Projects for Victory Day at school. Project “This Victory Day!” project (grade 1) on the topic

Creative project Bookmark for books “To be remembered”

In 2015, our country celebrated the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. We decided to make a bookmark register dedicated to this important event.
The relevance of the bookmark-register for books, reflecting useful information, is undeniable. Every day, reading a book, using a textbook, we will remember the participants in the Great Patriotic War. This is necessary so that we know about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, who gave us clear skies above our heads and saved our people from the Nazis. One of the participants who defended the Motherland during the war was my great-grandfather, Andrey Aleksandrovich Tsenev.
We will make our bookmark-register from an old photographic film, and type the text on the computer. Let's decorate the joints of the film with threads in the color of the St. George's ribbon.
Target: make a bookmark-register for books with information about a participant in the Great Patriotic War.
collect information about the participant of the Great Patriotic War A.A. Tsenev;
consider and study patterns for making bookmarks of various types;
master the skills of making a bookmark-register;
make a bookmark-register for books.
An object– bookmark-register for books.
Item- criteria for selecting a bookmark taking into account the selected topic.

Chapter 1. A Brief History of Bookmarking
A bookmark is a special device for marking the desired page in a book.
Bookmarks have long lived between the pages of books and are able to tell us a lot of interesting things about the past. Bookmarks (bookmarcs) appeared back in the 12th century; they were made from leather and velor, and later from fabric and thick paper. There were all sorts of bookmarks - silk, embroidered, with various symbols and types, portraits of kings and queens.
In the 15th-16th centuries, bookmarks-registers, a unique type of bookmark in the form of a small tongue attached to the edge of the sheets of a book, became widespread. The appearance of register bookmarks was very diverse: multi-colored, decorated with appliqué, and some carried brief, precise information about something or someone.
In 1890, M. Kienle patented a technical laying. This is a metal plate with an oblique slot into which the corner of the required page was inserted.
In 1896, bookmarks - clothespins - appeared in Sweden, and at the beginning of the 20th century, bookmarks were in the form of flat magnets. They were attracted to each other through the paper, and a strip bent in half held the desired page.
A bookmark not only helped to remember or quickly find the desired page of text, but also contributed to the preservation of books.
In Russia, bookmarks made of satin ribbons, cords, and braid were especially popular.
However, at all times, a bookmark made by hand was valued.

Chapter 2. My great-grandfather is a participant in the Great Patriotic War!
My grandparents told me about my great-grandfather. We visited the museum together in the village. Lozhnikovo, Tara district and studied the book “Take a bow, village of Lozhnikovo. A tale of Siberia without embellishment." We learned about my great-grandfather, Andrei Aleksandrovich Tsenev, that he was born on November 27, 1921, and in 1939 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. (1) Since 1941, he fought in Belarus as part of a partisan detachment. While performing a particularly important task, he was wounded in the shoulder by shrapnel. After the hospital he returned to the partisan detachment. At the end of the Great Patriotic War he returned to his homeland and lived in the village. Lozhnikovo, Tarsky district, Omsk region until 1993. Was awarded: Two Orders of the Red Star, the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War”.

Chapter 3. Making bookmarks for books.
Before we started making bookmarks and registers for books, we formulated certain requirements for our product, which subsequently determined the choice of materials and tools.
Requirements for bookmarks:
the bookmark should contain useful and important information;
must be made of dense material;
must be of a certain size so that it is convenient to use for its intended purpose;
The design of the bookmark must correspond to the selected topic;
The bookmark must be made carefully and have an aesthetic appearance.
Materials and tools needed to make a bookmark:
used photographic film;
PVA glue;
bowl for hot water;
liquid soap;
office clips;
thick photo paper;
floss embroidery thread in two colors: orange and black;
hand embroidery needle with large eye.

