What does a cat's meow mean? What does a cat tattoo mean? What does a cat mean?

Many people find a cat's constant meowing very annoying. Why do cats meow? It is believed that there are more than 30 different sounds that a meowing cat makes, and the number will depend on how often it interacts with other cats and with non-cats, such as people and dogs. Yes, your cat can talk to your dog too!

We humans are accustomed to using vocabulary to communicate with each other, and over the years cats have learned that we respond to vocal sounds much better than we do to body language or smells, which are the main sources of communication between cats.

Why do domestic cats “talk”?

When a domestic cat meows, it is trying to tell us that it wants something, such as “open the doors,” “I'm hungry,” or “hey! Look at me, I want to be tickled!”

Many of the meowing sounds that a cat uses to communicate with humans are variations of the sounds that a kitten uses to communicate with its mother. This happens because cats perceive their owner not as a leader (as happens in dogs), but as a mother figure. Cats depend on our food and the comfort we give them, and therefore they act like little kittens around us.

Cats that spend a lot of time interacting with other cats will use other means of communication: body language, scents, and other forms of feline communication. They primarily use their voice during mating and during communication between mother and kitten.

It is important to pay attention to any change in your cat's behavior, including if your cat is meowing very often, as this may be a sign that she is unwell. It is worth consulting with your veterinarian to find out whether your cat's behavior change is related to her poor health.

What sounds does a cat make and what do they mean?

All sounds that a cat makes can be divided into three large groups.

· Rumbling - produced when the mouth is closed.

· Vowel sounds - made when the mouth closes. This is a meow.

· Loud intense sounds - the mouth is wide open and tense.

There are many different sounds within these groups. However, there are well-known sounds that most cat owners know, and in a broad sense their meanings are the same, namely:

· Normal meowing – seeking attention. Used to communicate with owners or kittens (“well, do you still love me a little?”)

· Clattering of teeth - excitement and disappointment. This can often be seen when cats look at birds through a window and are unable to catch them (involves rapid jaw movements).

· Growling – the cat warns others to stay away.

· Squeaking (kittens) - usually used to attract the mother's attention when kittens are hungry or cold.

· Hissing – usually used as a threat to other cats, but can also be a sign of fear.

· The so-called “Cat Concert” - used when searching for a mating partner.

· Purring is a sign of satisfaction and relaxation, but is also used for self-soothing if the cat is in pain.

· Squeal – used as an indicator of pain or distress (“Just try and step on my tail again!”)

· Chirps are friendly sounds often used to greet other cats and their owners.

Why won't my cat stop meowing?

A cat's excessive meowing is often caused by her learning that she can get what she wants through meowing. This can become a habit, and the cat begins to meow more and more often. This can be quite cute, however, if she starts meowing all night or drives you crazy during the day, then it's time to break this bad habit.

The first step should be to completely ignore her meow. Meowing is used by a cat to get what it wants, so don't give it to your cat when she's meowing (like food), but give it to her when she's being quiet. Likewise, give your cat lots of attention and affection when she is silent and ignore her when she meows.

Don't yell or scold your pet when he meows. If this cat behavior persists, then you may need to resort to a spray bottle: spray some water on the cat when it meows (although I personally don't like this method as it can scare some cats). This won't hurt the cats, but they will soon learn that meowing is followed by a shower, and this will stop the excessive meowing. This can be especially helpful for cats that meow all night for attention. Remember to cuddle and play with your cat before bed.

Some owners use the following trick: a cat can stop meowing if you blow on its face. Why don't you try this with your cat next time she meows? Will it work?

Cat symbolism- the topic is varied. A cat is a domestic furry animal loved by many. Today, more than 70 cat breeds are known.

Many people have them as a special member of their family. Cats were domesticated during Ancient Egyptian times, but there is some evidence that domestication began around 9,500 years ago during the Neolithic era. People used to keep them for their hunting abilities.

Cat as a symbol

The cat, as a symbol, carries mainly double meanings, and always balances two opposite things - for example, light and dark, rest and action, external and internal, up and down, good or bad, etc.

Overall, the cat is a symbol of patience, independence, curiosity and courage. The cat is a very spiritual animal; she is known for her ability to wait and act only when the time is right.

