Planning educational work in the preparatory group on the topic “I am a human being. The structure of the human body”

Our forest friends
Planning educational work with middle group children
The proposed series of classes and events will help children learn a lot of interesting things about the autumn life of wild animals: how they prepare food for the winter, insulate their homes, hibernate, change their hair and its color.

Kareva Kristina, teacher
Municipal Educational Institution of the boarding school “Our Home”,

Integration of educational areas: physical education, health, safety, socialization, labor, cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music.


Morning. Morning exercises “Animals of the forests”. Riddles about animals that store supplies for the winter. Conversation on the topic: “Our forest friends.” Looking at albums with wild animals. Situational conversation about why people and animals wash themselves.
Day (walk). Observing the behavior of birds in autumn. Outdoor games: “Owl and the animals”, “Wolf in the ditch”, “Squirrel holes”. Didactic game “Helping animals make supplies for the winter.” Work on collecting twigs with plot content (for the beaver).
Evening. Guessing and memorizing riddles about forest inhabitants. A conversation about the role of animals in people's lives. Outdoor games: “Traps”, “Hunters and Hares”.

Morning. Collecting waste material for the role-playing game “Inhabitants of the Forest” (acorns, leaves, needles).
Day (walk). Role-playing game “Forest Inhabitants”. Didactic games: “Identify the animal by description”, “Food of forest animals”.
Evening. Experience “Soil as a habitat for living organisms” (formation of ideas about the living conditions of living organisms in the soil - respiration, nutrition, movement, growth and reproduction).

Morning exercises “Animals of the forests”.
Sparrow. Standing position, legs slightly apart. Slowly wave your arms up and down. Then the movements speed up a little.
The sparrow flew: we wave our hands and try to rise on our tiptoes.
The sparrow bathes in a puddle: shake off his hands, then his feet.

Owl: A wise owl can move its head. The child is invited to turn his head along with her. Sitting cross-legged, we slowly tilt our heads back and forth, left and right.

Snake: the exercise is performed in a sitting position in a Turkish position. We greet the snake by stretching its neck forward and pulling it back.
The snake crawled: lie on your stomach and crawl on your bellies, trying not to lift your pelvis from the floor, and without kneeling. Try to show your child that the arms and legs work together.

Caterpillar: the exercise is performed in a sitting position on the floor, legs straight. We pull our buttocks towards our feet, then straighten our legs again. The arms also help with movement. The caterpillar crawls forward and back backwards.

Butterfly: the exercise is performed in a standing position on the floor, legs slightly apart. We make circular movements with our hands back and forth. We start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Here you need to look at the individual capabilities of the child. It is not the speed that is important, but the amplitude. The butterfly squatted down and covered itself with its wings: we squat, clasping our head in our hands.

Riddles about animals that store supplies for the winter.
Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter?
Answer: Squirrel
I once saw in the forest
Dark red beauty.
She jumped along the branches,
Apparently she was looking for cones there.
Answer: Squirrel
That's how the animals are!
They don't dig holes
But they are building dams.
They are all dressed in fur coats,
The tool is not a saw - teeth.
Answer: Beavers
His back is striped,
The tail is as light as feathers.
All the supplies are like in a chest,
Hides in hollows
Answer: Chipmunk
They always call me blind
But this is not a problem at all.
I built a house underground
All the storerooms are full of it.
Answer: Mole
He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,
But as soon as the sun starts to warm up,
On the road for honey and raspberries
Heading off
Answer: Bear
He walks in the forest without a bag
Finds apples and mushrooms
There are needles on the back.
Who's that at the Christmas tree?
Answer: Hedgehog

Conversation on the topic: “Our forest friends.”
Etc. content. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Carry out environmental education by means of: expressive reading of poetry, looking at illustrations, listening to music, drawing, solving riddles. To consolidate knowledge about the importance of forests for human life.
Preliminary work.
Reading Prishvin’s work “Where did the table come from?”, S. Marshak “Forest Festival”, J. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?” Examination of different trees in drawing and appliqué classes.
Progress of the lesson
- Guys, imagine that we are in the forest. Listen to the sounds of the forest (I turn on the soundtrack). You hear the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds. Do you like being in the forest? (Children's answers: Yes.)
- What names of trees do you know?
(Children's answers - Maple, birch, oak, rowan.)
How many of you know poems about trees?
(children read excerpts from poems)
- Being in the forest, we admire its beauty, breathe clean, fresh air. The forest gives us health. Medicines are made from birch and linden buds, forest herbs, and oak bark. Birch sap is very useful. The forest is also a home for wild animals and birds. The forest not only heals us, but also gives us various gifts, but guess what? This is a forest surprise! (the teacher shows the basket)
What is the basket made of? (children's answers) That's right, it is woven from branches. And in the basket, guys, there are riddles for you.
"In a wooden house
gnomes live
so kind-hearted
handing out lights to everyone"
What is this? (children's answers are matches.)
Don't pick up matches
don't start the fire yourself
there might be a fire
Matches are dangerous for children!
Remember this guys! But guys, this is the second mystery for you.
"Smart Ivashka
Red shirt
Where he pokes his nose -
That's where the line will be drawn"
What is this? (children's answers - this is a pencil)
The teacher takes a pencil from the basket and shows it.
“Here he is little Ivashka
Wooden shirt
Where it passes, it touches -
There remains a trace"
Here's a small task for you for now -
I give you two pencils
who is faster to the music
draw a tree sooner?
Who wants to draw a tree? The Russian folk melody “In a Dark Forest” is playing and two children are painting a tree on an easel (place the easels side by side). The game is called "Who can draw a tree the fastest."
Educator. Well done boys! Who drew the tree faster? By the way, this paper you drew on is also made from wood through complex processing. They write and draw on paper. What would we do if there were no paper, notebooks, books that we love to read? But I also have a wooden cutting board. You can cut anything on it: vegetables for salad, vinaigrette, and borscht for lunch. But here's a riddle again - guess it, guys!
“There are different girlfriends nearby
They don't look alike
They all sit next to each other
And always one toy!”
(Children's answers - this is a matryoshka doll) Educator - correct! Painted wooden dolls with rosy cheeks.
Educator. Here's another difficult riddle, guys!
“I don’t eat myself, but I feed people!” (Children's answers: this is a spoon)
Educator. What beautiful things do we have in our group made of wood? (Children's answers) Correct! It is folk craftsmen who make such beauty from wood.
Educator. To make paper, furniture, pencils and toys, to build houses and bridges from wood, you need to spend a lot of labor and time, and, most importantly, to grow trees. How should we treat trees? How to preserve and protect them? (Children’s answers: don’t break them, don’t light fires, don’t pick leaves, don’t cut off the bark of trees.) That’s right! We must take care of the forest. And guys, caring for trees also means caring for the wooden objects that surround us. Do not spoil them, do not break them, you and I must be defenders of nature, and this means that the future of our trees, our lives, depends on us.
Now draw objects that are made of wood. Who wants what? (Children take paper and start drawing).
Lesson analysis. Take your drawings and show what you have drawn. What do we see? Wooden houses, toys, furniture, musical instruments and even wooden skis. Well done! What a good job you did! Our lesson is over. Thank you guys.

