Simple ways to get rid of herpes forever. How to get rid of the herpes virus in the body

There is an opinion that it is impossible to get rid of herpes. If you happen to get sick, you will suffer for the rest of your life...

Is it true that herpes is incurable? What should those who become infected do? We talked about this with Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Bukharina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the antenatal clinic clinics "DOCTOR OZONE", Moscow.

- Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, is it true that herpes cannot be cured?

It depends on what we mean by the word “treated.” If we assume that cure occurs when the virus is completely removed from the body, then in the case of herpes this is impossible. But usually it is not so important for a person whether there is a virus or not. The main thing for him is that the infection does not ruin his life. In my opinion, if there are no clinical manifestations, if the disease has not bothered you for many, many years, then we can assume that the patient has been cured.

To say that herpes cannot be treated is wrong from a psychological point of view. This deprives patients of hope and contributes to the fact that they generally stop doing anything, reasoning: “Why get treatment if you won’t get better anyway?”

- Please tell us about herpes. What kind of disease is this?

This is a viral disease caused by herpesviruses types 1 and 2.

The herpesvirus family is very large and diverse. Its representatives are responsible not only for herpes infections, but also for other fairly well-known infectious diseases. There are about 80 types of herpes viruses, but only 6 have been isolated from humans.

  1. HSV (herpes simplex virus) 1 – the causative agent of herpes simplex (this is the virus that causes rashes on the skin everywhere except the genitals)
  2. HSV (herpes simplex virus) 2 is the causative agent of genital herpes (causes skin rashes in the genital and anal areas, and also causes specific inflammation of the cervix and uterine appendages, which is not treated with antibiotics)
  3. Zoster virus or HHV 3 – chickenpox and shingles virus
  4. Epstein-Barr virus or HHV 4 is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis and “chronic fatigue syndrome”
  5. CMV or HHV 5 - the causative agent of cytomegalovirus infection
  6. HHV 6 – causes sudden exanthema in children and malignant “chronic fatigue syndrome” in adults

- How can you get infected with herpes?

There are several ways of contracting a herpes infection:

  • fecal-oral;
  • aspiration (when infected fluid is inhaled when a person secretes the virus sneezes and coughs);
  • contact (through damaged mucous membranes during kissing, close physical contact or during medical procedures);
  • sexual;
  • vertical (transition in utero from mother to fetus).

- What happens in the body when the herpes virus enters it?

Rapid replication of the virus is possible only in epithelial tissues (that is, on mucous membranes and skin) and does not last more than three days. After going through the reproduction period, the virus travels along the nerve fibers to the nerve ganglia, where it hides (persists) until the moment when the right moment for reproduction comes again. The persistence process is not associated with virus replication, so nerve cells do not die and damage to nervous tissue during herpetic infection is minimal.

- What is the exacerbation of herpes?

Blistering rashes appear (on the mucous membrane, on the skin), which are accompanied by itching, redness and pain. The patient's condition depends on where these rashes are located. If it’s on the lips, it’s unpleasant, but nothing more. If, say, on the head of the penis, then every trip to the toilet will be accompanied by moaning and tears. If the blisters appear where the sciatic nerve exits, then every attempt to sit in a chair will be incredibly painful. If it is herpes of the shingles type (that is, on the skin between the ribs), then even breathing hurts for patients.

- Where the rash will be depends on what type of herpes virus?

Previously, it was believed that the second type of herpes virus causes rashes on the genitals, and the first - on all other parts of the body. But in the 1990s the situation changed. Our citizens have become significantly more relaxed sexually: now the first type of herpes virus can be found on the genitals, and the second type on the lips. Therefore, now doctors focus not on the type of virus, but on where the rashes occur and how often exacerbations occur.

Now in Russia, almost 90% of the population are carriers of the herpes virus, but only 15-17% get sick. Moreover, every tenth of them is so seriously ill that they come to the doctor and say: “Do whatever you want, just save me from this nightmare!”

- Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, why do some people get so seriously ill, while in others the virus does not manifest itself at all?

It all depends on the general health of the person. I have more than twenty years of medical experience, and from my own experience I can say: what is important is not the fact of the presence of this or that type of virus in the body, but how the body reacts to it.

- The healthier a person is, the less likely it is that herpes will manifest itself?

Exactly. Herpes occurs more often in people with poor health. The risk group includes those who have disrupted functioning of the endocrine system, have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, deficiency of B vitamins, iron, zinc, and have problems with oxygen saturation in the body.

A provoking factor can be smoking, an unbalanced diet (vegetarianism or irrational dietary restrictions), as well as a violation of the circadian rhythm (club lovers and people with a night work schedule are at greater risk of developing herpes than people of the “daytime type”).

