How to induce (see) the desired dream - we learn from the ancient dreamers. When prophetic dreams come true

Not everyone can see dreams, let alone prophetic ones. If you decide to learn how to manage your dreams and receive hints from them, be prepared to go through a long and difficult path. It is impossible to see with the help of conspiracies or rituals on the first try prophetic dream. Unless, of course, you have great magical power.

Every dream means something. But most often it is interpreted from the point of view of psychology, not magic. And in this case, both sciences are closely intertwined. After all, you first need to learn how to control your subconscious, and only then demand help from otherworldly forces. If you are dreaming, the first step towards night predictions has been taken. If not, you have a difficult job ahead of you. Inducing dreams, especially prophetic ones, needs to be done in a good way physical condition. You cannot be sick, tired, or mentally exhausted during this period. Put off trying to dream until a better time. You should also not go to bed overfed or hungry; you should feel as comfortable as possible.

When you go to bed, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you will see a dream. First, try to see at least one object. You can imagine it or hold it in your hands while in bed. If you don't succeed the first time, don't stop trying until you are satisfied with the result. Next you need to learn how to manage your dreams. First of all, you must be aware that you are dreaming. To do this, you just need to look at your hand. If the lines on it blur, you are dreaming. Then you need to try to change the course of events. For example, fly or be transported to another place. This is also not easy, but after a while, you will be able to control what happens at night.

Then learn to see what you want. To do this, you need to program yourself while in bed. Convince yourself that this night you will dream about exactly the desired situation. Imagine it, think through the details. When this is no longer a problem for you, move on to receiving information from higher powers.

You need to induce prophetic dreams on the waxing moon. In the evening, take a relaxing bath with essential oils sandalwood, rosemary, lavender. Then drink green tea with the addition of mint. You should be calm and relaxed, don't think about problems. Focus on the question you want answered. You can write it down on paper and put it under your pillow. Read any conspiracy to induce a prophetic dream and go to bed. If you didn’t manage to see what you wanted the first time, try again, because getting the support of higher powers is not so easy.

During Christmas time, many succumb to the temptation to find out their future fate by guessing their dreams. Knowledgeable people say: if you apply the appropriate rituals, spells and rules of fortune-telling, you can look into the future, see a dream that will definitely come true. Dreams can promise favorable events(luck, influx of money, marriage and birth of a child) or troubles, illness and death.

A prophetic dream is a final verdict or one of many options for fate. Do you need to unconditionally believe the prediction you receive, or can you still manage your life despite any forecasts?

When prophetic dreams come true.

In a dream, the soul leaves its body and wanders, connected to it by an invisible thread. If the soul flies to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur.

If she flew away not far from the body, then the dreams are physical (empty): dreams about what worries you. This is what the Old Believer healer Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya thinks.

Moreover, the pictures seen by the soul in the other world are not easy to understand, because it manifests itself in a completely different way. To help us in this are symbols that have been formed over centuries and reflect the images that are familiar to us in an encrypted form. Each symbol has a specific meaning, knowing which you can understand your dream.

The period of fulfillment of prophetic dreams is up to ten years or more.

A dream-vision inevitably comes true, so it is important to understand it correctly. In such dreams, a person can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, dead or alive, but far away, close, unclean. It happens that the dreamer himself visits the dead.

Dreams and visions are always filled with special meaning. For these dreams, the time and day when they were dreamed are not relevant, they are true. Unpleasant dream you can throw it away or take other measures to prevent it from coming true. Everything is meaningless: the prophecy will be fulfilled. Dreams and visions can be false or true.

Fortune telling dreams always come true if you make a wish before going to bed using special words and rituals.

Sign dreams do not literally come true. To understand these dreams, you need to know the dream language, which consists of traditional puns and symbols.

Empty (physical) dreams never come true. They reflect the dreamer’s daily reality, his memories, experiences, and so on. Nightmares are bodily dreams. Do not expect blows from fate; if you saw a nightmare in a dream, discard anxious thoughts, drink some water and go back to sleep.

Babies up to one year old have prophetic dreams that show them the rest of their lives. It is believed that angels amuse a baby laughing in its sleep.

When we have prophetic dreams.

