How does a kitten behave in a new home? A kitten appeared in the house

The most important time in raising a kitten - its first days in the owner's house. You will have to take on the difficult role of a cat mother, because now you are responsible for the life of the baby.

Preparing to buy a kitten

Think about what you want your future pet to be like: what it looks like, what gender it is and what its name is. Choose a kitten before going to the breeder.

Before you bring your baby home, purchase the necessary things for him. Shopping list for a kitten:

  • Carrying - hard or fabric;
  • 2 bowls for food and 1 for water;
  • Tray;
  • Cat litter;
  • Nail clipper;
  • Special shampoo for kittens;
  • Slicker, if the kitten is long-haired;
  • 2 combs - with frequent and rare teeth;
  • House, bench or play complex;
  • Scratching post;
  • Several toys.

This long list is not so scary - the main thing is to be careful about your purchases. Read about choosing products for a new pet.

We pick up a kitten from the breeder

Plan a trip to pick up your kitten for the weekend, or better yet, take a vacation. A new pet needs to get comfortable, and it will be difficult for him to find a bowl or tray when alone.

Come pick up the kitten by car; if you don’t have one, call a taxi. Be sure to take a carrier with you - a frightened baby can easily escape from your arms.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the behavior and appearance kittens The fur should be fluffy and the eyes should be clean. Frightened or lethargic kittens may turn out to be sick.

Look at what kind of filler is in the baby's tray. This way, a small pet can find the toilet by smell. If the kitten does not yet know what it is, you will have to accustom the baby to the litter box yourself.

Ask the breeder what and when the kitten eats. Ask for a toy or a sheet with mom's scent - do everything to make the move as less stressful for the kitten as possible.

When the kitten was home

The little pet will be very scared: a stranger has taken him to an unfamiliar place! The new owner will have to calm the baby down and give him a tour of the house.

For safety, remove all wires and detergents. Cover areas where your cat might get stuck with pillows or blankets.

When you bring your baby carrier home, don't force him out. Let him get used to the surrounding smells and want to find out what is going on outside.

Don't show your kitten the whole apartment at once - introduce him to each room step by step. First, bring him to where he will live, and close the other doors. Show where the bowls, tray and house are.

The first day the kitten may be afraid and sit behind the closet, but don’t worry - he will definitely get out of there. To make this happen faster, do not frighten him with loud noises, children and other animals.

When you first bring your kitten home, he will be very lonely after being separated from his mother and siblings. It is necessary to prepare everything in advance for the arrival of this fluffy miracle in your home in order to make it easier for the baby to get used to the unusual environment and the new family.


In the first days in a new place, your little pet will need extra attention. On weekends, when all family members are relatively free, you can devote more time to your four-legged baby than on weekdays. Surround him with love and care, and your kitten will soon understand that you are his master and friend.


Simply transporting a kitten in a car is dangerous - both for him and for the other passengers. Therefore, take safety measures by using a special carrying container. You can lay a soft bedding on the bottom so that the kitten is comfortable in his small house. Remember that even a short trip becomes stressful for the baby.

Be prepared for minor road “troubles” and don’t forget to bring a roll of paper napkins and a spare bedding. Buy a carrier that is large enough to be used in the future when british kitten will increase. It is also necessary to take care of protection from external light irritants - this will allow the kitten to feel calmer during transportation.

● Soft carrier made of dense synthetic fabric, very light, fastens with a zipper, has a shoulder strap and handles, the end opposite the entrance is covered with mesh. It looks like a travel bag, suitable for those who move without a car on their own.

● Rigid, collapsible plastic carrier with plastic fasteners and a metal grille door. Convenient for those who do not care about weight, for example, for traveling in a car (you can put something on top of it without fear of it getting wrinkled) and for air travel abroad, because... This is an international design. It is easy to disassemble and wash. During the cold season, something warm is placed inside. You can also sew a cover made of fur, batting or blanket for the carrier.

So, a significant moment comes when the four-legged baby gets acquainted with an unusual environment, your family and other animals (dogs or cats that already live in the house). These first, most important contacts lay the foundation on which the kitten’s life in its new home is now built.

Getting used to the house should take place gradually, over a long period of time, step by step. The appearance of a small, restless tenant in the house confronts you with the need to acquire some useful habits and make a number of changes in the environment of the house in order to protect the baby from the dangers lurking in it.

It is necessary to prepare accessories in advance for the comfort of your little pet. Think about how to properly place your kitten’s “stuff” in the house.


