Ovarian cyst and pregnancy - the impact of pathology on reproductive function. Ovarian cyst and pregnancy at the same time: is it so scary? Right ovarian cyst in a pregnant woman

A long-awaited pregnancy is a welcome and joyful event for any woman.

During this period, the body of the expectant mother undergoes a huge number of changes, among which are not always positive. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy raise so many questions.

Despite the fact that a cyst is a type of tumor, there is no need to sound the alarm about this.

The fact is that it is a benign variety, a liquid-filled capsule. Most often, the formation disappears on its own, and in rare cases it is removed surgically.

The reasons for the appearance of a cyst depend on the type of formation:

  • Follicular. The container for the egg during its maturation is a small vial. If the bubble does not burst in time and grows longer than usual, a cyst forms. In pregnant women, this type of pathology is rarely observed (only if ovulation occurred in the second ovary).
  • Paraovarian. It is formed from an appendage (a rudimentary organ that does not bear a functional load). The reasons for the appearance of formation can be anything, from taking certain medications to poor ecology. Fortunately, a paraovarian cyst never degenerates into a malignant tumor.
  • Luteal. After the follicle ruptures and the egg is released (commonly called ovulation), a corpus luteum forms in the ovary. The corpus luteum produces progesterone, which is necessary for bearing the fetus. It is not surprising that this type of neoplasm is most often detected in pregnant women.
  • Endometrioid ovarian cyst during pregnancy. Appears against the background of endometriosis, a disease in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterine wall grow. This formation can pose a danger to women’s health, so it is better not to delay the treatment of the pathology.
  • Dermoid. It is a benign neoplasm. It is formed in the embryonic period, when the processes of tissue formation are disrupted. They are rarely found in expectant mothers.

Symptoms during pregnancy

Symptoms of a cyst on the right or left ovary during pregnancy depend on the size of the formation.

A small cyst may not manifest itself in any way for a long time (usually pathology is detected during a routine ultrasound).

If there is a formation whose size exceeds 2-3 cm, abdominal pain and a feeling of heaviness appear (mainly from the diseased ovary). When moving, lifting weights, or doing physical exercise, the symptoms intensify.

An enlarged uterus and large cystic cavities put pressure on nearby organs and prevent the normal outflow of urine. As a result, urological symptoms arise: frequent and painful urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. The pressure of the cyst on the rectum is accompanied by difficulty defecating, pain during bowel movements, and swelling of the intestinal loops.

If the cyst rotates around its axis, the nerves and vessels are compressed, the following symptoms occur:

  • sharp pain of high intensity;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • fever;
  • panic attacks;
  • weakening of intestinal motility.

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Products that affect the increase in progesterone are described.

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Diagnosis of ovarian cysts during pregnancy depends on how far along the pregnant woman is. In most cases, the formation is discovered accidentally and only in rare cases - intentionally, when the patient consults a doctor with complaints of abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Healthy organ and ovary with cyst

If a woman is pregnant for a short time, the cyst is detected during a gynecological examination. The cystic cavity looks like an elastic formation of a round/oval shape with clear boundaries (often painless and movable).

If the patient is in late pregnancy, the formation can be detected during a routine ultrasound.


What to do if an ovarian cyst is discovered during pregnancy?

If the cyst does not have a negative effect on pregnancy, the gynecologist takes a wait-and-see approach and monitors the development of the formation.

A slight enlargement of the cyst is allowed, but only if there is no torsion of the pedicle and compression of neighboring organs.

If the expectant mother experiences leg torsion, rupture of the cystic cavity, suppuration or damage to blood vessels, surgical intervention is performed.

As a rule, a low-traumatic laparoscopic approach is chosen for this (small incisions are made, instruments and an optical device necessary for visualizing the cyst are inserted into the abdominal cavity).

If the cyst does not interfere with fetal development, it is determined whether the patient has indications for a cesarean section. If such indications exist, the cyst is removed during childbirth. If there are no indications for cesarean section, the issue of removing the formation is decided after childbirth.