Prophetic dreams are rare in certain days(except for visions), what should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over solving symbols that are not destined to come true.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during the Holy Week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) to January 19 (Epiphany): the deceased who come in a dream tell us our future fate.

During the holy week, people are waylaid by devilry. According to Maria Semyonovna, at this time she has freedom: Jesus has already been born, but has not yet been baptized. Therefore, evil spirits take the most active part in fortune-telling at Christmas time: they tell the truth, but they will take their payment for it, since they do nothing for free.

Interpretation of dreams by dates of the month:

1st day of the month: true prophetic dreams, foreshadowing good events
2nd day of the month: empty, meaningless dreams
3rd day of the month: prophetic dreams that will come true very quickly
4th day of the month: prophetic dreams that will come true in the distant future
5th day of the month: dreams that portend good things
6th day of the month: a prophetic dream may come true, but not soon
7th day of the month: a good prophetic dream - for it to come true, you cannot tell anyone about what you dreamed
8th day of the month: a dream promising fulfillment of desires
9th day of the month: a prophetic dream foreshadowing success in the near future
10th of the month: a prophetic dream promising troubles
11th day of the month: a prophetic dream will come true within the next eleven days, foreshadows joyful events
12th day of the month: true and favorable prophetic dreams
13th day of the month: prophetic dreams foreshadowing troubles
14th of the month: empty, meaningless dreams
15th of the month: a prophetic dream will come true very quickly, portends good events
16th of the month: empty dreams
17th day of the month: the prophetic dream will come true within twenty days
18th day of the month: prophetic dreams promising new things or material profit
19th of the month: a prophetic dream promises troubles in the family
20th of the month: a prophetic dream that will come true in the near future
21st day of the month: the dream will come true within eleven days, portends good things
22nd day of the month: a prophetic dream warns of imminent troubles in reality
23rd day of the month: a prophetic dream that will come true very soon
24th day of the month: favorable prophetic dreams
25th of the month: false dreams
26th day of the month: good dreams that may come true in the distant future
27th day of the month: empty, meaningless dreams
28th day of the month: a prophetic dream will come true within the next thirty days
29th day of the month: empty, unfulfilled dreams
30th day of the month: dreams that come true very rarely and not soon
31st day of the month: if the dream is about love, then it will come true within fifteen days

Prophetic dreams are those in which a person manages to see a situation that, after some time, happens to him in real life. How to treat such dreams? Which dreams are truly prophetic? How to react to what you see in a dream? We can answer these and a number of other questions by analyzing several types of dreams that broadcast future events and understanding the nature of their origin.

Pseudo-prophetic dreams

The desire to “know what will happen” has been characteristic of man since ancient times. In the times of paganism, during the period of early civilizations, in the Middle Ages, people turned to dream books, to priests or seers, in order to extract from what they saw in a dream “guidance for action” in the future. There is information in the literature that reading symbols and images helped our ancestors not only learn about what the harvest would be like and how the upcoming hunt would go, but also often described the real outcome of battles and battles. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to judge whether the interpreters were people with superpowers or clever psychologists who simply knew how to make people believe that what they predicted was coming true. However, the search for the mystical in images from dreams does not lose its relevance.

Current situation. In a dream, a girl sees a flock of pigeons flying past her window. A dream book opens, offering to interpret prophetic dreams: “A flock of flying pigeons dreams of a quarrel and loss of personal happiness.” An upset girl meets a young man in the evening and remains silent. The guy tries to find out what is wrong with his beloved, constantly asks questions that remain unanswered, asks again, gets accused of being meticulous, and in the end a quarrel actually occurs. And the girl thinks: “Well, that’s exactly what it said in the dream book.”
Is this a prophetic dream? No, this is a coincidence that a person programs himself, consciously creates a situation in which the meanings of the symbols seen in a dream are updated.

Let's consider another phenomenon, which in popular scientific literature is called a double dream or a revision dream.

Twin dreams

A similar phenomenon occurs among creative people who are completely devoted to their work, focused for a long time on solving the same problem.

History knows many examples when great people saw their discoveries and drew ideas for creativity from their dreams. It is known that the sleeping Pushkin discovered rhymes that he painfully selected and did not find during the day, Raphael saw paintings in his dreams, the splendor of which he recreated in reality, Rene Descartes discovered the foundations of analytical geometry, the chemist August Kekule, thanks to a dream with monkeys, described the cyclic formula benzene But perhaps the most unique example is the discovery periodic table Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev.