As a rule, the symbolism of a cat depends mainly on where and how you meet it. Seeing a cat in a dream has a different meaning than, for example, meeting one in reality. A cat can also become your totem.

Cat symbolism: meeting a cat in real life

The cat is a mysterious animal that helps you embrace your independence and curious nature.

When you encounter a cat in real life, there are three important meanings that can help you learn more about life. The cat spirit is trying to tell you something. It could be:

  • Deep secret. Cats are known to keep the secret of their death. Meeting a cat can mean that either you are hiding something or someone close to you. A secret can be good or bad, and you need to trust your instincts to find out the truth before it hurts you. This may be a red flag for you.
  • Start signal. If you are faced with some life changes and are resisting them, don't do it! Meeting a cat is a trigger signal for their adoption. This is a sign that good changes await you. Resistance can create problems in life.
  • No risky behavior. Cats have 9 lives and this makes them risky. Sometimes risks are an integral part of life and they are important for moving forward. If you encounter a cat, this may mean that you may take a risk. You should not be afraid of failure because this risk can lead you to success, otherwise you can learn a valuable lesson from it.

Cat as your spirit animal

The cat is your totem. Cats are considered highly magical creatures in the spirit world. Their presence around people can have a direct impact on them. Many people have a cat as their spirit animal or totem. Let's see how the cat symbol affects their lives:

  • Nine Lives. The cat totem means that you can learn from all nine lives of a cat. Every life represents a risk that you could take, but it is important that you evaluate the outcome first. This doesn't mean you can blindly jump into a well. Have you ever seen a cat hunting for food? She remains motionless and shows skill when the time comes to attack. She remains motionless and calculates her chances of catching her prey. You must learn from these tactics and act when the time is right.
  • Ability to see in the dark. Cats can see in the dark; their retinas can detect movement even in very low light. When a cat is your spirit animal, it means that you must also have keen eyesight to see things that are not visible. You have to pay attention to the smallest details that usually remain hidden from view.
  • Ability to enjoy sleep. Mostly, cat owners claim that their pet is lazy most of the time. Cats really enjoy their sleep and don't want to be disturbed. Time of sleep and rest charges the body to full capacity. Therefore, take your time and enjoy your sleep. Don't think too much about working during quiet hours so your brain can rest.

Main characteristics of a totem cat

  • smart- knows when and how to make the right decision;
  • defensive ability- protects not only yourself, but also loved ones;
  • independent- but uses social connections more than anyone else;
  • very confident- has a deep connection with the inner self;
  • sensitive- because they feel what is really hidden behind the words;
  • agile– quick in action, but at the same time careful;
  • curious- wants to know everything and loves to explore.

People with a cat totem are always in search of enlightenment. They are known in their circle for their gentle nature and know how to see their best side. Although they are kind-hearted and care about others, they still, if necessary, know how to guide them on the right path. These are sharp thinking individuals. People are automatically drawn to them because of their sensitivity. They are loved because they know how to make others happy.

Strength and weakness

People with a cat totem have unique strengths and weaknesses that make them different from others.

Their strengths:

  1. smart: people with a cat totem are often smart and know how to make the right decisions;
  2. independent: People with a cat totem are the most independent and do not require the help of others. They are self-sufficient and know how to cope with their lives and problems;
  3. self-confident: they know what they are doing and are happy with it. These are people who find pleasure in being alone and do not need the help of others;
  4. vigilant: People with a cat totem are laconic. These are the people who sit back and enjoy the show in silence. They observe their surroundings and notice minimal changes that are often ignored by other people.

Their weaknesses:

  1. singles: Because people with a cat spirit are very independent and make decisions on their own, they often neglect the rest of the world. Sometimes this habit leads to disaster because working in a team is much more beneficial than working alone in many scenarios. Also, seeing a thing from others' point of view can completely change the picture, but totemic people will not do this because they like to work alone;
  2. self-confident: confidence and self-confidence are just a few millimeters apart from each other, and these people don't know when they cross the line. Since they are very confident in their decisions, sometimes they may even hurt others and are reluctant to change their minds. Even if they are wrong, they will not want to accept it;
  3. manipulators: people with a cat totem know how to use their powers to manipulate others and change the game in their favor;
  4. tricky: they can easily deceive people. Many times they selfishly use their intelligence to deceive others.