Do not forget that the baby found himself in a completely unfamiliar world. He is looking for your warmth and protection, so treat him calmly and affectionately, without giving vent to excessive emotions.

Do not pass the kitten from hand to hand. If there is constant noise and fuss around him, he may grow up cowardly and timid, and this must be explained to the children. Try to find a common language with your little pet and provide him with emotional balance so that he becomes balanced and sociable - the way you dream of!

Meet the family


Now you and only you are responsible for the safety of your kitten. IN old life This tiny creature is left behind by its natural mother and breeder, and now the baby is looking to you for love and protection. Take care of the kitten: this will ease the difficulties of the transition period, ensure further growth and full development of your pet.


Children often treat their little furry friend like a living toy - they admire them loudly, squeeze him excessively, grab him, pull his tail... An adult cat is perfectly able to “save herself” from children’s tricks, but a kitten is defenseless. It is necessary to explain to children that they cannot treat it this way, the animal needs to sleep a lot and it is unacceptable to wake it up for the sake of stroking its fur or playing. If there are small children in the house, it is best at first to even forbid them to play with the kitten in your absence, so that it does not have to use its sharp claws for protection.


● Pull the kitten by the tail.
● Grab him by the head.
● Lift him by the front paws with both hands. Learn to handle your kitten carefully. Sudden or rough movements can greatly frighten him.

Carry a kitten. The best way lift the kitten - support it with your hand from below, under the stomach, and hold it with the other hand hind legs(for large breeds).

We teach submission. To demonstrate his authority, the owner may grab the kitten by the scruff of the neck, as a mother would; it will not cause any harm to the baby.


It is very important to introduce the kitten to everyone in the house as soon as possible to help him settle in. It hardly makes sense to accustom him to rodents and birds, since they rarely get along together. Getting to know other animals must happen correctly and always in your presence.

The baby may encounter manifestations of anger or jealousy; sometimes even an old-timer animal has to temporarily live somewhere outside the home until the kitten grows up a little.

■ DOGS. As a rule, a sociable, balanced dog is very tolerant of the appearance of a kitten in the house. In old age, it is more difficult for some dogs to get along with a newcomer under the same roof, but such an argument in a fight, like a cat’s claws, pacifies aggression, and over time the animals get used to each other.

■ OTHER CATS. In such a situation, relationships can be much more complicated. An adult cat will most likely not like the appearance of a kitten on its territory. Not wanting to change established habits, she will threaten the newcomer. Complete reconciliation may take from several days to several months.

When introducing animals, do not allow any manifestations of aggression. Introduce them to each other on neutral territory. Repeat your attempts to establish peace and harmony in the house until adult cat will not begin to tolerate the presence of a kitten nearby.

Accessories for kittens

The better prepared you are for the day your kitten first enters new house, the more comfortable and calm a four-legged baby will feel in an unfamiliar environment. All necessary accessories can be purchased at pet stores.

■ BASKET OR BED. A comfortable bed where the kitten will feel safe (or the kitten can choose sleeping area).

■ TOILET TRAY. The tray should be large and convenient so that there is room for clean litter. Remove promptly with a scoop. cat feces. If your cat loves to poop, then it is better to purchase an indoor litter box, this will make it easier to combat the smell and keep the floor clean where the cat litter is located.

■ TWO BOWLS. One is small, for dry food (a kitten only needs 25-60 grams per day), the other is larger, for water. Fresh and pure water should always be in a place accessible to the kitten. Place both bowls at such a distance that the food does not fall into the water.

■ SCRATCHING POINT. It is necessary to protect your furniture from damage. Cats love to climb, so it’s better not your curtains, but a special “cat tree” (a stand wrapped in rope, with shelves), which you can make yourself (for example, a dry branchy birch tree with old bark) or buy in a store.

■ "CAT TREE". Kittens love to deftly nestle between its branches and climb higher in order to survey the entire territory from their dominant position. This will protect your furniture from constant attacks, because kittens are very active and their favorite pastime is games.

■ COLLAR AND LEASTER. For traveling or walking without a portable container, a collar and leash are required.

■ SPECIAL DOOR. If you provide your cat Free access for walks (this is allowed only after the end of the vaccination cycle), then with the help of such a device it will be convenient for her to leave the house and come back on her own, without anyone’s help. This is also convenient for the cat to go out onto the balcony.

When you first let your kitten into the yard, don't let him out of your sight. Gradually he will begin to mark urine and cat secret their territory in the garden, and also leave marks on tree trunks with their claws.

