Novomek instructions for use for dogs. Treatment of demodicosis until complete healing

Novomek looks like a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid with a slight odor. This is a 1% solution of ivermectin in organic acids. The manufacturer produces the drug in polyethylene containers of 10 and 100 ml, in ampoules of 1 and 5 ml.

The drug belongs to list B. It must be stored in a place protected from light and children, at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius, for 5 years.

How to use Novomek for dogs correctly

According to the instructions, this drug for dogs is administered in a dosage of 0.1 ml per 1 kg. An injection is given in the withers area. Possibly intradermal administration the drug when it comes to lactating animals.

About sarcoptic mange in dogs

First, these areas of the body turn red, then the dog begins to itch intensely, because the laying of eggs by mites is accompanied by severe itching. The above areas of the body are covered with small nodules. They quickly turn into bubbles of liquid. Crusts appear on the animal's skin and the fur sticks together. Often, severe scratching causes wounds on the body. Itching in dogs increases in a warm room, and slightly weakens in the cold. Next, the dog loses its hair, and the stage of body baldness begins. The dermis in the affected areas becomes thick and covered with cracks. Sick dogs acquire a specific sour smell. Secondary signs of mange in dogs are aggressiveness, nervousness, and loss of appetite. If left untreated, acute sarcoptic mange becomes chronic. Then the dog's The lymph nodes, skin pigmentation increases. Accordingly, the quality of life of the animal noticeably deteriorates.

Scabies therapy after establishment accurate diagnosis in dogs must be carried out under quarantine conditions. The disease is contagious, so the dog must be isolated. It is necessary to disinfect the premises in which the pet was located and its belongings (collar, dishes, bedding).

During the therapy period, it is important to feed the animal well, wash it with special keratolytic shampoos, and regularly remove crusts and drying exudate. The pet's fur is restored with preparations that contain sulfur. During the treatment period, the owner is obliged to show maximum patience and give the dog more attention and warmth.

External and internal view:

International generic name- ivermectin. By appearance absolutely standard transparent, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid, without impurities. Packaged in glass bottles of 1, 10, 50 and 100 ml, the bottle is closed with a rubber stopper and topped with a red crystal cap. There are 10 bottles in a package. Each bottle must contain the name of the manufacturer's organization and the expiration date of Novomek. IN cardboard box Includes detailed instructions.

What it consists of:

In 1 ml of Novomek:

Ivermectin - 10 mg

Isopropyl alcohol - 0.2 ml

Triethylene glycol up to 1 ml of remaining volume

Why is it prescribed:

Who and what is being treated:

Indispensable in the treatment of scabies mites, as well as subcutaneous larvae of gadflies (the disease is typical only for cattle).

How to use:

Dogs and cats:

0.1 ml per 1 kg

Novomek is administered to large animals (agricultural animals) subcutaneously in the area of ​​the withers or shoulder-scapula joint; intradermal administration is possible, especially for lactating animals.

In horses, deer and deer, the injection is carried out only in the posterior femoral muscle group, observing the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, due to the strong tendency to form abscesses during subcutaneous administration.

The intradermal, needle-free method is used only in cattle and only for therapy against subcutaneous gadfly larvae. For dictyocaulosis and strongyloidiasis, it is used only during the clinical manifestations of the disease.

Side effects:

When carrying out prescriptions according to these instructions, there are no. If individual intolerance occurs this drug, you should cancel the course to avoid swelling, itching or urticaria on the skin. Cannot be used in parallel with other veterinary drugs.

How much and how to store:

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. The shelf life of a sterilely closed vial is 5 years from the production date, which is indicated on the Novomek label.

Manufacturer country:

Russia, Moscow, Vetbiohim LLC

Description Novomek injection solution vial. 1 ml:

The active substance blocks transmission nerve impulses, causing paralysis and then death of insects. In therapeutic doses it is not dangerous for warm-blooded animals.

Using Novomek, instructions for use of which are included with each package, the breeder must first show the pet to a specialist to determine the optimal dosage and frequency of administration of the product.

Weakened or exhausted individuals, as well as pregnant and lactating females, are not subject to the procedures. After veterinarian determined the required dosage, administration is carried out subcutaneously in the neck area using a needle-free injector. This reduces the pain response and provides visual control for the administered drug.

At therapeutic concentrations, Novomek does not cause allergic reactions and is easily tolerated by pets.

ATTENTION! The given description of the drug is not an instruction.


Large cattle, sheep, goats, horses, camels - subcutaneously 200 mcg/kg (1 ml per 50 kg) of live weight. Pigs - for nematodes - 200 mcg/kg (1 ml per 50 kg), for sarcoptic mange - 300 mcg/kg (1.5 ml per 50 kg) of live weight. Reindeer - intramuscularly or cutaneously 200 mcg/kg (1 ml per 50 kg) of live weight, for edemagenosis - 0.5 ml per animal.
Novomek is administered intradermally from a needle-free injector into the neck area twice, 0.2 ml (total dose 0.4 ml per animal), visually or palpating the formation of two bubbles (peas) at the injection site.

