Invasive and non-surgical liposuction. Types of liposuction

Consistent diets and regular exercise successfully fight extra pounds. But it is difficult to endure restrictions; a forbidden piece of sweet beckons women exhausted by training, like a new toy for capricious children. Ladies break down and gain weight again. It also happens differently: a strict regime seems to help, volumes decrease and the skin tightens, but problem areas (stomach, thighs) are in no hurry to get rid of the fat deposits accumulated over the years. In both cases, clear contours of the body will be formed by ultrasonic liposuction.

Using this method, the doctor removes subcutaneous fat accumulations from any part of the body, including buttocks, legs, forearms, the perfection of which is difficult to achieve. The method is based on the cavitation effect: ultrasonic waves directed at fatty tissue form vacuum bubbles. The “balls” suddenly inflate and explode, and the cells die. Dissolved fat leaves the body naturally or with the help of a surgeon.

The underlying action gave the procedure a different name, but the concepts are identical: ultrasonic liposuction - cavitation. They are used with the same frequency.

External and internal liposuction – what to choose

It’s up to you to decide which type of liposuction will help you get rid of unnecessary wrinkles. The internal method - invasive - gets rid of fat immediately, the external - non-invasive - you will be surprised by the result after 1-2 months. Each method has supporters and ardent opponents.

Non-surgical ultrasound liposuction will delight you with changes in body volume in a month

Features of invasive liposuction

In the traditional method, the emulsion obtained after cell crushing is removed during surgery. To do this, the doctor pierces the skin and inserts a thin titanium rod into the fatty tissue. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • computer silhouette modeling;
  • marking areas of deposits on the body;
  • general or local anesthesia;
  • operation of an ultrasonic device;
  • vacuum suction of dissolved fat through the rod.

With the surgical method, the fat emulsion is immediately removed from the body through punctures

Thanks to its widespread use in past years, surgeons have refined the technique to perfection, and now the operation does not last long, is accompanied by minor blood loss and rare complications.

Non-invasive liposuction

The service became available only recently, after the invention of special equipment, but the number of its adherents is constantly growing. The ardent love of patients is explained by the preservation of the integrity of the integument and the absence of pain. Anesthesia is not used, the skin is not cut, the entire procedure consists of the external influence of an ultrasound device on problem areas. Destroyed cells leave the body gradually, bypassing the lymphatic system and disintegrating in the liver.

It is impossible to remove all fat reserves in one session using non-invasive liposuction; usually the doctor and the patient agree on a course of two or three procedures.

With unconventional liposuction, the skin remains intact, anesthesia is not used

How weight and body parameters change

After invasive liposuction, you will lose weight dramatically: the body will evenly lose one and a half liters of fat, the main dimensions will be greatly reduced. The skin will be amazed by its smoothness; there will be no unpleasant consequences in the form of pits and bumps.

A non-invasive method will not provide instant miraculous transformation. Fat loss with it is more modest than with the traditional method - about 0.5 liters, initially the volumes will remain almost the same. Everything will change in a month, when the crushed fat deposits leave the body: fullness will subside, skin unevenness will smooth out.

Ultrasonic liposuction of the abdomen: how to decide on the procedure

Exercising and counting calories in meals can help with a small belly. If it protrudes significantly or has formed after carrying a baby or sudden weight loss, radical methods are required. Non-surgical liposuction with ultrasound will remove a small belly; if you have a decent-sized apron, you can decide on traditional surgery. Procedures on this part of the body are always fraught with subsequent sagging and stretching of the skin; often after liposuction, patients decide on a surgical tummy tuck. Therefore, you will act wisely by discussing in great detail with your doctor all the nuances and consequences of surgical intervention. Take your time with the final choice between the external and internal methods.

The procedure is especially effective on problematic “female” areas: abdomen, buttocks, thighs

How to maintain new body shapes after correction

Wise nature has limited the number of our fat cells. They are formed as a person grows, and after reaching adulthood they only increase in volume. Once you get rid of a fair amount of reserves, you can remain slim for the rest of your life, provided that your total body weight does not change.

This effective procedure relaxes slimmer women and creates the illusion of eternal thinness. Don't deceive yourself: insidious fat instantly reacts to your indulgences in your own body and is deposited in new places.

