How to treat transparent snot in children? Snot in a child. Medications depending on the type of cold

“The child has snot, what should I do?” - one of the most frequent questions on playgrounds and mom forums. Alarmed mothers, having discovered that kindergarten is canceled, call a doctor. To what the pediatrician prescribes, they add a couple more proven pharmacyor and snot in a child.

Maybe that's why we have so many "frequently ill children" that we perceive every childhood cold as a catastrophe, and do not allow the child's body to cope with the virus itself? And - a reason to isolate him from the children's team.

The mother of a five-year-old daughter, Anna Dmitrieva, lives in France, and on the blog she shares examples of how the French relate to raising children. And, in particular, how they react to snot in a child and.

In short, no way. Snot in a child is not a problem that is worth wasting your nerves on.

I have been living in France for almost 3 years. My daughter was born in Moscow, and when she was a little over one and a half years old, my husband and I decided to move.

The daughter has always been considered in Russia as a frequently ill child. ARVI visited us at least once a month. At the same time, as an exemplary mother, I approached the treatment of my child very responsibly - calling a doctor, taking various medications, staying at home until complete recovery. But here, in France, no one would have understood me at that moment.

If you look closely at the children who live here, then almost everyone sneezes, coughs (or coughs heavily), wipes (or does not wipe at all) snot. At the same time, everyone is cheerful, cheerful, play on the playground, go to visit, to the pool, to gymnastics, to school and kindergarten.

Contact with other children as if they were completely healthy. Well, in general, few people pay attention to this kind of ailment. And among the people they are called “little runny nose”, “small otitis”, “temperature”, etc.

If for some reason the child is lethargic (the normal option is to bring a child with a temperature to a children's institution), then they say about him that he is “tired” ...

I remember the first time I took my daughter to the doctor. Not to the pediatrician, to the therapist. He treats both adults and children.

Complaints, ma'am? he asks, examining my child.
- High fever, cough, stuffy nose.

Appointments - washing the nose with sea water, antipyretic syrup in case of temperature. And… everything. Unusual.

I told him: “But the doctor! She is so sick, her nose is stuffed up, her temperature is over 39! "Relax madam, she'll get better in 5 days." I didn’t let up: “Tell me, is she normal with me? Well, you mean healthy in general? And then he gets sick so often! - “Absolutely normal. All children get sick, madam. That's why they are children. They love to share microbes among themselves. Good luck! Next!"

I walk away from it and think that, probably, there is some other, special sea water here, which quickly and effectively heals the nose. As a result, it turned out to be an ordinary saline solution, which does not really remove congestion either. But the child really soon recovered.

The first time I was in shock. You come to the doctor with a "sick" child - the doctor does not prescribe any special treatment. A small symptomatic relief, and nothing more.

You call an ambulance when a child is under 40 - they say, undress him, wipe him with warm water. The ambulance does not come to such calls. It is believed that the temperature, if it lasts no more than three days, parents are able to bring down at home on their own. Well, in extreme cases, you can call a doctor at home.

You come to the hospital with a dehydrated child after three days of severe vomiting, diarrhea, temperature 40 - they are prescribed to drink a water-salt solution and sent home. But they do calm down. In this case, no one will put you in the hospital, do not ask! “It's a virus, madam, be patient. In 3-5 days everything will pass by itself. And in the end, indeed, after a few days the child recovers.

And gradually it began to dawn on me.

  • In France, they are quite calm about viruses and all sorts of infections. "Little nasopharyngitis" (as doctors put it) is a common occurrence, and if the child is alert and cheerful, then he can go to school, visit sections, including the pool. If it's "sluggish" - you just need to watch.
  • There is no treatment as such for ARVI, antiviral drugs (for example, based on interferon) do not exist in France, vasoconstrictor drops are completely prohibited for sale (I still order them from Russia, I cannot overcome a runny nose without them).
  • If the child gets worse and worse, antibiotics are prescribed. Also, in fact, according to the doctors, it's okay. They are adaptable and efficient.

“Madame, we come to calls to a greater extent to reassure you that everything is in order with your child,” the doctor once told me.

