Jack Russell illness. Jack Russell Terrier - price, characteristics

Are different excellent health and they live long enough if you care for them properly (from 13 to 16 years). Breeders of such dogs try to preserve their gene pool and do not allow Jack Russell Terriers to be crossed with other breeds. But in some cases, these animals experience health problems that are associated with the accumulation of recessive genes. As a rule, these are hereditary cataracts, ectopia lentis, congenital deafness, ataxia, myasthenia gravis, Legg-Calvé-Perthes syndrome and Von Willebrand disease.

Jack Russell Terrier is hunting breed, so these dogs constantly chase other animals, including skunks, contact with which can cause the dog's syndrome toxic shock. Skunks “shoot” a special liquid as protection. Once in the dog’s body, this oily liquid provokes hemolysis of the blood, sometimes this disease leads to anemia and renal failure. This liquid can also cause corneal burns if it comes into contact with the eyes. If this happens, it is necessary to urgently take action and wash the dog’s eyes.

Eye diseases

The most common inherited eye disease in Jack Russell Terriers is luxation (or displacement) of the lens. However, in general, this disease does not occur very often in this breed. The disease usually appears in dogs between the ages of 3 and 8 years, and lens displacement can be observed in one or both eyes.

Luxation can be anterior or posterior. Anterior luxation occurs more often and is more dangerous than posterior luxation. Also, with anterior luxation there is a risk of glaucoma, which can lead to partial or complete blindness. Treatment for this disease is quite simple and may include: drug treatment, so surgical intervention. There is also such a variant of the disease as average luxation. This can only happen as a result of injury and this type of lens displacement is not a hereditary disease.

Another common eye disease is cataract. It can be found in absolutely all breeds. With this disease, the lens of the eye hardens and a characteristic cloudy film appears in the eyes. Cataracts cause the dog’s vision to deteriorate and it sees all objects blurry; if the disease is not treated, the animal may go blind after some time. Although it is thought to be hereditary, it can also occur in dogs with diabetes mellitus, as well as in old age, when exposed to radiation and even as a result of injury or exposure high temperatures.

Musculoskeletal system

Jack Russell Terriers have a hereditary disease such as kneecap displacement. The consequences of such a disease may not manifest themselves in any way, moreover, in some cases the problem may go away on its own. For example, if the kneecap dislocates while running, it may move back into place after some time. But most often the consequences are quite serious, and if you do not contact a veterinarian in time, the dog may develop arthritis. Occasionally, a rupture may occur as a result of the kneecap being displaced. knee ligaments. IN severe cases Surgery may be required.

Another disease of the musculoskeletal system is Perthes disease(also known as aseptic necrosis heads femur). The disease causes lameness, and the animal constantly experiences pain in the joints. The disease usually appears between the ages of six months and one year. If you notice signs of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

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Jack Russell Terrier allergy symptoms photo

Diseases of Jack Russell Terriers. What to be prepared for and what to fear

Cheerful and cheerful dogs, Jack Russell Terriers are different good health. Since this is a hunting breed, when breeding it, much attention was paid to health and endurance, and not just external qualities, like many decorative dogs.

However, this breed also has weak spots, which owners should pay attention to.

It is important to know about diseases of the Jack Russell Terrier breed when choosing a puppy. You should take a closer look at the baby’s parents and ask the breeders about what diseases their pets suffered from. It is advisable to choose a puppy from healthy parents who will not pass on a tendency to hereditary diseases to their offspring.

Diseases that Jack Russells are prone to

Representatives of this generally quite healthy breed have an innate tendency to a number of diseases. Therefore, responsible breeders do not allow dogs with these diseases to be bred, so that they are not inherited by the puppies.

Diseases most common in Jack Russell Terriers:

1. Hip dysplasia

This is a hereditary disease in which there is a flattening of the joint socket. As a result, the head of the femur does not fit deep enough into the socket and can easily fall out of the joint during physical activity.