Securing the results of liposuction is both easy and difficult. The advice is simple: rational nutrition and exercise. But how difficult it is to follow them! To avoid falling under the influence of ultrasound again, limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods, do not give up gymnastics, walking and swimming, and enjoy other weight-correcting procedures, such as massage (including lymphatic drainage) and pressotherapy.

The resulting new forms must be maintained with the help of gymnastics and diet.

Contraindications and delays for ultrasound fat removal

Liposuction is indicated for healthy people; doctors categorically do not recommend doing it if there are problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • severe forms of allergies;
  • oncological problems;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • serious metabolic disorders;
  • abdominal hernia;
  • skin damage in the area of ​​surgery: rash, tattoos, scars, wounds, burns, abrasions, etc.);
  • metal structures in the body (pacemaker, artificial joint, etc.).

In some cases, it is better to postpone the procedure:

  • for teenagers – until they reach adulthood;
  • for pregnant and nursing mothers - before the baby grows up;
  • immunity disorders - until health is restored;
  • when taking hormonal medications, wait a month and a half after complete withdrawal;
  • during menstruation.

The procedure is not a weight loss method! Its goal is to correct your shape.

What is good about the method: effectiveness

Results of ultrasonic liposuction: fat deposits dissolved, skin tightened

Both ultrasonic liposuction techniques have many advantages:

  • no blood loss;
  • tissues and internal organs are not injured;
  • loss of deposits is guaranteed;
  • sensitivity is maintained in the treated areas;
  • there are no hematomas or scars;
  • skin color improves;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out.

What dangers await you: consequences and complications

Unfortunately, even with excellent health and absence of diseases, the procedure does not always give the desired result. In addition, considerable experience in carrying out such operations confirms the risk of serious consequences:

  • blood clots may form in blood vessels;
  • peripheral nerves are damaged, as a result of which some parts of the body become numb for a long time;
  • Sometimes completely healthy tissues and organs suffer.

Cost of the procedure: the price depends on several factors

The total cost of the procedure consists of several amounts:

  • preliminary examination with tests;
  • anesthesia - influenced by dosage, type (general or local);
  • the procedure itself is traditional, much more expensive than a non-surgical one, the price varies for certain areas of the body;
  • hospital stay after general anesthesia.

Also take into account the level of the clinic and the skill of the surgeon - metropolitan specialists are considered the most expensive.

Often the patient is forced to pay additional amounts - new services “pop up”, pre-agreed prices increase. This can only be avoided by drawing up an agreement with clearly fixed prices.

The ultrasonic liposuction procedure will not cause you any discomfort or pain.

Ultrasonic liposuction cannot be called a panacea; it cannot solve all the problems of people with fat accumulation. Services for getting rid of extra pounds are constantly expanding, innovative techniques are appearing, and new equipment is being developed and put into operation. But, despite the high risk of complications and a fair number of contraindications, the procedure remains popular. If you decide to have liposuction, listen to our recommendations. And let your figures always be associated with chiseled figurines!

Liposuction is a method of removing excess fat tissue in problem areas in order to correct the silhouette. This method is not suitable for the treatment of general obesity. Liposuction is the final stage in the fight against figure imperfections, advisable when the total body weight is within the normal range. There are several ways to destroy fat cells during liposuction: mechanical, radiofrequency, laser and ultrasound. Ultrasonic liposuction has become widespread, especially the non-surgical method of performing this procedure.

How does ultrasound destroy fat cells?

The process of death of fat cells (adipocytes) under the influence of ultrasound is called cavitation. Ultrasound destabilizes the contents of adipocytes, causing the formation of tiny vacuum bubbles in them, bursting and thus causing water hammer, which destroys the cell membrane. The contents of the cells enter the intercellular space, where 90% of it is neutralized by lymph cells as a foreign body and excreted by the liver. The remaining 10% is used by the body as a source of energy.

Fat cells are voluminous and have a stretched membrane, which is why they are vulnerable to ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound does not have a destructive effect on muscle cells, skin cells, blood vessels, and nerve endings. And the internal organs and joints remain outside the zone of its influence.

Surgical ultrasonic liposuction can be performed under both general and local anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends on the extent of the operation. Subcutaneous fat tissue is treated with ultrasound, and the destroyed fat cells in the form of an emulsion are removed through small punctures in the skin using a hollow titanium tube connected to a vacuum pump. Ultrasound from the inside has a lifting effect on the skin, which allows, in the case of small fatty deposits, to do without additional methods of tightening the skin in the treated area.

