Scarlet fever. an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, intoxication, sore throat and profuse pinpoint rash. The causative agent of scarlet fever is

Lecture 26 Diphtheria Scarlet fever Measles 1 Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease characterized by toxic damage mainly to the cardiovascular and nervous systems and a local inflammatory process with the formation of fibrinous plaque. Refers to airborne anthroponoses. 2 The causative agent is Loeffler's bacillus, which produces a neurotropic exotoxin. The predominant localization of inflammation is the pharynx, larynx, nasopharynx, less commonly the bronchi, nose, and external genitalia in girls. 3 Clinically, there are two main forms - diphtheria of the pharynx and diphtheria of the larynx. With diphtheria of the pharynx, local changes are observed in the tonsils - sore throat. Typically fibrinous inflammation of the tonsils with the transition of fibrinous films to the arches and soft palate. The films are tightly bound to the mucous membrane and do not come off for a long time, which contributes to intoxication. The lymph nodes of the neck are enlarged due to necrosis and edema, which can spread to the entire neck and chest. 4 “Bull neck” with toxic diphtheria of the pharynx 5 Fibrinous films on the tonsils of the pharynx. 6 Toxic diphtheria of the throat. 7 Diphtheria tracheobronchitis 8 105 – croupous tracheitis 9 790 – diphtheritic amygdalitis 10 112 – diphtheritic amygdalitis 11 Exotoxin affects the myocardium, the nerves passing behind the tonsils, especially the vagus, in which neuritis develops with a break in the axial cylinders. Parenchymal, often fatty degeneration and parenchymal myocarditis occur in the myocardium. This can lead to death in the second week of illness from early cardiac paralysis. In such cases, myogenic dilatation of the ventricular cavities, dull, flabby myocardium, and often tiger heart are noted. 12 Myogenic dilatation of the heart muscle 13 67 - fatty degeneration of the myocardium “tiger 14 heart” A28 - fatty degeneration of the myocardium “tiger 15 heart” 102 – diphtheritic myocarditis 16 After 1.5-2 months, when local changes in the pharynx disappear, late cardiac paralysis may occur from damage to the vagus. At the same time, the heart appears unchanged at autopsy. 17 The third target of the toxin, in addition to the myocardium and vagus, is the adrenal gland, where a hematoma occurs, threatening death from collapse. 18 With diphtheria of the larynx, intoxication is less pronounced, since mucus collects under the fibrinous film, interfering with the absorption of the toxin. The main danger of this form is true croup - fibrinous inflammation of the larynx caused by diphtheria bacillus. 19 In the absence of any of these components, croup is not considered true, despite clinical manifestations such as suffocation and hoarseness. Such phenomena can occur with laryngeal edema (false croup). 20 Death in diphtheria is caused by acute insufficiency of the pituitary-adrenal system, toxic myocarditis, and asphyxia as a result of laryngeal stenosis. 21 Scarlet fever is an acute streptococcal disease; characterized by fever, general intoxication, sore throat, punctate exanthema, tachycardia. Refers to airborne anthroponoses. 22 Scarlet fever is a childhood infection. The causative agent is group A streptococcus, which causes tissue necrosis typical of scarlet fever. 23 227 – pharynx and esophagus with toxic scarlet fever 24 Pathogenesis. In the pathogenesis of scarlet fever, the pathogen itself, its toxins and allergens (infectious, toxic and allergic components of pathogenesis) are important. Streptococci secrete a pyrogenic exotoxin, which causes the fever and rash of scarlet fever. 25 Towards the end of the first and second days, a characteristic exanthema appears. Against the background of hyperemic skin, a bright, pinpoint rash appears, which thickens in the area of ​​natural folds of the skin (armpits, inguinal folds, inner thighs). 26 The face shows bright hyperemia of the cheeks and a pale nasolabial triangle. Along the edges of the blush, individual small-pointed elements of the rash can be distinguished. In the folds of the skin (especially in the elbow bends) there are small hemorrhages, which, merging, form a peculiar rich color of the folds (Pastia's symptom). 27 Pale nasolabial triangle and rash on the torso 28 Pinpoint rash on the torso 29 Rash on the thigh 30 Pastia's symptom 31 Subsequently, after 3-5 days (in mild forms earlier), the rash turns pale, and in the second week of the disease lamellar peeling appears, the most pronounced on the toes and hands. 