How to wear compression stockings? How to put on and wear compression stockings? How to wear compression tights correctly.

The development of compression garments, in particular compression tights, has helped women who have problems with the blood vessels of the legs - varicose veins. This disease is very common among the fair sex, who, due to the nature of their work, spend a large amount of time in an upright position.

What are they needed for?

For the production of compression tights, very durable elastic material is used. It fits tightly around the legs, compresses their muscles, making it easier for blood to move up to the heart. Due to its properties, compression knitwear facilitates movement, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities, relieves muscle fatigue, minimizes pain, and protects tissues from the formation of swelling.

Compression hosiery is designed to help cure a disease such as varicose veins. Wearing them is also useful in preventing blood clots. We can also highlight the accompanying positive properties of this underwear: it helps in getting rid of excess weight, and during the period after childbirth it supports the abdominal muscles. During long flights, when a person is in a sedentary state for a long time, therapeutic tights reduce the likelihood of blood clots.

How do they work?

The method of treatment with compression bandages has a long history. How can compression garments help with varicose veins? The basic principle of action is this: tights apply varying degrees of pressure to different areas of the legs. In the area of ​​the foot it is the greatest (100%), in the knee area it decreases (75%), in the hip area it becomes minimal (50%), and in the abdominal area there is almost no compression (20%). Due to this, blood flow through the veins from the foot to the upper body is accelerated.

Compression class

Tights for varicose veins vary in the degree (or class) of compression, which must be reflected on the packaging.

  • Class 1 – pressure about 23 mm Hg. Art. (used for the initial stage of problems with the blood vessels of the legs, externally noticeably enlarged veins, the appearance of so-called “stars”).
  • Class 2 – compression value is about 33 mm Hg. Art. (middle stages of varicose veins).
  • Class 3 – pressure about 45 mm Hg. Art. (in severe stages of varicose veins, when trophism is already disrupted).
  • Class 4 – with strong pressure, more than 50 mm Hg. Art. (tights are designed to eliminate severe swelling).


There are various cases for using compression tights, and therefore their types can be distinguished:

  • Preventive – acquired when the very first signs of venous disease are detected, they place minimal pressure on the lower extremities.
  • Therapeutic - worn during exacerbation of varicose veins.
  • Hospital - used in hospitals after leg operations.
  • There are also insulated models and tights designed specifically for pregnant women (with a special insert on the stomach). Some doctors believe that a pregnant woman needs compression garments if she has the first symptoms of problems with the veins of the lower extremities. Others strongly recommend its use for preventive purposes (in the first trimester) and to improve blood flow in the legs (in the second and third).

What are the best manufacturers

Specialized orthopedic salons and pharmacies offer a fairly large selection of these products from a variety of manufacturers. The compression properties of tights for varicose veins are basically the same for all companies. They differ, as a rule, in appearance, color scheme, and duration of use. You should choose a product for yourself depending on how long you plan to use it. Some models maintain compression for a long time, others much less. It is clear that this directly affects the cost of the product. Let's review the manufacturing companies of medical tights.

There are a lot of Italian manufacturers on the market for this type of underwear (Relaxan, Varisan, Ergoforma, Solidea).

Relaxan is an Italian company that patients often choose because of its fairly low price. But compression underwear will be short-lived (will last no more than a month) because it stretches quickly.

Another company from Italy, Varisan, produces medical underwear of much higher quality and durability. The prices for this underwear are already much higher.

Ergoforma knitwear has an excellent appearance and is highly elastic. Fibers made from natural materials allow air to pass through, the products last a long time and are easy to care for. The company also produces models for sports training.

Solidea produces high-quality tights, the range is represented by many models and colors. Externally, the tights are the same as any standard ones. The models have a comfortable foot, the insole comfortably supports the foot.

“Intex” is our domestic manufacturer, the knitwear has an acceptable cost and, in principle, decent quality. The wear resistance of Russian underwear is very high.