Bookmark-register execution sequence
1. Place the film in a container of hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Place the film on the table and use a table knife to remove the “negative” layer. Rinse in clean water and leave the film on the table until completely dry.
2. We compose the text and decorate it with pictures on the topic. The strip for decoration should be 20 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. We print the prepared text on the printer and cut out the strips.
3. Cut 40 cm from cleaned and dry photographic film, fold it in half so that the holes along the edge of the film coincide and fasten with clamps.
4. We decorate the edges of the bookmark with embroidery threads. We sew with loop stitches through one hole, starting from the bottom edge, first leaving 5 cm of thread. We stretch the thread along the fold to the corner and secure the thread. Then insert a black thread and stitch the edges of the film in the same way into the free holes.
5. We decorate the bookmarks with prepared strips.
6. Fasten the ends of the thread. We connect the free ends of the thread together and tie it with a knot.
Bookmark-register for books is ready!

I love my family and am proud that my great-grandfather Andrei Aleksandrovich Tsenev defended his Motherland from the Nazis. And using my bookmark, I will remember the victors in that terrible war.
I would like my friends to make the same bookmarks for books and post information about their great-grandfathers who defended our Motherland!
The bookmark turned out beautiful and very easy to use.
By completing the project, I achieved my goal and completed the assigned tasks.

Sources used
1. Alexander Kolesnikov, Veniamin Shakhov, Nikolai Maslov and others. Take a bow, Lozhnikovo village. A tale of Siberia without embellishment. Omsk, 2006.-248 p.
2. History of the bookmark

The years of the Great Patriotic War are receding further into history. There are fewer and fewer of those who lived during these years, remember the war and can talk about it. Unfortunately, over the past 20 years, the traditions of patriotic education of children and the main principles of life have been violated. Society is periodically shaken by the destruction of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, mockery of veterans, and marches of pro-fascist youth.

Project “This Victory Day!” is designed to include children in creative, social activities in preparation for the holiday and ensure their interest and readiness to participate in festive events.





  1. Educational project developers– students of primary grades 1-2 under the guidance of Victoria Alexandrovna Kravchuk and Alla Viktorovna Varypina.
  2. Name of educational institution– Municipal budgetary educational institution “Koltsovskaya secondary school”, Saki district, Republic of Crimea.
  3. Date of the educational projectApril 07 – May 09, 2015.
  4. Target – Formation of moral values.
  5. Tasks: Provide basic information about the Great Patriotic War. Expanding knowledge about the defenders of the fatherland and the functions of the army. Foster pride and respect for WWII veterans. Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary, through songs, poems, monologues, dialogues about war. To form a sense of pride for the Motherland, for our people.
  6. Student organization form– group, individual.
  7. Leading activity– search and cognitive.
  8. Scope of application of the results– social, creative.
  9. Technologies used- demonstrative.
  10. Types of project – social - creative, short-term, in-school.
  11. Class or agechildren: 1-4 grade, 7-9 years old.
  12. Number of participants- 30 people.
  13. Subject area– literary reading, music, visual arts, the world around us.
  14. List of participants- primary classes.
  15. Working hours - lesson, extracurricular.
  16. Operating mode (organizational form): lessons of the surrounding world, music, fine arts and literary reading, extracurricular.
  17. Technical equipment– books, Internet, camera, computer, TV, DVD player, MP3 player.
  18. Staffing– assistants – parents, teacher-organizer Lyubov Aleksandrovna Mokhina.

Relevance of the problem.The years of the Great Patriotic War are receding further into history. There are fewer and fewer people who lived during these years, remember about the war and can talk about it. Unfortunately, over the past 20 years, the traditions of patriotic education of children and the main principles of life have been violated. Society is periodically shaken by the destruction of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, mockery of veterans, and marches of pro-fascist youth.

Educational institutions hold many different events dedicated to Victory Day, but with a formal approach they have little impact on children. During the period of change of social formations, the continuity of generations in the upbringing of children is disrupted, and above all in the sphere of transferring moral experience and main life attitudes. And our younger schoolchildren do not feel proud of their Motherland, of the heroes of the winners in the Great Patriotic War. We need new forms, new approaches to working with children who would be aroused by emotional experiences, interest in studying history, a desire to help war and labor veterans, and a feeling of gratitude for the Victory.