Why does the phenomenon of such dreams occur? Psychologists believe that while a person is awake, the brain is at the limit of concentration. From concentrating on the same thing, pronounced obsession appears. When the “thinker” falls asleep, the brain continues to work inertly. If during the day a person is forced to be distracted by various everyday moments, during sleep “ external stimuli» are eliminated. Consequently, nothing and no one interferes with concentration and fruitful intellectual activity. That is why answers to questions that cannot be found during the waking period become obvious in a dream.

Truly prophetic dreams

The most discussed dream in literature is Abraham Lincoln's dream. The President dreamed The White house, a coffin standing under a white cover and an address to the guard, from which Lincoln learned that they were burying the President, who was killed in the theater. 10 days later there was a terrorist attack in the theater, as a result of which the United States actually lost its President.

The dream of K. Ryleev’s mother seems no less mysterious. As a child, Kondraty Fedorovich was seriously ill and the doctors did not console his mother with the hope of curing her son. In a dream, the mother heard a voice that told her that it was pointless to ask the Lord to heal the baby, since his life would be difficult and his death would be monstrous. The boy miraculously recovered, however, how the Decembrist’s life turned out and what its ending was is well known.

One “prophetic” dream of Mark Twain is very illustrative. In his youth, the future writer and his younger brother Henry became an apprentice pilot on the steamship Pennsylvania. It so happened that Mark fell ill and had to miss the flight. At night, in a dream, he saw a metal coffin in the center of the room on two chairs, in which his brother lay with a bouquet of white roses and one red rose on his chest. When Twain woke up, he did not immediately realize that it was a dream, he was so impressed by the picture he saw. After some time, the brothers were sent to work on different ships, and after several days a message came about the wreck of the ship on which the writer’s brother served. Mark Twain urgently left for Memphis, but was no longer able to help his dying brother. The bodies of all the victims were in the city morgue. The huge number of identical wooden coffins made it very difficult to find his brother's body. The writer literally fell into a daze when in the middle of the hall he saw a single metal coffin standing on two chairs; his late brother was lying in it. An elderly woman brought and placed a bouquet of white roses with a single red one. The writer later found out that the women of Memphis were touched by the beauty young man and, using our own funds, purchased a metal coffin for him so that it would be possible to deliver the body to his relatives. A elderly woman, who brought the bouquet, said that Henry was very similar to her deceased son. Was this a coincidence or a prophecy? Neither the writer nor the scientists involved in dream research could answer this question.

Why do we have prophetic dreams?

In the material “What do our dreams mean” we presented a fairly large number of theories about the nature of dreams. However, in the context of prophetic dreams they deserve special attention John William Dunn's arguments. The aviation engineer pilot constantly had dreams that foreshadowed events in his family. Later, dreams appeared that affected destinies large quantity of people. In particular, he managed to foresee a volcanic eruption on Far East which took lives huge amount of people. Many years of experience prophetic dreams allowed the Irishman to explain what was happening and describe the nature of dreams in his work “Experiments with Time.” Dunn's theory echoes Einstein's argument that the past, present and future occur simultaneously. Thus, the consciousness of a sleeping person perceives times as a ruler and seamlessly crosses the boundaries of times. If a person learns to take advantage of the opportunity to move freely through time, he will be able to benefit from this process, both for himself and for society.

How to treat prophetic dreams?

The types of dreams discussed earlier indicate that dreams can be ignored, real events can be modeled after them, and creative ideas can be realized in them.

Do not forget that human life is not programmed. This is not some chain of inertial events. Therefore, dreams describing future events should not be taken as a “sentence”. What you see can be a signal of the need to prepare for circumstances and the opportunity to correct the situation and prevent its undesirable outcome.

Humanity is puzzled by the existence of prophetic dreams. But how do you understand that this particular dream will become prophetic? How to protect yourself and your loved ones from it negative influence? And what dreams should you not pay attention to at all? Prophetic dreams - signs given by fate or just a play of the imagination?

