Laser vision correction FEMTO SUPER LASIK. Super Lasik - a method of vision correction Vision correction using femto super lasik technology

Femto Super LASIK- modern 100% laser and the most universal vision correction technology, which is used for both high and very low degrees ametropia Ametropia- the general name for various refractive errors of the eye, in which light rays are focused not on the retina (as it should be normally), but, for example, behind it (farsightedness) or in front of it (myopia)..


  • Myopia from – 0.5 to – 13.0 diopters.
  • Farsightedness from + 1.0 to + 4.5 diopters.
  • Astigmatism: ± 7.0 diopters.

In 15 seconds of forming a corneal flap, a femtosecond laser sends tens of thousands of pulses to a pre-programmed depth. They form microbubbles that join into a single slice, exfoliating but not damaging the corneal tissue. In this way, a flap, uniformly thin over the entire area, about 100 microns thick (100 microns = 0.1 mm) is non-contactly modeled and formed using photo-fracture.

Then, as in earlier LASIK technology, the surgeon moves the resulting flap to the side and treats the middle layers of the cornea with an excimer laser. At the end of the procedure, the corneal flap is returned to its place and securely fixed using natural collagen. Vision is restored within a couple of hours after the procedure, so you can go home on your own on the same day.

Femto Super LASIK is an improved Super LASIK method that has greater precision in flap formation. Note that the most important difference between the two technologies was the method of forming the corneal flap, namely the replacement of the microkeratome (disposable steel blade) with a more accurate and safer VisuMax femtosecond laser from the German manufacturer Carl Zeiss Meditec AG.

Due to the absence of mechanical impact, Femto Super LASIK received more advantages and possibilities: increasing the safety of the procedure, reducing the risk of postoperative aberrations, reducing recovery time after vision correction.

Comparison of Super LASIK and Femto Super LASIK methods

Technology Super LASIK Femto Super LASIK
Equipment Microkeratome - the thinnest steel blade,
excimer laser
Femtosecond laser,
excimer laser
Flap formation method Mechanical Non-contact laser
Control of corneal thickness during correction No, it is used by microkeratome Yes, a programmed laser is used
Vision recovery time 48 hours 2 hours
Diagnosis astigmatism Astigmatism Myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism Astigmatism- a visual defect associated with uneven curvature of the cornea or a violation of the shape of the lens. As a result, the rays of light falling on the retina are refracted unevenly, and instead of a clear picture, a person sees a blurry double image.

Benefits of vision correction using Femto Super LASIK technology

Femto Super LASIK technology is considered the “gold” standard in Europe and the USA, where the vast majority of refractive surgeries are performed using this technique.

Main advantages:

  • Individualized technology programmed according to the patient's unique parameters.
  • The procedure is indicated for patients with “flat” and “steep” corneas.
  • Quick return to everyday life, as there is no mechanical impact on the eye.

(FEMTO) is performed using a femtosecond laser, which combines safety and predictable accuracy. The femtosecond laser has earned the trust of ophthalmological surgeons around the world. Today, the development of new technologies and the improvement of ophthalmological equipment make it possible not only to quickly and accurately diagnose visual impairments that have arisen, but also to correct them.

Femtosecond laser and its capabilities

In 1999, the German Theodor Hensch and the American John Hall received the Nobel Prize in physics “for the development of laser precision spectroscopy,” as well as Ahmed Zewail in chemistry “for their studies of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy.” This date can be called the conventional starting point for the development and use of the femtosecond laser.

Today, femtosecond lasers are used in ophthalmology in three main areas:

  • laser treatment,;
  • through or layer-by-layer;
  • with - implantation of intrastromal rings.

A distinctive characteristic of laser vision correction surgery using the Femto Super LASIK method from classical methods is the formation of a corneal flap using a femtosecond laser keratome. In classical methods of vision correction, mechanical is used. A femtosecond laser operates with short, high-frequency pulses. The duration of one is a femtosecond, which is equal to a trillionth of a second. As a result, a zone of “bubbles” several microns in size is formed in the cornea, while the tissue is not damaged by thermal energy.

Video about Femto Super LASIK surgery

Delamination of the corneal stroma occurs from the inside. The formation of the flap occurs without mechanical impact. This is how a gentle and high-precision dissection of the corneal flap is performed. The laser is controlled by a computer, which contains a program with parameters calculated for each patient individually. The computer program determines the volume of laser exposure as accurately as possible, which makes it possible to completely eliminate medical errors. After the operation there are no scars, stitches or cuts left. The result of correction of visual impairments using the Femto Super LASIK method is the full functioning of the human visual organs.

