April shopping horoscope for Cancer. Family and relationship horoscope

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

In April 2019, the stars promise a fruitful and successful period for Cancer. Cancers will finally be able to realize their old dream and reach the desired heights. Those questions and problems that could not be solved before will suddenly be resolved. The answer will come at the moment when you least expected it. All doubts will be dispelled, and you will gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. The month will be special for your representatives zodiac sign, since many Cancers will have the wish they made in New Year's Eve. Everyone around you, without realizing it, will help you achieve your goals and persistently move forward. At this time, you will want to expand your horizons, gain more knowledge and experience. Don't leave this desire unattended and make it come true. Now it will be especially easy for you to perceive and assimilate new information, which can then be used for career and personal growth.

Horoscope for the 1st ten days of April for Cancer

In the first ten days of April 2019, Cancers will quite possibly discover new talents and abilities that they had not previously suspected. Try your hand at this area. There is a possibility that you will find yourself in this area and start your own business. But you shouldn’t expect success to fall on you overnight. Be patient and wait, everything has its time. The emotional background will be quite unstable. Cancers will be subject to sudden mood swings. Emotions will control you throughout this period. This is understandable, because spring is the time of love. The main thing is to maintain prudence and sanity. Enjoy life, spring and with your own feelings. In the professional sphere of life, Cancers can relax. Everything at work will be stable and smooth.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of April for Cancer

In the second ten days of April 2019, the location of Jupiter will give Cancers the opportunity to establish themselves with the best side and demonstrate their knowledge in a specific area, for which they will be generously rewarded. All matters will be easily resolved and very successful. The management team will be pleased with the diligence of representatives of your zodiac sign. Luck will finally smile on the unemployed and they will get a job, wage which will be quite satisfactory. The stars promise careerists an increase in salary and new proposals regarding filling a leadership position. But before you agree, weigh everything carefully and think it over to avoid unforeseen situations. The financial situation will be stable. You don't have to worry about tomorrow. It is better to resolve all issues related to investments and investments in large-scale projects in the second half of April. At this time, there is a much greater chance of hitting a big jackpot. In the middle of the month, your savings will be enough for a long-awaited purchase. You will be able to treat yourself to some new clothes or have a day of fun.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of April for Cancer

In the third ten days of April 2019, the personal life of representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign will be filled with unprecedented passion and romantic feelings. All conflicts with loved ones will be resolved peacefully and amicably, and relationships will become even stronger and stronger. In family Cancers it will flare up with new strength flame of love, they will remember the youth of their relationship. The final period of April will be their second honeymoon. Despite their busy work schedule, they will try to devote every free minute to their significant other, please them with some little thing, or give them a symbolic gift. The stars advise Cancers to create new family traditions that will unite the spouses even more and reveal to them a certain mystery of a happy married life. The influence of aspects of Venus will have a beneficial effect on the development of events in personal life lonely Cancers. They will be the center of attention from members of the opposite sex, and will also make several new acquaintances that will make life more interesting and brighter.

This month will bring you a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions, but some will have to overcome the shadow of doubt. Happiness will constantly elude you, forcing you to take the initiative when you want your partner to do it more than ever. However, you will have to take the initiative, and you will never regret it.

At the beginning of the month, you will have no time for making acquaintances: they will want tenderness, warmth, and they will not want to take the initiative into their own hands. Many will want to put things in order not only in old memories, but also in new relationships, so they will more often stay at home or disappear at work. Fate will give them a chance to correct the situation and return to their old relationships, but only those who have overcome their laziness can take advantage of it.

For those who are in love, the stars promise many pleasant moments, affection and warmth. Finally, everything will go like clockwork, but envious people or relatives may interfere in the relationship. Try to be active and fight back against those who interfere with your personal happiness, otherwise you will not be able to improve your relationship. Don't expect your partner to do it for you, this time it's worth taking the initiative.

IN family relationships you may encounter misunderstandings from your partner. The initiative is unlikely to be approved by him, as well as your desires and aspirations. Therefore, you should not consult with a loved one about what has already been decided and what is important to you. Be active and happiness will not take long to arrive. And you can explain the fulfillment of your desires and decisions to your partner.

Cancer Woman: Love Horoscope for April 2019

Your dreams will soon become a reality, provided that you do not sit at home and dream at night. The stars will require activity and initiative from you, but the result will be worth it. April – no best month for submission to fate and parting, even if the relationship has exhausted itself, you will not be able to end it without consequences. An offended partner may behave completely differently than you expected, so it’s better not to awaken the beast in him just yet. In the future, you will be able to find the right words to explain your action to him.

The main thing you should avoid this month is hasty decisions and love triangles. They will be fraught with the most dangerous and unpredictable consequences, therefore, it is better to dismiss dating married men or those who are in a couple from the very beginning. Better take care of yourself and look at those who are free; acquaintance with such a person will eventually develop into a passionate and tender romance.

Family representatives of this sign will have to face more than once unpleasant surprises, but now you will see the true face of your partner as he is. You should not argue with him and prove to him that you are right and superior, otherwise you risk getting into an unpleasant situation. It may seem to some that the man is cheating, but do not rush to conclusions and take a closer look at your partner; most likely, your suspicions of infidelity will be in vain.