Complications and consequences

The cyst does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman, but only if the patient is under close medical supervision.

Specialists monitor the woman’s well-being and monitor the development of education during routine ultrasounds.

Large cavities and neoplasms on the legs pose a danger to the expectant mother: as mentioned earlier, the leg can twist, which will lead to serious consequences (in particular, necrosis of the cyst). The most dangerous complications include cyst rupture.

If the contents of the cavity (blood, mucus, watery substance) enter the abdominal cavity, symptoms such as severe pain, impaired intestinal motility, increased temperature, and the appearance of vaginal discharge (spotting or mixed with blood) appear.

This situation requires emergency intervention, since the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity can harm not only the mother, but also the fetus. If any of the symptoms listed above appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.


Modern medicine cannot say unambiguously why a cyst appears on the ovary during pregnancy. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about preventive measures that can prevent the development of pathology. After some observations, doctors discovered a number of factors that increase the likelihood of formation.

  • These include:
  • hormonal imbalances arising due to the fault of the endocrine and reproductive systems of the body;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis caused by STDs, endometriosis, induced abortion;

disruption of hormone production due to obesity and diabetes.

Thus, the only preventive measure that can prevent the development of cysts is considered to be a careful attitude towards one’s own body.

To summarize, we can say that in most cases, an ovarian cyst does not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Surgical removal of the formation is possible only in the presence of serious complications that threaten the health/life of the mother and fetus.

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Expecting a child is a pleasant and desirable process for every woman. But sometimes the joy of future motherhood is overshadowed by the development of ovarian neoplasms. To understand whether an ovarian cyst and pregnancy are compatible, it is important to undergo a full examination, since the ability to bear a child depends on the location and size of the tumor.

What is an ovarian cyst and how does it affect pregnancy?

An ovarian cyst is a neoplasm with dense walls and watery (serous) fluid inside. In appearance, it resembles a round mushroom attached to the ovary by a thin cyst stalk. A tumor forms inside the ovary or on its outer walls.
The fluid content of the formation can be benign or malignant. If the tumor does not affect the production of hormones, then it is difficult to diagnose the pathology. More often, its presence is detected during a routine examination of a woman. The pathology does not have specific symptoms that directly indicate the disease.
The size of the tumor varies from 20 mm to 8-20 cm. Large tumors threaten ovarian rupture and peritonitis.

The effect of a neoplasm on pregnancy depends on its type and size:

  1. If pregnancy has already occurred, then small follicular neoplasms and tumors of the corpus luteum resolve in the first trimester.
  2. If there is a large pathology, teratoma, or dermoid formation, surgical removal of the tumor may be required.
  3. In most cases, during pregnancy, pathology is only observed; its treatment is carried out after delivery.

Planning a pregnancy

Cystic pathology is diagnosed in 70% of women of childbearing age undergoing a gynecological examination. Neoplasms are diagnosed (rather rarely) in teenage girls and women during menopause.
If a tumor is detected before conception or due to the absence of it, then pregnancy planning will depend on the type of pathology. If a neoplasm is detected before conception, treatment is first carried out, then pregnancy is planned.
If you manage to become pregnant with an ovarian cyst, then its treatment is carried out in exceptional cases; monitoring of the patient’s condition is indicated. Ovarian cysts are not treated during pregnancy. In the third trimester, the issue of delivery of the pregnant woman is decided. If the tumor is large, then a cesarean section is used, during which the tumor is removed. Drug treatment of pathology (if possible) is carried out after the birth of the baby.

When preparing for pregnancy, and even more so after learning about it, a woman usually undergoes a comprehensive medical examination. During it, various pathologies and changes can be detected that do not manifest themselves, but, left unattended, can harm both the expectant mother and the fetus. One of these pathologies is an ovarian cyst.

Why do ovarian cysts form during pregnancy?