- What about immunity?

All of the above is directly related to immunity.

It is known that herpes usually manifests itself at a time when a person is either overworked or falls ill with some other disease, and his immunity is weakened, and in its pure form, life-threatening, it occurs in those who have practically no immunity (for example, with AIDS).

- Is that why doctors prescribe immunostimulants for herpes?

Yes, but, unfortunately, the effect from them lasts for about a month, maybe a little more.

- Why?

In order to stimulate the immune system, you need to have it. If the body is weak, the nutrition is poor, there are not enough vitamins, then boosting the immune system will not do anything. This is similar to trying to send an army on the offensive without bringing up food trains in advance. That is, soldiers, of course, can go on an attack when ordered, but if normal nutrition is not organized, they will not be able to fight for long.

There are many methods for treating herpes, but they usually only work 30%.

- It's time to move on to the story about the treatment of herpes...

Until recently, herpes was treated only during the period of exacerbation (when there are rashes). Traditional therapy is based on the prescription of special drugs that suppress the virus. But there is a nuance: each such drug cannot be used more than three times - then “addiction” develops.

- And the drug stops working?

Its effectiveness is noticeably reduced. However, even if addiction has occurred, antiviral treatment is still beneficial - it shortens the period of rashes.

- What to do if there are no rashes, but you want to get rid of the disease?

Treating herpes during remission is not easy, because the virus at this time is resistant to antiviral drugs. If a patient comes to our clinic and says: “I have rashes every few months, now they don’t exist, but I want to get rid of them,” we meet him halfway. There can be two approaches here. Or deliberately cause an exacerbation, and then treat it. Or examine the patient, find weak points in his health and (without directly affecting the virus) treat him, raising his immunity.

- Immunostimulants?

A good doctor does not boost the immune system with immunostimulants, but looks for the reasons why it has decreased and eliminates them. To choose the right treatment methods, the clinical picture has to be pieced together, like a puzzle, but if you can determine why problems with immunity occur, you can achieve long-term remission, that is, actually cure the disease. After all, the most effective treatment is not the one that is aimed at destroying the virus (why try to get rid of something that cannot be gotten rid of?), but the one that strengthens the body itself.

- What is included in the examination of such a patient?

First of all, this is an examination, a biochemical blood test for 20 indicators, examination of the gastrointestinal tract, determination of antioxidant status; if necessary, a consultation with an endocrinologist, nutritionist or other specialist is prescribed.

- And then?

Then the information received is analyzed and treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the causes of the immune deficiency. This could be the treatment of gastroenterological or gynecological diseases, or work to eliminate bad habits. If a person has an incentive, he is usually more willing to part with them.

Well, after the body is brought back to normal, we conduct a course of ozone therapy.

- For what?

Ozone therapy activates the immune system and activates the virus. Why is this happening? When the immune system is activated, the virus “before dying” tries to multiply and defend its position. This often happens in nature. It is known that, for example, an old apple tree produces a record harvest before it dies. It is at the moment when the virus becomes active that it can be easily killed by any antiviral agents.

But you could just wait for the activation period and use ozone therapy? Why all this long research and preparation?

The difference is that after treatment the body will easily defeat the virus and be healthy. Moreover, this remission will be very, very long, because the general level of health of the body will no longer allow this virus to become active.

- What if you just treat herpes with ozone?

Ozone should not be used as monotherapy. Now many companies advertise ozone almost as a panacea for all ills. It is not right. With the same success you can say: “Walk in the forest, breathe fresh air, and you will get rid of all diseases.”

Our clinic is called “DOCTOR OZONE”, but this does not mean that we use only ozone. For the same herpes, the use of ozone gives remarkable results, but an integrated approach is still important: first, a thorough, comprehensive diagnosis, then work on specific problems, and then, as a final touch, ozone therapy.

This requires the experience of a doctor and preliminary examinations. Many factors matter. For example, if you smoke, then the standard dose of ozone given to a non-smoker will not work for you. Therefore, an individual approach to each patient is necessary. And in our clinic we work exactly like this.

- How many times do you need to do ozone therapy?

Typically, when treating herpes, a course of ozone therapy consists of several sessions that take place once a day or every two days. Both the dosage and the method of administration are of great importance. The fact is that ozone in large dosages has an antibacterial effect (therefore it is often used for disinfection), and in small doses, on the contrary, it can have a stimulating effect. It is no coincidence that there are special specialists - ozone therapists who know these nuances well and can individually select the dose and method of administration for each specific case.

- How long does it take to treat herpes at the Modern Ozone Therapy Clinic?