Astrology and psychology - opposing views

Many astrologers are sure that during sleep a person’s soul connects to some kind of comprehensive information field. It contains information about everything that has already happened, is happening now and will happen at any time in the future. According to this theory, all occurring events occur at a single point in time. That is, time, in the linear sense in which we are accustomed to perceiving it, simply does not exist. Everything that needs to happen has already happened. The human soul connects in a dream to this information space and thus we receive images of the past, present and future in our dreams. When we wake up, we don't remember most of our dreams. And what we remember are just small excerpts from what we saw at night.

But psychologists think differently. In their opinion, sleep is a continuation of a person’s mental activity at rest. A necessary state for brain relaxation. In a dream, a person experiences his hidden desires and fears and lets them go. Psychologists believe that there are no clear predictions or instructions for action that dreams give us. However, most psychologists note a relationship between a person’s state of health and his dreams. Thus, it is believed that in dreams we receive signals about diseases that are on our minds. early stage and appear insignificantly, so we simply don’t notice them.

What are prophetic dreams?

Dreams that predict a situation that has not yet occurred but will happen in the future are considered prophetic. In many cases, they become a warning about the need to prepare for new circumstances. Except that our life is given program, where everything is predicted in advance, then we can assume that this dream predicts events and allows for the possibility of correcting the situation.

One way or another, dreams that completely coincide with reality are considered prophetic. Without imagery or symbolism, and 100%, the events of reality repeat what happened in a dream.

How do prophetic dreams arise?

Prophetic dreams are a very rare and exceptional phenomenon. More often than not, we all simply adapt what we saw in a dream to the events of reality that happened later. And if similar events did not happen, we simply forget this dream and will no longer consider it prophetic.

Some scientists distinguish between a prophetic dream of ideal origin and a prophetic dream-double.

The first ones are dreamed of by people who are completely dedicated to some cause. Their thoughts constantly work in one area and are even somewhat obsessive (in a good way). Your whole life is dedicated to one thing. Since the brain is characterized by the phenomenon of inertia, thoughts that randomly appeared in the head during the day are combined into a system in a dream.

History knows many examples of the birth of immortal poems, brilliant music and magnificent paintings in a dream. One of the most famous examples is the table chemical elements Dmitry Mendeleev.

In all cases of ideal prophetic dreams, a person has giftedness, talent, constant passion and admiration for his life’s work and the absence of distractions.

There are prophetic twin dreams that do not produce anything new, but are simply the result of fanaticism and unhealthy fixation. Such a dream reflects a desire that has prevailed for a long time. In a dream, one dreams of the realization of this desire, which becomes an impulse to realize it in reality.

Dreams that cannot be prophetic:

Dreams that occurred on an empty or full stomach. Someone who is hungry may dream of food, but a hungry person bad dreams. Therefore, the likelihood of prophetic dreams increases approximately 2 hours after eating.

Dreams under the influence of sleeping pills, alcohol, or narcotic substances. Smoking tobacco is permissible only if it is difficult to sleep without it.

For acute somatic disorders: high temperature, headache or pain in different parts bodies.

With prolonged sexual abstinence. The content of such dreams often comes from natural needs.

Poorly affect the quality of sleep: cold, heat, stuffiness, strong odors and sounds, electric light.

A simple conclusion: only healthy dreams can be prophetic.

Sometimes prophetic dreams are very clear and do not need interpretation. Some character may appear who will clearly say what needs to be done in a given situation or give an answer to an exciting question.

Our perception of prophetic dreams

56% of Americans believe that sleep is the key to the subconscious. The same point of view is shared by 74% of Indians and 65% of Koreans.

Based on numerous studies, scientists have come to an interesting conclusion: people believe in good dreams more often than in bad ones. Psychologists believe that a person tends to interpret dreams not in order to find out the truth, but because of the optimism inherent in everyone.

Quite often, people view their dreams as a harbinger of the future. Why does this happen? The answer to a question like this is not as simple as it seems. In history and in everyday life, there are many cases where what was seen in a dream then actually happened in life.

All prophetic dreams are divided into several categories. The most common is the solution to a problem that torments us in reality. In this case, plays a significant role psychological attitude, from which we do not disconnect even in our sleep. True, greater openness of the energy field and distraction from external factors help us find a solution that we have struggled with in reality.

