The name bozhena meaning of the name. Positive traits of the name

Short form of the name Bozena. Bozha, Bozhka, Bozhenka, Bozhichka, Bozhanka, Zhana, Zhanka, Boya, Boyka, Boga, Zhenya.
Synonyms for the name Bozena. Bazhena, Bozhana, Bozhna, Bozhina.
Origin of the name Bozena. The name Bozhena is Slavic.

The name Bozena is of Slavic origin. It is formed by adding the diminutive -ena or -ana to the main word “god” (from “God”) with the suffix. The name Bozena is translated as “God’s”, “gifted by God” or “blessed”.

This name is mentioned in ancient chronicles. That was the name of one girl - the beloved of the Czech prince Oldřich, who became his second wife and gave him the heir Břetislav I. The theme of their romantic love is reflected in many literary works, music and painting.

The name Bozena is used mainly in Poland, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The emphasis in the name Bozena can be on either the first or second syllables.

Although the name had long been known in the Czech Republic and Poland, it only began to appear with sufficient regularity in the 19th century. In the Czech Republic, the name Bozena has not left the top 30 most common names in the Czech Republic for 15 years, although the number of girls named by this name is declining.

There are close and similar in meaning Slavic names - Bogdana (“given by God”, “given by God”, “God’s gift”), Bozhidara (“God’s gift”), Bogna (“given by God”), Boguslava, Bogudara, Bogudark, Bogumila , Boguvolya, Bogumet.

Also in the Czech Republic, this name is considered a Czech version of the names Benedikt ("blessed") and Theodor (Fedor - "given by God", "God's gift"). The name Bozhena is synonymous and identical in meaning to such names as Theodosia (“God-given”), Macaria (“blessed”), Theodota (“God-given”), Theoktista (“God-created”).

It also corresponds to such names as Natanaela (“God given”) – a Portuguese name, Deodata (“God given”) – an Italian name, Dieudonne (“God given”) – a French name, Ranel (“gifted by God”) – a Tatar name.

It should not be confused with another name that is very similar in pronunciation - the name Bazhen, which has a completely different meaning. But sometimes these names are considered identical.

The name Bozhena is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, but owners of this name can celebrate their name days on the days of commemoration of Theoktista or Feodosia. In Poland, Bozhena’s name day is March 13, June 20, and July 20; in the Czech Republic - February 11, in Slovenia - July 27.

Bozena is quite a persistent and determined girl. She tries to completely control her own emotions, while remaining simple and natural. She does not like mediocrity and prefers to avoid those people who have a superficial perception of the world. Strives for everything natural, but maintains extremely high standards and requirements.

Bozena is an idealist and strives to constantly develop and improve herself. She is ambitious and hardworking. She is able to overcome all difficulties with great patience when it comes to the most important moments, but in small things and some everyday issues she does not have enough moderation and tact, she can become harsh.

This is a disciplined girl, but prone to authoritarianism. Stubborn and self-willed, she is capable of starting a business without any competence in it or possessing the necessary knowledge. Bozena is somewhat possessive, but nevertheless quite generous. She takes care of her sisters and brothers like a real mother. Feels great responsibility for his family.

Bozena is a hardworking girl who strives for perfection and harmony not only in love. She is ready to maintain a bad peace rather than strive for a good quarrel, so she will be the first to begin conciliatory steps and will maintain pleasant relationships with her loved ones, even if there are great difficulties in the relationship.

When it comes to choosing a partner, Bozena will be especially demanding, as she must respect and admire the person who will win and conquer her heart. He will have to tread carefully because he won't get a second chance. Choosing a spouse for Bozhena is a very difficult task. She is a wonderful and hospitable hostess. Family, friends and loved ones occupy a central place in her life. Bozena may decide to devote herself to home and family, because harmony in the family is important for her emotional state.

However, this is an active, dynamic and original woman who can find her calling in medicine, the social sphere (teacher, lawyer), in the field of aesthetics, art and design. Can also take a leadership position.