Symptoms: signs of dysplasia are visible in puppies as early as early age. Dogs with this disease are usually lethargic, their movements are uncertain, their gait is “weaving”, and the muscles of the rear part of the body are poorly developed. Such animals are reluctant to jump and run, which is immediately noticeable in puppies of this active breed. If you notice such signs in a puppy, it is better to refrain from buying a dog from this litter.

Treatment: If you find signs of this disease in your dog, you need to contact a veterinarian and be sure to get an x-ray. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be completely cured. To prevent further development joint dysplasia, it is necessary to significantly reduce the load on your pet’s limbs.

2. Congenital deafness

Most often found in light-colored dogs. Since Jack Russells are hunting dogs, they have a well-developed sense of smell, so the animal’s deafness may not be immediately noticed. After all, the puppy recognizes the owner by smell and reacts to gestures. Suspicions about deafness may not arise immediately.

Symptoms: This congenital disease, so the signs are present from birth. The dog does not react to sounds when it does not see their source. If your pet does not wake up and does not come when you call him, he may have congenital deafness. Another symptom may be flinching from very loud sounds– when an animal feels vibration.

You can also suspect your dog is deaf by ringing the doorbell. If the dog does not react, he is most likely deaf. Contact your veterinarian for staging accurate diagnosis.

Treatment: congenital deafness cannot be treated. However, thanks to its excellent sense of smell, a deaf dog can adapt perfectly. It is advisable to walk him on a leash so that he does not end up in a dangerous situation. Otherwise, your love and support will help the dog live a full life.

3. Legg-Perthes disease

This disease is also called aseptic necrosis of the femoral head . It is characterized by the death of the head of the femur.

Symptoms: may appear in puppyhood, but are most pronounced at 8-12 months. There is progressive lameness and atrophy of the muscles of the sore paw. The dog is experiencing sharp pain when trying to straighten the limb at the hip joint.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray!

Treatment: surgical only. It is possible to replace the affected joint with an artificial one. This relieves the animal of pain and returns the ability to move normally.

4. Eye anomaly “collie eyes”

Congenital hereditary disease consisting of abnormal development areas of the eyes. Defects of the sclera, retina, choroid eyes, disk optic nerve and etc.

Symptoms: impairment of the dog's vision up to complete blindness. Over time, cataracts may develop. TO characteristic symptoms can include all kinds of anomalies of the retina and choroid, including retinal detachment and bleeding from the eyes. Symptoms may appear in puppies.

Treatment: the disease cannot be cured. It is possible to prevent vision loss if detected early by examining puppies at 8-10 weeks.

To protect yourself from purchasing a dog with a collie eye anomaly, ask the breeder to present a report on an ophthalmological examination of the puppies’ parents and genetic testing for carriage of this disease.

5. Diabetes mellitus

Another one of the Jack Russell diseases. Associated with a decrease in insulin production and is accompanied by high level blood sugar.

Symptoms: usually appear at the age of 7-9 years, females are more often affected. Signs of the disease include: frequent urination, increased thirst and appetite, weight loss, weakness, loss of consciousness, convulsions. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately take your dog to a veterinarian.

Treatment: constant administration of insulin, strict diet, feeding with specialized medicinal feeds. For prevention, you should prevent your dog from becoming obese.

A disease characteristic of the Jack Russell Terrier: inflammation of the joints, accompanied by severe pain.

Symptoms: usually appear in dogs over 4 years of age. Symptoms include: decreased activity, refusal to run or jump, lameness, desire to lie down frequently, increased body temperature, poor appetite.

Treatment: Since there are several types of arthritis, treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, depending on the type of disease. Most often, arthritis is treated with antibiotics, chondroprotectors, physiotherapy, and exercises.

7. Allergies

The disease often occurs in dogs with a predominance of white color. Consists of reinforced immune reaction body on various substances. Allergies in dogs can be caused by insect bites, pollen, eating certain foods, vaccines or medications.

Symptoms: Usually there is itching, scratching, rash, swelling, discharge from the eyes, nose and ears, coughing and sneezing, and sometimes diarrhea.

Treatment: since allergies can be caused for various reasons If symptoms appear, you should contact your veterinarian. In mild cases, antihistamines will help.

