailments. However, no harmful side effects does not render.

Stone oil for prostatitis

This remedy treats prostatitis, at the same time being and excellent remedy prevention. All men over 45 are recommended to use this oil to improve the condition of the prostate gland.
Stone oil for prostatitis and to increase potency is used with and without herbs.

Recipe 1: no herbs

Dissolve a teaspoon of oil in three liters of rather hot, pre-boiled water.
Ingestion: half an hour before meals, drink 200 ml of this warm solution.
Externally applied as a compress. The napkin is moistened in the prepared mixture, squeezed lightly, applied to groin. Covering the gauze with a towel on top, lie down, relaxed, for 40 minutes.

Recipe 2: with herbs

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 3 g of oil;
  • a third of a glass of lungwort;
  • half a glass of nettle;
  • three liters of water.

At the first stage, you need to boil chopped herbs in one liter for 7 minutes. After insisting for ten minutes, strain.
Then boil 2 liters of water, cool slightly, pour stone oil powder. Mix well to dissolve it.
At the final stage, pour a solution of oil into a three-liter container (you can use a glass jar), then a decoction of herbs. Mix well. Healing solution ready.

Stone oil for prostatitis can be used very effectively in the form of micro-enemas.
To do this, 3 g of oil are dissolved in 500 ml of water (boiled).
Before the procedure, the intestines must be cleaned.
For a micro-enema, which is enough to do once a day, no more than 40 ml of a warm solution is used.
A great healing effect It turns out if you simultaneously use the oil inside and use it externally.
For a monthly course of treatment, you will need 35-40 grams of a valuable product.

Stone oil application in oncology

In the treatment of oncological diseases, 3 grams of oil is dissolved in three glasses of boiled, slightly cooled water. Take 200 ml three times a day, usually half an hour before meals.
Stone oil is used in oncology in the form of compresses, enemas.

For rectal cancer, the same solution is used (3 g of oil per three glasses of water), but honey (a tablespoon) is added to it. The mixture is used for micro-enemas.

The same mixture, with the addition of honey, is used to pack the vagina in case of cancer of the uterus, appendages, and ovaries.

In case of throat cancer, compresses prepared from three grams of oil, which are diluted with a glass of boiled water, help. By adding honey (a tablespoon), a healing mixture is obtained. Moisten gauze in it and, after squeezing, apply to the area of ​​​​the focus of the disease.

Exactly the same mixture is made when curing lung cancer. Apply moistened gauze alternately on the chest and back. The procedure, along with internal use, is done for five months.

In the treatment of liver cancer, compresses are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased organ from a mixture prepared from three grams of oil dissolved in a glass (200 ml) of boiled water. The compress is applied for three hours. Cleansing enemas and diet should accompany the entire treatment process.

Stone oil is used in oncology and in the case of stomach cancer. Drink a solution obtained from three grams of oil and three glasses of boiled water. For a single dose, a tablespoon of this remedy is enough. Drink three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.

When used in treatment oncological diseases such powerful tool, which is stone oil, instructions for its use should be followed by patients as accurately as possible.

Treatment of wounds, burns, postoperative sutures

A solution is prepared: 3 g of oil per one and a half glasses of water, previously boiled.
In case of burns, they irrigate damaged skin. In other cases, a compress is applied to the affected areas.
Wounds, burns, traces of surgical intervention heal three times faster than using any of the existing ointments.

Treatment of bruises

Stone oil is also used in the treatment of bruises. For this purpose, 3 g of oil is diluted in a glass of pre-boiled water, honey is added (two tablespoons). The resulting miracle drug is applied to the site of injury, wetting them with gauze or a napkin.


Having bought stone oil, the instruction for which recommends the treatment of pneumonia, prepare solutions, apply them externally and internally.
It is enough to dilute three grams of oil in a liter of boiled water. Drink a glass of funds taken three times a day. Do this thirty minutes before meals.
For compresses that treat pneumonia, 3 g of oil is diluted in a glass of water, always boiled. Add honey (tablespoon). Wetting in the resulting medicinal mixture napkin, wring out and apply it alternately on the chest, back.