Project activity is precisely the form of work that provides new approaches to patriotic education.

Project “This Victory Day!” is designed to include children in creative, social activities in preparation for the holiday and ensure their interest and readiness to participate in festive events.


External products.Creation of a collage album “Victory was ours”, consisting of pages created by children and parents.

Domestic products.Expanding ideas about the Russian army as a reliable defender of our homeland. Replenishment of vocabulary.


Preparatory stage:

  1. Determining the theme of the project.
  2. Formulation of the goal and breakdown into a range of tasks.
  3. Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project.
  4. Survey of children.
  5. Survey monitoring.
  6. Examination of illustrations about the Second World War.

Main stage:

  1. Carrying out joint activities.
  2. Exhibition of fiction about the Second World War.
  3. Excursion to the monument to the victors of the Second World War.
  4. Conversation – presentations:

- “Get up, huge country...”;

- “They fought for their homeland.”

  1. Listening to music:

- "Holy war",

- “What do you say your name is...”

- "Salute to Heroes"

- “I want there to be no war...”

- "Victory Day".

  1. Watching video films:

- “Children about the war”,

- “In Memory of the Great Patriotic War”,

- “We remember, we are proud!”

  1. Watching cartoons:

- "Pilot"

- “Tank and tank driver”,

- "Sailor"

- "Scout"

- “Military field kitchen.”

  1. Artistic and creative activity “Remember!”
  2. Memorizing a poem about war.
  3. Compilation of an oral story “At the parade”, “Warriors of my family”.

The final stage:

  1. Conducting a general class hour “Lesson of Victory”.
  2. Compiling a collage album “Victory was ours.”
  3. Attending a rally dedicated to Victory Day.

Stages of work on the project

Goals and objectives

Teacher activities

Student activities

1. Immersion in the project

Target – preparing students for project activities.


– determination of the problem, theme and goals of the project during the joint activities of the teacher and students

Tells children about completed projects. Offers them possible topics. Arouses interest in the topic of the project.

Helps to formulate:

project problem: how to prepare for an unusual “holiday with tears in your eyes”; what we want to learn, do (writes all the children’s ideas on the board);

- target : prepare and take part in the Victory Day holiday;

- tasks : get acquainted with the traditions of the holiday, learn about the war from eyewitness accounts, prepare a letter for veterans, draw up rules of behavior for yourself at festive events.

Motivates students to discuss and create a project.

Organizes the search for the optimal way to achieve the project's goals.

Consults students when setting goals and objectives, and adjusts their wording if necessary

Forms project skills to identify problems and goal setting

Get used to the situation.

Discuss the project problem with the teacher.

Get additional information.

They are looking for the optimal way to solve the project problem and achieve the project goal.

Together with the teacher, they formulate the goals and objectives of the project.

Carry out creative tasks for the project

2. Activity planning

Target – step-by-step development of the project indicating a list of specific actions and results, deadlines.


– determination of sources of information, project activities, results of work on the project, deadlines;

– establishing procedures and criteria for evaluating the process and results

  1. Guides the process of searching for information by students (if necessary, helps determine the range of sources of information, recommends experts).
  2. Offers students options for activities within the project, the sequence and timing of their implementation, organizes a discussion:

– acquaintance with the traditions of the holiday (learn from reference books, ask your parents);

– draw up rules of conduct at a rally (come up with everyone together);

– learn about the war from eyewitnesses (meetings with children of war or home front workers);

– prepare letters and gifts for veterans;

– take part in festive events (participation in a rally together with the class or with parents).

  1. Conducts conversations with elements of the presentation “Get up, huge country” and “They fought for their homeland”
  2. Development of design skills

activity planning.