Orto is a company from Spain that produces medium-priced compression tights. The underwear is of good quality, the compression lasts about 4 months. However, it is worth mentioning some disadvantages: in the foot area, the tights soon wear out.

"Venotex" is a very well-known, in-demand American manufacturer, the range is represented by a very large number of different models with average wear resistance, which determines the relatively low price of knitwear.

"Medi" and "Bauerfind" are German companies that produce therapeutic tights. Their products are of excellent quality and, quite naturally, have a higher price. The wear resistance of the tights is high, they do not require complex care. We note the attractive design of the products; there is a selection of sports models and travel underwear. In addition, “Medi” produces devices for putting on tights.

"Sigvaris" is a manufacturer of elite models of therapeutic underwear from Switzerland. Knitwear is of very excellent quality, excellent design and, quite understandably, high cost.

How to choose?

If you are going to buy compression tights, first, find out if you have any contraindications to wearing this type of underwear. Then buy a not very expensive model. If it suits you, next time choose a better manufacturer.

It is extremely important to choose the correct size (keep in mind that different companies often have different sizing charts). Compression tights have almost no stretch. Therefore, at home, accurately measure your calf, waist, hip circumference, as well as the length of your leg (from foot to knee and from foot to groin).

How to dress?

Some practice is required before you can quickly and correctly put on compression tights. They are put on after sleep, lying down, without lowering your legs from the bed. This must be done carefully so as not to stretch or twist the product. The tights are gathered “in an accordion” and gradually put on the foot, then carefully straightened along the shin and pulled over the hips to the waist.

Wear compression tights only on dry skin. Keep in mind that you will have to say goodbye to long nails; they must be carefully processed with a file so as not to spoil the material of the tights. For the same reason, the skin of the feet should be soft and smooth, without calluses and corns. To ensure that your tights are not damaged when putting them on, use latex gloves, which are sold at the pharmacy.

Over time, you will get used to it, and you will cope with the task much easier and faster.

How to wash?

To ensure that medicinal tights do not lose their properties, it is important to take care of them. Every evening they must be washed in warm water (no more than 40 degrees) with baby soap (but not with washing powder). This must be done carefully so as not to damage the product. Tights should dry naturally, without using heating devices or a hair dryer: all this can affect elasticity. Wearing wet tights on your feet is not allowed.

Who are they contraindicated for?

These therapeutic tights have contraindications. They should not be worn by people who have injuries or pathologies on the skin of their feet (dermatitis, eczema, etc.). Ladies with very sensitive, delicate skin should also be careful. Doctors do not recommend using compression tights for people who smoke, who also have diabetes, or who have limited blood flow to their lower extremities for various reasons. The pressure of tights can further reduce blood flow to the legs and make symptoms more severe.

How much are?

The cost of good therapeutic underwear is quite high (to be precise - more than ten times more expensive than ordinary tights). But it is better to prevent the disease in advance or stop it at an early stage of development than to pay money later for expensive treatment and surgery.

Treatment of varicose veins is carried out comprehensively using various technologies. Not the last place in the therapeutic regimen is occupied by the use of compression garments.

Before touching on the question of how to properly wear compression stockings or other products of a similar type, you should consider the characteristics and features of the use of this underwear.

Medical or compression garments- knitwear that has a therapeutic effect by applying pressure to eliminate swelling and improve blood circulation.

Reference. The main feature of such knitwear is not only the creation of compression, but its dosed distribution.

Maximum compression is created in the lower part of the leg - in the ankle area. As you move towards the thigh, the pressure decreases, and the lowest value occurs in the thigh area.

Mechanism of action of compression hosiery

Such products are made from high quality microfiber, cotton, lycra fibers with good elasticity.

During production, a special thread wrapping technology is used.

Medical knitwear has no seams, is hypoallergenic, hygroscopic and pleasant to the touch.