Situational conversation about why people and animals wash themselves.
Program content:
Educational area "Health":
Develop the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands with soap before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet.
Expand ideas about the importance of health day and hygiene procedures. Always be beautiful, clean, neat. Cultivate the need to be healthy.
Educational area “Cognition:
Talk about the properties of water, its seasonal changes, as well as its use in human life.
Educational field "Communication":
Listen to children, clarify their answers, help them express their judgments logically and clearly, and express their point of view.
Preliminary work:
Re-reading of Chukovsky’s fairy tales “Aibolit”, “Moidodyr”, riddles, nursery rhymes.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: How clean, neat and tidy you are. And you are in a good, cheerful mood. Because you woke up this morning, stretched, smiled. Who can tell me what you do then?
Children: We wash ourselves, brush our teeth, do exercises.
Educator: Guess the riddle:
I'm wet, I freeze in winter,
In the spring I murmur, in the summer I flow,
And in the fall I drip.
Educator: That's right, water. Are you friends with water?
Or maybe you know poems about water?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Who wants to tell?
Children: (telling)
Water, water
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle
To make your cheeks blush
To make your mouth laugh
Yes, the tooth bit me.
Educator: And also, which ones do you know?
Oh, okay, okay, okay
We are not afraid of water
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom.
Educator: Guys, tell me, why do people need water?
Children: To drink, water, cook and wash.
Educator: I see that you are all clean and healthy. You are probably friends with water and love to wash your face.
Guys, remember which fairy tale says that everyone loves to wash their face.
That's right, the fairy tale is called "Moidodyr". Do you know who wrote it?
Children: K.I. Chukovsky
Educator: Let's remember who washes their face and how in this fairy tale?
Early in the morning at dawn
Little mice wash themselves
And kittens and ducklings
And bugs and spiders.
Educator: All animals and insects love to swim and wash themselves.
Guys, have any of you seen how they wash themselves?
How does a cat wash itself?
Children: With paws and tongue.
(The teacher invites the children to show how animals wash themselves. Children perform imitation movements.)
Educator: Who knows how an elephant washes itself?
Children: Trunk.
Educator: Yes, the elephant showers itself with its trunk.
The hamster washes itself with its paws.
A parrot cleans feathers with its beak.
Educator: Guys, why does a person wash his face?
Children: To be clean, neat, smell good.
Educator: And also so as not to get sick. Many microbes accumulate on our body, we do not see them. Therefore, you need to wash and take care of yourself, even if you are not very dirty.
Educator: A person washes his whole body when he washes in the bath, under the shower, and can also wash his feet, face, and hands separately. Everyone loves to swim: people, animals, and insects. And even toys like to be clean.
Wash your face in the mornings and evenings. Wash your face, neck, ears.
Wash your hands with soap before eating, after playing, walking and using the toilet.
Before eating vegetables and fruits, you need to wash them with tap water.
Take a shower.
Educator: Do you remember the tips?
(Children repeat advice)
Educator: Well, well done, you now know my advice and will always follow them.
Educator: Well, guys, we remembered that in order to be healthy, we must always be clean, and water and soap help us with this.

Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat"
The boundaries of the “lawn” on which the “goats” will have fun and jump are marked on the site. A “ditch” about a meter wide is drawn in the middle - two parallel lines. The moat cuts across the entire lawn. One participant is placed in the ditch - he plays the role of a “wolf”. The rest become "goats". Before the start of the game, they stand outside the “lawn”. The leader commands: “The goats are in the field! The wolf is in the ditch! The “goats” jump out into the clearing, have fun, and try to jump over the ditch. The “Wolf” at this moment should try to insult one of the participants. The “goat” is considered a loser if it is touched by the “wolf” or if it is unable to jump over the ditch without hitting the line. The loser leaves the game. At the leader’s command “Goats, go home!”, the “goats” must return to their original position. The losers again become “goats” and enter the game. The wolf is replaced every 2-3 dashes. The outdoor game Wolf in the Moat has a number of modifications. Instead of "goats", players can represent "hares". The ditch can be made not straight, but zigzag, of different widths in different areas. “Spotted hares” can turn into “wolves” and help catch other “hares”. If there are many players and the size of the site allows you to make a long ditch, initially there may be 2 or 3 “wolves”, but in this case the “hares” no longer transform, but simply drop out of the game. “Wolves” can harass “hares” only while in a ditch. "Hares" should jump over, and not run across, the ditch. The player who breaks the rules is considered a loser. ...
Outdoor game "Traps"
The outdoor game “Traps” is ideal for children of primary school and senior preschool age. The main objectives of the game are to develop: reaction speed, dexterity and dexterity. Meanwhile, the game teaches you to play in a team, following the rules of the game. For the game you will need ribbons that match the number of participants in the game. The number of players should not be less than 5 people. Before you start the game, it is advisable to choose a site. If it is very large, then its boundaries should be marked with lines or fenced off with pins or cubes. Children should stand in a circle on the playground. The teacher stands in the center of the circle and, using pins rotating on the floor, selects the driver. You can use a counting rhyme for these purposes. The rest of the participants in the game are given satin ribbons, which they attach to the elastic band of their shorts, on the back side. At the teacher’s command or whistle, children begin to run around the playground at will. And the driver tries to catch up with them, tearing off the tape in the process. At the sound command of the teacher: “Stand in a circle!”, the children again form a circle, and “Trap” counts the number of ribbons that it was able to pull from the players. The game is repeated again, starting with the choice of a new driver. The winner is the one who, based on the results of several rounds, was able to draw the most ribbons. During the game, you cannot hold the ribbon with your hands. The participant who is left without a ribbon must sit down on a bench for a while or step aside, just like in the outdoor game “Geese-geese”....

Outdoor game “Hunters and Hares”
Purpose of the game: learning to run in a playful manner, developing dexterity and coordination of movement.
From among the playing children, two are chosen: the “hunter” and the “homeless hare.” The rest of the children - the “hares” - draw circles for themselves on the playground - “houses” with a diameter of up to 50 cm.
Each hare occupies its own “house” - a circle. The teacher gives a signal, according to which the hunter begins to chase the “homeless” hare. Running away from the hunter, the “hare” meanders between the houses, and then suddenly can drop into any house and stand behind the back of the “hare” living there. At the same moment, this “hare” turns into a “homeless” person, must leave the “house” and run away from the hunter who is now chasing him.
As soon as the hunter has caught up with the hare and touched him with his hand, they change places: the hare becomes the hunter, and the hunter becomes the hare.
Game option: the total number of hares decreases, and instead of circles, the “houses” for the “hares” are children, 3-4 holding hands.

They open the “doors” (raise their hands) in front of the “homeless hare”, letting him into the house, and close them in front of the “hunter”. At the same time, the hare who was in it leaves the house through other “doors”. The rest of the game follows the same rules.

Didactic game:
“Identify the animal by description”
Educator: Identify the animal by description:
In winter it’s white – you won’t notice it in the snow. In summer it is brown, only the belly is white. (White hare.)
The wild appearance of this animal has been preserved only in Mongolia, in the most remote corners of the bush deserts. Winters in the mountains to escape cold winds. It feeds on thorny bushes and young shoots of saxaul. He may not eat or drink for a long time. It stores food and water in the form of fat “for future use” in its humps. (Camel.)
Although it is a predator, it does not refuse fruits and berries, and in a hungry year, even carrion. A famous participant in most children's fairy tales. (Fox.)

Experience “Soil as a habitat for living organisms”
Lesson objectives:
Educational: to form students’ knowledge about soil as a habitat for living organisms; find out the features of adaptation of organisms to the soil environment.
Developmental: to develop students’ ability to perform simple practical tasks.
Educational: fostering a caring attitude towards animals and plants.
Progress of the lesson
I. Organizational moment.
II. Goal setting.
Today the object of our study will be soil as a habitat for living organisms.
What should we know about soil?

