Visual acuity without glasses - what does it depend on? Is it necessary to wear glasses if you have poor vision? When are glasses prescribed for myopia and how to wear them correctly.

When vision deteriorates, patients sometimes do not understand whether it is time for them to buy glasses or not. Only an ophthalmologist can answer accurately after an examination, checking visual acuity and determining the need for its correction.

Myopia is a visual impairment in which a person can clearly see near objects, but distant objects are blurry. The reason is that the image is focused in front of the retina, so diverging spectacle lenses are needed.

How to choose the right glasses at different stages of myopia

Myopia has 3 stages:

  1. Weak degrees - from -0.25 to -3.0 D.
  2. Average degree – from -3.25 to -6.0 D.
  3. High degree - from -6.25 D and above.

To choose the right glasses to correct myopia, the optometrist adheres to the following principles.

Selection rules:

  1. Determine the amount of myopia for each eye in a state of immobility and movement.
  2. Carry out correction taking into account binocular vision.
  3. If myopia is up to -6.0 D, it is necessary to restore near vision as much as possible.
  4. High myopia is fully corrected.
  5. With a high degree of myopia, the ophthalmologist may recommend 2 pairs: for close distance and for distance.

During the selection of correction means, diverging lenses are installed in front of the patient. If at the same time visual acuity increases, this indicates that he has myopia. The doctor begins the selection with weak lenses, moving on to stronger ones. strong values if the patient's vision improves.

The procedure is carried out until the person achieves the highest visual acuity. If during selection there are 2 lenses left with which the patient can see as clearly as possible, the choice is made on the weaker one.

Glasses are purchased depending on the degree of myopia:

  • For high myopia, it is advisable to choose a wide frame so that heavy lenses are securely fixed in it and their thick edge is closed.
  • For low diopter values, it is recommended to purchase semi-rimless or rimless frames.
  • For myopia, lenses are made of glass or modern plastic, and for high diopters it is advisable to thin the material so that the glasses do not visually make the eyes smaller.

Treatment with glasses

To understand how pathology is treated with glasses, let’s look at the main question: is myopia a plus or a minus? The downside is that negative lenses are used to correct myopia.

When using this treatment method, visual acuity is normalized, eliminating signs of eye fatigue, headaches and dizziness. By wearing glasses, a person with myopia protects himself from possible complications in the form of strabismus, amblyopia, dystrophic changes in the fundus, retinal detachment and pathology of the optic nerve.

There are many types of glasses for myopia. They are sunscreen, photochromic, computer. Using the first 2 types, people with myopia can protect their eyes from harmful effects sunlight. They not only block visible rays, but also block UV radiation.

Computer glasses are distinguished by the fact that they are equipped with a special coating that blocks the harmful blue-violet spectrum that the screen emits. This protects your eyes from eye fatigue during visual stress.

British scientists have created so-called adjustable glasses. One such product can be used in any situation, since each eyepiece consists of a device that changes the diopter value in the range from -6.0 to +3.0 D. They allow you to correct refractive errors and are excellent for myopia and farsightedness. You need to put on glasses, cover 1 eye and adjust the adjusting eyepiece to the state of best vision. Then do the same procedure with the other eye.

With negative diopters

This treatment is considered traditional. Glasses with minus diopters have diverging lenses. They are necessary to correct distance vision. Thanks to such lenses, the patient begins to see clearly the world. However, when working close, glasses must be removed, and in case of high myopia, a special pair for close range must be used.

With positive diopters

The technique was especially popular several decades ago. Ophthalmologists often recommended glasses with positive diopters. Treatment with such lenses is indicated for children, as they activate natural forces body. Many ophthalmologists claim that the method helps eliminate spasm of accommodation. They believe that plus glasses will correct their vision without any effort.

What happens if you choose the wrong glasses?

An optometrist must write a prescription for glasses. Incorrect values spectacle lenses can negatively affect the health of the eyes and the entire body.

Consequences of incorrect selection:

  • Rapid eye fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness and nausea.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Increased degree of myopia.

If, while wearing glasses, the patient notices at least one of these points, it is necessary to contact an optometrist for a re-examination of vision and replacement of lenses. However, do not be alarmed if the above symptoms appear immediately after the first day of wearing glasses. This reaction of the eyes is explained by their getting used to the new vision; it should disappear on its own after 7-10 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of glasses

Like any product, glasses can have their pros and cons.


  • This is the cheapest and easiest option for vision correction.
  • Their correct use does not lead to any complications.
  • There are no age restrictions for wearing.
  • They do not require complex and regular care.
  • No direct contact with eyes.