Name day Bozhena

Bozhena does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people with the name Bozena

  • Bozena ((d.1052) Czech princess, mother of Břetislav I, who later became duke)
  • Beatrice of Bohemia ((1225-1290) birth name - Bozena; Czech princess, daughter of the Czech king Wenceslas I, wife of the Margrave of Brandenburg - Otto III)
  • Bozena Nemcova ((1820-1862) nee Barbora Novotna; Czech writer and poetess, she is considered the founder of modern Czech prose. Her most famous works were used to make films and fairy tales “Three Nuts for Cinderella”, “Grandma”, “Seven” Ravens" and "How to Win a Princess".)
  • Bozena Dykiel ((born 1948) Polish actress, starred in the films “The Promised Land”, “The Witch Doctor”, “Demons” and others)
  • Bozena Kurowska ((1937-1969) Polish actress)
  • Bozena Stryjkowna ((born 1954) Polish theater and film actress)
  • Bozena Adamek ((born 1952) Polish theater, television and film actress)
  • Bozena Begović ((1901-1966) Croatian theater actress, writer and poet, first publications were in German; also translator into French and Esperanto)
  • Bozena Rynska ((born 1975) birth name - Evgenia Rynskaya; Russian journalist, blogger, writes a column in the Izvestia newspaper)
  • Bozhena Pytel ((born 1945) surname at birth – Zemecka; French, and was previously Polish, chess player, holder of the knowledge of international master among women in 1974)
  • Bozena Fedorczyk ((born 1961) Polish actress)
  • Bozena Griner ((born 1936) Serbian pianist)
  • Bozena Walter ((born 1938) Polish journalist and TV presenter)


The origin of the name Bozena can be attributed to Slavic culture. Experts are inclined to believe that it first appeared in the Old Slavic dialect and came from a word meaning “God” in translation. The full interpretation of this name sounds like “God’s,” “blessed,” and even “gifted by God.”

The female name Bozena is practically never found in Russia and is most popular in Poland. This Catholic name is considered one of the most popular in Europe. Moreover, it is compatible with many Russian patronymics and surnames and has strong energy...

Popularity: The name Bozhena does not fall into the list of a hundred popular female names, and is considered very rare. Accounts for no more than 2-3 girls out of 10,000 births.

Conversational options: Bozha, Bozhka, Bozhenka

Modern English analogues: Bazhena, Bozhana

Meaning and interpretation of the name

As stated earlier, this name has a strong energetic aura. Hence the version that the meaning of the name Bozena can directly influence the character, nature, essence and life of a girl named in this way.

According to the main version, it is capable of endowing the bearer with such traits as determination, self-will, love of freedom, independence and willfulness. By and large, Bozhena can be called a woman leader, because she has leadership inclinations and organizational traits. But you shouldn’t think that these traits will manifest themselves. They need to be raised in Bozen from childhood.

In addition, Bozena is too dependent on her environment. The environment and society can easily influence her character, nature, habits, preferences and tastes. She needs to be taught from childhood to the idea that she is an individual and should have her own personal views on everything.

Advantages and positive features: eloquent, sociable, easily gets along in the same society with different people, able to communicate with different people on equal terms, a little domineering, but ready to become a full-fledged leader, taking responsibility for all subordinates.

Bozena has a bad attitude towards people with low self-esteem, those who are afraid to speak about their opinions and defend their views, and morally weak men.

Initially, many centuries ago, the name Bozena was in demand in the current Russian lands, but since then everything has changed and now it is found exclusively in Poland and the Baltic countries.

Love and marriage

Women named Bozena never suffer from a lack of male attention, because they most often have a very impressive and attractive appearance. Men are also attracted by their external inaccessibility. However, they get married quite late, because for a long time they cannot decide on the choice of their soulmate.

Bozhena has a strong character, but for her beloved man she can behave like a weak woman who needs the support of a man. In her relationship with her husband, she does not tolerate pressure, but she will readily give in where necessary, without putting her ambitions above all else.

Bozena will try to take care of her spouse, create home comfort and be a good and hospitable hostess. She is always ready to receive guests in her home. Minor troubles in family life give her an incentive to try to become even better. There is no need to doubt her fidelity to her husband, since she herself is an ardent opponent of adultery.

Bozena as Mother

Bozena takes motherhood very seriously, so she has children at a clearly planned time. She carefully prepares not only for the birth of the baby, but also for his conception. And with the appearance of a child in her life, she completely devotes herself to motherhood. Plus, it becomes softer and more feminine.

Bozhena loves her children madly, but tries not to spoil them too much and raises them in strictness, devoting quite a lot of time to teaching them discipline, respect for elders, responsibility and more. She believes that this is the only way to raise educated and serious people who can succeed in life. In addition, she will skillfully involve her spouse in raising the child.

