The ulcers on the hands itch. Dry eczema on the hands - how to treat and what are the causes. General description of hand disease

Post date: 12.06.2012 16:47


On my skin (calves of the legs, edge of the palm, neck) there is a sore with dry skin on the surface measuring approximately 1 cm in diameter. Dry skin at the edge of the sore can be caught with a fingernail, which happens all the time (consciously or not), the skin is torn off, the sore becomes soft, red, and after a while everything repeats.
I removed two sores with Celandine balm (when applied, a deep black hole appeared, it took a long time to heal, but did not hurt). In this place now only traces of sores are visible, but the skin around the edges is smooth and does not cling to nails. Which satisfied me.
But it seems that instead of them new sores appeared on the neck, as if they were connected to each other.
What type of pain is this? Iodine, creams, ointments, brilliant green do not help get rid of it.

Benign tumors on the arm: often only minor swelling at first

For heavy activities such as physical work or sports, support bandages may be useful. Learn more about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in the guide. Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath. Symptoms: The tumor often grows slowly. Affected people therefore only consult a doctor if they notice a change. In easily visible and palpable areas, swelling may become noticeable with swelling or a firm, reddened nodule such as top part finger, as well as the underside.

Post date: 13.06.2012 08:46

Hello, Mikhail.
Firstly, God forbid you use a mixture of caustic chemical substances, which you call “celandine balm”.
Secondly, if new formations appear on the skin, maybe it’s time to choose the time and see a dermatologist? Before there are too many of them yet...

Post date: 08.12.2012 23:40

Tumors are unlikely to be displaced. Pain is rare except when the nerves are under pressure. Cause: This particular giant cell tumor develops in the tendon sheaths, joint capsules, or sacs. Doctors also talk about giant cell tumors. These tumors are more common in the arm, but giant cell tumors are very rare. The other form develops primarily on the knee. Giant cell tumors get their name from large multinucleated cells that can be distinguished by analysis under a microscope.


I noticed two sores that looked like they had been rubbed. Nothing remarkable. But it’s probably already been a month; they haven’t changed. Moreover, I found similar ones in other parts of the body. They stand out in color and texture compared to the rest of the skin. They don’t itch or get wet. Can you tell me if I should be worried?

Post date: 26.02.2013 14:12

Diagnosis: One shows whether the tumor has damaged the bone. To make a diagnosis, the doctor removes the tumor and analyzes the tissue. Generally, the thin brown color of the tumor is already at an advanced stage, so it is also called brown tumor. Therapy: Typically, the tumor is completely removed, often for diagnostic purposes. However, it may return, especially if it has already been very dilated.

A soft cartilaginous tumor, which may also remain unrecognized for a long time, is an enchondroma or osteochondroma. It grows, for example, in the elongated bones of the fingers and toes, but also in other places and only appears through certain time when the affected part swells on the finger or in the hand. Provide information about x-rays hands and tumor tissue research. Treatment depends on whether the enchondroma is causing symptoms, whether joint or sympathetic.


Hello, I have a kind of abrasion on my left leg on the calf and it turned into a weeping wound nearby, another one 2 cm has formed, it hurts very much and will not heal in the morning, I found another small one, I apply it wound healing ointment doesn't help, what should I do?

Post date: 04.05.2013 13:31


I have a sore on my hand that dries and does not disappear within a week. What could it be and how can it be removed?

Other tumors that appear as nodes and tumors in the arm

Accordingly, the doctor monitors the development of the tumor. Doctors often work even if there is a suspicion of malignant changes. A mucous cyst can form due to arthrosis in the joints of the fingers. This is where the mucosal and smear joints take place. Cysts can burst on their own. There is a risk of infection. Therefore, mucus cysts should always be treated by a doctor and removed if necessary.

Bone cutout on back side the hands on the medial bones may be the basis of the hand due to additional bone growth or wear. Treatment is usually not required. Lipomas are tumors of adipose tissue that can also be seen with the hand. They usually only create visual problems and can be removed by a doctor, but they also happen again and again.

Post date: 30.05.2013 17:42


I have lichen on my skin, how can I get rid of them?

Post date: 23.07.2013 11:05


Hello. A formation similar to a pimple appeared on the shoulder, then it grew larger and an abscess formed. They smeared it with Vishnevsky ointment, after a while the wound cleared up, but it left a hole. what could it be? and how to remove the hole?

Post date: 01.08.2013 14:01


Do I have dry skin on my arms and legs like sores?

Post date: 02.08.2013 12:12

Kurmaeva Jamilya Yusupovna

See a dermatologist.

Post date: 07.08.2013 08:37


Damn, we need to see a dermatologist, we already understand this perfectly well, so why do we need you here, can you advise me on anything?