  1. Organizes the process of control (self-control) of the developed activity plan

Carry out:

Planning activities in the project;

Choosing the form and method of obtaining information;

Making decisions on the timing of events. Think through the results of activities in the project.

Perform creative

project assignments.

Conduct an assessment (self-assessment) of the results of this stage of work

3. Carrying out project implementation activities

Target – implementation of project activities in accordance with the plan.


– preparation and implementation of project activities together with students;

– organization of collective, group and individual activities of children;

– organizing cooperation between adults and children in the project.

1. Provides the necessary sources of information (reference books). Organizes a search for information about holiday traditions (individual and group work).

2. Checks the completion of independent creative tasks using the game “Warriors of My Family”, “On Parade”.

3. Organizes the collective development of rules of behavior at festive events.

4. Organizes a meeting with eyewitnesses of the war (children of war).

5. Organizes a collective role-playing game “Letter to a WWII veteran” and a trip to the post office to send letters.

6. Organizes viewing of films about the Second World War.

7. Organizes, together with the class teacher and parents, the participation of children in festive events.

Observes, advises, indirectly manages activities, answers students’ questions when completing project tasks.

Monitors compliance with the time frame of the activity plan.

Forms project skills in searching and obtaining information from various sources, performing work according to the instruction map.

Organizes a discussion of the results of each event, draws up a written report based on the results, and posts it on the website to inform parents and the public about the progress of work on the project

They work collectively, in groups, pairs, individually. They get acquainted with reference literature, take an interest in family history, meet children of war, and participate in collective role-playing games.

Perform creative

project assignments.

Receive help and advice from a teacher if necessary.

They participate in discussing the results of the events, share their impressions, and discuss the content of reports on the implementation of the project for the site.

4. Evaluation of project results and project activities

Target – summing up the project implementation, evaluating the results


– development of criteria for assessing the results of the project and activities in the project;

– organization of the assessment and self-assessment process

Organizes self-assessment of project activities according to the following points:

- result;

- emotional condition;

– project event;

– work in the project;

– level of interest.

Victory Day is the main holiday of modern Russia, leaving behind statehood holidays (Independence, Constitution or Flag Days) and other celebrations. Its scope and theme attracts the attention of brands and advertisers who rush to express solidarity with the people.

This year, Russian companies and organizations, as well as colleagues from neighboring countries, launched hundreds of projects in the field of promotion and social responsibility, based on the theme of the Great Victory. The site's editors have selected the most impressive projects that have the most thoughtful creative concept, deep insight and mastery of execution.

Living memory

Google and the creative agency Friends Moscow presented an amazing project this year, the participants of which were dozens of stars and thousands of ordinary people who cherish the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War. The authors of the project have created a huge interactive archive of wartime letters.

How I fought with the Ukrainians

The Smetana agency decided to draw a parallel between the past and the present: in their video for May 9, they compared the stories of a Donetsk militia and a WWII veteran. Video slogan: "Grandfathers fought together. Grandchildren kill each other."

Songs of Victory

The TV channel "Russia 1" in support of its project "Songs of Victory" released a series of videos in which it showed how relevant chords familiar from the Great Patriotic War can be in modern life. The original arrangements for the songs “Katyusha”, “Beloved City”, “Dark Night” and “Fire Beats in a Close Stove” were created by musicians from the Pskov group Drift.

Dark-skinned girl

The Ukrainian TV channel "Inter" released a stunning promo video in which the dream of captain Titarenko (Leonid Bykov) and mechanic Makarych (Aleksey Smirnov) from the film "Only Old Men Go to Battle" finally came true. “And we’ll call the best symphony orchestra. The conductor will come out... And how we will cut into “Darkie”... From beginning to end!”

Blue bird

To promote the online game "World of Tanks", the Wargaming company released a large-scale cinematic promotional video in which it talked about the fate of a tanker in the surroundings of the Great Patriotic War. The video was directed by Alexander Kott, who directed the film “Brest Fortress.”

