Increasing male fertility with drugs and more. Low fertility in men: causes, treatment

If you want to have a child in the near future, then not only your own, but also the question of male fertility, should worry you now. After all, the biological clock is ticking for both of you, and as you age, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to get pregnant...

The biggest misconception of many women is that they think that nothing changes with a man’s age. By the way, this misconception is common to most men. But, unfortunately, this is not true. Male fertility, like female fertility, declines with age.

According to a UK study, among 2,000 women aged 25-40 who attended a fertility centre, those whose husbands were over 40-45 years old took five times longer to become pregnant than those whose partners were older. aged from 25 to 40 years. This means that the man’s age is a decisive factor, and it does not even always depend on the woman’s age.

How does fertility differ between men and women?

These two concepts are completely different. A woman's egg count is established before she is born, declines sharply as she ages (even before she gives birth), and by the time she reaches menopause, most of her eggs have died. In addition, as a woman gets older, not only does the number of eggs decrease, but the likelihood of developing abnormal eggs also increases.

Now for a man, he produces sperm throughout his life. With age, it gradually decreases, but his sperm does not lose its concentration. Therefore, we can say that there is no special age limit for a man to become a father, which is why nowadays it is not uncommon to see older men with small children. But for women, age plays a huge role in your ability to get pregnant!

The older a woman is, the less her body produces the female hormone estrogen, which not only leads to a decrease in fertility, but also increases the risk that her child will have genetic abnormalities.

The older a man gets, the less he has of the male hormone testosterone. As with decreased estrogen, low testosterone levels reduce a man's fertility and increase the likelihood of fathering a child with genetic problems.

So, the fact that a man’s ability to produce sperm does not depend on age does not mean that its quality does not depend on age! The older a man is, the worse the ejaculate volume is, the worse the sperm motility is, and this clearly does not contribute to conception! In men between 30 and 50 years of age, on average, ejaculate volume decreases by 30%, sperm velocity (motility) decreases by 37%, and sperm becomes 5 times more likely to be deformed. Most often, it is the shape of the sperm that is deformed, which is responsible for the transfer of genetic information. And the more deformed sperm, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities!

Relationship between genetic abnormalities and a man's age

Some genetic abnormalities in children, such as dwarfism, have long been associated with the age of their fathers, but such problems are relatively rare. In recent years, clinical studies have shown a link between paternal age and more common genetic disorders such as schizophrenia and Down syndrome. In general, the risk is highest when both parents are over 35 years of age.

The paternal age risk factor is generally not a problem for women under 35 years of age. This is because the ovaries of young women have a built-in mechanism that either repairs damaged sperm DNA or rejects the defective embryo, causing the woman to miscarry. But such a “safety net” begins to collapse after a woman reaches her 35th birthday.

Can older men be sperm donors?

Because the sperm of older men often has genetic abnormalities, some European countries have banned men from being sperm donors after they reach a certain age. But in our country, as long as a man’s sperm meets all the requirements regarding the volume, quality, quantity and motility of sperm, he has the right to be.

However, there are very few men whose sperm after 40 years of age satisfies all these criteria. And in order to become a donor, you need to go through a lot of research and regulations. For example, if you have had a piercing or a tattoo, you will automatically be disqualified because... There is a risk that you have been exposed to hepatitis B or C viruses.

Ultimately, only about 5% of men who apply to become a sperm donor successfully go through all the procedures, and according to statistics, these men are between the ages of 20 and 35 years.

Does weight affect male fertility?

Yes, weight has a big impact. And the most important thing you can do to increase your fertility is to lose excess weight! Obesity has always been one of the main causes of male infertility.

In addition, a man's testosterone level depends on his weight. Fat cells (especially belly fat) destroy testosterone because visceral fat (at the waist) is converted to estrogen. In this case, estrogen displaces testosterone, so the larger a man's belly, the lower his testosterone levels.