Of course, this takes time. If a person comes to us during the period of rashes, then from 5 to 10 days the doctor relieves his acute condition. Then examination and treatment begins, which can last up to four months. I understand that this is quite a long time, but if you want to be free of herpes for at least a few years, then I think it is worth it.

- Is it really possible to get rid of herpes forever?

Yes it is possible. I won’t hide that not everyone succeeds, but in 70% of our patients, exacerbations never recurred. If you take treatment seriously and then follow the doctor’s simple recommendations, the herpes virus will never bother you again, and if it does, it will be very, very unobtrusive.

If you have encountered it at least once in your life, then you know this unpleasant disease very well: the virus causes discomfort, although it may not affect the overall well-being of the body. Not only is this one of the most common viral diseases, but once it appears, it will stay with you for life. But is this really so?

Is it possible to cure herpes forever?

The cause of herpes of any type and location is a virus, which, when it enters the body, remains in it forever in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve and its fate does not depend on treatment. The disease will remind itself at the first signs of weakening of the immune system, no matter what you encounter during the first treatment of herpes.

This certainly sounds unfair, but that is the nature of viral infectious diseases. However, if you are already infected, your future health is in your hands: what can be done to avoid subsequent activations of the virus in the body? How to treat recurrent disease? We will answer these and many other questions below.

Reasons for the manifestation of herpes activity:

  1. Weakening of the immune system.
  2. Hypothermia or overheating of the body.
  3. Infectious or chronic diseases.
  4. Weakness after surgery.
  5. Severe stress.

In the best case, the virus will manifest itself in the form of redness in the lip area and, in the worst case, it will concentrate in the genital area. As it progresses, herpes grows into erosion and inflammation, which are characterized by unpleasant, painful sensations. Sometimes, if there are problems with the immune system, the disease can cause complications and lead to such sad things as...

Herpes poses the greatest danger to people due to the fact that they suffer from this disease quite hard.

Interestingly, the virus does not concentrate at the site of inflammation, but moves freely throughout the body. For this reason, it is not possible to get rid of it.

The obvious conclusion is that this problem should be solved without delay when it arises. The important goal is not to defeat, but to minimize the signs of the disease, preventing its reproduction in the body and the formation of foci of infection.

Modern medicine provides for preventive measures and treatment of herpetic eruptions. Therapeutic therapy must be comprehensive in order to effectively suppress the virus and reduce the risk of its subsequent manifestation.

The most effective medications

It is also important to follow the rules of hygiene, since the development of most infections is due to their neglect. It is necessary to regularly wash your hands, especially after visiting the toilet and before eating. Use individual personal hygiene items, wash clothes, bathe more often, and carry out wet cleaning at home.

You should avoid overheating or cooling the body, and also avoid being exposed to stressful conditions.

If one of the family members becomes ill with the virus, it is forbidden to touch things that the patient used and, if possible, not to contact him until he is completely healed.

It is important to avoid casual, unprotected sex. The use of contraception is mandatory, especially when a new partner appears. If herpes is detected on the genitals, it is necessary to limit sexual life until complete recovery.

Also an important method of prevention is, which is recommended a couple of weeks after the disappearance of the disease. The course includes five injections.

It should be remembered

Despite the external safety of this disease, it threatens the functioning of the entire immune system. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women and can cause various complications leading to unpleasant consequences.

The development of herpes and its recurrence can be avoided by observing the necessary safety and prevention measures. But if it occurs, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor to prescribe effective comprehensive treatment.

Herpes is an infection that, once it appears, will remain forever. Many people wonder: how to cure herpes forever? They are ready to do anything to ensure that unpleasant and painful symptoms do not recur. Taking preventative measures will bring you, if not a cure, then at least a reduction in relapses. Efforts should be aimed at overall health.

Having contracted the herpes virus at least once, the disease will always remind you of itself in the future.

Will we heal?

It is impossible to get rid of herpes forever and completely. Medicine does not know a drug that can guarantee the complete destruction of the virus once and for all. Herpes is insidious. It lurks in the body, waiting for the hour when it can manifest itself as painful rashes, headaches, and fever. A small infected child may die from complications (such as).

If the disease occurs infrequently, with the help of modern antiviral drugs, the symptoms are relieved and cured easily and quickly, the itchy blisters dry out, disappearing without a trace. But if the number of relapses repeats up to 5 times a year, you should seriously think: what’s wrong with your health? And first of all, direct efforts to fight not against herpes as such, but against other diseases. We will have to reconsider our lifestyle, habits that are harmful to health and weaken the immune system. It is difficult to fight the disease, but it is possible.