An ovarian cyst is a pathological tumor-like benign formation, which is a pedunculated cavity filled with fluid and capable of growth due to the accumulation of secretions. It is formed from the follicle, endometrium and other tissues; it can occur in any of the ovaries; its size varies from a few millimeters to twenty centimeters. An ovarian cyst is a very common formation, with a wide range of causes and consequences - some types of cysts are asymptomatic and resolve on their own, some cause severe pain and require surgical intervention.

The exact and unambiguous causes of ovarian cysts during pregnancy are unknown, but there are several factors that contribute to the development of this pathology:

  • problems with hormonal levels;
  • genetic predisposition of the body;
  • eating disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • disorders of the monthly cycle;
  • abortions;
  • infection entering the body;
  • chronic stress.

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background is rearranged, a stress factor appears, eating behavior changes - in other words, factors that increase the chance of an ovarian cyst increase.

Types of cysts

There are several types of this neoplasm. Depending on the type of cyst, its danger to a pregnant woman and treatment methods vary. Follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts are functional cysts - capable of self-resorption. Endometriotic, paraovarian and dermoid cysts are not prone to this.


This type of cyst gets its name from the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus. When the reproductive organs are infected or there is a genetic predisposition, endometrial cells and blood clots released during menstruation penetrate into the internal cavity of the uterus, forming a cyst. It can “grow” on one of the ovaries or affect both.


As a result of any reasons (infections, inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalance, poor environment, drug abuse and much more), a cavity filled with fluid is formed in the appendages - a paraovarian cyst. Usually it does not manifest itself in any way and does not bother the pregnant woman.


The strangest type of cyst. It consists, unlike others, not of liquid, but of the epidermis, dermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and hair. The reason for its formation is a violation of intrauterine development of the fetus, a congenital defect. This type of cyst occurs in a woman at the stage of her embryonic development.


A follicular cyst usually occurs when the ovulation process is disrupted. During normal ovulation, the dominant follicle bursts, releasing the egg. If this does not happen, then liquid may begin to accumulate in this enclosed space. There is no pathological proliferation of cells; the size of the cyst increases only due to the accumulation of fluid and stretching of its walls.

Otherwise called a luteal cyst. It also occurs when the ovulation process is disrupted. After the release of the egg from the dominant follicle, a temporary gland remains in its place, called the corpus luteum because of its color. When pregnancy occurs, the gland functions for several more months, subsequently being replaced by the placenta, otherwise it regresses and resolves. If regression of the corpus luteum does not occur for any reason, due to poor circulation, serous or bloody fluid accumulates in it, degenerating it into a cyst.

Photo gallery: types of ovarian cysts

Occurs if the dominant follicle has not burst Formed as a result of a violation of the ovulation process Location - a cavity in the appendages Usually occurs as a result of endometriosis Unlike the others, it is filled not with liquid, but with hair, teeth, skin, etc.

Symptoms of education

In most cases, an ovarian cyst does not manifest its existence in any way, being a physiological formation and not dangerous. Often, a woman learns about her new “organ” only during an examination by a gynecologist during an ultrasound examination. The presence of a cyst can also be suspected by pain and symptoms characteristic of diseases or changes in the pelvic organs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen - may indicate complications;
  • enlargement and/or asymmetry of the abdomen - caused by the growth of a cyst;
  • compression of organs and blood vessels - a growing cyst moves and presses neighboring organs;
  • menstrual irregularities - caused by an imbalance of the hormonal system;
  • frequent trips to the toilet - frequent urination or flatulence.


If a pregnant woman experiences any of the symptoms of an ovarian cyst, she should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The following studies are used for diagnosis:

  • manual examination - palpation in the area of ​​the appendages to determine the approximate location and possible size of the cyst;
  • ultrasound examination - to localize the location of the growth, clarify its size and shape;
  • computed tomography - to determine the type of cyst and method of attachment;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy - to clarify the type and size of the cyst.

Why is a cyst dangerous during pregnancy? Is it possible to get pregnant with a cyst?

As already mentioned, most cases of functional cysts are not dangerous and resolve on their own, without outside intervention. An endometriotic cyst requires increased attention and, if necessary, surgical treatment. But even functional cysts can lead to complications, so they should be under constant medical supervision.