This method allows you to avoid large blood losses when removing a significant amount of fat (up to 2 liters per procedure). Ultrasonic liposuction removes fat deposits evenly, without scars, pits and bumps.

Non-surgical liposuction began to be used relatively recently; it became possible after the invention of special devices. The main difference between this technique and surgical liposuction is the preservation of the integrity of the skin. This technique does not require pain relief and does not leave bruises. Fat cells destroyed by ultrasound are excreted naturally through the body’s venous and lymphatic systems, breaking down into metabolites (less complex substances) in the liver.

Since the natural process of removing metabolites from the body is not designed for their huge amount, no more than 500 ml of fat can be destroyed in one session of non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction. As a rule, 2-3 sessions are required to correct the problem area.

This method allows not only to remove excess fatty tissue in the treated area, but also to remove skin unevenness. The devices currently used for non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction are so “smart” that they themselves strictly control the entire process. In particular, if the ultrasonic wave is repeatedly directed to the same place, the device simply will not turn on. This avoids uneven removal of fat deposits and the “washboard” effect.

To enhance the effect, the method is often complemented by other techniques such as massage and lymphatic drainage.

The results of the procedure should be judged no earlier than a month later, since all this time the adipose tissue continues to be excreted from the body.

Contraindications to ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is a fairly serious effect on the body, and it has its contraindications:

  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended treatment (scars, rashes, cuts, abrasions, etc.);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • decreased immunity due to diseases or any effects on the body;
  • divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, abdominal hernia;
  • hip and knee joint prostheses;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

This should be remembered

Adipose tissue in the treated areas is not re-deposited, or is deposited as a last resort. But if you do not adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, limit physical activity and lead an unhealthy lifestyle, fat will accumulate in areas where liposuction was not performed. Any liposuction is only a method of local silhouette correction, nothing more.

Liposuction is an effective method for removing local fat deposits in patients who do not suffer from general obesity. These accumulations of fatty tissue most often form in certain parts of the body in both men and women. Removing these deposits using liposuction allows you to correct the contours of the patient's body and make them more attractive.

Since the first presentation of the technique of removing subcutaneous fat deposits using a blunt cannula and a vacuum aspirator in 1982, many technical and technological innovations have been used in liposuction. The traditional procedure of suctioning adipose tissue began to be combined with ultrasound, vibration, laser, radio frequency and other techniques. Each of them has its own advantages and is associated with certain complications.

All available to the patient today. The goal of the most modern of them is not only to remove excess fatty tissue, but also to simultaneously tighten the skin. Ideally, liposuction should provide several effects at once. First, effectively remove excess fat tissue. Secondly, to provide tightening of soft tissues in the area of ​​removed fat deposits. Thirdly, it must be safe and used under local infiltration anesthesia. And fourthly, rehabilitation after liposuction should be short with a minimum number of bruises and swelling. To date, none of the liposuction methods demonstrate results in skin tightening that are superior to those of analogues.

As for the indications for liposuction, they traditionally include fat deposits that naturally form during the aging process and various pathologies.

Modern technologies of invasive liposuction

Traditional liposuction

In the late 70s and early 80s of the last century, many surgeons worked on the technology that today we call traditional liposuction. Initially, surgeons used sharp curettes, which led to many complications, including bleeding, uneven body contours, insufficient skin contraction, seroma formation, and even sometimes necrosis. In 1977, the Fischer brothers first described the technique of removing subcutaneous fat deposits using a vacuum aspirator. Using a sharp instrument connected to a suction device, the Fishers improved the effectiveness of the procedure for removing excess fat tissue. However, the number of complications remained high, so this technology was not widely used.

Ulrich Kesserling tried the same technology, but inserted a surgical instrument deep into the fatty tissue, just above the muscle fascia. Kesserling also selected young, healthy women with good skin elasticity for operations, which allowed him to obtain significantly better results and became the reason for the renewed interest in liposuction.