Cancer Man: Love Horoscope for April 2019

At the beginning of the month, everything will turn out completely differently than you originally planned. The wind of spring changes will give you not only a sweet feeling of freedom, but also a cooling relationship with the woman you love. Some will see not only the strong, but also weak sides your soulmate, which they are unlikely to be happy with, but happiness will not take long to arrive, you will be able to justify the woman and this will only benefit both of you.

Lovers will have to take the initiative into their own hands and intervene in an unpleasant situation. This will be very difficult for some to do, but a happy reward for this will not be far off, you will be able to find answers to many exciting questions. Avoid hasty conclusions and suspicion, it can fuel negative emotions and make you give up your loved one. You should not do this if you feel that the feelings have not yet faded away, otherwise you will regret your decision.

Representatives of the sign who have not yet found their soul mate will not want to change anything in their life. At the beginning of the month, they will be completely immersed in work, and then everyday worries and affairs will force them to spend more time at home, away from society. This won't help you meet new people, but it will help you better understand your goals. Don't rush the natural course of events, and luck will not keep you waiting long.

According to the predictions of the stars, April 2017 will help Cancers to consolidate existing ones and start new relationships with the opposite sex. The efforts previously directed by representatives of this zodiac sign to organize their personal lives will begin to bring positive results. Love horoscope claims that the second month of spring will be for Cancers good time for long-awaited events, weddings, family planning.

Lonely Cancers are set up for new meetings with the opposite sex this April. During this period, representatives of this sign are very sociable, cheerful and positive, which will increase attention to them from new acquaintances. Such a cheerful mood can reveal hidden feelings and emotions from long-known people, as well as to attract the attention of the person to whom Rakov is in Lately very pulling. For people born under the sign of Cancer, April may well be the time for the emergence of new feelings.

Representatives of this zodiac sign who are in a permanent relationship will be determined to strengthen their couples. In April, their efforts will not be in vain: the passion for life and energy of Cancers will be able to stir up even the most inattentive partner. The love horoscope for April recommends that family Cancers start by finding out the hidden grievances of their other half, listen and understand, and ask for forgiveness for their bad deeds in the past. All the feelings and emotions invested by Cancers into marital relationships in April of this year will become the foundation for strengthening the family in the future.

Love horoscope for Cancer women for April 2017

Free Cancer girls in April have the opportunity to shine with their good mood and interest in communication, which will not go unnoticed by men. New acquaintances will arise anywhere, which will further enhance the attractiveness of representatives of the Cancer constellation. In this spring month, girls born under this zodiac sign have every chance of meeting a person who can become their soulmate. For a favorable development of events, Cancers should listen to their feelings.

Married Cancer women have a good opportunity to strengthen their family and relationships with their significant other. To maintain a warm atmosphere in the house, Cancer representatives should smooth out rough edges in communication between household members, help them reach a compromise in disputes, find good and pleasant words for each family member. The accurate love horoscope for April for Cancer recommends taking action this month to enhance passion and love in your personal relationship with your spouse. To do this, you can invite your loved one to dinner for two, flirt, and slightly turn his head.

Love horoscope for Cancer men for April 2017

Single Cancer men in April are serious about changing their personal lives and they have every chance to do so. Representatives of this sign in the second month of spring, if desired, can become very attractive to the fairer sex. This period promises Cancer men many chances for new acquaintances, meetings and dates. Nascent love feelings in April have the opportunity in the future to become the basis for creating a strong couple and a reason for a wedding. In April, Cancers do not value their freedom at all: on the contrary, they are ready to exchange it for personal happiness with their loved one.

Cancer men in family relationships in April have every chance to show strength of character and take on many matters themselves. In some families, there is a possibility of developing small conflicts on domestic grounds. To resolve them, men born under the sign of Cancer need to show all their tact and help the parties achieve peace in the family. The love horoscope for Cancer in April 2017 recommends trying to spend more time with your family, as well as improving relationships with older relatives: they may need help and care.

For Cancers, April 2019 will be an ambiguous period. They'll think about life values and analyze the achievements of the past. The thought that they have failed to do anything meaningful and memorable for the world will cause anxiety and internal discomfort. During such a period, representatives of this sign will want to retire and change their environment. A series of quarrels and disagreements with family members will cause additional trouble.

The horoscope advises not to succumb to depression and melancholy, but to take the initiative into your own hands. Only optimism and diligence will help you achieve your desired goals.

Cancer Woman. For women of this sign, the stars foretell unforeseen worries and a busy daily schedule. Difficulties await them in love and professional spheres. Doing your favorite job and hobbies will allow you to get pleasure. Vacation planning will bring relief. It is better to share the trip with a group of friends. This will dispel bad thoughts and energizes you.

Cancer man. Men of this zodiac sign will be visited fresh ideas projects. However, you will have to be patient - you will not be able to implement your plan right away. You should be careful when dealing with financial issues. Be critical of the advice of others, even if you receive it from respected people. Due to a busy schedule, symptoms of illness may appear. You may not immediately be able to understand your feelings. Sleep and rest will help get rid of weakness and fatigue.

