Laboratory where analysis is immediately done. Where can I get a blood test for a fee? Choosing a laboratory diagnostic center

In all Medok clinics you can take tests of almost all popular types. Including:

  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for pinworm and helminth eggs for children;
  • cholesterol, calcium and glucose testing for older people;
  • analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (for women and men), and many others.

We are a licensed medical institution where all tests undergo quality control. The Medok clinics in Moscow and Moscow Region employ experienced, highly qualified medical personnel. Clinical studies are carried out in laboratories equipped with modern technology. With us you can be sure that any analysis will be performed accurately.

Tests in Moscow for women, men and children

Our clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region group tests into several categories for ease of search. Laboratories offer clinical studies of the following groups:

  • tests for pregnant women,
  • gynecological,
  • tests for older people,
  • for men,
  • for children.
  • for cholesterol;
  • for calcium;
  • for glucose;
  • for prostate-specific antigen, as well as general blood and urine tests.

The widest range of tests is in the group for pregnant women, which is not surprising, given our specialization. Pregnant women can donate from us:

  • blood group test;
  • general and clinical blood test;
  • tests for various types of antigens to viruses;
  • analysis for beta hCG, D dimer and others - more than 15 types in total.

Get tested close to home or work

Often, patients, in order to get tested in Moscow or the Moscow region, using the services of a reliable laboratory, need to go to the other end of the city where it is located. Having to stand in traffic jams for hours or waste time on the subway is not a pleasant prospect.

Everyone tries to find a medical facility closer to their place of residence or work, where they can undergo a high-quality clinical examination. It is for this purpose that the clinics of the Medok network are located in such a way that people from any area of ​​the city can quickly get to us for testing.

In addition, we keep prices at an affordable level, guaranteeing decent quality results. The Medok Clinic is one of the few institutions in the capital where you can get tested inexpensively and in a comfortable environment. The delivery is organized in such a way that you do not waste time waiting in line.

Comprehensive analyzes - saving time and money

Most often, one analysis does not provide an accurate picture by which a doctor can determine the presence of pathology or assess the condition of the patient’s organs and systems. It needs to be complemented by others. In most cases, the optimal set of analyzes contains from 3 to 10 or more different types. It is expensive to donate each of them separately; in addition, repeated sampling of blood and other materials brings discomfort. Medoc network clinics offer complexes of tests: you contact us once and receive all the results at once. This saves your time and money (the complex is cheaper than individual tests).

Analyzes as part of comprehensive surveys

It often happens that the results of an analysis (and even several) do not provide complete information for making an accurate diagnosis or identifying the causes of the disease. In this case, it is optimal to undergo a comprehensive examination, based on the results of which you will receive a detailed consultation with a doctor. The complex usually includes several different tests and one or more examinations: ultrasound, ECG, examination by a specialist, and the like. Together, all these services cost less than if you bought them separately, but most importantly, they allow you to accurately diagnose the disease and assess your health.

Clinics of the Medok network in Moscow and Moscow Region offer several types of such comprehensive examinations, the prices and composition of which you can see on this page. This, for example, is a comprehensive health check of the expectant mother or father, preparation for medical examination, checking the cardiovascular system, and others.

If your doctor has prescribed a blood test for you, you will inevitably have to choose one of two options - save money and go to a local clinic, or spend a little money and use the services of a commercial diagnostic laboratory. Is it worth spending money on something that you can get for free, how to choose a laboratory for testing, and which medical institutions can be considered reliable?

Where to donate blood for analysis: paid vs free institutions

In which medical institution can I get my blood tested? The question arises before us quite often, since a blood test is prescribed for any medical examination. The fact is that this is the simplest, but at the same time informative diagnostic method, which provides extensive information about the state of human health.

So, you can take a blood test at a public clinic or in a commercial laboratory. Let's compare these options based on different parameters.


Many private laboratories have a very large number of branches - tens and even hundreds. No matter where you live, there is always at least one branch of a private laboratory nearby. This means you don’t have to change your usual route and warn your boss about being late - you can stop by a private laboratory on your way to work without wasting time. State laboratories have fewer departments, and the clinic you are assigned to may not be as close to home.


Everyone is familiar with the endless queues in public clinics - sometimes there are so many people in the corridor in front of the desired office that there is nowhere to sit. Of course, in such a situation, both patients and doctors are irritated. Arguing over whose turn it is is not the best way to start the day. You can donate blood for analysis in a private laboratory without any queues, in a comfortable environment - you will be greeted with a smile, quickly registered and taken to the office, and the waiting time will be minimal.


You can take a blood test in a commercial laboratory at any time - unlike public clinics, where the material is taken only a few hours a day. At the same time, many branches of private laboratories open early in the morning, and some even work around the clock.


Commercial laboratories provide a very large selection of additional services designed to make testing even more comfortable. You don’t have to go to the laboratory to get the results - they can be sent by email, posted in the patient’s personal online account, or sent by courier. Laboratories often provide home blood collection services - this is convenient for parents who cannot leave their children unattended, for the elderly, patients whose mobility is limited and those who do not feel well enough to travel to the laboratory.

Equipment and personnel

Unlike municipal clinics, private medical centers and laboratories do not depend on subsidies and do not have a lack of finances, which allows them to buy the latest diagnostic equipment and reagents, as well as hire the most qualified specialists. State medical institutions often use equipment that is already 15–20 years old. Not only is it in a sad technical state, but it also does not provide high enough diagnostic accuracy - science has stepped far forward, but free medicine in the country, alas, remains at the level of the 1990s. Three quarters of all medical equipment available in public clinics are outdated.


Technical capabilities and extensive staff allow private laboratories to work quickly. You will receive the results of the blood test on the same day, and if the examination is very complex and time-consuming - the next day, but not later. Almost all commercial laboratories conduct rapid tests, the results of which, along with a doctor’s report, are issued within a couple of hours. Sometimes it is a matter of convenience, and sometimes it is literally life and death, because sometimes even one day of delay can have significant health consequences.

By the way Diagnostic medical institutions account for approximately 10% of the total private medical services market in Russia. 60% are dental clinics, and another 20% are gynecological clinics.


Many people prefer to use the services of free government laboratories, since the price of procedures in commercial institutions seems too high to them. However, in fact, the cost of a blood test and other laboratory and hardware tests in commercial centers is not at all that high. There are a lot of laboratories now, and in the fight for customers they reduce prices, hold promotions, and offer regular customers profitable discount programs and discounts on comprehensive examinations. For example, the cost of a general blood test ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the program and clinic, and with a discount it is even cheaper. Private medicine in our country has long ceased to be the privilege of wealthy people. Today, the vast majority of commercial clinics and laboratories belong to the “economy” class and are designed for people with average incomes.

Recommendations for choosing a private laboratory diagnostic center

Before going to the laboratory, make inquiries about it. From the point of view of people far from medicine, a blood test or any other laboratory test is a very simple matter. In fact, behind the piece of paper with the result there is hard work, the implementation of which requires experience and high qualifications, sophisticated equipment, painstaking work and careful monitoring of each stage. The diagnosis and your health depend on the accuracy and speed of obtaining the result, so do not be lazy to spend 10 minutes and get detailed information about the selected laboratory. So, what should you pay special attention to?

Number of branches

If a laboratory has only two or three departments, this does not mean that it is unreliable. Many highly respected medical centers prefer not to expand their branch network, and this is just a matter of the company’s commercial policy. However, a large number of branches is in itself a kind of guarantee of quality. Judge for yourself - if the service in the laboratory were unsatisfactory, would it be able to maintain 10 or more branches, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where competition is enormous? In addition, a large number of branches are convenient for the patient - you will not have to postpone your visit because you do not have time to go to the other end of the city.

Term of the work

In Europe and the USA, many medical centers can boast a history of decades, or even centuries, of impeccable work. But in our country the situation is different - until the early 1990s, private clinics did not exist at all. Therefore, companies founded 20–25 years ago are already considered “veterans” of the industry. If a company started in the 1990s, it has successfully weathered at least three major economic crises, and that says a lot.

Having your own laboratory

Some small diagnostic centers do not have their own laboratories, outsourcing the work to larger companies. This increases the cost and reduces the quality of diagnosis.


Too low a price is a reason to be wary. Fluctuations within 10–15% are acceptable. But if you find a laboratory that offers tests at a price 2-3 times lower than the market price, look for another one, because most likely they skimp on quality. If the price, on the contrary, is several times higher than the market average, then you can be sure that you will overpay for a higher level of service, prestige and luxurious interior of the reception areas. Whether it's worth the extra expense is up to you to decide. Also pay attention to discounts and special promotions; laboratories often offer reduced prices for comprehensive examinations, tests on certain days of the week, etc. If you expect that you will have to undergo examinations often, it makes sense to purchase a laboratory discount card - this will help you save in the future. Reputable institutions provide this opportunity.

The largest commercial laboratories in the country


Currently it is the widest network of private clinical diagnostic laboratories in the Russian Federation. This is a network that unites more than 600 branches in different areas of Moscow, as well as in other cities of Russia. All departments are equipped with modern medical equipment from leading manufacturers. Most branches operate on very convenient hours and open their doors early in the morning, so you can do a blood test even on your way to work. There is also a home visit service. The results are handed out on the day of application; they can also be viewed on the website in the “Personal Account”, found out by phone, received by fax or e-mail, or ordered by courier delivery. For an additional fee, the results will be translated into English. In addition to laboratory diagnostics, the center offers services such as MRI, CT, mammography, X-ray, ultrasound and other examinations. All branches have a single discount system; in any branch you can get cards: “Standard” - with a 5% discount and “Silver” - with a 10% discount on all paid services. In addition, promotions are constantly held here that allow you to get tested on favorable terms.

License of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region No. LO-50-01-006731 dated June 17, 2015.


This laboratory conducts more than 2,500 types of laboratory tests, and it is also possible to undergo examination using hardware diagnostic methods. "Hemotest" has a large network of branches throughout the country - in the capital alone there are about 300 of them. Results can be obtained on the website in the "Personal Account", by e-mail, by fax or by courier to your home. The laboratory has a unified system of discounts for patients under 25 and over 55 years old; on Mondays a 10% discount is provided on all medical tests. In addition, there is a discount savings program.


A network of multidisciplinary medical institutions with highly qualified personnel, modern equipment and its own clinical diagnostic laboratory. This medical center even received the Moscow Quality Award. The company was founded in 1989 on the basis of the oldest and widely known research institution in Russia - the N.F. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Gamaleya of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The network consists of 11 branches - 9 in the capital, 1 in Ryazan and 1 in Obninsk. The center offers annual medical care programs.


The Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD is the largest multidisciplinary laboratory diagnostic center in Russia, located on the basis of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. Operating since 1992. The center has dozens of branches in Moscow, the Moscow region and some other cities of Russia. CMD regularly holds promotions and provides discounts to customers of different branches - you need to keep an eye on these offers on the website.

License of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare No. FS-99-01-008867 dated June 05, 2014.


A network of 221 centers in 109 cities across the country and diagnostic laboratory complexes in 6 largest cities of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg and Kazan. It is distinguished by high quality and speed of analysis - the results of most tests can be obtained within 1 business day. In large cities, for an additional fee, you can use the “Urgent” service, which will allow you to pick up the results within 2-5 hours. There is also the possibility of taking tests at home. The laboratory often runs promotions with significant discounts, especially in recently opened branches.

License of the Volgograd Region Health Committee No. LO-34-01-002432 dated February 12, 2015.


The laboratory operates on the basis of the Research Institute of SP named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky. This is a modern diagnostic complex with a very good technical and personnel base. It is not for nothing that it is one of the most famous public medical institutions in the country. The laboratory is located in the center of Moscow, on Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square. It is possible to take samples at home. The turnaround time for standard tests in the laboratory is 1 day, express tests - 1–2 hours. You can get tested any day of the week.

License of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare No. FS-99-01-008169 dated November 21, 2012.


One of the largest medical networks, opened in 2002. At the SM-Clinic they carry out not only blood tests, but also other diagnostic procedures - ultrasound, CT and others. It is possible to pay for the services of the medical center with a bank card.

Of course, these are not all diagnostic laboratories in the country that are worthy of trust. The demand for such services is growing, the market is developing, and new players are constantly emerging, and companies that have already achieved success are expanding their branch networks and increasing their capacity.

Wednesday, 03/28/2018

Editorial opinion

Today, the clients of diagnostic laboratories are not only private individuals, but also many public hospitals and clinics that do not have the resources to conduct tests. This, by the way, debunks the myth that in commercial laboratories the quality of analysis leaves much to be desired, but in municipal laboratories they employ conscientious doctors of the old school. In most private laboratories, orders from public hospitals account for at least 50% of the total turnover, and in some it is 85–90%.

A biochemical blood test is an important study that allows doctors to study the cellular composition of the blood to identify changes in its parameters, which will help determine the presence of certain diseases. A timely blood test will help the doctor identify pockets of inflammation in the body even before the first symptoms of disease appear.

Where to do a biochemical blood test in Moscow and how to prepare for it?

Preparing for this procedure is not difficult. Blood is donated on an empty stomach - many specialized laboratories therefore begin work at seven in the morning, so that patients can get tested before work and have time to have breakfast. It is recommended to avoid fatty, salty, fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, heavy foods, strong coffee and tea 12 hours before donating blood. It is better to avoid intense physical activity and severe stress the day before, as these actions can distort the real picture of the tests. It is only permissible to drink pure mineral water.

To conduct a biochemical analysis, the doctor takes blood from a vein - usually located in the area of ​​the elbow. Before this, the sampling area is treated with alcohol, after which a syringe with a long needle or its more modern versions is used. As a rule, the test result will be ready within a day after the test. Some private clinics are ready to offer the result and interpretation of a biochemical blood test within a few hours.

Patients can donate blood for biochemical analysis in many laboratories in the city, as well as in medical centers collected on our portal. Unfortunately, not all clinics are ready to offer this service, so you need to pay special attention to this point when choosing a medical institution.

What does a standard biochemical blood test show?

During the diagnostic process, the doctor studies many important indicators, on the basis of which pathological deviations in activity are identified. Among them the following can be noted:

  • Blood glucose - allows you to diagnose diabetes mellitus and select the optimal therapy for further treatment, evaluate the effectiveness of already prescribed procedures.
  • Some liver dysfunctions and endocrine diseases lead to low glucose levels. Normal values ​​depend on the age of the patient.
  • General bilirubin is a special yellow blood pigment formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin, cytochromes and myoglobin. An increase in its amount is characteristic of damage to liver cells, impaired bile outflow and increased breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Cholesterol is a blood lipid that comes from food and is also synthesized by liver cells.
  • Normal cholesterol levels: 3.2-5.6 mmol/l.

Creatinine - plays an important role in tissue energy metabolism. Its presence and concentration in the blood is of greatest importance in the diagnosis of kidney diseases, since it must be completely excreted by the kidneys. Normal creatinine values: men - 62 – 115 µmol/l; women - 53 - 97 µmol/l.

The results of the biochemical analysis also contain many other points that are of great importance for the doctor and his diagnosis.

The Ministry of Health, according to which patients during a medical examination can only donate blood to determine glucose levels and a couple of other indicators. Many public clinics no longer accept tests to determine hormonal levels and biochemistry. Thus, the patient must pay for everything, who will now go to private laboratories. The Village compared prices for standard tests at six network health care companies and then asked experts why some measures cost more than others and take longer to study.

We compared prices for tests in the following clinics: Invitro, Citylab, Hemotest, ArchiMed, KDL and CMD - these are companies with the longest history of existence on the market or the most popular and have a good reputation according to word of mouth . In them, we studied the prices for the most common tests, preparation time and the form of notification of results.

Network "Invitro" Readiness of results:

clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days. Immediate results:

can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively. Taking biomaterial:

199 rubles. The online calculator on the center’s website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves. Clinical analysis:

720 rubles Biochemical analysis:

1,920 rubles HIV:

470 rubles Hepatitis A:

720–900 rubles Sex hormones:

5,435 rubles SENDING RESULTS:

free SMS notification, by email, by phone using a code word, by fax, in any office.

Network "Invitro" Network "Hemotest"

clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days. clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, DHT - five working days.

can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively. can be obtained in four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by 1.3 times.

199 rubles. The online calculator on the center’s website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves. 670 rubles

720 rubles 1,870 rubles

1,920 rubles HIV:

470 rubles 720–940 rubles

720–900 rubles 5,340 rubles

Submitting results: free SMS notification, in your personal account on the website, in the office, by phone, by fax, by courier (500 rubles) and by email.

CMD network

Network "Invitro" clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - one to two working days, DHT - one to five working days.

clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days. can be obtained in three to five hours. The price doubles.

can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively. 180 rubles. The online calculator does not take into account the cost of taking biomaterial.

199 rubles. The online calculator on the center’s website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves. 599 rubles

720 rubles 1,658 rubles

1,920 rubles 400 rubles

470 rubles 630–760 rubles

720–900 rubles 4,815 rubles

Submitting results: in the office, via the Internet service, by email, by telephone and by mail.

