Greenish discharge from the mammary gland. Fluid discharge from the nipple: causes, what to do

Discharge from the mammary glands can mean a woman has a serious illness, inflammation in the area or pregnancy, and so on. If white or light yellow liquid flows from your chest during the period of so-called breastfeeding, then everything is normal. However, in cases where discharge appears at the wrong time, you should definitely contact a specialist. Further in the article we will try to understand the causes of this pathology, treatment and much more.

They are an ordinary part of the female body. We can say that these glands are quite typical. They have a special secretory ability. This is expressed, first of all, in the release of one’s own secret. Quite often, some kind of liquid may be released from a woman’s nipples. This happens either independently or by pressing on the breasts and areola area. These discharges differ depending on the cause of their occurrence. For some women, the fluid has a thicker consistency, while for others, the discharge is much thinner. In addition, it varies. For example, the discharge may be light yellow or even green. Sometimes they contain a large number of blood. It must also be said that at older ages such situations occur much more often. The presence of such discharge from the mammary glands is also influenced by the number of pregnancies, even those that were interrupted artificially.

If you have any discharge, you should definitely contact a so-called mammologist. This doctor is a specialist in the treatment and diagnosis of breast diseases. First of all, the doctor will interview his patient, find out the complaints and the reason for the woman’s appeal to him. In this situation, everything is important: color, quantity and frequency with which discharge from the mammary glands appears. It is also important whether the breast has ever been injured in a certain way, and whether the lady is taking any medications. All this can also affect the behavior of the body. Surely, it will be important for the mammologist to know whether these discharges were ever accompanied by an increase in body temperature or fever.

After examining his patient, the specialist will send her for further examination. It most often consists of undergoing an ultrasound examination of the breast itself, a blood test and mammography. In some cases, a woman will also need ductography, which involves examining all the ducts of each mammary gland. It is worth noting that the appearance of fluid from the nipples may be the norm for a particular representative of the fairer sex. It is for this reason that discharge from the mammary glands is not always a reason for treatment or surgery.

There are a huge number of reasons for this process. Duct ectasia is considered one of the most common. from the mammary glands are precisely characteristic of this disease. During this process, a duct becomes inflamed and then filled with a dark and thick substance. It stands out if you put a little pressure on the breast or nipple. This disease must be treated with special medications. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. If the disease is severely advanced, surgery may be necessary. Most often, women over forty years old suffer from this.

White discharge from the mammary glands streaked with blood indicates the presence of a so-called papilloma in one of the ducts. This is a benign formation. In addition, this disease has not yet been fully studied by specialists. It remains unclear where and for what reason a tumor appears in the mammary gland. Most often, small lumps in the breast are discovered by accident. To make a more accurate and complete diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination.

If you have received any serious injury in the area of ​​the mammary glands, it is quite possible that discharge from them will appear. In addition, abscess and mastitis should be added to this list of causes of this process. Breast cancer is considered the most serious problem today. A malignant tumor is difficult to completely remove or cure. Breast cancer is common and is accompanied by bleeding from one of the nipples.

The relevance of the problem of breast diseases is due to the persistent growth of this pathology: benign breast diseases are diagnosed in 35-60% of women; in the presence of gynecological abnormalities, their frequency increases to 75-96%. There are only four situations when clear or white discharge from the breasts is considered normal: sexual arousal (2-3 drops during orgasm), pregnancy, breastfeeding, 2-3 days before the start of menstruation. In all other cases, fluid discharge from the mammary gland is an alarming symptom, indicating the development of the disease, so it cannot be ignored.

Anatomy of the breast

The mammary gland is a paired organ whose main function is to secrete milk during lactation. Each gland has 15-20 lobes, separated by connective tissue septa. The lobes consist of lobes, the latter - of alveoli. Milky ducts extend from all lobes towards the nipple. The blood supply to the glands is carried out by the thoracic arteries - lateral and internal; innervation occurs through the supraclavicular nerves from the cervical plexus. The mammary gland is a hormone-dependent organ, therefore the production of a small amount of clear secretion is exclusively physiological in nature. You should be wary of atypical discharge that is not associated with the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, accompanied by pain and heaviness in the chest.

Breast discharge - predisposing factors:

  • hormonal imbalance, wearing uncomfortable underwear;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • sexual disorders, hereditary predisposition;
  • childbirth, pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the bile ducts/liver;
  • stressful situations, recurrent depression;
  • period of menopause/menarche.