  • Deterioration of lateral vision due to the presence of arches.
  • Contraindicated in certain areas of activity (sports, construction).
  • Depends on weather conditions- rain, temperature changes.
  • Medical contraindication for persons with eye vision difference greater than 2.0 D.

Despite the fact that glasses have certain disadvantages, people with poor vision should not refuse them. Without them, patients will not be able to lead a full life.

Do I need to wear glasses all the time if I am nearsighted?

An ophthalmologist determines the amount of myopia and conducts full examination visual apparatus, and only then recommends the patient wearing glasses. It is worth figuring out whether you need to wear glasses all the time if you are nearsighted. Persons with weak degree myopia, the use of glasses during visual stress is permitted. This means that they can be used while driving a car, while watching TV or the blackboard for schoolchildren and students. However, this does not apply to progressive myopia. With this form of the disease, patients constantly wear glasses so as not to provoke greater vision deterioration.

For persons with average or high degree We can recommend 2 pairs of glasses: for distance and near. There are combined models that are characterized by a smooth transition of diopters in one pair. This means that one product is suitable for both long-range and close-range work. It can be worn constantly without taking it off.

Glasses for myopia are not only a product that increases visual acuity. They are a means of preventing complications. However, only an optometrist should select them. He will advise the required type of spectacle lenses, and also recommend how long to wear the product.

Useful video about glasses for myopia

A person who had seen well throughout his life suddenly noticed at the age of 40 that he had to move a book or newspaper further and further from his eyes. A situation arose in which he needed glasses. There is nothing surprising. With age, the lens of the eye becomes less elastic, accommodation works worse, which is why there is a need for reading glasses. But distance vision remains excellent. Myopic people do not need reading glasses; on the contrary, they wear glasses for distance reading.

Do you need reading glasses?

There is an opinion that the later you use reading glasses, the better it is for your eyes. This is not true. Sometimes people try to make out some text until their eyes ache and cause headaches. And when you put on glasses (even with a small number of diopters), you are amazed at the clarity of the text or image. Life literally takes on a new meaning.

A couple of years pass and the need arises for stronger reading glasses. Here everything is also natural - it continues over the years. However, this process will not continue indefinitely.

When should you wear glasses?

In the vast majority of cases, every year you have to strengthen your glasses by half a diopter. At the age of approximately 60 years, the situation stabilizes at +3.0 or +3.5 diopters. After this, most likely, you will no longer have to change your reading glasses. If at this age visual acuity at distance and near begins to change, this will be a symptom of other eye problems (for example, early cataracts).

A nearsighted patient can say goodbye to reading glasses after 45-50 years, but distance glasses will remain the same.

Glasses - optical instrument, which consists of a frame and spectacle lenses. They are designed to improve vision in case of any optical imperfections of the eyes and are the most common and accessible means for vision correction.

Glasses should be selected by an ophthalmologist who will correctly measure the distance between the centers of the pupils and recommend the material from which the lenses will be made.

Indications for wearing glasses

  • (myopia) is a vision defect in which a person sees well near, but poorly sees at a distance, because the image of objects does not fall on the retina, but is focused in front of it. When viewing distant objects, a blurred and unclear image is projected on the retina.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a defect in which a person sees well at a distance, but poorly sees near, since the image of objects is focused behind the retina.
  • - a defect that is associated with a violation of the shape of the cornea or lens, as a result of which the ability to see clearly is lost. Astigmatism is characterized by decreased vision, seeing objects forked and sometimes curved, headaches, and rapid eye fatigue during work.
  • Presbyopia is senile (age-related) farsightedness.
  • Aniseikonia is a defect in which images of the same object have different sizes on the retina of the left and right eyes. In this case, difficulties are observed when reading, the perception of the relationship of objects in space is disrupted, and visual fatigue increases.
  • Heterophoria (hidden strabismus) is the tendency of the eyeballs to deviate from parallel axes.

Contraindications to wearing glasses- some mental illness, infancy, individual intolerance to glasses.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Someone may not like the way their face looks with glasses

Some people don't wear glasses all the time, but only occasionally. There are various reasons for this. Some people don’t like the way their face looks with glasses, some people make fun of them, while others are simply more comfortable without them. But it's not just about comfort and aesthetics - many people believe that constantly wearing glasses will further weaken their vision.

Last year, the results of a study conducted in Nigeria were published. 64% of students surveyed believed that wearing glasses could be harmful to the eyes. In the Indian state of Karnataka, 30% think so, and in Pakistan - 69% of the population. In Brazil, even medical professionals are sure that wearing glasses affects your eyesight. Is there any reason to believe they are right?

Of course, people wear glasses in two very various reasons: due to myopia and due to farsightedness. Farsightedness is often associated with age-related changes. Many people in their 40s and 50s begin to notice that they have difficulty reading in low light. As we age, the lens of the eye becomes less elastic, making it difficult to refocus when the distance to an object changes. When it gets to the point where you want to move a book or menu further away from your eyes than your hands allow, we get reading glasses.

Surprisingly, the long-term effects of wearing glasses are poorly studied. Available evidence does not support that wearing reading glasses affects vision. Where did so many people come from who are convinced that glasses are harmful?

It seems to us that over time we become more and more dependent on glasses, because with age the lens continues to degrade. Glasses have to be used more and more often, and from this it is easy to conclude that it is because of them that vision has become worse, although in fact there is no cause-and-effect relationship.

In the long run, it doesn't matter whether you wear glasses or not (although if you have to strain your eyes while reading, it can cause headache and discomfort in the eyes).

Correctly corrected vision

In the case of children, it is a different matter. Wearing the wrong glasses or no glasses at all as a child can have consequences. For a long time It was generally accepted that in case of myopia it is useful to wear glasses weaker than necessary, and this will reduce the rate of elongation eyeball and thereby slow down the development of myopia. It was explained this way: if you wear glasses that allow you to see clearly in the distance, then by focusing on something located nearby, the eyeball will try to stretch out, and this must be avoided.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Choosing the right glasses is very important for the child and his future vision

Do I need to wear glasses if I am nearsighted? This largely depends on what treatment the doctor prescribed, and doctors from different ophthalmological schools hold opposing views on this issue. Detailed information You will find the importance of wearing glasses in this article.

How do eyes function in myopia?

The eye is the most complex living optical device, which has no equal. However, no one is immune from deviations and malfunctions in the operation of this super complex mechanism. In particular, rays of light entering the eye converge at a point that is located in front of the retina, and not directly on it. As a result, a person begins to see much worse in the distance and he has to make some effort to focus on the object he is looking at.

Glasses are the most common solution to the problem

Glasses instantly help solve the problem of blurred vision and, after putting them on, a person immediately begins to see objects more clearly. However, many doctors consider them to be something like crutches, which, although they help to move, do not solve the problem at all. However, they are necessary:

  • To eliminate overstrain of the fundus muscles. With myopia, the patient has to constantly strain and this can lead to headaches.
  • To improve the quality of vision. Glasses help you see the world in all its colors and notice the smallest details.
  • To stop the progression of myopia. Properly selected glasses regulate the strain on the eyes and help freeze the “minus” at one point.

The decision must be made by the doctor

Only an ophthalmologist can answer the question: is it necessary to use them all the time or can they be used only for study/work, driving a car, or working on a computer? It is he who must appoint ultrasonography fundus to identify what type of disease it is and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The light does not reach the retina and the image is focused directly in front of it.

On this moment There are two types of myopia:

  • Anatomical. With anatomical myopia, the eye is stretched out and images are focused not on the retina, but in front of it.
  • Accommodative. This is myopia, in which the muscles responsible for the elasticity and change in the shape of the lens weaken. In this case, the shape of the pupil does not change and does not elongate.

With anatomical myopia, which gradually progresses, glasses are simply necessary to.

With accommodative myopia, the doctor’s main task is to make weak eye muscles and for this purpose special medical complexes And . Prescribing glasses in this case can only do harm, and it will not be possible to awaken the “lazy” muscles.

In any case, only a specialist can give a definite answer about the need to wear glasses, so you should not listen to the advice of your friends or resort to magical methods of insight. They act only in certain cases and are very dangerous to use uncontrollably.

Human visual acuity is measured in diopters.

Diopters can take positive and negative values.

Optimal vision, in which a person clearly distinguishes both near and distant objects, corresponds to an indicator of plus one diopter.

Deviations to a greater extent mean the presence of farsightedness, and to a lesser extent (towards negative values) – myopia.

If during a vision diagnosis you find out that your vision is minus one, then what does this mean and what measures should be taken? Let's look into these issues.


So vision minus one means myopia. Myopia has only three levels of severity: from -1 to -3, from -3 to -5 and from -5 or less.

That is, our indicator corresponds to the first level - mild myopia. It manifests itself in a slight distortion of the outlines of objects located at a distance.

Often this can only be noticed when looking at small objects, such as text on signs or bus numbers, while when looking at large objects the presence of visual deviations is not felt. When examining nearby objects, there are no deviations, regardless of their size.

Why is this happening? On the retina are nerve endings, which encode incoming light rays and transmit it to the brain in the form nerve impulses- this is how the image we observe is obtained.

When the rays enter the eyeball, they are refracted by the lens, a natural lens that can change its shape with force from the eye muscles.

Healthy visual organ refracts light so that all rays converge strictly on the retina, and when read, we get a clear image.

But with myopia, the rays are concentrated in front of the retina, and, diverging back after the focal point, they already fall on the retina being unfocused. The image becomes blurry.


There are two main reasons for this state of affairs: accommodative and anatomical. They differ greatly from each other, and it depends on the identified cause how bad vision -1 is and what it will be further course myopia.

Accommodative myopia indicates weakness of the muscles that control the movement of the lens. That is, this natural lens it simply cannot take the desired shape to properly refract the incoming light.

This is typical of young children whose muscle development (including the eye) does not keep up with the growth of the body, which is why it becomes too weak to ensure its full functioning.

Anatomical myopia is a more serious illness. It is associated with changes in the structure and proportions of the eyeball.

It stretches, the location of the retina in relation to the lens changes and, therefore, the rays reach it in a defocused form.

In the occurrence of this type of disease plays a huge role genetic predisposition, while the influence external factors not that significant.

To make a diagnosis, you need to undergo an ultrasound of the eyeball, during which accurate data on its structure and shape will be obtained.


Does such a minor deviation require any major intervention? It all depends on what type of myopia you have; factors such as age, living conditions, and so on also play a role.

Do you need glasses?

People who have just learned that they have -1 vision are concerned about one pressing question: do they need to wear glasses? With accommodative myopia, this is not necessary and even harmful.

There is a popular belief that wearing glasses for vision problems only makes them worse. In the presence of this type of myopia, this statement is one hundred percent true.

Muscles that are not strong enough to attach to the lens the desired shape, when wearing glasses, they will atrophy even more, and vision will only worsen.

But with anatomical myopia, glasses are not only harmless, but also necessary.

The muscles that regulate the lens in this type of myopia work normally, but their excessive strain can further compress the eyeball, which is already degrading.

Therefore, neglecting glasses or lenses with such myopia is the right path to rapid deterioration vision.

However, wearing glasses may not be enough to correct anatomical myopia. Medical correction may be needed.

She has several types. The most modern and safe correction is laser vision correction. Its essence is that it cauterizes the cornea, making its shape flatter.

Because of this, the distance from the lens to the cornea is reduced, and the rays hit the reading plane in a focused manner.

Early correction method

A method of early correction is wearing special glasses that adapt the eyes to normal functioning.

They only need to be worn a few hours a day for several months. This method does not always help.

But with severe distortions of the eyeball, laser correction alone is not enough. Complex required surgical plastic surgery. But it’s better not to bring your eyes to this state by doing laser correction in the early stages of myopia.

Treatment of accommodative myopia, in turn, is simpler and does not require serious medical intervention. It is enough to develop muscle tone.

To do this, you need to perform visual gymnastics, use special eye drops, exercise and normalize blood circulation.


You should not think that the prevention of anatomical myopia will definitely avoid its development - the genetic predisposition is inexorable, and in any case it will realize itself.

But this does not mean that you have to go to great lengths; if you follow eye hygiene, this will maintain the effect that is given by medical vision correction and will allow you to avoid the most acute complications.

So, you must strictly adhere to the work schedule, working with text (paper or screen) should have breaks for gymnastics, you must use moisturizing drops that do not allow your eyes to overstrain.

Gymnastics should tone your eyes and relax them, engage various directions rotation of the pupils.

Be wary of some activities that require heavy lifting or violent shaking—better avoid them altogether. At school and university you should be exempt from physical education and labor.

But with -1 vision, the state does not provide exemption from military service, keep this in mind.

Receive required dose vitamins and minerals, if food does not meet the body’s needs for them, then replenish it with pharmaceutical preparations.

In addition, there are special images that allow you to restore vision. Try to understand what is shown in the following picture:


Vision -1 is characterized by slight distortion of objects located at a great distance. This early stage myopia, which can develop into more severe ones in the presence of negative factors.

Such vision may indicate both anatomical and accommodative myopia. These types of disease differ significantly.

Thus, anatomical myopia is characterized by a violation of the shape of the eyeball and requires more serious correction and is most often incurable without surgical intervention.