Lesson question: Can soil be a habitat?
III. Studying a new topic.
To answer the question: What is soil? We must consider the composition of the soil.
What substances are included in the soil? (children's answers).
Group 1: experiment 1. Calcined soil is mixed with water - the water becomes cloudy. After some time, 2 layers are formed - clay and sand.
Conclusion: The soil contains clay and sand.
Group 2: experiment 2. A piece of soil is dropped into a glass of water. Air bubbles begin to appear. This air is displaced from the soil by water. Penetrating between soil particles.
Conclusion: There is air in the soil.
Fill out the diagram:

Soil formation began with the appearance of bacteria on Earth. This happened millions of years ago. Bacteria could live in crushed rocks. They constantly died and rotted. Mineral particles of humus glued sand and clay together. Plants could live on the thin layer of soil formed. From this moment on, the process of soil formation went faster. Plants grew and died. With the help of rotting bacteria, they turned into organic substances and then into mineral salts. Over time, the soil was colonized by various plants.
Conclusion: Soil is the fertile layer of the Earth on which plants grow. The main property of soil is fertility.
A huge number of different organisms live in the soil: bacteria, single-celled fungi, animals. Also in the soil are plant roots and mycelium of multicellular fungi.
Invertebrates live in the soil - ants, larvae of flies and beetles, earthworms, mole crickets; vertebrate mammals - moles.
The inhabitants of the soil environment have the following characteristics:
1. Availability of devices for digging holes, passages, etc.
2. Small eyes or lack of vision organs.
3. The presence of devices to reduce the friction force when moving in the soil: the presence of mucus on the body (earthworm); the wool is short and thick (mole); streamlined body shape.
Plants living in the desert have long roots; a supply of nutrients is deposited in the bulbs and tubers; Cacti store water in their stems.


Joint activities of the teacher and children
Morning. Reading a fairy tale: G. Snegirev. “How animals and birds prepare for winter.” Musical and dynamic game “Singing Bears”. Situational conversation about the benefits of food for the human body and for the animal body.

Day (walk). A targeted walk around the boarding school grounds: looking at and comparing deciduous trees. Conversation “Why do squirrels live in tree hollows?” Outdoor games: “Ball relay”, “Bears and bees”. Didactic game “What has changed?” Situational conversation about how it is difficult for forest animals to live in late autumn and winter.

Evening. Preparing for the screening of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” (dramatization). Weather observations, comparison of morning and evening situations. Outdoor game “Catch the deer”.

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Morning. Creative work: drawing forest animals. Independent children's games with forest animal figures.

Day (walk). Enrichment with game materials: “Circus”, “Veterinary hospital”.

Evening. Role-playing games: “Circus”, “Veterinary hospital”.

Reading a fairy tale: G. Snegirev. “How animals and birds prepare for winter.”

Autumn in the forest. No bird songs can be heard. Fieldfare thrushes have gathered in flocks and are fattening up before migrating to warmer climes.

Crake set off on his journey before everyone else, because he either flies to the south or walks.

The jay buries acorns for reserve. He chooses the ripest ones, but often forgets about them, and in the spring young oak trees grow from these acorns.

While the ground is not frozen yet, woodcocks feed in the swamp. The woodcock puts its beak into the ground and pulls out worms and larvae.

A capercaillie swallows pebbles on a river shallow. In winter, it pecks at needles and frozen cranberries, and the pebbles, like millstones, grind food in the capercaillie crop.

The badgers have eaten too much over the summer, accumulated fat, and do not move far from the hole.

The hedgehog found a hole in a rotten stump, dragged leaves into it - and now its housing for the winter is ready.

The squirrel will soon turn gray and put on a winter coat, but for now it is storing nuts and acorns. Puts them in a hollow. And he hangs the mushrooms on thorny branches to dry.

The she-bear dug a den under the roots of an old spruce tree, covered it with branches, and gathered moss. In winter, bear cubs will appear in her den.

A fox silently sneaks through the autumn forest. The leaves in the Forest are red, and the fox's fur is red. It is easy for a fox to sneak up on its prey unnoticed.

The deciduous bunnies were hiding. They don't jump, they don't leave traces. Otherwise the fox will find them and eat them. A hare will run past, feed her milk and then jump into the aspen forest.

Flocks of cranes stretched high in the sky. They say goodbye to their homeland with sad cries. The cranes will spend the winter in warm Africa. But as soon as the streams begin to ring in the spring, the grass on the hillocks turns green, and the cranes return home to their homeland.

The first snowflakes swirled in the air, and flocks of geese also flew south.

Outdoor game: “Ball relay”

Equipment: each team has 1 volleyball.
Preparing for the relay: teams choose captains. On the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 3 m: teams line up behind one, captains stand behind the other, each facing their team. The captains each have a volleyball in their hands.
Description of the relay: at the referee’s signal, the captains simultaneously throw the balls to the players in front of their teams. Having caught the ball, the player throws it back to the captain and takes his place at the end of the column. Then the captain throws the ball to the second player, and when he receives it back, to the third, etc. in order. After throwing the ball to the captain, each player runs to the end of the column.
You can throw the ball in any way (with your right or left hand from the shoulder, with both hands from your chest, etc.), but without touching the floor.
The relay ends when the player who first caught the ball thrown by the captain is at the starting line (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Volleyball relay

Possible errors: if the ball is lost, the person to whom it was thrown (the captain or team player) must pick it up, then return to his place and pass the ball.

Outdoor game: “Bears and Bees”

The players are divided into two groups: a third of them are bears, the rest are bees. In the center of the site there is a tower - this is a beehive. On one side of the tower, at a distance of 3-5 m, the place of the den is outlined, on the other, at a distance of 5-7 m, the place of the meadow is outlined. The bees are placed on a tower or gymnastic wall. At the signal from the leader, the bees descend from the tower, fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. Bears climb onto an empty beehive tower and feast on honey. At the signal "Bears!" all the bees fly into the hive, and the bears get off the tower and run into the den. Those who do not have time to escape into the den are stung by the bees (touched with their hands). The bees then return to the tower and the game resumes. A stung bear does not go out to get honey, but remains in the den.

Rules of the game. Bees do not catch bears, but touch them with their hands. Each new action begins on a signal. You can't jump from the tower, you have to get down.

Didactic game “What has changed?”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of table setting.

Progress of the lesson:
Option 1. Children stand around a set table. They remember what, where and how it is located. At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes. Objects on the table are changed places or removed completely. Children need to restore or correct the arrangement of objects and devices.
Option 2. A child is selected to walk out the door or close his eyes. First, he is asked to remember the table setting. Objects on the table are changed places or removed completely. After this, the child is called, he is asked to restore or correct the arrangement of objects and devices.

Weather observations, comparison of morning and evening situations.

Sunset 16:58

Day length 09:32

757 mm
757 mm
757 mm
757 mm
Moon phase waxing


5 m/s
5 m/s
5 m/s
4 m/s

Role-playing game "Circus"

Goal: To continue to develop in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Develop the ability to distribute roles. To consolidate children's ideas about circus performers: gymnasts, clowns, trainers, magicians, entertainers. Cultivate friendly relationships in the game, positive emotions.