■ TOYS. Each item should have its own place in the house. Explain this to your kitten. First, show him where the litter box is so he can eliminate his needs right away.

Then go to the bed, which will become a reliable refuge for him, providing peace and security. And finally, toys and accessories.

There are now a great variety of toys, like all other goods. First of all, toys from natural fur and wool. Sultans (a wreath of feathers or a fur ball on a flexible stick), a fur rat on a spring stand similar to a punching bag, a fishing rod on which another fur rat is tied with an elastic band, and again fur rats and mice without additional devices.

Also very popular are balls with bells inside, and with feathers tied to them, and sparkling from bouncing, with or without catnip. Of the toys purchased outside of pet stores, my favorites are a laser pointer, for a spot from which everyone, regardless of age, is ready to run and jump until they fall, and a feather boa purchased at the Fabric store. When choosing toys for your pets, please do not forget about safety precautions.

Space exploration

It is better to prevent than to eliminate the consequences! A new home is a mysterious world for a little kitten; let him figure it out on his own. A curious baby will begin to tirelessly explore the world, get used to things and smells in order to feel safe. But we are not always aware of how many dangers await a kitten in the house. Our oversight or forgetfulness can lead to an accident. To prevent this from happening, you need to develop a few new habits and change your daily routine a little.

Cats love to play with electrical wires from household appliances, computers and in the heat of the moment, they can bite through the insulation of the wire and receive an electric shock. It is best to hide the wires in flexible plastic corrugated pipes; they can be purchased at any construction market. They are easily cut lengthwise and placed on electrical wires. This way you will reliably protect your pet.

Many kittens like to nest in closets, drawers, laundry baskets, under furniture, and very often they climb into washing machines or dryers. If you try to predict where your four-legged friend might be hiding, the risk of an accident will be significantly reduced.

Develop the habit of always looking at your feet so as not to step on the kitten. Before you slam the door, check if there is a small fluffy ball sitting on the threshold.

Useful habits


Usually british cats instinctively avoid poisonous plants, but it’s still better not to keep them in the house. If you require advice, please seek it first from your veterinarian.

List of the most common plants that are potentially poisonous:

● Azalea
● Aucuba
● Wisteria
● Dieffenbachia
● Sweet pea
● Figs
● Oleander
● Mistletoe
● Holly
● False pepper nightshade
● Ivy
● Poinsettia
● Rhododendron
● Philodendron
● Cyclamen
● And others...

Diet in the first days

Do not change your kitten's diet under any circumstances, otherwise it will suffer from digestive disorders. In the first week, it is better to give him the food that the baby is accustomed to from the breeder. You can switch your pet to another food only after the stress from the new environment has passed.
When you take a British kitten home, ask in detail about the previous diet (number of feedings per day, serving size taking into account the animal’s appetite, type of food).

If you want to change your diet four-legged friend, then do it not immediately, but within a week so that the baby can adapt. A gradual transition reduces the risk of soft stool and diarrhea, which is dangerous for the kitten's health.

  • Days 1 and 2: 75% old product + 25% new
  • Days 3 and 4: 50% old product + 50% new
  • Days 5 and 6: 25% old product + 75% new
  • Day 7: 100% new product

Never give food from your table, because he will get used to begging and stealing her. Kitten food must contain all the necessary ingredients for the growth period, which lasts about a year. The type of product and daily portion should be selected in accordance with the age of the animal. Cats eat small amounts several times a day, so a dry diet is perfect solution, as it can stay in the bowl without spoiling. Make sure your kitten always has fresh water and place bowls of food and water in a quiet place.

First night

The first night in a new home is often the most difficult for a kitten.

Left without a mother for the first time, the baby gains the bitter experience of loneliness.


Kitten health check

A kitten can be taken from the breeder no earlier than three months of age, when the baby is already relatively independent, has received its first vaccinations and has a brand or chip. When purchasing a kitten (especially a purebred), you need to obtain a pedigree from the breeder and veterinary passport, where information on vaccinations and veterinary examinations is available. If you are purchasing from a pet store, take the time to speak with the manager to find out the kitten's origins. In any case, you need to take your new pet to the veterinarian.

● First visit to the veterinarian
First visit veterinarian(usually even before the transaction is completed) - not an ordinary consultation, but thorough examination your pet, allowing you to give a qualified opinion on the kitten’s health condition. This visit to the veterinarian should be considered as confirmation that you are serious about your purchase. It is important that an examination by a specialist will help eliminate the risk of any hidden deficiencies (diseases, malformations, etc.).

