Using wedding candles in magical practice. Divorce after wedding

After people get divorced, there are many things left in the house that are associated with this marriage and remind of it. And, if the wedding dress can be sold or given away, then it is difficult to determine where to put the wedding candles, icons, and wedding rings.

The meaning of wedding attributes

A young couple getting married in a church must bring with them to the ritual icons of the Mother of God and the Savior, wedding rings, a white towel that will be placed under the newlyweds’ feet, and candles. All these attributes carry a divine meaning, symbolize God's light, God's blessing. Before the wedding, they must be blessed in the church. Naturally, after the wedding, all these things are stored as valuable family heirlooms and are subsequently passed on to the children. But what to do if the family suffers divorce and debunking? According to many women, wedding icons and candles evoke memories of an unsuccessful marriage, do not allow them to forget about it, which makes their soul sad and painful.

What to do with wedding attributes

According to the clergy, if wedding icons or candles do not bother you or cause unpleasant memories of a broken marriage and ex-husband, then you can leave them at home. Church illuminated and blessed symbols will not bring harm, but, on the contrary, will support and save in difficult moments. But, if there is no desire to store them, then you can do the following.

What to do with an engagement ring

A wedding ring is a symbolic object, signifying the inseparability and unity of the couple. But, if a break does occur, there is no need to store it at home. Also, remember that:

  • While still married, do not let anyone try on your ring, this will bring discord to the family;
  • after a divorce, the ring cannot be thrown away and sold;
  • melt it into another decoration;
  • donate to the temple;
  • give it to your daughter, but not as an engagement ring, for this it needs to be melted down and the design changed.

Where to put your wedding dress

With a wedding dress the situation is much simpler:

  • it can be sold;
  • rent out to a wedding salon and receive at least a small income;
  • give;
  • give to the church, where the dress will be given to those in need;
  • make a ball gown from it for your daughter;
  • leave it for your daughter - it’s so exciting if your daughter gets married in the same outfit;
  • Moreover, in this dress you can even get married a second time, although it is unlikely that any woman would dare to do this.

What to do with a wedding veil

The veil also has great meaning for the bride. It is worth remembering that there are many folk signs associated with this attribute. So, what to do with a wedding veil? After all, it cannot be thrown away or burned. But you shouldn’t keep this thing at home either, since there is a belief that a woman will not be able to get married again.

  • give a veil to someone;
  • sew it into a doll or any other toy and donate it to an orphanage.

What to do with a wedding icon and candles

In general, in this case, it is wiser to turn to a spiritual mentor, he will tell you how to do the right thing. As practice shows, many women leave these attributes at home, because over time, both pain and resentment pass, and the person meets new love. You can give them to the temple, and light candles in the church for the health of one of your loved ones. Naturally, icons and candles should never be thrown away, no matter how disappointed you are in your marriage.

You also need to take the white towel left after the wedding ceremony to the temple.

If you decide to leave the icons at home, then you do not need to hide them in a closet or chest. Let her stand in the same place where she stood.

And, as the priests say, any superstitions are not associated with Orthodox traditions. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid that your personal life won’t work out in the future, that you won’t meet a good person and will remain celibate. You need to tune in to the good, and everything will definitely work out. Moreover, you can pray about this from these very wedding icons.

Another option is to create a place in your home for holy things. It could be a chest, box, casket. This is where all church things should be stored. In the future, you may be baptizing children; all the attributes after baptism can be put in this chest. You can also put wedding accessories and things brought from holy places there.

And, most importantly, you don’t need to attach great importance to things. These are just things, attributes, objects. They are necessary for ritual, but not for life.

church and wedding candles

The wedding process is one of the important and serious steps that a person takes only once in his life. Debunking of people who went through the wedding process can only happen if there are very compelling circumstances for this, for example, treason. However, for this, permission from the diocese must be obtained. Thus, people who want to get married should fully consider this action.

It is worth noting that the wedding process is quite a beautiful church ceremony. It means that two people who become spouses make an eternal oath before God that they will be faithful to each other.