In addition to this, men who are overweight often lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a variety of health problems. For example, if a man has a waist circumference of more than 101 cm, then he is at high risk for developing heart disease. You may not know it, but heart disease slows down the flow of blood throughout the body, which is not only bad for the heart, but also very bad for the penis.

Strive to achieve a normal, healthy weight, but don't overdo it! Men who are too thin suffer from low testosterone levels, because if the body does not receive enough nutrients, this threatens to disrupt the production of sex hormones.

What can a man do to improve his fertility?

Unlike women, a decrease in fertility in men is usually a reversible process. Losing weight and treating infections in the body can sometimes work wonders. Therefore, if you are having problems trying to get pregnant, do not put off visiting a specialist for too long. Timely examination and adequate treatment may well solve your problems.

When it comes to infertility in a couple, 40% of the problem is in the man, 40% in the woman, and another 20% is either a problem in both partners, or the cause of infertility remains unclear. But male infertility is always easier to diagnose and correct than female infertility, so it is always worth starting the examination with a man.

One of the main causes of male infertility is an infection in some part of the reproductive tract, such as the prostate. Some hidden infections may go undetected for many years, but they will silently damage or destroy sperm during this time. Other common causes of male infertility are the presence of clogged vas deferens and dilated veins in the scrotum (varicocele). All of these problems are treatable.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although it decreases with age, these changes are less dramatic than in a woman. After age 45, about 99% of women are infertile, while men remain fertile into their 60s and even later. This is explained primarily by the fact that almost 100% of women at this age have very low estrogen, and men at this age experience a decrease in testosterone in only 15% of cases.

Reproductive function in men largely depends on health and proper nutrition. If fertilization ability is low, then a loving couple may have trouble conceiving a healthy child.

Scientists have proven that recently one of the main causes of infertility has been a decrease in male fertility. Its degree depends on many different factors associated with injuries and blockage of the vas deferens, spermatogenesis, and testicular damage.

Fertility concept

Male fertility is the body’s ability to take part in fertilization, which depends on the health and motility of sperm. The usefulness and effectiveness of sexual intercourse depends on viable sperm.

People who are of reproductive age are considered fertile. For men, this is the age from the first wet dream, at about 14–15 years old, until old age. The older a man is, the lower his fertility. However, aging does not affect sperm concentration. Therefore, to conceive a baby, the man’s age does not matter.

Despite the fact that ejaculation occurs throughout life, its quality becomes worse. The activity and motility of sperm also decreases, defective sperm appear, and the likelihood of conceiving a child with genetic disorders increases.

It is often said that fertility depends on the number of sperm. This opinion is wrong. Motility plays a major role in fertilization. A healthy sperm must be active and move along the desired path for a certain time. Also have the correct appearance and structure.

The fertility index is used to assess sperm quality and the possibility of fertilization.

Fertility Index

For a competent analysis of fertility in men, the Farris and Kruger index, calculated from data, is intended. Obtaining information about the fertility index makes it possible to determine the probability of conception during one sexual act.

The most commonly used is the Kruger index, which involves a percentage analysis of the following sperm parameters:

  1. Neck;
  2. Tail;
  3. Head.

A Kruger index below 30% indicates low fertility. Above 30% means a high probability of fertilization with a positive prognosis.

The Farris index determines the number and characteristics of inactive and inactive sperm. If the indicators are within 20–25 units, then the man has good fertility. In the case of a reduced level of fertility, the Farris index will be less than 20, and an increased one - above 25.

The note! Recently, the Farris index has hardly been used. To assess fertility, experts prefer indicators using the Kruger method.

