Functional speech styles: conversational style. What are speech styles: definitions and characteristics

Scientific style is the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science and scientific journals; the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.

Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by nouns, and many abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used to decorate documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts and certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat and just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., with the aim of establishing administrative-legal relations.

This style exists more often in the written form of speech; the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features are imperative (due character), accuracy, not allowing for two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It occurs in genres article, essay, report, feuilleton, interview, oratorical speech and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, and emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is directed not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, and form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. It is distinguished by its large semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

The usual form of implementation of the conversational style is dialogue; this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Linguistic means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres - dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone.

Art style

The artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, epistle, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy.

The fastest way to transmit information from one person to another is the printed word. Depending on the tasks and target audience, the set of expressive means of the Russian language can vary significantly. It is important for both the reader and the writer to know how to determine the style of a text, because this will give an understanding of what is written, and will also allow one to outline a whole range of possible techniques with the help of which it is easy to convey thoughts to the reader.

What is text

A text is usually called any speech that is recorded on paper or in electronic form, and it can be artistic or journalistic, in the form of a document, letter, etc. In fact, the text contains at least two sentences, and they must be united not only by meaning, but also by grammar. The description of events or objects, destinies or actions in the text is always predetermined by the main theme, the message. Regardless of the style, the topic of what is written should be clearly outlined.

As a rule, it is not so difficult to understand what the text will be about, because the authors bring the topic up, making it the title. For convenience, intermediate subheadings are also used, which give direction and explain to the reader what awaits him in this or that semantic part of the text. It is interesting that the same information can easily be presented under different “sauce”, for diametrically opposed audiences or cases. So, how to determine the correct text style?

The concept of functional speech style

Various areas of journalism and literature have their own varieties of language. The word “style” has many definitions used in fine arts, architecture, design (in addition to literature). If we talk purely about literary meaning, then this is a set of expressive (artistic and other) elements inherent in writing a text. Functional speech styles look like this:

  1. Narration is a time-bound account of current events. The sequence in this type of text does not always correspond to chronology, but is always related to it. The narrative form requires the use of words: “while”, “after which”, “then”, etc. These words mark events, tying them to a specific part of the chronology.
  2. Description – a statement of the qualities of the object of discussion. This type of text often uses adjectives that reflect the distinctive features of the object: “beautiful”, “large”, “wide”, “thin”, “light”, “fast”. The description can use adverbs to compare with other objects of the same category: longer, faster, smaller, deeper.
  3. Reasoning - this type of text contains three required elements: statement, proof and conclusion. Initially, the argument indicates a certain thesis, for example: “Does a UFO exist?” This is followed by evidence, an analysis of the veracity or falsity of this statement, and based on the evidence, a conclusion is drawn about the correctness of the original statement.

What are the types of speech styles?

In the Russian language, there are four main linguistic styles, differing from each other in different sets of techniques and characteristics and having their own main characteristics of the text:

  • official business;
  • colloquial;
  • art;
  • journalistic.

In each specific case, the author must know how to correctly determine the style of the text, which functional styles of the modern Russian language to use in order to convey its essence to the final audience. For example, the question of what text style is is easy to answer if you know that:

  • The official business genre is suitable for correspondence with business partners, superiors and subordinates.
  • And for personal communication and correspondence, conversational is more suitable.
  • The description of events, places, emotions and experiences is better achieved through an artistic style of presentation.
  • The journalistic style of speech is intended to convey ideas through the media - magazines, newspapers, the Internet. However, media texts cannot always be called journalism; in some cases, the colloquial or scientific genre is used.


The result of this style of presentation is an article, report, interview or essay. The grammar and style of the genre ensure ease of reading and perception by the widest masses of the target audience. The journalistic style almost always does not involve addressing the reader, because the presentation is in the third person. You will find examples of this style by reading any newspaper.