It is not surprising that Bozena monitors the comprehensive development of her children. Sports sections, hobby groups and all kinds of entertainment are an integral part of the educational process for her.

Compatibility with male names

Select name - Augustus Augustine Abraham Agathon Adonis Alexander Alexey Albert Alfred Anastasy Anatoly Andrey Anisiy Anton Apollinaris Apollo Aristarchus Arkady Arsen Arseny Artemy Arthur Arkhip Benedict Bogdan Boleslav Boris Borislav Bronislav Bulat Vadim Valentin Vasily Veniamin Vikenty Victor Vilen Vissarion Vitaly Vlad Vladimir Vladislav Len Voldemar Vsevolod Vyacheslav Gabriel Gennady Georgy German Gleb Gordey Gregory David Daniil Demyan Denis Dmitry Dobrynya Evgeny Evdokim Yegor Elisey Efim Efrem Zhdan Zakhar Zinovy ​​​​Zoriy Ivan Ignatius Igor Illarion Ilya Innocent Irakli Kazimir Kasyan Kirill Klim Kliment Kondrat Konstantin Kuzma Leonid Leonty Lukyan Makar Maxim Marat Mark Matvey Miron Mitrofan Mikhail Modest Moses Nazar Naum Nikanor Nikita Nikifor Nikolay Nikon Oleg Pavel Paramon Peter Platon Prokhor Renat Rinat Rodion Roman Rostislav Ruslan Rustam Savva Savely Samson Samuil Svyatoslav Sevastyan Semyon Sergey Stanislav Stepan Taras Terenty Timofey Timur Tikhon Trofim Thaddeus Fedor Fedot Felix Philip Thomas Eduard Eldar Eric Julian Julius Yuri Yakov Yan Yaroslav

As for the relationship between the girl named after Bozen and representatives of the opposite sex, everything is quite simple - they usually like strong, impetuous, purposeful, assertive men. The chosen one of the girl so named will, in theory, be successful and powerful.

Number of the name Bozhena

The number of the name Bozhena according to numerology is 3. The magical “troika” most often unites complementary opposites in its wards. So, everyone knows about their cheerful, active and extraordinary outlook on life. Women named Bozena, like all “3s,” are most often creative and optimistic people who know how to appreciate the beauty and taste of life. They carefully monitor their appearance, fashion, and strive for self-expression.

“Triplets” have excellent imagination and extraordinary intellectual abilities, which help them achieve personal success in their profession and inspire other colleagues. Innate intuition and the gift of foresight contribute to the ability to make the right decisions at critical moments.

The third most controversial aspect of Threes is the possibility that they may succumb to laziness, become passive and inactive. In addition, they are sometimes too trusting, unbalanced, talkative or selfish. Also, the ease with which they usually earn money can have an extremely negative impact on their nature. She can incline Bozhena to wastefulness and this must be fought.

Formula for calculating the number of the name Bozen: B (2) + O (7) + F (8) + E (6) + N (6) + A (1) = 30 = 3 + 0 = 3

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Ruby.
  • Patron planet – Sun and Mercury.
  • Patronizing element – ​​Air.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Bozena is the Swan.
  • Plant symbol – Cedar.
  • The best zodiac is Leo.
  • Bozhena's number is 3.
  • Happy day - Wednesday.
  • Ideal season – Summer.

Famous people

Bozena Dykiel (Polish actress)

Bozena Kurowska (Polish actress)

Bozena Stryjkowna (Polish theater and film actress)

Bozena Adamek (Polish film actress)

Bozena Begovic (Croatian writer and poet)

Bozena Rynska (Russian journalist)

Bozena Pytel (French chess player)

Bozena Fedorczyk (Polish film actress)

Bozena Griner (Serbian pianist)

Birthday days and patron saints of Bozena

In the Orthodox Church, name days named after Bozen are not celebrated and this name is not given at baptism, because only Catholics have a saint with that name.

Today, parents are trying to give their children rare and unusual names that are not widespread in Russia. Bozena is one of them. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of the woman named by it are discussed in detail in our article. Here we will note when Bozhena celebrates her name day according to the Orthodox calendar and the Catholic calendar.