Stone oil for bronchial asthma

The same compresses are applied when bronchial asthma.
Inhalation is also used. For them, 3 g of oil and one and a half glasses of water (boiled) are taken. Inhalations are carried out thirty minutes before meals.

stomach ulcer

Stone oil also finds application in healing a patient from stomach ulcers. The patient is recommended to dilute three grams of oil in three glasses of boiled water. Drink, as usual, three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. One glass per dose is enough.

Stone oil for myoma, fibromyoma

Women with these diseases are advised to drink a glass three times a day of a liquid prepared from three grams of oil dissolved in a liter of boiled water.
For plugging, dissolve 3 g of oil in 500 ml of boiled water. A swab moistened with the resulting solution is inserted into the vagina at bedtime.

Salt deposits

To get rid of such an ailment as salt deposition, you will have to stock up not only with stone oil, but also with patience. It will take a long time to heal - perhaps even up to a year.
In two liters of water (as usual, boiled), 3 g of oil is diluted. You need to drink a tablespoon. Do this - three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.


3 g of oil is dissolved in a liter of water. The resulting solution is taken in a glass. Do this three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.
For compresses, dissolve the same portion of oil (3 g) in a glass of boiled water. Add honey (a tablespoon) to the solution. AT remedy lower gauze, wring out, apply a compress to the lower abdomen.

Cholecystitis, angiocholitis, hepatitis

Stone oil should be bought and used by those who suffer from hepatitis, cholecystitis, angiocholitis. In a liter of water (boiled), 3 g of oil should be diluted. You need to drink in a glass. Do this three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. During treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet, do cleansing enemas.


Only twelve procedures will need to be done to get rid of sinusitis.
Three grams of oil, as usual, is dissolved in boiled water (300 ml). Apply moistened gauze to the bridge of the nose for two or three hours. Carry out the procedure every other day.


In a liter of water (boiled) dilute 3 g of oil. This solution must be drunk in a tablespoon. This should be done three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.
And for instillation of the eyes, it is enough to dissolve three grams of oil in 150 ml of water (as always, boiled).

Stone oil for flu

You can buy stone oil before starting seasonal diseases in particular the flu. It will serve as the best prophylactic. And if you use preventive purposes failed on time, then timely treatment will give excellent result. Oil (3 g) must be diluted in a glass of water (boiled), add honey (a tablespoon). No less than four times a day, the resulting mixture should be instilled into the nose.

Stone oil in dentistry

Stone oil (3 grams) is dissolved in two liters of boiled water. Rinsing with the resulting solution oral cavity helps to get rid of stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity, even periodontal disease. You need to do this six times a day.


Bronchitis is treated with the use of oil not only inside, but also in the form of compresses, inhalations.
For oral administration, a mixture of three grams of oil and 1 liter of water (boiled) is prepared. Drink, as usual, three times a day, drinking a glass. This should be done thirty minutes before meals.
Compresses are prepared from three grams of oil, diluting it in a glass of water (boiled). A moistened and then wrung out napkin is applied alternately - either on the back or on the chest of the patient.
For inhalation, a weaker solution is prepared: 300 ml of water (boiled) is taken for 3 g of oil. Inhalations should be done 4 times a day.


You should also buy stone oil for those who have diabetes. Dilute 3 g of oil in two liters of water. Insulin prescribed by a doctor should not be abandoned. When used to treat diabetes the most effective remedy, like stone oil, the instructions must be followed fairly strictly. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to control the level of sugar once a week in order to prevent its sharp decline.


Treatment can last up to a month. Make micro-enemas (up to 40 ml). For them, use a solution obtained from 3 g of oil and three glasses of boiled water.

Stone oil for vaginal erosion

For plugging, which is carried out at night, a mixture is prepared - 3 g of oil per half liter of water (boiled).

Stone oil compresses

Thrombophlebitis, mastopathy, severe headache, neuralgia is treated with oil compresses.
In 150 ml of water (boiled) put 3 g of oil, mix and after its dissolution add medical alcohol (100 ml). Gauze is moistened in a mixture for a compress, squeezed out, applied to sore spot. Cover the top with cellophane. Most often, this procedure is done at night, but if necessary, you can make a compress in the morning and leave it for the whole day.