Children's book of war

This year's trend is to restore the picture of the war from archival photographs and diaries, but the most poignant project within the framework of this topic was implemented by the Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House. Journalists collected diaries of children created during the war - in besieged Leningrad and near the battlefields. Dozens of diaries were collected into a book - "Children's Book of War". VIEW THE BOOK

Goodbye boys

Children's perception of war is another trend this year. United Metallurgical Company and the First Cinema Documentary House created an impressive video in which kids read one of Bulat Okudzhava’s most famous works, “Goodbye, Boys.” The music for the project was recorded by Sergei Bobunets from the group “Semantic Hallucinations”.

One people

In Kazakhstan, on the eve of Victory Day, an emotional video was released telling about the common fate of front-line soldiers of different nationalities. Slogan of the video: “One people. One country. One destiny."


The REN TV channel released a short video “Moms”, dedicated to those who were waiting for their sons to return from the war. Such famous Russian cinema actors as Yuri Kuznetsov, Galina Bokashevskaya and Alexander Kononets took part in the filming

Train "People's Militia"

For the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the design group of the newspaper “Evening Moscow” developed a logo, as well as the internal and external design of the Moscow metro train “People’s Militia”. On the posters, metro guests were able to see archival photographs from the front line and 3D infographics of military equipment.

on moral and patriotic education in the preparatory group


Victory Day…"It's joy with tears in your eyes", - said the poet. And indeed, this day joy and sorrow are nearby. There is no family in Russia that was spared by the war. Therefore, this day Every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who established a peaceful life after the war. They also congratulate the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War who live today. and there are fewer and fewer of them. It was they who stood to the last - defending their Motherland. They stood and survived. And those who were not taken to the front forged victory in the rear. The women who replaced the departed men built tanks and airplanes, plowed and sowed, and also raised children and saved the future of the country. That's why Victory Day truly a national holiday.

It is very important to remember the history of your Motherland - especially its sad and significant pages. This fosters the spirit of patriotism in the child. During our childhood Victory Day celebrated annually - memorials of glory, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame, stories and honoring of veterans, fireworks, films and programs about the war. It was a real holiday - without false patriotism. And we adults need to tell children about the Day Victory, in the Great Patriotic War, about the heroes of the war, both veterans and children of the war, about events and defeats, about what ruins our Motherland turned into, and how quickly and unanimously the survivors of the Great Patriotic War restored their Homeland.

Passport project

View project: creative and informational.

Duration project: short.

Participants project: children, parents, preparatory group teacher.

Educational area: patriotic education of preschool children, familiarization with the surrounding reality.

Educational areas Type of activity Contents of activity


Communication Educational - Excursion to the monument to the fallen, along the streets named in honor of the heroes of the Second World War. Conversation "Our Motherland", lesson "What is heroism", "There was a great Victory Day"

Educational lesson "They fought for their homeland." Design of a geographical map indicating hero cities.

Reading fiction


Communication Reader - Reading fiction literature: “The Soviet Army” by V. Saussure, “The Name of the Hero” by L. Barbas.

"War does not have a baby face" (Preschool education No. 2, 2005)

Listening to poems about war, reading competition "Poems about war"

Guessing riddles.




Security Communication - Conversations about the war, about war heroes, about orders and medals;

Conversation “Why is the great war called that?”

Artistic creation


Socialization Productive - Application (making a collage with St. George's ribbon).

Gouache drawing on the theme “The enemy will not pass”, “We are for peace”, “Holiday fireworks”

Communication Musical - Musical lounge "Songs of the war years". Musical and literary composition "They defended the Motherland" (about heroes of war and home front)- Listening to a song about the war “Do the Russians want war.” Matinee "Hail, Victory Day".



Socialization Interaction with parents Recommendations on the topic “Read with your children”, advice to parents “What and how to tell preschool children about the war. Examination of photographs relating to the period of military service. Viewing filmstrips, videos.

