Shmara Bagdasaryan how is she doing? Crimes and punishments of Mara Bagdasaryan

The number of wealthy people is only increasing every year. And if some of them prefer to earn money quietly and without unnecessary attention, others do it on a special scale, throwing away cash and showing off a string of expensive foreign cars. Elmar Baghdasaryan belongs to the first category rather than to the second. Coming from a simple Soviet family, and also a refugee, he knows the value of fame and money. However, he managed to become famous not because of millions and success in business, but due to the boundless behavior of his daughter Mara. But more about everything.

Briefly about the family and parents of the sausage magnate

Elmar Baghdasaryan was born in the usual way. His mother at that time was a teacher of Russian language and literature, and his father taught physics for lovers of the exact sciences. Both parents initially worked in one of the secondary schools in Baku. Later, when the war began, the family was forced to move to Rostov-on-Don.

Here they were also lucky enough to get a job at a school. The mother and father of the future sausage magnate, although they received little money, were happy. The businessman’s father really enjoyed teaching at a Russian school. The students of school No. 60 themselves also reciprocated and praised him. They shared with him such personal secrets that they did not even dare to tell their loved ones. This is exactly what Elmar Baghdasaryan himself says. His biography, as it later turns out, will not be in any way connected with the humanities, much less with the exact sciences.

Elmar's father has long since rested in peace. You can often hear only good things about him, even many years after his death.

Learning and choosing your own path

When the family lived in Baku, Elmar Baghdasaryan studied at secondary school No. 145. This is where his parents once worked. During his studies, the boy tried not to stand out and practically did not enjoy the reputation of his family. All his problems, how could it be without them, were solved quickly and with minimal damage.

Later, Elmar Elmirovich Bagdasaryan graduated from school and successfully passed the entrance exams, entering the prestigious Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Gas. However, due to hostilities in the 90s, he still did not manage to finish his studies. I had to move with my family first to Rostov-on-Don, and then to Moscow. Leaving his parents alone, our hero took his career seriously.

Despite the fact that Elmar was an Azerbaijani refugee, he still managed to get on the right track. They say that he met some of the right people during his studies. You can hear that Elmar had connections in the management of Lukoil; many attribute to him an acquaintance with Vagit Aleksperov. or not, it is difficult to say, since Elmar Baghdasaryan himself denies any such connections.

Wealthy to undertake today

After some time, the entrepreneur managed not only to get promoted, but also to provide his entire family with a stable income. Unlike his parents, whom we talked about above, the future sausage king Elmar Baghdasaryan plunged headlong into production and trade. At the same time, he chose sausage as the main product for production and sale. Moreover, in this case we are talking about an expensive product made from high-quality meat according to European recipes. That is, this is a premium sausage that not everyone can afford.

Opening your own business

In 2011, a new meat processing company was opened. Bagdasaryan Elmar not only headed it, he worked in an intensive mode. This is how a limited liability company called “Nuchar” appeared. This organization specialized not only in the production of sausages, but also traded finished products wholesale and retail.

If you believe official data obtained from open sources, then exactly a year after the official opening, the amount of income received by the enterprise amounted to 248 million and 830 thousand rubles. At the same time, the amount of net profit corresponded to 7 million 288 thousand rubles. These figures were also confirmed by our hero Elmar Baghdasaryan. The meat processing company made a profit, part of which he invested in other assets.

Crisis and hit to profits

Despite his reputation as a wealthy businessman, he not only had productive years, but also times when his enterprise suffered losses. And the whole point is that the meat products supplied to the entrepreneur’s plant came from Spain. Due to sanctions and the crisis, a small disruption occurred, which partially hit the businessman’s pocket.

However, she and Elmar Baghdasaryan were practically not injured, although some damage was caused. The entrepreneur himself today prefers to make profitable investments in various fields of activity, including the food industry.

Family values ​​and raising a daughter

Despite his enviable career, the businessman has already managed to arrange his personal life. His chosen one supported him in every possible way, gave valuable advice and encouraged him in difficult times. A little later, the couple had a daughter, Mara. The parents, of course, at that time did not know how much their girl’s extreme hobbies would cost them.

So, when her daughter turned 12 years old, her mother was forced to leave her. It so happened that her brother became seriously ill. To support him, the businessman’s wife was forced to temporarily move in with her brother. As a result, she gave most of her time, which she a priori should have devoted to her beloved daughter, to her brother.