Advantages of the Femto Super LASIK method compared to the classic:

  • reducing the likelihood of complications;
  • low invasiveness of femtosecond laser;
  • operations are possible in patients with a high degree of myopia and a thin cornea;
  • During Femto Super LASIK surgery, intraocular pressure remains within normal limits.

Cost of Femto Super LASIK surgery

The cost of the Femto Super LASIK operation differs depending on the clinic, the qualifications of the ophthalmic surgeon, and the scope of the intervention.

Moscow clinics where Femto Super LASIK is performed

*Attention! Prices may change (relevance is checked once a week). Check the current cost with medical institutions.

The fundamental difference between the Femto Lasik (or femtolasik) method and other laser correction methods is the formation of a corneal flap using a femtosecond laser, rather than a mechanical keratome. Manipulation is carried out according to parameters specified by a computer program. This ensures the highest accuracy and safety of exposure. Therefore, indications for vision correction are expanding significantly.

In April 2018, a new unique femtosecond laser IntraLase iFS appeared in our Center. This is the only representative of the fifth generation of femtosecond lasers. It provides the opportunity to perform a wide range of ophthalmological operations that require the formation of corneal incisions. Compared to the previous generation laser, the new 2.5 installation has increased the pulse repetition rate and reduced their duration, which significantly reduces the duration of the operation.

This is the only femtosecond laser in the world that allows you to smoothly change the parameters of the corneal flap. The extraordinary ability to vary the thickness and diameter of the cuts, cutting angles and laser pulse power gives the doctor the opportunity to create flaps with the shape and surface quality ideal for each individual patient. Smooth, independent adjustment of the pulse energy for different edges of the corneal flap allows the surgeon to achieve ideal optical surface characteristics in the optical zone and a rougher surface on the lateral surfaces for faster corneal fusion.

With the advent of this laser, our Center finally has the opportunity to perform laser vision correction even for patients with thin corneas!

For operations using the femto-LASIK technique, it provides:

  • formation of a uniformly thin - “flat” corneal flap
  • full control of flap diameter, thickness, alignment and morphology
  • minimal disruption of stromal architecture and corneal biomechanics
  • record-breaking rapid restoration of visual functions
  • optimal vision correction indicators
  • 3 times more often patients characterize the vision of an eye treated with IntraLase as better than the vision of an eye treated with a microkeratome


  • myopia up to -12 D.
  • astigmatism ±6 D.
  • farsightedness +6 D.
  • combination of myopia/astigmatism and farsightedness/astigmatism.

Laser vision correction is generally performed between the ages of 18 and 45 years.
In some cases, the age limit can be expanded. This issue is resolved individually according to indications.


  • Expanded indications for use. The possible area of ​​influence down to microns allows the use of a femtosecond laser in patients with abnormalities of the eye structures, including those with a thin or flat cornea.
  • The ability to take into account all the individual characteristics of the organ of vision. The dimensions of the flap are modeled individually for each patient, which allows creating all the conditions for optimal refraction and ensuring sufficient visual acuity.
  • No mechanical impact on the cornea. The cornea is exposed only to the laser, which minimizes damage to its tissue and ensures a short recovery period.
  • Fast operation. No special preparation is required to perform Femto Super-Lasik. The corneal flap is formed in a few seconds.
  • Stable positive results. Preserving the anatomical integrity of the cornea and adjusting the thickness of its flap allows us to avoid the occurrence of postoperative astigmatism and higher-order aberrations.
  • Minimal risk of postoperative complications. Avoiding damage to the cornea with sharp instruments minimizes the risk of keratoconus.

Femto-Super-Lasik is a modern high-tech method for correcting refractive errors.

  • Like other methods of laser correction at the Konovalov Ophthalmological Center, the Femtolasik operation is bloodless, painless and not accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
  • After exposure to the cornea with a femtosecond laser, vision is quickly restored.
  • The patient sees well not only in normal lighting conditions, but also in dark conditions (rainy weather, twilight).


Many patients are hesitant to undergo such operations because they are afraid that they will have to radically change their lifestyle. There are myths that physical and visual stress is contraindicated for almost six months after surgery. That after the operation you can’t work on a computer, you can’t read a lot, you can’t watch a lot of TV. Actually this is not true.

After laser vision correction surgery there are practically no restrictions.

The very next day after surgery, you can work on the computer, read, watch TV, drive a car, go to the gym and indulge in normal physical activity.

The only thing that is undesirable after the operation is that you cannot go to the pool for a month, you cannot visit the steam room, bathhouse and sauna. For a week, you need to avoid getting water into your operated eyes, so you can’t wash your face normally, you can’t wash your hair, and girls can’t use cosmetics.

There is an opinion that it is better for girls to have surgery after childbirth. This is not true; in fact, surgery is possible both before and after childbirth. The main thing is that a year should pass between the operation and childbirth. The operation should take place either a year before or a year after childbirth, when the period of breastfeeding has already ended. Taking birth control pills is not recommended for the month before surgery and for the month after.