The variety of cat colors and their meaning

Cats come in different colors, and each color symbolizes its own special meaning. Each cat color has a special message. Here are some of the most common cat color symbols:

Red cat symbolism: big changes. Ginger cats encourage a new beginning - they symbolize significant change. They are ecologists and predict global changes. Like other cats, they also help in energetic healing. Red cats are a sign of leadership, courage and confidence. They appear as a sign to accept a new beginning.

Symbolism of gray cats: harmony and childhood. Gray or silver color is associated with mystery; You must have seen that spirits and mystical beings often appear in silver color. Gray cats are associated with harmony, mystery and silence. Most of us spent our childhood next to such a cat, because their old souls love to be near young ones.

These cats bring good luck, emotional stability, peace and love. In Thai weddings, there is a ritual in which a gray cat is given as a gift to the brides as a sign of good luck and love for the couple. Basically, gray cats connect people to the present by making them remember their past experiences. Gray cats are a reminder that bad times will pass and good times will come.

Symbolism of white cats: purity. White is a spiritual color for cats. You may have noticed that psychics usually have white cats. White cats are supporters of people; they have special healing gifts. White cats are considered good luck charms in many parts of the world.

The spiritual meaning of a white cat is purity and positivity. If you treat a white cat well, it is said that it will bring money and higher levels of spirituality. Contrary to all these beliefs, in some parts of the world, white cats are also a sign of bad luck, especially when they cross the road.

Black Cat Symbolism: Physical Healing. It may surprise you that the symbolism of a black cat is physical healing because in most parts of the world a black cat is considered a bad omen.

Herbalists and witches often had black cats - this associated them with bad luck, but people forget that they both have special healing powers. The Puritans believed that black cats brought bad luck when they came from Europe to America. They believed that the executed witch could return in the form of a black cat after seven long years of waiting. In Europe and Australia, mostly black cats are considered a sign of good luck.

The spirit world highly values ​​the power of black cats as their medicinal instincts are amazing. For thousands of years they have been assistants to herbalists.

Symbolism of cats in literature

Cats have been used quite widely in art and literature.

  • Remember "Puss in Boots"? The tale is known all over the world in different versions, but the main story remains the same: it is a very smart partner for a person.
  • Another cunning cat character from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Cheshire Cat. This is a very mysterious character and his appearance and disappearance at different times confused not only Alice, but also readers.
  • Crookshanks from "Harry Potter" and Garfield are also two of the most famous cats in literature and both symbolize mind and intelligence.
  • But, for example, a Japanese cat "Hello Kitty" is a symbol of innocence and purity.

Dreams and cat symbolism

Dreams are a very powerful way of communication. They are a message from the subconscious to our soul. According to some traditions around the world, seeing a cat in a dream is a bad omen, but this concept is changing every day.

Seeing a cat in a dream mainly symbolizes sensuality and the feminine essence. In ancient Egypt, cats were believed to have the ability to travel between dimensions. For this reason, many people think that when a cat appears in your dreams, it is bringing a message from another dimension.

Here are some dreams and their interpretations:

  • the cat bites you: when you see a cat biting your leg, it means that you are losing your balance in real life and neglecting what is important in achieving your goals. If a cat bites your hands, it means that you are forgetting your feminine nature;
  • two cats are fighting: cats are a symbol of feminism, this dream could mean that two female figures in your real life are experiencing problems;
  • cat fights with dog: this means that you will avoid someone who is deceiving you;
  • cat eats bird: this means that a romantic relationship awaits you;
  • cat chasing a mouse: means that luck is present next to you and you will get what you want;
  • run after the cat: when you see yourself running after a cat, it means that you are going through a bad situation and cannot cope with it;
  • when the cat follows you: someone secretly admires you.


The cat symbolizes independence, purity and guardianship. Our ancestors considered them Gods and Goddesses. They are powerful beings and their presence in your life can completely change you.

Whether you see them in real life or in your dreams, they give you a unique message that you must decipher. Because they are guardians and want to warn you about an upcoming event on your path, but it is up to you how you accept this message.

From love to hate and back - this is how man’s attitude towards a cat has changed throughout history. Perhaps no other animal has evoked such conflicting feelings. The cat was either proclaimed a goddess or destroyed as a fiend of hell.