White discharge from the breast - causes

Galactorrhea. It occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances against the background of increased levels of the female sex hormone prolactin, which leads to excessive production of white fluid from the mammary glands. Based on the intensity of the discharge, four degrees of galactorrhea are determined: the first - discharge from the breast appears when pressing on the nipple, the second - single drops are released spontaneously, the third - independent discharge of medium intensity, the fourth - very copious discharge. Causes of galactorrhea: hypothalamic tumors, pituitary tumor, ovarian/adrenal pathologies, liver/renal failure. Associated symptoms: acne, decreased libido, menstrual irregularities.

Mastitis. Breast disease of infectious origin. The clinical picture is characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-39.5 degrees, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, redness of the skin, and white/purulent discharge from the nipples. As the process progresses, the disease enters the abscess phase, which can lead to serious complications.

Transparent discharge from the breast - causes

Ectasia of the milk ducts. The expansion of the milk ducts with their further inflammation causes the appearance of clear discharge from the breast, pain in the armpits and mammary glands. Chronicization of the process worsens the condition - the discharge becomes sticky and thick, acquiring a brown/green tint.

Fibrocystic mastopathy. It is a fibrocystic pathology, which is manifested by a whole spectrum of regressive and proliferative (inflammatory) changes in the tissue material of the mammary gland with a violation of the proportion of connective tissue and epithelial elements. The risk of developing the disease increases in the absence of childbirth and pregnancy, abortion, late first pregnancy, short-term/long-term breastfeeding (a year or more).

Thrush + intestinal dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis is caused by: uncontrolled use of antibiotics, hormonal therapy, poor nutrition, chronic/acute intestinal infections, decreased immune response of the body. Characteristic symptoms: stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea), bloating, dyspeptic abnormalities (vomiting, nausea, belching), signs of intoxication (insomnia, weakness, fatigue). If intestinal dysbiosis occurs against the background of thrush, the disease may additionally manifest itself as clear discharge from the breast.

Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis). A process affecting the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The causative agents of the disease are representatives of opportunistic microflora (Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci). With inflammation, the infection gradually spreads from the uterine cavity to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Chronic oophoritis is manifested by menstrual irregularities, aching pain in the lower abdomen/groin, scanty regular clear/white discharge from the chest and vagina.

Breast injury. Traumatic closed/open damage to breast tissue with the formation of a hematoma. May be accompanied by rib fractures and chest contusion. The woman is worried about swelling and pain in the chest, and if the milk ducts are damaged, there is a clear discharge interspersed with blood.

Taking hormonal drugs. The development of the mammary glands and changes in their functions at puberty and during pregnancy occur under the influence of hormones, any fluctuations in the balance of which provoke dysplastic deformations of the mammary gland tissue. During long-term use of oral contraceptives, the levels of estrogen and prolactin may sharply increase, which leads to the appearance of clear discharge from the breast.

Discharge from the mammary glands - what not to do:

  • use heat. The use of hot baths or warming compresses can aggravate inflammation and significantly worsen the general condition;
  • be treated using folk remedies;
  • stimulate/squeeze out secretions;
  • take hormones. Only a doctor can prescribe hormonal drugs in order to eliminate cyclical jumps in the levels of sex hormones and block ovulation, provided that it is advisable to include these drugs in the therapeutic regimen.

Discharge from the chest - diagnosis and treatment

Any unusual discharge from the mammary glands is a reason to consult a mammologist. Diagnosis of pathological conditions of the breast is based on examination, palpation, ultrasound, mammography, puncture of problem areas, and cytological examination. Breast examination is carried out in the first phase of the cycle (2-3 days after the end of menstruation), since due to hardening of the glands in the second phase, the likelihood of diagnostic errors increases.

Diagnostic measures:

  • inspection/palpation. The appearance of the mammary glands is assessed (absence/presence of asymmetry, nipple position, skin color). Palpation is carried out in a standing position and lying on the back, the supraclavicular, subclavian and axillary lymph nodes are palpated simultaneously;
  • Ultrasound. A harmless and informative research method that allows you to detect neoplasms of the mammary glands (cysts, tumors);
  • mammography. X-ray of the mammary glands, which is performed in two projections. The method is highly reliable (up to 95% for oncology, up to 97% for mastopathy). Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age under 35 years.

Treatment is carried out taking into account the patient’s age, form of the disease, nature of the menstrual cycle, interest in contraception/preservation of reproductive function, absence/presence of concomitant gynecological and endocrine pathologies. Conservative methods: hormone therapy, vitamin therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy.