History of the name

Parents who want to name their daughter Bozhena will be interested to know that this name is of Slavic origin. It is formed by adding the suffix “-ena” to the root of the word “god”. The result was the independent name Bozhena, which translated means “God’s”, “gifted by God”. The name is most widespread in the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia, Bulgaria and Serbia. Moreover, the stress during pronunciation can be placed on both the first and second syllable.

The name Bozena is associated with the story of the Czech Romeo and Juliet. The Czech prince Oldrich once went hunting and met the beautiful Bozhena from a poor family in one of the villages. He was so charmed by this girl that he immediately took her as his wife, despite the fact that he was already officially married. Oldřich's German wife Utah was never able to give him an heir, and the village girl gave birth to a son, Břetislav, who later became a prince.

The mystery of the name Bozena is directly related to its origin and meaning. This is a person who remains faithful to God throughout his life, but has a far from meek and peaceful disposition. Moreover, this can be noticed from early childhood.

Bozhena: the meaning of the name for a girl

Active, agile, restless, resourceful, lively - all these qualities can most accurately characterize Bozhena. This is a girl with a very complex character that cannot be adjusted. Bozhena’s parents will have a hard time, because it is almost impossible to re-educate such a child. The girl has a selfish character, stubborn and willful, although over time all these qualities may fade away.

The meaning of the name Bozena can be directly associated with God’s blessing, because surprisingly, despite his character, the child studies with excellent marks and achieves great success in life. Although Bozhena is not so much drawn to knowledge as she strives to become the first in everything. But the girl also has good natural abilities for studying: excellent memory and imagination. During childhood, a child gets sick less than his peers. She manages to maintain good health with age.

Bozena: characteristics of a name for a woman

Bozena is a woman with a strong and strong-willed character. She is not afraid of difficulties in life; on the contrary, they force her to mobilize all available forces to achieve the desired result. This is a woman who almost always achieves success in life, largely thanks to her organizational skills and talents.

The female name Bozena is borne by representatives of the fair half of humanity with a purposeful character, who almost always occupy leadership positions. But what is surprising is that Bozena does not have authoritarian traits in her character. This is a fair person who always acts according to his conscience. She does not need advisers to make a decision. She will listen to advice only from those whom she herself chooses as worthy. A woman is no stranger to sentimentality and kindness, but they only appear with the birth of their own children.

Positive and negative character traits

Positive character traits of Bozhena: determination, self-confidence, endurance, self-sufficiency, independence, education, responsibility, intelligence, stubbornness, kindness. This is a person who knows how to achieve the tasks set for himself with his own mind and acquired knowledge.

The name Bozena also has negative character traits: narcissism, secrecy, selfishness, vanity, cynicism, impetuosity. The owner of this name is ready to go headlong towards her goal, not noticing anyone on her way until a certain time. In general, this is a self-confident, but too serious person who knows how to smile only with his family, but does not show his feelings in public.

Family and marriage

Self-confident, proud and independent, Bozhena becomes a completely different person when surrounded by her family. A woman exhibits both gentleness and tolerance. These qualities are especially noticeable in relation to children. The meaning of the name Bozena is directly related to this woman’s kindness, sentimentality and other peaceful qualities. She is ready to devote all her free time to her children, despite the fact that she will never quit her job, since she does not imagine herself as a housewife.

Bozena gets married late, but always out of great love. She does not seek to get married before her friends, waiting for real feelings. Family life most accurately reflects the meaning of the name Bozena. Only next to her loved one does she become feminine, caring, a good housewife and mother.

Choosing a profession and career growth

Bozena’s leadership qualities manifest themselves in childhood, developing more and more over time. Therefore, it is not surprising that Bozena will become a leader. She has excellent organizational skills. In the team of such a leader there is no hostility between employees, but rather peace and mutual understanding reign.

When choosing a profession, a girl is guided not so much by personal preferences, but by the opportunity to achieve success in her chosen field. Among Bozhen there are many bank workers, economists, advertisers (specialists in the advertising business), doctors, and lawyers. Thanks to the imagination developed since childhood, Bozhen’s creative abilities are strongly manifested, which allows them to become writers, actresses, artists, etc. Aesthetics, art, design, cinema and theater are those areas of life where you can meet the owner of such a rare and unusual name , like Bozhena.

Name day Bozhena

When naming their child this name, parents should know that Bozhena is not indicated in the Orthodox church calendar. Therefore, owners of this name can celebrate name days only according to the Catholic calendar. In February, you can congratulate Bozena on Angel's Day on the 11th, in March - on the 13th, in June - on the 20th, and also on July 27th.