One thing is certain: man has never been indifferent to this animal. And is it even possible? Beauty, grace and dexterity, an affectionate and at the same time independent disposition and a huge number of mysteries that have not yet been solved. What has kept people and cats close for thousands of years? What is the significance of cats in human life?

Ancient world: cat - mouser and goddess

There is no doubt that the practical importance of cats in human life initially played a decisive role. As is the case with other domestic animals, people have noticed that a small predator can be very useful - an excellent hunter, it rids the home of harmful rodents. Surprisingly, even now, after an incredible amount of time, the mouse-catching qualities of cats are still important for people!

Worship of Bastet

But let's get back to history. In Ancient Egypt, an agricultural country, the cat was proclaimed a deity - people appreciated its affection, excellent health and excellent reproductive abilities. This is how Bastet appeared - a goddess with the body of a woman and the head of a cat, symbolizing love and fertility.

The main place of her veneration was the city of Bubastis, which even became the capital of the state during the reign of the Libyan kings. And in the city of Saqqara, a temple dedicated to cats was built - Bubasteion.

The sacred cats were fed fish and bread soaked in milk, and from time to time they were put on public display so that the people could present them with their gifts.

The violent death of the sacred murka was punished most severely, and even the pharaoh was powerless before this law. Dead animals were embalmed to make mummies, and family members in whose house the cat died shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.

True, such worship cost the Egyptians dearly. According to legend, in the 6th century, the Persians who besieged the city of Pelusium resorted to a vile trick: the attackers carried cats in their hands, and the defenders had to surrender so that the divine animals would not be harmed. In fact, this fact is not mentioned in any historical sources, but the main The reason for the defeat is the betrayal of one of the Egyptian military leaders.

Don't disturb the cat

The tailed ones were also revered in the East. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad himself cut off the sleeve of his robe so as not to disturb the sleep of his beloved cat Muedza, who had fallen asleep on it. Buddhist monks bred sacred cats. And in Japan, a symbol of love for cats is a temple dedicated to Maneki-neko - a cat waving its paw welcomingly.

The Middle Ages: a dark time for black cats

But, alas, a dark streak came in the fate of the tailed darlings - the gloomy Middle Ages. The importance of cats in people's lives has been turned upside down, or more precisely, a person's attitude towards a cat has changed diametrically. The mystique of a cat, which was previously considered a sign of a divine essence, began to seem diabolical.

Black cats especially suffered during this dark time - they were subjected to mass extermination and such sophisticated atrocities that we will not even write about them, so as not to hurt the tender feelings of cat lovers.

Even people of art, progressive for that time, used the image of a cat to depict vices and evil - remember, for example, Bosch’s triptych “The Garden of Earthly Delights” or Tsaptsarapa from Rabelais’ “Pantagruel”.
Fragment from Bosch's triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights"

The importance of cats in human life: inspiration for creators

Francisco Goya (1746-1828), “Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga. Child", ok. 1787
Francesco Ubertino (1495-1557). Portrait of a young woman holding a cat.

But cats are not the type to give up quickly. They continued to be around people, continued to catch mice, and little by little they became beloved pets again. As Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, noted, already in the thirties of the 17th century a cat lived in almost every English family.

In France, during the times of Louis XIV and Louis XV, ladies of high society - duchesses and marquises - kept beautiful cats: it was fashionable. Hugo and Balzac, Dumas and Baudelaire write about cats with love and admiration.

Darlings, breadwinners and arbiters of destinies

Nowadays, the importance of cats in human life has become comprehensive. Perhaps cats were not worshiped the way they are now, even in Ancient Egypt.

Yes, tailed animals still catch mice, but not only in rural houses. They “work” in the British Museum, the Hermitage and several other museums around the world, protecting works of art from rodents and attracting tourists.

We can say that they themselves give people jobs, because products for cats - food and vitamins, toys and houses, scratching posts and shampoos - are a whole industry that probably employs millions of people around the world. Not to mention the veterinarians and groomers who provide health and care to pets.

A separate caste is felinologists, people engaged in breeding new breeds and preserving purebred animals.

Companion cats

Cats have settled in the homes of many famous people - artists, artists, writers, fashion designers, inspiring them to be creative. Just remember the world-famous cat lovers Hemingway or Brodsky.