Another category of prophetic dreams are those that warn about events related to loved ones: the illness of a relative, the appearance of a long-lost friend. Desire another person to send news about himself is transformed into a directed flow of energy, which reaches us. Even people who don't have psychic abilities, can provide first aid in a dream or relieve an attack of pain in a loved one.

Often the souls of the dead come to us in our dreams. This usually means that they are offended by the living, we have forgotten them. In this case, you must definitely go to the cemetery, light a candle in the church and order a prayer service for the repose. People who loved us during our lifetime also come to warn us about possible troubles. Their advice should be heeded - the dead don’t just come to us.

Prophetic dreams

At all times, people believed in the prophetic power of dreams, which always intrigued them. They looked for predictions of future events in them. The ancient Jews believed that their all-seeing god Yahweh sent dreams to make people's lives more righteous and fulfilling. There are many examples of such dreams in history.

The Old and New Testaments often speak of prophets, saints, and apostles having prophetic dreams. An angel who appeared to Joseph in a dream announced that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and that the newborn child should be named Jesus. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was also told in a dream by an angel about his calling to be the messenger of Allah on earth. And he truly became a great prophet. This is how the appearance of the Kazan icon is described in the chronicle Mother of God: “The Queen of Heaven appeared to one pious girl who lived in the city of Kazan and said: “In such and such a place, in the ground, My icon is buried, announce it: let them open it and take it out.” After several such dreams, the girl went to the indicated place and found an icon there.”

In the late 1940s, attempts were made to collect prophetic dreams that predicted the course of history. For this purpose, the Bureau of Prophetic Dreams was opened in New York. Hundreds of dreams were recorded daily, reporting future catastrophes and changes in government. After 60 years of work, a statistical analysis was carried out, and it turned out that there were only about 10 prophetic dreams about global changes. However, almost all of the personal dreams registered in the bureau turned out to be prophetic.

The human ability to foresee the future is an everyday part of life. We just don't pay attention to it. Since ancient times, our ancestors predicted the future by observing natural phenomena. For example, they used to find out what kind of winter it would be by looking at a pile of ants. Many of these observations were reflected in folk signs. Everyone knows one of them: “Swallows fly low - it means rain.” But if animals and insects are capable of foresight, then why do we reject this ability in humans? After all, on any day of our life there is a past and a future, that is, our experience and what we want to achieve, what we dream about. Our ability to feel small, not always conscious changes in current situation allows you to predict your future. Quite often this happens not only in dreams. It often happens that when this or that event occurs, we say: “I knew it,” “I warned you.” A person uses experience not only from his own life, but also from historical and general cultural experience, gleaned from books, films, and paintings. He thinks and thinks various options future development of specific life situations. And since our brain works more freely during sleep and is not controlled by a person, we see these options in dreams. After all, our subconscious mind can be so insightful that it can foresee things that we are not aware of. And if one of the options we are considering, seen in a dream, suddenly comes true in life, we are talking about prophetic dreams. And very often it happens that even small details come true. Thus, dream prophecies that come true are most often a consequence of our specific life choice. After all, our whole life consists of a chain of such choices.

The most important thing is to realize this connection. Back in the 17th century, the outstanding Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza said: “People consider themselves free only for the reason that they are aware of their actions, but do not know the reasons by which they are determined.” Thus, he emphasized that a person is free in his choice, but he needs to understand the reasons for his actions. We store a lot of information in our subconscious.

We store a lot of information in our subconscious and, based on it, we foresee the results of relationships and the actions of other people. This is especially true for close and well-known people, since we know their habits and lifestyle. Subconsciously, we analyze available information and predict the future in our dreams. For example, a woman dreams that her husband is cheating on her. Most likely, she noticed changes in their relationship and his behavior. For example, he began to call home less often and stay late at work more often. And if a woman does not change her thoughts and behavior, the dream may come true.

But there are times in life when events occur for which a person is not prepared. However, premonitions help us free ourselves from fear and not panic, accepting inevitable circumstances with honor.

However, there are dreams in which we foresee future events without seemingly having any information. Scientists cannot yet explain this. Perhaps our abilities are even more extensive than we realize. After all, it has long been a known fact that most people use only 10% of their brain capacity. It can be assumed that during sleep we use the remaining reserve forces of the brain. Modern scientists believe that our brain needs sleep not for rest, but for work. At this time, the commands given by the brain cause only small muscle movements, so we do not wake up. Scientists have discovered that the brain has a training apparatus. He reacts with general excitement to every new event, to every change in the situation.