If you were given an animal as a gift, you should make sure that everything is done for it. necessary vaccinations and research. Your veterinarian will make a health assessment and give you recommendations on feeding, care and any other behavioral characteristics associated with the breed.

● Identification
Two methods are used to identify animals: branding and subcutaneous injection of a microchip. Information about the owner is entered into the central archive, so if your lost or runaway cat is found, finding you will not be difficult. Ask your veterinarian what you need to do to identify your pet using each method.


Practice tests
These are very simple tests will help you better understand the character and temperament of your new friend.

● Communication test
Follow your kitten from a distance:
- If he runs up to you to play with your shoelaces or rub against your legs, then this means that the kitten has social communication skills.
- If he behaves timidly and tries to run away when you approach him, there are problems with the kitten’s socialization. It is necessary to help him adapt to the world around him, and to do this, play with him more often, provide more toys and living space.

● Foil ball test
Make a ball of aluminum foil and roll it in front of the kitten. If your pet does not react immediately, it means that he is shy or indifferent to what is happening around him.

● Dominance test
A kitten who, lying on his back, allows you to stroke his tummy, has perceived your authority as an elder: he will invariably demonstrate to you his obedience and complaisance. If your pet resists or tries to scratch, it means he is capable of unwanted reactions, for example, aggression syndrome in response to affection.

● Test using loud sounds
Clap your hands loudly so that the kitten does not see it. If he responds to sound but remains calm, it means that the baby grew up in a stimulating environment where he could actively explore the world around him. If the kitten is afraid and runs away, you will have to accustom it to sound stimuli and other manifestations of the outside world, expand social contacts, gradually revealing to him a variety of new life sensations.

So, you have . Perhaps you have dreamed and planned about this for a long time, or the decision to adopt a kitten was spontaneous. One way or another, you have a new, amusing, touching, and absolutely stunning family member who requires constant care and certain material costs. It would be good to take care of everything necessary for a kitten in advance. The kitten will need: food bowls, a tray, a sleeping place, a scratching post, toys, a comb, and, of course,.

Adaptation period

Well, we have stocked up on everything necessary for our kitten, let’s move on to the main thing. Moving to a new home for a kitten is a very traumatic situation, because he was taken from his usual place, from his mother and brothers. Therefore, you, as an honest person, will have to replace him, at least, with his mother. Plan to move the kitten on a weekend or vacation, take time off from work.

IN first days In the new place, someone should be with the kitten at all times. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, small kittens quickly get used to new things home. IN first days may meow frequently, or sit huddled in a corner. Give him time to adapt. To begin with, give him a limited space to live, for example - small room, let him settle into new territory.

Do not grab the kitten in your arms unless necessary, do not prevent it from settling in V yours home. Show him his house, litter tray, scratching post, and feeding area. Call him by his nickname more often. When you give, call only by name, no “kiss-kiss”, with this approach he will very quickly figure out who Murzik is here and get used to his nickname.

You should not take a kitten under the age of two months - at this age they are still too small, very rarely know how to eat on their own, and it will be more difficult for them to experience separation from their mother. A competent and responsible breeder will not hand over a kitten that is too small to the wrong hands.

It is very important to find out from the previous owners what they fed the kitten. Because a sudden change in diet can lead to intestinal upset. The diet should be changed gradually and carefully.

If you misbehave, don’t yell at him, he may get scared, don’t turn on the . You don't want to raise a scared creature.

From the previous owners you can take some object that carries the smell of the kitten’s previous home, a cloth, a toy. And put this item in his new house so that the kitten gets used to it faster. You can also put a hot water bottle wrapped in him in his house. soft cloth, and a ticking alarm clock under the mattress. This will replace the warmth of his mother's body and her heartbeat. Some kittens like to sleep on furry skins, it calms them down.

If the kitten is healthy, then it is very active and mobile. If you don’t want him to spend all his free energy on pranks and mischief, you should play with the kitten as often as possible. , the kitten develops behavior and habits typical of a predator - it learns to track and attack. Thus, the kitten is socialized. In addition, the games have important for his physical development.

You need to start grooming a kitten as early as possible. But remember that cats are very touchy and proud animals. They are independent and vindictive, so raising a cat requires cunning. If you don’t want her to sleep in your bed, or climb on tables, or sharpen her claws on furniture, you should stop this behavior as early as possible. Teach your cat to the word “no”; she should know its meaning. If she does something forbidden, hiss loudly at her, or spray her with a spray bottle - the cat must learn that such behavior is dangerous.