If you know your pet is prone to allergies, you should keep on hand antihistamines, introduce new foods and medications with caution, be especially attentive to the dog during the flowering period of allergenic plants.

As you can see, diseases in the Jack Russell Terrier are rare, but these diseases can be very serious. Therefore, when buying a puppy, be sure to ask the breeder for a report on the health of the litter’s parents. It is also recommended to conclude an agreement with breeders on reimbursement of costs for the treatment of hereditary diseases if they occur in a puppy.

To prevent the development of the disease in Jack Russells, follow the rules of caring for your dog, be attentive to it and contact a veterinarian when the first signs of illness appear.

Source: http://jackrussell.pro/bolezni-dzhek-rassel-tererov/

Dermatitis. First aid for Jack Russell Terrier.

Throughout its life, the Jack Russell Terrier will have to face all sorts of external influences environment. Some of them are not entirely favorable for a living organism. And How responsiveness inflammatory processes may occur skin– dermatitis. They can be divided into two categories: allergic and simple.

What can trigger the appearance of simple dermatitis?

Big percentage inflammatory processes in the skin cause all sorts of mechanical influences, for example injuries in the form of abrasions. Excessive exposure ionizing radiation(X-rays), ultraviolet rays, exposure to chemicals on the skin, as well as exposure to low and high temperatures can cause complications in the form of dermatitis.

What causes allergic dermatitis?

How to recognize such skin diseases? How can I help my Jack Russell before visiting the veterinary clinic?

We all know from childhood what an abrasion is. In dogs, something similar occurs when injured. The wool is washed off and upper layer skin at the site of injury. Immediately after injury, the skin in this area is red and capillary bleeding is possible. A little later, a slight swelling of the skin develops and a crust dries out at the site of bleeding. This is how traumatic dermatitis occurs. A minor injury in itself can be complicated by an infection. It is also possible for dermatitis to transition from acute condition into chronic. This is reflected in the manifestation of sclerosis subcutaneous tissue, swelling and hypertrophy of the skin. When palpated, you may notice a strong thickening of the damaged skin, and painful cracks may appear.

In order not to bring the Jack Russell to such a state, it is very important to disinfect the damaged skin immediately after receiving an injury. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to stop bleeding. Then it is advisable to rinse the surface with chlorhexidine. Afterwards, wound healing creams or ointments must be rubbed into the damaged surface. Good results shows application veterinary drug"Doctor" cream. If necessary, protective bandages are applied. With timely processing and proper care You can get rid of the damaged surface without visiting a veterinarian. But if a secondary skin infection occurs, going to veterinary clinic It's better not to put it off. The doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy.

If a Jack Russell Terrier shows restlessness, often scratches its skin with its paws, and periodically bites something in its fur, we can talk about flea dermatitis. Upon careful examination, you can not only detect redness of the skin in places where scratching is made, but also small nodules covered with crusts, and bald patches, which most often can be located in the sacral area, behind the ears, on the neck and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. In advanced conditions, the skin thickens, a rash appears and hyperpigmentation develops. The most extreme degree of neglect of flea dermatitis can be called its transition to purulent dermatitis.

If redness and rashes appear on less fur-covered areas of the Jack Russell’s body, or strange nodules form, it’s time to sound the alarm! These are the first signs of an allergic reaction. contact dermatitis. It can be triggered by any allergens that come into contact with the skin. Most often this is contact with chemicals, such as fuel, paints, cleaning agents, fertilizers. But there are manifestations allergic dermatitis from getting pollen from grass or flowering plants on your skin while walking in nature. And sometimes such a reaction occurs to the use of certain medical supplies. As first aid, it is necessary to eliminate contact with the allergen. If this is paint getting on your skin or other chemical substance, it is necessary to immediately remove it from the surface of the dog’s body. If irritated by pollen, remove the dog from the area where the allergen is located, clean the skin by simply bathing the dog. After which it is necessary to consult with veterinarian. He will prescribe medications to reduce itching and antiseptics. If there was purulent infection, then you will have to use antibiotics.