The main contribution to the development of liposuction was made by Kesserling’s colleague, Yves-Gerard Illouz. He modified the sharp curette, essentially turning it into a blunt-tipped cannula, which, unlike its predecessor, made it possible to easily penetrate fatty tissue and remove it without damaging the integrity of the adjacent soft tissue. The use of a blunt cannula has not only led to a dramatic reduction in the number of complications after liposuction, but has also allowed surgeons of varying degrees and experience to perform this procedure safely. Then, curved cannulas of various lengths and diameters appeared. However, they all had two common features: a rounded end and a side hole. Initially, cannulas with a diameter of 10 mm were used for extensive fat deposits, 8 mm for the knees, elbows, abdomen and arms, and 5 mm for the face. Modern cannulas for liposuction of the body rarely exceed 5 mm in diameter, for the face - 2.4 mm. In addition, today's cannulas have multiple holes, which allows for more efficient removal of fatty tissue.

Ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is a liposculpture method that uses ultrasound energy to target fat deposits. The method proposed by Zocchi includes two stages: ultrasonic stimulation of lipolysis and subsequent removal of the split adipose tissue in the traditional way using a vacuum aspirator. Lipolysis of fat cells occurs during exposure to ultrasonic vibrations, which create negative pressure in adipose tissue and trigger the process of cavitation, which leads to rupture of cell membranes.

One of the advantages of ultrasonic liposuction is that the aspirate obtained in its process is a homogeneous emulsion of viable adipocytes, which can be used for lipofilling.

The advantages of ultrasonic liposuction, namely cavitation of adipose tissue before its removal, are also called a reduction in blood loss and duration of operation, a decrease in the number of bruises and discomfort for the patient after the procedure, combined with better contour correction results even in places with an abundance of connective tissue, for example, on back and chest. The results of some studies confirm the effectiveness of ultrasonic liposuction as a complement to traditional liposuction, as well as for the removal of fat deposits on the sides and chest in men.

The most modern devices for ultrasonic liposuction of the third generation, for example, VaserTM Lipo, allow you to correct body contours using pulsed ultrasound with less energy consumption.

Among the disadvantages of ultrasound technology are its high cost, invasiveness and the risk of thermal burns. In general, the popularity and market share of ultrasonic liposuction devices are declining, including due to the factors mentioned above, as well as due to the emergence of safer and less traumatic techniques that do not require such high qualifications of the surgeon.

The first vibration liposuction device to receive FDA approval in 1998 quickly became very popular among plastic surgeons. The indications for use of the device, developed by MicroAire Surgical Instruments, were “removal of tissue and fluids... including suction lipoplasty for aesthetic correction of body contours.” The first generation devices operated using medical nitrogen or compressed air. The vibrating cannula performed 2-4 thousand vibrations per minute with an amplitude of 2 mm. The surgeon could independently control the vibration speed. In subsequent generations of devices, quieter electrical vibration sources were used instead of compressed gas.

The advantages of vibroliposuction include its greater efficiency in destroying adipose tissue than traditional liposuction. Many surgeons consider this technology less labor-intensive than traditional technology, which reduces operating time.

Among the disadvantages of vibration liposuction are its high cost, the requirement for highly qualified surgeons, the vibrations transmitted to the hand of the operating doctor and the noise produced by the device.

Laser liposuction

The laser liposuction technique was described in 1994 by Apfelberg et al. This group of scientists first tested the technology of combined use of a neodymium laser and a surgical cannula. However, despite the success of the first experiments, this technique did not receive FDA approval. Since then, many specialists have tried using lasers of different wavelengths to stimulate adipocyte lysis and reduce blood loss during surgery and minimize bruising and improve body contouring results after surgery.

The operating principle of laser liposuction is based on selective photothermolysis, which leads to lysis of adipocytes, but does not affect adjacent tissues. Laser waves of different lengths have different effects on subcutaneous structures such as collagen, fat, vascular system, hemoglobin and water. Laser liposuction destroys adipocytes, causes photocoagulation of small blood vessels and reduction of collagen fibers in the skin.

For laser liposuction, three types of lasers are most often used: neodymium with wavelengths of 1064 nm and 1064/1320 nm and diode with a wavelength of 980 nm. The first is the most studied, and its safety and good tolerability by patients have been proven in many studies. The 980nm diode laser is more powerful and allows you to achieve better results in areas of large accumulations of fat deposits, for example, in the thighs or abdomen. Neodymium laser 1064/1320nm has the most intense effect on collagen, which provides the best results in skin tightening and stimulates neocollagenesis. In addition, the 1320nm laser is better suited for highly vascularized areas because it converts hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which can have a positive effect on hemostasis.