Fighting herpes

As mentioned above, it is impossible to get rid of the virus forever. Remember that we coexist with bacteria and viruses. This is fine. Our immune system does not allow them to multiply more than normal, so diseases do not appear. The fight against herpes is to minimize negative manifestations in the body, as well as the consequences associated with them. Let's look at ways to cure herpes if it appears.

Drug treatment

A popular and effective medicine is Acyclovir. The active substance with the same name is included in almost all antiviral drugs. "Acyclovir" blocks the reproduction of herpes and this is how treatment occurs. The drug is used in the form of tablets, solution for intravenous administration, locally - gel, ointment.

"Valacyclovir" is used to treat and prevent labial and genital herpes, herpes zoster, and cytomegalovirus.

Herpes therapy with tablets involves the use of antiviral drugs.

Famvir is most fully absorbed and stays in cells for up to 12 hours, which provides a good therapeutic effect. Prescribed for Epstein-Barr herpes, primary and secondary infections, for prevention. Can treat neuralgic syndrome in herpes zoster.

Fenistil-Pentsivir cream is applied to the rash. Blocks the spread of infection and accelerates wound healing.

"Gerpevir" ointment is used against colds.

Zovirax eye drops will prevent the appearance of keratitis in ocular herpes.

"Panavir" is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug based on medicinal plants.

This is not the entire list of over-the-counter medications that will help get rid of the disease. Preventive therapy with their help can eliminate frequent relapses.

Unconventional treatment

Is quite real. Use natural remedies to strengthen your immune system. Drink tincture of echinacea purpurea or eleutherococcus. Both are sold at the pharmacy. If you are already sick and there are no antiviral drugs at home, try to recover using folk recipes.

Apply a piece of cotton wool soaked in Corvalol to the sore. This eliminates itching and reduces pain. If initial symptoms are felt, it is advised to urgently lubricate the itchy area on the lip with an alcohol tincture of calendula or propolis. However, according to reviews, this does not help everyone: the bubbles simply appear in a different place.

To make rashes on the lips or other parts of the body dry faster, apply a film taken from the shell of a fresh egg to them. Bactericidal essential oils - fir or tea tree - help cure herpes.

There is a strange way to defeat genital and labial herpes at home. To do this, peel the hard-boiled egg and place it in a glass with vodka. After 3 days, eat an egg and drink a few sips of vodka. The taste is not very pleasant, but experts in alternative medicine claim that vodka and egg are the best remedies - the rash will not bother you for a long time.

Much attention needs to be paid to preventive measures. Teas made from licorice root or chamomile will help you heal at home and at the same time strengthen your immune system. They are especially good in winter when you need to cure herpes or prevent colds.

Wait for tansy to bloom and eat 3-4 fresh flowers daily for 2 weeks. Tansy will reduce the number of relapses and help get rid of herpes.

It is believed that bitter tea made from white wormwood will get rid of the disease once and for all. You need to drink in courses of 7 days each time you feel that the infection is “waking up”.

Which is present in the body of almost every person. Pimples that appear on the lips become crusty after a few days, and the patient may experience unpleasant and painful sensations.

The incubation period after infection lasts from one to four weeks. Patients are more interested not in how the symptoms manifest themselves and the causes of its occurrence, but in how to quickly cure herpes on the lips.

Often, the herpes virus is transmitted through airborne droplets and contact. In addition to all this, a person may not be aware that he is a carrier of the disease. Activation of the virus occurs as a result of several factors.

  1. Stressful situations.
  2. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Hypothermia.
  4. Lack of sleep.
  5. Tanning abuse.
  6. Exhaustion and adherence to strict diets.
  7. Colds and infectious diseases.
  8. Menstruation.
  9. Injury to the skin.

Today, medicine knows many types of herpes. But often the mucous membrane of the nose and lips are affected. For many patients, colds on the lips are considered minor cosmetic defects. It is considered absolutely normal if a person suffers from herpes once or twice a year. But people who have weakened immune function experience the disease up to six times a year. Moreover, in the presence of cancer or HIV infections, patients may be susceptible to infection. This condition can be fatal.

Mostly, colds appear in the upper lip area or in the corners of the mouth. First, the patient experiences a slight burning sensation in the affected area. Then pimples appear that contain fluid. After a few days they burst, and wounds appear at the site of the lesion. Gradually they become crusty. But such healing can cause some problems to the patient in the form of eating or while talking. Often the crust comes off and the wound begins to bleed. Therefore, everyone should know how to treat herpes on the lips.

Objectives of the treatment process of herpes

Treatment for herpes involves performing several important tasks. This includes the following.

  • Reducing the duration of the active phase.
  • Relief of symptoms.
  • Reducing the number of relapses.
  • Protecting the unborn child from infection during pregnancy.
  • Preventive measures for postpartum consequences.

It is worth noting that herpes treatment is carried out using drugs with a wide range of effects or highly specialized agents.

Preparations for the treatment of herpes

To know how to treat herpes, you need to understand which remedies are effective. Treatment for herpes involves using:

  1. Antiviral agents. This group includes drugs that include cyclovir. They are prescribed for external, oral or parenteral use. Acyclovir and its analogues are active against type 1 or type 2 viruses. They cope well with herpes on the lip, genital herpes, shingles and infections in newborns. These include:
    Ritodoxol ointment;
    Ointments should be applied up to five times a day. The duration of the treatment course is five days.
  2. Immunostimulating agents. The main reason for the appearance of herpes on the lip is a decrease in immune function. Often the disease occurs with suppression of the body's defenses, which is accompanied by a decrease in the number of lymphocytes. The use of immunostimulating agents is mandatory, so it is necessary to take the drugs in the form of:
    The use of these funds should be started when the first signs appear. They have several properties in the form of anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, antiviral and immunostimulating.

Treatment of herpes with Acyclovir

To do this, you need to know how to treat the disease. It is best to use the drug Acyclovir to treat colds on the lips. Its action is to integrate the acyclovir component directly into the nerve cells where the virus is located. This process causes the manifestation of an anti-agent that suppresses the reproduction of new viruses.

Acyclovir is sold in the form of tablets, eye ointment, ointment and cream for external use, and powder for solution.
This drug passes through the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in cases of renal and liver failure, since the component forms active crystals.

The dosage for children and adults is two hundred milligrams. You need to take it three to five times a day. If , then the tablet is divided in half. The duration of the treatment course is from five to ten days. This drug may cause the following side effects.

  • Nausea.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Pain in the head and dizziness.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Weakness and general fatigue.
  • The occurrence of hallucinations.
  • Insomnia or drowsiness.
  • Manifestations of a feverish state.

If Acyclovir is used topically, side effects are possible in the form of:

  • burning sensations;
  • redness of the skin;
  • peeling;
  • small rash.

Acyclovir can be used during pregnancy only under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the active substance passes through the planetary barrier. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug while breastfeeding.

Treatment of herpes with antibacterial ointments

To eliminate herpes on the lips, a quick solution to the disease is to use local antibacterial agents. Treatment for herpes with such drugs accelerates the regeneration process and prevents the spread of infection. They include.

  1. Tetracycline ointment. The product contains tetracycline, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Available in the form of one percent and three percent eye ointment. Helps with bacterial infection.
  2. Erythromycin ointment. This product has antimicrobial, wound-healing and disinfectant properties. The ointment should be applied to the affected area in a thin layer. The procedure must be repeated up to three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is from one to two months.
  3. Tebrofen ointment. Used as an adjuvant for regular relapses. For the skin, use a two percent or five percent ointment. The procedure should be repeated up to three times a day for seven days.

Traditional methods of treatment Many people wonder how to treat herpes on the lips and body. The most affordable way is to use folk remedies. They include.

  • Table salt or baking soda. A good way to quickly eliminate herpes, the treatment of which is to apply baking soda or salt directly to the wound. The procedure should be carried out up to six times a day. This method allows you to speed up the healing of the wound and stop the growth process.
  • Toothpaste. A very interesting but popular remedy for herpes on the lips. Treatment for herpes involves applying the paste while you sleep at night. This method helps dry and disinfect the affected area. But it is recommended to use the product even before pimples appear.
  • Fir oil. Treatment for herpes involves lubricating the wound. The sooner the treatment process begins, the more effective it will be. It is recommended to use fir oil every two to three hours.
  • Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. For treatment, it is necessary to cut off several leaves of the plant and squeeze them out. Then add water in a ratio of one to ten and lubricate the pimples with the prepared product. The procedure is recommended to be performed up to three times a day.

Treatment of herpes by stages

Many patients are embarrassed by the occurrence of a cold, because it spoils their entire appearance. To get rid of the disease, we quickly treat it with medications and folk remedies. To do this, it is necessary to begin to eliminate symptoms as early as possible, based on the stage of manifestation.