  • The role of the doctor in the first place is to inspire confidence in parents and teach them how to act independently.
  • Pharmacies in France are mainly for dispensing prescription drugs.
  • If you decide to be treated yourself, then at your disposal sea water for the nose, antipyretics, homeopathy.
  • I have always been worried about nasal drops, which we used to use in case of a cold. Neither I nor my children can sleep without them in case of severe nasal congestion. In France they are banned. There are analogues, but they do not help much, and are issued only by doctor's prescription.
  • Absolute trust in doctors. If a French mom or dad came to the doctor, they never argue with him and fully comply with his prescriptions. Excessive treatment, "from oneself", as they say, is not practiced.
  • In case of a runny nose, the main treatment is rinsing the nose with sea water. Although, according to my observations (you don’t need to be a professional here), the nose is often blocked in children, and washing alone does not always help. I still can’t understand how their children sleep with a stuffy nose ... (in France, children sleep all night in their own room almost at birth).
  • Children are dressed "weakly", according to our standards. You can often see children without a hat, in shoes, thin pants without tights in winter at temperatures slightly above zero. No, don't think! They are not hardened! By no means! No one canceled the snot under the nose! It’s just that mothers don’t shake over their children, don’t constantly adjust scarves, don’t put on a hood in case of wind.

A runny nose is a rather unpleasant symptom that indicates the presence of an infectious or viral disease in a baby. Quite often, during a runny nose, snot flows in a child, which is not so easy to get rid of. To stop snot in a stream in a child, you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons for their appearance and study the main remedies for nasal congestion.

There are many reasons why snot flows from the nostrils like water. Before you start treating congestion, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common causes.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes snot flows strongly in a child in the spring after the appearance of a large amount of pollen and grass. The body of adults and children immediately begins to react to this. Many not only have a runny nose, but also other symptoms. People complain of increased coughing, itching, skin rashes and swelling.


Most often, snot in a stream in a child appears after infection with a viral infection. At first, the discharge is quite liquid, but over time they become thicker, rhinitis begins to develop. If the mucus becomes thick, treatment should be started immediately. Untimely treatment leads to severe irritation of the mucosa and the appearance of swelling.


Sometimes a child's snot pours like water due to severe inflammation of the facial sinuses, which is called sinusitis. Because of this disease, severe headaches, dizziness and a runny nose appear. If sinusitis is left untreated, then over time, the mucus begins to change color and turns brown. This indicates that pus began to accumulate in the nasal cavity.


Rhinitis is the most common reason why a child runs snot. This disease appears in babies and adults who have to stay in rooms with too dry air for a long time. Most often, snot flows in a stream due to rhinitis in the winter after the start of the heating season.


Liquid snot in a child may be accompanied by other symptoms. There are three main signs that may appear along with nasal congestion.

Mucosal irritation

Sometimes with a runny nose in the nasal passages there is a strong burning sensation and too high dryness. Some complain of deterioration in nasal breathing, nasality and severe headache. The presence of the above symptoms indicates that the pathogens penetrate the mucous membrane. Because of this, the newborn can significantly narrow the nasal passages and develop hyperemia.

Serous discharge

If you do not treat the common cold at home, then the so-called serous discharge may appear. They have an irritating effect and because of this damage the surface of the mucosa. Over time, serous secretions form small cracks and swelling in the nasal cavity.

Purulent discharge

It is quite easy to notice that pus is flowing from the baby's nostrils, since it has a yellowish tint. Purulent discharge indicates serious complications of congestion.

Therefore, if snot with pus has flowed, you should immediately contact your doctor.

How to stop snot stream

For children, a severe runny nose is a serious illness, as they tolerate it much worse than adults. The fact is that at this age, people's immunity is much weaker and fights infectious diseases worse.

Before treating the baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the drugs that will help.

Means for vasoconstriction

Many do not know how to dry the snot in a child during a severe cold. This can be done with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. To figure out which drops are better to use when it flows from the nose, you need to familiarize yourself with some of them in more detail.