The products are used for the treatment and prevention of various pathological conditions:

  • postthrombophlebitic disease;
  • lymphatic edema, lymphostasis.

To use medical linen, consultation is required, who, in accordance with the nature of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, will select the necessary compression of the product and its type.

Compression stockings: how to put them on correctly

Before wearing compression stockings, you should carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor.

Typically, the patient has to wear such products for quite a long time., since the treatment of diseases of the venous system is a long process. Here the issue is resolved individually with the treating doctor in each specific case taking into account individual characteristics.

Immediately before putting on knitwear You should perform some preparatory measures that will greatly facilitate the procedure itself:

  1. Nails must be carefully processed (trimmed, filed).
  2. If a person is putting on this type of product for the first time, it is better to use rubber gloves, which will protect the item from tearing when pulled. For women with manicures, this will be a real godsend, since they will be able to preserve both the knitwear and the nails.
  3. Remove jewelry from your fingers, otherwise they will damage the knitwear.
  4. If there are calluses or other unevenness on the feet, you need to smooth them out first. This is necessary to prevent the formation of puffs.
  5. Stockings and skin must be completely dry.
  6. Before putting it on, your legs should be in an elevated position for some time.

Before putting on compression hosiery, you should prepare by performing simple manipulations

Also, the question of when to wear compression stockings is important. It is better to do this in the morning immediately after, and remove it in the evening before bed. Doing this correctly will allow you to achieve maximum results from your treatment.

Ways to put on underwear

There are several ways to wear compression stockings correctly. Both methods are quite simple to perform, but still require some skill.

The first method looks like this (illustrated in the picture below):

  • the stockings are turned inside out to the heels, at the heel they are turned inside out again - a cuff is made;
  • the foot is inserted into the footprint and the material is straightened;
  • then the product is pulled up the leg, while simultaneously turning outward;
  • at the final stage, it is necessary to straighten the stockings from the feet to the thighs, paralleling the folds;
  • then carefully fix the product using a silicone insert.

Illustration 1 of how to put on compression stockings and tights

The knitwear should be distributed evenly, since this is what determines the dosed pressure.

The above method of putting on knitwear is not the only one. There is another technique that is performed as follows:

  1. The stocking is turned so that the heel “looks” at the person.
  2. Next, the knitwear is gathered into an accordion along its entire length into a fist and is not released until it is put on.
  3. The product fits the foot up to the ankle.
  4. Place your thumbs on the heel and carefully place it on your leg, while simultaneously pulling the material up to the ankle.
  5. Next, the material is carefully released from the fist and stretched.
  6. If folds appear during the process, they need to be smoothed out or the material must be gathered into a fist again to the point where the folds form and the procedure should be slowly repeated.

The second method of putting on knitwear is somewhat reminiscent of putting on regular tights and stockings.

You can use any method, the main thing is to take your time and do everything carefully. After some time, acquired dexterity will allow you to shorten this process as much as possible.

These two methods are suitable both for putting on stockings and for putting on leg warmers, knee socks and tights.

Reference. Knitwear 1st and 2nd classes You can put on compressions yourself, but 3rd and 4th grade requires the use of special tools, since it is difficult to do manually.

To facilitate the procedure of putting on knitwear, several effective devices have been invented today:

  • special sprays;
  • battlers.

Devices that greatly facilitate the process of putting on medical underwear

Specially formulated sprays can be found in pharmacies, their average price is approximately 500 rubles.

Before putting on compression stockings, spray on the underside. This treatment ensures better glide of the knitwear when stretched, as well as softening and moisturizing the skin.

Butler is a special device for putting on medical underwear. The product allows you to put on the product without effort, folds or stretching of the material.

Today, various models of butlers are produced for any occasion: standard, folding, special for tights, hospital, etc.

Such a device can be an indispensable assistant, allowing you to save time and effort.


If the doctor has prescribed knitwear, then it is important to know how to wear compression tights and stockings correctly.