The scientific and journalistic style is sometimes distinguished as a separate option. In this case, the text uses reasoning on scientific topics. The author makes an assumption at the very beginning, and throughout the article, essay or note he provides evidence of the veracity or falsity of this thesis, and at the end he draws a conclusion based on the arguments given. The linguistic means of the scientific style require the use of precise definitions. Examples of journalistic style are common, and it is difficult to confuse them with others.


The main use of the style is oral speech, and its expressiveness and understandability for the masses makes it popular in journalism. Such a text uses colloquial expressions and accepts direct appeal to the reader, asking questions and provoking an emotional perception of what is written. The written conversational style differs from the oral one because... Using text, it is more difficult to convey emotions expressed by facial expressions or gestures.


Unless we are talking about literary magazines, this genre is not used in periodicals. What is literary text? It involves lengthy reasoning, descriptions, dialogues, and analysis. The task of the artistic style is not to convey information, but to maximally immerse the reader in the work, excite emotions, fantasies, and influence the senses. This genre provides for the possibility of lengthy reasoning, subjectivity in assessing facts, events and phenomena. The length of the text for those who use a book style of speech is not limited.

Official business

The official style of speech is intended for business communication both within a team and in correspondence with outside organizations. Official business is also used in oral communication when it comes to business relationships. The purpose of this style of text is to convey the maximum number of facts from one person to another without the use of evaluative adjectives. Standard phrases and repetitions are widely used, which in other styles are perceived as shortcomings or even errors.

The official business style involves a dry listing of facts, figures, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, and a certain system that determines the construction of written sentences. This type of text is different from all others; it necessarily contains two elements:

  • Descriptive part – here the accomplished facts and possible consequences are stated.
  • Action – here a requirement, request, proposal for performing certain actions is indicated.
Watch a video about speaking styles.

Examples of texts of different speech styles

Several models of using different genres to present the same situation using text:

  • Journalistic. “This morning, Baba Nyura, going out to the barn to milk her cow Zorka, was quite surprised. She found the door to the utility room open, and the animal was not inside. “Who took Zorka away and what should I do without her?” Baba Nyura asked the local police officer Ivan Golovin with these questions. An investigation is underway."
  • Colloquial. “I, Stepanovna, go into the barn, but Zorka is not there! I already called her, screamed, went to my neighbor Petrovich - maybe he saw something... But since last night he was so drunk that he still doesn’t leave the house. I went to the local police officer, he said: “Write a statement, we’ll sort it out.” Well, I wrote it. I went home through the cemetery, I looked, and my Zorka was grazing in the clearing!”
  • Art. “The light morning haze had just begun to dissipate, and the first rays of the sun touched the lush grass of the front garden. The roosters began to crow their simple morning calls, and the village of Gulkovo began to wake up. The door, which had not been oiled for a long time, creaked lightly and Baba Nyura appeared on the threshold of the rickety wooden hut. She was looking for her cow."
  • Official business. “06/17/2014 at 9:30 am, citizen of the Russian Federation Anna Zakharovna Egorova filed a statement at the police station in the village of Gulkovo. Based on the essence of the questions asked, she explained that on June 17, 2014, at approximately 4:50 am, she discovered the loss of livestock (cows) on the territory of her own household. The animal was in a separate outbuilding. Egorova A.Z. stated that the cow could not have left on its own and demanded that an investigation be launched under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The statement was registered in the register of crimes and offenses. 06/17/2014 at 16-00 Egorova A.Z. again turned to the Gulkovo police station with a statement that the animal she was looking for had been found and the applicant had no claims against anyone.”