Hemingway with his pet

Cats are the darlings of the powerful: many presidents and royalty - from Cardinal Richelieu and representatives of the royal Romanov dynasty to General De Gaulle, Lincoln, Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton - found peace and harmony of soul next to their mustachioed pets.

But, perhaps, Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, surpassed everyone in his love for cats, who bequeathed part of his fortune to his cat Jock.

But maybe this is the main secret of cat love: they don’t care at all what place their owners occupy in the social hierarchy. Cats warm everyone with their warmth and fill their lives with joy and positive emotions. Even those who don’t have a cat at home become “cat lovers” by looking at countless “cute” pictures on the Internet and subscribing to the accounts of tailed stars.

Guardian cats

Cats do not lag behind people in anything: they save abandoned babies from death, and their own owners from criminals. Many people sincerely believe that cats treat and diagnose human ailments.

But, perhaps, the most important thing is that with their friendship, love and trust, they awaken our best qualities in us, make us kinder, brighter, and, therefore, change our lives for the better.

Just remember the ordinary London cat Bob, who forced his owner to give up his addiction and find the strength for a normal human life. Having risen from the very bottom, he became a famous and respected person - and all thanks to the appearance of a red pet in the house. There are, of course, many more similar stories, but not all of them are known throughout the world.

What can we say after this about the importance of cats in human life? They just make people people!

People have always intuitively felt that cats have some kind of connection with the other world. That is why the tradition arose of keeping these animals at home as pets in order to protect yourself and your family from various mystical events. Those people who do not have the opportunity to have a cat buy figurines and various souvenirs depicting these graceful creatures. The meaning of such interior decorations will be discussed below.

Beliefs associated with cats

The history of these small predators originates in Egypt, where cats have long been worshiped. These animals were considered sacred, as according to legend they originated from the goddess Bast. In Greek tradition, cats were identified with the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, for their speed and agility.

During the Middle Ages, the name Artemis became synonymous with the words “witch,” “witch,” and therefore cats began to be associated with certain dark forces that could negatively influence humans. At the same time, a tradition arose of decorating your home with figurines of these animals. It was believed that the cat figurine protects its owners from the misfortunes of fate and brings joy and prosperity to the house.

Norwegian folklore tells of Freya, whose chariot had an image of a cat on it. That is why in this country a cat figurine is a symbol of the emergence of everything new, especially new life. It is an amulet for newborns.

Signs associated with cats

A special place in Russian folklore is occupied by sayings about as a symbol of misfortunes and troubles. A well-known sign says that if such an animal crosses your path, then a series of failures awaits you.

However, not all statements about these graceful and mysterious creatures are so gloomy. There are many weather superstitions associated with cats. Because these animals have a special sense of changes in their environment, people have long observed them to predict metamorphosis in weather conditions. For example, if a cat buries its nose in its own fur while sleeping, it means cold weather will soon set in.

It is also believed that the cat figurine has a set of amazing properties. A black figurine, for example, will help scare away thieves from the house and bring prosperity to the house.

As mentioned above, these animals have a special relationship with the other world. A cat figurine located in the apartment will not allow the brownie to play pranks, as well as various entities from entering the home.

The meaning of the figures

Depending on their appearance, these figures symbolize various phenomena. Thus, a cat with its tail raised up represents optimism and joy, a cat with kittens is a symbol of happy and long-awaited motherhood. A composition of several animals represents friendship, support, mutual assistance or love. Of course, there is no clear system of interpretation of what the cat figurine symbolizes. The meaning of each figure can only be approximately interpreted.

Such figurines play a special role in attracting good luck. Their owners are often lucky, thanks to which their most cherished dreams come true. Another meaning of such figurines in the house is that they help develop intuition and supernatural abilities in their owners.

The special aesthetics of black cats

A large number of signs are associated with these creatures. It is believed that a black cat is an indispensable attribute of a witch, present as a guide in all mystical and witchcraft rituals.

In the English tradition, by the way, these animals are treated without any fear, and if a black cat crosses the road, this will make a person even luckier and happier. In Japan they hold the same opinion. In China, these creatures are treated with particular caution and are considered harbingers of poverty and hunger. In most European countries, as in Russia, black cats are treated with fear and trembling.