If snot runs in a child, it is necessary to use Rinazolin during treatment. These vasoconstrictor drops will help to quickly stop the flow of snot and restore nasal breathing. The drug is made on the basis of oxymetazoline hydrochloride, which allows you to stimulate alpha-adrenergic receptors. Daily use of Rinazolin relieves puffiness within a week.

Before you start treating liquid snot in a child, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of this drug. Rinazolin should not be used in people with glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis or hypersensitivity to this drug. Also, it is better to refuse the use of drops in patients with chronic rhinitis and diabetes mellitus.

To stop the snot pouring from the nostrils, you need to familiarize yourself with the dosages of taking Rinazolin. A child under six years of age should use the drug twice a day, one drop per dose. For older children, the dosage is doubled.


You can stop a runny nose at home with Nazivin. It comes in the form of a spray or nasal drops to be instilled into each nostril. This medicine is made on the basis of the stimulating component of oxymetazoline. With its help, you can not only treat liquid snot, but also eliminate swelling in the paranasal sinuses.

Before using Nazivin, you need to familiarize yourself with the dosages of the reception. In some cases, due to an overdose, serious side effects appear. Many people complain of severe sneezing, congestion, drying out of the nasal passages and burning in the nostrils. Less commonly, patients complain of nausea, high blood pressure and tachycardia.

A child under five years of age should drip the drug three times a day, one drop in each nasal passage. A child older than five years of age can use Nazivin four times a day. At the same time, for one use, two drops of medicine should be instilled into the nostrils.


Sometimes, when stuffy nostrils and water flows from the nose, you have to use antibiotics. Most often they are used if congestion is accompanied by a cold. Before you treat a runny nose, you need to familiarize yourself with the most effective antibiotics.


If the nose is stuffy and snot flows like water in a child, the therapeutic drug Sumamed will help stop them. It is not instilled into the nasal passages, but is drunk with liquid. Sumamed differs from other drugs in its wide spectrum of action. It has a bactericidal effect, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of colds and stop snot.

Before using Sumamed, you must definitely familiarize yourself with its contraindications. The drug should not be used by children who have kidney or liver problems. Also, the use of the drug should be abandoned to patients with allergies to components from the composition of Sumamed.

Children aged 3 years and older should use the remedy for 5 days. In this case, the child should take no more than 10 mg of the drug per day.


Many do not know what to do when a child has snot in a stream. In this case, you can use Isofra medicinal drops. From most other medicines, this drug has a strong antimicrobial effect.

The drug is created on the basis of a substance called framycetin. It is thanks to this substance that you can literally restore breathing through the nose and get rid of fluid in the sinuses in just 5-7 days.

A child is as commonplace as rain in autumn. In the vast majority of cases, this phenomenon becomes a sign of the development of colds in the child's body, but sometimes the nose flows without such a serious reason. A runny nose for sensitive parents is an occasion to worry about the state of health of the child, so it is not surprising that they use a supply of medicines. This occurs if the child has caught a cold enough and the snot flows like a river. However, to determine what is the reason for this behavior of the body can only become known after visiting a doctor.

As soon as the child's body is captured by a cold, he immediately becomes restless, causing a lot of trouble for caring parents. There are whims, poor sleep and a terrible appetite, which makes it difficult to start even a normal treatment and do something difficult enough about it. So doctors are trying to encourage parents of patients to take preventive measures. Better suited for this:

  • Regular physical activity;
  • Nutritious diet;
  • hardening.

Vitamin in food should be enough, otherwise mucus from the nose will become commonplace for you. In order to be less likely to include meat, fruits and vegetables in the diet, so that vitamins enter the body in sufficient quantities. Even just walking down the street, when you come home, spend 15 minutes - bathe the child and the likelihood that the nasopharynx will get sick will decrease significantly.

But if it so happened that the child does not have snot for a long time, you should not indulge in despondency. Try to heal, and the sooner you defeat the virus, the faster it will recover. And we will try to help and tell you how clear snot is treated in a child.

Snot in newborns

They are not a reason for parents to panic, for several months in babies this is in the order of things.