A spell for a prophetic dream is a ritual that can be classified as fortune telling. It can be realized if the performer has a great desire to look into his future, by performing special actions and pronouncing special magic words.

Prediction dreams are called prophetic. If necessary, a person can induce a prophetic dream for himself artificially, simply by turning to a magical ritual.

Like any magical effect, a prophetic dream spell requires compliance with certain conditions when used. There are three key requirements:

  1. The duration is the last few days of the waxing moon (before the full phase). This time is considered the most favorable, as it allows you not only to peek at your future, but also to find a solution to existing problems. this moment problems.
  2. Complete privacy, silence and tranquility. The environment should be as calm as possible; any contact with other people during the night should be reduced to zero. It is best to turn off all means of communication, and carry out the ritual itself before the day off, so that you can wake up on your own, and not when the alarm clock rings. You also need to sleep in bed completely alone. Before the ceremony it is recommended to take warm bath with essential oils (mint, lavender, rosemary), and in the room where you will sleep, hang herbs whose smell you like.
  3. A head cleared of extraneous thoughts. Before using the spell, try to let go of all disturbing thoughts, take your mind off the hustle and bustle, relax as much as possible and don’t think about the upcoming ceremony.

The correct internal mood before using a spell for a prophetic dream is a guarantee of the effectiveness of the ritual. For the ritual to be as beneficial as possible, be sure to follow the rules above. Another important point— you need to go to bed before midnight (it’s best 1-2 hours before). If you are used to going to bed much later, adjust your routine first.

Prophetic dream spells for home use

A simple way before going to bed

After a warm, relaxing bath, go to bed. When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, whisper 5 times:

“Let me dream something that is destined to come true. So I wish it to be so.”

The ritual can be repeated if nothing is dreamed that night. A total of 3-4 repetitions are possible within one month. If you see a prophetic dream, in the morning after waking up, blow into your fist and say:

“I saw what I wanted.”

On the mirror

One of the most famous rituals performed with the help of a small pocket mirror round shape. For these purposes, it is better to buy a new mirror. If this is not possible, you can use the old one, but be sure to rinse it well under running water to remove extraneous information. Place a mirror under your pillow before you go to bed and say 7 times:

“As the darkness is now reflected in this mirror, so the light will be reflected in my mind. Let the mirror show me the future, so that I can dream about it on a moonlit night, on a dark night. May my dream be true! Amen!"

After pronouncing the spell, immediately go to bed. You can’t be distracted by anything else that night, you can’t start a conversation with anyone. After waking up in the morning, analyze what you dreamed. It is possible that this will take all day, or even two.

Hide the mirror remaining after the ritual and keep it out of reach. It can only be used for magical purposes.

To holy water

To look into your near future in a dream, you can use a ritual with holy water and church candle. Light a candle and chant the blessed water three times:

“Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (servant of God) (your name) to see a prophetic dream. Let him (she) dream about everything that happens and comes true. Let him remember everything, let him know. My word is law, as I said, so be it. Amen!"

Having spoken, wash your face with this water and go to bed immediately. When you are in bed, say three times:

“I made a wish - it will come true!”

Saturday conspiracy

This conspiracy can only be read on Saturday, and cannot be read on other days of the week. Speak the words onto a piece of fresh bread sprinkled with salt:

“Sunday - with Monday, Tuesday - with Wednesday, Thursday - with Friday. You, Saturday, have no friend. Here’s bread and salt for you, and give me a clear dream!”

Place the bread and salt at the head of your bed and go to bed immediately.

Friday prayer

The prayer is said strictly from Thursday to Friday, between 22-23 hours. You can read it only once a month.

Buy 2 thin candles from the church in advance. On the day of the ritual, weave them together so that the wicks are at two opposite ends. Take the resulting double candle with your left hand, light both wicks and say:

“Mother of God, I pray to you and Jesus Christ. Let my desire become clear. Let the grace of God come to me - through a dream and into my memory. Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future - for the morning, for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, for (name the day whose events you want to predict in a dream) . Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

After reading the prayer, immediately extinguish the candle and place it at your head or on the bedside table. Go to bed right away. Try to fall asleep before midnight.