32 Peeling on the hand 33 The tongue is coated at the root, but very quickly clears of plaque and takes on the characteristic appearance of a “raspberry” tongue - clean, purple in color, with enlarged papillae; the pharynx is brightly hyperemic; the zone of hyperemia is sharply demarcated from the pale hard palate. 34 White strawberry tongue (first 1-2 days of illness). 35 Red strawberry tongue (in a few days). 36 The tonsils are enlarged, sometimes they show necrotic changes, covered with fibrinous films. Regional nodes are enlarged and painful. Possible enlargement of the liver and spleen. 37 Based on clinical manifestations, scarlet fever is classified into mild, moderate, severe and extrabuccal scarlet fever. Currently, light and erased forms predominate. Severe forms are observed very rarely. 38 Extrabuccal scarlet fever (wound, burn, postpartum) is characterized by a short incubation period, a bright rash that begins around the gate of infection and is expressed most intensely here; there is no sore throat. Patients with extrabuccal scarlet fever are less contagious. 39 There are two periods of scarlet fever - the first with the phenomena of intoxication and degeneration of parenchymal organs and hyperplasia of the immune organs, in particular, with severe hyperplasia of the spleen, and locally - with necrotizing tonsillitis and exanthema. 40 The second period begins at 3-4 weeks. It is caused by the production of antibodies and bacteremia. The sore throat recurs, but is expressed moderately, in a catarrhal form. Allergic arthritis occurs, but the main thing is glomerulonephritis (!), which represents the main danger of the modern course of scarlet fever. 41 The main complications of scarlet fever are glomerulonephritis, necrotizing otitis media, after which hearing loss develops, otogenic brain abscesses, rheumatism, and myocarditis. 42 Measles is an acute viral disease characterized by fever, intoxication, a peculiar enanthema and maculopapular exanthema, damage to the conjunctiva and upper respiratory tract. Refers to airborne anthroponoses. 43 During the prodromal period of the disease, measles enanthema appears in the form of small red spots located on the mucous membrane of the soft and hard palate, Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots, pathognomaniac for measles. These spots, most often localized on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, are small whitish, slightly raised spots, surrounded by a narrow reddish border. In appearance they resemble semolina or bran. With the appearance of exanthema they disappear. 44 Koplik spots 45 Ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa in the area of ​​the exit of the salivary gland duct at the level of the small lower molars (Koplik spots) are caused by necrosis, neutrophilic exudate and neovascularization. 46 Measles exanthema is characterized by stages of rash: on the first day, elements of the rash appear on the face and neck; on the second - on the torso, arms and thighs, on the third day the rash covers the legs and feet, and the face begins to turn pale. The rash consists of small papules of about 2 mm, surrounded by an irregularly shaped spot. 47 The mottled, red-brown measles rash on the face, trunk, and proximal extensors is observed due to skin vasodilation, edema, and moderate, nonspecific mononuclear perivascular infiltration. 48 Measles exanthema consists of large spots and papules 49 Koplik spots usually disappear with the appearance of the rash, but sometimes they persist 50 Measles exanthema on the face (1st day) 51 Large spots on the trunk (2nd day) 52 Confluent spots on the trunk ( 3rd day)53 Severe bronchitis due to measles occurs only as complications when a secondary infection occurs. Unlike influenza, it is characterized by damage to small bronchi and bronchioles with necrosis of the epithelium, accompanied by panbronchitis, as well as peribronchitis, i.e. inflammation of the adjacent alveoli. 54 Multinucleated giant cells (called Warthin-Finkeldey cells) that have eosinophilic inclusions in the nucleus and cytoplasm. These are pathognomaniac cells for measles and are found in lymph nodes, lungs and sputum. 55 Measles pneumonia giant mononuclear cells 56 Giant cell in measles pneumonia 57 Measles bronchopneumonia 58 Complications of measles - pneumonia, otitis, mastoiditis. Damage to the central nervous system (encephalitis, meningoencephalitis). Acute necrotizing laryngitis (measles croup), stomatitis, noma. 59 Measles encephalitis 60 Noma 61 Thank you for your attention 62