Love horoscope

There will be a bright period in the love sphere of Cancers.

Single representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to start new relationships thanks to their activity and initiative in meeting the opposite sex. When looking closely at potential partners, the horoscope advises paying attention not to appearance, but to moral qualities.

For those in a relationship, April will be an unfavorable period for marriage. Try living together first.

Family Cancers will have a new one Honeymoon. Romantic surprises and gifts will not be uncommon for a married couple.

Business horoscope

April 2019 will be a successful period for Cancers in the professional sphere. Do not be afraid of small difficulties and problems, of which there will be many this month. Determination and concentration will help you overcome them.

Employees will have the opportunity to show their professional quality, for which they will receive respect and praise from their superiors. They will be in danger from ill-wishers and provocateurs in the team. Beware of conflicts and be calm about gossip and incitement addressed to you.

Entrepreneurs and managers will have good luck in partnerships. They will be able to find reliable allies in past competitors. Thanks to increased attention and organizational skills, they will skillfully cover all processes and control their implementation.

Financial horoscope

In April, the financial situation of Cancer will be ambiguous. The stars recommend that they refrain from buying unnecessary things and taking out loans. Participation in large projects that will open up new opportunities for them will help improve their financial situation. Before making financial transactions, you need to carefully weigh the risks.

Health horoscope

In April, Cancers will need to think about staying in shape. They are endowed with good physical data, but over the winter period they started playing sports and gained overweight. You should start with morning exercises, which will serve as a boost of energy before the working day.

Spring is a time of change. People who want to give up bad habits will find the strength within themselves to make their plans come true.

Representatives of this zodiac sign should be wary of depressive states and melancholy, which will cause exacerbation chronic diseases. Don't keep it to yourself negative emotions. Talk to others about your experiences more often.

Don't be afraid to ask others for help

IN difficult situations don't hesitate to ask other people for help. This does not mean that you need to shift your affairs and problems onto the shoulders of others. wise advice will help you find correct solution difficult task.

Don't share secrets with strangers

Don't be too trusting. Don't tell your secrets to strangers. This will prevent gossip that will be unpleasant to you and ruin your reputation.

The first half of April 2018 will be quite calm for Cancers. So that they can even relax a little, without losing their vigilance, so that they do not have to catch up. But in the second half of the month you can expect a couple of rather serious strength tests.

Main tasks of the month of the Cancer sign

In April 2018, the Sun will be in Cancer in the 10th house - region personal success and careers. You can safely enjoy the results of your labor. At the same time, you will have many new responsibilities, but they will also give you pleasure - after all, this is exactly what you have already strived for for a long time. As the horoscope says, Cancers will show remarkable organizational skills and persistently move towards their further goals. Perseverance and determination will need to be shown in the personal sphere. It is possible that in April you will finally be ready to propose marriage to your loved one. The Cancer horoscope for April 2018 advises you not to deviate from your decision - this union really promises to be happy. If you have any doubts about how your partner feels, why not ask him about it directly. Even if the answer disappoints you, it is still better than suffering from the unknown.

Horoscope for April 2018 Cancer: studies, business and contacts

Throughout the first half of April 2108, Mercury, located in your 10th house, is retrograde. During this period, the horoscope does not recommend making any grandiose plans for the future; wait until April 15, 2018, when Mercury begins direct movement again. Then you can get down to business again - making contacts, conducting polemics, concluding deals and signing contracts. In the meantime, it’s better to do some current affairs, especially since they also require your attention. By the way, according to the horoscope, towards the end of the month, those representatives of the sign who would like to change jobs may well do so. And the first two weeks can be spent looking at your options and going through interviews. But don't make your final decision until April 15th, or you could make a big mistake.

Love and money of the Cancer sign in April 2018

In financial terms, this will be a pretty good month for you, when you will be able to afford a little more than usual. Moreover, according to the horoscope prediction, at the end of April 2018 you can receive a significant amount from a rather unexpected source.

As for your personal life, the presence of Venus in your 11th house - the area of ​​like-minded people and allies will bring amazing harmony to your relationship with your loved one, when you become not just lovers, but also best friends having the same aspirations and interests. According to the Cancer horoscope, April 2018, the time when single representatives of the sign in April 2018 have a real chance to meet a truly your soul mate. This person may immediately offer you marriage - don’t be surprised, just take a closer look at this proposal. It can be very profitable in material terms. Well and family Cancers may experience another honeymoon in April 2018 - why don’t you and your significant other take at least a short-term romantic trip?

Horoscope for April 2018 Cancer: activity and health

Mars is firmly established in your 7th house. This means that, despite your likely busyness at work, your main activity in April 2018 should be aimed at relationships with your significant other and friends. Moreover, it is possible that they will provide you with invaluable assistance in what concerns your professional field. As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, Cancer this month will not experience difficult health problems, it will be at its best. But only if you limit your bad habits and, if possible, you will devote at least a little time physical exercise. In mid-April 2018, an exacerbation is possible cardiovascular diseases, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract.