Why does a cat rub its face on everything? Why do cats rub against people and various objects? Other reasons why cats rub against objects

Why do cats rub their faces against their owner’s legs, his face, corners, and everything in a row? What does it mean if the cat also meows?


On the cheeks, forehead, near the ears, chin and at the base of the cat's tail are scent glands, so when she rubs against a person or “butts” him, she is simply marking him. Kittens usually learn this behavior from their mothers.

Cats have a highly developed sense of smell, which they rely on to receive a significant amount of information about the world around them. In order to distinguish familiar people/animals/objects from unfamiliar ones, she needs to put the “I was here” or “I know him” mark on them. She wants live among familiar smells to feel confident and safe. At home, cats most often rub against corners, because instinct tells them that it is at the corner, that is, at the intersection of at least two passages, that there is a greater chance of meeting another animal and showing it that someone was here before it.

Interesting, that if a person comes home to his cat from guests, where their cat rubbed against him, his own cat will try to “re-mark” these marks and therefore will rub with redoubled force. Moreover, cats are more prone to this than cats.

Over time, the marks evaporate, so cats have to regularly rub their faces on people's legs and on all suitable objects in the house.

Greets and studies

This point is related to the first. When a non-fearful cat meets a new person or another cat, she may also rub against him, but not only to mark, but also to greet and herself collect information about its smells. Moreover, when a cat rubs against a guest’s legs, this does not mean that now she allows him to stroke herself.

The cat wants to be petted

Because people don't realize that their newly adopted kitten is simply marking them, they start petting it in return. This is how he produces conditioned reflex : If you want someone to scratch your face and behind your ear, rub it against the person.


Since the feeling of pleasure from food is similar to the feeling of pleasure from scratching behind the ear, the cat begins to ask for food in the same way as it asks for affection, that is, it rubs against the owner. If she is accustomed to receiving food at the first “meow”, then all this will also have sound accompaniment.

If you do not want to teach your cat to beg in this way, from the very first days do not pet her when she rubs, because this is not what she means.

The article presents information that makes it possible to better understand what one has to deal with in one case or another when pets develop a not always healthy interest in human feet.

Why does a cat rub against a person’s legs and signs associated with it?

Signs say that cats rub against their owners’ legs to relieve all the accumulated fatigue of the day. In fact, the circumstances are completely different. With the help of a similar ritual, they mark the resident of their territory so that he smells like before.

The sebaceous glands secrete pheromones that remain on clothing. For a person, the smell is not noticeable, but a cat calms down after marking its person.

Why does a cat hit a kitten with its hind paws?

A mother teaches her child self-defense.

Why does a cat hit its owner with its paw?

If a cat hits with its paws as if playing hockey, then these actions are attributed to play aggression. The cat just wants to play.

If a kitten rushes to your feet when you walk, what should you do?

Such situations are regarded as the same as the game of “hockey”, which was mentioned earlier. The kitten just wants to play, so give him some time.

Why does the cat lie on its feet?

Firstly, cats love warmth, so they lie down where it is warm. In our case, these are the legs. Secondly, in this way they show their affection for a person, and if he is not the only pet in the house, then this is how he shows his rights to affection from the owner.

Why does a cat eat soil from a flower pot and outside in the garden?

In this case, three options are possible: anemia, lack of microelements, worms. Contact your veterinarian.

The natural grace of cats and their sweet daily rituals have become so beloved by people that they have almost begun to humanize their pets. An interesting question to consider is why cats rub against human legs. It's so cute, and at first glance it doesn't make any sense.

In the animal world, far from human understanding, having a sensitive sense of smell plays an important role for survival. Much more effective than vision and hearing, the sense of smell helps to sense the approach of prey, a competitor or a sexual partner.

With the help of smells, cats transmit information to each other about the belonging of an individual to a pride, items of personal property, as well as the boundaries of the territory. A secret with an individual smell for each individual helps to mark these boundaries.

The glands that produce a special substance are located in three places:

  1. Animal muzzle.
  2. Areas between the pads on the paws.
  3. Under the tail - at the anus.

Thus, when the cat begins to rub against parts of the owner’s body, he somehow leaves his scent. The same applies to its relatives, as well as various inanimate objects, including the corners of sofas and walls. This behavior means that the pet is marking its property, protecting it from attacks.

Video “How do cats show their love?”

From this video you will learn what signs of love cats have for humans and whether furry cats miss their owners.

Reasons for behavior

The cat ritual of wiping is somewhat similar to flirting. The pet presses its head against the owner's leg, then rubs its side, and as a finishing touch wraps its tail around the human limb. The animal performs the same manipulations with the hands of its owner, and sometimes pokes its muzzle in the face. This behavior has both an instinctive biological and social nature, which developed in the process of adaptation to home conditions.

To better understand cats, it is worth finding out why they continue to perform this ritual. Known reasons include:

  1. Marks. Just like personal belongings, toys, territory, for a cat a person is his personal property, a member of the family. When the owner is absent for a long time, his sign of belonging to the pride disappears. Purr senses this and begins to rub, correcting the misunderstanding.
  2. Collects information. This most often happens when guests come to the house. When coming into contact with someone new, the pet scouts the situation for a potential threat. In addition, by leaving its scent on guests, the animal adapts to their presence.
  3. Communicates with relatives. Domestic cats also have their own post office, and the postman is the owner. If a pet runs up to its human with a fit of tenderness, do not delude yourself. Perhaps the striped neighbor on the floor below conveyed very important news.
  4. Requires affection. In this case, a conditioned reflex is superimposed on the instinctive basis. It is produced in a kitten when it is marking a large and warm person with its aroma, it receives affection. As a result, the association is reinforced, and the animal begins to rub when it wants attention.
  5. He wants to eat. Here, rubbing is also associated with pleasure after the ritual. However, it is not the only sign that the animal is asking to be fed. This is usually accompanied by meowing and a characteristic hungry look.
  6. Walking. During the period of sexual heat, females leave pheromones on their owners - messages for potential sexual partners. This is especially true for cats that do not go outside.

Interestingly, similar behavior can also occur among street animals. Often cats, on whose territory a person has set foot, thus declare their rights to him and show condescension.

Is there any danger

Having found out why cats rub against people, the next question arises: is it dangerous? If the pet is vaccinated, healthy and lives at home, then such contact will not harm either party. Although in some cases a certain inconvenience may arise, since salivation increases in overly excitable purrs.

But yard fauna can pose a significant threat to humans and their pets. From stray cats you can get:

  • virus;
  • fungus;
  • lichen;
  • helminths;
  • fleas and ticks.

That is why, for safety reasons, it is recommended to avoid the attention of unknown animals.

Most people understand that cats rub against their legs as a result of positive emotions. Some people understand this act as affection and affection, while others think that the cat is asking to be held or asking for pity. You will be surprised, but there are well-founded, physiological reasons for such cute behavior!

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the cat rubs against the owner’s legs in order to mark him as property and inviolable property! Cats (and dogs too) have three “sources” of personal odor - secretions secreted by glands on the face, between the toes and on the surface of the anus. Another “ink” to mark the territory is urine, which has no “significant” odor without the secretion secreted by those same paranal glands.

Note! When a cat marks territory, it jerks its tail held high to stimulate the paranal glands.

Sometimes odorous substances are called pheromones; this interpretation is a little incorrect, but sometimes appropriate. Some, especially territorial cats, not only rub against their owner, but also lick him. Particularly passionately, the pet eliminates the smell of sweat under the arms and on the legs. We can explain the not entirely hygienic process by the same desire to mark a person with one’s smell.

Note!"Wet deeds" found in shoes also indicate an attempt to leave a mark. It is incorrect to write on a person, but leaving your scent on shoes is quite appropriate. Males can mark hats and outerwear.

Why do cats rub against people and objects?

In fact, a cat rubs against a person’s legs only because peeing on them is indecent and dangerous. This ritual is carried out every time the owner returns from work or after his long (by cat’s standards) absence. So, you enter your home, and your purr begins to rub against your legs, you habitually interpret this behavior as a greeting.

Read also: How and what to feed newborn kittens?

The cat approaches your feet, imitating a snake, touches your ankles with its head, then arches its back and sides and, at the final stage, wraps its tail. Having made one revolution, the pet seems to rise up hind legs and repeats the ritual. If next to front door There is a scratching post, having finished wiping, the cat begins to demonstratively sharpen its claws, arching its back.

The cutest ritual performed by your pet means that you have lost your pack scent. By wiping your feet, hands and face, your cat leaves secrets on your clothes or skin. sebaceous glands. The most odorous secretions are found in the areas already listed - on the face, paws and in the tail area. In scientific language, this process is called olfactory marking. Having applied its scent to you, the cat conveys a message to its competitors: “This man is mine, from my pack, don’t you dare attack him!”

The same ritual is performed in relation to almost all objects in the territory of the home. Pets rub against some things especially often, for example, against the phone, laptop, shoes or bedding of the owner. The reason is simple - the smell of the flock is too quickly replaced by strangers. It is worth understanding that the aroma of your palms and body is not perceived as hostile by the cat, even if the pet persistently replaces it with its own.

This is interesting! The cat rubs against its place, carrier, tray, bowl and other personal items every day.

It's interesting that some cats never rub their owners' feet. The reason is that animals do not trust their owners. Only those who do not pose a threat and are part of the pet’s world deserve a special smell. Some cats limit all communication with the owner to wiping them in the morning or evening. This situation indicates the tailed one’s self-sufficiency, that is, he trusts you, but does not particularly need your care.

Read also: How a cat eats: unusual preferences

How to explain the behavior of street cats that rub against the legs of any person who approaches? The motives are still the same, but the reasons are slightly different. Typically, an outdoor cat that lives in wild conditions several years, becomes a leader or beta member of the community. There are exceptions, for example, aggressive or cowardly animals.

Seasoned street cats, self-sufficient and determined, give those passing by a “ticket” with the message: “You came to my house and became my property.” Young animals beg for affection and attention, hoping to become your companion.

By the way, if you pick up a kitten that has not yet experienced the “charms of street life,” it will immediately begin to rub and cuddle up to you. Tiny babies actively trample their palms with their paws and rub their faces. The kitten with all its appearance shows trust and loyalty to the person, asking in return for affection and protection.

The Inexplicable Behavior of Cats

The pet curled up into a ball and hid its face in its paws, you opened the closet and took out a warm sweater... after all, this is a sign, such behavior promises cold. You'd be surprised how many superstitions are associated with cats. For example, in ancient Rus' the cat was allowed into the baby's cradle to lie down and rub itself. Afterwards the child was put to bed, and he slept soundly.

A cat that rubbed itself against the guest’s legs suggested that the person came with good intentions and did not keep a stone in his bosom. Perhaps this is an exaggeration, but it’s not for nothing that they say that purrs see the energy of people, and they immediately smell cruel and vile bipeds... they scream, hiss and even attack them.

The ginger cat, who rubs at his feet, takes over all the negative energy. Why exactly red is unknown. Most likely, this is due to another sign that sunny cats bring happiness, wealth and good luck to the owner. Again, the red cat brings peace to the family and eliminates conflicts, calming down the “separated” husband or wife.

How does your cat greet you? How does she say "hello"?

Most owners are well aware of the habit of cats to rub against their legs and understand that in this way the cat demands attention to it. Of course, this could just be a reminder that your lady wants to eat, but cats often rub their feet when they have food. sufficient quantity stern. Leg rubbing is a form of greeting, it's a cat's way of saying, "Hi, I know you, I'm glad to see you, I trust you." When a cat rubs against you, not just your legs but other parts of your body, it leaves a scent on you, marks you, signals that you belong to it. Cats have scent glands in several places on their heads, under the ears, on the chin and around the eyes, as well as in other places on the body.

But your cat also rubs and leaves scent on furniture, doors, and other inanimate objects. If she is allowed to roam outside the house, she will also scent-mark trees, plants, poles, and the like. Does this mean that you mean as much to a cat as a chair or a tree? No, of course not.

Your cat uses her scent to mark inanimate objects to indicate the boundaries of her territory, to let other cats know that this is her domain. Of course, you are part of her world too, but we hope that you have a few things for her. higher value than table legs or a pillar. To understand how much your cat loves you, observe other forms of cat greeting behavior.

Head banging

Does your cat allow you to pick her up when you come home? This in itself indicates her trust in you, but if she also rubs her muzzle against your face, this means that she loves you very much.

Has your cat ever bumped its head on you? This is a very intimate cat greeting, reserved only for cats and special people whom the cat trusts very much. If your cat greets you by bumping her head on your face or nose, you can be sure that she is happy to see you. This behavior comes from childhood, when the kitten bumps against its mother, giving a signal that it is time to feed it.

Try extending your hand just above your cat's head when you open the apartment door. Your cat can only climb up by standing on hind legs, and bumping or head-butting your hand. This is a very enjoyable and fun activity.

If your cat doesn’t do this, don’t think that she doesn’t have affection for you, it’s just that each cat is individual and this behavior may simply not be typical for it.

Greeting a sleepy cat

What do you think when you are away all day and your cat is left alone at home, what does she do? Yes, your cat sleeps most of the day. So it's likely that when you walk through the door, you're disturbing her peaceful sleep. As yours sleepy cat will greet you? Wake up cats usually greet their owner by rolling on their backs and stretching out their paws, while extending their claws and yawning. By doing this, they expose their belly, making themselves vulnerable to attack, so this is not a greeting reserved for strangers, this greeting is only intended for people whom the cat trusts very much. Be careful, because if your cat greets you by sticking out her tummy, this does not mean that she will allow you to scratch or pet it, watch her claws!

As stated above, all cats have their own unique personality, so their greetings will be very different. If you have several cats living in your home, each of them will greet you differently.

A cat who lives with several cats or other pets will not be as dependent on humans for companionship, and therefore will not be as welcoming to you as a cat who is the only animal in the house. Also, if you have multiple people living in your home, your cat has many ways to get attention and will be less happy to see you. Cats that are outdoors occasionally are also not as dependent on their owners, can fill their day with many outdoor adventures, and are often part of a social cat system outside of their home. This doesn't mean that outdoor cats or cats that live with other people or animals can't show you affection, they certainly can, but they don't have the same need for love and attention as a cat. being alone all day. Age can also be a factor in how a cat greets you; for example, an older cat may not have as much energy as she once did, so she may not seem thrilled to see you.

You should know that one special way, with which a cat greets you. Your cat may not use head banging or back rolling in front of you to say hello, but even if your cat seems very wild, aloof and uninterested, she will still have some way of greeting you. Even if this method is just a quick glance in your direction before you start washing your face. This way, at least she shows that she is aware of your presence.