After a few days, the kitten will become so comfortable in your home that you will have to constantly monitor its safety. Remember - kittens are omnipresent, they can be anywhere. Close the toilet lid, check the drum, before turning it on, close the doors carefully - because the kitten can instantly end up in the opening.

Cover the windows with mesh, close the door if the bathtub is filled with water. If the weather is cold outside, make sure that the kitten does not stay outside for too long.

Before you buy a kitten, you need to answer a few questions for yourself, and answer as honestly as possible - are you ready to have a baby? Do you have time to take care of a kitten, play, raise it, take it to the doctor? Are you ready to spend money so that your kitten doesn't need anything? A kitten is also a child, only a cat. If you can firmly answer all these questions positively - great, you can rest assured that the kitten is in trouble. good hands.

And so you brought the kitten to a new home. Now this is not only yours, but also his home, where he should feel cozy, calm and comfortable. And since you are in charge, you will have to take care of the kitten’s comfort.

A kitten brought in in the first days is usually confused and even scared. Still would! Just a few hours ago he had a house and a mother, and now he was in the hands of stranger, and even in an unfamiliar place. There is something to be excited and scared about. Oddly enough, but now you are his mother. So the cards are in your hands - to calm, educate, teach reason. If you were initially ready for responsibility, then everything you need is already ready - there is a litter tray for the baby, toys, brushes for fur, and, just in case, a first aid kit.

In your life together with your kitten, a very important period begins, the very first period in a new home - the period of adaptation of a small defenseless animal to your, still alien and scary, apartment. It is very important during this period that the kitten immediately has its own cozy corner - with a bed, a tray and bowls of water and food. It is necessary for the kitten to immediately understand the purpose of all these objects and remember where they are, otherwise in an unfamiliar environment he may get confused and not find a tray, water, food, or a bed. Please note that the corner in which your kitten will live should not be in a draft - small kittens get cold very easily.

It is better to take a kitten to a new home before the weekend.

Try to take the kitten to a new home on the eve of the weekend or during vacation, so that you can spend at least the first couple of days with it, and not immediately abandon the baby to the mercy of fate. Firstly, he will simply be lonely and uncomfortable without his mother, and secondly, upbringing should begin from the very first minutes. In addition, the kitten will sooner get used to you and understand that you are its owner if you are together in difficult times.

During the adaptation period, give the animal as much attention as possible. Remember that a kitten is the same as a child, he needs warmth, affection and always play. Kittens are very active by nature, so don’t be too lazy to play with a small ball or something else with the kitten. It is important that the kitten has fun, stops being afraid, and receives positive emotions.

Of course, during the game the kitten may drop something - a cup, a flower pot, glasses. Don't scold your pet. It is much better to make sure in advance that valuables or objects that are dangerous to the child are not accessible to the baby.

Close attention should be paid to the windows. As soon as the kitten gets comfortable, he will certainly begin to explore everything around him, including the window sills. And if the window is open, the kitten may fall out. Therefore, it is better to cover the windows with mesh.

Garbage should also not be accessible to the kitten, as it may come across small bones, other sharp objects, plastic bags smelling of meat or fish - the kitten may choke. In addition, many pose a serious danger to cats. houseplants, including such popular ones as violets, cacti, diphembachia, and geranium.

If possible, electrical wires should also be hidden from the kitten. It will be interesting for the kitten to play with them, and if he bites through the wire, he will inevitably receive an electric shock. The same goes for needles, pins, nails and other things - hide them away. Out of pure curiosity, the cat will want to chew them, but this can end very sadly.

At the same time, do not limit the kitten’s freedom. Let him carefully and slowly examine his new home meter by meter, room by room. After all, he will have to live in this house all his life. You should not grab the kitten in your arms every minute. Although the baby needs tenderness, he also needs personal time - for new discoveries. Therefore, just keep an eye on the kitten to avoid trouble.

If you already have cats, they may not be entirely loyal to the new tenant, and even begin to offend him. There is a little trick that may be useful. Wipe your old-timer cat with a piece of cloth, and then stroke the kitten with the same cloth. The older cat will not touch the baby, who has the same smell.

Oddly enough, kittens have much warmer relationships with dogs. As a rule, dogs do not show aggression towards small kittens, but are rather curious.