Disadvantages of laser liposuction include the risk of thermal burns, the high cost of equipment and the duration of the procedure. Early studies did not demonstrate any differences in aesthetic results after laser and traditional liposuction. However, with the development of technology and the use of lasers with different wavelengths, which have different effects on the tissue adjacent to fat deposits, it is now possible to achieve better cosmetic results with minimal complications.

Water-jet liposuction is based on a Body-Jet nozzle, which delivers a solution under high pressure into the patient’s fat deposits. The liquid breaks down loose fatty tissue without affecting adjacent vessels and connective tissue. The surgeon independently sets the desired angle of fluid supply and the number of injections per second. The fatty tissue is then separated from the connective tissue and removed using a vacuum pump.

Like ultrasound, water-jet liposuction is a softer and less traumatic form of traditional liposuction, and also allows you to effectively remove large volumes of adipose tissue. However, water-jet liposuction does not tighten the skin after removing the aspirate.

Radiofrequency liposuction

Under the influence of the thermal effect exerted by radio frequency energy, fat cells are destroyed, collagen fibers are reduced and the synthesis of new ones begins. Thus, radiofrequency liposuction destroys fat deposits, removes them and at the same time tightens the skin in the area of ​​treatment.

The first device for RF liposuction was the Israeli BodyTiteTM. The BodyTiteTM internal electrode is a silicone-coated (except for the tip) cannula for removing fatty tissue. From this internal electrode, radio waves go to the external one, and then to the adipose tissue. Under the influence of radio waves, adipocytes are heated and turned into an emulsion, after which they are removed using a vacuum aspirator. At the same time, active contraction of collagen fibers occurs, which provides a skin tightening effect.

One of the main advantages of RF liposuction and BodyTiteTM in particular is considered to be a significant reduction in skin and soft tissue, which, according to some data, can exceed 35% one year after the procedure, compared to less than 8% after traditional liposuction. The risk of radiofrequency liposuction is the possibility of thermal damage to adjacent tissues, but there is no evidence of this in the literature. The most common complications after RF liposuction are bruising, uneven skin surface after the procedure and soreness.

Each liposuction using additional technical means is fraught with risks that are not typical for this operation when performed classically. First of all, there is the danger of burns. At the same time, a surgeon who has mastered one or another combined technique receives advantages. They consist in the fact that some stages of the operation are facilitated. For example, water jet liposuction (WAL) saves time on infiltration of adipose tissue, and when exposed to ultrasound (UAL), vibration (PAL) and radio frequency (RFAL), the surgeon’s physical costs for performing the mechanical part of the operation are reduced. In turn, the patient receives a more favorable postoperative period, since the use of laser (LAL) and radio frequency (RFAL) coagulates small blood vessels and reduces the number of hematomas, and due to the compaction of collagen fibers, skin contractility improves.

Modern alternative non-invasive techniques for eliminating fat deposits

Along with invasive liposuction techniques, non-invasive technologies for body contour correction are also being developed. Today, there are already several hardware techniques that allow you to get rid of local fat deposits without subsequent rehabilitation, and also provide skin tightening, which allows you to avoid surgical excision of its excess. The results of such hardware techniques, as well as the indications for them, are completely different from the results and indications for liposuction, and therefore cannot be compared.

Among modern non-invasive methods for correcting local fat deposits are RF technologies. The action of all of them is aimed at reducing the volume of adipose tissue and simultaneously tightening the skin.

Of course, there is no ideal method. But if we try to take the best from existing devices, we can hope in the near future for the appearance of a device that combines the effects of several physical factors. The most promising is likely to be a combination of water jet (WAL) or ultrasonic (UAL) liposuction with radiofrequency assisted (RFAL). These devices are now purchased separately by many clinics in order to be used together during surgery. This immediately reduces the time of liposuction, reduces its trauma and helps reduce the skin flap in the postoperative period. True, the cost of such devices will be higher than the price of a conventional surgical cannula.