Relevance of the topic: patriotic education of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. The task of educating patriotism is currently difficult. To achieve a certain result, it is necessary to use non-traditional methods of influencing the child, his emotional and moral spheres. Moreover, such methods would harmoniously and naturally fill his worldview with moral content, would reveal new, previously unknown or incomprehensible aspects of the surrounding reality to the child, and would be accessible to perception.

Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own; it must be nurtured in a child. Therefore, a lot of work on instilling patriotic feelings in children must be carried out in preschool educational institutions.

Unfortunately, every day the connection between generations is lost, very few front-line soldiers and war heroes remain alive. Children need to be told about the Great Patriotic War, about the defenders of the homeland - veterans, about how life went on during wartime, military weapons, about the military uniform, about victory. From here, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the celebration of the Day Victory is a problem: how to help the younger generation develop in them a sense of duty, a sense of respect for the glorious defenders of our Motherland, a sense of pride for their great people, gratitude for the fact that they gave us a happy life.

Goals project:

To determine the pedagogical foundations of the problem of forming patriotic feelings in children of primary preschool age.

Introduce the symbols of the state during the Second World War, orders, medals of the heroes of the Second World War.

To evoke a desire to imitate warriors, to be as courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous.

Express feelings and consolidate knowledge in creatively, having completed a poster - collective work for the holiday, draw festive fireworks using an unusual drawing technique, make crafts as a gift to veterans, which children will give at the holiday.

Tasks project.

Formation in preschoolers of an active positive attitude towards the glorious defenders of our Motherland.

Fostering love for the Motherland.

Enriching the spiritual world of children through reference to the heroic past of our country.

Expand your vocabulary of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs, listen to songs and poems about the Motherland.

Foster the need to defend and perform feats in the name of the Motherland.

Listen to the children's stories about relatives of WWII veterans, if any.

Prepare parents about the upcoming conversation with their children about loved ones who went through the Second World War.

Expected result:

Children should receive the necessary ideas that they understand about children - heroes and heroes of the Second World War, the exploits that they performed.

Participate in preparations for the holiday through creative activities.

Have the simplest ideas about events aimed at instilling patriotic feelings. (Parade Victory, Fireworks, laying flowers and wreaths at obelisks and monuments, meetings with veterans).

Preliminary work:

Listening to music works: Soviet song by composer David Tukhmanov and poet Vladimir Kharitonov « Victory Day» , "Dark-skinned" A. Novikov, "Katyusha" M. Blanter, "Holy war" A. Alexandrov.

Examination of wartime posters, photographs, illustrations, presentations.

Watching cartoons dedicated to children of war "Memory" V. Danilov;

"Soldier's Lamp"(E. Agranovich, "A Soldier's Tale" 1983 "Firework" (1975)

Use of didactic games: "Guess and name", “Find out and name the military equipment of the Second World War”, “Count and count out the medals within five.”

Work in classes and in everyday life in the visual arts activities: creating drawings "Fireworks on Red Square"(gouache, collective appliqué newspaper-poster for the holiday of May 9.

The role of parents in implementation project:

Collection of information and material about the Great Patriotic War (songs, poems, posters, display of real awards).

Conversations between parents and children about relatives who participated in the Second World War, if any.

Creation and visit of an exhibition in a group on patriotic education at topic: "9th May - Victory Day» .

Participation of preschool educational institutions specialists in the implementation project(music director, physical education teacher for certain thematic lesson plans on the topic of the Second World War).

Conducting a lesson "They fought for their homeland".

Selection and screening of films, photos about the war.

The work of educators.

Cognitive activities: “They fought for their homeland!”, "Holiday Victory» .

Product project activities:Drawings, applications.

Models of lesson notes.

Presentation project.

Design of an exhibition dedicated to "Day Victory» .

The lesson is educational.

Subject "They fought for their homeland"

Victory in the Great Patriotic War - the feat and glory of our people. 9th May - Victory Day- remains unchanged, loved by everyone, dear, tragic and sorrowful, but at the same time a bright holiday.