Leg torsion

A cyst is a sac of fluid attached to the ovary using a “leg”. If this “leg” is long enough, so-called torsion of the leg can occur - as a result of physical activity, the cyst moves and rotates. The vessels in the pedicle that supply the neoplasm with blood are partially or completely compressed. The tissues of the cyst stop receiving nutrition and die, which leads to the appearance of a focus of inflammation. Symptoms of this complication:

  • sharp, “dagger” pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • high (more than 39 C) temperature;
  • contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Leg torsion requires urgent medical intervention.

Ovarian cyst rupture

Cyst rupture can be a consequence of pedicle torsion or an independent complication. The cyst increases in size due to the fluid filling it, as a result of which the walls of the cyst stretch and become thinner. Increased physical activity, abdominal trauma, critically thin walls - all this can lead to rupture of an ovarian cyst. This is accompanied by internal bleeding and leakage of the cyst contents into the abdominal cavity. Symptoms:

  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness and/or loss of consciousness;
  • increased thirst;
  • increased heart rate;
  • paleness of the skin.

If a cyst ruptures, emergency medical attention is required.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

The effect of a cyst on a woman’s reproductive health depends on its type and size.

An endometrioid cyst requires treatment and reduces the chance of pregnancy to almost zero. This type of cyst usually occurs against the background of endometriosis, a serious disease that causes the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes and rejection of the fetus due to pathological changes in the structure of the uterine wall. In addition, the appearance of a cyst interferes with the growth of follicles and the appearance of an egg.

A follicular cyst clearly prevents pregnancy from occurring in the ovary in which it arose, since when it occurs, the egg does not release. However, it usually does not require treatment and goes away on its own, so its appearance is not at all a death sentence for conception.

A corpus luteum cyst does not prevent pregnancy, but it can become dangerous if it grows to a critical (more than 3 centimeters) size.

How is an ovarian cyst treated during pregnancy?

If you suspect an ovarian cyst, the expectant mother should consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics. To determine further actions and, if the situation requires it, treatment tactics, you should know the type of cyst and its size.

Waiting tactics

In most cases, doctors prefer not to touch tumors on the ovary in pregnant women, since they themselves do not pose a danger, and the consequences of the operation can be quite unpleasant. They try to minimize surgical interventions in the body of a woman carrying a child, and especially not to touch the reproductive organs themselves unless absolutely necessary.

If an ovarian cyst does not bother a woman, does not tend to grow, and there is no risk of rupture, then treatment tactics boil down to passive monitoring of her condition.

Laparoscopy of the ovaries during pregnancy

If the cyst threatens the health of the woman and child - it grows rapidly, has a critical size, causes severe pain to the pregnant woman, torsion of the leg occurs, rupture or necrosis of the cyst - then an operation is performed to remove it. Typically, surgery occurs between 14 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. Laparoscopy is performed under inhalation general anesthesia. Usually three small (from 2 to 5 centimeters) punctures are made - in the umbilical region and in the areas of projection of the appendages. This reduces pain and allows you to do without strong narcotic analgesics, and also speeds up the recovery of the expectant mother after surgery.

Ovarian cyst and childbirth

If by the end of pregnancy the ovarian cyst has still not been removed and has not regressed, then the doctor raises the question of choosing a method of delivery. In most cases, during childbirth, the tumor bursts and leaves the body. In this case, after childbirth, the woman receives special therapy aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and normalizing hormonal levels. If the cyst has not burst, it is removed by surgery.

In the case of a particularly large cyst or its condition requiring surgical intervention, the doctor may send the woman for a caesarean section. In this case, the cyst is removed during surgery.


  • physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • properly selected contraception as a guarantee of the absence of abortions;
  • taking hormonal medications only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • timely and adequate treatment of any diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • proper nutrition with sufficient amounts of essential vitamins and microelements;
  • minimizing stress factors;
  • examination by a gynecologist and passing the necessary tests at least twice a year.