History knows many representatives of this unusual name:

  • Czech princess Bozena, wife of Prince Oldřich, who bore him a son, Břetislav I;
  • Bozena Nemcova is a Czech writer, author of the work “Three Nuts for Cinderella,” which was later filmed;
  • Bozena Dykiel - Polish actress;
  • Bozena Adamek - Polish theater and film actress;
  • Bozena Griner is a Serbian pianist.

The name is not very common in Russia. It is extremely rare to find a girl with this name. But in the Czech Republic Bozena is among the top 30 names for girls.

The name Bozhena is a name of Slavic origin, which is formed from the root "bozh" (God). It is believed that The name Bozhena means “of God” or “gifted by God”. The name is more popular in the western group of Slavic countries (Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic.). For example, in the Czech Republic the name is among the 30 most popular female names in the country.

The meaning of the name Bozena for a girl

Little Bozena is a lively and lively girl who has a very complex character. From a very early age, a girl is prone to egocentrism and even aggression. She does not take into account the interests of other people at all and is ready to defend this right very persistently. Parents will have a hard time, because Bozhena’s character is very difficult to correct. You won’t envy your child’s teachers either. As you grow older, these traits will appear less and less noticeably and may disappear completely.

Bozhena studies well, which is surprising given such restlessness in early childhood. Already at school, Bozena learns to control herself and can learn any subject if she wants. It is common for a girl to strive to be first in everything. She is not so much drawn to knowledge as she is competing for primacy in the class. It is worth noting the child’s good natural abilities for studying. She has a good memory and an excellent imagination. Good academic performance is available in both the sciences and the humanities.

The girl’s health is good and she rarely gets sick compared to other children. Her love for active pastime will be characteristic of her not only in childhood, but throughout her life. This has a positive effect on the figure of the owner of the name and on her vitality. Bozhena’s peculiarity is that she really doesn’t like to get sick. He tries not to go on sick leave while he can. She and her parents should be careful, because many diseases suffered “on their feet” lead to many different complications.

Abbreviated name Bozena

Bozhenka, Bozha, Bodya, Wife, Zhenya (Evgenia), Bogdana, Dana.

Diminutive pet names

Goddess, Goddess, Goddess, Zhenochka, Zhenushka, Zhenusya.

Name Bozena for international passport- BOZHENA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Name Bozena in English

There is no name Bozena in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Bozena or Bozhena.

Translation of the name Bozena into other languages

in Polish - Bożena
in Slovak - Božena
in Serbian - Božana
in Czech - Božena

Church name Bozhena(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This name is not in the Orthodox calendar. The name Bozena is revered in the Catholic denomination.

Characteristics of the name Bozena

The adult Bozena has a strong and independent character. She decisively achieves her goals, while showing enviable persistence. Bozhena is not afraid of difficulties at all, quite the contrary. She is more likely to mobilize when challenged, which is a very rare character trait. It is not easy to do business with her, because Bozhena is skeptical of almost everyone, and therefore rarely listens to advice. Only from those whom Bozhena herself chooses as her advisers, only from them is she ready to receive information.

Bozhena works very well and in general one can say about her that she is a successful woman. It is worth noting the organizational talent of the owner of the name. Usually it makes itself felt already during school years, and then only intensifies. Bozena most often works in a leadership position, and what is surprising is the lack of inclination towards authoritarianism. It seems that there are all the harbingers of such a development of events, but it is at work that Bozhena knows how to overcome her characteristic arrogance and skepticism.

Family relationships greatly change Bozhena’s character. She becomes softer and more tolerant, although of course this applies more to those close to her. Usually she marries successfully and out of great love. She is not one of those who passionately wants to get married before her friends, etc. She rarely quits work after marriage, but when children are born, she almost always takes maternity leave. She loves to decorate her home, and given her excellent taste, she is great at it.

The mystery of the name Bozena

The main secret of Bozhena can be called her sentimentality and kindness. She does not show these traits of her character to almost anyone. Already in childhood, she begins to understand that kind people have a much harder time in life, and therefore it is better for no one to know about your kindness. Often these feelings almost completely atrophy in Bozena, but the birth of children will return them to their original state. This will allow Bozhena to be a caring and attentive mother.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- Swan.

Name color- Purple.

Tree- Cedar.