Causes of low sperm fertility in men

The number of men suffering from infertility increases every year. Experts attribute this decline in fertile men to many factors. The main reasons for low fertility are:

  1. Alcohol consumption. The negative effects of alcohol on any organism have long been proven. The reproduction function is no exception. Once in the body, alcohol becomes poison for the testicles. And since it is the testicles that are responsible for the full maturation and formation of sperm, then, accordingly, all sperm production is disrupted and becomes defective;
  2. Smoking. Vitamin C is necessary for healthy and active sperm. One cigarette takes several milligrams of this vitamin from a man. This is how abnormal sperm may appear;
  3. Narcotic substances. Long-term drug use not only affects sperm concentration, but is also the main cause of male infertility;
  4. Anabolic steroids. Steroids, which are often used by athletes, affect sperm activity and sperm quality in general;
  5. Unbalanced diet. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, numerous diets affect the productivity and health of sperm;
  6. Prolonged overheating. Overheating of the testicles affects the sperm count;

This is important to know! Overheating of the testicles can occur as a result of using a laptop on your lap, taking hot baths, wearing tight underwear, or sitting for a long time.

  1. Environment. Constant emissions from enterprises affect the composition of the air we breathe. Therefore, the male population from large industrial cities is more susceptible to low fertility;
  2. Antibiotics and other medications. Taking cytostatics and drugs intended for the treatment of intestinal diseases, cancer and autoimmune pathologies affects male reproductive function;
  3. Telephone. Radiation from cellular devices can cause many diseases. Carrying a phone in your front pants pocket is strictly prohibited. This arrangement reduces the quality of sperm produced;
  4. Diseases:
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Kidney pathologies;
  • Sexual infections;
  • Varicocele;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Metabolic abnormalities.

How to increase male fertility?

In case of reduced fertility in men, you can use some methods to restore it. However, it is possible to increase this indicator only in the absence of pathologies - endometritis, tubal obstruction, abnormal development of the spermatic cord and others.

You can increase male fertility in the following ways:

  1. Complete cessation of alcohol, drugs and smoking;
  2. Proper balanced diet containing proteins and fats. Adding greens, vegetables and fruits to food;
  3. Watch your weight. However, low-calorie diets are strictly prohibited!
  4. Regular sex life. Frequent sex improves sperm quality and increases the chances of conceiving a child;
  5. Taking vitamins and minerals, especially those that play a major role in sperm production - A, E, zinc, folic acid, carnitine, selenium;
  6. Underwear should be made only from natural cotton, comfortable, loose, not tight or restricting movement;
  7. Train the pubococcygeus muscle. Regular exercise will help eliminate stagnation in the processes of the genital organs, sperm, improve sperm count and increase fertility in general;

This is important to know! The types of exercises and the frequency of their implementation are prescribed only by a specialist individually to each patient.

  1. Do not expose the testicles to prolonged overheating;
  2. If possible, avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you cannot fully achieve this, be sure to take breaks;
  3. Stop carrying a mobile phone in your front trouser pocket and do not keep a laptop on your lap;
  4. Avoid stressful situations, get enough sleep and relax;
  5. Eliminate harmful environmental influences - radiation, work in a hot shop or chemical production;
  6. Do exercises, but under no circumstances expose your body to heavy physical activity.

Many people believe that medications can be the solution to many problems, including hormonal imbalances, in both men and women, but this is not entirely true. Drugs for women often help, but in men the success rate of using drugs to increase fertility is only 5%. The stronger sex is usually prescribed medications depending on the nature of the problem.

Causes of low male fertility

1. Obstructive causes

The word obstructive means any obstruction or difficulty, and in this case the man suffers from the presence of an obstruction in the release of sperm. For some, it is a genetic or physical abnormality that occurs at birth that results in impaired sperm flow. Physical abnormalities can be accompanied by a number of infections that interfere with the process of ejaculation of sperm. It should be borne in mind that obstructive causes can be easily and quickly eliminated.

2. Non-obstructive causes

Impaired sperm production is generally associated with hormonal imbalance. The male body requires a certain hormone to stimulate the reproductive system. Drugs that are used to activate ovulation can also help solve the problem and stimulate the reproductive system.

Why are fertility medications needed for men and how are they prescribed?