It just so happened that the father himself took up the upbringing of the girl, and since he was most often busy with more important issues, the growing storm of the streets grew on its own. She, of course, had teachers and tutors, but even the best teacher cannot replace parental love and care. By the way, Mara herself studied not only at home, but also in a private school. Later she entered the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Rumors and strange versions of divorce

After a while, rumors spread that the wealthy sausage king had unofficially separated from his wife. It is difficult to say what caused this separation; perhaps the interests and values ​​were too different. However, the businessman himself refuses to comment on this matter. On the contrary, he assures that everything is fine in their family. Although this is far from true.

The first gift and the fateful decision

As his daughter grew older, her father spoiled her more and more. It is likely that he tried to compensate for the lack of attention through expensive gifts. One of those gifts was her first sports car. In order to drive it without problems, a teenage girl, as it is now fashionable to say a teenager, passed her license. But whether she honestly passed the driving test or again took advantage of her dad’s help, history is silent.

Having received her license, the girl immediately got used to the image of a Moscow street racer and began racing through the streets of the capital. In her own words, in her car she accelerates around the city to 150-170 km/h.

The modern hobby of the sausage king's daughter

Currently, the girl’s hobby has already led to several deaths on the road. She herself was in a terrible accident, after which she was literally put back together piece by piece. However, this didn’t teach her anything either. The girl has a huge trail of speeding fines and other murky stories behind her, from which her father helped her get out.

But even his patience is not unlimited. Despite many years of support and covering for his daughter, Elmar still decided to teach her a lesson. In 2016, the girl was arrested and brought to administrative responsibility. At the same time, the sausage king was so angry with her that he even deprived her of help from lawyers. As a result, Mara, who once tried to study to become a lawyer, was forced to solve her problems in court on her own.

According to preliminary data, the girl will face correctional labor as a janitor, a certain amount of fine and possible deprivation of her driver's license. Whether Mara's father will intervene this time or let everything take its course, time will tell.

It seems that we have begun to forget the story of Mara Baghdasaryan! And the girl is still fighting the Moscow courts with the help of her tireless lawyer David Kemularia. While Mara is once again serving a sentence in a special detention center for absenteeism from correctional work, Kemularia writes complaints to Putin, besieges the Ministry of Internal Affairs department and gives interviews about the fact that the case against his ward is fabricated.

Here it would be appropriate to recall the story of Mary from the very beginning. From the terrible accident on Kutuzovsky to the last six-day arrest - I talked about everything very briefly under the cut.

It all started in 2015 with a car accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. On the night of October 3, a BMW X5 car without license plates lost control and flew into the oncoming lane at high speed. There he collided with a Range Rover SUV, which in turn crashed into another car and caught fire. One of the passengers in the Range Rover died in hospital from his injuries.

There were 4 people in the BMW: Anzor Merzhoev, Mark Galperin, Islam Tatarashvili and Mara Bagdasaryan. Halperin died on the spot, Tatarashvili died a week later in intensive care. Mara was also taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Merzhoev, who was driving the car, was later sentenced to 3 years in a general regime colony.

The next big story is the Gelendvagen race on May 22, 2016. The car was driving around the city without license plates, and when traffic police officers tried to stop it, the driver did not comply. Because of this, a chase ensued that lasted several hours. In the Gelendvagen at that time were the son of the vice-president of Lukoil, Ruslan Shamsuarov (the owner of the car), Mara Bagdasaryan and several other people. During the chase, they broadcast on Periscope, in which they insulted the police.

In the end, the Gelendvagen was stopped and the driver was issued two reports: for refusing to stop and for driving without license plates. This greatly outraged the head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Yakunin. He demanded that criminal cases be opened and an end to the lawlessness of the “golden youth.” As a result, the driver Abduvahob Majidov and the passengers of the Gelendvagen received from 10 to 15 days of administrative arrest. Ruslan Shamsuarov was sentenced to 300 hours of compulsory labor.

Mara Baghdasaryan was detained again on November 6, 2016. The police wanted to issue her a fine for illegal parking, but after checking the car through the database, they discovered that she already had 16 unpaid fines for traffic violations. Therefore, she was taken to the station.