Unfortunately, some dogs have genetic predisposition to reactions to certain types environmental allergens. This condition is called atopy, or atopic dermatitis. This type of dermatitis manifests itself in the form of local inflammatory reaction skin that can be triggered by pollen individual species weeds and trees. In addition, atopy is caused by dust mites and dust itself, and mold spores. Signs include licking itchy areas of the skin. Most often this is the axillary region and limbs. Dogs can also sneeze. The condition is worsened by secondary skin infections. Only an experienced one can help here veterinary specialist. He prescribes antihistamines and corticosteroids. Often in general therapy application shown fatty acids. It is up to the owner to ensure that the Jack Russell avoids contact with allergens.

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The decision to choose a dog breed to keep in your home can change not only the life of the owner and his family. But also change a person’s attitude towards life. Many people focus on their own character traits when making their choice.

Jack Russell Terrier will become good choice for active people or for families with one or more children. In order to understand whether this breed is fully suitable, you need to know not only the personality traits and price of puppies, but also be familiar with the exterior and nutritional characteristics.

Height at the withers of a Jack Russell Terrier should not exceed 30 cm. Most often for males - from 27 to 30 cm, for females - from 25 to 27 cm. If the animal is larger, then this is already a violation of the standard.

Tail must have a docked end and must stand vertically relative to the level of the ears.

Basic color must be pure white. There should be spots on it - black or brown various shades. The spots are round in shape and should not occupy more than 30 percent of the body.

Wool It can be short or slightly elongated, up to the formation of a beard and eyebrows. The type of coat is determined only when the puppy reaches 2 months of age. Previously, few breeders would be able to understand which one hairline the pet will have it.

Body should have a slightly elongated, oblong shape of medium length.

Scull flat, tapering towards the eyes and mouth, shorter from the forehead to the nose (than from the back of the head to the forehead).

Breast must have the correct proportions and be deep. The volume of the body in the area of ​​the ribs is 40-43 cm. The lower back should be short and slightly tense.

Appearance of Jack Russell Terrier


Until 2001, the Jack Russell Terrier and Parson Russell Terrier had the same standard and were considered subspecies of the same breed in most countries. The origin of these terriers is truly the same. But due to the difference in appearance (the Parson Russell Terrier is higher at the withers and has a more square body), the Russell Terriers were divided. now this different breeds with different standards.

For the Jack Russell Terrier, No. 345 of 2001 is valid. If in the documents on purebred puppy another standard is specified - No. 349, then the future owner is offered either a Parson Russell, or is simply deceived by forging documents.

Jack Russell Terrier within the standard differs significantly in texture and appearance wool There are:

  • shorthaired with a rigid hair structure, care for which consists only of combing;
  • long-haired– with funny eyebrows and beard (trimming required), the coat is a little softer;
  • With half-long wool – quite tough, but requiring trimming.

One litter can have puppies with both short hair and goatees.. This normal phenomenon, not a violation of the standard.

Despite its “toy” appearance, “sneezes” - very smart and independent animals. About in our article.

Details on how to measure the temperature dogs next.

Character and behavior

Jack Russells were originally bred as burrowing terriers for hunting foxes and even rats. For a long time professional breeders fought for purity and quality of hunting qualities. And they were categorically against breeding exhibition specimens. But with the decline in the popularity of hunting, this breed was increasingly kept at home due to its cheerful and playful disposition.

The breed appeared in Russia only in the late nineties. Only in 2003 they organized National Club(Russell Terrier breeds), and therefore puppies are still quite expensive. Because of this, their popularity is not so high. But many people want to have a dog from the movie “The Mask” at home.

Jack Russell Terrier is small in stature (up to 30 cm at the withers), so he can be held freely even in the smallest apartment. As a rule, the pet's toys take up more space, not the pet itself. They are very jumpy, are happy to wake up the owner in the morning. They do not require the selection of an alpha individual in the family. They are easy and at the same level communicate with all family members, but can choose a favorite for themselves.

Long-haired with a beard

Such dogs have enough character restless. Phlegmatic people are better off not getting a Jack Russell, but take for example the one who is always sleeping, because Jack constantly needs active games and communication. This terrier will happily go for a run with its owner, making it even more fun.