1. Introduction

Above we looked at the reasons for low fertility in men. The good news is that they can be eliminated or reduced with the help of special medications. The best known hormones that can help are gonadotropins (gonadotropins). Hormonal drugs based on them are used mainly for the treatment of primary hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a condition in which the male body is unable to produce sperm. Hypogonadism means the brain does not produce enough hormones for male fertility. The drug exists in two forms: menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) And human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Both are used to stimulate the testicles to produce the male hormone known as testosterone.

In addition, other hormonal medications may also be helpful, for example, two such drugs are known as gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) And follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

Non-hormonal medications may help with problems with sperm ejaculation due to other diseases and problems, such as diabetes, side effects of medications, or complications after surgery. For example, drugs such as imipramine are prescribed to reduce the flow of sperm into the bladder by blocking its entry. Or stimulation of the penis by electrovibration will also sometimes be useful.

2. Drug therapy

Gonadotropins These drugs are used for male infertility when the causes remain unexplained. The indication for use is when the reproductive system produces an abnormally low amount of sperm or less than 40% of sperm are motile (according to other standards, less than 20 million). Poor signal transmission between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus can lead to this condition. The gonadotropins used for this problem are HCG and FSH.
Antiestrogens A lack of gonadotropins in men leads to a decrease in testosterone production and an increase in the level of female sex hormones - etrogens. Therefore, estrogen production is suppressed using anti-estrogenic drugs such as tamoxifen and clomiphene. However, they can have serious side effects on sperm production. It is important to check your testosterone levels before starting treatment. Studies have not shown significant differences in effectiveness between tamoxifen and clomiphene, but there is an opinion that clomiphene has more side effects.
Bromocriptine Bromocriptine is used to reduce prolactin levels in men, as this, like estrogens, leads to less testosterone production. The drug is used for an average of four weeks, but also has many side effects, which include liver problems, increased blood pressure, confusion, hallucinations and body movement disorders.
Testosterone Synthetic testosterone is often used as an artificial substitute for this hormone if the male body has low levels of testosterone. The drug can be found in the form of oral tablets, skin gels, and injections. However, its use can lead to liver problems. Injections are considered safer, but they can also lead to fluctuations in mood and energy levels. Today, transdermal use of testosterone (applied to the skin) is becoming increasingly popular.

3. Duration of treatment

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the drug prescribed. Clomiphene is recommended to be used for three to six months, one tablet per day. HCG is administered in at least two to three injections over a period of at least six months, as prescribed by your doctor. It should be borne in mind that longer courses of use of drugs to solve fertility problems do not ensure the success of these drugs. Your doctor may frequently change the dosage level, medication used, or treatment method.

4. Probability of success

It is true that drugs used to combat fertility problems can greatly aid sperm production. More than 80% of men have experienced improvements in their fertility with the help of gonadotropins. 40% were able to conceive a child with their partner. If medications do not work, surgery may be recommended. Treatment for retrograde ejaculations has shown a success rate of at least 55%.

5. Side effects

Both hCG and clomiphene can cause side effects that range from mild to severe, such as increased acne, sudden and severe weight changes, breast enlargement, blurred vision, and even liver dysfunction.

Home Remedies

1. Minimize physical and chemical exposure

Avoid tight, tight clothing to allow airflow into the groin area. You should also avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and rays that can interfere with normal sperm production. Another important condition is maintaining normal body temperature. Warm clothing for too long a period of time can limit male fertility, as can soaking in a hot bath.

2. Food

A healthy diet rich in vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances can greatly help solve many medical problems, including infertility. The body needs plenty of antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, glutathione and coenzyme Q10, as well as a combination of fruits, grains, proteins and vegetables. Multivitamins may also help stimulate sperm production and improve fertility. It is recommended to avoid alcohol and red meat at all costs to eliminate any obstacles to male fertility.

3. Healthy lifestyle

The body needs not only proper nutrition, but also other beneficial aspects. Quitting smoking will lead to a significant increase in sperm production. Along with this, reducing alcohol consumption, as well as a lack of stress, will contribute to men's health. Maintaining a healthy weight with the right balance of fat and muscle is essential to promote a healthy reproductive system. Do not resort to drug use, as they worsen your health and quality of life in general.