The next day, Mara was taken to court, and there it turned out that the police had accumulated 72 administrative protocols against her. The consideration of all these materials took a month and a half. At this time, lawyer Bagdasaryan was coming up with new excuses for his client. He said that Mara had health problems after the accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, that she did not live at her registration address and therefore did not know about the unpaid fines, that at the time of the recorded traffic violations she was not even driving, etc. and so on.

After 12 court hearings, Mara Baghdasaryan was summarily sentenced to 24 days of administrative arrest, 595 hours of compulsory work as a janitor and a fine of 183 thousand rubles.

A new arrest was assigned to Mara on January 12, 2017. This time, Mara served 15 days in a special detention center because she did not show up for mandatory work for two days in a row. Before this, she provided the bailiff with a certificate stating that she could not work as a janitor for health reasons. But by the time Mara stopped attending work, the authenticity of the certificate had not yet been verified. The lawyer appealed the arrest, but the court left the punishment unchanged.

The medical certificate that Bagdasaryan provided to the bailiff in order not to work as a janitor turned out to be fake. On this occasion, another trial was held on March 10, as a result of which Mara was sentenced to a year of correctional labor with earnings withheld in the amount of 15%. The girl admitted her guilt and completely repented in the hope that the case would be fined. But the court was adamant.

During January, February and March, Baghdasaryan evaded execution of administrative punishment many, many times. The next round of court hearings lasted for two months; as a result of all the proceedings, on March 14, Mara was sentenced to a fine of 202 thousand rubles.

After the accident on Kutuzovsky Mar, she was banned from driving a car, but she repeatedly violated this ban. In the end, the prosecutor's office demanded that the girl's driver's license be revoked. A court hearing on this matter was held on March 21. The court found that after the accident, doctors diagnosed Bagdasaryan with epilepsy. This was confirmed by the testimony of a traffic police officer who once stopped Mara on the road and witnessed her epileptic seizure. Baghdasaryan’s father denied his daughter’s diagnosis in court. Mara herself did not come to the meeting. As a result, the court sentenced Mara to lifelong deprivation of her driver's license. She will be able to get her ID back only if the doctors allow it.

On June 26, Mara was again detained for absenteeism from mandatory work. Because of this, her lawyer sent Putin a complaint about the actions of the bailiffs. According to him, the bailiffs threatened them and said that Baghdasaryan would be arrested in any case. Despite this, on June 28 the court sentenced Mara to administrative arrest for a period of 6 days.

There is a type of snake that, at the sight of danger, begins to pretend to be dead in order to attack the attacker when the opportunity arises and, thereby, stay alive. Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of such snakes, but I can say for sure that ShMara Bagdasaryan clearly uses this type of “bastard”.

Frankly, I had never heard anything about this lady before. However, recently they have begun to promote her in such a way that, without wanting it, you find out everything about this girl. My verdict is this (like the majority, however): no money, no intelligence needed. When I look at such a girl, I honestly feel ashamed. It’s a shame that the “family name Bagdasaryan” lives in Russia and shows its bad side both to our citizens and to everyone else (and some people like to generalize “this is what Russians do”).

Mara clearly posts naked photos on the social network not from a far-off mind: you must admit, if there is nothing else to show off, women begin to post dubious photos.

What can we say about the manner of the trip - the businessman-dad clearly did not take care of his daughter in childhood, because the girl grew up very ill-mannered. Such a driving style is, first of all, disrespect for others... True, why should she care if ShMara can demonstrate her own importance only in this way.

Punishment in the form of correctional labor and 24 days in a monkey barn for such an individual, it seems to me, is not enough. A complete re-education is needed here (do we have an army for girls? Should we send her there). Moreover, ShMara herself perfectly demonstrates her reluctance to play the game: on January 8, she posted intimate photos again, and was recently detained for violating traffic rules in her Mercedes. During the arrest, she pretended to feel unwell and was hospitalized in a hospital (that’s right, a snake).

In short, the grave will fix the hunchback.

Ah, well, yes. I forgot to say the most important thing: she was supposed to push a broom along the street, but yesterday it turned out that this type of activity is contraindicated for her due to her health. Apparently, everything is completely bad in the head there.

Rich kids act like presumptuous bastards. While dads pay, children become impudent: Mara Baghdasaryan as the engine of the revolution.

The offspring of oil magnates threaten the regime. If we have a revolution, it will be only because of them.

Because of the reckless behavior demonstrated by their children, nephews and other young relatives.