Surprisingly, all nations unanimously agree that a black cat figurine brings good luck to the house and protects its owners from misfortunes.

as interior decoration

Many people who do not believe in any otherworldly forces and mysticism perceive cat figurines as a stylish and trendy interior decoration. A figurine of an Egyptian cat is a special souvenir that not only reminds you of a trip to this amazing country, but also adds a special sophistication to the surrounding environment.

There are cases where people have been collecting such figurines throughout their lives. Thus, the Frenchwoman F. Groff keeps at home more than 2 thousand 100 copies of figurines from different countries of the world, as well as more than 9 thousand other things with the image of a cat on them. At the same time, she keeps four live cats at home. The woman is rightfully considered the owner of one of the world's greatest collections associated with these amazing graceful and mysterious creatures.

Many people find a cat's constant meowing very annoying. Why do cats meow? It is believed that there are more than 30 different sounds that a meowing cat makes, and the number will depend on how often it interacts with other cats and with non-cats, such as people and dogs. Yes, Your cat can talk to your dog too!

We humans are accustomed to using vocabulary to communicate with each other, and over the years cats have learned that we respond to vocal sounds much better than we do to body language or smells, which are the main sources of communication between cats.

Why do domestic cats "talk"?

When a domestic cat meows, it is trying to tell us that it wants something, such as "open the doors", "I'm hungry" or "hey! Look at me, I want to be tickled!"

Many of the meowing sounds that a cat uses to communicate with humans are variations of the sounds that a kitten uses to communicate with its mother. This happens because cats perceive their owner not as a leader (as happens in dogs), but as a mother figure. Cats depend on our food and the comfort we give them, and therefore they act like little kittens around us.

Cats that spend a lot of time interacting with other cats will use other means of communication: body language, scents, and other forms of feline communication. They primarily use their voice during mating and during communication between mother and kitten.

It is important to pay attention to any change in your cat's behavior, including if your cat is meowing very often, as this may be a sign that she is unwell. It is worth consulting with your veterinarian to find out whether your cat's behavior change is related to her poor health.

What sounds does a cat make and what do they mean?

All sounds that a cat makes can be divided into three large groups.

· Rumbling - produced when the mouth is closed.

· Vowel sounds - made when the mouth closes. This is a meow.

· Loud intense sounds - the mouth is wide open and tense.

There are many different sounds within these groups. However, there are well-known sounds that most cat owners know, and in a broad sense their meanings are the same, namely:

· Normal meowing – seeking attention. Used to communicate with owners or kittens (“well, do you still love me a little?”)

· Clattering of teeth - excitement and disappointment. This can often be seen when cats look at birds through a window and are unable to catch them. (involves rapid movements of the jaw).

· Growling – the cat warns others to stay away.

· Squeaking (kittens) - usually used to attract the mother's attention when kittens are hungry or cold.

· Hissing - usually used as a threat to other cats, but can also be a sign of fear.

· The so-called “Cat Concert” - used when searching for a mating partner.

· Purring is a sign of satisfaction and relaxation, but is also used for self-soothing if the cat is in pain.

· Squeal – used as an indicator of pain or distress (“Just try and step on my tail again!”)

· Chirps are friendly sounds that are often used to greet other cats and their owners.

Why won't my cat stop meowing?

A cat's excessive meowing is often caused by her learning that she can get what she wants through meowing. This can become a habit, and the cat begins to meow more and more often. This can be quite cute, however, if she starts meowing all night or drives you crazy during the day, then it's time to break this bad habit.

The first step should be to completely ignore her meow. Meowing is used by a cat to get what it wants, so don't give it to your cat when she's meowing (like food), but give it to her when she's being quiet. Likewise, give your cat lots of attention and affection when she is silent and ignore her when she meows.

Don't yell or scold your pet when he meows. If this cat behavior persists, then you may need to resort to a spray bottle: spray some water on the cat when it meows (although I personally don't like this method as it can scare some cats). This won't hurt the cats, but they will soon learn that meowing is followed by a shower, and this will stop the excessive meowing. This can be especially helpful for cats that meow all night for attention. Remember to cuddle and play with your cat before bed.

Some owners use the following trick: a cat can stop meowing if you blow on its face. Why don't you try this with your cat next time she meows? Will it work?