Transparent snot is explained by the fact that the child is adapting to a new, changed environment, because he came out of his mother's womb, where nothing threatened him. And now he has to breathe on his own, which was not the case before. Therefore, if his snot is crystal clear, then this is an adaptation of the nasopharynx to contact with air. Such situations are not dangerous for children and parents should only ease their breathing.

In addition to this situation, snot does not pass from the baby even during the eruption of the first teeth. Not only snot gets the patient, there are also a lot of manifestations:

  1. poor appetite;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. General anxiety.

So in such cases, you should not be too nervous, you just need to wait out this moment.

Cold symptoms

Snot and temperature in a child at the same time are only with an acute respiratory infection or other cold sore. You can get sick anywhere - viruses enter the human body along with the air that the child breathes every minute and after several days of being in the body begin to manifest themselves. Just at that time, while the disease adapts to a new carrier, liquid ones appear, which just signal the ongoing process. In addition to snot, fever, headaches and a lot of other symptoms naturally appear.

At the same time, it was noted that the virus-cause slowly destroys the epithelium of the nasal mucosa and over time, the child does not have a transparent liquid, but a thick and colored one. This suggests that the pathological process in the human body is gaining momentum, and it is time to start therapy. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to notice in time that something is wrong with the baby. And while the child has snot flowing, but there are no other symptoms, then you can do without a lot of heavy drugs that only poison the young, not yet formed body.

In this case, it will be relevant to use rubbing, which can warm the patient. The constant snot in a child will not disappear from this, but he will be able to feel easier. As the main substance, you can use:

  • natural oils;
  • Cypress juice;
  • Wax bees;

And so that the warming effect intensifies and the liquid snot in the child passes faster, you can mix several oils together. In addition, essential oils have broad antibacterial properties.

Transparent snot in a child quickly disappears after several sessions of inhalation. To make the effect lightning fast, it is better to use herbal teas such as chamomile, oak bark, eucalyptus, sage.

Even if there is no special device for inhalation, but snot like water is already tired, then you can get out of the situation. The broth is placed in a wide bowl and boiled, preferably covered with a lid. And after boiling, turn off the gas and let the child breathe in the fumes over the bowl. If there are no herbs at hand, then similar essential oils are suitable for inhalation, the effect is no worse. will begin to come out after a few minutes of steaming, so keep a handkerchief ready. It is also worth remembering that inhalation will only harm young children, because the baby cannot yet breathe the steam correctly.

A clear runny nose can be intense and in this case it will be necessary to wash the sinuses so that the mucus does not accumulate anywhere. For this, preparations such as normal saline or sea salt, chamomile infusion are better suited. After washing your sinuses with these fluids, you will soon find that breathing has become much easier. If it is difficult to breathe, then you can resort to the use of vasoconstrictor drops, however, it is allowed to resort to the use of such drugs only under the supervision of a doctor. They will not bring harm to adults, but for children under 5 years old, the wrong dosage can lead to serious damage to the nasal mucosa from the inside, a literal burn. Therefore, it is worth contacting a doctor so that he examines a particular child and chooses an individual regimen for the use of drugs.

In addition, snot in a child, the treatment of which can be difficult, requires the creation of a comfort zone. For a speedy recovery, it is favorable to create a temperature in the room close to twenty degrees, so that the body is in the so-called greenhouse conditions. Ventilate this room regularly so that the fresh air forces out pathogenic bacteria from the room. You should also give your child a lot to drink in order to remove harmful substances deposited from the body. Then the recovery will come quickly and the treatment will not have to use chemicals that are harmful to the child's body.

Young children often have a runny nose. This is due to the structure of the nasal passages. The mucosa swells, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, he is naughty, sleeps and eats poorly. It is important to start treating snot in babies on time. The infection can quickly descend to the lower respiratory tract, causing coughing and other illnesses.

With a runny nose in an infant at 2-3 months, the nasal mucosa quickly swells. This is due to the narrow and short nasal passages. It is difficult for a child to suckle milk. If left untreated, the edema quickly spreads to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Inflammation can also affect the ear mucosa.

At the age of 6 months, the salivary glands are actively working in infants. Much saliva flows from the nose and mouth. If the child feels well, there are no other signs of a cold, then you can calm down.