Jack Russell Terriers very good at communicating with children. They will entertain not only their own people, but even strangers. But, if you get such a dog for a child under 3 years old, then you need to pay a lot of attention to training. So that the pet does not snap when during play it may be pulled by the tail or squeezed too tightly in a hug. It is very important to explain to the dog that the child has a routine. Otherwise, the terrier will entertain his little charge to the point of complete exhaustion and wake him up at inopportune times.

Photo while jogging

Dogs of this breed are different high level of intelligence, so they are easy to teach commands even without a trainer. Jackie enjoys training and participating in agility competitions (or, more simply, completing an obstacle course for small breeds).

How long do these dogs live? For a long time, because when breeding the breed, interference with healthy physiology was not allowed. But when poor nutrition there may not be enough energy for the heart, so the condition of cardio-vascular system Dogs need to be closely monitored.

From lack of attention, these terriers can develop neuroses. Then their condition can be compared with the behavior of a hyperactive child. The dog can play at night, drag away various objects and tear them to shreds. Even such a small pet, with attention deficit, can independently destroy a soft bedroom set or deprive the owner of several pairs of shoes.

Active and cheerful

Choosing a puppy

It is not advisable to choose a puppy younger than 2 months. If the breeder offers a younger animal, then this is an alarming sign. It is better to refuse the services of such a person.

A lot of attention needs to be paid to the documents for both the puppy and his parents. You should definitely check out medical records and vaccination schedules. You can visit the veterinarian together with the breeder for a preliminary examination of the puppy.


The price for a Jack Russell Terrier from a good breeder with documents starts from $700. And the cost can reach up to $1200. If the puppy does not have a large number of ancestors with a huge amount exhibition awards, you can buy it for $500.

Without documents, the price drops to 200-300 dollars. It is very rare to find a puppy for $100, but there is a very good chance of purchasing a sick animal or a so-called “cull”. And in the end you will have to spend a lot more money on treating the puppy.

Due to their cheerful disposition, sometimes these terriers may end up in a shelter or return to the breeder if the new owners could not get along with the dog. You can get a dog for free from a shelter, but from a breeder an adult dog can cost from $200 to $500. But there is a danger that the dog could develop a neurotic state. Therefore you need to be prepared for extra work with a dog trainer if you got the Jack Russell as an adult.

Russell Terrier puppy

Care and maintenance

In the content of the Jack Russell Terrier can be considered very unpretentious. This is due to the hunting past of this breed. If the coat is long, then it needs a little trimming. If it’s short, then it’s enough to use it quality means and periodically comb the animal. The most important - a large abundance of toys(especially for sharpening teeth) and communication. And then there will be no problems with this terrier.

What is the right way to feed a dog?

Since this breed was formed not with an emphasis on beauty (when you have to neglect health for the sake of exterior), but on physical performance, then there are no special dietary requirements.

The main thing is to ensure balanced diet taking into account the high energy consumption. It is best to choose high-quality food from the Innova or Orijen brands. Or special diets for active dogs. If you plan to feed natural food, then it is best to organize meals taking into account the advice of breeders.

On a walk

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage and at the same time the disadvantage of the breed is its gullibility and cheerfulness. The dog must be carefully trained so that it distinguishes strangers from its own. Otherwise, there is a risk of the animal being stolen.

High level of intelligence allows you to quickly find a common language with your dog in any matter. But intelligence implies cunning, so you should not miss the moments when the Jack Russell Terrier begins to manipulate the owner.

The main advantage is that any child will be crazy about such a pet. Very often, these terriers can turn a withdrawn, physically undeveloped child into an active and sociable one.

Jack Russell Terriers are often used for... treatment of depression or to communicate with people who have limited opportunities. IN canistherapy(treatment with dogs) these dogs help improve the condition of children with cerebral palsy, autism and other disorders.