Speech style chart

An excellent tool for those who do not know how to determine the text style. The proposed table contains the main style features. With its help, you will learn how to determine the style of the finished text, what types of speech styles there are in Russian, and the stylistic affiliation of the document that needs to be created:




Official business

Style functions

Depict, describe

Communication, conversation

Report, prove a point

Convey information

Scope of style


Everyday communication, personal letter

Social activities, cultural, political, economic relations

Office work, lawmaking, creation of regulatory documents

Style genres

Poems, fairy tale, drama, novel, story


Reasoning-explanation, message, essay, newspaper article

Certificates, statements, instructions, orders, samples, laws, plans

Characteristic features of the style

Use of any types of syntactic and lexical constructions in all possible combinations

Emotionality, simplifying or ignoring grammatical rules, slang words

Imagery, logic, assessment of events and phenomena, accessibility to the masses

Accuracy, impersonality, standardization

Depending on the purpose and context of communication in the Russian language, there are five main f.s. r.: conversational style, scientific style, official business style, journalistic style and ... Dictionary of literary terms

Speech is a historically established system of speech means used in one or another sphere of human communication; a type of literary language that performs a specific function in communication. There are 5 functional styles: scientific meaning... ... Wikipedia

Styles distinguished in accordance with the main functions of language associated with a particular field of human activity (see functions of language). Functional styles do not form closed systems; there is wide interaction and influence between styles... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

FUNCTIONAL STYLES- FUNCTIONAL STYLES. Styles are distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language associated with a particular field of human activity. F. s. do not form closed systems, there is wide interaction between styles, the influence of one on... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

Functional styles in relation to colloquial speech and artistic speech- – see Artistic style of speech, or artistically figurative, artistically fictional; Conversational style...

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

Main article: Functional styles of speech Scientific style is a functional style of speech, literary language, which is characterized by a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, monologue character, strict selection of linguistic means, ... ... Wikipedia

Artistic style of speech, or artistic-visual, artistic-fictional- – one of the functional styles (see), characterizing the type of speech in the aesthetic sphere of communication: verbal works of art. The constructive principle of H. s. R. – contextual translation of the word concept into the word image; specific style feature - ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

Functional style, or functional variety of language, functional type of speech- is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a specific character (its own speech systematicity - see), formed as a result of the implementation of special principles of selection and combination of linguistic means, it is... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT at school- purposeful ped. activities to develop students’ speech; arming schoolchildren with practical skills. possession of native lit. language as a means of communication. In the process of working on R. r. students master pronunciation, lexical, morphological. And… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia


  • Russian language. Culture of speech, T. E. Timoshenko. The textbook describes language as a sign system for transmitting information; the functions, basic units and types of communication are considered; functional styles of speech are described; presented... eBook
  • Functional styles. Study guide, Shchenikova Elena Viktorovna. The textbook presents characteristics of the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language, distinguished within the framework of the classical system of five styles. The manual is intended for…

Functional speech styles are divided into two groups: content and formal language parameters. An artistic language can be traced in a story or poem, a colloquial language on the street, a journalistic language in a newspaper, and so on. Thus, the category under consideration seems to be general, where substyles, genre styles and their substyles are distinguished.

Functional speech styles are a type of literary language in which some task is realized. Hence the name. Most scientists prefer to divide them into five types:

  • colloquial;
  • journalistic;
  • official business;
  • scientific;
  • art.

Each style reflects linguistic flexibility with expression and diversity of thought. Through language:

  • the law is written;
  • a concept is given;
  • a table is compiled;
  • a scientific fact is stated;
  • a poem is composed and so on.

Thus, semantic functions of an aesthetic, business and scientific nature are performed. Phrases and individual words are selected from the language; designs that better suit their exterior style.

There are semantic contexts. Conversational style is characterized by discussion of everyday or everyday topics. Journalism touches on topics of politics and public opinion, and the system of official business speech is used in diplomatic activities and lawmaking.


Functional speech styles are described by highlighting the following properties:

  • Each reflects some aspect of life with its own scope and range of topics covered.
  • Characterized by certain conditions. For example, official or unofficial.
  • Has a corresponding single task, installation.

The first property is determined by typical words and expressions.