It's important to know

During oil treatment, it is strictly forbidden to use antibiotics, alcohol, cocoa, strong tea, lamb, goose, duck, pork, radish, radish, coffee, chocolate.


The only contraindication to the use of this oil is obstructive jaundice. The contraindication is explained by the fact that this remedy has a pronounced choleretic activity.

Stone oil reviews

Stone oil reviews are only positive.

Irina Evdokimova, Ufa.

I don't know how long it would have taken me to get rid of the erosion of the cervix, which occurred again and again. I have already begun to worry - no matter how this relatively harmless female illness develops into oncology. By chance, I learned about stone oil: application, reviews about it.
I made a solution for a tampon: three grams of stone oil powder per half liter of water. Every evening I laid a tampon soaked in such a mixture.
Periodically visited her gynecologist, she noted improvement every time. After two months of oil treatment, I heard the long-awaited diagnosis - healthy.

Tatyana Kurochkina, Dnepropetrovsk.

It so happened that about stone oil, I heard reviews about it at work. I complained to my colleagues that after the weekend spent at sea, I was suffering from cystitis. They advised stone oil, the price of which turned out to be quite acceptable - relatives brought it to someone from Altai. Began to be treated. The pain and cramps subsided immediately, and in a week she completely recovered.
A year has passed since then, and now it has become a tradition in the family - no matter what hurts, we first of all remember about stone oil. And angina was treated, and sinusitis. During that flu epidemic that raged last year, the whole family drank a weak solution for prevention. And the flu bypassed us, which we were, of course, very happy about.

Albina Tikhomirova, Severodvinsk.

I stayed with my sister in Israel, I heard from her about stone oil: application, reviews of her friends. I came to them to be treated at the Dead Sea - there were problems with my stomach. Before that, she had already been treated at the resorts of Ukraine. They so insistently advised me stone oil, gave me so many examples of truly miraculous healing that I couldn't resist.
When I got home, I bought stone oil. The instructions for it turned out to be so extensive that, having cured my stomach, I set about mastopathy. The course of treatment is not completed yet, but I already feel improvement. The whole body improved, I even looked younger. I really hope that other people's stone oil reviews are extremely positive.

Stone oil has been a well-known natural remedy for thousands of years.

It is actively practiced by healers, shamans and herbalists of Tibet, China, North-Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and all territories where this product can be obtained in wildlife.

Glory about miraculous power and healing abilities of stone oil has long spread over most of the globe.

Today, people are increasingly turning to alternative medicine, of which this product is a part, for the treatment various ailments, including severe, chronic and very dangerous.

Butter, but you can’t spread it on bread

A substance with such a paradoxical name - stone oil, in fact, is not oil.

It's completely unique mineral product, which is formed in the process of alkalization (physico-chemical transformation of a metal or ore into liquid form, which occurs under the action of selective solvents) of rocks.

Substance in literally stands out, oozes from the stone and freezes in the air at the exit point in amorphous streaks.

Stone oil is also called "mountain tears", "mountain wax", brakshun ("mountain juice"), "geomalin".

The substance comes to the consumer in the form of pebbles or powder, it is perfectly soluble in water and almost insoluble in alcohol and other liquids.

How is stone oil extracted?

Human attention to stone oil was attracted by animals. They lingered for a long time at one or another stone and licked its rough surface.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that they were not just licking the rock, but licking off the resin that had hardened on the stones.

An interesting fact is that stone oil is always formed in the same place, no one knows how and why this happens, but if a person has found the “source” once, he can constantly come to him for raw materials.

However, it is reliably known that hardened wax can be collected on the same stone or ledge no more than once a year - its formation is very slow.

Layers of stone oil are thin as a film, firmly attached to the parent rock and must be carefully scraped off, which requires serious physical effort from the collector.

The work is complicated by the inaccessibility of places where the breed "sheds tears" - this is or sheer cliffs, or high ceilings of grottoes and caves.