One of the attributes of this process are wedding candles. So, having arrived at the temple, people stand in front of the altar. The priest gives the newlyweds a blessing and presents candles that represent the sacredness of the concluded union. Throughout the entire wedding procedure, wedding candles are lit. It is worth noting that weddings can be held both in the temple itself and separately.

After the wedding procedure has been completed, many couples have a question - what to do with wedding candles? Many people prefer to keep them as a memory of this process. Among believers, there is also a belief that during difficult childbirth, wedding candles can help in the birth of a child.

Which were used in the wedding process, are a kind of amulet. According to beliefs, all the well-being and happiness of the newly created family is stored in them. That is why wedding candles should be preserved forever. They can be lit in case of difficult life circumstances, as well as during happy moments and family successes. Also, they can be lit on the day of the wedding anniversary. Wedding candles should be kept near the icons of saints. The best thing to do would be to hide them in order to avoid dust getting on them, since it is quite difficult to remove it from the wax. Many people who have been married prefer to store candles in fabric. Also, they can be hidden under the glass of the icon of the saint.

Beliefs associated with wedding candles.

If the candles burn evenly during the wedding procedure, this indicates a happy life for the newlyweds, as well as the well-being of the family. If the candles smoke or crackle, then throughout the life of the newlyweds the newlyweds will not be haunted by peace. If the candle goes out during the wedding procedure, this indicates great difficulties that await the family. Also, the husband or wife in this case may suddenly die.

Wedding candles carry the power of prayer, which is read by the priest during the wedding process. Then, when the family has troubles in life, it would be appropriate to light one of the candles. Each wedding candle carries a symbol of a happy marriage and unity.

Today, and Orthodox products, “The Unquenchable Lamp” offers its customers a large selection of wedding candles that are fully suitable for the wedding process. Each person has the opportunity to purchase wedding candles, either individually or as a set. If a person has any questions about this product, then sales consultants who are competent in the issue of Orthodoxy can fully answer all the client’s questions. When buying wedding candles in this online store, you can be sure that you will be satisfied with the purchased product and during the wedding process, they will not let you down.

This article is dedicated to both those who have already gotten married and those who are just about to begin this sacrament. Here you will find detailed answers to many questions, which are compiled according to the opinions and answers of Orthodox pastors.

Wedding candles are our main theme. Before you start reading, it should be explained that each sub-heading is a frequently asked question for married couples. The following is the answer to it.

Why get married?

There are several sacraments in Orthodoxy, one of them is wedding. It is necessary for the spouses to sanctify their marriage, to make a promise before God to always be together in fidelity, love, and harmony. At the same time, the husband and wife, together with the clergy, pray for the sanctification of the marriage. Be sure to take wedding rings to the wedding, which the priest blesses and places on the ring fingers of the newlyweds - this is a symbol of eternity. But in the spiritual sense we are talking about Eternity (with a capital E), as about life after death. It is not without reason that they say that married spouses meet in heaven after death and never separate again.

What is needed and the question price?

If the couple is not rich, they will definitely ask the question: “How much does a wedding cost?” In fact, it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

Let's list what is necessary for a wedding:

  • personal presence of both spouses;
  • spouses (a suit on the groom, a modest long (preferably white) dress on the bride and a scarf/stole/veil);
  • wedding rings, if there are none, then wedding rings;
  • two wedding candles;
  • towel (towel);
  • two and the Mother of God.

If you have the right clothes and shoes for the ceremony, then you don't need to spend on outfits.

Wedding rings from the registry office are allowed. You don't have to buy a new pair. If there are none, then it is advisable to buy a gold ring for the husband, and a silver one for the wife. These were the traditions in past centuries, and they continue to this day.

You can choose the simplest and cheapest wedding candles, or the most expensive, festively decorated ones.

You can sew a towel yourself or ask your family and friends to do it. In church shops they are sold at different prices, depending on the material and complexity of the pattern.

You can bring icons from home so as not to buy new ones.

Which candles are better to choose?

Priests and married couples advise purchasing high-quality wedding candles only in church shops/shops. It is not advisable to buy second hand, as you risk getting a fake.

During the wedding, candles should burn and not go out. In addition, the sacrament can last from 45 minutes to 1 hour. Buy thick, large candles. It is even possible with handles and saucers provided so that dripping wax does not burn your hands.