Novomek is not allowed to be used by milking, weakened, emaciated animals, as well as by pregnant animals less than 30 days before birth.

Slaughter of animals for meat is permitted no earlier than 30 days after the last use of the drug. At forced slaughter Before the specified period, the meat is used to feed animals or for processing into meat and bone meal.

List B. In closed original packaging in a dry, dark place, away from heat sources and open flames at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Shelf life: 5 years, subject to storage and transportation conditions.

Dosage and method of administration

Cattle, sheep, goats, horses, camels – subcutaneously 200 mcg/kg (1 ml per 50 kg) of live weight. Pigs - for nematodes - 200 mcg/kg (1 ml per 50 kg), for sarcoptic mange - 300 mcg/kg (1.5 ml per 50 kg) of live weight. Reindeer - intramuscularly or cutaneously 200 mcg/kg (1 ml per 50 kg) of live weight, for edemagenosis - 0.5 ml per animal. Novomek is administered intradermally from a needle-free injector into the neck area twice, 0.2 ml (total dose 0.4 ml per animal), visually or palpating the formation of two bubbles (peas) at the injection site. NOVOMEK is not used in milking, weakened, emaciated animals, as well as in pregnant animals less than 30 days before birth. Slaughter of animals for meat is permitted no earlier than 30 days after the last use of the drug.

Release form

NOVOMEK is produced in the form of a sterile solution in glass or plastic bottles of 1 ml, 10 ml, 100 ml or 450 ml.

  • The presence of helmitosis in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thelaziosis (eye nematodes).
  • Canine scabies and psoroptosis.
  • Demodecosis.


Ivomec 1% is a sterile solution, light yellow in color, 1 ml of which contains 10 mg of ivermectin and auxiliary components. The drug is packaged according to 20, 50, 100, 250 and 500 ml and are released in hermetically sealed bottles placed in cardboard packaging. Packages must be labeled, in addition to which the name and purpose of the drug, the name of the company that manufactured it, expiration date, and storage conditions are indicated.

The price of the drug in different veterinary pharmacies may vary, but one thing is certain: it is quite affordable.

Indications for use

  • The presence of helmitosis in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thelaziosis (eye nematodes).
  • Canine scabies and psoroptosis.
  • Demodecosis.
  • Estrosis (subcutaneous or nasopharyngeal botfly).
  • Mallophagosis.

Instructions for use

The drug is administered in the form intramuscular injection in the fold at the withers or in the hip area, dosing 0.1 ml for every 5 kg of animal body weight. In order for the drug to be better absorbed, you can additionally add vitamin E to it; with it, Ivomec has a less aggressive effect on the animal. A big plus in his positive impact on tissue healing and maintenance normal condition body.

It is important to take tests a week after using the medicine to ensure that the treatment is effective. In exceptional cases, when the disease is severe or has not completely gone away, re-treatment can be carried out 10 days after the initial injection of the drug. The drug is excreted in the urine.


The drug is contraindicated in animals suffering from infectious diseases, exhausted, it is forbidden to use pregnant dogs about a month before giving birth and those already lactating.

Side effects

Due to the high sensitivity of certain individuals to the drug Ivomec, agitation, vomiting, frequent urination, defecation, and ataxia can be observed in certain animals.

Your actions

There is no need to panic as these symptoms will mostly go away on their own. There is also breed intolerance, so you need to pay close attention to dog breeds such as Sheltie, Bobtail and Colo. In case of duration of symptoms related to side effects, or sharp deterioration condition of the animal’s health after using the drug, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist. This can help to promptly identify the cause and eliminate its possible negative consequences.

It should be remembered that self-diagnosis and self-medication is dangerous. We must be responsible for our pets, so follow your veterinarian's orders and recommendations. When using the drug Ivomec, remember to strictly adhere to the dosage suggested to you in the instructions for use. In this way, you will protect your pet’s health from negative, and in some cases even disastrous, consequences, and you will protect yourself from unnecessary worries!

To summarize, it should be noted that the drug “Ivomek” has received good reviews.

Here is one of them:
“My Doberman acquired a small bald spot somewhere, it appeared on his neck, I think after contact with stray dogs. He was not even a year old then. What I just smeared with - to no avail! They did an analysis, the result was demodicosis. We started treatment with Ivomek, as the veterinarian prescribed, injecting it intramuscularly. Gone as if it never happened. Dobik lived for almost 11 years with a liver full order"- writes Anastasia.

With the help of Ivomek, many pets have been cured of quite unpleasant diseases, which were mentioned above, and their owners were not disappointed in veterinary medicine.