Great Victory The victory that our grandparents won over Nazi Germany in World War II has no analogues in history.

Great Holiday victory– May 9 is one of the main holidays of our country, the most tragic, the most beautiful and touching. In every city near the eternal flame this the day those gather, who came to lay flowers, remember our defenders and heroes, hold a minute of silence and once again say THANK YOU... Thank you for our peaceful life, for our children and grandchildren, for their happiness! Thank you - heroes, low bow and eternal memory to those who have not made it to this day...

There is hardly a family that has not been touched by the war. We tell from generation to generation about their noble feat and honor their memory. We pass on our grandfather’s medals and tell our children about each of them. This one is for courage, this one is for courage... This is our history, the history of the family, the history of our country. We bring you (children) May 9 to the eternal flame and talk about Great Victory Day, Victory Day of our people over fascism.

Physical education minute.

The teacher includes on the slide a popular Soviet song by composer David Tukhmanov and poet Vladimir Kharitonov « Victory Day» , speaks:

Guys, let's imagine that you and I are also at the parade and are walking with veterans along the city street. We'll march to the music « Victory Day» .

The teacher distributes flags to the children, they march along the rectangle one after another, then line up in 3 units and perform exercises with the flags, then again line up in 1 column and march one after another, holding the flags in front of them until the music ends.

Job title: teacher

Place of work: MBDOU d/s 56 "Teremok"

Location: town. Krasnobrodsky, Kemerovo region.

Project "Book of Memory"

In the 2012-2013 academic year, the “Victory Canvas” project was implemented at MAOU Secondary School No. 1 in the city of Tambov. The goal of this project was to create conditions for instilling spirituality, patriotism, respect for veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War in the younger generation, and strengthening the connection between generations.
The project involved: students, parents and teachers of MAOU Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Tambov. One of the results of the project was the “Book of Memory”.
The “Book of Memory” includes stories about relatives and friends who died during the Great Patriotic War and returned from the battlefields, about home front workers.

The type of project is creative. It includes information and research blocks. The research materials helped teachers and students in preparation for events dedicated to the celebration of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory, the organization of the exhibition “The Last Witnesses of the War”, and the creation of the “Book of Memory”
1. Joint discussion and development of an action plan;
2. Diagnosis of children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War;
3. Stories from teachers about the Great Patriotic War, about the lives and exploits of children during the war;
4. Reading and discussing a series of stories about child heroes;
5. Visiting museum and exhibition complexes,
6. At the lessons of courage and Days of Military Glory, we met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers.
7. We contacted the branch of the library named after M.Yu. Lermontov. Librarian Tatyana Vasilyevna Markina provided books about our fellow countrymen, about the Tambov region during the Great Patriotic War. She told about the Nelyubin family. A story about Alexander Ivanovich
and Martha Pimenovna Nelyubina was included in the Book of Memory.
8. In January, an almanac “Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten” was published, dedicated to
Day of Military Glory of Russia.
9. Children, together with their parents, working in family archives, studied documents from the times of the Great Patriotic War, letters from the front, orders and medals of their relatives.
10. We participated in a local history conference, during which children from different classes told the studied history of their relatives - participants in the war and home front workers.
11. School competitions for videos, presentations, and essays by school students were organized;

Having completed this work, we realized that all the collected material can be compiled in the form of a Memory Book of MAOU Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Tambov.
It names not only those who went to the front and died on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, but also the names of the schoolchildren’s closest relatives. Students and teachers of our school tried to solve the problem of civic memory of the younger generation: many schoolchildren do not know about their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Many parents did not even know their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. In the course of collecting material and joint work of children, parents and teachers, we created a Book of Memory. It uses documents and photographs from family archives. In addition, the BOOK contains memoirs of those few living veterans who can still meet with schoolchildren, and stories of school students’ grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers about the war years.
During the creation of the BOOK, through meetings and presentations, we tried to awaken the memory of the residents.