The price of the sacrament

Let's talk about how much a wedding costs. In fact, it's different everywhere. In Moscow, as a rule, the cost is approximately 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Last price - Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

In provincial cities the cost is ten times lower. Many priests perform weddings for a donation (as much as you give) or for free (if the family is in dire straits). As a rule, a married couple simply donates a towel, wedding candles or clothes to the temple for those in need.

Where should I put the candles?

You brought home wedding candles. What to do with them now? You have two options:

  • you can place it on candlesticks next to wedding and other icons;
  • put it in a special box with shrines (oil brought from pilgrimage trips, land, baptismal shirts and crosses, holy water, prosphora and incense, and so on).

Keep candles in a secluded place so that they are not broken by children or chewed by pets. If suddenly the candles break, do not be alarmed, superstitions have no place in Christianity. Just handle them carefully.

Can I light candles?

Many who have just consecrated their marriage forget to ask the priest: “When can you light wedding candles?” But it's never too late to get an answer to this question. This is what the pastors advise - light wedding candles for a reason, but with warm and fervent prayer, especially in moments such as:

  • grief;
  • joy;
  • wedding and wedding anniversaries;
  • birth of children;
  • quarrels;
  • desire to pray for each other.

You can pray for other reasons.

In conclusion, let's say that a wedding candle is a symbol of faith, love and hope. It is enough to light them to bring peace and tranquility to your soul. And prayer will come from the depths of the soul itself. To ensure that your wedding candles last for many, many years, spare no expense, buy large ones and made from high-quality material.

Hieromonk Seraphim (Kalugin), Astrakhan, answers readers' questions.

I have a question for you. How you can influence your husband with the help of wedding candles or prayers (and what prayers). My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we are married, our families are very religious people. I was his faithful wife, a year ago he cheated on me, I forgave him, but the problem is that he filed for divorce (threatening me) because he wants to leave me for that girl. But I love him very much and I want to live only with him, I see from him that he also hesitates, we have been struggling for a year now. I suspect that she somehow bewitched him, he loved me very much, and now he leaves and cries. This means that there is still something left for me... How can I help our falling apart family, if I really want to save it, no matter what... Please tell me.

Hello, Victoria. Indeed, in these damned days it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep a family together. The corruption and decline of morals reach such a point that I cannot stop crimes against the closest, dearest and dearest people.
It is impossible to influence your husband with the help of wedding candles, because actions with objects consecrated during the sacrament of the Wedding (candles, footstool, other objects) is a witchcraft practice, blasphemous and not acceptable for an Orthodox Christian.
Wedding candles are a family shrine. Pious custom involves careful storage of wedding candles as memories of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sometimes they are placed in the icon case, which they received as a blessing from their parents for marriage. Wedding candles can be lit briefly during times of separation or marital discord. You just need to remember that their kindling has power only under the condition of fervent prayer to God for your lost loved ones.
We must also remember that a person errs not always because of his malice or hardness of heart, but because of the loss of moral guidelines, which are based on the Gospel commandments. Then he can become an easy prey for evil people, a mockery for the devil.

The Divine Commandment says that only selfless love leads to happiness: “live in love, as Christ loved us... fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness should not even be mentioned among you... Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her "(Eph. 5.2, 3, 25). We just need to believe that there is a solid wall that protects us from everyday troubles and the eternal destruction of the soul, that the yoke of Christ’s commandments is good and easy.
One rather smart person recently told me: “I have a wife, a child, I love them very much, I take care of them, but I am lost. This is a pain that cannot be compared with physical pain. If I were a believer, how easy it would be for me to resolve this situation.”
It is customary to pray to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv to protect the family from all misfortunes. They are known among Orthodox Christians as the patrons of marriage, marriage, and a happy family; they are prayed to “if a husband innocently hates his wife.”
And you, pious wives and children, save your souls with patience, because only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

Elena Novikova always considered herself a sane person. She never supported conversations about aliens and brownies, and did not believe in Christmas fortune-telling and other magic. Therefore, I did not pay attention to the words of my friend, who was sincerely indignant that she was sewing her wedding dress herself. No amount of persuasion or intimidation convinced Elena to get rid of the outfit.