Plant- Rose hip.

Stone- Ruby.

What does the name Bozena mean? A similar question is probably asked by everyone who has heard this lyrical name. It seems that its owner should be a fragile, tender young lady, a kind of angelic creature. But is it? What kind of character does a girl named Bozena actually have? The meaning of the name and its origin will be described in the article.

Meaning and origin of the name Bozena

This name has Old Church Slavonic roots and means “blessed”, “marked by God” or “of God”. Oddly enough, in the times of Theodore and Benedict it was considered masculine and was pronounced Bozhin or Bozhan. Currently, it has lost a little of its popularity in Russia, but in Poland it is quite common to this day.


Bozhena is a name whose origin and meaning had little impact on the baby’s character. She is not growing up like an angel. Little Bozena is stubborn and cocky. The girl is well developed physically, so she often proves that she is right not only with words, but also with her fists. Bozhena (the meaning of the name implies God's protection) was indeed born under a lucky star. From any scrapes that she often gets into because of her desire to show off her prowess, the girl comes out with the least losses. God also did not harm Bozhena with her health. She is growing into a strong baby, who is spared even the usual childhood colds. In principle, if not for her mischievous character, the girl would not have caused any special problems to her parents. Yes, and this will pass with age. As she gets older, the girl will remember her “wild” childhood with a smile.

Characteristics of the name

Bozhena is a name belonging to a smart and wayward girl. She can't stand pressure at all. Moreover, it awakens a spirit of contradiction in her. Therefore, only when she feels that someone is trying to control her, Bozena does the opposite. However, by acting diplomatically, the girl can be persuaded to abandon her decision. Bozena (the meaning of the name is “blessed”) knows how to adapt to any situation. Therefore, she is not at all worried about changing her place of work or residence. The girl takes everything lightly. Bozena is sociable and can rarely be seen alone. Thanks to her ability to analyze a situation and her developed intellect, the girl is a real generator of ideas. Difficulties do not exist for her; she perceives them as an impetus to action.


Bozhena, whose name means “marked by God,” has an angelic appearance. The girl is graceful, attractive, surrounded by many admirers, but she is in no hurry to give her heart to the first person she meets. Only a sincere, attentive and affectionate young man can become her life partner. If Bozena sees that a man really loves her, she will give all her strength to provide him with comfort and

Family and Children

The girl chooses her life partner meticulously, because she believes that love should be the only one. Bozena is a good housewife. Her house is always clean and cozy. She idolizes her children. As a rule, they answer her in kind. Her husband's relatives also love her. They sincerely believe that Bozhena is a name meaning “gift from above,” and they thank God for sending them such a relative.


Despite her love for home economics, Bozena's interests are not limited only to the kitchen and children. Unfortunately, the list of professions suitable for Bozhena is not too long, because a girl cannot unquestioningly obey her superiors. And painstakingness and perseverance are not her strong point. As a result, it would be wisest to open your own business. Moreover, Bozhena’s luck has not left her throughout her life.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for girls born under the sign of Capricorn or Scorpio, as these people have a fearless, decisive character. Under the influence of these signs, Bozhena will also become a persistent girl who is not afraid of difficulties. Traits such as sober thinking and prudence will appear in her character, which will allow her to more objectively assess the situation and achieve success in any activity.

and middle names

Bozhena Andreevna, Alekseevna, Viktorovna, Valentinovna, Ilinichna, Evgenievna, Petrovna, Mikhailovna - a persistent, stubborn, but incredibly kind person. The main thing is to find an approach to it. The girl is very patient, but testing her patience is not recommended. she is weakened, and it could happen at any moment. Bozhena is very clean, loves cooking, and comes up with many recipes herself. She is not very happy in her marriage, but she will never admit it, and will try to save the family to the end. The children treat her very well, often much better than their father.

Bozhena Arkadyevna, Alexandrovna, Bogdanovna, Borisovna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Timofeevna, Yakolevna - the owner of a changeable character. He knows how to make an impression, but, unfortunately, not always a pleasant one. Trying to create a strong, friendly family. However, with her character this is rarely possible, since few men will want to tolerate an eccentric, emotionally unbalanced person. However, being married, the girl will try to take her husband under his heel. Bozena knows how to manage money rationally and is a good housekeeper. However, she prefers to discuss serious issues with her husband, but not because she is interested in his opinion, but simply to raise his self-esteem.