A runny nose in a child can occur for several reasons:

  • the entry of viruses or bacteria into the body (treatment is based on taking antiviral drugs or antibiotics);
  • allergic irritant (it is enough to eliminate the irritant);
  • dry air (moisten the nose and walk in the fresh air);
  • moment of teething;
  • entry into the nasal passage of a foreign body.

Treatment is necessary when:

  • the child refuses to feed, is naughty;
  • runny nose interferes with breathing, sleeping, eating;
  • the color of mucous secretions changes;
  • there is an increase in body temperature;
  • cough appears.

If the baby has transparent snot, breathing is not disturbed, there is no temperature, more often you need to apply it to your chest, moisten the air, ventilate the room, suck out the mucus. Additional treatment is not required.

How many days a runny nose will last in a child is influenced by many factors: the correct diagnosis, the time the treatment was started, and the establishment of the cause of its occurrence. How many days does a runny nose go away if treated correctly? Under favorable conditions, a runny nose can be cured after 5-7 days.

There are several stages in the development of the common cold:

  1. There is itching and burning in the nose. The baby sneezes often. How long is this period? Similar symptoms are observed for about two days. Then there are mucous secretions, lacrimation.
  2. The nasal mucosa swells, turns red, the vessels dilate, and it becomes difficult to breathe. The baby's sense of smell and hearing may be reduced. Duration - about three days.
  3. The appearance of this stage is associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. Snot thick, plentiful. Most often, green snot appears in the baby. Body temperature may rise and coughing may begin. Such a runny nose should be urgently treated, you can not walk with the child at this time and bathe him.

In the event that a runny nose in a baby lasts more than 2 weeks, the likelihood of complications and transition to a chronic form increases.

Characteristics of a runny nose in babies

There are several types of snot that are typical for a child in the first months of life.

  • Transparent.
  • Yellow or green.
  • With streaks of blood.

Clear slime

  • Appears with physiological rhinitis. There is an adaptation of the nasopharynx to new conditions. This type of snot is typical for the first two months of a child's life. He does not need to be treated. It is enough to moisturize the nose and walk outside more often.
  • May occur with allergies (most often food). Before starting treatment, the allergen should be identified.
  • Observed during teething.
  • Often, clear snot occurs in the early stages of a viral infection. They need to be treated with antiviral drugs.

white snot

Occur at the initial stage of the common cold. There is swelling of the nasal cavity and fever. Washing with saline solutions and vasoconstrictors for the nose will help alleviate the condition. At the stage of recovery, white snot becomes a rich color.

Yellow or green discharge

  • May indicate that the snot passes (killed bacteria flow along with the mucus from the nose).
  • Spread of infection. If thick yellow or green snot flows 2 weeks after the disease, the condition indicates the development of an inflammatory process. Most often, sinusitis occurs. It is not recommended to walk on the street. You must adhere to bed rest.

When pathogenic microbes enter the body, green snot in the baby begins to go. The waste products of microbes stain the mucus in a different color. Thick yellow or white snot causes severe swelling of the mucosa and can lead to complete loss of breath through the nose.

Snot with blood

Sometimes adults can detect blood in the mucus.

  • This may indicate a violation of the work of blood vessels due to incorrect, uncontrolled use of drugs. Most often this applies to vasoconstrictor drugs. The nasal mucosa is very dry.
  • Blood in a child may appear during the inflammatory process. The capillaries become brittle and easily damaged.
  • Mechanical damage to the nasal passages.
  • Lack of vitamin C.
  • Very rarely, the cause is an increase in intracranial pressure.

Yellow, green or white snot with blood indicates the development of inflammation in the nasal passages. Often associated with high fever.

If the snot is thick, it becomes even more difficult for the child to get rid of them. Treatment should be aimed at thinning the mucus. Especially thick snot begins to disturb the baby in a horizontal position when he sleeps. Draining down the larynx, they envelop the mucous membrane, causing a cough.

If you change the color of snot, consistency and increase their intensity, you can not self-medicate.

Therapeutic measures

As soon as the child has the first symptoms of a runny nose, measures should be taken.