4. Professional advice

Professional help from an andrologist is often important to find the cause of the problem and its correct solutions. Although it is expensive, you may need to have periodic spermograms to monitor the amount of sperm produced and regular hormone tests. It is also recommended to visit a specialist to eliminate the possibility of any underlying serious diseases and other causes of infertility.

Thus, from this article we can conclude that it is necessary to first understand the causes of fertility problems in men in order to choose the right treatment methods and suitable medications to combat the inability or limitation of fertilization. Self-medication in this case cannot even be considered, since most of the drugs used have serious side effects. In addition, hormone therapy is quite expensive, and there is no point in spending money on it if there are no established indications.

If you're planning to have a baby and want to increase your fertility (your ability to conceive), you need to be healthy, exercise regularly, and break bad habits.


Maintain a healthy lifestyle

    Eat healthy. Diet has a major impact on all components of health, including fertility. Eating a healthy, balanced diet significantly improves a man's ability to conceive.

    To increase your sperm count, exercise more. Regular exercise improves overall health, including fertility. To do this, you need to include only certain types of physical activity in your daily routine, since some types of exercise can negatively affect your ability to conceive. More research is needed to find out for sure, but one study showed that a man's ability to conceive was reduced when he played certain sports.

    • Some studies suggest that cycling reduces fertility. Some high-impact sports, such as triathlon, can also reduce fertility.
    • To increase fertility, engage in light sports.
  1. Maintain a healthy weight. Both being underweight and overweight contribute to a low sperm count and an increase in the number of abnormal sperm, so you need to gain or lose weight to keep it within normal limits.

    • Consult your doctor to find out your optimal weight and learn how to achieve it. You may need to adjust your diet to achieve the desired results. It is advisable to carry out weight correction under the supervision of a doctor so as not to cause harm to health.
  2. Control your stress levels. Stress affects not only sexual health, but also hormonal levels, which negatively affects sperm production and contributes to decreased fertility. Follow these tips to combat stress:

    • Talk to people. Regular social interactions significantly reduce stress levels. Connect with friends and family with whom you can have a fun and enjoyable time.
    • Avoid additional stress. Don't accept unnecessary responsibilities. Stay away from people who annoy you. If any news makes you nervous, don't read, watch or listen to it.
    • Think ahead. If some questions make you nervous, stop and think: “What will I think about this tomorrow? Or in a week? Most likely, you are unnecessarily aggravating the situation.
  3. Don't forget about preventing sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) negatively affect your ability to conceive. Go to the clinic to get tested for STIs. If the result is positive, urgent treatment is necessary.

    Take a multivitamin. Taking a daily multivitamin containing vitamin C and E, along with a balanced diet, has a positive effect on men's health. Some studies show an increase in sperm count when taking multivitamins.

    • Choose multivitamins that contain selenium, zinc and folic acid - these elements are believed to improve men's health.
    • There is some evidence that multivitamins are harmful, so consult your doctor before taking any medications. Make sure your multivitamins are safe for you and can be combined with the medications you are taking.
  4. Avoid overheating. Although this information has not been confirmed, there is evidence that excessive heat in the groin area reduces sperm count. To increase fertility, try not to overheat, especially in the groin area.

    • Wear clothing that is loose around the groin area, particularly underwear and shorts.
    • Limit the duration of your visits to hot baths, saunas and hydromassages. Do not place the laptop on your feet; it is better to place it on a hard surface.
  5. Limit exposure to harmful chemicals and radiation. Exposure to heavy metals, radiation, radiation or pesticides can contribute to decreased sperm production and even cause infertility. If your job involves chemicals or environmental pollutants, be sure to wear protective clothing.

    When to Seek Medical Help

    1. Contact your doctor and he will prescribe medications if necessary. Currently, there are many medications that help improve fertility. If you want to increase your ability to conceive, consult a doctor, and he will definitely recommend the right drug. It is also possible that you are taking drugs that negatively affect fertility - in this case, your doctor will suggest a replacement for such drugs.