In the process of collecting stone oil, along with healing resin, there is also associated garbage - pieces of soil, stones, etc., therefore, it is necessary to purchase only purified stone oil.

True, if you come across such a tool in its original form, you still shouldn’t miss it, there are several, albeit not quite simple, technologies for cleaning stone oil at home and you can always use one of them.

A bit of history

The history of the use of stone oil in medical purposes is about 5000 years old. Scientific research its properties are actively pursued only the last 200 years.

In ancient times in China, only the emperor had the right to use " stone of immortality”, all the rest, for trying to try its effect on themselves, inevitable death awaited.

The craft of extracting stone oil was passed down from generation to generation, fathers and grandfathers revealed to their sons the places where “rock tears” came out, which were kept in the strictest confidence.

Under pain of execution, it was impossible to even think about hiding part of the extracted substance.

In other countries - Burma, Mongolia, Russia, Tibet, where mining was practiced this tool, treatment by him was also the prerogative of the ruling classes, for mere mortals it was not available.

And only Peter the Great in 1777 ordered to extract stone oil and deliver it to all pharmacies for the treatment of "all kinds of ailments."

Since then, there has been widespread mountain wax for all segments of the population of Russia and its large-scale studies in the laboratory.

Chemical composition

As already mentioned, stone oil consists exclusively of mineral components, which fundamentally distinguishes it from mummy, which contains not only minerals, but also organic matter.

In total, there are about fifty minerals that play critical roles for human body. Moreover, the qualitative composition of stone oil completely depends on the age of the stratification and the geological features of the rocks at the place of its exit.

It is said that stone oil cures absolutely all diseases, since its main action is aimed at strengthening cell membranes, which are always damaged by attacking agents when sick.

The tool is used for both treatment and prevention.

1. Thanks to potassium, it regulates water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance blood, improves performance of cardio-vascular system, helps with hypertension, removes sodium.

2. Treats infertility.

3. Quickly heals wounds and injuries of any tissue - skin, bones, muscles, cartilage.

4. Used for fractures, osteochondrosis, burns, any arthritis, bedsores.

5. Restores the liver, kidneys, bile, stomach.

6. Helps with oncology of any location.

7. has a beneficial effect on the nervous and reproductive systems.

8. Used to treat infertility, prostate, hemorrhoids.

9. Antihistamine.

10. An excellent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.

11. Zinc improves performance.

12. As a tonic antiviral and anti-cold.

13. Diseases of the thyroid gland.

14. Diabetes.

15. Gynecological and urological diseases.


However, there are several contraindications that must be taken into account before starting the use of this drug:

  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • pregnancy, lactation - only after agreement with the gynecologist;
  • chronic constipation.

At the time of treatment with stone oil (and possibly forever), it is necessary to give up antibiotics, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes. Be healthy.

- the only product of its kind that has the ability to stimulate all the enzymatic processes of the body, directing its healing power in sick and weak spots, strengthens and cleanses the human energy system. Stone oil is not only a remedy, but also a powerful prophylactic drug with pronounced adaptogenic properties and general beneficial influence on the body. It exhibits a clear membrane-protective function, and since any diseases begin with damage to the cell membranes (after all, in order to penetrate the cell, viruses, poisons, radiation must first of all “break through” the cell’s defenses, its membrane), protecting cell membrane, stone oil protects the body as a whole - regardless of which cells of which organs are being "attacked".

Stone oil helps to effectively fight against the most complex ailments, including infertility and cancer. This substance has in its composition a record number of microelements vital necessary for the body person. It contains 49 microelements, such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, as well as gold, silver and platinum, etc. There are a lot of "organ-forming" elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorus. Both composition and high concentration are unique. This explains its effective influence on the work of the human body, its individual systems and organs, up to cellular level. It is the composition that characterizes stone oil as a drug. a wide range actions. It is non-toxic, effective in infertility, if it is based on inflammatory processes, promotes rapid healing fractures of bones, providing powerful growths of bone tissue. Effective for otitis media, pleurisy, stomatitis, burns, wounds, surgical interventions, cataracts, prostatitis, intestinal disorders, colitis, ulcers, cystitis, kidney disease, diabetes, prevents the occurrence of tumors and their metastasis.