Game roles:

artists: gymnasts, clowns, trainers

animal performers: horses, dogs

magician (teacher)



Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to play in the circus. To do this you need to prepare a group. The children, together with the teacher, prepare the group: they make an arena from building materials, determine a place for spectators, and a place for a buffet. Children distribute roles among themselves.

The roles are distributed.

Children spectators go to the box office and purchase tickets. Children artists go to prepare for a performance.

The teacher takes on the role of entertainer and magician.

3 bells sound. Music is playing. The audience applauds. The compere announces the gymnast's performance. The lights go out in half the group.

A gymnast enters the arena:

1. I. p.: Hands along the body. Feet together. Alternately raises one hand (smoothly, then lowers. Raises the other hand (smoothly). Performs 2 times with each hand. Returns to I. p.

2. I. p.: Arms extended forward. Legs slightly apart. Raises his legs one by one, reaching with one leg towards the opposite hand.

Performs 2 times with each leg. Returns to I. p.

3. I. p.: Hands on the belt. Feet together. Bends forward, trying to reach your heels with your hands. 2 times.

4. I. p.: Hands on the belt. Legs crosswise. Performs squats, trying to squat as low as possible. 2 times.

5. Performs the “splits” exercise.

The gymnast's performance is over. The audience applauds. The entertainer announces the performance of the trainer with the dogs. A trainer appears with 2 dogs (children). Music is playing.

The trainer gives commands to the dogs:

1. Sit on a chair.

2. Jump over the rope.

3. Stand on your hind legs.

4. Perform a bow.

The trainer's performance is over. The audience applauds. The entertainer announces the clowns' performance.

Music is playing. Clowns appear in the arena:

1. They come out playing with their fingers near the nose.

2. Sit on the floor, legs spread, roll the ball to each other.

3. One invites the other to sit down and places a squeaky toy on his chair. The other sits down, the toy squeaks.

4. The second clown treats the first one with candy. The first clown takes it, unfolds it, it’s empty. He gets upset.

There is applause.

The entertainer announces an intermission and informs the audience that after the intermission they will be treated to a performance by trained horses and a magician. The light comes on.

Children-spectators go to the buffet, buy “cakes” and “cotton candy”.

3 bells sound. Everyone takes their places.

The entertainer announces the performance of trained horses.

A trainer and 2 horses (children) enter the arena. Music is playing.

1. Galloping around the arena.

2. Walk beautifully with a high knee lift.

3. Get on your knees. Perform head bows. They bow.

The audience applauds.

The magician's performance is announced. A magician appears with a magic box. Shows tricks:

1. Finger trick.

2. "Get it from behind the ear" trick.

3. Magic box trick.

When performing tricks, a spell is spoken. The audience applauds.

The entertainer announces the end of the performance.

After the end of the game, the teacher supports the children’s conversations about the past game, while noting the role-playing behavior of individual participants in the game, their game interaction and relationships, as well as the use of game substitution means.

Role-playing game “Veterinary Hospital”

Related role-playing game: “Pet Shop”.

1. Developing the ability to organize your own game in your own way.

2. Fostering a love for animals and a desire to care for them.

3. Fostering respect for the veterinarian profession.

Preliminary work: Reading fiction with discussion K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Shalaeva G. P. “Big Book of Professions” article “Veterinarian”, poem by Ilkh I. “Was with the cat Dinka”, Oster G. “How to treat a boa constrictor”; review of illustrations with discussion; Conversations “My pet”, “How I care for my pet.”

Activation of the dictionary: veterinarian, veterinary hospital, prevention.

Roles: veterinarian, pet owner, pet store salesperson.

Progress of the game.

1. Creation of a problematic situation.

The teacher brings a stuffed cat into the group in his arms.

Educator: Guys, look. He sat outside our group door and cried. I tried to invite him to the group, but he didn’t want to get up, he lay there, moaning and so sad. Children need to do something.

Children: We need to help him, we need to cure him.

Educator: I don’t know how, and you?

Children: No. He needs to be taken to the veterinary hospital. To the veterinarian.

Educator: Where is our veterinary hospital and veterinarian? But the cat needs help.

Children: But here we will have a veterinary clinic and a pet store nearby.

2. Role-playing game “Veterinary Hospital”.

Children determine a place for a veterinary clinic and prepare the office (arrange furniture, prepare pet store counters; assign roles).

The veterinarian comes out into the corridor from the office.

Veterinarian: Hello. Please go first.

He sits down at the table and starts recording.

Veterinarian: What happened to you?

Visitor: The cat is sick. He doesn’t want to eat or drink, doesn’t run, lies down, moans, and is sad.

Veterinarian: What's his name?

Visitor: His name is Murzik.

Veterinarian: Carefully place Murzik on the examination table. Come on, Murzik is a poor fellow, now I’ll examine you and decide what we should do with you. How long has he been like this?

The veterinarian examines the cat.

Visitor: I don’t know, we picked him up like this.

Veterinarian: Oh, that's it.

Visitor: What?

Veterinarian: Murzik has a huge tick embedded in his armpit. Even huge. He drank a lot of your blood, Murzik. Now I will remove it with tweezers. Once again he is gone.

Visitor: Thank you, doctor.

Veterinarian: You're welcome. Now in summer there are a lot of ticks, so they are fierce. I will write down the name of the injections for you; they need to be given for three days, one at a time. I also want to recommend you good drops against ticks and fleas. You drop it on the withers, it will last him for a couple of weeks. Check the dosage on the packaging. I don’t recommend a collar; it only bothers cats. Hold it, everything is written down here. I'm expecting you and Murzik in four days. You will definitely get better.

Visitor: Goodbye.

Veterinarian: Goodbye.

3. Role-playing game “Pet Shop”.

The visitor left the veterinary hospital and went into the pet store.

Visitor: Hello. You have these medications.

Seller: Hello. Now let's see what we have. Here are injections, syringes, drops for fleas and ticks for injections. We have a variety of vitamins for cats, as well as various useful things. Are you interested in anything?

Visitor: Yes. I would like to buy a house for Murzik and some toys.

Seller: Here we have houses for cats. Choose.

Visitor: I think I’ll take the blue one over there. And from toys - a mouse and a ball.

Seller: Here you go. From you two thousand three hundred rubles

Seller: Goodbye.

On the fourth day, the visitor came with her cat to the veterinarian.

Visitor: Hello doctor.

Veterinarian: Hello. Murzik, I see, has come to life and you can’t say that it was bad.

Visitor: Yes, doctor. Already on the third day he ate properly and began to play.

Veterinarian: Very good. Don’t forget to apply drops in time and ticks will not be scary for him.

Visitor: Thank you. Goodbye.

Veterinarian: Goodbye.

The game is over here, but if the children wish, it can be continued.

Joint activities of the teacher and children

Morning. Children's story about a wild animal that arouses their sympathy, depiction of its habits with movements, selection of illustrations or photographs with its image. Pantomime "Language of Animals".

Day (walk). Conversation about forest dangers (meeting wild animals). Outdoor games: “Fawn”, “Touch Relay”. Construction game "Forest Dwellers' Houses".

Evening. Inventing and telling stories: “A story about a bear, squirrels and hedgehogs.” Listening to musical works: “Wolf” by G. Galynin. “Bear” by G. Galynin; “Squirrels” (music by Z. Levina, lyrics by L. Nekrasova); “Fox” from the cycle “Whom the Bun Met” by G. Levkodimov; “Hedgehog” from the opera “Teremok” by M. Krasev. Situational conversation about behavior in the forest. Examination and discrimination of animal tracks (in pictures, sketches).