Take the remains of the candles to the church and leave them in a special tray for cinders. This must be done within 3 days after the ritual.

Another video about how to see the future in a dream:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Almost everyone deciphers and analyzes dreams from time to time. Fascinating and educational, you will agree. After all, this is not just information out of nowhere. A dream is a kind of conversation between the subconscious and the manifested personality. It contains so much that it takes your breath away when you finally begin to understand the intricacies of wandering around the country of Morpheus.

One thing is bad. As a rule, a person cannot initiate this intimate conversation. We have to wait for the subconscious to deign to send the next message. And this, you see, is tiring. Especially when you have a lot of questions, there is something to talk about. And also themes. Until you learn to induce dreams yourself, you cannot set the direction of the conversation. You have to follow the lead of the one on the other side.

We didn’t think about this yesterday or today. Thousands of years ago, people tried to understand what dreams are. We noted and formulated rules for deciphering them. It is unknown who realized that it was also possible to lead them. However, prophetic dream spells are now practiced. And wonderful information comes that can change your life, help you make decisions and much more.

In fact, a spell for a prophetic dream is a common thing. Girls with adolescence“secret words” are passed on to each other, after which the future husband will definitely appear in a night vision. But this is the simplest thing you can ask the subconscious. There are many other options for using the wonderful time of daily travel through a magical land. Let's look at them.

Spell for a prophetic dream: some rules

First a few general rules. They are all simple and understandable. A prophetic dream should not be caused in an upset or excited state. Or rather, of course, try it. You can simply attract aggressive forces into your visions. And horrors are not the worst thing that will happen after this. Dreams are not a game of imagination, as scientists try to convince us. No. During a night's rest, a person actually finds himself in other worlds. They are different. There, just like in real life, all sorts of events happen. There is also a possibility of falling into enemy networks. Which, you see, few people want.

Therefore, try to order dreams only when you are calm. And the worst thing is that I am able to cast a spell for a prophetic dream. alcohol intoxication. This is already a completely risky experiment. Some demon will definitely come to your hidden worlds and settle there. It will be difficult to get rid of him. This entity will ruin life like... But not every magician will be able to see it. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the practice seriously and meaningfully. Again, caution doesn't hurt.

The spell for a prophetic dream should be cast before you go to bed. This is done standing or sitting. And after that you can no longer talk to anyone, watch TV or answer calls. In general, all that remains is to sleep. If you get distracted, nothing will happen.

Spell for a prophetic dream from Thursday to Friday

On this night, according to grandmothers and witches, only prophetic dreams come. But not every time and not for everyone. To be among the lucky ones, you should say the formula and fall asleep. How this is done is described above. And the words are:

“From Thursday afternoon to Friday night, enter the world of magic. I will wake up in it, as soon as I wake up, I will look around, I will turn to the night. Tell me, witch, (describe your problem)! As the stars rise, the fairies will come! Amen!"

If you don’t have a specific question, then ask: “what awaits me?” And one more small nuance. You should go to bed on Thursday, that is, before midnight. This is important for any prophetic vision. At midnight a person should already be in the land of Morpheus. Otherwise, he ends up in another world where the subconscious cannot communicate with him. There will be no prophetic dream.

Spell for a prophetic dream of Brahmins

This formula is also said before going to bed. Don't talk to anyone. And read the words clearly (you can from a piece of paper). They are:

“I call the angels of sleep, I conjure them to talk. Adonai, Hey, Iim, Hey, Sadai, Venus! By higher powers I conjure you! David and Slomon with a wise seal. Bring me accurate paintings, not spoiled by hell and the underworld. May the visions come true. The angels of the Third Legion will leave all false thoughts to someone else's prophet, which clouds the eye. I conjure with the Holy Bible, I conjure true dreams! Amen!"