If you are determined to get a Jack Russell Terrier, then the main word that should guide the future owner is this: "attention". The dog needs large quantities physical activity, an abundance of toys and communication. If you constantly force her to sit still or do not pay attention to the terrier, the animal will begin to waste away. May become more aggressive and take out his emotions on things.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier makes an excellent companion for children of any age or people who lead an active lifestyle. Such a dog will not let you get bored or sit in one place.

Cheerful and cheerful dogs, Jack Russell Terriers are characterized by good health. Since this is a hunting breed, when breeding it, much attention was paid to health and endurance, and not just external qualities, like many decorative dogs.

However, this breed also has weaknesses that owners should pay attention to.

It is important to know about diseases of the Jack Russell Terrier breed when choosing a puppy. You should take a closer look at the baby’s parents and ask the breeders about what diseases their pets suffered from. It is advisable to choose a puppy from healthy parents who will not pass on a tendency to hereditary diseases to their offspring.

Diseases that Jack Russells are prone to

Representatives of this generally quite healthy breed have an innate tendency to a number of diseases. Therefore, responsible breeders do not allow dogs with these diseases to be bred, so that they are not inherited by the puppies.

Diseases most common in Jack Russell Terriers:

1. Hip dysplasia

This is a hereditary disease in which there is a flattening of the joint socket. As a result, the head of the femur does not fit deep enough into the socket and can easily fall out of the joint during physical activity.

Symptoms Signs of dysplasia are visible in puppies at an early age. Dogs with this disease are usually lethargic, their movements are uncertain, their gait is “weaving,” and the muscles of the rear part of the body are poorly developed. Such animals are reluctant to jump and run, which is immediately noticeable in puppies of this active breed. If you notice such signs in a puppy, it is better to refrain from buying a dog from this litter.
Treatment If you find signs of this disease in your dog, you need to contact a veterinarian and be sure to get an x-ray. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be completely cured. To prevent further development of joint dysplasia, it is necessary to significantly reduce the load on your pet’s limbs.

2. Congenital deafness

Most often found in light-colored dogs. Since Jack Russells are hunting dogs, they have a well-developed sense of smell, so the animal’s deafness may not be immediately noticed. After all, the puppy recognizes the owner by smell and reacts to gestures. Suspicions about deafness may not arise immediately.

Symptoms This is a congenital disease, so signs are present from birth. The dog does not react to sounds when it does not see their source. If your pet does not wake up and does not come when you call him, he may have congenital deafness. Another symptom may be flinching from very loud sounds - when the animal feels vibration. You can also suspect your dog is deaf by ringing the doorbell. If the dog does not react, he is most likely deaf. Contact your veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.
Treatment Congenital deafness cannot be cured. However, thanks to its excellent sense of smell, a deaf dog can adapt perfectly. It is advisable to walk him on a leash so that he does not end up in a dangerous situation. Otherwise, your love and support will help the dog live a full life.

3. Legg-Perthes disease

This disease is also called aseptic necrosis of the femoral head . It is characterized by the death of the head of the femur.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray!

Symptoms They can appear in puppyhood, but are most pronounced at 8-12 months. There is progressive lameness and atrophy of the muscles of the sore paw. The dog experiences acute pain when trying to straighten the limb at the hip joint.
Treatment Surgical only. It is possible to replace the affected joint with an artificial one. This relieves the animal of pain and returns the ability to move normally.

4. Eye anomaly “collie eyes”

A congenital hereditary disease consisting of abnormal development of eye areas. Defects in the sclera, retina, choroid, optic nerve head, etc. may be observed.

To protect yourself from purchasing a dog with a collie eye anomaly, ask the breeder to present a report on an ophthalmological examination of the puppies’ parents and genetic testing for carriage of this disease.

5. Diabetes mellitus

Another one of the Jack Russell diseases. Associated with decreased insulin production and accompanied by high blood sugar levels.

6. Arthritis

A disease characteristic of the Jack Russell Terrier: inflammation of the joints, accompanied by severe pain.

7. Allergies

The disease often occurs in dogs with a predominance of white color. It consists of an enhanced immune response of the body to various substances. Allergies in dogs can be caused by insect bites, pollen, eating certain foods, vaccines or medications.