State budget educational
institution of higher professional education
"Bashkir State Medical
University" of the Ministry of Health and
social development of the Russian Federation
Department of Childhood Diseases
Multimedia accompaniment for the lecture
for fifth year students of the Faculty of Medicine


The causative agent is ß-hemolytic
group A streptococcus, capable
produce erythrogenic exotoxin.
The causative agent of scarlet fever is no different from
streptococci causing others
forms of streptococcal infection.
Scarlet fever occurs only when
infections with highly toxicogenic
strains of GABHS in the absence of a child
antitoxic and antimicrobial


The source of infection is patients
scarlet fever and other forms
streptococcal infection, carriers
The patient becomes dangerous from the beginning
disease, duration of contagious
period from several days to
several weeks. With timely
antibiotic therapy after 7-10
days from the onset of the disease, the child is not
poses an epidemic danger.
The transmission mechanism is drip.
The main route of transmission is airborne. Possible household contact route of infection through objects
and the patient’s things, the food route (through
milk, dairy products).


Contagiousness index – 40%.
The incidence is high, focality is characteristic
in children's groups.
Age structure: maximum
incidence in the age group from 3 to 8 years.
Seasonality – increased incidence in
autumn-winter period.
Frequency – periodic increases and
declines in incidence with intervals of 5-7 years
Antitoxic immunity is persistent, not
having type specificity (repeated
cases in 4-6% of ill children are due to
absence of specific antibodies).
Bacterial immunity is type-specific and
relatively unstable (child who has been ill
Another person may get scarlet fever
streptococcal infection).


Entrance gate – mucous membranes of the palatine
tonsils, sometimes damaged skin, mucous membranes
membranes of the genital tract.
Pathogenetic syndromes
Septic syndrome - inflammatory or
necrotic changes at the injection site
Toxic syndrome is caused by exotoxin,
presented by fever and symptoms of intoxication,
pinpoint rash, tongue changes, reaction
regional lymph nodes (in the first 2-3 days
diseases), changes in the cardiovascular system.
Allergic syndrome develops from the first days,
most pronounced at 2-3 weeks. Allergization
specific, caused by proteins of streptococcus. Not
accompanied by visible manifestations, but leads to
increased vascular permeability, decreased
phagocytic activity of leukocytes. Arises
risk of developing infectious-allergic complications (glomerulonephritis,
myocarditis, synovitis, ARF). Sometimes allergic
manifestations (macular or urticarial rash, swelling
face and eyes) can be detected from the first days of the disease.


1.Light form
2.Medium heavy
Severity criteria
local changes
with layering
with exacerbation

The incubation period is usually 2-4
Initial period - interval
time from first symptoms to
the appearance of a rash; duration from
several hours to 1-2 days.
The beginning is acute.
Fever syndrome: temperature 38
C and above.
Intoxication syndrome: lethargy,
weakness, loss of appetite,
headache, often nausea,
vomiting, tachycardia.

Clinical picture, typical form

Acute tonsillitis syndrome with regional
lymphadenitis (angina syndrome): sore throat,
bright limited hyperemia of the mucous membrane
membranes of the oropharynx and tonsils (“flaming
pharynx"), sometimes small punctate enanthema on the soft
palate, reaction of tonsillar lymph nodes
(increase in size, hardening, pain
upon palpation).
Tonsillitis is more often catarrhal in nature, but may
be lacunar or follicular,
Necrotizing tonsillitis is rare.
Plaques are easily removed with a spatula, the surface
tonsils don't bleed
Language changes are characteristic - on the first day
covered with white coating

Clinical picture, typical form

The period of rash is characterized
exanthema syndrome.
Exanthema syndrome
develops in the first 1-2 days of the disease
pinpoint rash on hyperemic
skin background
the rash is abundant, localized
mainly on flexion
surfaces of the limbs, anterior and
lateral surfaces of the neck, lateral
surfaces of the chest, abdomen, lumbar
areas, in places of natural folds -
axillary, elbow, inguinal,
on the face the rash is abundant on the cheeks, nasolabial
the triangle remains pale.

Clinical picture, typical form

as a result of mechanical trauma to blood vessels
small petechiae may appear on the skin,
forming hemorrhagic stripes (lines
white dermographism
Changes in the cardiovascular system
in the first 4-5 days (sympathetic phase) –
tachycardia, increased blood pressure
subsequently (vagal phase) – bradycardia,
decrease in blood pressure, slight expansion of boundaries
relative dullness of the heart, impurity of the first tone on
apex, short systolic murmur
Changes last for 2-4 weeks
From days 2 to 4-5, the tongue gradually clears and
becomes bright, with protruding mushroom-shaped
papillae (“crimson tongue”)

Clinical picture, typical form

Symptoms of scarlet fever develop
very quickly, maximally expressed in
the first day of illness.
By 3-5 days the disease returns to normal
temperature, intoxication subsides.
The rash lasts an average of 4 days,
changes in regional lymph nodes
disappear by 4-5 days, tongue - by the end of 2 weeks of the disease.