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Morning. Creative work: acting out invented fairy tales and stories with toys by forest dwellers. Role-playing game "Journey to the Forest
clearing." Making animal masks for games.

Day (walk). Looking at images of hares with gray and white coat colors. Teacher's story about the camouflage coloring of animals. Games: “Who is the most attentive?”, “Find the extra object”, “What has changed?”.

Evening. Examination of images of domestic and wild animals. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Examination and discrimination of animal tracks (in pictures, sketches).


Role-playing game "Journey to the Forest

“Erase random features and you will see that the world is beautiful...”
Nature is full of extraordinary wonders. It never repeats itself. And we are all in a hurry, in a hurry
If you teach children, and this is the main task, to teach them to admire the bright colors of nature: the sky at sunset and sunrise, the vastness of fields, the intricate shape of snowflakes, the flight of a swallow, etc. The child will develop artistic taste, he will be able to better understand the world around him, and will strive to create beauty with his own hands. After all, a person’s beliefs are formed from childhood.
Children have a keener perception of nature than an adult, since he comes into contact with it for the first time. By maintaining and developing this interest, adults (teachers and parents) can instill in children many positive personality traits, introduce them to natural phenomena, explain their causes and relationships.
Goal: to bring children joy and pleasure from developmental games. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge. Foster love and respect for nature.
Progress of the lesson.
Children go to the clearing to the music of “bird voices” (imitation of a clearing in a group). They sit on the stumps, a knock is heard, and Masha and the bear come to visit the children.
- “Hello, guys,” says Masha.
- “We decided to go for a walk with the bear in the clearing. But first, what time of year is it???? The bear and I don’t know.”
“Spring,” the children answer.
- “Let's tell Masha and the bear about spring. Do you know the spring months?
- “March, April, May” - the children’s answer.
- “Now we are in April. April is also called Aquarius, Snowman. Why do you think?”
- “What signs of spring do you still know?”
- "Snow is melting; streams run; the bright, kind, gentle sun is shining,” the children answer.
Masha asks:
- “What changes are taking place in the animal world?”
“A badger, a bear, a hedgehog are waking up,” the children answer.
The bear asks:
- “What animals change their coats?”
- “Squirrel, hare,” the children answer.
- “What birds fly from warm countries?”
“Rooks, larks, nightingales, ducks and geese,” the children answer.
The teacher says:
- “All nature comes to life, buds and leaves appear on the trees. And on the ground there is grass and flowers.”
- “Let’s revive our clearing too. Let’s say the magic words: “Turn around yourself, and you will find yourself in a magical clearing.”
Masha says:
- “Ugh, what a boring clearing. You said that flowers appear in spring. Where are they?
- “In spring it becomes warmer, the snow melts, the first flowers raise their heads. Let's show the flowers in the clearing."
Physical education minute:
Our spring flowers
The petals are blooming
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.

Our spring flowers
Petals close.
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

After rest, children are invited to look at pictures of spring flowers: coltsfoot, lungwort, lily of the valley, dandelion.
Masha asks a riddle:

- “I was the first to crawl out from under the snow, in a thawed patch.
He’s not afraid of frost, even though he’s small.”
Children answer:
- "Coltsfoot. A decoction of this plant is a cough medicine.”
Bear says:
- “Oh, what a beautiful flower. Now I'll rip it off. My home will be beautiful too.”
- “Bear, stop!!!”
- “Guys, is it possible to pick flowers?”
Children's answer:
- “No, the flower is alive, it will quickly wither and die if it is picked.”
Masha says:
- “It’s already become more fun in our clearing. Let's make our clearing even more interesting. Let another flower bloom."
Physical education minute:

Masha asks:
- “Which flower has opened now?”
The teacher says:
- “Guess!! This flower blooms in the spring and has a sweet name. And on the stem there are pink, red and blue flowers.”
The bear shows a flower, but the wrong one.
The children help and point to the lungwort.
- “This plant is not only beautiful, but also medicinal.”
The teacher says:
- “Children, let’s remember the poems about the lungwort.”
Children read poetry:
This nickname is not without reason
At a beautiful flower.
A drop of juicy nectar,
And fragrant and sweet.
cure a cold,
Lungwort will help you.
The teacher says:
- “Do you want another flower to bloom?”
The finger game “Flower” is played again.
The teacher takes the bell and rings it.
- “What flower rings like that?”
Lily of the valley was born on a May day,
And the forest protects him.
I think he's screwed
It will ring quietly.
The teacher rings the bell again.
- “Find a lily of the valley and plant it in a clearing.”
- “Tell me where this flower grows?”
Children answer:
- "In the forest".
- "Right. He is very beautiful and is afraid that he will be torn off. He is hiding in the forest under the trees."
Masha says:
- “I will never pick such a beautiful flower - let it grow.”
The teacher says:
- “What a beautiful clearing it turns out to be. You forgot another flower, guess which one?”
It has a wonderful golden color.
He's a big sun
Small portrait.
Children answer:
- "Dandelion".
- "Right. Why is it said: “he is a big sun, a small portrait”?
Masha says:
- “Can I answer?”
- “It looks very much like the sun, and the petals are like rays.”
- “Guys, how can you call coltsfoot, lily of the valley, lungwort and dandelion in one word?”
- “Primroses. They appear first."
- "Right. These flowers love light and bloom when there are no leaves on the trees or tall grass.”
- “What a beautiful clearing it turned out to be.” There are not enough butterflies in our clearing. Take your seats at the tables. You have butterfly stencils on your tables. Apply multi-colored strokes to one wing and fold it in half. The result was a wonderful pattern on the wings of the butterfly. Those who have completed the task, take out their butterfly and bring the clearing to life.”
Calm music sounds - the voices of the spring forest.
- “Now guys, let’s go back to the group.”
- “Turn around yourself - and find yourself in the group!!”


lily of the valley


Looking at images of hares with gray and white coat colors.

A story about the camouflage coloring of animals.

We see the camouflage or protective coloring of animals at every step. Butterfly caterpillars are usually the same color as the leaves on which they develop. Green grasshoppers use green camouflage to match the color of the grass that gives them shelter. Birds living in the grass or among the branches also have a green color (greenfinches, warblers, green woodpeckers.). In the forests of hot countries with evergreen trees, animals of green colors or multi-colored ones, colored to match the color of the surrounding vegetation, predominate. There you can find green parrots, green lizards, snakes, frogs and other animals in abundance.

The lower surface of the wings of wren butterflies and many others is similar in color to withered old leaves. When these butterflies land and fold their wings, they become almost invisible against the brown background of leaves and bark.

Small spiders and bugs are perfectly camouflaged on tree bark. They are difficult to detect even at close range.

The caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly is green with black dots and is well camouflaged under the inflorescences of umbrella plants.

Animals hiding among last year's grass, leaves, stems are yellow-brown in color with mottled spots (great snipe and snipe, woodcock and black grouse). In case of danger, such birds freeze in place, take a position and appearance corresponding to inanimate objects, and become even more inconspicuous. Nightjars, whose color resembles the color of tree bark, cling to horizontal branches and merge with them; Avdotki (steppe birds) lie on the ground and, stretching out their necks, take on the appearance of stones or pieces of clay; bitterns stretch to their full height, and they cannot be distinguished from reeds. The spiny neck is perfectly camouflaged. Sitting in the grass, it quickly twists its small round head, and is more likely to be mistaken for a snake than a bird.