You know, the Brahmin spell is usually used only when a serious specific problem needs to be solved. They don't talk about it. It is believed that angels already see what they should warn you about, from what. But, if you use a spell for no reason, you will lose contact with the angels. They will consider you mischievous and will stop responding to the call. You should take this into account if you want to regularly receive reliable information in a dream.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy any more toys or new things for your children, nor will you please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But it was always in my heart constant feeling resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought it new car, they built a dacha, it’s clear that there is wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Spell for a prophetic dream on a full moon

When the queen of the sky is in full bloom, the entire planet rushes to meet her. This is a special time. It is filled with the magic of creation. On this night you should make only positive dreams. That is, the question must be formulated so that there is no aggression in it. If the problem is related to enemies or competition, then ask what you should do, what to do, and the like. Aggressive thoughts are dissonant with the energy of the night. That is, the likelihood of obtaining reliable data decreases.

Say this:

“The lunar face, the star cry, the mirror world invited me. Show me reality truthfully, everything is not false. Let the hints fly and open my eyes. Show me, moon, (ask a question). I recognize your kingdom. I give you my faith! Amen!"

So say:

“Girlfriend, Wednesday! It took you a long time to get here. Through villages, towns and cities. You weren't proud! Take me to the lands where my destiny lives! Amen!"

By whispering a spell for a prophetic dream, you can see an important date or event. Sometimes prophetic dreams come on their own, but this is very rare these days. But what to do if there is a need to know about an upcoming event or you really want to know the name and appearance of your future husband? Then, of course, you have to call on strength and ask for help. Not all dreams can be considered prophetic; the fact is that some spirits play tricks on mortals in this way.

Signs of a prophetic dream

A person does not always need to know his future, so pronouncing the words of the conspiracy must be extremely careful. After all, you can anger the spirits. It is not advisable to ask the same question regularly. This will only make them angry.

What you need to remember when reading texts for prophetic dreams:

  • Think through your question. It should not be difficult to understand;
  • Each word must be pronounced clearly and confidently;
  • You must consciously perceive what you see and sort everything out. After awakening, do not be indignant and slander fate. After all, you yourself wanted to find out;
  • After awakening, be sure to verbally thank the spirits for not refusing you and showing you the future;
  • You can tell it only after three days. And it’s better not to tell at all;
  • Conspiracies are pronounced on the nights of Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

There is one more nuance for reading the plot: do not read on the full moon and church holidays. Because it is impossible to recognize the future.

  1. Each element will require decoding. Depending on what exactly you wanted to find out (who wishes evil or how the exams will go), there will be signs. For example, the forest is a foreign side; boat - life; airplanes - dreams will not come true;
  2. If you need to know the importance of an event, then when you fall asleep you will see the numbers. It’s much more difficult with them, since it’s difficult to understand what exactly they mean (month, day or year);
  3. There is no need to hope that you will actually remember the face of your future spouse. These can only be vague outlines;
  4. If the spirits believe that it is better for you not to know about what is being asked, then there will be no obvious result. You will even be able to remember minor elements, but the essence will be hidden from you. It will not be possible to decipher it completely.

Plot for a prophetic dream

This prophetic dream spell must be cast while lying in bed. Since it is pronounced only once:

“I expect my own event in life, what to expect from it, I don’t know. Spirits of sleep, come, bring me the truth. What should I expect or fear? Is it necessary to take up this matter? You can change what you do. I will be grateful to you (grateful), I won’t bother you over trifles.”

This plot is read on the night from Thursday to Friday. Lie down comfortably in bed and read the text:

“Saturday and Sunday. Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday. You are Friday, one. I'll be with you. Show, tell: (question follows).”

After the words are spoken, you cannot talk to anyone. You can immediately identify the signs in a dream. For example, if the problem is resolved successfully, let him dream of a flower.

Ritual for fulfilling wishes

In order to find out whether your wish will come true or not, you need to ask the same question to your guardian angel from 12 noon. The more often you turn to the angel. Them more likely that he will reveal the secret to you. You don’t have to say it out loud, you can do it mentally. But this should be done only after full concentration of your consciousness and a clear formulation of the question. It is best to write down the request on a piece of paper and say the words:

“I turn to my angel, I want to ask a question: (say what you want to know).”

The answer will be at exactly 12 o'clock at night.

If you fell asleep and did not have time to ask, then there is a chance that the angel will still show the answer. Since he was addressed throughout the day. In order to find out the name of your betrothed, it is better to use Christmas week. It is during these days (from Christmas to Epiphany) that spirits are more favorable towards girls and boys who want to know their mate. All of the above texts work regardless of when they are spoken.