And on the most solemn day in her life, minor troubles fell on the girl as if from a cornucopia. She used a stiletto heel to make an impressive hole in her skirt, dropped her veil before entering the registration hall, and then could not put the wedding ring on Yura’s finger. Looking back at the guests, she saw the frightened eyes of her friend, who, as if wound up, was whispering: “Oh, all this is not good.”

Contrary to predictions and signs, the newlyweds lived in perfect harmony. The further the wedding day went into the past, the more often Elena recalled with laughter how awkward she had been then. Her main occupation was caring for the Novikov boys, father and son.

Five years ago, the Novikovs decided to get married. “I never blindly follow fashion, especially in such matters,” says Elena. “But over the thirteen years that Yura and I had lived together by that time, we became very close. And his mother, when she came to visit us, kept saying that we needed to unite our souls in church marriage, so that later, after death, we would not be lost. And I thought, why not."

Before the wedding, Yuri bought two candles and wrapped them in handkerchiefs to make it easier to hold. Seeing this, one of the church servants rushed to him and whispered: “You should have wax in your hands, and if it drips, it’s okay, you have to be patient. These candles are like mirrors of your lives; they should be saturated with your warmth, and not suffocate in a rag.” Not quite understanding what the old woman was talking about, Yura nevertheless put the handkerchiefs into his pocket.

But the elderly woman did not let up. Grabbing Elena by the sleeve, she whispered to her that wedding candles cannot be extinguished, they must burn out on their own - by the remains of the candles they judge which of the spouses will outlive whom. In conclusion, the old lady added: “Take care of the candles all your life! And God forbid someone breaks down - not a single doctor can cure him.”

The Novikovs perceived what they heard before the wedding as the meaningless speech of a grandmother who had lost her mind and did not attach much importance to it. Two wedding candles, which, by the way, burned out in exactly the same way, stood for some time in a crystal glass in the sideboard, and then Elena wrapped them in a scarf and put them in the closet.

Life flowed as usual, and it seemed that nothing would disturb its well-established course. But then Elena began to notice that something was happening to her husband. Always energetic, not knowing what pills and sick leave were, Yuri increasingly began to return from work feeling unwell.

One night Elena woke up from her husband's groan. He was writhing in unbearable pain. At the hospital, doctors were unable to make an accurate diagnosis and the man was sent home. But the pain constantly returned, the doctors just shrugged their shoulders, tests showed that Yuri’s body was generally healthy, writes Chronometer.

After a month of suffering, Yuri lost twelve kilograms. Elena studied medical reference books, but to no avail. One night Novikov became very ill. “He was vomiting blood, the scale of the thermometer was not enough to measure his temperature,” Elena recalls. - In just a few hours he became like a shadow. I was tossing around, not knowing what to do, and I felt that my Yurochka was dying.”

Elena was allowed into the intensive care unit, where relatives have no access. Maybe because they were sure: the woman had been seeing her husband alive for the last hours. She sat next to him, held her lover’s hand and for some reason remembered their wedding. How many troubles were predicted for her then, but for many years everything was fine. And then Elena remembered her grandmother with speeches about wedding candles.

Novikova rushed home, without undressing, she rushed into the room where the closet stood. The candles were found in the far corner of the shelf, stuck in a crack near the wall. When Elena unwrapped the scarf, only one whole candle rolled out onto her palm. The second broke almost in half and was barely held on by a thin thread of wick. According to the mark that Elena made on it with nail polish after the wedding, it was Yura's candle.

The woman still doesn’t understand how she realized what to do. Grabbing the lighter, she very carefully, trying not to melt the wax, heated the halves of the candle and pressed them together. When the woman, exhausted by her experiences, returned to the hospital, she was met at the door of the intensive care unit by the doctor on duty, who, with undisguised surprise, told her that Yuri felt better, his temperature subsided, and, most importantly, he came to his senses.

Now Elena stores her wedding candles in a faience box in a small section that is locked with a key. By protecting them, the woman is sure that she will live happily ever after with her beloved husband.

Marina Chechushkina