KDL Network

Network "Invitro" clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - three working days, DHT - four working days.

clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days. there is no such service

can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively. 199 rubles. The final price on the website includes the price of delivery of the biomaterial.

199 rubles. The online calculator on the center’s website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves. 450 rubles + 215 rubles ESR

720 rubles 1,830 rubles

1,920 rubles 450 rubles

470 rubles 660–920 rubles

720–900 rubles 4,990 rubles

Submitting results: in the office, on the website, by email, by phone, using the code word, with a courier (300 rubles).

Citylab network

Network "Invitro" clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - two working days, DHT - four working days.

clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days. can be obtained in two to five hours under certain conditions. The price doubles.

can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively. venous blood - 170 rubles, capillary blood - 220 rubles. The online calculator on the center's website does not add this amount.

199 rubles. The online calculator on the center’s website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves. 560 rubles

720 rubles 1,760 rubles

1,920 rubles 380 rubles

470 rubles 540–760 rubles

720–900 rubles 4,980 rubles

Submitting results: on the website, by email, in the office, by courier (550 rubles).

Network "ArchiMed"

Network "Invitro" clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day.

clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days. there is no such service.

can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively. 180 rubles. There is no information on the website.

The company's website lists prices for legal entities. Below are prices for individuals.

199 rubles. The online calculator on the center’s website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves. 450 rubles

720 rubles 1,050 rubles

1,920 rubles 320 rubles

470 rubles 380–450 rubles

720–900 rubles 3,960 rubles

Submitting results: by email, in the office and by phone.

* 17-OH - regulator of sexual function and menstrual cycle in women. ** DHT is responsible for the development of the male reproductive system.


Most of the most expensive tests are from the medical company Invitro. For a clinical and biochemical blood test you will have to pay 919 and 2,119 rubles, respectively, for a test for hepatitis A - from 919 to 1,099 rubles, and for an analysis of sex hormones - 5,634 rubles. But Invitro has the widest network of clinics in Moscow.

For the determination of antibodies and HIV antigen, the largest amount, 870 rubles, will be charged at Hemotest. But in this network the cost of urgent analyzes increases by only 1.3 times (in others - by one and a half to two times).

The cheapest tests are from the ArchiMed company. However, in Moscow the company is represented by one laboratory, which may affect the number of people wanting to save money, which means there may be queues there.

What determines the cost of analysis?

The price of the analysis includes the cost of reagents, which are also purchased in foreign countries, the cost of depreciation of devices, wages for medical personnel, and rental of premises. “Russian reagents are sometimes cheaper than their foreign counterparts, but, unfortunately, they are not always comparable in quality. The higher the qualifications of the personnel, the more expensive they are and, therefore, the higher the price of the analysis,” says Elena Tivanova, head of the analytical planning group, leading expert at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. Private laboratories also spend money on maintaining a marketing service, Internet sites, their own treatment rooms and call centers. The cost also depends on the demand for the analysis among patients.

There are popular tests, such as biochemical or clinical, whose results are usually ready the next day. There are rare tests. For them, in order not to use reagents several times, the research time is increased.

In laboratories, the collection of biomaterial is usually paid separately. You can take several tests by paying only once for taking blood from a vein. The material for analysis is taken by the treatment nurse at the clinic. A separate fee for taking biomaterial is a fee for her labor.

What determines the accuracy of the analysis?

The accuracy of the analysis depends 50% on preanalytics, that is, the stage before donating blood, says Larisa Samokhodskaya, head of the laboratory diagnostics department at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Medical Research and Educational Center, a doctor of the highest category, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences. Some tests are taken on an empty stomach; for some, there are prohibitions on certain medications. Before analysis, it is necessary to clarify the requirements, although they are usually posted on the laboratory’s website.

The results may be inaccurate due to irregularities in the delivery of samples: according to Elena Tivanova, here “it is important to observe the correctness of sample transportation - delivery time, correct temperature conditions, absence of physical damage and other external factors.” If it takes five to six hours to deliver the material, then you can argue about the reliability of the results.

It is better to donate blood in the first half of the day so that it is delivered to the laboratory on the same day. But don't be the first to get in line. For example, if blood is left in a test tube at room temperature for more than three hours to determine the glucose level, then the glucose level will begin to drop sharply, explains Larisa Samokhodskaya. This will significantly affect the results.