If you know that your pet is prone to allergies, you should keep antihistamines on hand, introduce new foods and medications with caution, and be especially attentive to your dog during the flowering period of allergenic plants.

As you can see, diseases in the Jack Russell Terrier are rare, but these diseases can be very serious. Therefore, when buying a puppy, be sure to ask the breeder for a report on the health of the litter’s parents. It is also recommended to conclude an agreement with breeders on reimbursement of costs for the treatment of hereditary diseases if they occur in a puppy.

To prevent the development of the disease in Jack Russells, follow the rules of caring for your dog, be attentive to it and contact a veterinarian when the first signs of illness appear.

– lightning in the flesh.

This little hunter was originally bred to chase foxes and other animals out of their holes.

But over time, the breed attracted fans of exhibitions, and terriers retrained from hunters to handsome dogs. And after that, ordinary dog ​​breeders also fell in love with Jacks for their love of children and irrepressible mobility. Alas, you have to pay for a long selection - accumulated recessive genes

can cause illness in the Jack Russell Terrier. These diseases attack the most valuable quality of jacks -.

Perthes disease

by active movements Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

– an aseptic disease caused by the death of the tissues of the femoral head. The title contains the names of 3 scientists who, independently of each other, described this medical illness. Synonym:.

aseptic necrosis of the femoral head In most cases. the disease affects terrier puppies (and other small breeds) at the age of 6 months Clinical symptoms appear 2 months after the onset of the disease. Heredity is considered the main provoking factor, although.

The exact causes of Perthes disease in dogs have not been found The essence of the disease is that the bone tissue of the femoral head is destroyed . Nearby structures also come under attack: cartilage, its fossa and Bone marrow

  • . The disease has 5 stages: Stage 1.
  • The bone dies, as does the bone marrow. The cartilage looks absolutely healthy. The dog experiences pain while running. Stage 2.
  • The destroyed bone is unable to withstand the load, which is why a fracture occurs. The dog exhibits severe pain and lameness. Stage 3.
  • Dead tissue disintegrates and healthy, replacement tissue appears in its place. From the outside it seems that the pet has recovered. Stage 4. Start of recovery bone tissue
  • . Since the new tissue cannot take the same shape as the “original” bone, the terrier begins to limp. No pain. Stage 5.

The compensation phase is over. In place of the old femoral head, a new one grew, but with a different shape. The dog can move, but is limping and has limited movements. The degree of limitation depends on the specific shape of the new bone. Diagnosis is possible from the middle of the first stage - ultrasound and x-rays will show the presence of a lesion and its degree. Treatment is almost always surgical, with surgeons removing necrotic tissue. At the prognosis is favorable.

Patella luxation

Like Perthes' disease, they are susceptible to dislocations small dogs(by the way, luxating kneecaps and Perthes disease often occur together). The reason is heredity. With this disease the cup takes incorrect position relative to its normal place. There are dislocations “inside” and “outside”, which lead to different curvatures of the limb, but the result is the same - lameness.

Dislocation has 4 degrees of severity:

  • First. For dislocation, the use of brute external force (twisting, blow) is necessary. After dislocation, the joint returns to its normal position.
  • Second. Dislocation can occur with weak external physical impact, in a small number of cases the joint returns to normal.
  • Third. Dislocation occurs when exposed to internal forces(flexion - extension of the limb). The joint does not return to its original position.
  • Fourth. The joint is constantly dislocated and does not come back even when trying to straighten it.

The presence of the disease is diagnosed by palpation, stage by observation and x-ray. Treatment– surgical, the prognosis is relatively favorable (as relapses are possible).

Vision diseases

Most often, two diseases occur in Jack Russell Terriers: luxation and cataract. Both can lead to blindness if not addressed promptly.

Luxation of the lens of the eye

Heavy hereditary disease, which is fraught with dangerous complications. During luxation, the lens that performs accommodation (focusing) turns out to be pathologically shifted.

The shift can occur in two directions - to the side vitreous and towards the anterior chamber.

The first case is safer, symptoms ( glaucoma, blurred vision) can grow for a week. In the second case, it increases sharply intraocular pressure and glaucoma increases rapidly ( "veil" before the eyes), the count goes on in days and hours.