Clinical picture, typical form

Convalescence period
starts from the 2nd week of illness and
lasts 10-14 days
large lamellar peeling on
fingers and toes
fine pityriasis-like peeling on the skin
earlobes, neck, torso
"raspberry tongue"
Pastia lines.
During this period, increased
sensitivity to streptococcal
superinfections and related
danger of developing infectious-allergic and septic

Scarlet fever, pinpoint rash

Scarlet fever, pinpoint rash, Pastia lines

Scarlet fever, catarrhal tonsillitis

Scarlet fever, language changes, 1st day of illness

Scarlet fever, "raspberry tongue"

Scarlet fever, lamellar peeling

Clinical picture, atypical forms (extratonsillar)

Different from the typical shape
no complaints of sore throat,
inflammatory changes in
oropharynx and reactions
tonsillar lymph nodes.
The rash is typical of scarlet fever, but
with condensation in the input area

Light form
mild intoxication syndrome,
moderate changes in the oropharynx in the form
catarrhal tonsillitis
the patient's condition is satisfactory,
temperature within 37.5-38.5 C.
Few complaints:
short-term headache
malaise, sore throat when swallowing
the rash is not widespread, fades away by 4 days
changes in the pharynx last 4-5 days.

Features of clinical forms of scarlet fever

Moderate form
significant intoxication
pronounced changes in the location of the entrance gate
temperature rises to 38.5-39.5 C
complaints of weakness, headache, pain in
throat, repeated vomiting
in the oropharynx there is a lacunar or
follicular sore throat, on the mucous membrane of the soft
palate sometimes punctate enanthema
the rash is bright, profuse, lasts up to 5-6
All patients show changes in cardiovascular system:
tachycardia, muffled heart sounds,
increase in blood pressure.

Features of clinical forms of scarlet fever

Severe form
with severe symptoms
intoxication (toxic form)
with septic lesions
(septic form)
with a combination of severe symptoms
toxicosis and septic manifestations
form of scarlet fever is regarded as


Specific complications of scarlet fever:
toxic, septic and allergic; By
terms of occurrence – early (on the 1st week
diseases) and late (on the 2nd week and later).
A toxic complication is infectious toxic shock (in severe form).
Septic complications: tonsillitis (in early
only necrotic, in later periods - any
nature), lymphadenitis (purulent in the early stages,
in later periods - of any nature), otitis media, adenoiditis,
sinusitis, peritonsillar abscess, laryngitis,
bronchitis, sepsis, meningitis.
Allergic complications: infectious toxic myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, ARF,
Early complications can be toxic and
septic. Late complications
mostly allergic, sometimes

Laboratory diagnostics

Bacteriological method (allows
detect GABHS in material from any
Express method for determining GABHS
antigen in the test material in
for 30 minutes (based on reaction
Serological method (increased
antistreptococcal antibody titers)
Complete blood count - in the acute period
neutrophilic leukocytosis with shift
to the left, increased ESR. As
temperature normalization is possible
eosinophilia and neutropenia.

Differential diagnosis

with diseases accompanied
exanthema syndrome (rubella,
measles, chickenpox,
with allergic rashes
prickly heat
hemorrhagic vasculitis
enterovirus infection.


Hospitalization - according to clinical (severe and
moderate forms), age (children in
under 3 years of age) and epidemiological
(patients from closed groups) indications.
Bed rest throughout the acute period
period of illness. Diet is age appropriate
Etiotropic therapy
Benzylpenicillin sodium salt is prescribed in
dose 50,000 – 100,000 IU/kg/day. Administration mode
4-6 times a day, course 5-7 days.
For mild forms, it is possible to prescribe
penicillin drugs (amoxicillin,
phenoxymethylpenicillin, oracillin) orally.
For penicillin intolerance
use macrolides (azithromycin,
roxithromycin, josamycin).