This knowledge will make it easier to put on the product and increase the efficiency of its use.

Varicose veins can cause a lot of inconvenience and have a detrimental effect on the body. In order to evenly redistribute blood flow from dilated vessels to healthy ones, phlebologists advise wearing medical knitwear (compression tights, stockings or knee socks).

They can help with other problems, such as thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, lymphedema. These products are recommended for use during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as for those who, due to the nature of their profession, are forced to spend a lot of time on their feet.

Correct use

The effectiveness of medical knitwear depends not only on the quality of the selected product, but also on how properly you care for it. Since compression underwear is used daily for eight to ten hours, it naturally needs to be washed every day. If the cleaning process is incorrect, there is a high probability of damaging the fabric structure. You will not see any benefit from wearing such underwear. Dry cleaning and washing machines are contraindicated for compression products. Such products are washed only by hand, at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

Aggressive washing powders, rinse aids, conditioners, and bleaches can damage fabric fibers. It is better to use baby soap to wash compression products. You cannot twist or wring out medical knitwear. Drying in a vertical position, on radiators or in direct sunlight is also not allowed.

To dry the product without damaging it, it is advisable to spread it on a horizontal surface in a dry, well-ventilated place. Ironing will be detrimental to stockings. If your linen has a silicone insert, then it is advisable not to let it get wet when washing. This knitwear is stored in a dry place. The shelf life is 3 years.

Ways to put on underwear. Compression stockings vary in compression class. The first class is preventative and, as a rule, there are no problems with putting it on. Underwear of the second, third, fourth class is considered therapeutic (the mode of use of such knitwear should be determined by a specialist). Due to the fact that it fits the legs very tightly, the process of putting it on can be difficult for an inexperienced patient. Not everyone knows how to wear compression stockings so as not to damage the product and how to achieve the effectiveness of wearing them.

There are several basic rules:

  1. They should be put on slowly, gradually straightening them on the leg.
  2. To protect medical knitwear from mechanical damage from nails, you can wear medical gloves on your hands. In addition, this way things will slide better. It is better to remove all jewelry from your hands.
  3. You need to take care of your feet; there should be no roughness or calluses on them, and your toenails should be trimmed and filed regularly. This will help protect the product from the formation of puffs.
  4. It is best to put it on in the morning on feet that are not yet swollen.
  5. Compression jersey is worn only on a dry body. The product itself must also be dry.
  6. If the items you choose have an open toe, then before putting them on your foot you should put on a special silk sock (it usually comes with this type of compression underwear).

The process of putting on stockings consists of the following steps:

  • turn the item inside out;
  • insert the foot into the footprint, carefully straighten the toe of the product so that there are no folds and it fits tightly;
  • slowly lift the material along the leg, simultaneously turning it to the outside (pulling the top edge is strictly prohibited, it is better to collect the fabric with your hands, gradually distribute it along the leg);
  • when the product is worn to the hips, it is necessary to carefully straighten all the folds, eliminate twists if they formed during the dressing process;
  • lift the put-on side of the product to the end.

How to wear stockings with severe swelling

Putting on medical underwear is quite difficult without swelling, but how to put on compression stockings if your legs are very swollen? To make your task a little easier, place your legs on a raised platform (or simply lift them up) and hold them in this position for 5-10 minutes. This will help reduce the swelling a little. Next, you should adhere to the algorithm described above.

How to shoot

Medical knitwear should not be worn around the clock; experts recommend removing such underwear at night. Since the vessels are in a compressed state under the underwear, a sudden release from the action of knitwear can lead to disruption of blood flow. As a result, excessive swelling in the legs may appear. Removal of this product should be done slowly while sitting or lying down. If you free your legs from clothing gradually, the muscles will relax and blood flow will remain normal. To maintain the integrity of the product when removing, it is recommended to wear medical gloves.