White or clear discharge from the breast is a potentially dangerous symptom that requires careful examination and treatment. The mammary glands are an integral part of the reproductive system, so their condition should be treated carefully - this will help preserve women’s health for a long time and significantly improve the quality of life.

Discharge from the mammary gland can be lactation (breast milk after the baby is born) and non-lactation. The latter may be symptoms of dangerous diseases. They differ in color and consistency, for example, yellow discharge from the mammary glands. Based on the characteristics of discharge from the mammary gland when pressed, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which is then confirmed by diagnostic studies.

How does this happen

Breast secretions pass through the same ducts as breast milk. However, it is not at all necessary that liquid will flow out of all channels at the same time. It often happens that discharge comes out of only one gland. It is important to remember the nature of the discharge and its frequency in order to inform the mammologist to make the correct diagnosis.

Discharge from the mammary glands appears when pressure is applied for completely different reasons. It could be oncology or a simple hormonal imbalance in the body. In order not to guess how this will turn out, you should visit a doctor.

With age and the number of pregnancies, the risk of discharge from the mammary glands when pressed increases.

When discharge is normal

In some situations, discharge from the mammary glands is normal.

Sterile liquid

Transparent liquid from the mammary glands is a secretion, sometimes released in small quantities. It is not only colorless, but also odorless.

The appearance may be associated with:

  • chest injuries;
  • taking certain medications;
  • excitement during sexual intercourse;
  • frequent nipple stimulation.
  • White liquid

    For pregnant and lactating women, white discharge from the mammary glands is quite normal, as it is milk. In expectant mothers, fluid is released in a smaller volume, only with pressure. For some period of time after lactation, milk may still be released, this is also normal.


    Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and bright color, is the main sign of a serious disease.

    Dilation of the ducts

    When the ducts in the soft tissues of the breast expand, fluid is released when pressure is applied to the mammary gland. This is due to the fact that a very viscous dark-colored mass affects the milky ways and changes their shape. The pathology may be accompanied by an inflammatory process, but this is not necessary. The color of the discharge depends on the individual.

    Drug and alternative treatment does not solve the problem, it can only alleviate the condition. Ectasia can only be cured by surgery.


    Bloody discharge from the mammary gland can appear due to a severe injury, for example, when hitting an exercise machine. They appear within two days, accompanied by painful sensations.

    Injury can trigger the appearance of tumors in the chest and inflammatory processes.

    Fluid from the mammary glands when pressed occurs in cases where papilloma, a benign tumor, forms in the milk ducts.

    However, it does not occur as a symptom of a virus, but for reasons still unknown to science. This disease can only be treated surgically. The discharge does not have a specific character.


    Purulent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed appears due to inflammation of the breast area. Mastitis is a disease characteristic of the breastfeeding period.

    Associated signs are fever, chills, general deterioration of health, pain at the site of compaction. Pus is released from the mammary gland in case of an abscess, the difference of which is not inflammation of the area, but the accumulation of pus in the mammary gland in one place.


    If a girl has never given birth or been pregnant, but she produces milk, this is due to a hormonal surge in prolactin.

    This can happen after frequent nipple stimulation or taking hormonal medications.


    The disease in the fibrocystic form is usually accompanied by dark discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. Apart from this sign, a woman may not have other symptoms.

    However, if discharge appears, you should urgently consult a specialist, because such symptoms indicate the transition of mastopathy to oncology.

    A malignant tumor is manifested not only by dark and unpleasant-smelling discharge from the mammary gland, but also by its external deformation.

    As soon as a woman notices such a sign, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will refer her for a diagnostic examination to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

    Nipple cancer

    Bloody discharge is a symptom not only of injury, but also of oncology.

    If the nipple is peeling, retracted, red, and the areola is itchy, it may be Paget's disease.

    Types and color of discharge

    The color of the discharge suggests a disease:

    1. Greens. Thick and slimy green discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is a sign of progressive mastopathy. Side symptoms: pain, fever, compaction in the affected areas. Greenish discharge from the mammary glands when pressed occurs in young girls with mastitis.
    2. Yellow. If the yellow discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is light or milky in color, there is no point in worrying. This happens due to hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy. Yellow purulent discharge from the chest is a sign of inflammatory and infectious processes. Accompanied by severe discomfort, fever, and swelling of the chest.
    3. Brown. Bleeding occurs in the milk ducts due to the development of tumors. This is accompanied by brown discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. In addition, fluid of this color from the breast is a clear sign of cancer or mastopathy.
    4. Transparent. Due to frequent stress, reduced immunity, and hormonal imbalance, clear discharge from the mammary glands occurs when pressure is applied. If they do not cause discomfort, are not accompanied by heat, swelling or a foul odor, then this is normal. In older women, duectasia may also cause clear discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. They also accompany mild chest injuries and occur after sexual intercourse.
    5. Black. Black discharge from the breast is the most dangerous. Their constant companions are severe pain in the mammary glands and changes in their shape. They occur both in severe cases of mastopathy and in cancer. An urgent visit to a doctor is required.
    6. Bloody. This fluid can be seen after a severe bruise. Also, spotting is a symptom of a benign or malignant tumor.