Animals of deserts and steppes (antelope, camels, lions) are dominated by gray and brown colors of various shades, which camouflages them well among the sands and rocks.

Tigers with their vertical stripes, making their way in the reeds between bright green young shoots and yellow old ones, excellently use certain lighting conditions, the play of light and shadows for camouflage. Spotted panthers also fit well into the round patches of light in the forest. Niton's mosaic color makes it invisible among the bright glare of the sun in the forests of the Malay Islands.

The white hare, arctic fox, and weasel living in the temperate zone change their fur coat twice a year by molting; The polar bear, an inhabitant of the polar ice, always wears the same sheepskin coat.

The ptarmigan also dresses according to the season: in summer it is brownish-red, in winter it is white. A snowy owl nesting in the tundra always wears the same outfit.

Aquatic animals, salps and jellyfish, do not have any protective coloring, but are disguised by the fact that their body is transparent, like water, so they are literally invisible.


Morning. Examination of illustrations of fairy tales depicting forest inhabitants. Didactic game “Looking for animals.” A conversation about changing the “clothing” of animals (changing fur to a thicker and longer one, changing the color of fur), about preparing animals’ homes for winter, about hibernation of animals.

Day (walk). Outdoor games: “Squirrels on the tree, guys on the ground”, “Leapfrog of animals”.

Evening. Situational conversations with children about the dangers and benefits of wild animals, how they take care of their babies, how they deal with enemies.

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Morning. Game “Such different animals”: ​​the child imitates the habits and gait of a certain wild animal; the rest of the children repeat the movements after him.

Day (walk). Story games of children's choice. Construction of animal figures from natural materials (deer, ferret, gopher, etc.)

Evening. Productive activity: make portraits of forest inhabitants from birch leaves (children's choice).

Joint activities of teacher and children

Morning. A conversation about changing the “clothing” of animals (changing fur to a thicker and longer one, changing the color of fur), about preparing animals’ homes for winter, about hibernation of animals.

Day (walk). Observe the pruning of bushes (explain to the children why this is done). Outdoor games: “Frogs and Herons”, “Blind Bear” (Ossetian game), “Kite and Hen”.

Evening. Educational and logic games: “Where did the bee fly?” (cycle of 4 games with complication).

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Morning. Application from leaves “Bear’s Den”.

Day (walk). Independent activities of children during walks, games of their choice. Manual labor to build an animal home from tree branches.

Evening. Independent activity of children. Printed board game “Zoological Lotto”.

Educational and logic games: “Where did the bee fly?” (cycle of 4 games with complication).

For this game you will need a doll room and doll furniture: a round table, a chair, an armchair, a sofa, a bed, a wardrobe. The missing items are completely replaceable with others: it is only important that to begin with there are no more than six of them. If there is no ready-made furniture, make it yourself from matchboxes. A room can be a box without a lid with a window and a door cut into the walls.

Arrange the furniture in the room and draw a plan together with your child: mark the location of the window with dashes, cross the door, and use circles, squares and rectangles to depict pieces of doll furniture. This is what such a plan would look like:

The plan shows:

2. high chair

5. bed

Of course, here we provide only an approximate plan for arranging furniture; it may be different for you.

In the future, the number of items in the game can be increased by introducing identical items. The game is as follows. On the drawn plan, a large circle marks the object under which the “bee flew.” Following this instruction, the child must find it in the toy room. The game can be repeated several times: the bee will fly under different objects each time.

What's happened?

Conditions of existence

Alive organisms



Sand, clay

Soil composition


Organic matter (humus)

Figure 1Figure 1Figure. 1. Relay race with a volleyball Determining the age of the traces left and reading the trace Figure 1 Determining the age of the traces left and reading the trace Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 115

Victoria Spiridonova
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory speech therapy group “Parts of the human body”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the human body.


Strengthen the ability to form plural nouns;

Strengthen the ability to form nouns with diminutive and augmentative suffixes;

Exercise children in agreeing nouns with numerals;

Draw children's attention to the polysemy of words

Learn to write a story about yourself based on a diagram

Equipment: projector, projector screen

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment:

Teacher: To be polite

You need to say “hello”

To everyone I would not meet

- Children know this.

You say: “Hello!” and in response

It will sound: “Hello! Hello!".

Guys, let's say hello.

Hello, palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

Hello boots! (stomp: stomp stomp)

Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)

Hello, cuckoos! (cuckoo: cuckoo)

Hello, ringing heel! (click their tongue: clink – clink)

And baby firefly! (pronounce as you exhale: s-s-s)

Hello, nimble breeze, (blowing)

The train is long at the platform! (pulling: tuuu)

Good afternoon to wrist watches, (ticking: tick-tock)

2. Introduction to the topic

Slide 2. Teacher: Guys, listen to the riddle:

He is the strongest on Earth,

Because everyone is smarter.

Who do you think it is? (Human). Have you guessed what we will talk about? (about a human)

I wonder who came to us? (Koschei the Deathless)

Koschey. Who was talking about me here? And you are the smart kids here, well, then guess my riddles, and if you don’t guess, I won’t show you anything.


1. Two neighbors are restless.

Day at work, night at rest. (Eyes).

2. Between two lights, I am alone in the middle. (Nose)

3. All their lives they have been racing,

But they cannot overtake each other. (Legs).

4. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything. (Language).

5. Two mothers have five sons each,

One name for everyone. (Fingers, hands).

6. Everything we put in our mouths will end up in our... (stomach)

7. The pot has seven holes in it. (Head).

Koschey:- Oh, how smart and amazing you are here. I don’t like such children, I’ll go and look for other children. Look at your pictures.

Slide 3. Exercise “Remember.”

Teacher: Remember what Koshchei’s riddles were about. (eyes, nose, legs, tongue, fingers, hands, stomach)

Slide 4. Next game “Say the word”

I start the sentence, you finish it.

What are we doing with our heads? (we think). What are we doing with our ears? (listening). With your eyes? (we look). Nose.? (breathe, smell). With your mouth? (eat, drink, talk). With your hands.? (take, hold). With your fingers? (touch, stroke, draw). With your feet? (walk, run, jump).

Slide 5. Teacher: Look, children, what fairy tale characters came to us? (Little Red Riding Hood) Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much and called her affectionately - granddaughter. Let's imagine how a grandmother tells us about her granddaughter.

Game “Name it kindly.”

My granddaughter has not an arm, but a pen, etc. Leg (leg, shoulder (shoulder, nose (nose), hair (hair, finger (finger, head (head, head, cheek), ear (ear, belly (tummy) , eye (peephole).

Slide 6. Teacher: Look, a ruddy bun has rolled towards us. Oh, look how scared he is! Who scared him so much? Let's imagine that he met a giant in the forest and tells us about him.

Game "Tell about the giant"

Not hands, but... hands; not the eyes, but... eyes; not lips, but... destroyers; not fists, but... fists; not elbows, but... elbows; not legs, but... knives; not nails, but... nails; not teeth, but... teeth; not hair, but hairs; not eyebrows, but... eyebrows; not the stomach, but... belly.

Slide 7. Teacher: A boy in walking boots came running up to us and offered to exercise a little.

Physical education minute.

Naughty feet walk along the path

The neck turns the head to the right, the turn to the left

Show me where your tummy is?