Reviews about cysts during pregnancy

I had a dermoid ovarian cyst, I knew about it before, but I didn’t have time to remove it before B. During B., the cyst grew 2 times (it was 3 cm in diameter, now it is 6). I removed it after a year and 4 months. after childbirth. The cyst did not seem to have any effect on the course of B. and childbirth.

I'll be happy*


They discovered a cyst on my left ovary. Then, during an ultrasound, and I had a lot of them during pregnancy, they said that it was a cyst of the corpus luteum and it would resolve over time, since pregnancy triggers metabolic processes, all sorts of bugs could appear and disappear. Then the ultrasound confirmed that the cyst resolved, and when they did the caesarean operation, the doctors made me happy and said, do you know that you have a cyst on your ovary?! And they cut it out for me at the same time! Just like that, the spirit of hares in one shot! And I gave birth to a child and the cyst was cut out.


in my case there were 2 cysts - a dermoid (2x3 cm) and a follicular one, the follicular one, as written above, resolved in the 2nd trimester, the dermoid is just being removed. My gynecologist suggested undergoing surgery during pregnancy, but thanks to the doctors at the Avtozavodskaya plant, they observed me and let me go. I gave birth myself, again thanks to the doctors at the 7th maternity hospital, they set me up to try on my own, they will always have time to do a caesarean procedure) On an ultrasound before the birth, the dermoid stretched - it became 1x7 cm and during pushing caused quite a bit of discomfort - they allowed me not to keep my left leg on the chair, the midwife stood on guard so that I don’t injure the doctor... In general, everything went well, now we are 1.4 years old, I’m waiting for the end of feeding so I can go for laparoscopy.


An ovarian cyst is not a death sentence either for the chance of conception or for an existing pregnancy. If, while expecting a child, a woman hears from the doctor “you have been diagnosed with a cyst,” this is just a reason to be more attentive to your health, monitor its condition and report any changes in well-being to the gynecologist. This pathology usually does not cause serious complications and is successfully treated.

An ovarian cyst is a pathological hollow neoplasm filled with colorless liquid inside.

There are several types of this pathology:

  • follicular;
  • paravorial;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • endometrioid tissue cyst;
  • dermoid.

The process of cyst formation

During the menstrual cycle, follicles are formed, after which one ruptures and an egg is released. This physiological process is called ovulation. If pregnancy does not occur, the formation of the corpus luteum occurs in the place where the egg was. For unknown reasons, the follicle may continue to grow and reach a large size. Thus, follicular cysts appear. They, like the corpus luteum cyst, are functional in nature and dissolve on their own after 3 months.

Abnormal types of cyst (endometrioid and dermoid) do not disappear and carry the causes of the development of pathological foci and processes. If the tumor reaches a large size, it begins to put pressure on the pelvic organs, causing pain and discomfort. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe additional treatment or send you for surgery.

It is also worth paying attention to cystic tumors, which have external signs of cysts and can be either benign or malignant. The formation of a cyst can occur at any stage of life; even during pregnancy, similar complications occur.

Ovarian cyst in the early stages and causes of formation

With the modern level of medicine it is possible to get pregnant even with cystic tumors. As a rule, many cysts are follicular, i.e. functional. Things are much more complicated if a corpus luteum cyst, paravorial or endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy occur at the same time. In such cases there is a risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Therefore, before becoming pregnant, you need to consult a gynecologist and identify the presence of pathology in order to eliminate it in a timely manner.

The reasons for the formation of ovarian cysts during pregnancy have not yet been studied. However, there are a number of factors that can lead to the formation of such a pathological disorder:

  • prolonged absence of sexual intercourse;
  • frequent surgical interventions and abortions;
  • frequent psycho-emotional breakdowns and long-term depression;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • asthenic or hypersthenic physique;
  • short period between pregnancies;
  • hereditary predisposition.

How does a cyst manifest itself during pregnancy?