    The mammologist sends for diagnostic tests to determine why fluid is released from the mammary glands.

    What types of examinations can he order?

    1. Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
    2. Mammography.
    3. Analyzes of nipple discharge (cytology and microflora culture).
    4. Ductography.
    5. MRI of the pituitary gland (located in the brain).
    6. Blood test for hormones.

    Treatment and prognosis

    As soon as a woman notices that fluid is coming out of her nipple, she should see a specialist. He will prescribe examination methods, after which he will determine the diagnosis, according to which he will select treatment.

    Therapy may include conservative methods of therapy: antibiotics, hormonal drugs. This is prescribed, for example, when pus appears from the mammary gland. But there are cases when the only way to get rid of the disease is surgery.

    Traditional methods of treatment usually do not give the desired result; they may have a short-term effect, relieve the pain a little, remove some symptoms, but they will not completely cure the disease. It is better to include methods of traditional treatment in a complex of therapy, but not to be treated in any way using only them.

    The more dangerous the diagnosis, the worse the prognosis. It also depends on the stage at which treatment began. If the discharge is related to human physiology, then it will soon go away on its own.


    A woman should always monitor the health of her reproductive system. The mammary glands are often subject to hormonal changes, so they may be the first to indicate that something is wrong in the body.

    To avoid diseases that are accompanied by fluid from the nipples, you need to:

    1. Avoid stress.
    2. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle (giving up bad habits, a balanced daily menu, sports).
    3. Monitor your weight and adjust it if it is overweight.
    4. When choosing hormonal medications, be sure to contact an experienced doctor, who, based on tests and examinations, will prescribe a remedy that is suitable individually. However, you need to remember that you cannot take it for a long period!
    5. Conduct breast self-diagnosis.
    6. Regularly visit a mammologist or gynecologist for preventive examinations. Women over 30 years old should do this at least once a year.

    Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed can vary in color, smell and consistency. So they indicate various diseases in the female body. But there are cases when the fluid released from the nipples is associated with physiological processes. In any case, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor so that he can diagnose and recommend treatment.


    Our video will tell you what nipple discharge means.

    The appearance of discharge from the nipples should alert a woman. Breast discharge may occur as a result of natural physiological processes, but can be a sign of various diseases. It is of great importance what color and consistency they are, whether there are any additional complaints, and the woman’s age. Early detection of breast diseases is important for cure. Therefore, the appearance of discharge cannot be ignored, especially if there is a change in the shape or size of the glands. Only a doctor can determine whether there is cause for concern in this case.


    Causes of breast discharge

    In some cases, the appearance of clear discharge from the mammary glands is considered normal. Milk production occurs in the alveoli located in the lobules of the mammary gland. The milk ducts carry it from the lobules to the nipple. In the absence of lactation, the ducts are filled with fluid, which can be released only in isolated cases, for example, before menstruation, when the gland is tense and swollen, during sexual intercourse or in case of strong pressure on the breast.

    The appearance of colostrum (a clear, yellowish liquid) occurs during pregnancy when the mammary gland swells before milk production begins.

    Unusual is the appearance of milky discharge that is not associated with breastfeeding, a change in color and an increase in the intensity of fluid formation. The occurrence of pain in one or both glands simultaneously with discharge from the nipples and an increase in body temperature should also attract attention.

    Causes of unusual discharge may include:

    1. hormonal disorders associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, brain tumors;
    2. taking hormonal contraceptives;
    3. treatment of any diseases using hormonal drugs;
    4. taking certain other medications, such as antidepressants;
    5. benign or malignant tumors of the mammary glands;
    6. squeezing by tight underwear;
    7. chest injuries.

    Types of discharge

    The color of the discharge can indicate the cause of the anomaly. The diagnosis is clarified through additional examination.


    Volume and shades (from white to light brown) may vary. They appear in the form of several drops as a result of strong compression of the mammary gland, since there is always liquid in the ducts, which prevents the walls from sticking together and blocking the ducts.