Post date: 24.08.2013 18:57

Evgeniy Borisovich

Hello everyone. What and how to treat these sores. There is neither a dermatologist nor an endocrinologist in the town. The sugar rose to 13, so they showed up (that’s what the doctors said), they put me in the hospital, they lowered the sugar, but the sores did not heal and there was no urine. In the photo (on a mobile phone) it was smeared with furcorcin in red. The skin began to blister and was cancelled. Now I use solcoseryl ointment, but it’s of no use. The only thing that can be said to be more or less normal during the day is when it’s smeared with ointment, but at night I’m on guard, I can’t sleep. I tried to bandage it, it was fine for about 30 minutes, and then there was pain and burning and... I don’t understand how it hurts, but it hurts. Help, does anyone know? I don’t know how to attach the photos to make it clearer what’s what

Post date: 06.11.2013 15:24


At first one of my ears started to get wet, then the other got wet, now spots similar to eczema have appeared on my neck... I’m very worried about what it is and how to treat it. I took a scraping and they said it’s a fungal spore = what is it? Please help.. Sincerely, Nina

Post date: 10.11.2013 03:09


Why are you all writing something here? They still answer with only one phrase - “Seek an appointment with a dermatologist.”
And why then was it even worth making this section with questions? Then they would have written in bold letters in the middle of the page: “If you have any questions, consult a dermatologist.”

Post date: 13.11.2013 05:56


Just like in winter, I have a problem: small ulcers appear that itch. I save myself with LORENDEN, apply it and it goes away, but it appears in another place. And so on until spring. In summer this is not the case. Maybe there is something missing in organismism.

Post date: 15.01.2014 01:52


My whole body is covered with just huge sores and they itch very much. I didn’t go to the hospital.

The human body is a fragile and complex structure. It would seem like this complex mechanism, invented by nature, cannot be disabled. But it happens that the breakdown of the smallest “part” leads to disorder throughout the entire body. For example, if sores appear on your hands or head and itch, what could cause this? And how to treat this condition?

Sometimes it seems that red, flaky spots appear on your hands for no good reason. However, given that the human body is a unique creation of nature, not a single undesirable symptom can arise without a reason.

The following factors lead to the formation of red spots on the hands that itch:

  • An allergic reaction of the body to any product, medicine or clothing.
  • Failure to comply with nutritional rules.
  • Individual reaction of the body to temperature changes. Often in winter, people who are sensitive to cold develop sores, cracks and itchy skin on their hands.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Development of skin diseases.
  • Skin infections.

Any of these factors, or a combination of them, can lead to the formation of painful sores on the hands that will peel and itch.

If your head itches and sores appear, it is important to determine the cause of this condition.

If timely treatment is not started to eliminate the underlying cause, hair loss may begin over time.

Among the most common causes of sores on the head, doctors identify the following:

  • Seborrheic lesion of the scalp.
  • Fungal infection.
  • Dryness of the epidermis caused by improper hair care.
  • Allergy to the use of any shampoo, hairspray, dye.

To understand the real reason formation of wounds, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the patient’s medical history and find out why the head itches and sores cover the epidermis.

Due to the fact that a person spends most of his life in an upright position, sores often appear on the legs. Such formations cannot appear on their own. Leg ulcers are always a consequence of some disease.

If red sores on the legs itch, the person most likely suffers from one of the following diseases:

  • Diabetes.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Fungal infection.
  • Influence external factors– insect bites, hypothermia, sunburn.

Treatment of sores on the hands

So, if the sore itches, what should you do? First you need to identify the reason that

led to the formation painful sensations. If this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, you should try to minimize the use of the allergen. If there are errors in nutrition, reconsider your diet, focusing on healthy, seasonal foods. If there is a skin reaction to cold or Sun rays shown in the photo, protective creams should be used. In winter, it should be fatty creams. And in the summer - protective compounds with UV filters.

To eliminate flaky sores on the hands that have arisen due to stress, it is important to first stabilize the situation. At the same time, it is important to remember that reducing susceptibility to stressful situations will help sedatives. It is also worth using antihistamines and anti-inflammatory ointments, which will speed up the healing of the skin.

When infected with skin or infectious diseases, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate specialized treatment.

Treatment of sores on the head

To cope with the itchy sores on the scalp shown in the photo, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. Considering that itching can cause hair loss, it is important to choose correct treatment. When fungal infections develop, special antifungal ointments. Your doctor may also recommend taking medicines in the form of tablets. If you suspect allergic reaction For hair care products, it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist. The specialist will select the best means For of this type skin and hair.

Treatment of leg pain

Perhaps the most difficult process– treatment of leg ulcers. What to do if the skin on your legs is peeling and itchy? You should see a therapist. As mentioned above, the formation of sores cannot occur spontaneously. Must be identified main reason. In most cases, diabetes leads to the formation of ulcers. venous congestion. Such diseases should be treated only according to the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

If external factors influence the skin of the legs, you should first eliminate these factors, and then consult a doctor to receive therapeutic recommendations. Remember that insect bites are not always harmless. And hypothermia or sunburn can cause more serious illnesses. Therefore, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.


What to do if skin Do you have flaky sores that itch and cause a lot of inconvenience? It is important to determine the cause that caused the wounds to appear. If painful formations appear due to the influence of external factors, it is necessary to minimize contact with them. During development internal diseases, it's important to start timely treatment. Usually, during the treatment of the main ailment, all secondary wounds and ulcers disappear.

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