Contraindications are any acute diseases, colds, acute inflammation of the eye, the presence of severe concomitant diseases of the eye and body. Otherwise, contraindications can only be determined by a doctor at an appointment after a thorough examination. If you are afraid that the operation will unsettle you for some indefinite period of time, then you should not be afraid of this. After the operation, your life will only change for the better.

Glasses or vision correction?

Glasses today are no longer an inconvenient and unsightly accessory. On the contrary, it is possible to choose a stylish frame for any type and shape of face, for certain diopters. Modern glasses look stylish and do not burden your face. You can choose optics to suit any style and outfit. But, despite the obvious advantages of glasses, more and more people are inclined to radically correct their vision.

Laser correction today is a reliable way to restore your eyes to their former vigilance for good. At the same time, opportunities are expanded in various areas where wearing glasses is a hindrance. The operation eliminates the need to spend on glasses in the future. When calculating the cost of purchasing optics and comparing the total amount with the cost of laser correction, the latter wins. Because it is done once and for all.

But, of course, everyone makes their own decision. Glasses or correction? The choice is yours!

  • SuperFemto LASIK
  • Benefits of the operation
  • Stages of vision correction
  • Technologies and prices at the Sfera Clinic

SuperFemto LASIK

Femto Super LASIK is a modern high-tech technique for improving vision, which allows for the correction of refractive errors. With Femto LASIK, excimer laser correction of myopia up to –8, farsightedness up to +5 and astigmatism up to 6 diopters is provided, improved by femtosecond laser technologies.

What is special about the Femto LASIK technique? Unlike other laser correction techniques in a similar price segment, the formation of a corneal flap is carried out using a femtosecond laser rather than a mechanical keratome. Vision correction occurs according to parameters specified by a computer program, which ensures the highest accuracy of the operation. This modification of LASIK technology guarantees an appropriate level of safety of the operation and the highest efficiency of the vision improvement procedure.

Femto Super LASIC is suitable for patients with thin corneas, wide pupils, a high risk of halo effect, as well as for those who have had trauma or surgery on the cornea, visual interference, light scattering and the presence of halo effect after previous unsuccessful attempts correct vision.

Operation using the Femto LASIK method provides a quick recovery, discomfort stops within an hour after the operation, the next day visual acuity is 100%, no visual restrictions.

Benefits of the operation

Vision correction using LASIK techniques is chosen by patients who want to gain 100% distance and near vision. Using the Femto Super LASIK technique provides special benefits:

  • The cornea is exposed to two lasers, without the use of a microkeratome: a unique ZEISS VisuMax femtosecond laser (Germany) is used to access the corneal stroma with the latest generation excimer laser SCHWIND Amaris (Germany).
  • The SCHWIND Amaris excimer laser creates a flawless refractive profile.
  • The system for automatically adjusting the laser beam intensity adjusts to the individual characteristics of the thickness and curvature of the cornea of ​​a particular patient (AutomaticFluenceLevelAdjustment and online pachymetry safety system).
  • The unique high-frequency Eyetracker allows you to accurately and in real time monitor eye movements. Corneal surface temperature control by the IntelligentThermalEffectControl system maintains the temperature required for ideal correction of eye tissue during surgery.
  • The technique allows you to maintain the thickness of the cornea, and the use of a laser when creating a flap helps to carry out the correction more accurately, which improves the quality of the result and speeds up vision recovery after the procedure.
  • There is no pain during correction, the eye retains its natural strength, and the reduced effect of vacuum compared to LASIK is safe for the retina.
  • Extreme minimization of the risk of complications after vision correction and rapid recovery - the next day after the operation using the Super Femto LASIK method, you can go to work without any restrictions on visual activity.

The Femto LASIK correction technique is suitable for men and women of any age, not only with a normal lifestyle, but also with abnormal loads (during sports or professional activities).

Stages of vision correction

First stage

Before vision correction, drops are instilled into the patient, and for several seconds he looks ahead while the VisuMaxZEISS femtosecond laser forms a flap valve on the surface of the eye, taking into account the smallest features of a particular eye.

Second phase

Using the SCHWIND Amaris excimer laser, the ophthalmologist, in a very short time (10 seconds), applies a refractive profile pre-programmed for a specific person. The patient’s task at this stage is to look in the direction indicated by the doctor. The stage is carried out absolutely without pain and discomfort.

Third stage

The surgeon repositions the valve and then completes the operation. The patient can go home. The very next day, after visiting an ophthalmologist for a follow-up examination, the patient can go to work without any restrictions on visual activity.