      • Medicines to reduce anxiety and depression may affect sperm production.
      • Some drugs used to treat prostatic hyperplasia may cause fertility problems.
      • Drugs used to treat fungal infections have a negative impact on fertility.
    2. See your doctor if there are signs of infertility. Infertility is a condition when a man's body does not produce active sperm. If you suspect you are infertile, see your doctor for an evaluation. The doctor will examine the genital area and order a semen test. The doctor may also ask you to take tests for antibodies and other biochemical agents, as well as a complete analysis of sperm chromatin and DNA, the CFTR gene, and conduct an examination of the endocrine system to exclude diseases of the pituitary gland and testicles. Contact your doctor if you experience the following problems:

The number of women under 34 who find it difficult to conceive or carry a child to term has doubled in recent years. Therefore, it has become fashionable to plan motherhood in advance, five or even ten years in advance. Why take the risk? Moreover, there are a lot of centers and specialists who will determine how fertile you are (that is, your ability to conceive and bear a child) and help prolong your fertile period - for this you no longer need to go abroad, as before.

1. Take an ovulation test
Age is the main factor affecting fertility. The optimal period of conception for most women is from 23 to 31 years. Then fertility begins to fall by about 3% annually, and 10 years before menopause, conceiving naturally becomes problematic. It is impossible to calculate the onset of time X, but you need to focus on the number 41 (for Russian women, menopause begins on average at 51 years old), and already at 35 years old you need to take control of ovulation. You can check whether your body produces an egg in each cycle yourself by purchasing a home ovulation test at the pharmacy (Frautest, Ovuplan, ClearBlue or any other brand). You need to be tested 3–4 months in a row for 5 days in the middle of the cycle. A negative result is a reason to visit a doctor and further research.

2. Freeze your eggs
Cryopreservation of an egg is still a rare service (storage costs about 17,000 rubles per year), but after 12 years—the shelf life of a frozen egg—everything will pay off. If you decide, go to a clinic that does IVF. First, you will have to undergo standard tests for infections and undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The next stage is a two-week course of follicle-stimulating hormone injections, which begins on the second day of the cycle. In this way, your body will be forced to produce a record dozen eggs at a time instead of one or two. Not to take more money from you. It’s just that after defrosting, only three or four will be working. When the material is ripe, it will be removed (the procedure is done under general anesthesia) and preserved for a year to begin with. The contract with the clinic where the eggs are stored must be renewed annually and done on time - for the sake of the safety of future children.

3. Get your weight in order
Waist is not only needed to attract a quality sire. Lack, as well as excess, of fat in the body can cause hormonal imbalance. As a result, in girls who are too large or too thin, the production of eggs by the ovaries is disrupted. Fortunately, not for good, but only until the weight returns to normal. To determine it (the norm), the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet came up with BMI - body mass index. To calculate it, you need to divide your mass (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters). It is believed that the BMI of a potential mother should fluctuate between 20 and 25 units. Going beyond these limits is already a risk. A recent study in the Netherlands showed that for every unit above 29, fertility fell by 4%.

4. Leave big sport
Physical activity is beneficial. Within reasonable limits. American doctors have set standards for women planning to conceive soon: run no more than 10–12 km a week and go to the gym no more than one hour a day. Because if you ride an exercise bike too hard, your menstrual cycle may be disrupted or ovulation may stop. This is mainly due to the loss of fat tissue - which is what we, as a rule, strive for. However, fat is also a source and store of female sex hormones - estrogens. Therefore, if there are failures in the cycle, you must immediately stop training.

5. Stop drinking coffee and quit smoking
Everyone who smokes knows that it is harmful. But few people know that the chemicals that accumulate in the body of a smoker disrupt the level of estradiol, the main estrogenic steroid hormone. To delay the onset of menopause and increase fertility by 30%, you just need to quit smoking. By the way, your feat will reduce the risk of miscarriage if pregnancy occurs. You don't have to give up coffee (as well as products containing caffeine) completely. Just reduce the dose to one cup per day.

6. Change your diet
The book The Fertility Diet was recently published in the United States. It presents interesting data. For example, that sweets, potatoes, white bread and other foods rich in “fast carbohydrates” interfere with ovulation, while “slow carbohydrates” and foods high in iron, on the contrary, help to conceive. Also, those who sooner or later plan to become a mother are recommended to eat more dairy products - with as high a fat content as possible. This will increase the level of female hormones estrogen. As for vitamins, pay special attention to folic acid (vitamin B6) - it increases the chances of conceiving. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to start taking folic acid and vitamin C (in the first phase of the cycle) and vitamins A and E (in the second) about six months in advance.

7. Choose a contraceptive
Taking oral hormonal contraceptives does not harm fertility. On the contrary, when the pills are chosen correctly, hormonal levels can be adjusted. A blood test for hormones will show whether you need to reduce androgen levels or increase estrogen levels. It will have to be taken twice - in both phases of the cycle. After this, the doctor will prescribe a suitable oral contraceptive or, if there are contraindications, advise against taking them.

8. Do an ultrasound
Take care of your health. Some women's diseases make themselves felt by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and disruptions of the menstrual cycle. Others, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, are masters of camouflage. Or they lurk in the body asymptomatically, slowly destroying reproductive health. But if you visit a gynecologist every six months and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, any disease can be caught at an early stage.

9. Don't have an abortion
Abortion in itself is not dangerous and does not deprive you of the opportunity to give birth to a healthy child in the future. Complications after it are dangerous. This is, first of all, a serious hormonal disruption - regardless of whether it is a medical or mechanical abortion. In the second case, there is a high probability of injury, which can provoke endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. How long does it take to recover or use reliable contraceptives? The choice is obvious.

10. Take care of your man
Theoretically, he can become a father even after 70 years of age, but in half of the cases it is not possible to conceive a child due to his fault - due to a decrease in the number of motile sperm. To prevent this from happening, it is enough for him to follow two simple rules - do not squeeze or heat the scrotum area. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to persuade a man to give up his car and change sedentary office work to healthy, hard physical labor. But he can stop holding a laptop on his lap for a long time, sleeping in a hot bath and sauna, wearing tight underpants and riding a bicycle with an uncomfortable seat. And, by the way, some people could have sex more often – 2-3 times a week. In order to improve sperm quality.

It's all in your head!

Scientific director of the Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology, Professor Galina Filippova, explained why problems with conception are often associated with mental health and what to do about it.

How does the brain influence our ability to get pregnant?

Believe it or not, he plays a key role! You must really want a child. What I mean is that the motivation must be so strong that your desire to give birth must be accepted within you. Many women are surprised: I really want to become a mother, I consciously want to! But they don’t understand that they may have strong unconscious resistance inside. In the left hemisphere of all mammals there is a part of the brain called the “maternal dominant”, which is responsible for organizing our behavior associated with the birth of children. And in the right hemisphere there is another important center - it is called the “dominant anxiety”. If for some reason it is in an excited state, it can suppress the “dominant motherhood” and, accordingly, the ability to conceive. That is, your own brain - without your natologist - sends signals to the body: don’t get pregnant, it’s dangerous now! If this happens for a long time, functional changes in internal organs may begin - ovulation will stop, hormonal balance will be disrupted, etc.

In what cases is the “anxiety dominant” activated?
The cause could be any unresolved problem that you are reacting to. Your social environment is of great importance. For example, if you have a tense relationship with your mother-in-law, your own mother or husband, or you are afraid (even subconsciously) that the birth of a child will limit your personal freedom, then the dominant anxiety will be constantly aroused and it will be difficult for you to get pregnant. In my practice, I often encounter couples who have scandals just during the period of ovulation - like clockwork! – and they, accordingly, avoid intimacy these days. Perhaps they unconsciously experience anxiety and do not want a child, although they themselves deny it. By the way, anxiety is also dominant in men - it can suppress sperm activity with the same success as ovarian function in women. I had a patient whose mother kept saying as a child: “I had 20 abortions before you, and left you, you idiot, to ruin my life now!” Accordingly, he was “blocked” from having his own children.