One of the most promising types of liposuction is ultrasonic liposuction. This way - ultrasonic liposuction - non-surgical, This is its main advantage. With ultrasonic liposuction, the fat layer is destroyed by ultrasonic waves. There are two methods of ultrasonic liposuction - invasive (classical technique) and non-invasive.
With a non-invasive method, fat is crushed by ultrasound and initially remains in the body. But then, within a few weeks, the fat cells are eliminated from the body through the venous and lymphatic system. The non-invasive method is more gentle on the body. In one procedure, no more than 500 ml of fat will be destroyed and removed. And complete destruction requires several sessions.

The invasive method is the traditional method. In this method, fat, after destroying fat cells with ultrasound, turns into an emulsion and is removed from the body using a vacuum. To do this, punctures with a diameter of less than two millimeters are made on the body (in places where fat accumulates). But it is important to know that ultrasonic liposuction in its classic form is rarely used today. This is due to the harmful effects of ultrasound. After all, ultrasound affects not only fat, but also internal organs, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the body.

Although, in principle, any type of liposuction is accompanied by injuries to the connective tissue, ruptures of small blood vessels and nerve fibers, the invasive method of ultrasonic liposuction is the most traumatic.

Although ultrasonic liposuction is very popular in Russia, in Europe and America ultrasonic liposuction

This is due to the fact that with this method much serious consequences are possible - burns of muscles and internal organs. AND
The most severe complication is fat embolism (blockage of blood vessels by fat tissue).
But today new equipment has appeared for safe ultrasonic liposuction (in a non-invasive way). Wide
devices based on the cavitation effect are used, for example, RAH-MediCell from the Italian company BIOS. This method of ultrasonic liposuction is based on the use of cavitation - the creation of micro-bubbles inside the liquid. The cavitation effect is achieved by exposure to ultrasound with a frequency of 40 kHz. In this case, the impact and destruction of fat is achieved at a depth of up to 8-10 cm. As a result of exposure to ultrasound, fat cells undergo a process of cavitation and are destroyed. Thus, your body gets rid of excess fat. After the fat cells are destroyed, the remaining fat is excreted from the body through urine. Subsequently, fat is eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system, and a small portion of the fat is absorbed into the blood.
The doctor uses ultrasound on parts of the body where there is a fat layer. Bubbles formed during ultrasonic exposure lead to the destruction of only the fat layer.
Fat that is released from and eliminated from the body naturally. The effectiveness and consequence of this ultrasonic liposuction is that the destroyed fat cells are not restored.

Advantages and consequences of ultrasonic liposuction.

  • No operational impact;
  • No anesthesia;
  • Lack of rehabilitation period;
  • No negative effects—skin bumps, bruises, skin damage;
  • Only 6-7 procedures are required (which is quite feasible in 2 months);
  • The procedure is quite comfortable and effective.
  • Body circumference can decrease by 2-6 cm in one procedure.

Contraindications for ultrasonic liposuction:

  • pregnancy
  • pacemaker,
  • presence of metal prostheses
  • abdominal hernia,
  • Skin diseases in the affected area,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • chronic hepatitis,

The cost of ultrasonic liposuction is given in the article “Liposuction prices”.

Modern beauty standards require sophisticated forms, and every day we struggle with extra centimeters and kilograms. Often this struggle not only does not bring results, but is also harmful to health. That is why liposuction, as a fast, reliable and relatively simple way to correct the figure, is so popular. Moreover, in addition to surgical methods of getting rid of extra centimeters, today there are less invasive ways to combat fat deposits - microsurgical radiofrequency liposuction, as well as quite effective non-surgical techniques.

The specialists at the liposuction center offer you the most complete overview of techniques - from the latest hardware innovations to proven classics of liposuction:

Liposculpture - a new direction of traditional surgical liposuction

Despite the emergence of dozens of new hardware techniques, it is still in demand. Moreover, today this is the lot of the most sophisticated and demanding patients - Hollywood stars, highly paid models, rich and famous socialites. Why? Because liposuction has experienced a rebirth, turning into a jewelry manual technique of body liposculpture.

At the BeautyLine clinic, this method is presented by the famous Italian plastic surgeon Marco Merlin. He performs mini-jewelry operations under local anesthesia. The fat is removed manually using very thin cannulas through tiny punctures. The main advantage of corrections from the Italian maestro of plastic surgery is a fantastically accurate and impeccably beautiful result.