Our body has become toned, like a birch tree is slender

My back became straight

And now everyone has caught up

And they smiled at each other

Slide 8. Teacher: Guys, our next guest has come to us, Dunno. He asks you to tell and show what parts of his body he has. Shall we show? Repeat the words of the poem and show yourself body parts

There are nails on our fingers. There are nails on our heads.

On the hands - wrists, elbows, two ears and two lobes

Crown, neck, shoulders, chest. Eyebrows, cheekbones and temples

Hips, heels, two feet and eyes that are so close

There are knees and a back, cheeks, a nose and two nostrils

But she's only one Lips, teeth - look

The chin under the lip, that's what you and I know.

Slide 9. Game “Think and Answer”

Teacher: What fairy tale are our next guests Buratino and Malvina from?

Pinocchio: Malvina asked me questions, but I couldn’t answer them, please help me, otherwise she’ll ban me from the closet.

How many eyes do two children have? /two children have four eyes/

How many ears do three boys have? /those boys have six ears/

How many fingers are there on your left hand? / there are five fingers on the left hand /

How many noses do three girls have? /three girls have three noses/

Thanks guys.

Slide 10. Teacher: Look, a little goat came to us who loved to count everything. He is bored alone, and he invites us to count with him.

Game "Count"

One eye, two eyes, three eyes, four eyes, five eyes. (Similar to the words nose, ear)

Slide 11. Polysemy of words.

Teacher: Guys, Znayka came to visit us, do you know what fairy tale he is from? He wants to tell us about words that sound the same, but have different meanings.

The nose is on an airplane, on a ship, on a teapot;

The peephole is in the door, near the potatoes;

The neck is at the bottle, at the child;

The back is at the chair.

Legs - near the chair, near the mushroom.

Slide 12. Compiling a story about yourself according to the scheme.

Teacher: Well done, guys, you coped with all the tasks of our heroes. And now I suggest you try to tell about yourself, based on the diagram.

(First, the teacher talks about himself according to the diagram. Then the children, if desired, make up a story about themselves)

Slide 13. Summary:

Teacher: Well done, guys, you turned out to be very good stories!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary for the middle group “Parts of the body” Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the structure of man and the purpose of its individual parts. Objectives: Learn to coordinate speech with movements, develop.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic.

Summary of educational activities for speech development for the first junior group “Man, body parts” Program content. Teach the child to know the different parts of the body, what they are needed for (eyes - to see, nose - to perceive smells, etc.). 1.

Notes on speech development “Parts of the human face” Viewing direct educational activities in the preparatory group in the field of “Speech development” (formation of grammatical.

Abstract of OOD with presentation in the preparatory school group “Parts of the human body. Head" Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group of general developmental orientation in cognitive and research.

Lesson summary “Man. Body parts". Theme “Man. Parts of the body" Correctional and educational goals: to introduce children to the parts of the human body; teach how to form nouns.

Summary of the lesson on speech development “Parts of the body” Summary of a lesson on speech development with children with mental retardation. Topic: “Our body” Objectives: -give an understanding of the parts of the human body, the main sense organs.

OBJECTIVES: -To consolidate knowledge about words-objects, words-signs, words-actions. -Improve verbal analysis and synthesis. -Bring up.

Program content: 1. Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about houses. 2. Strengthen the skills of word formation and inflection, form.

Cognitive development lesson “Learning parts of the body” Cognitive development (the world around us). “Studying parts of the body” Middle group Purpose: studying parts of the human body. Objectives: Consolidate knowledge.

Image library:


Lesson in a preparatory group on the topic:

"Body parts"


Help the child get to know himself and his body better, learn to take care of himself, his health and the health of other people, know and use the capabilities of his body

Equipment : photographs depicting people of different ages; images of individual body parts; albums; colour pencils


Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Educator : - Guys, today Kolobok came to our kindergarten and brought photographs. Let's tell Kolobok who is depicted on them?

How can you call them in one word? (People )

How do people differ from each other? Pay attention to age, height, weight, eye color, hair color.

Now tell me, what do such different-looking people have in common?(people are similar to each other in the shape of their bodies)

Kolobok: - So I'm a human too?

Educator : - Guys, is Kolobok like people? How is it different?

2. Main part

Working with the diagram.

What parts does our body consist of? (head, neck, torso, arms, legs )

Take one piece each. Now let's assemble a person from these parts. What do you think is the most important part? (head )

What does the head rest on? (on the neck)

The largest part of our body? (torso)

And the main helpers of our body are...? (arms and legs )

How many arms and legs does a person have?

Consider what is the same on the arms and legs?


Today I have prepared my riddles for you.

So listen:

Brother and brother live across the street.
And they don’t see each other

That's right, these are the eyes. Let's listen to the next riddle.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have said anything. (Language)

Here is a mountain, and the mountain has two deep holes.
In these burrows the air wanders, then comes in, then comes out.

They don’t sow, they don’t plant, they grow on their own. (Hair)

I’ll open the stable and show you a flock of white sheep. (Teeth and mouth)


And now, guys, I want to play a game with you called “Correct the mistakes.”

Do you think a head is needed to smell? You agree with me? Explain why?

Do you need eyes to breathe? Ears for speaking? Nose - for drawing? Hands to walk? Legs for thinking? Mouth - to look?

(After each question there is a pause to give the children the opportunity to refute it and give their reasons)

Physical education minute

Boys live - funny fingers
Naughty feet walk along the path
The neck turns the head to the right, the turn to the left
Show me where your tummy is?
Our body has become toned, like a birch tree is slender
My back became straight
And now everyone has caught up
And they smiled at each other.

The next game is “Say the word.” I start the sentence, you finish it.

What are we doing with our heads? (we think). What are we doing with our ears? (listening). With your eyes..? (we look). Nose..? (breathe, smell). With your mouth..? (eat, drink, talk). With your hands..? (take, hold). With your fingers..? (touch, stroke, draw). With your feet..? (walk, run, jump).

And the last game “Name it affectionately”. Name all parts of the body affectionately: hand (handle), leg (leg), shoulder (shoulder), nose (nose), hair (hair), finger (finger), head (head, little head), cheek (cheek), ear ( ear), belly (tummy), eye (peephole).

Game “Tell about the giant”

Kolobok: - Guys, I know one giant and he doesn’t have a nose, but a wearer. Not hands, but... Oh, I don’t know how to say it? Help me please.

Not hands, but...hands; not eyes, but... little eyes; not lips, but... lips; not fists, but...fists; not elbows, but...elbows; not legs, but... knives; not nails, but...nails; not teeth, but...teeth; not hair, but hairs; not eyebrows, but...eyebrows; not the belly, but... the belly.

Kolobok: - Oh, how I also want to be like people.

Educator: - Guys, let’s imagine that Kolobok now has all the parts of his body like a human. Let's draw his portrait and give it to him.

(Children draw a portrait of Kolobok and give it to him)

Kolobok: - Thank you guys. How beautiful I am in your drawings and how human I look. Goodbye!

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “What does the human body consist of”


Educational: To form children’s ideas about the human body, about their health, about the structure and functions of the body.

Wellness: 1. Protect and strengthen health.

2. Develop the ability to foresee possible life-threatening consequences of your actions for yourself and your loved ones.

3. Reveal the meaning and importance of physical education for strengthening and developing the skeleton and muscles.

Educational: 1. Foster the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

2. Cultivate respect for the life of another person, the ability to sympathize, help, and empathize with the pain of others.

