Analgin - indications, dosage, interaction. High temperature: when and how to reduce it

Good day to all!

I never thought that I would write a review on antihistamines, since nature decided that I had had enough of the existing bouquet of diseases and decided to leave allergies for others. The only allergic reaction my body had was an allergy to the group penicillin drugs, which we identified in a timely manner and avoided this very group.

But with antihistamines, namely with with the drug Suprastin, I still had the chance to meet after the birth of my daughter. By the way, this is one of the first drugs that appeared in the medicine cabinet for my child.

For a long time we did not need this drug; I gave it only on the advice of doctors after vaccinations.

Until 2 months ago, my child had a serious ARVI with a temperature of over 40. And it was Suprastin that helped bring down the temperature. But more on that later.

general information

Price A package of 20 tablets costs about 130 rubles.

Available without a prescription.


Chloropyramine, a chlorinated analogue of tripelenamine (pyribenzamine), is a classical antihistamine belonging to the group of ethylenediamine antihistamines.

A blocker of H1-histamine receptors, has an antihistamine and m-anticholinergic effect, has an antiemetic effect, moderate antispasmodic and peripheral anticholinergic activity.

The tablets are in 2 blisters of 10 pcs. in everyone. Packed in a cardboard box with instructions included.


each tablet contains 25 mg of the active substance - chloropyramine hydrochloride, as well as Excipients: stearic acid, gelatin, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, potato starch, lactose monohydrate (116 mg).

The tablet is white, quite small, round, aboutThe bottom side has a suprastin engraving.

But the tablet tastes very bitter, and due to the lack of a coating, this bitterness is felt immediately, no matter how quickly you swallow the tablet.

Storage method

Best before date


The tablets are taken orally during meals, without chewing and with a drink. sufficient quantity water. Adults: prescribed 1 tablet 3-4 times a day (75-100 mg per day). Children: From 1 to 12 months: 1/4 tablet (6.5 mg) 2-3 times a day (ground to powder along with baby food); At the age of 1 to 6 years: 1/4 tablet 3 times a day or 1/2 tablet 2 times a day; From 6 to 14 years of age: 1/2 tablet (12.5 mg) 2-3 times a day. The dose can be gradually increased in the absence of side effects the patient, but maximum dose should never exceed 2 mg/kg body weight. Special groups patients: Elderly, debilitated patients: the use of the drug Suprastin® requires special caution, because in these patients, antihistamines are more likely to cause side effects (dizziness, drowsiness). Patients with impaired liver function: a dose reduction may be required due to a decrease in the metabolism of the active component of the drug in liver diseases. Patients with impaired renal function: a change in the dosage regimen and a dose reduction may be required due to the fact that the active component is mainly excreted through the kidneys.


Hives, angioedema(Quincke's edema), serum sickness, seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, contact dermatitis, itchy skin, acute and chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, food and drug allergy, allergic reactions to insect bites.


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,

acute attack of bronchial asthma,

newborn babies (term and premature),

pregnancy and lactation period.

Side effects

Side effects, as a rule, occur extremely rarely, are temporary, and disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

From the central nervous system: drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, nervous excitement, tremor, headache, euphoria.

From the outside gastrointestinal tract: abdominal discomfort, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, loss or increase in appetite, pain in the upper abdomen.

From the outside of cardio-vascular system: decrease blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia. A direct connection between these side effects and the use of the drug has not always been established.

From the hematopoietic system: very rarely: leukopenia, agranulocytosis.

Other: difficulty urinating, muscle weakness, increased intraocular pressure, photosensitivity.

If any of the above effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor immediately.

My usage experience

As I mentioned above, for its intended purpose, we used the drug 2 or 3 times after the child’s vaccinations. But I can’t judge its effectiveness, since we didn’t have a rash, and whether this was due to Suprastin or not, one can only guess.

But Suprastin came in handy for us quite unexpectedly for another problem.

2 months ago the child developed a fever high fever up to 39.7. We have never had such a high temperature before. So I was very scared and called an ambulance. The doctor diagnosed us with ARVI, and after I refused to go to the hospital, they gave me an antipyretic injection.

An hour later the temperature dropped to 37.5 degrees. However, in the morning it rose again to 39.9.