Pathological neoplasm, especially in early pregnancy, in many cases may be asymptomatic. It can be detected by ultrasound diagnostics, which is necessary during pregnancy in the first trimester. If follicular cysts are present, a feeling of pressure will be felt, and pain may occur as the tumor grows. Many symptoms may worsen in the second period of the menstrual cycle, and a decrease in basal temperature may also be observed.

With endometrioid cysts, spotting and stool disorders appear. Depending on the size, the severity of symptoms will be observed. The neoplasm of the corpus luteum is functional and may not manifest itself for a long time. Acute symptoms develop in case of torsion of the pedicle of the corpus luteum cyst and are accompanied by acute abdominal pain. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.

In any case, we can identify a general clinical picture of the presence of any type of benign pathology in the body:

  • temperature increase;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • severe tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • spotting and bleeding;
  • aching pain of varying intensity.

Is it dangerous to have a cyst during pregnancy?

Like any other pathology, a cyst during pregnancy is dangerous. Having a benign development, it is capable of growing and reaching large sizes. This can cause the tumor to twist or rupture. If the neoplasm is functional, then it is monitored during pregnancy. If the cyst is prone to growth, it is removed in the second trimester of pregnancy through laparoscopy.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, before becoming pregnant, a woman is recommended to undergo an examination, and in the early stages of pregnancy, especially carefully monitor her health.

Treatment and prevention

Prevention of this pathology consists in timely identification and treatment of inflammatory foci. Once every six months you should visit a gynecologist as planned and do not wait for the appearance of pronounced symptoms and pain. You should also pay special attention to your health during pregnancy so as not to harm yourself and the health of your unborn baby. If a cyst does form, you should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, do not expose yourself to excessive physical activity and reduce sexual activity.

If a cystic neoplasm ruptures, you should immediately call a doctor, then you need to understand the seriousness of the situation and, if the doctor insists on surgery, it is best not to resist.

During pregnancy, you need to especially carefully monitor your health and pay attention to all symptoms indicating the formation of pathology. For example, pain in the lower abdomen is not a physiological norm and requires treatment. A cyst can complicate the normal course of pregnancy and cause complicated consequences.

The presence of any pathology can throw a pregnant woman into panic, but the most worrying thing is caused by diseases that affect the reproductive organs. Against the background of a full-scale hormonal restructuring of the body, which is associated with the upcoming birth of a new life, very often women are diagnosed with an ovarian cyst during pregnancy.

The neoplasm could develop in the gonad before the moment of conception, but whenever it appears, the expectant mother is always concerned about the question: is the cyst dangerous for her and her child? In this article you will find the answer to this question and a lot of useful information about methods of treating cysts during pregnancy.

About the cyst

An ovarian cyst is a pathological formation of benign origin, which can form from the corpus luteum, follicle, endometrial and other tissues. Similar tumors can occur on any of the gonads. The size of the formation can vary from a few millimeters to several tens of centimeters. To prevent harmful consequences, it is imperative to treat the cyst, no matter what type it is.

The most common cause of cyst formation is hormonal imbalance, which occurs due to stress, strict diets, overeating, climate change, and alcohol abuse. If the tumor arose due to these factors in the early stages of pregnancy, then in order for the tumor to resolve, in most cases it is enough to simply remove the cause of the hormonal imbalance. Gynecological manipulations (abortion, cesarean section, poorly performed gynecological examination, installation of an IUD), gynecological pathologies and diseases of other organs, as well as harmful living conditions can also provoke the development of a tumor.

As practice shows, a benign tumor of the left ovary during pregnancy is less dangerous for the health of the mother and embryo, since it less often leads to all kinds of complications. This is explained by the anatomical features of the paired organ. A cyst of the right ovary is more dangerous because in this area there is more intense blood circulation and a more branched vascular network.

What are the dangers during pregnancy?