What determines the speed of analysis?

The time it takes to receive test results depends on their rarity and the complexity of the procedure. “The time it takes to complete a study consists of many factors, and the main one is the duration of the analytical process itself, which, depending on the substance being determined and the automation of the process, can be several minutes or several days. The time of delivery of the biomaterial from the point of its collection to the laboratory also contributes, and it can be carried out from a neighboring medical office, from another district of the city or from another city,” comments Tatyana Ponkratova, head of the Invitro expert group.

A service that almost every medical laboratory provides is immediate results. To obtain quick results, they use “dry chemistry” technology - it does not require diluting reagents or using containers. These are test strips that help to perform an express procedure, but such a system is more expensive than a regular one.

Not all tests are available in the near future. “There are indicators that can be done simply, quickly and inexpensively, there are analyzes consisting of two stages of an hour each, and it is not possible to speed up the process,” says Larisa Samokhodskaya. In this case, it will not be possible to get an analysis within an hour or two.

For example, a rare test for the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT - responsible for the development of the male reproductive system) takes up to three days. According to Samokhodskaya, “laboratories collect sera over a period of time, which ultimately can help reduce the cost of the study per patient.” Some companies send the material for such analyzes to specialized laboratories, which also takes time. This is why DHT is so expensive and takes a long time.


A general blood test is the No. 1 test in diagnosing the condition of the body. Prescribed in most cases during the initial examination and for preventive purposes.

The study is included in the list of the most common clinical tests and includes counting the number of blood cells, hematocrit and hemoglobin levels, as well as calculating erythrocyte indices (MCV, RDW, MCH, MCHC) and leukocytes. The general analysis is highly informative in the diagnosis of various types of anemia and infectious and inflammatory diseases. In addition, the study is important for injuries, lesions of the heart muscle, suspected malignant tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, helminthic infestations, and thyroid diseases.

The turnaround time for a general blood test in the laboratories of the Medok clinic network is one business day, not including the day of blood sampling. It is important that only the attending physician can interpret the results of the study. Decoding the test indicators is carried out taking into account the patient’s complaints and well-being, as well as the results of other tests.



The analysis is preferably carried out in the morning after a period of overnight fasting, possibly 3-4 hours after eating. Drinking water is not prohibited.

Before the study, it is advisable to exclude stress and physical activity in the form of sports training.



    Inflammatory and infectious diseases

    Diagnosis of anemia

    Preventive examination of the body

    In a complex of examinations during hospitalization

    Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment

    Myocardial infarction

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Decreased immunity


  • Dehydration

    Kidney pathologies



Reference values:

Reference values ​​may vary depending on the age and gender of the patient. Important: all changes in blood composition are not specific to any one disease. Only the attending physician can interpret the results of this blood test.

Hemoglobin (Hb, hemoglobin)

Reference values

Age, gender

Hemoglobin level, g/dl


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 5 years

5 years - 10 years

10 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years - 18 years

18 years - 45 years

45 years - 65 years

Hematocrit (Ht, hematocrit)

Reference values

Age, gender

Hematocrit indicator, %


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 3 years

3 years - 6 years

6 years - 9 years

9 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years - 18 years

18 years - 45 years

45 years - 65 years

65 years - 120 years

Red blood cells

Reference values

Age, gender

Red blood cells, million/μl (x10 6 /μl)


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 3 years

3 years - 6 years

6 years - 9 years

9 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years - 18 years

18 years - 45 years

45 years - 65 years

65 years - 120 years

MCV (mean erythrocyte volume)

Reference values

Age, gender

Average volume
MCV, fl


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 5 years

5 years - 10 years

10 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years - 18 years

18 years - 45 years

45 years - 65 years

65 years - 120 years

RDW (Red cell Distribution Width, distribution of red blood cells by size)

Reference values

< 6 мес. - 14,9 – 18,7

> 6 months - 11.6 – 14.8

MCH (average amount of hemoglobin in 1 red blood cell)

Reference values

Age, gender

Average content
in 1 red blood cell,
MSN, pg


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 3 years

3 years - 6 years

6 years - 9 years

9 years - 15 years

65 years - 120 years

It should be taken into account that the MCH value is not specific; the indicator should be used to diagnose anemia only in combination with other indicators of a general blood test and biochemical blood test.

MCHC (mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration)

Reference values

Age, gender

Average concentration
in red blood cells,
MCHC, g/dl