Here the entire arsenal of antipyretics came into play: Nurofen, aspirin and paracetamol, Tsefekon suppositories, but the temperature dropped to a maximum of 38.7, and then rose again.

In desperation, I ran to the pharmacy to buy Nimesulide, and if it didn’t help me lower my temperature, then a trip to the hospital was inevitable.

There was no Nimesulide in the pharmacy, but the pharmacist, seeing how I was buying for the second day in a row various means I asked what happened and, in response to my story, said that at high temperatures, vascular permeability decreases and antipyretics will not help. And to increase this permeability, you need to add ¼ tablet of suprastin to the mixture of paracetamol and analgin, which will help the medicine penetrate better through the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, reduce the temperature.

I came home and immediately made this chatterbox: paracetamol, analgin and suprastin. I didn’t expect a miracle, but it happened; within an hour the child’s temperature dropped to 37.5 degrees. During the day it rose to 38, but this temperature was already perfectly reduced by Tsefekon candles.

So, with the help of Suprastin, I managed to bring down the child’s high fever.

I hope that my review will be useful to you and that there are mothers who, like me, did not know about this use of Suprastin.

Health to you and your children.

A popular and well-known painkiller contains active substance metamizole sodium, there are two similar medicines that contain Metamizole sodium isBaralgin and Analgin. Baralgin was originally developed, and Analgin is an analogue of the drug Baralgin, which is produced by many pharmaceutical factories, there are more than a dozen of them in Russia.

Analgin is prescribed for pain of different localization. It is effective for headaches, toothaches, joint and muscle pain. It must be said that when severe pain you need to use this drug for injection. But it may not be effective either, since the drug is usually prescribed for pain of moderate severity.

It can be used to normalize body temperature during acute respiratory and viral diseases. This drug also helps to alleviate the condition of radiculitis, rheumatism, neuralgia, chorea, and pain in the reproductive organs. Analgin should not be used for pain in the abdomen and heart. Since in these cases there will be no action. To enhance the effect of this medicine, it is often combined with amidopyrine. This combination enters the bloodstream more quickly and lasts longer, since amidopyrine remains in the body for a longer time.

The only drug released from general series Analginov, is Analgin-Quinine, because this drug contains two active components, and not one, like all other varieties of Analgin. Thus, Analgin-Quinine contains as active ingredients metamizole sodium and quinine, as a result of which it has a powerful antipyretic effect, which is much more pronounced than all other varieties of Analgin. Therefore, this variety of Analgin is intended for rapid decline persistent and very high temperature.

The analgesic effect of Analgin is stronger than that of Ibuprofen, but weaker compared to Ketorol, Nalgesin or Butadion. And the antipyretic effect of Analgin is stronger than that of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, but weaker than that of Aspirin. It should be remembered that Analgin only eliminates symptoms (relieves pain and reduces temperature), but does not treat the disease itself that caused the appearance of these clinical signs.

Analgin lovers harm their body not only by taking it, but also by refusing to adequate treatment diseases, but only relieve symptoms. As a result, diseases gradually turn into chronic form. It is possible that taking analgin in rare cases when it is necessary to relieve acute toothache or headache will not bring special harm body. But its regular use should be abandoned. Analgin can only be used as a means emergency assistance. In this case, you should not take the drug for more than three days, and daily dose should be no more than three tablets.

The drug is strictly prohibited for use for the purpose of relieving abdominal pain, since such, as a rule, are symptoms serious illnesses requiring emergency medical intervention. Adults can take Analgin to relieve bile or intestinal colic only if there is full confidence that we are talking about these conditions.

It is forbidden to mix alcohol with Analgin.

Analgin with Diphenhydramine
Analgin with Diphenhydramine is a combination used to reduce body temperature in children and adults. Diphenhydramine enhances the effect of Analgin, so when used in combination, even a very high temperature that is resistant to the action of other antipyretic drugs is normalized. However, this combination is dangerous and should only be used in critical situations.
Analgin + Suprastin
Analgin + Suprastin is an analogue of the combination Analgin + Diphenhydramine, since it has the same clinical effects and is used in exactly the same situations. In this combination, Diphenhydramine is simply replaced by the more modern and safe histamine blocker Suprastin.
Analgin + Diphenhydramine + Papaverine

This is a combination known as " lytic mixture"and used to reduce temperature against the background of cold hyperthermia. The "lytic mixture" includes an antipyretic (Analgin), an antispasmodic (Papaverine) and an antiallergic histamine blocker (Diphenhydramine). This combination of drugs is used for quick removal high temperature in children and adults. Especially quick effect This mixture is obtained by intramuscular injection.