Device for putting on compression hosiery and its cost

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process of putting on medical jersey, it is very difficult to do. Especially when it comes to stockings with compression classes 3 and 4. When buying compression underwear of the wrong size, you doom yourself to additional pain when putting it on and wearing it, and also minimize the therapeutic effect. And in some cases, excess pressure on the legs can be harmful.

Each manufacturer has its own size chart, so when choosing medical items, it is best to use the help of a consultant. Many girls believe that if they apply moisturizer or oil to their feet, it will be easier to put on the product. This is fundamentally wrong. Compression fabric glides best over completely dry skin. Skin oily from cream or oil, on the contrary, will complicate this process.

The only thing that can make the task a little easier is medical gloves. To make putting on medical items easier, we developed a special spray and a device for putting on compression hosiery.

Spray application

Sprays for easy putting on and comfortable wearing of compression hosiery not only help you put it on, but also take care of your legs, moisturizing the skin, having a venotonic effect, and they also help relieve swelling and minimize pain.

Before use, the bottle must be shaken to ensure uniformity of the emulsion contained in it. The spray is sprayed onto the underside of the product from a distance of centimeters. This must be done every time before using medical knitwear.

Butlers and their varieties

To significantly simplify the process and reduce the time of putting on therapeutic underwear, you can use a special device for putting on compression hosiery. This device is recommended for use by elderly people, overweight patients, bedridden patients and pregnant women, that is, those who cannot bend over on their own.

There are many different models of butlers:

  1. The standard product is suitable for putting on any type of compression garment.
  2. Big is suitable for putting on large-sized medical lingerie. Its distinctive feature is the elongated handles.
  3. Butler Long is most convenient for size 4 underwear, and the length of its handles allows you to avoid bending over while dressing.
  4. In the Vario modification it is possible to adjust the length of the handles.
  5. The Travel model is designed for travel and travel. It folds easily and fits into a small handbag.
  6. A special device for tights allows you to wear compression tights on two legs at once. The length of the handles allows you to do this without bending over.
  7. The hospital device is designed for bedridden patients.
  8. Reha has a flatter part, more suitable for people with limited mobility.

Design and operating principle

All battlers are visually similar to each other, they are a system of arcs with a stable base. They are made of metal (less often plastic), carefully cleaned and coated with paint. The preparatory stage consists of placing the product on the element of the device that imitates a leg. It is important to ensure that there is safe stretching in the area of ​​maximum compression. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the fabric fibers.

The toe and heel should hang down, and the rest should be turned inside out. The entire product is distributed on the arc like a small accordion. Then you need to insert your leg, straighten your toe and place your foot on the floor. After this, with smooth movements we pull the handles up to the desired height. The elastic band should be located above the affected vein. Using the device, tights can only be worn up to the thigh. Next you will have to work with your hands.

Cost of devices

The price of such an assistant depends on the chosen model and manufacturer. The cost of a standard product varies from 1200 to 3000 rubles. Big and Long models cost around 5,000 rubles. The price of the Butler in the Travel modification reaches 8,300 rubles. For a device specially designed for tights, you will have to pay approximately 7,000 rubles.

The range of prices for hospital structures is the largest and ranges from 1800 to 7500 rubles. Butler, adapted for people with limited mobility, costs approximately 7,300 rubles.

Remember that self-medication is dangerous to your health! Be sure to consult your doctor! The information on the site is presented solely for popular information purposes and does not claim to be reference or medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action.

How to wear compression hosiery correctly to extend its service life

Healthy people only know about compression garments that they exist. Those who suffer from vein diseases know that the use of such knitwear is the key to successful treatment of varicose veins and related diseases.

According to statistics, three quarters of the entire population of the planet suffers from varicose veins to one degree or another.

The overwhelming majority of this share are women. Wearing compression garments is recommended not only for those suffering from venous disease, but also for those people whose activities involve standing on their feet for a long time or carrying heavy loads, as well as athletes and pregnant women.