If a woman is found to have an ovarian cyst and pregnancy at the same time, there is no need to worry too much, since the formation in most cases does not pose a threat to the mother and fetus, although there is still a potential danger of developing various kinds of complications. You need to be wary of cysts that have increased in size to 6 mm or more. Such formations have a high risk of rupture with subsequent spillage of contents into the abdominal cavity. Also, when a rupture occurs, blood loss may develop, which causes severe pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting; the woman may lose her blood and be in a state of hypovolemic or hemorrhagic shock. The rupture of a cyst can result in the death of a pregnant woman; also, a similar condition can affect the condition of the fetus, causing the following disorders:

  • severe oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • problems with embryo development;
  • fetal freezing;
  • intrauterine embryo death;
  • spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

If the tumor ruptures, an operation should be immediately performed to completely or partially excise the affected organ; this can lead to the loss of the child, but there is also a good outcome from such operations when both mother and child remain alive and healthy.

Another dangerous complication is torsion of the pedicle of the neoplasm. This is such a painful condition that the woman takes a forced position, bending over and pressing her knees to her stomach. When the pedicle of the cyst is twisted, the blood vessels that penetrate it are compressed, which leads to the cessation of blood supply and to the death of the neoplasm itself. Necrotic processes are fraught with the spread of toxins and decay products not only throughout the mother’s body, but also through the unborn baby.

Torsion and rupture of the cyst are the most dangerous and common complications, but the possibility of malignancy of the tumor should not be excluded. If the tumor is large, it physically affects nearby tissues and disrupts blood circulation in them, promoting the development of inflammation.

The effect of the cyst depending on the type

A cyst during pregnancy in most cases is not dangerous for mother and child, but the possibility of complications always remains. There are several types of cystic tumors. Let's look at how a cyst affects pregnancy depending on its type:

  • luteal or corpus luteum cyst. It appears more often than other varieties, often in early pregnancy. The corpus luteum is transformed into a cystic sac; such a neoplasm resolves on its own when the fully formed placenta takes over the function of producing progesterone. Such tumors are small in size, so they are safe for both the mother and the fetus;
  • endometrioid. Due to the tendency to grow rapidly, this type of tumor can cause serious complications. Sometimes the tumor can grow up to 30 cm in diameter, causing severe and persistent abdominal pain. Since there is a high probability of cyst rupture, it must be removed surgically at any stage of pregnancy immediately upon detection;
  • follicular. Most often, such a neoplasm occurs when the endocrine system malfunctions, as a result of which the ovaries intensively produce estrogen, and a single-phase anovulatory menstrual cycle begins. Sometimes such tumors can resolve on their own, even without taking medications, provided that hormonal levels are restored. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the development of tumors of this type, since their active growth can result in torsion of the cyst stalk or its rupture, which entails poisoning of the body and death of the pregnant woman in the absence of adequate treatment;
  • paraovarian. Such a cyst is dangerous due to rupture and torsion of the leg, suppuration and the development of an acute abdomen. It can develop in women of any age due to improper development of the accessory tubules. The tumor has the appearance of a cavity in the appendage, lined with epithelial tissue, which is filled with a mucinous substance with exudate. Since the cyst is supplied with blood by the vessels of the walls of the uterus and its tubes, it can cause their deformation. The only positive point is that this type of tumor does not become malignant;
  • dermoid. These are congenital cysts, they appear at the stage of intrauterine development and contain fragments of embryonic tissue under a dense membrane. Often such tumors are detected long before pregnancy during a preventive ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Dermoids cannot be treated conservatively and require mandatory removal.


Small neoplasms may not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stages of their development; they can only be seen during a routine ultrasound. Initially, expectant management is chosen; the pregnant woman will need to come for follow-up visits to the gynecologist more often.

When the tumor begins to increase in size, the following symptoms may occur:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”.

Pain may appear after physical activity, constipation and abdominal discomfort may occur. Such symptoms are provoked by a cyst that has grown in diameter and presses on the intestines.

Frequent urge to urinate is a normal occurrence for any pregnant woman, but when she also has an ovarian cyst, which has increased in size to more than 6-8 mm, “small” visits to the toilet become too frequent even for the period of pregnancy. If the tumor is very large, it can cause nausea in a woman, even vomiting; the same symptoms can occur if the cystic sac ruptures.