  • Do more wet cleaning in the room.
  • Monitor the temperature and humidity in the room.
  • If there is no temperature, then it is recommended to be outside. You can walk if the weather is calm, dry weather.
  • Be sure to rinse the child's nose with saline solutions.
  • A special aspirator should remove accumulated mucus.

If a runny nose in a child is accompanied by fever, cough and copious discharge from the nose, then you can’t walk on the street. Especially when frost, rain, wind. You can't bathe the baby.

When the baby eats well, is cheerful, there is no cough and the discharge is not intense, walking on the street is not only possible, but also necessary.

If there is a need to see a doctor, the following medicines can be prescribed:

  • antiviral local drops (Grippferon, Interferon);
  • vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Otrivin) should not be dripped for more than three days;
  • immunity boosters (Derinat drops, Genferon suppositories);
  • antiseptic drugs (Miramistin, Albucid, Protargol);
  • local antibiotics (Isofra);
  • drops based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Aqualor);
  • antihistamine nasal drops (Vibrocil);
  • antipyretics.

Folk recipes to combat a runny nose in an infant

Treatment of a runny nose with breast milk must be carried out with caution. Milk creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and can lead to drying of the nasal mucosa.

Treating a runny nose using folk remedies should be done with caution in children under 6 months of age.

Consequences of a cold in young children

If you do not treat a runny nose or choose the wrong means to combat it, complications may occur. The child of the first months of life ceases to gain weight, to develop physically, and there will be a weakening of the immune system.

Prolonged runny nose can lead to such serious diseases as:

  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • pneumonia.

Swelling of the nose leads to the fact that the child receives less oxygen. As a result, there are violations in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. With chronic diseases of the nose, the child looks tired, drowsy, absent-minded. The cognitive sphere is disturbed: memory, attention, thinking.

Preventive measures

Sometimes improper treatment can lead to complications. Note to parents, what not to do when the baby is sick:

Hygiene rules to help avoid colds.

  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Proper balanced nutrition.
  • Take frequent walks outdoors.
  • Do gymnastic exercises with your child.
  • Air baths (leave the child without clothes for several minutes).

When a child begins to get sick, he requires even more attention. Excessive anxiety of the mother is transmitted to the baby, and the symptoms of the disease will be more pronounced. Therefore, it must be surrounded by attention and care. Spend more time with him, pick him up, talk, hug him.

The most common cause of runny nose and cough in children is a respiratory infection.. Not knowing how to quickly cure snot in a child, parents miss out on opportunities that will help to cope with the disease. Be sure to take into account the imperfection of the respiratory system and the whole body of the baby, which explains the ban on the use of cold remedies for adults. Unfortunately, there is no universal cure for the disease. But there are general patterns that facilitate the choice of drugs in a pharmacy and folk remedies.

Nasal passages, sinuses in young children are still developing, even with a slight change in external conditions, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. When a runny nose appears, parents face the problem of how to rid a child of snot quickly and without the use of potent drugs. First you need to figure out the causes of rhinitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.


With strong immunity, the baby’s body quickly copes with a runny nose, the malaise disappears after a few days.

If they say that "a child has snot," then they do not necessarily mean rhinitis. Children are susceptible to many diseases in which the only or one of the symptoms is accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Then the babies sniffle and wheeze, because the air passes with difficulty. Parents often complain about an allergy in a child, they associate a constant runny nose and cough with this condition.

What provokes the appearance of snot in a child:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);
  • dryness and dustiness in the room;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • air temperature fluctuations;
  • substances-allergens;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • pungent odors.

The respiratory system of a baby who is less than or slightly more than 2 months old responds to many stimuli. This is how the physiological immaturity of the organs manifests itself.

Babies under 3 months often suffer from a physiological runny nose that occurs when they adapt to the air. This condition sometimes lasts up to 4 months, less often - up to six months. If the child is 8 months old, and he constantly has snot, then this is no longer a physiological runny nose.

When to use snot drops in children?

Inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa is accompanied by sneezing and discharge from the nasal passages. Parents try to rid the child of snot and ensure normal breathing. Vasoconstrictor drops intended for children are used "Nazivin", "Otrivin" and others. They reduce swelling of the mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

But do vasoconstrictor drops help to quickly cure snot in a baby if the baby suffers from a physiological runny nose? In this case, they are more suitable for washing and instillation preparations based on purified sea water, physiological saline. Salty liquids have a triple effect: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant. In addition, they moisturize the mucous membrane, facilitate its functions.

Before instillation of any remedy, you must first remove the snot from the nasal passages. The pediatric aspirator greatly simplifies this procedure.

In addition to saline, use folk remedies - solutions of edible salt and baking soda. Bicarbonate will need 1 tsp. for a glass of water; salt must be dissolved 1 tsp. with a small "slide" in 1 liter of water. Cotton turundas, no more than 5 mm thick, are impregnated with a soda solution and clear the nasal passages from snot. Then instilled with saline.

How to use saline solution for snot in children:

Often parents do not know how to treat snot in a one-year-old child if the flow from the nose does not stop. What should I do, consult a doctor or try to cope with the disease on my own? Pediatricians strongly recommend not to get involved in nasal drops. The constant effect of drugs on the mucous membrane is addictive, the need to increase doses.

When the snot flows in a stream and prevents the child from breathing, then you can use local vasoconstrictors. At the same time, parents should find out and eliminate the true cause of the common cold, create favorable conditions for breathing: humidify the air in the children's room, fight dust and germs, and strengthen the baby's immunity.

Dr. Komarovsky, in one of his programs, calls situations in which a runny nose in a child needs to be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs.

Benefits of drops and spray to get rid of snot

The list of medicines for the treatment of a runny nose and sore throat is not limited to vasoconstrictor drugs. The problem is that when solving the problem of how to get rid of snot in a child’s throat, mothers often find it difficult to choose. Which is better: purified sea water or saline? Are antibiotics and antiseptics needed? First you need to figure out which drugs are suitable for a child of a certain age, how the active substance is delivered directly to the site of inflammation.

Drop, spray and aerosol comparison

Dosage form of the drugSnot drops for childrenSpray for nose and/or throatAerosol for nose and/or throat
Principle of drug deliveryWith a pipetteSpraying the substance with a mini-pumpAtomization due to pressure of several atmospheres due to gas (propellant)
BottleGlass or plasticGlass, plastic, metal alloy - raremetal alloy
Droplet sizesDepending on the diameter of the pipette openingMore than 5 µm2 to 5 µm
From what ageFor babies from the first days of lifeFor young children over 2 years of age; with a restrictive ring on the nozzle - from the first monthsFrom 5 years, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for the drug
FlawsShort shelf life after opening the package- Pressure on the mucous membrane of the child; high price; ozone destruction by propellants
AdvantagesThe drug settles on the mucous membrane of the external respiratory tract, without penetrating into the underlying sectionsThanks to the smallest spray and aerosol spray, an excellent therapeutic effect is achieved with small doses of drugs.

How to save children from infection in the nose and nasopharynx - recommendations

If the child has purulent snot, then antiseptic and antibacterial agents will help. For babies, Miramistin is used in the form of a solution and spray. Children from the age of 12 can be treated with Bioparox antibacterial aerosol. Inhalation through the mouth and / or nasal passages will help to quickly cure green snot in a child, but care should be taken when switching from using drops to a spray or aerosol.

Yellow-gray or green snot is a sign of a bacterial infection.

Miramistin has antimicrobial activity, is considered an excellent tool for fighting bacteria. The liquid is sold in pharmacies in plastic bottles with a spray nozzle. For the treatment of snot in the nose and nasopharynx in a one-year-old child, a spray or washing with a solution is used. Infants under one year of age are injected with a diluted liquid with a pipette.

How to quickly get rid of a bacterial infection in the nasal passages - tips

  • If the product is intended for instillation into the nasal passages of the baby, then you need to add the same volume of boiled water.
  • Use an aspirator to remove thick mucus from the child's nose.
  • Inject 1-3 drops of the solution into each nostril for the baby.
  • Make sure no liquid enters the auditory tubes.