Target: Introduce children to the external structure and capabilities of the human body. Cultivate a sense of pride in being human. Arouse interest in further knowledge of yourself, a desire to learn more about your body.

Activating the dictionary: neck, torso, skull, spine, muscles, joints, skeleton, bones, skin, heart, lungs.

Equipment: poster with an image of the human skeleton and muscles, sheets of paper with a drawn silhouette of a person and internal organs, colored pencils. Mirrors. Pictures of food products.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator : Guys, today in class we will get acquainted with our body. Every person should know the structure of his body - this will help him to be healthy.

There are many different organs in the human body, and all of them are very necessary. Thanks to these organs, we live, breathe, think, walk, eat and much more.

All children are different and at the same time similar, because the body consists of the same parts: head, neck, torso, arms and legs. The head can think, look, breathe, distinguish smells and tastes, but not by itself, but with the help of organs that are on the head: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The head can turn in different directions. She couldn't do this if we didn't have a neck. Using the neck, the head is attached to the body, which can turn in different directions and tilt. Inside the body there are important organs: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, etc. Arms and legs are attached to the body. Hands are very important for a person; they perform different jobs. Name which one?

Children: We take toys, eat, get dressed.

Educator : We can do all this thanks to our fingers, which are very tenacious and can hold a variety of objects. Using your fingers you can not only play, but also learn to count.

Finger gymnastics:

Ten nimble fingers

Wanted to play

Ten nimble fingers

Numbers show and numbers

From zero to ten.

Let's count our fingers in order.

Educator: Our legs can walk on tiptoes, jump high, run, and squat. I suggest you perform all these movements.

Educator: Just as a house has walls and that’s why it is so strong, so a person has bones and muscles, large and small. If a person had no bones, his body would be soft. The bones that make up the skeleton support the body and provide protection from wounds and bruises. Touch yourself, arms, legs, tummy.

Just as the cars on a train are connected to each other, muscles and bones are connected to each other. Man would be shapeless and ugly if he did not have a skeleton. The skeleton is our support. It looks fragile, but is actually very durable. The skeleton not only serves as a support for the body, but also protects the internal organs. Look at your hands, move your fingers.

Our body is covered with skin that protects it. Look at the skin, especially on your fingers. It must be intact, without damage.

In the human body, dirt (dust, sand, insects) can get into the human body through the eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and skin, and then the body will feel bad, it will have to fight it; that is why we learn to take care of our body - when it is clean , he is in no danger.

Air enters the body through the nose and mouth - we breathe, we live. Try to close your mouth and nose - what will happen? We feed ourselves through the mouth, our body takes the most valuable and necessary things from food, and the leftovers come out of it when you go to the toilet. It’s like candy - you throw away the “candy wrapper” and eat the candy, and your body does the same, so you need to free it from the “candy wrappers” as soon as you remind it.

You need to watch yourself and, if something new or unusual appears, tell an adult.

If you take care of your body, eat what they give you in kindergarten and at home, and do physical education, you will grow up strong, beautiful and smart.

Phys. just a minute.

One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body (walk in place).

Here is the back, and here is the tummy (point to the back and stomach,

Feet (stomp,

Handles (stretch your arms forward and rotate your hands,

Eyes (index fingers point to eyes,

Mouth (the index finger of the right hand points to the mouth,

Nose (the index finger of the right hand points to the nose,

Ears (index fingers of both hands point to ears,

Head (put hands on head,

I barely managed to shake (they shake their head from side to side,

The neck turns the head (clasp the neck with the palms,

Oh, I'm tired! Oh oh oh!

Forehead (fingers of both hands stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples)

And eyebrows (index fingers run along the eyebrows from the middle of the face to the temples,

Here are the eyelashes (index fingers show eyelashes,

They fluttered like birds (children blink their eyes).

Rosy cheeks (palms stroke the cheeks in the direction from the nose to the ears,

Chin hummock (finish the movement started on the chin,

The hair is thick (comb the hair with the fingers of both hands,

Like meadow grass.

Shoulders (touch the right shoulder with the right hand, and the left one with the left hand,

Elbows (without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward,

And knees (bend slightly and tap knees)

For me, Seryozha, Lena.

Educator: Today we will get acquainted with the most important organs.

Here is a diagram showing these organs. After getting to know each organ, you will color it in with colored pencils and try to remember it.

One of the most important organs is the brain. He knows everything and is responsible for everything. The brain helps a person think, walk, and do various jobs. He is very fragile. It’s good that a hard skull reliably protects the brain from damage. But still try not to hit your head. A strong blow can cause a concussion.

The heart is like a big pump that pumps blood. Blood “runs” throughout the body through different vessels. The main task of blood is to nourish the whole body. And a very important organ pumps blood and helps it move - the heart. The heart works constantly, even when a person sleeps.

The heart is located in the center of the chest, almost in the middle, and the size of a fist. Form your hand into a fist and place it on the center of your chest, slightly to the left. This is approximately the size of your heart. Now clench and unclench your fist slightly - this is how the heart works. Can you hear your heart beating? The heart must be protected. But this does not mean that you need to lie down all the time and do nothing. The heart needs to be trained and exercise. When you run, your heart works faster. It beats and pumps blood.

I invite you to place your palm on your heart and listen. Now jump, run in place, lean forward, backward. Now place your hand on your heart again. What changed? My heart began to beat faster.

A person has lungs, a person needs them to breathe and feed the blood with the necessary air. The air is not visible, but you cannot live without it.

Look at your breath. Bring the mirror closer and breathe on it. Warm breath will fog the mirror.

Place your hands on your chest and take a deep breath. You felt your arms rise along with your lungs filling with air. Now exhale. Hands dropped.

Take the straws in your hands, lower them and blow into them. What did you see? This is air in the form of bubbles.

We don't always breathe the same way. When we run, we breathe more often and deeply, and when we are calm or sleeping, our breathing is even and calm.

You should try not to breathe smoke or dirty air. Our lungs benefit from fresh, clean air. And of course, you can’t poison your lungs with cigarettes. Cigarette smoke turns your lungs black and makes you sick.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a feather.”

Take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly blow on the feather. Try to blow so that the feather flutters easily, and hold it in this position until the end of the exhalation.

Children, at the teacher’s command, perform the exercise.

The stomach is like a saucepan inside us - all the food goes there, and the stomach digests it. The stomach copes with wholesome, healthy food easily, but the stomach suffers and even gets sick from junk food. The stomach really doesn’t like it when we overeat - we fill our belly. The stomach does not have time to cope with the enormous amount of food and our stomach begins to ache.

Didactic game “Healthy and junk food.”

Children are divided into two groups: “Healthy” and “Harmful” pictures depicting food products.

Self-massage of ears.

There are many, many points on the human body that are connected to different organs. And if you learn these points, you can help yourself when you get sick. Now we will learn how to massage ourselves.

Our ears are not easy (rub your ears several times with your palms from top to bottom,

Our ears are golden (tug your earlobes several times,

Smart (press lightly on the base of the ear at the upper edge of the auricle,

Scientists (press lightly on the base of the ear near the middle part of the auricle,

Wonderful (press lightly on the base of the ear at the lower edge of the auricle).

Educator: To become beautiful, strong and healthy you need to train your muscles.

– What helps to do this? (physical education and sports). In order to be strong, vigorous and agile, you need to do gymnastics and physical education, play outdoor games and be sure to do morning exercises!

I wish you to be healthy, not to be sad and not to lose heart!