What is stone oil?

Stone oil is mineral matter, has a whitish-yellow color and is formed during the leaching of rocks. It is widespread in the Eastern and Western Sayans, other mountainous regions of Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and China.

Stone oil is widely used in folk medicine in Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Burma for the treatment inflammatory processes, with bleeding, burns, gastrointestinal disorders and bone fractures.

Tibetan lamas prepared it and used it for treatment gastric diseases. In Chinese mythology, stone oil is the food of the immortals. In China, there is a village located at the foot of a large mountain, where white stone is mined for food. In this village average duration life of 83 years, which is above the average for China, the residents are famous for good health.

Application in medicine

Application in medicine

  • Liver diseases (including viral and intoxication cirrhosis);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • Burn and wound therapy;
  • Trophic and purulent ulcers;
  • Prevents metastasis;
  • Stops tumor growth (by forming a connective tissue capsule), destroys the tumor with direct contact;
  • Endocrinology (in particular diseases of the pancreas);
  • Gerontology (prolongation of physiological activity in general and sexual activity in particular).

It has been approved for use in Russia since 1971.

Clinical Application

Clinical studies have shown amazing results. In one of the Siberian regional hospitals(in surgical department) selected a group of 12 people with special complex fractures tubular bones and damage to the tissues of blood vessels and nerves. Each of the patients was given an elixir of stone oil 3 times a day. Soon the X-ray showed that in all patients, without exception, there is a powerful increase in bone tissue. They recovered three weeks earlier than the control group, which was treated traditional methods. None side effects did not have.

Good clinical experience with treatment peptic ulcer stomach with stone oil. Washing the ulcer gives healing in 6-16 days, instead of 40.


The time required to evaluate the effectiveness is from 30 to 95 days. Efficiency (analysis 237 clinical cases) exceeds 85%.


Contraindicated in obstructive jaundice, because has a pronounced choleretic activity.

Possible Complications

The drug requires gastrointestinal tract worked regularly, i.e. daily, otherwise the detoxifying function of the drug will be wasted due to reabsorption. The use of stone oil in persons suffering from constipation can aggravate these constipations. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures (diet + laxatives, enemas) to still ensure the daily stool.

Application of stone oil

Effective forms of stone oil to apply:

  1. Internal forms:
  • water solution;
  • oil solution;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • complex collection with herbs;
  • solution for douching and microclysters.
  • Outer forms:
    • creams;
    • body balms;
    • complex ointments;
    • bath balm.
  • In a combination of internal forms + external forms.
  • Combined use inside.
  • Healing properties of stone oil solution

    AT pure form this substance is rarely used, mainly in the form of solutions different concentration. Sometimes infusions or decoctions of herbs are added to such a solution.

    By their physical and chemical nature, stone oil solutions are such that each tissue is able to take from the tissue fluid and blood as many microelements as required to saturate the active centers of the corresponding enzymes. Nature itself took care of people by creating a compound containing a significant part of the elements known on Earth and the vast majority of vital macro- and microelements, which, which is very important, are easily dissolved in water.

    Treatment for various diseases

    Surgical wound

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Moisten a rag or gauze and apply to the wound, instead of all the ointments that exist. If you still give it inside, then the treatment will proceed faster, it will speed up healing two to three times.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (200 ml) and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, moisten a rag or gauze, wring it out well and put it on the site of the bruise.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze swab and irrigate the burn.

    Salt deposits

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in two liters of boiled water (cooled down). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. If increased acidity, then in one hour. The course of treatment is from three months to one year.


    Take a warm bath. After the bath, dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze and put on the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this in a day. The course of treatment is 12 treatments.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and instill into the nose 3-4 times a day.

    Purulent endobronchitis

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (1 l). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes.

    Inhalation: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 3-4 times a day.

    Compresses: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bronchus area, alternating back and chest.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. If hyperacidity - one hour before meals.

    Make compresses: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply alternating back and chest.