  1. As soon as the patient experiences the first signs of itching and slight tingling, special ointments should be used. People who suffer from a chronic disease should definitely have such a remedy in their first aid kit. It should contain acyclovir. The ointment is applied in a thin layer using a cotton swab. After the product is absorbed, you need to apply it again. Such actions will help prevent the development of the process.
  2. If the initial stage has already passed and the first pimples have begun to appear, then treatment for herpes should be carried out differently. It will no longer be possible to eliminate the disease in one or two days. At this stage, doctors recommend taking acyclovir-based tablets. The advantage of the drug is that it does not penetrate into the blood. In this case, tablets are more effective because they fight the virus from the inside.
  3. After the blisters have burst and a wound has appeared, more serious measures need to be taken. The thing is that the virus has reached the active phase and can lead to complications. For such purposes, doctors advise taking antiviral and immunostimulating agents. In addition to all this, you need to use methods that promote drying and prevent the spread of infection. To do this, you can use tincture of calendula, propolis or celandine.

Possible complications of herpes

It is impossible to completely eliminate the herpes virus. But treatment of its manifestations must begin as quickly as possible, otherwise the disease can cause the following complications.

  • Genital herpes.
  • Eczema of the herpes form.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Infertility.

The disease is especially dangerous for children. A child with herpes may touch the affected area and then rub their eyes. If this is not noticed in time, the disease can lead to the development of ophthalmoherpes. As a result, the likelihood of decreased visual acuity and complete blindness increases.

Nutrition during the treatment process of herpes

To make treatment for herpes more effective, you need to follow proper nutrition. This process will help not only quickly cope with the disease, but also reduce the number of relapses. Doctors advise avoiding junk food such as sugar, alcohol and fatty foods. The list of pests also includes products in the form of raisins, peanuts, gelatin, seeds and wheat.

To increase the intervals between relapses, experts advise including the following foods in your diet.

  • Egg white.
  • Casein.
  • Potato based decoction.
  • Lentils.
  • White meat chicken.
  • Fish of different varieties.
  • Shrimps.
  • Yogurt without additives.
  • Milk and dairy products.
  • Fruit and vegetable dishes.

To increase immune strength, you need to eat foods that are rich in phytoncides. These include garlic, ginger, onion and lemon. It should be taken into account that it is very important to take for herpes.

  1. Vitamin C. During the period of illness, the daily dose should be approximately six hundred milligrams of the vitamin. It can be taken in the form of ascorbic acid three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is three to four days.
  2. Vitamin E. When consumed, pain is reduced and the healing process is accelerated. The vitamin can be taken in the form of a capsule or oil solution.
  3. Zinc. This microelement in combination with vitamin C reduces the risk of relapses.

During an exacerbation, experts advise drinking plenty of fluids, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, reducing the amount of salt you consume and limiting your intake of caffeine-containing drinks.

This disease is viral in nature, its sign is pimples or blisters on the skin, which during the healing process form a crust on the extensive ulcer. Herpes on the lips is a common disease; it brings discomfort, pain and itching to a person. People who suffer from herpes can recognize its symptoms almost from the very beginning of the virus. A slight tingling in the area of ​​the oral mucosa and more pronounced along the contour of the lips serves as the first sign of the development of the disease.

How does the virus work?

Herpes enters the human body during childhood. Typically, when a child is about 3-4 years old, when maternal antibodies stop protecting him. It's easy to get a virus. It is transmitted through biological fluids, for example, an aunt who has this virus in her blood kisses the child in a fit of tenderness and that’s it: the baby also becomes its carrier. Once in the body, herpes quickly moves to the nerve endings, penetrating the mucous membranes. It then becomes part of the DNA of the nerve cell and exists there until it is activated.

The virus becomes active when a person’s immunity is noticeably weakened. It can appear during a flu or cold, after a strong emotional outburst, fatigue, menstruation, or strong ultraviolet radiation.

“Waking up,” herpes moves along the nerves to the skin. The nerves that arise from the trigeminal plexus are attached to the oral mucosa, gums, earlobes, lips, and partly the cheeks. Therefore, herpes is localized and appears on the skin in these areas. Pain occurs because the nerve tissue in the affected areas becomes inflamed.

How does the disease develop?

Its development takes place in several stages:

  1. Tingling. The first stage is severe itching, tingling in the area where fever will soon appear, and mild pain. Then the skin turns slightly red. If you anoint it with a special ointment at this moment, you can prevent the appearance of a cavity. That is, quickly cure herpes.
  2. Inflammation. The second stage is the appearance of a small bubble containing a transparent liquid. It is tense and painful, gradually increases in size, and the fluid becomes cloudy.
  3. Irritation. The bubble bursts. Liquid flows out of it. It contains a lot of viral particles, which is why an ulcer appears at the site of the vesicle. It hardly hurts, but it is at the third stage that a person is very contagious.
  4. The appearance of a scab. The fourth stage is the formation of a crust. Underneath, the ulcer gradually heals.