The antispasmodic Papaverine from the lytic mixture can be replaced with No-Shpa, and Diphenhydramine with Suprastin.

Analgin + Papaverine
Analgin + Papaverine is a shortened version of the “lytic mixture”, which is used in the same cases as the full combination.
Analgin + Aspirin

This combination medicines is popular for reducing temperature in various infectious-inflammatory, viral and colds in children and adults. However, despite the popularity of this combination, it cannot be used, as it is very dangerous. The fact is that Analgin quite often causes severe complications which can result in serious complications. And Aspirin can increase the severity of Analgin’s complications and increases the risk of their occurrence.

Precisely because high frequency such complications, Analgin as an antipyretic for routine use was banned in Europe back in the 60s, and in the USA in the 70s. WHO has not recommended the use of Analgin to reduce fever in routine practice since 1992. Therefore, at high temperatures, the combination Analgin + Aspirin should not be used to reduce it.

If Aspirin does not reduce the temperature, then you should use drugs containing nimesulide, since they are approximately equal in effectiveness to Analgin, but are much safer.

Analgin + Paracetamol

This combination is quite popular and common for reducing fever in children. However, it is impossible to use Analgin + Paracetamol to reduce fever in both children and adults, since it is dangerous. The fact is that Analgin in children can provoke the development of shock, collapse, hypothermia (a decrease in body temperature below normal) and agranulocytosis (the complete disappearance of leukocytes in the blood).

Therefore, Analgin cannot be used to reduce even very high body temperature in children, either as a single drug or in combination with other medications, including Paracetamol. In addition, the combination of Paracetamol + Analgin is even more toxic and dangerous compared to Analgin alone, since paracetamol can increase its complications. Therefore, Paracetamol + Analgin should not be used in children.

If Paracetamol fails to reduce body temperature, then you should use drugs containing ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc.) or nimesulide (Nise, Nimesil, Nimulid, etc.).

Analgin + Novocain
It is a combination of drugs used to relieve pain during minor local operations, for example, tooth extraction, skin suturing, etc. This combination is quite effective, but dangerous, so its use is not recommended. Currently, there is a wide range of modern local anesthetic drugs (Lidocaine, Ultracaine, Bupivacaine, Mepivacaine, etc.), which are even more effective than the Analgin + Novocaine mixture and at the same time much safer. It is these drugs that are recommended to replace the painkiller mixture Novocain + Analgin.
This is a type of Analgin that, in addition to metamizole sodium, also contains quinine, which enhances the antipyretic effect of the drug. Thus,Analgin-Quinine is a type of drug designed to reduce high and persistent body temperature.

ANALGIN ANALOGUES(contain metamizole sodium)

When a child has a high temperature, they often use folk remedy- rubbing the body with vinegar diluted with water. But the duration of this rubbing is short-lived or no effect occurs at all. A drop in high temperature, which in practice is used by almost everyone, is caused by antipyretics such as paracetamol and aspirin. But paracetamol is not recommended for children under three years of age; in other cases, paracetamol is considered as short-term help for the body while waiting for a doctor. Paracetamol is not treated. Aspirin today is almost never used in the treatment of children.

Almost all pediatricians are convinced that a child can tolerate a temperature of up to 38 o C without the use of antipyretics, and it should be lowered in the following situations:

  • The child has a fever, the thermometer shows over 39ºC.
  • The child is not yet three years old, the temperature is above 38ºC.
  • There is difficulty breathing.
  • There are diseases nervous system or previously experienced convulsions at high temperatures.
  • Dehydration occurs (vomiting, diarrhea), the child refuses water.

The proposed video demonstrates a number of cases in which it is advised to leave the rise in temperature to the strength of the child’s body, and some cases must be brought under control with antipyretic drugs. It makes sense to inform the reader that antipyretics include well-known drugs: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Analgin, Aspirin (prohibited for children).

Eat effective injection on temperature, special and trouble-free, which can be used for both adults and children.

This injection is used by the ambulance team if it is necessary to immediately reduce the patient’s temperature, which has reached a critical level. Remember, gentlemen, parents, an injection of three medicinal components: analgin, diphenhydramine, papaverine. It also has another name - lytic injection, the dosage of the components of the solution is of particular importance for this injection.

Advice-comment from the network: “At the age of four, my son had a temperature of under 40 o C, it did not go down with anything, he was given an injection with a lytic mixture, after which there was no temperature above 37.5 o C. At the age of four months, my daughter was injected with a lytic mixture with an antibiotic, the temperature no longer rose, although there was nothing they could do to lower it before the injection.”

What is a lytic injection?

IN emergency situations When syrups and suppositories do not help the child with a decrease in temperature, a lytic mixture is used. According to the form of introduction into the child’s body, the lytic mixture is represented by tablets and injections. Antipyretic injections with a lytic mixture act faster and a decrease in fever is observed within a fifteen-minute interval after the injection.

It is important to know. The drug can be injected no more than once every six hours, full term eliminating fever in this way usually takes no more than a day.

The contents of the lytic mixture include three components: analgin (50%), diphenhydramine (1%), papaverine (0.1%). Injections for adults, thanks to this composition, relieve fever and pain and do not cause allergies. Suprastin or tavegil can be substitutes for diphenhydramine.

Almost all parents, faced with the need to inject their children with a lytic mixture, are very interested in the dosage. It is important to know that the dose of a drug that reduces a child’s temperature is calculated according to his age: 0.1 ml of each of the three components is added to each subsequent year of life. For example, for a 2-year-old child, the norm of the mixture includes 0.2 ml of analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine in one syringe. The resulting solution is injected intramuscularly (into the buttock).

It is especially worth noting that a lytic injection is one of the methods of emergency assistance; its use whenever a child’s temperature rises is unacceptable. Uncontrolled injections of the lytic mixture will cause damage to health, loss of sensitivity of the body to antipyretic drugs, cause weakening of the immune system and lead to non-stop repeated illnesses caused by colds

The use of a lytic mixture is justified in emergency circumstances, when it turns out that other antipyretics are ineffective and do not help children or adults.

Advice. It is recommended to give an injection with the lytic mixture after testing it for allergies. Place a few drops of the solution on the lower eyelid. If after half an hour an irritant reaction in the form of redness or itching does not appear in this area, then the mixture can be used.

It is not always possible to give a lytic injection. The following restrictions should be remembered:

  1. The little child has not yet grown until he is six months old.
  2. At high temperatures, complaints of abdominal pain follow.
  3. In case of drug intolerance, if at least one component in the mixture causes a side effect.
  4. When trying to reduce the temperature for the last four hours using a product that includes a component from the lytic mixture.

How to give injections?

When sudden illness baby, accompanied by an increase in temperature, which should be lowered without delay, the parents themselves may well give an injection for the temperature to their child. Knowing how to give injections is useful. In other circumstances, the child may be prescribed them, attend treatment room By various reasons If you fail, then you can solve this problem yourself, thereby significantly easing your baby’s condition.

We recommend that you pay attention to this video, which demonstrates the procedure of introduction into the body step by step. medicinal solution drawn into a syringe through a hollow needle. In other words, injection remedy carried out under high pressure.

An injection is a method of administering liquid medication intramuscularly into the human body. The gluteal muscles are a good place to perform this act because they do not contain important nerves and blood vessels.

As practice shows, the calmness of children during the piercing of the skin with a needle is created by switching their attention from the injection to something else, then the moment of the injection itself is not perceived so scary. A successful injection is obtained through a quick and accurate process of administering the medicine. In this case, the child’s skin should be folded and not stretched. Children of any age are given the injection while lying with their stomach down. With this position of the body gluteal muscles relaxed, therefore, the needle will enter easily, with a slightly perceptible painful signal. It’s a good idea to remember the basic safety rules:

  • Mandatory sterility: wipe the injection site with alcohol before and after administering the medicine.
  • Do not use disposable syringes after use.
  • Distribute the prescribed cycle of injections into both buttocks.
  • Monitor the presence/absence of air bubbles in the syringe. Be sure to squirt out the air along with a few drops of medicine.

Syringe for injection

In today's practice, three-component syringes are popular. Those who have given injections are familiar with the fact that some effort is required to advance the syringe plunger when injecting. At the same time, sometimes the piston moves jerkily, which causes pain to the child. Due to the rubber seal mounted on the piston, which moves the medicine into the needle, the piston moves smoothly. Therefore, the medicine is administered without shocks, almost painlessly. Brief information about the syringe that parents will use to give the injection is as follows:

  1. The syringe is placed in an individual plastic cassette.
  2. The syringe barrel is transparent, black graduations are applied, dosage medicinal drug under control.
  3. The components of the syringe are environmentally friendly, latex-free.
  4. The piston is durable, made of low-density polyethylene.
  5. Smooth stroke of the piston is ensured by a sealing collar with two rings and a specialized silicone lubricant between them.
  6. The retaining ring prevents the piston from coming out of the cylinder.
  7. The shelf life of the syringe is five years.

On a note. IN last years the number of “frequently ill children” has increased. It is in vain to associate this fact only with the “bad ecology” of cities. Incredible high value has uncontrolled (overestimated) use of antipyretic drugs, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, all kinds of immunomodulators aimed at strengthening the immune system. Parents consigned to oblivion the scenes of how they classically correctly suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, try to cure themselves quickly and heal their children. At the same time, the role of natural defense mechanisms the body is not taken into account. But Nature has worked for millions of years to heal her body with her own forces.

DTP vaccination— when can you bathe your child? Mandatory vaccinations– list of essential vaccines

The child's temperature is the most common reason parents' visits to the doctor.
Definition - a temperature above 38.0 C, measured in the rectum (butt), or above 37.5 in is considered elevated. armpit.
Temperature itself is not a life-threatening condition unless it is higher than 41.6 C in the rectum (41.0 C in the armpit). Fever can be a sign of a serious illness, but more often it is a sign of the most common infections. There is a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which controls body temperature. The hypothalamus raises body temperature so that the body can produce the substances it needs to fight disease. The body is capable of this only at elevated temperatures.

When to see a doctor immediately (call an ambulance)
- Your child is less than 2 months old.
- You assume that the child is dehydrated.
Signs of dehydration:
- sunken eyes
- decreased number of urinations or dry diapers
- sunken fontanel in children under one year old
- lack of tears when crying
- dry mucous membranes in the mouth, dry tongue
- severe drowsiness (more than usual)
- pronounced agitation (more than usual)
- appearance of unpleasant specific smell from mouth

The child developed seizures.
- the child has a purple rash on the body or bruises that appear on the eyes.
- changes in the child’s state of consciousness. The child is apathetic, sleepy, and does not respond to attempts to wake him up.
- breathing becomes too slow, too fast or difficult.
- the child has a very severe headache that cannot be controlled with analgesics and antipyretics.
- the child has incessant vomiting.
The presence of at least one of these symptoms along with a fever requires IMMEDIATE consultation with a doctor.

When else to see a doctor:
- child under 6 months.
- You cannot control your temperature despite taking antipyretics.
- You assume that the child may be dehydrated due to an insufficient amount of fluid administered (the child categorically refuses to drink, the child has diarrhea, the child drinks but vomits).
- if the child has already been examined by a doctor for a current illness, but his condition worsened or new symptoms appeared.
The presence of at least one of these signs along with a fever requires a conversation with a doctor and/or an examination by a doctor on the same day.

What to do at home?

Three main tasks that the mother of a child with a high temperature sets for herself.
The first is to reduce the temperature to an acceptable level.
The second is to prevent dehydration.
Third, constant monitoring of the child’s condition so as not to miss a serious or dangerous disease.

Temperature reduction:
-it is best to measure the temperature using a regular mercury thermometer in the butt or armpit. You can also use digital. There is no need to use an in-ear device - its readings are unreliable. In children under one year of age, the temperature should be measured in the butt; data on measuring temperature in the armpit in such young children is unreliable.
- Your task is to reduce T to 38.9 C in the butt (38.5 C in the armpit).
- to reduce T, use paracetamol (acetominophen), ibuprofen. Never use aspirin, especially if your child has chickenpox.
- undress the child (do not wrap him up!). Don't forget about the cool fresh air in the room.
- to reduce T, you can also use cool baths (water temperature corresponds to normal temperature body).
- do not use alcohol wipes, especially in young children. Remember, alcohol is poison for a child.

Prevention of dehydration.
- try to get your child to drink more than usual. Better juices.
- tea is not the best best drink for a child to prevent dehydration, because tea contains caffeine-like substances that increase urine production, which can lead to additional fluid loss. This is not at all the effect you want to achieve.
- If the child is not dehydrated, he should urinate light-colored urine approximately every 4 hours.

Constant monitoring of the child.
- try to keep the temperature below 39.0 C in the butt (38.5 C in the armpit).
- drinking plenty of water.
- if, despite the presence of both conditions, the child’s condition does not improve, one should think about a more serious problem that caused the increase in temperature.

Remember, most fevers in children are caused by viruses and do not require antibiotics to treat them.
Most diseases that cause T in children last 3-7 days.
Be healthy!

Source Discussion Club of the Russian Medical Server

Metamizole sodium, known to everyone under the name "analgin", is widely used in modern medicine and pharmacology.

Today we will tell you why this drug is needed, for what diseases, what it is combined with, side effects from his reception.

What it helps with, main indicators:

  1. Analgesic effect.
  2. Decreased body temperature.
  3. Neutralizes inflammation in the body.
  4. Reduces vascular spasm.
  5. Removes toothache.

It has many analogues now - Tempalgin, Baralgin-M, Pentalgin, which contain Metamizole sodium.

Pros, cons

Doctors still prescribe it for high fever in combination with aspirin. This is a quick antipyretic.

Pros of use:

  1. Elimination of high fever, toothache, headache.
  2. Freely available for sale (can be purchased without a doctor's prescription).
  3. Cheapness of the drug.
  1. Side effects, including effects on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Impaired blood circulation and clotting.
  3. The level of leukocytes in the blood may sharply decrease and this may develop hemolytic disease like agranulocytosis.
  4. Reducing the temperature to a minimum - up to 34.5℃.
  5. Liquid analgin (injection solution) promotes anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, it is banned in many cities and countries. Overdose is fatal.

Who is prescribed

The action of the medicine can stop the following symptoms:

  • For toothache, it quickly relieves and completely neutralizes it.
  • For headaches, it helps dilate blood vessels.
  • During menstruation.
  • From high temperature.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Radiculitis, spinal injuries.
  • Muscle pain (myalgia).
  • Orchitis.
  • Burn shock.
  • Postoperative condition.
  • Analgesic effect in oncology.
  • Muscle myositis.
  • Colic – biliary, intestinal, renal (analgin for injection + antispasmodic – nosh-pa).
  • Infections and viruses accompanied by fever.

Instructions for use


  1. The drug is not recommended for children under 6 years of age; at high temperatures (38.5–39.0℃) it is 0.5 tablets + paracetamol + nosh-pa. Alternate with Ibufen, Panadol.
  2. Dose for an adult: 1 tablet + antispasmodic. For increase daily norm need to consult a doctor. Take when temperature is above 39.0℃. The maximum dose of the drug is 1000 mg per day. 1 tablet of analgin contains 500 mg of metamizole sodium.
  3. Adults and children strictly according to the instructions and instructions of the doctor. Do not exceed the dose, it is dangerous to health.


  1. Do not take to children under 6 years of age without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Pregnant and nursing mothers.
  3. Contraindicated for people with circulatory problems.
  4. Renal and hepatic pathologies.
  5. It is not recommended to drink with antibiotics wide range actions.
  6. Do not take unnecessarily if the temperature has reached the maximum (39.0℃);
  7. Analgin does not cure, but relieves pain and acts as an antipyretic in combination with other antispasmodic drugs.

Side effects

  • Hives, allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock.
  • Choking, asthma attack.
  • Angioedema.
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  • Malignant exudative erythema(Stevens-Johnson syndrome).
  • A sharp drop in leukocytes in the blood.
  • Thrombosis, thrombocytopenia.
  • Limb spasms.
  • Migraine.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Urinary retention – oliguria.
  • No urine discharge.
  • Nephritis, kidney and liver damage.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Arthritis, temperature drop to minimum (hypothermia).


Metamizole sodium enhances the medicinal effect of some drugs. We will now tell you what connections they have and what they affect.


This combination is often used by emergency physicians to reduce high fevers in children and adults (above 39.5℃). It is life-threatening, so it is done in in case of emergency upon arrival of the ambulance! Doctors know how much to inject.