    Bronchial asthma

    Inhalation: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals, if high acidity, then an hour before meals.

    Compresses: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply alternating back and chest.

    stomach ulcer

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. At hyperacidity- one hour before meals.

    Fissures in the rectum

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 500 ml of cooled boiled water. Pre-cleanse the intestines, then introduce a solution of stone oil.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled water (cooled down). Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - 1 hour before. It is advisable to make compresses: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water 200 ml, add a tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply on the inflamed area.

    Bladder erosion

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes, with increased acidity - for 1 hour. Nice results when introduced into bladder, but only on distilled water: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of distilled water. Inject no more than 100 ml once a day.

    kidney disease

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 2 liters. boiled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour. At urolithiasis- with the addition of madder dye.

    Erosion of the vagina

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Carry out tamponing, preferably at night.

    Arthritis, sciatica

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add a tablespoon of honey. Moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply on the inflamed area. You can dissolve stone oil in 40% alcohol per 200 ml.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour.

    For eye instillation, 3 g is necessary. Dissolve stone oil in 1500 ml of boiled water.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour.

    Packing: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water, moisten a swab and insert into the vagina, preferably at night.


    To make micro-enemas: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Pre-cleanse the intestines, then make a micro-enema with 10-15 ml of a solution, preferably warm.


    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled chilled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour.

    Packing (preferably overnight): Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water.

    Rectal cancer

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Drink one glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour. It is necessary to drink at least 4-5 g per day for 3-4 months and do micro-enemas according to the scheme: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in boiled water in 600 ml, adding 1 tablespoon of honey.

    Lungs' cancer

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink three times a day, one glass 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour.

    Compresses: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey, moisten, squeeze well and apply on the lungs alternating chest and back. The course of treatment is at least five months.

    bladder cancer

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled water. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters. per day for 4-5 months.

    In addition, it is desirable to introduce into the bladder:

    Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in one liter of distilled water. Enter 100 ml of a warm solution.

    Cancer of the uterus, ovaries, or adnexa

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink one glass a day 30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity - one hour.

    Packing: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Moisten a gauze pad and insert into the vagina. You can add one tablespoon of honey.

    Liver cancer, cirrhosis

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity 1 hour before. Take an infusion of the herb "Volodushki" at the rate of 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist and drink 0.5 cups three times a day.

    Apply a compress to the liver area: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water. Moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply on the liver area for 2-3 hours. AT without fail do cleansing enemas 5 days after 3, etc. Diet is a must.

    throat cancer

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 600 ml of boiled cooled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day before meals, with increased acidity - one hour before. The glass should be drunk in small sips.

    Additionally, it is necessary to make compresses externally: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey. Moisten gauze, wring out well and apply to the area of ​​​​the focus.

    Cholecystitis, angiocholitis and hepatitis

    3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity one hour before.

    Cleansing enemas with chamomile or string. Drink an infusion of volodushki. Diet is a must.

    When bitten by bees and ticks, immediately apply a pebble of stone oil to the site of the bite - unpleasant consequences will not.

    Considering the data of antimicrobial properties, stone oil is used as a remedy for skin lesions: scratches, abrasions.

    Aqueous solutions with the addition of glycerin are used to treat inflammatory diseases gums when they bleed.

    For disease prevention and active longevity it is recommended 4 times a year during the off-season (autumn-winter, winter-spring, spring-summer, summer-autumn) for 14 days to drink an aqueous solution of stone oil dissolved in high-quality water according to the standard scheme, but prepare weaker concentrations: 0 .1 ml water-alcohol solution stone oil in 2 liters of quality water.

    During treatment, do not drink tea (except green), coffee, alcohol and do not eat chocolate. Do not use antibiotics, pork, lamb, duck, goose, radish, radish.

    All solutions of stone oil should be made with boiled, cooled water.

    A glass of 150-200 grams. It is necessary to approach this dose gradually, every day increasing the dose according to well-being.

    At long-term use aqueous solution a pleasant surprise can be an improvement in vision, normalization of body weight, a decrease in gray hair and an improvement in hair structure.