    After stopping breastfeeding, milk discharge continues for several months with a gradually decreasing intensity. This is a natural process. If the volume does not decrease and the discharge persists for more than six months, then you should consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of pathology.

    White discharge from the glands also occurs in the presence of diseases associated with hormonal disorders and increased prolactin levels. Milky white fluid is released from the nipples after an artificial termination of pregnancy. This is also due to hormonal changes in the body.


    Such discharge may be a symptom of an abscess, a purulent process inside the ducts. An abscess requires emergency treatment with antibiotics and special compresses. In some cases, it is necessary to open the inflammation to clear the pus.


    The appearance of such discharge from the mammary glands may indicate a benign or malignant neoplasm, which involves small vessels located in the glandular tissue.

    Dark green

    They appear as a result of inflammation of the milk ducts, which are filled with a thick black-green liquid.

    Nipple discharge during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, changes in the ratio of hormones occur in a woman’s body; prolactin begins to predominate, stimulating milk production. The breasts swell and the milk ducts expand. Even slight stimulation of the nipples increases fluid secretion. Gradually it thickens, and by the end of pregnancy it turns into colostrum, a thick yellowish mass, sweetish in taste and nutritionally superior to breast milk. For some women, colostrum appears immediately after childbirth, while for others it appears later in pregnancy. The time of appearance of colostrum does not affect subsequent lactation.

    Recommendation: There is an opinion that if you express colostrum, there will be more milk later. In fact, this has no effect on lactation, but nipple stimulation can cause uterine contractions. A miscarriage may occur.

    Diseases that cause discharge from the breast

    Most breast diseases in women occur against the background of hormonal imbalances that occur as a result of age-related changes or disruption of the functioning of other organs.


    The intensity and duration of lactation is regulated by the hormone prolactin, which is produced in the pituitary gland. Galactorrhea is an abnormal milk production that does not stop 5-6 months after the baby is weaned and is associated with an excessive level of this hormone in the body. Elevated prolactin levels are typical for women aged 45-50 years. The cause of an abnormal increase in hormone levels can be head injuries, brain tumors, diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands or thyroid gland, liver.

    Galactorrhea can occur due to stress experienced by a woman. There is a concept of "idiopathic galactorrhea", that is, milk secretion for no apparent reason. As a rule, this disease is accompanied by menstrual irregularities and decreased libido. Signs of increased prolactin are also growth of facial hair.

    Video: Causes and manifestations of hyperprolactinemia

    Ectasia of the milk ducts

    This is an inflammatory disease of the milk ducts, which is characterized by the appearance of black-green discharge from the mammary glands. The cause is usually hormonal changes that occur at the onset of menopause. This disease is treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Sometimes surgical removal of the affected area is performed.

    Video: What is milk duct ectasia

    Intraductal papilloma

    A benign disease associated with the appearance of growths on the walls of the ducts, spreading to the nipple area. It is dangerous because cells of damaged glandular tissue may degenerate and cancer may occur. The discharge from the nipples is thick and mixed with blood. It is more common in women after 35 years of age.


    Abscess, purulent inflammation that most often occurs in nursing women. The cause is cracks that appear on the nipples due to damage to the delicate tissue when the baby sucks milk. In this case, an infection enters the milk ducts. Suppuration of the ducts is accompanied by an increase in the size of the gland, redness, increased temperature, and the appearance of pus in the milk. In this case, breastfeeding is stopped completely, treatment is carried out with antibiotics or the milk duct is opened to remove pus.


    A benign disease that occurs due to the proliferation of breast tissue (glandular and connective). Yellowish or transparent bloody discharge due to mastopathy appears in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. They disappear when menstruation occurs. The appearance of fluid from the nipples is accompanied by pain in the mammary glands. For treatment, drugs are prescribed that restore the normal balance of hormones in the blood. Large nodes formed during mastopathy are removed surgically.

    Breast cancer

    The discharge may be bloody, clear or thick. In this case, the nipple is retracted due to swelling. Dense areas with jagged edges are felt in the chest. They grow together with the skin, which takes on the appearance of a lemon peel. More often, discharge appears in one breast affected by the tumor.

    Examination for unusual nipple discharge

    If any unusual discharge from the mammary glands appears, an examination by a gynecologist, mammologist, endocrinologist, or oncologist is necessary to determine their cause and timely diagnosis of the disease.