Luxation is divided into primary and secondary:

  • During primary luxation pathological condition occurs on its own, since the cause is a genetic failure.
  • Secondary luxation occurs after physical or chemical trauma.

The diagnosis is carried out by an ophthalmologist. Treatment is strictly surgical, and the sooner it begins, the better it will be for the pet. The prognosis is favorable; in the absence of treatment, blindness is guaranteed.

Important: Luxation – emergency. If your dog’s vision begins to deteriorate sharply, you need to take him to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.


This disease refers to “age-related” and usually occurs in dogs at 6–8 years of age. Any breed can get it, but Jack Russell Terriers are at increased risk due to heredity.

Cataract is clouding of the lens of the eye. Symptoms: decreased transparency of the lens and blurred vision. It is worth distinguishing between cataracts and the process of natural aging - with the latter, the eye fades and becomes gray or colorless, but transparency (and with it clarity of vision) remains.

The disease progresses slowly and the process can take several years. First, a cloudy spot appears on the eye, which grows over time. Symptoms depend on the location of the plaque - if it appears on the side, then nothing bothers the dog at first, and the diagnosis is discovered by chance during examination. If the spot is localized closer to the center, the pet cannot see normally.

If left untreated, the plaque grows, engulfing neighboring tissues. Last stage– full grip eyes with cataracts, the animal’s inability to see objects normally and even distinguish between lighting.

Treatment is surgical. There are medications that can slow down the development of cataracts. early stages, but their effectiveness is questionable. Surgical assistance consists of removing the lens through a micropuncture and replacing it with a prosthesis. Rehabilitation lasts 10 days, after which the vast majority of dogs return to normal. Vision is fully restored.

Allergic reactions

Allergy is inadequate reaction immunity in response to a harmless stimulus. Allergies occur in any dog, but Jacks, due to their short stature, are more likely to come into contact with dust and insects, and therefore are more susceptible to this disease.

Allergic reactions in dogs may include different symptoms, which can be divided into 3 categories:

  • skin manifestations;
  • manifestations from the mucous membranes;
  • swelling.

Skin manifestations – dermatitis. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of rashes, redness, and itching. The pet is actively itching, which leads to bruising. The reason may be: dust, pollen, salt, mites, other insects, collar, chemicals. Occasionally, dermatitis occurs as a food allergy, if the process has developed very strongly and affected the entire body.

Most of the mucous membranes nose and eyes suffer. The dog is sneezing and has difficulty breathing. The eyes water and fester. This reaction occurs in response to dust, food, pollen.

Swelling leads to individual organs of the pet swell, he often goes to the toilet. Swelling occurs after a reaction of the skin or mucous membranes and indicates that the allergy has grown to dangerous proportions.

Treatment can be emergency or planned. Emergency treatment– pet intake antihistamines. This measure may be necessary if the Jack Russell Terrier is very swollen or is scratching itself violently until it bleeds. Routine treatment includes examination at a veterinary clinic (doctors need to make sure that it is really an allergy) and eliminating the cause allergic reaction. If you have a reaction to dust– the old carpet is sent to the landfill; if the pet reacts to food, a new diet is introduced; if a tick is attached, doctors provide treatment. With timely intervention, the consequences of allergies are completely eliminated.

Important: If contact with the allergen is not removed, the pet will suffer.


The above diseases are genetic in nature, therefore there are no vaccines against them. Vaccinations protect against infectious diseases: hepatitis, plague and so on.

The vaccination schedule is developed by a veterinarian, but in general it looks like this: First, the main vaccinations are given at 1.5 months, then they are repeated at 2 and 2.5 months to consolidate the effect, at 6 months this scheme is carried out again, and then, once a year, they are vaccinated against rabies.

Jack Russell Terriers are wonderful companions, great friends and just beautiful dogs. Unfortunately, they had to go through a long genetic path to become like this. The price of this path is diseases requiring surgical treatment . The good news is that the diseases are reversible, and after treatment the dog will again be able to give positive emotions to its owner.