Scientific language is full of specific terms, colloquial - with corresponding phrases, artistic - with words that form images, and journalistic - with social and political phrases.

They have common basic words and phrases, suitable for different types. They are usually called interstyle vocabulary. It preserves linguistic unity and combines functional styles.

The common part is also called grammatical means. But, all styles use their own special system and form. The scientific style is characterized by a direct verbal order, the official-business style prevails with reflexive and vaguely personal constructions, and the journalistic style is rich in rhetorical figures.

Distinctive features

Styles vary in degree:

  • emotional coloring;
  • imagery.

Such properties are not typical for official business and scientific styles. However, there are certain features in the language of diplomats or writings on scientific topics. Other styles use these properties much more often. Artistic speech consists more of images and emotions. They are also used in journalism, but in a different way. Colloquial speech is also inclined towards this, with a greater degree of emotionality.
Each of the styles at the same time:

  • individual;
  • has standardization stamps.

For example, greetings and farewells have a corresponding form, albeit in several variations. The rules of speech can be traced in all styles. Thanks to these rules, it becomes easier to use the language.

Scientific and business are individual to a small extent. But artistic speech is the richest in this regard. A standardized table and an abundance of cliches that are endowed with the official business style are inappropriate here.

It is followed by journalism, where a system of personal self-expression coexists with standard phrases. The conversational level takes a separate place. As studies have shown, much of what is pronounced at the everyday level is automated. Thus, this speech is characterized by a high degree of regulation, due to which communication becomes relaxed.

Functional stylistics is characterized by one more feature - the norm. The following standards exist:

  • linguistic;
  • stylish.

The first ones are the same for everyone. But the second ones are different. Officeisms are natural for an official business style, but their use in other types is considered inappropriate. Style characteristics are used in genres. They are preserved and have different speech structures.

Let's consider the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language separately.

Art style

It is called a reflection of the literary language. Russian writers and poets come up with forms and images for it, which are then used by ordinary people. Artistic functional stylistics is a system of using the capabilities and achievements of language.
The difference is manifested in aesthetic function. Artistic speech fosters a sense of beauty. This is present in other styles, but in this case, expressiveness plays the main, determining role.
The vocabulary freely includes both a scientific term and a business phrase, if the narrative requires it. The main thing is that words in artistic style describe concepts, translating them into images. Vivid visual and expressive language means are created. Let's list them:

  • epithet;
  • metaphor (comparison in a hidden form);
  • allegory (idea or concept in a concrete image);
  • personification (when human properties are transferred to inanimate objects);
  • antithesis (opposition);
  • gradation (words are arranged with increasing meaning);
  • paraphrase.

Journalistic style

Journalism is sometimes called a chronicle or chronicle of modern life. It reflects the pressing issues of today. It is close to the artistic language, but at the same time different from it. This style is fact-oriented. And artistic speech is imaginary.
The topics and vocabulary in the journalistic style are varied. Journalism invades life and contributes to the formation of public opinion. This style performs two important semantic functions:

  • reporting;
  • influencing.

Genres stand out among them:

  • Reportage. The reader is given a general idea of ​​the event that occurred.
  • Feature article. The reproduced story contains the author's thoughts.
  • Feuilleton. Reflects reality in a satirical light, ironically analyzes facts, actions, participants.

Scientific style

It is widely used. This style has a serious impact on the language. With progress, new terms are introduced into mass use, previously found only on the pages of specialized publications. Thanks to this, new genres are formed.

Scientific language protects itself from amateurish methods. He is intelligent and therefore logical. This is expressed in thinking through, presentation of information and sequence of transfer of material. Science is objective in nature, so the author has a minor role. The main thing is the material itself, research and their actual data.

Requirements also determine the use of language. Scientific vocabulary is characterized by:

  • Common usage. Use of words used in scientific texts.
  • General science. The immediate area that describes objects and events.
  • Terminology. The closing, internal layer, which embodies the main differences that scientific language carries.