    The examination usually consists of external examination and palpation of the breast, mammography, ultrasound, and blood tests. The examination is carried out to detect tumors and determine their nature, as well as determine the level of hormones in the blood.

    Discharge from the nipples of the mammary glands can occur both in nulliparous, very young girls, and in older women. In some cases, this may be the norm; in others, the appearance of fluid indicates a pathology that requires immediate treatment.

    Nipple discharge - when not to worry

    In any woman, at a certain period of life, discharge of different colors and intensity may appear from the nipples. They are divided into physiological and pathological.

    Physiological causes of discharge Peculiarities
    Pregnancy In the last months of pregnancy, a restructuring occurs in the mammary glands and throughout the body, preparing the woman’s breasts for milk production. This leads to the periodic or constant appearance of fluid; the color of such discharge is white or slightly yellowish.
    Abortion Discharge is especially common in women who had an abortion at a long term.
    Post-lactation period Fluid comes out of the mammary gland voluntarily or with pressure for several months, and sometimes during the first two years after stopping breastfeeding.
    Treatment with a range of medications Transparent or whitish discharge may be caused by taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs.

    Very often, healthy women of reproductive age notice discharge from the nipples two to three days before the onset of menstruation. If they are clear or white, then there is no need to worry.

    Wearing tight bras and intense physical activity can provoke the appearance of fluid in the ducts of the mammary glands and, accordingly, their release to the outside.

    A chest injury can also cause bleeding. The bruise leads to rupture of small capillaries, which provokes the appearance of bloody discharge for two to three days.

    Discharge indicating pathology

    Physiological discharge from the mammary gland should not cause any discomfort when pressed. They are light in color, transparent, liquid, odorless and streaked with blood. If the secretion from the mammary glands is due to pregnancy, abortion, or the post-lactation period, then there is no reason to panic.

    But women should always record all changes in the functioning of the mammary glands.

    It is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor if the color of the transparent secretion changes, lumps or pain appear in the mammary glands.

    Not always the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands can be regarded as a variant of the norm. Sometimes secretion indicates diseases, some of which are dangerous due to their complications. Why fluid appears from the nipples, and what treatment is necessary can only be determined by a doctor after a thorough examination. Pathologies in which the discharge of various types of fluid from the nipples can be one of the main symptoms of the disease are described below.


    One of the most common lesions of the mammary glands during lactation. It is an infectious lesion of the internal tissues of the mammary glands, which occurs when bacteria enter through cracks. The development of mastopathy is indicated by:

    The discharge due to the purulent process in the mammary gland becomes green and is quite thick in consistency. The disease is dangerous due to the development of an internal abscess, the elimination of which requires surgical intervention. In the early stages, treatment is carried out with antibiotics.


    The term ectasia refers to the pathological dilation of the milk ducts, which occurs mainly in women who are in menopause, that is, after 40 years. Deforming changes cause inflammation of the ducts, resulting in discharge, which can be:

    The secreted secretion is sticky and thick. You can feel a lump around the nipple. Ectasia is not considered a dangerous disease, but with one caveat - treatment must be carried out in a timely manner and the woman must be prescribed tests to exclude a malignant lesion.


    Otherwise, the pathology is called fibrocystic mastopathy. It is characterized by the formation of fluid-filled cysts in the breast tissue. The main cause of mastopathy is a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of pathology:

    The shade of fluid from the nipples with mastopathy is often greenish or brown. Treatment of fibrocystic disease is carried out with therapeutic methods. As the disease develops, constant monitoring is necessary, as there is a risk of its degeneration into a cancerous tumor.

    An earlier examination will allow timely identification of pathological changes.


    The term galactorrhea refers to copious secretions released from the breast. The usual color of such discharge is whitish, but sometimes it can be yellow or brownish. Galactorrhea is a symptom indicating a failure in the production of hormones in the body, leading to the production of excessive amounts of prolactin.

    Galactorrhea is observed not only in women; fluid from the nipples due to hormonal imbalance can be released in both men and children.

    To cope with galactorrhea, it is first necessary to establish the cause of disruptions in hormone production. After a thorough examination and diagnosis, appropriate treatment is selected.

    Papilloma in the ducts

    Papilloma in one of the milk ducts is most often formed in women over 35 years of age. The exact cause of the formation of intraductal papillomas has not been established. The characteristic symptoms of the pathology are:

    Intraductal papillomas are benign formations. Sometimes they become infected, as indicated by a change in the color of the secretion to green and yellowish, pain, and swelling of the gland. Treatment at the initial stage is hormonal; if it is ineffective, the papilloma is removed surgically.