Torsion of the leg and rupture of the cystic sac may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe sharp pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • weakness, nausea, vomiting, fainting – symptoms of acute abdomen;
  • when a right ovarian cyst ruptures, the symptoms resemble an attack of appendicitis;
  • When a left ovarian cyst ruptures, the symptoms are similar to a stomach ulcer and its perforation.

Treatment during pregnancy

The presence of a cystic formation in the gonad can be determined during a gynecological examination and ultrasound, but it is possible to say specifically what to do with this tumor only after determining its type; until this moment, a woman with any type of cyst is registered and the development is monitored as a neoplasm , and the fruit.

The main tactic when detecting an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is waiting. Small follicular and luteal cysts usually resolve during the 1st trimester. If it is determined that the tumor has developed due to progesterone deficiency, the specialist may prescribe Duphaston. When the tumor continues to grow and does not respond to treatment, surgery is prescribed.

If a tumor appeared or was discovered in the second trimester, there is no need to be afraid, at this stage it does not pose a threat to either the mother or the fetus, and it does not interfere with natural delivery. After the birth of the baby, the woman is recommended to undergo additional treatment. If the tumor is large or is likely to rupture, surgery may be prescribed to remove it.

Removal of a cyst during pregnancy is allowed in the 2nd trimester (14-16 weeks). Typically, the laparoscopic method is used for this. The operation lasts 1-1.5 hours under intravenous anesthesia. This is a low-traumatic operation, during which 3 small punctures are made in the anterior abdominal wall, through which all the necessary instruments are inserted. In emergency cases, when the cystic sac has ruptured, the tumor is very large, or there is confirmation of the presence of malignant cells in it, a laparotomy is performed. This is an abdominal operation that carries great risks to the life of both mother and child.

If the complications listed above occur in a pregnant woman in the third trimester, when the fetus has reached a viable age, she is recommended to resort to early delivery through cesarean section, while at the same time the cystic neoplasm is removed during the operation.

Pregnancy after cyst removal

Pregnancy may well occur after laparoscopy of a cyst and even after laparotomy, but only if only the neoplasm was removed without excision of the ovary. Pregnancy is also possible with one ovary, but in this case problems may arise with conception, then you should resort to IVF.

On the second day after laparoscopy, the patient needs to get up and move independently to prevent the development of adhesions. Since the puncture wounds are very small, the pain will not cause much discomfort to the woman. To prevent the development of infectious complications, a woman is prescribed to drink antibiotics and, if necessary, painkillers for 3-5 days. In a hospital setting, the operated patient is observed for no more than 5 days.

For a week after the operation, a woman must adhere to a diet, eat food mainly in liquid form, be sure to perform hygiene procedures, take a shower, but exclude baths, saunas, steam baths and swimming pools. Puncture sites should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. To fully restore reproductive function, your doctor may prescribe hormonal medications. You can start planning conception no earlier than a few months after the operation and with the permission of the doctor.

Can a cyst give a positive test?

The development of functional type cysts can most often be provoked by hormonal imbalance, one of the symptoms of which can be an irregular menstrual cycle. It is quite natural that a woman who does not suspect the presence of a cyst on her gonads may perceive a delay in menstruation as a sign of pregnancy. The first thing the fair sex does in this case is, of course, buy a pregnancy test. If conception does not occur, but the test is positive, this may well mean that the woman has a corpus luteum cyst. It is quite possible to confuse a cyst with pregnancy in the early stages, since the neoplasm does not make itself felt in any other way; a visit to a gynecologist can clarify this.

A non-pregnancy test in the absence of conception can show a false positive result not only in the presence of hormone-dependent types of cysts, but also in other circumstances:

  • if the test was carried out in violation of the operating instructions;
  • if the test has expired or was stored and transported in violation of the standards;
  • when using contraceptives;
  • with irregular periods;
  • during fetal development outside the uterus;
  • in the presence of various ailments affecting the functioning of the ovaries.

If a pregnancy test shows a positive result, only a doctor can determine whether this is a symptom of impending conception or whether it is some kind of pathology.