The manual liposuction procedure performed by the famous Dr. Merlin is a guaranteed effect and minimal trauma. No scars, bumps or irregularities - filigree Italian technology of impeccably high quality! Russian patients most often have their facial contours corrected by Professor Merlin (chin, jowls). The second most popular procedure is manual.

Microsurgical liposuction

The high level of equipment of the liposuction center allows us to offer patients the most modern and effective hardware methods for combating fat deposits. Perhaps the most effective of them is the method. This is a unique technique that combines the advantages of surgical and non-surgical liposuction.

It is as radical as surgery (BodyTite allows you to remove up to 6 (!) liters of fat in one session), and in terms of safety and rehabilitation time it is close to some non-invasive methods. At the same time, thanks to a large number of specialized attachments, BodyTite allows you to equally successfully correct the most delicate areas (face, legs, knees) and remove large amounts of fat from the abdomen or thighs.

The main advantage of BodyTite liposuction is the unique double effect of this micro-surgery - you not only remove fat, but also tighten your skin at the same time! For patients over 30-35 years old, this is perhaps the best, if not the only, method that guarantees simultaneous removal of unwanted centimeters and a good tightening. Even sagging skin in older patients - a typical contraindication for liposuction - is not a problem for radiofrequency liposuction, which can be performed at any age!

Its secret is that radio waves not only easily melt fat, which is then sucked out through a thin cannula, but also warm up and tighten the skin. The low invasiveness of the method is ensured by the fact that capillaries damaged during liposuction are immediately coagulated, and virtually no blood loss occurs. This means that this method allows you to remove a significantly larger volume of fat without risk to the patient.

Radiofrequency liposuction at the Beauty Line clinic is performed by one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in this field, Dr. Ageshina. She believes that this method is in many ways similar to, but has several noticeable advantages over it, the main one of which is the effect of simultaneous skin tightening.

Svetlana Evgenievna Ageshina was trained in liposuction using the BodyTite method in Israel, and now she herself conducts master classes on this technique for Russian specialists. She says that in order to clearly show how the skin contracts during the procedure, she asks her trainees to measure the distance between two points on the body (for example, between moles). During the procedure, this distance immediately becomes shorter by 2-3 centimeters, and 2 weeks after it is reduced by another half.

  • You can learn more about how the liposuction procedure is performed using the BodyTite device on the BeautyLine clinic website.

Three most popular non-surgical techniques

Radiofrequency liposuction Tite-FX uses the same principle of destruction of fat cells as the BodyTite method, but is performed non-surgically. This non-surgical method, like BodyTite, is based on radio wave impulses, but liposuction does not require incisions or punctures - the effect on fatty tissue is only “from the outside”.

Thanks to the radio waves generated by the device, subcutaneous fat is heated to a temperature of 38-43 degrees, and its cells literally “burst” - the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, and their contents are gradually absorbed and excreted from the body. Radio waves always affect both fat and skin, thickening and tightening it. In addition, after the procedure, the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks on the skin noticeably decrease or completely disappear. The cosmetologist at the BeautyLine liposuction center considers the Tite-FX method to be the most modern and effective.

Cavitation- non-surgical - perhaps the most common non-surgical lipolysis procedure. This method is completely non-traumatic and comfortable for the patient - no unpleasant sensations arise during liposuction.

Fat cells are gradually destroyed under the influence of ultrasonic waves, and are removed, as with any type of non-surgical liposuction - thanks to the body's natural cleansing systems. Ultrasonic liposuction does not require any punctures or incisions. The destruction of fat cells occurs gradually and evenly, so after the procedure no irregularities form under the skin. The method refers to “office cosmetology” procedures and does not require any rehabilitation.

Another new technique of non-surgical liposuction. At the Beauty Line clinic, using a high-tech LipoCryo device, they perform not only body liposuction, but also a double chin lift, for which this method is simply ideal.

Like all non-surgical methods, it destroys fat deposits without the use of cuts or punctures, affecting fat cells with low temperatures. The applicator attachment of the LipoCryo device captures the fat fold using vacuum and treats it with cold. At the same time, the temperature of the adipose tissue drops to 4 degrees Celsius, which leads to its destruction. At the same time, such cooling is completely harmless to the skin (after all, in winter, for example, the skin of our face and hands successfully withstands even lower temperatures). The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, fat cells are destroyed, absorbed and utilized by the body within 4-6 weeks.