23-year-old Mara Bagdasaryan, for example, attracted attention thanks to the police race in a Gelendvagen, in which she participated with the son of the deputy head of Lukoil, Ruslan Shamsuarov.

Ruslan and two other race participants were sentenced to correctional labor. And Mara served 10 days of administrative arrest, but it did not make any impression on her. She continues to rock out.

Last Sunday, Mara was detained by traffic police for parking on the sidewalk. It turned out that the girl had 16 unpaid fines for traffic violations in recent months - that is, after the May races on the Gelendvagen, when the scandal rose to the skies, which, in theory, should have brought some sense into Mara and other “majors”.

By the way, she was already caught with unpaid fines a year ago - after a terrible accident on Kutuzovsky. The young guy with whom they were in the car died there. She herself was seriously injured.

Then she had 140 unpaid fines - about a million rubles.

Dad paid for everything. And now he will pay, of course.

While dads pay, children become impudent. They don't care about the laws. They spit on the police and the court. On the people around them.

And people look at them and think: why does the state allow them all this? Why does it allow barely hatched boy-girls - "carbonated pussies" - to discredit itself?

Perhaps in a strong state they would not behave this way. In a strong state, they would have control. And if there is no government, does that mean the state is weak? Hm. It turns out that it is so.

Successes in the international arena, the battle for Syria, the invisible battle that the Kremlin is waging with Obama, prove that the state is strong. And the “majors” who have gotten loose prove that it is weak. Whose arguments are stronger?

The outrage that the antics of the “golden youth” cause among citizens is now stronger than ever. Firstly, because people began to live worse due to the crisis. Secondly, because outrage has a cumulative effect. It tends to accumulate.

If the authorities think that citizens have forgotten the forgiven Evgenia Vasilyeva, then they are deeply mistaken. Nobody forgot anything.

Irritation and indignation eventually develop into hatred. Once a driver gets cut off on the road, it’s okay, the driver will swallow it. But if you cut him off at every kilometer, call him names, show the middle finger and roar into the distance, he won’t have enough patience for long.

That’s why we started where we started: if we have a revolution, it will be because of the offspring of the oil magnates.

Although not only oil, of course. All kinds.

The disregard of rich kids for the laws and rules by which society lives is testing people's patience. Rich kids act like presumptuous bastards. Patience is running out. It won't last long.

(Sh)Mara Bagdasaryan, that’s what we’ll call her, is no less a threat than the crazy shooter at Kerch College Vladislav Roslyakov. Owning a car, the same weapon of mass destruction, she constantly creates the threat of mass death. Moreover, this animal has already killed people while driving! Where are law enforcement officers looking?

A disgrace to the great Armenian people, the daughter of a “small” oligarch and the girlfriend of a large oligarch (Sh) Mara Baghdasaryan has once again found herself in news reports and, unfortunately, not in crime news. Our editors are extremely outraged by the fact that this animal is still at large and gets behind the wheel of a car over and over again, constantly creating an emergency situation on the road and exposing hundreds of people, children, to the risk of ending up in the next world because of one crazy woman.

Comparing Bagdasaryan with Vladislav Roslyakov is very appropriate - one took a pump-action shotgun, assembled a homemade bomb and went to kill people in college. And the other daily drives a high-risk vehicle and risks killing on the way of her car no less than Roslyakov killed.

Turning to law enforcement agencies, I would like to ask: “What will you say and do if (Sh) Mara Baghdasaryan drives into a crowd of people in a drunken and drugged stupor? Who will be responsible for the fact that they did not send her to a mental hospital at the time?”

She was deprived of her driver's license for life, but she drives without it and remains free!

There is not enough white matter on breasts with stretch marks...

Below we have compiled a digest about what (Sh)Mara Bagdasaryan’s inner circle is like and why she gets away with everything.

Guy (Sh)Mary

The Gagarinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the participants of the notorious races on Leninsky Prospekt - the son of LUKOIL vice-president Ruslan Shamsuarov and his friend Viktor Uskov - to 300 hours of compulsory labor for insulting the police. Abduvahob Majidov, the driver of the SUV in which the young people escaped from traffic police inspectors, has been completely acquitted. Ruslan Shamsuarov's Mercedes Gelandewagen was confiscated by a court decision. Ruslan Shamsuarov is the son of Azat Shamsuarov, vice president of LUKOIL.