  • After 14 - 1 ml.
  • For children under 14 years of age, the dosage is per 1 kg of the child. Analgin = up to 10 mg/1 kg, Diphenhydramine = up to 2-5 mg/1 kg.

Intramuscular injection is carried out by alternating manipulation, first analgin, then the second medicine. Under no circumstances should you inject at the same time as vasodilators, this can lead to irreversible consequences and complications.


This combination is used for the first emergency care in emergency cases to achieve the desired effect for a short time. Only a doctor can calculate the required dose of drugs.

Thanks to this combination, spasm, liver or renal colic, appendicitis pain, high temperature after 39.5℃. No-spa with analgin also good remedy to relieve spasms.

With papaverine - a lytic mixture, an analogue of a complete combination of analgesic and antipyretic drugs. It is used in the same cases as with the addition of no-shpa and diphenhydramine.

United single dose:

  1. Analgin – up to 10 mg/1 kg.
  2. Papaverine – 0.1 ml/1 year.
  3. Diphenhydramine – 0.4 ml/1 year.


This combination is the most popular among antipyretic drugs for children and adults. In Russia, this combination was officially banned because it causes many complications and side effects such as:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Reducing the temperature to low limits (hypothermia).
  4. Decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood (agranulocytosis).
  5. Fatal outcome (10% of cases).

This combination should not be given to children; it is better to replace them with Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Panadol and other antipyretics.


The combination of these drugs is used for initial stages ORV, acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat and others infectious diseases, occurring at high temperatures. It is advised not to take it even in severe pain, so you need to be careful with it.

Especially for children and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Since 1992, it has not been recommended for consumption in the CIS countries, especially with alcohol, other medications and antibiotics.

Use with aspirin only in emergency cases, in case of severe pain and temperature above 39.5℃.


Suprastin – modern name Diphenhydramine. In terms of efficiency characteristics it is not inferior to its analogue.


These two drugs, together with each other, enhance the analgesic and antipyretic effect. It should also be used in rare critical cases and, if possible, replaced with others modern medicines– “Lidocaine”, “Bulivakaine”, “Melivakaine”.

Analgin, but spa, suprastin

This combination is used for:

  1. “White” fever – cold hands and feet, pale skin, weakness and chills of the patient.
  2. Very high temperature – 39.5℃.
  3. To prevent seizures.


  • "Analgin" - up to 8 years - weight/kg * up to 10 mg, but not more than 0.1 g.
  • "Suprastin" - from 0-12 months. – fourth part (1/4), from 1 year-6 – 1/3, from 6 – ½.
  • “No-shpa” - from 12 months - 6 – ¼; before 12 - 1 t., after 12 - 2 t.

In addition to medications, use in parallel traditional methods, wiping the limbs with vinegar diluted with water.

Do not exceed the amount of the drug because it may fatal outcome for the child and for you. Allergies lead to suffocation, hives and anaphylactic shock.


This combination is also prescribed when removing pain, high temperature. Indication:

  1. Renal, hepatic colic.
  2. Gallstones, passage of stones through ducts.
  3. Migraine, toothache.
  4. Traumatic shock and burns. A single dose per day for an adult should not exceed 0.3 g.


Prescribed to children small age to remove pain syndrome and as an antipyretic. Available in 0.1 g and 0.25 g. 1 suppository -0.1 g of metamizole sodium:

  1. 6 months - 12 months = ½.
  2. 12 months-3 = 1 pc.
  3. 3-7 = up to 2 per day;
  4. 7 and older = up to 3 x 0.25 g.

The procedure is performed on the side lying - rectally. After administering the suppository, the child needs to lie in bed for complete dissolution and the start of its action.

Rub for joints

Over time, the body wears out, various pathologies bones and cartilage. To relieve pain ideal remedy- rubbing.

  • “Analgin” - plate (10 tablets);
  • Camphor alcohol 10% - 15 ml;
  • Iodine solution 5% – 1 bottle;
  • Ethyl (medical 70%) – 0.3 l. Stir, dissolve, store in a dry and cool place.
  • Use as needed, for aching and dull ache– externally.


They are done in two ways - intravenously, intramuscularly. It is advisable to carry out this procedure under medical supervision. Because it is unknown how the body will react. The ampoule contains 0.25 g and 0.5 g of metamizole sodium.