A separate conversation about nutrition. Be sure to find out what kind of food your kitten is used to, otherwise you can suddenly change foods, portion sizes, and cause harm to the kitten. With a sudden change in diet, the baby may have a tummy ache and problems with bowel movements. The nutrition of a small kitten should be approached as carefully as nutrition infant. And, of course, make sure that the water in the bowl is always clean and fresh - the kitten should drink plenty. It is also important that the kitten can eat in peace and quiet, when nothing disturbs it.

It is very important not to scare the little kitten in the first days.

Try not to turn on a terribly buzzing vacuum cleaner, loud hair dryer, drill, or food processor next to him. Watch the volume of your voice yourself - do not shout directly into the kitten’s ear, especially - do not scold it so that the neighbors can hear it. This way you can forever lose the kitten’s trust and friendship.

Cats are very vindictive, independent, and proud. If in the first days of communication you cannot win the trust and love of a kitten, then the important animal that will raise them will not be devoted to you with all their soul. Therefore, you should not be lazy, you need to devote time to your baby, show your love for him and really take care of him. This is the only way, in fact, you can prove that you are worthy of the animal’s love, you will become not a reprimanding and strict owner for him, but a true friend with whom the cat will feel good and calm all his life.

If you already have pets, they need to be isolated before the new owner arrives. Or rather, isolate the kitten itself in a separate room. Because if, due to the appearance of a new animal, you remove separate room old, it may dislike the newcomer because it will associate with him a restriction of its own freedom. It is better not to have contact with another animal on the first day. By the way, with children too.

Choosing the right day

In the first couple of days, and especially nights, a kitten in a new home may feel lonely and scared. Moving to new family may be accompanied by screaming and crying. Therefore, it is better to pick up a kitten from the breeder on the eve of the weekend, that is, before those days when you can give your undivided attention to the new tenant.

At night, try to support the cat, even to the detriment own sleep. After all, your cat’s strong psyche depends on the first nights in a new place. Take the baby in your arms, talk to him in a gentle and quiet voice, stroke him, feed him.

First hours in a new house

The first hours of a kitten in a new home are very important. His future attitude towards your family will depend on them. Therefore, approach the issue as responsibly as possible.

If you have a cloth with the smell of the kitten's previous family, you can wipe it with it various items in the room so that the pet feels more confident among familiar smells. Also pour a handful of litter taken from the breeder into the tray for the litter that the mother used.

When you come home with your new baby, place the carrier in the middle of the room and open the door. Do not sit opposite the cat and do not lisp with him, do not call him to come out. Let him sit as long as he wants. It usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours until the kitten comes out on its own. At this time, let it be quiet and no commotion around, and let there be a bowl of treats and toys nearby.

After the kitten has climbed out of the carrier (sometimes it helps that people have left the room and he feels emboldened to explore the territory), do not pick up the animal. You can be nearby and speak very quietly and gently to the murkot, but nothing more. If he himself shows interest in you and goes into your arms, then you can pet him. But most often, a young cat or cat experiences confusion in a new place for the first few hours, during which they slowly walk on half-bent legs and sniff the room. Don't interfere - let them get used to it. If the poor thing hides in a corner or under a closet, let him sit there: in the end he will come out on his own, because curiosity will get the better of him.

Look how it happens with brave kittens...

And cowardly kittens.

Kitten's first day in a new family

The first day or two will be the most difficult and decisive. During these days, you need to isolate your new animal from other pets, children, and anything else that causes stress. The first victory over stress will be that the kitten began to eat and went to the toilet (most likely not there, but there is no need to scold him for this yet). Most likely, he goes to the toilet little need, and for the most part - only in a few days. This can be considered a second big victory.

First week

On the second or third day, it will seem to you that the kitten has completely settled down. He no longer walks on bent legs, but communicates with his family and eats calmly. But this is an illusion: the stress has not yet subsided. Therefore, in the first days, do not bathe the kitten under any circumstances (unless it is taken from the street), because bathing is another big stress.

Your third big victory can be celebrated when this miracle begins to rush around the apartment like mad, playing with toys, and with all its appearance shows that it has already become completely insolent.

Another victory is when the cat comes to your lap and starts purring, showing with all its appearance that it likes your hugs. Grabbing a murkot yourself if he doesn’t want to is strictly contraindicated. True, with some cat breeds, for example, British and Scottish, you can wait a very long time for this wonderful moment, because... they simply don't like being held. There is nothing personal here - just breed quality.