Pathogenetic and symptomatic
Detoxification therapy (for severe
toxic forms) - intravenous drip
10% glucose solution, 10% solution
albumin, rheopolyglucin.
Antipyretic drugs: paracetamol
(single dose 15 mg/kg no more than 4 times a day),
ibuprofen (single dose 7.5 -10 mg/kg not
more than 4 times a day).
Desensitization therapy – carried out
according to indications (children with allergic rash,
allergic dermatosis in the acute stage).

Dispensary observation

Within 1 month after lungs and
moderate forms, for 3
months after severe forms.
Clinical examination
convalescents once every 2 weeks.
Laboratory examination (OAC, OAM,
bacteriological examination) for
2nd and 4th weeks of medical examination.
According to consultation indications
infectious disease specialist, rheumatologist,


Early detection and isolation
sources of infection.
Sick children are isolated or
are hospitalized for a period of time
for 10 days from the onset of the disease. IN
childcare facility is allowed through
22 days from the onset of the disease.
On contact for preschoolers and children
the first two classes are installed
quarantine for 7 days from the moment of isolation

An acute infectious disease characterized by fever, intoxication, sore throat and profuse pinpoint rash. The causative agent of scarlet fever is group A streptococcus, which can also cause kidney damage (glomerulunophritis), sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism and other diseases. Scarlet fever occurs if at the time of infection there is no immunity to streptococcus The source of infection is a patient with scarlet fever, tonsillitis or a “healthy” carrier of streptococci

The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets (by sneezing, kissing, etc.). In addition, you can become infected with scarlet fever through food, shared utensils, clothing, or simply by holding a door handle that was previously opened by a completely healthy-looking carrier of the infection.

How does it manifest? Scarlet fever begins acutely: with a sharp rise in temperature to 39º C. The child complains of headache, nausea, severe malaise, and severe pain when swallowing. At the end of the first and beginning of the second day, a small, itchy rash appears, which covers almost the entire body within a few hours. An important sign of scarlet fever is thickening of the rash in the form of dark red stripes on the skin folds in places of natural folds in the groin folds, armpits, and elbows. The skin feels very dry and feels like sandpaper.

If you look into the patient’s mouth, you can see bright red inflamed mucous membrane, purulent deposits on the tonsils and a crimson tongue with sharply enlarged papillae. Doctors characterize this condition of the throat with the expression “flaming throat.” On the face, the rash is located on the cheeks, to a lesser extent on the forehead and temples, while the nasolabial triangle remains pale and free of rash elements (a characteristic sign of scarlet fever)

After 3-5 days, the skin turns pale and severe peeling begins, especially pronounced on the child’s palms: the skin is removed from them like gloves. Lymphadenitis (damage to the lymph nodes) Purulent otitis (ear inflammation) Allergic kidney disease - glomerulonephritis Arthritis, synovitis - joint inflammation Allergic myocarditis - heart damage Pneumonia (pneumonia) Complications

The diagnosis is made on the basis of contact with a patient with scarlet fever, tonsillitis, in the presence of a characteristic rash and throat lesions. Treatment is usually carried out at home. Children with severe and complicated forms of scarlet fever are hospitalized. Bed rest must be observed for 7-10 days. To suppress the growth of streptococcus, antibiotics are used for a 10-day course. In addition, gargling with a solution of furacillin, infusions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus is prescribed. Antiallergic drugs and vitamins will also be used. The diagnosis is made on the basis of data on contact with a patient with scarlet fever, tonsillitis, in the presence of a characteristic rash and throat lesions. Treatment is usually carried out at home. Children with severe and complicated forms of scarlet fever are hospitalized. Bed rest must be observed for 7-10 days. To suppress the growth of streptococcus, antibiotics are used for a 10-day course. In addition, gargling with a solution of furacillin, infusions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus is prescribed. Antiallergic drugs and vitamins are also used

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus of group A.O

The first symptoms of scarlet fever

The source of the disease are patients with scarlet fever, tonsillitis,
as well as those who have recently suffered from these diseases.
The incubation period for scarlet fever is 2 to 4 days,
sometimes the incubation period extends to 10 days.
The first symptoms of scarlet fever
O intoxication (headache, nausea, vomiting,
rise in body temperature);
O in the oropharynx, hyperemia delimited by arches
mucous membrane and tonsils (“flaming pharynx”), pinpoint
enanthema on the soft palate and reaction
anterior cervical lymph nodes;
O sore throat, catarrhal, follicular, lacunar
or necrotic, which correlates with the degree
severity of scarlet fever;
O regional lymphadenitis.