Formal business style

Functional stylistics is implemented in writing. Orally it is used when speaking at meetings, receptions, and so on.

The official business style is used in ceremonial and business relationships. The importance of the content of speech characterizes the language with precision and limited subject matter.
It distinguishes between two sections, each of which has substyles.

In the official document section the following languages ​​are highlighted:

  • Diplomacy. It has its own terminology and is full of international definitions.
  • Laws. The language of state power communicates with the population.

In the everyday business section, there are:

  • Official correspondence. Sometimes it contains the concept of telegraphic style, where the syntactic system is rationally constructed.
  • Business papers. They are compiled according to a given shape, without the use of complex structures.

Conversational style

This language meets several conditions:

  • the relationship is informal;
  • spontaneity, interlocutors communicate with each other directly;
  • speech is improvised (forms naturally, with interruptions, repeated questions, pauses, etc., due to lack of preparation).

The style is realized orally in a dialogue form. The main semantic quality is verbal blurriness, instability of meaning and uncertainty of boundaries. In conversation the following are used:

  • neutral words, equally used in book and oral speech;
  • condensates, when phrases are replaced by one word (utility room - utility room);
  • doublets - replacing official names with colloquial ones (freezer - freezer);
  • pointers indicating different objects;
  • “Sponges” is something vague, includes different meanings, but is revealed in context.

The functional styles of the Russian literary language largely influence it by themes, genres, phraseology and vocabulary. Each of their types is an entire language of a particular area, and together they form a single literary one. This variety of species enriches and expands the boundaries of language.

Speech styles- these are systems of speech means, historically established and socially established, which are used in communication depending on the sphere of focus of communication or the field of professional activity.

There are five main styles of speech in the Russian language.

1. Scientific style. 2. Journalistic style. 3. Official business style. 4. . . Literary and artistic 5. Conversational

Scientific the style is used in the field of scientific activity. The genres in which it is implemented are writing dissertations, coursework, tests or diploma papers, scientific articles, lectures, abstracts, notes, theses. The main characteristics of this style of speech are logic, clarity and the absence of any emotion on the part of the author.

Journalistic the style of speech, like the previous one, relates to the book style and is used not only for the purpose of conveying this or that information, but also for the purpose of influencing the feelings and thoughts of listeners or readers who need to be convinced of something or interested in something. The journalistic style is typical for speeches at various meetings, newspaper articles, analytical and informational radio and television programs. This style is characterized by emotionality and expressiveness.

Official business style is characterized by several basic properties. This is clarity, lack of emotionality of presentation, standardization and conservatism. It is used when writing laws, orders, memos, statements, business letters and various legal documents. Standard writing is expressed in writing these documents according to an established scheme - a template. Specific vocabulary and morphology are used.

Literary and artistic style - differs from other book styles in that when writing his works, the author can use almost any of the above styles. And since literature reflects all spheres of human life, vernacular speech, dialects, and slang are also used here. He is also characterized by emotionality. Literary-artistic style is used in fiction.

Colloquial The style of speech is not bookish. It is used in everyday communication between people in various everyday situations. Since during a conversation the speech is not prepared in advance, the characteristic features are incompleteness of the expressed thoughts and emotionality.


1, The direct meaning of a word is its basic lexical meaning. It is directly directed to the designated object, phenomenon, action, sign, immediately evokes an idea of ​​them and is least dependent on the context. Words most often appear in their literal meaning.

The figurative meaning of a word is its secondary meaning, which arose on the basis of the direct one.
steel nail - direct meaning
nerves of steel - figurative meaning

2. Compound predicates– these are predicates in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (tense and mood) are expressed in different words. The lexical meaning is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (tense and mood) is expressed in the auxiliary part.

If in the combination “verb + infinitive” the verb is significant, then it alone is a simple verbal predicate, and the infinitive is a minor member of the sentence.

Wed: Shesat down (for what purpose?) relax.