Technologies and prices at the Sfera Clinic

Vision correction surgery using the Super LASIK method requires the use of a sophisticated femtosecond and excimer laser, which affects the price of the operation. The Ophthalmological Clinic of Professor Eskina “SPHERE” is equipped with modern laser systems SCHWIND Amaris and VisuMax ZEISS - the best equipment that is used in leading European ophthalmological hospitals. More information about prices for Super LASIK can be found in the corresponding section of the website.

Vision correction surgery using the Femto LASIK method is performed personally by Professor Erika Naumovna Eskina, who is an expert in the use of the technique. E. N. Eskina – Doctor of Medical Sciences, member of leading international professional associations of ophthalmologists.

FEMTO SUPER LASIK is a new technique in refractive surgery. In this case, vision can be restored even to patients who have a thin cornea or a very high degree of myopia (up to 25 diopters). Previously, these categories of patients with refractive error were not subjected to laser treatment. About 75% of surgeons in the world's leading ophthalmology clinics prefer this technique for ametropia. Femto SuperLASIK is quite popular; more than 1.5 million operations have already been performed in the world, and the intervention allows one to obtain a 100% final result due to the absolute precision of the manipulation. This technique is also supported by the fact that pilots and astronauts who have undergone a similar operation are allowed to work by NASA. Femto SuperLASIK can be performed perfectly thanks to the extensive experience of surgeons and innovative equipment.

Until recently, patients who had an abnormally thin cornea or complex pathologies of the optical system could not count on laser vision correction. Currently, the situation has changed thanks to the advent of the femtosecond laser, in particular, fifth-generation devices.

Indications for FEMTO SUPER LASIK

The main indications for performing the high-precision operation Femto SuperLASIK are:

  • Myopia up to 25 diopters, while the doctor must carefully examine the individual corneal refractive index and its thickness.
  • Astigmatism up to 3 diopters.
  • Hypermetropia up to 10 diopters.
  • Hypermetropic astigmatism up to 4 diopters.
  • Myopic astigmatism up to 6 diopters.

How is FEMTO SUPER LASIK performed?

During an intervention using the Femto SuperLASIK technology, at the first stage, a thin superficial flap of the cornea is created using a femtosecond laser. This allows you to control the thickness of the flap and its diameter with very high precision. It should be noted that with the laser method of forming a corneal flap, the latter has a uniform thickness. This quality of the flap makes it possible to subsequently avoid the appearance of various types of higher order aberrations. Visualization effects can occur as a result of non-uniform refraction of rays, which is why Femto SuperLASIK is a safer operation. This allows you to shorten the recovery period, and vision becomes very clear and contrasty, which is not always possible to achieve with traditional treatment.

Operation video


Using a femtosecond laser, the surgeon prepares the corneal flap, leaving the corneal tissue intact and smooth. The flap is formed from cells of the superficial layer of the cornea. After formation, the flap is moved to the side so that it does not interfere with the laser effect on the deeper layers. To successfully create a flap using a femtosecond laser, the tissue must be cut at an acute angle. Thus, a so-called lock is formed in the cornea, into which the removed flap is subsequently placed. If you use a microkeratome blade, then it is difficult or impossible to form such a groove.


After the surgical field is freed from the superficial flap, the second stage begins. In this case, the doctor uses an excimer laser to evaporate the corneal substance according to a given program. As a result, the surface of the cornea is resurfaced to create optimal refractive power. The laser beam is mainly directed at the central zone, the surface of which takes on a new shape.

In the third stage, the surgeon returns the corneal flap to its place. This layer does not require sutures, but is fixed by the corneal substance’s own collagen.

Preoperative preparation

Before performing Femto SuperLASIK, a thorough diagnosis is necessary. Due to the fact that the intervention is carried out according to the individual parameters of the patient, it is necessary not only to examine all structures of the eyeball (cornea, lens, vitreous body, etc.), but also to study in detail the periphery of the fundus and, most importantly, the parameters of the cornea . The following studies are being conducted:

  • Pachymetry (measurement of corneal thickness)
  • Optical coherence tomography of the cornea (OCT)
  • Keratotopography and other diagnostic methods

All stages of preoperative preparation, as well as further monitoring of the patient, are carried out by the operating ophthalmologist, so the quality of the intervention is at the highest level, and the result of the operation is 100% predictable.

After operation

The half-operative period is no different from that of conventional LASIK: the patient visits the doctor twice for follow-up examinations (the day after surgery and the next week) and instills eye drops at this time. In the early period, there may be some discomfort, which goes away within a few days.

Cost of correction using the FemtoSuperLASIK method

The average cost of surgery in Moscow ophthalmology centers is approximately 60 000 rubles (for one eye). You can find out more about the cost of laser vision correction in the “PRICES” section.

Feedback after surgery