Why does relapse occur?

If an illness strikes you once, it will appear again someday. Its activation can be triggered by:

  • somatic diseases;
  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • fatigue;
  • poor nutrition;
  • ultraviolet;
  • poisoning.

It must be remembered that the disease can be cured quickly. Many homeopathic and medical remedies have been developed to combat it. In addition, a surprising number of popular councils are known. No matter which method you choose, the main thing is to maintain hygiene. No matter how much the Vavka itches, you should not touch it with your hands. You should also refrain from meeting anyone. You cannot pierce the bubble or tear off the crust. Such actions can cause exacerbation and the appearance of new ulcers. Naturally, this is not the time to have sex.

Tip: To keep other people as safe as possible, use separate utensils and towels.

Why is herpes on the lips dangerous?

Often herpes brings its owner only cosmetic inconvenience, but if a person’s immunity is weakened, the presence of the virus can develop into a serious problem. Thus, in cancer patients, patients with HIV, or those who have recently undergone an organ transplant, the infection can infect the entire body. The most severe cases involve damage to the nervous system with the simultaneous development of encephalitis and meningitis. In addition, herpes is not harmless for children, since the virus can cause complications. Therefore, it is very important to immediately treat the disease.

Is it possible to cure the virus completely?

Many people with chronic herpes are interested in how to cure herpes quickly at home? They know that it is impossible to completely suppress the infection in their body. The herpes virus lives on gene cells and, when dividing, passes on to its “neighbors”, so it cannot be completely suppressed, however, it is not so difficult to fight foci of infection, preventing its further reproduction.

A person who feels the primary symptoms of herpes on the lips (tingling, itching) should immediately see a specialist. The doctor will determine the degree of infection and prescribe medications suitable for treatment. Treatment at an early stage of the disease can prevent further rashes, and the problem will resolve itself. However, in order to cure herpes on the lips, you need to know what medications can be used.

How to get rid of herpes on the lips: treatment regimen

  1. If primary signs of herpes occur on the lips (itching, slight tingling), a special ointment should be used. People with a chronic disease should always keep this remedy in their home medicine cabinet. Such ointments have a common component - acyclovir. This substance is an analogue of the human DNA element that is inserted into the virus cell and destroyed by it. The ointment should be applied to the rash using a cotton swab. When the product is absorbed, lubricate your lips again. A quick reaction and use of the drug will prevent the formation of bubbles.
  2. If the time of the initial stage of the virus is missed, blisters appear, and later ulcers in the corners of the mouth and on the lips. It will not be possible to cure them in 1 day, since the process of tissue destruction has begun. During this period, you should use acyclovir-based tablets or external agents (creams, ointments). The advantage of local drugs is their gentle effect on the human body, since the medicine does not penetrate into the blood. Ointments or creams can be used even by pregnant or lactating women. However, tablets are considered more effective - they suppress the virus from the inside.
  3. Once the cold blisters open, it will not be possible to quickly cure the virus, since it has already reached its apotheosis. Scars on the lips are not a rare consequence of neglected herpes. The patient’s task will be to help his body, including the immune system. Take vitamins and immunoglobulin along with ointments for herpes. The latter are necessary to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding people. In addition, it is worth using folk remedies that dry out the skin, for example, alcohol tinctures of calendula or celandine.

What drugs should be used

Tablets, ointments, gels and creams affect the speed and intensity of infection development within the human body. Such drugs slow down the multiplication of the virus and reduce the severity of symptoms. Treatment with tablets for herpes on the lips is allowed from the age of two, but the side effects of such drugs should be taken into account. Sometimes taking them leads to a slowdown in the removal of fluid from the body, so it is up to the doctor to decide whether it is advisable to undergo a course of treatment with tablets.


The drug penetrates viral cells and destroys them from the inside. The dosage for adult patients is approximately 0.25-2 grams, and the frequency of taking tablets and the duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the degree of herpes on the lips. For people with impaired renal or liver function, doses are adjusted in a special way. Elderly people should increase the amount of fluid they drink when taking pills for herpes on the lips.

After taking the tablets by a person who has herpes, the active substance famciclovir is quickly absorbed into the blood, transforming into the active penciclovir. It effectively fights pathogenic herpes cells in the body. The drug is taken regardless of food intake. The average dose is 0.25 g three times a day for a week. Depending on the severity of the viral infection, the doctor may change the treatment regimen.