Skin rashes appear. They have a natural character, inherent only to scarlet fever. appears a few hours after the onset of pain

Then, as a rule, the entire surface of the body is affected, except for the nasolabial triangle, which remains unaffected. Pink rash on background

The skin is rough to the touch, and when
when pressed, the rash disappears. Characteristic
itching, dry skin and mucous membranes
shells. Often joins
secondary infection.

Sometimes, in addition to a pinpoint rash, there may be
rashes in the form of small blisters,
filled with fluid or blood.


Laboratory diagnostics:
O clinical blood test in the acute period
diseases must be carried out for all patients -
leukocytosis, neutrophilia, increased ESR indicate
on the bacterial etiology of the infection;
O bacteriological method is important for
confirmation of the diagnosis when β-hemolytic streptococcus is isolated from mucus cultures
O coagglutination reaction is the most
a promising method of express diagnostics,
allowing the detection of hemolytic antigen
streptococcus in material from any lesion during
30 min.

It is necessary to differentiate scarlet fever primarily from measles, rubella and other diseases accompanied by the appearance of a rash.

scarlet fever
primarily from measles,
rubella and others
the occurrence of a rash.

O Rash when
scarlet fever:
Chickenpox rash:

COMPLICATIONS Due to the fact that modern medicine has developed a number of medications that successfully suppress streptococcal and

Due to the fact that modern medicine has developed a number of
medications that successfully suppress streptococcal
infections, scarlet fever, in the vast majority of clinical cases, has
favorable prognosis. In rare cases, the disease, which occurs in a toxicoseptic form, can cause complications:
inflammation of the middle ear
renal failure
osteomyelitis (infectious disease of bone tissue
and bone marrow)

Acute infectious disease - SCARLATINA The work was carried out by 3rd year student Filippova I.N.

Scarlet fever Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease manifested by a pinpoint rash, fever, general intoxication, and sore throat. The causative agent of the disease is group A streptococcus. Infection occurs from patients through airborne droplets (when coughing, sneezing, talking), as well as through household items (dishes, toys, underwear). Patients are especially dangerous as sources of infection in the first days of illness.

Incubation period The incubation period usually lasts 2-7 days, it can be shortened to several hours and extended to 12 days. Typical scarlet fever begins acutely with a rise in body temperature. Malaise, loss of appetite, sore throat when swallowing, headache, tachycardia are noted, and vomiting is often observed. A few hours after the onset of the disease, a pink, dotted skin rash appears in the area of ​​the cheeks, torso and limbs. The skin of the nasolabial triangle remains pale and free of rash. The rash is more intense in the natural folds of the skin, on the sides of the body, and in the lower abdomen. Sometimes, in addition to pinpoint elements, there may be rashes in the form of small (1-2 mm in diameter) bubbles filled with clear or cloudy liquid.

Symptoms The first symptoms of scarlet fever are signs of acute intoxication of the body: a sharp increase in temperature (39-40? C), refusal to eat, drowsiness, pain throughout the body, weakness, irritability. A local reaction to the proliferation of microbes in the area of ​​the tonsils (tonsils) and pharynx manifests itself in the form of redness of the tonsils and pain when swallowing. Young children may vomit or have diarrhea. These symptoms of scarlet fever, however, do not yet allow us to identify scarlet fever, since exactly the same symptoms can occur with many other “cold” diseases. However, symptoms characteristic of scarlet fever appear quite quickly: a pink rash all over the body

Treatment Treatment is usually carried out at home. Inpatient treatment is necessary in severe cases and in the presence of complications. Until the temperature drops, patients should remain in bed. In the acute period of the disease, you need plenty of warm drinks (tea with lemon, fruit juices), liquid or semi-liquid food with some restriction of proteins. Penicillin antibiotics (amoxicillin, retarpen, amoxicillin, amoxiclav) are prescribed for 5-7 days. Additionally, vitamin therapy is prescribed (B vitamins, vitamin C). In severe cases, a glucose solution or hemodez is prescribed intravenously to reduce intoxication.

After suffering from the disease, the body develops immunity, and the person no longer suffers from it throughout his life. Most often the disease occurs in children.