But there are women who “get blown away by the wind”...
They do not have a subconscious fear of having children or, for example, that hyper-responsibility that is characteristic of many successful modern women who have difficulty conceiving. Those who become pregnant “from the wind”, for one reason or another, are not afraid that the child will interfere with their life.

How to remove these blocks?
Often pregnancy occurs when we simply let go of the problem, stop stressing ourselves and stressing our partner. Many women diagnosed with infertility decide to adopt a child and then unexpectedly become pregnant themselves - sometimes already at the adoption stage. This happens because they either stop experiencing stress - torturing themselves and their husband in order to conceive at any cost - or they simply internally accept a parental position. And then everything works out! In general, it is important for a woman to realize her fears and find out: the child will help or hinder her. Many are afraid that the latter will happen, without good reason.

How do you help women?
With each individual, we study family history - in particular, what kind of mother image a woman carries within herself (as a rule, it is copied from her own mother, and if it is negative, this can also prevent you from getting pregnant), but usually we go deeper and look at least 3– 4 generations of family scenarios. Of course, we also analyze your current life situation - at work, with your man, with your parents, etc. Finally, we find out your “subconscious plan” - after all, most often you yourself know very well when you can “allow” yourself to get pregnant. As a result, we develop your personal “motherhood plan”.

Issue price

At the Southern California Reproduction Center, one cycle of egg freezing costs $7,000, but most do multiple cycles and then give a discount. In Russia it costs from 150,000 rubles plus storage - from 8,000 to 18,000 rubles per year. In Moscow, eggs can be frozen at the Perinatal Medical Center, the Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. V.I. Kulakov and at the European Medical Center. There is a way out even if your man’s sperm or your own eggs are not suitable for some reason - the same centers will tell you the contacts of donor material banks.


Ilona (36 years old):“I got pregnant from a stranger”
Two months ago I gave birth to a daughter from a man whose name I didn’t even know. Before this, my husband and I tried to conceive without success for five years. To be honest, of the two of us, I wanted a child more. My wife was happy with everything anyway. We had common interests, common friends, and at first, good sex. True, he liked oral history more, but for my sake he performed his marital duty as expected once a week. However, over time, bed from pleasure turned into hard work. The husband often went to strip clubs, from where he returned, to put it mildly, drunk. Or he pretended to be asleep and snored loudly on purpose. At the same time, I didn’t want to go to the doctor, claiming that I was infertile and there was no need to try. But I saw many doctors, and they said that the problem was not with me. Once, at a colleague’s birthday party, I had sex with a friend of a friend in the bathroom. As they say, quickly. There wasn't much pleasure. But two weeks later the test showed that I was pregnant. While I was deciding how to tell my husband about this, my colleague told everything to the guy from the bathroom. That man found me, we started dating. I left my husband without much regret.

Maria (45 years old):“It would be easier without pills”
When I had a boyfriend (I was 16 years old), I went to the antenatal clinic to be prescribed birth control pills. Naturally, secretly from my parents. Soon I gained a lot of weight. I had to tell everything to my mother, who told me the first day. But nothing could be fixed. I still remained fat. Something else is worse. I couldn't get pregnant. Treatment for infertility did not produce results. For the first three years after our wedding, my husband and I were terribly worried about this. Then they reconciled themselves. Over the course of 15 years, we got used to living together, got dogs, and even seemed to calm down. And four years ago I became pregnant. It turned out to be by chance. I had a stomach ache, we went to the district clinic and found out that I was in my fifth month. All this time I continued to have menstruation, there was no toxicosis, and indeed no deviations from the norm. Moreover, I smoked and did not deny myself other joys of life. Fortunately, this did not affect my daughter in any way. A year ago, when I turned 44, I gave birth to a son, also naturally. I think I'll stop there for now.