Once inside, Acyclovir is integrated into the viral DNA chain, blocking its synthesis. The drug penetrates perfectly into all human tissues and organs, including the skin and brain. A five-day course of treatment is prescribed with tablets for adults and children over 2 years of age, 0.2 g 5 times a day at four-hour intervals. For more advanced forms of herpes disease, the course of treatment can be extended by the doctor until the patient recovers.

Zovirax ointment

The local drug prevents the synthesis of viral cell DNA without damaging healthy human cells. Children and adults are prescribed the use of ointment in the form of a 1 cm strip, which is placed on the affected area of ​​the lips. Zovirax is used up to five times a day with a time interval of 4 hours. Treatment should continue for another three days after the patient has recovered. A doctor may prescribe the drug to a pregnant woman infected with the virus if she considers that the threat to the fetus will be minimal.


It is an antiviral drug of plant origin. It is used as a component of complex therapy for various types of herpes, including the genital strain. The injections are given slowly, 200 mcg each. The number of injections per day and the duration of treatment with Panavir is determined by the doctor. During pregnancy and herpes, the drug is used in limited doses; during lactation it is contraindicated.

Effective folk remedies

  • Aloe juice. To treat herpes on the lips, dilute 1 teaspoon of aloe juice (Kalanchoe juice is also suitable) with 0.5 teaspoon of honey and take orally once a day before meals. In addition, the plant itself helps to cope with the virus. Cut a piece of aloe, peel the skin and place it on the wound, securing it with a band-aid for 20-30 minutes. After 3-4 days the virus will recede.
  • Earwax. Lubricate herpes sores with earwax twice a day, the positive result of treatment will be noticeable on the second day.
  • Ice cubes. Apply ice to the affected skin for 20 seconds 2-3 times a day. Since the virus is afraid of low temperatures, ice cubes will help cure herpes on the lips by drying out the wounds.
  • Fine salt. Salt is often used to treat herpes. Apply fine table salt to your lips 3-4 times a day. At night, make a salt compress by dissolving a spoonful of salt in 1/3 glass of water and soaking gauze in the solution. You can secure the compress with a bandage.
  • Toothpaste. Apply a thin layer of paste to the affected area of ​​the lip, wait until it dries and rinse. Together with the toothpaste, the ulcers gradually dry out. Repeat the procedure until recovery. If you start using the paste before bubbles appear, they will never appear.
  • Chamomile decoction. The infusion should be drunk during herpes and lubricated with it on the affected skin of the lips. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herb, cover and let steep for at least 30 minutes. Strain the broth, add a tablespoon of propolis alcohol tincture to it. Moisten the ulcers on your lips with this infusion and drink it twice a day, a tablespoon.
  • Freshly brewed tea. Strong black tea is effective in treating herpes on the lips. Brew a drink, dip a cotton swab in it and apply to viral sores or blisters. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Ash from burnt paper. Prepare an ointment for herpes on the lips by mixing ½ tablespoon of honey, chopped 3 cloves of garlic and a tablespoon of burnt paper ash. Apply the resulting ointment to the virus-affected skin twice or thrice a day.
  • A bulb or clove of garlic. Cut an onion or clove of garlic and rub the blisters or sores on your lips with the cut side. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed to avoid an unpleasant odor. After this, it is recommended to lubricate your lips with honey or zinc ointment.
  • A mixture of honey, instant coffee and flour. To treat herpes, prepare the following ointment: 5 grams of coffee, 10 grams of flour and honey, 50 grams of kefir and 2 cloves of garlic passed through a press. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the sores, leaving the ointment to dry. Then cover your lips with a second layer of ointment and after half an hour, rinse with warm water. Herpes will go away after several procedures.
  • Burning the bubbles with a heated spoon. How to cure herpes that appears on the lips in 1 day at home? This can be done using this effective remedy: heat an ordinary teaspoon (you can use a cup of boiling water) and apply it 3-5 times a day. The next day, the symptoms of the virus will disappear.

What to do to heal skin after illness

With proper treatment, the disease period averages 3-4 days. After this, a wound remains in the corner or on the lip itself. To speed up its healing, it is necessary to use aloe or Kalanchoe juice, sea buckthorn or fir oil. As a rule, the ulcer heals over the course of a week. And the entire process of recovery from herpes is 10-18 days, depending on the effectiveness of treatment. If you manage to suppress the infectious virus at the first stage of development, herpes recedes quickly and without external manifestations.

Herpes on the lips is a viral disease that affects millions of people from all over the world. To treat it, you should equally actively fight both external and internal symptoms. There are many effective drugs and folk remedies against herpes, which provide the opportunity to quickly overcome the infection. However, pharmaceuticals should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. With the help of the video, you will learn how it is possible to cure herpes on the lips and protect yourself from relapses.