The result of using compression products is reflected in:

  • reducing the load on the legs;
  • reducing pain accompanying varicose veins, swelling and discomfort in general;
  • in general support of the whole body during pregnancy at any stage;
  • in solving problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • in increasing the performance of sports activities.

The key to long service is proper operation.

With proper use and care, medical underwear can correctly perform its functions for 6 or more months. Since the fabric is quite dense, it is quite difficult to put on compression products: experienced users can do this only with their hands, but it is better to put on underwear with a high degree of compression using special devices.

When putting on knitwear with bare hands, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • underwear is put on immediately after waking up, but if you need to put on therapeutic knitwear later during the day, you should first lie down and give your legs a rest;
  • nails must be cut and filed; the best option is to put on latex gloves;
  • the surfaces of corns and calluses on the feet should also be sanded to avoid snags;
  • Before putting on, straighten the underwear, turn it inside out to the toe and carefully collect it in your hand;
  • you need to pull the product onto your foot from the toe, without twisting, gradually putting it on your foot;
  • Compression tights and stockings are worn on the thighs while lying down, lifting the body as necessary.

How to put on compression tights without using improvised means:

Using a spray will make the process easier

It is easiest to put on first class compression underwear, but even with its use there is some inconvenience when putting on and wearing it.

Special sprays like Eliva Slide Effect Spray will help make dressing easier and make wearing knitwear more enjoyable.

Applied to the underside of the underwear, the aerosol promotes better sliding of products when dressing, and also softens and moisturizes the skin while wearing and reduces swelling. In pharmacies the price of these products is about 500 rubles per bottle.

What are butlers - their varieties

To facilitate the process of putting on and removing compression products, especially for elderly or overweight people, as well as bedridden patients and pregnant women, it is recommended to use butlers.

Butler is a special device for putting on compression hosiery, which allows you to pull the product onto your leg or arm without squeezing it with elastic bands, without effort, folds and stretches of the material.

The device is convenient to use for people who cannot bend over on their own. The main manufacturer is the German company Medi, as well as Swedish and Russian manufacturers who produce devices of several modifications.

Design and operating principle

In principle, all butler models are a system of arcs on a stable base. The “home butler” is made of metal (some models are made of plastic), carefully cleaned and coated with paint.

For convenience, compression garments can be put on the butler on the table, taking into account that the calves will be facing the arched part of the device.

Therefore, the heel should also be facing the same direction. A medical product is placed on the arches that imitate the leg, creating a safe stretch in the zone of maximum compression. In this case, the toe and heel hang freely, and the main part of the product is turned inside out, forming a kind of tunnel.

Having collected the entire product on the arc, you should evenly distribute it in small folds. At this stage, the butler, if it was “charging” on the table, must be placed firmly on the floor, then insert the foot and straighten the toe.

To put on underwear, you need to place your foot on the floor and smoothly pull the handles up to a sufficient height (the elastic of your stockings or knee socks should be slightly higher than the affected vein).

If you are wearing compression tights, then the butler helps you put them on to the knees or a little higher. Then the device is removed to the side and further putting on is continued by hand.

The elastic band of tights and stockings should be carefully straightened across the width so that it does not roll down. Models of compression underwear without a toe should be worn with a special sock, which is included with such knitwear. After putting on stockings or knee socks, the sock is carefully pulled off the fingers.

You can learn how to properly put on compression stockings without assistance using the Medi Butler Big from the video:

Cost of devices

Prices depend on the manufacturer and the specific butler model:

  1. The standard product is recommended as an auxiliary accessory for putting on any type of underwear: golf, stockings or tights. Its price, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 1200 rubles to 3000 rubles.
  2. Big – for dressing items of large sizes. A distinctive design element is the longer handles. In pharmacies the price for such an accessory is about 5,050 rubles.
  3. Long – the long handles of this accessory allow you to put on underwear (up to size 4) without bending over. A modification of this type of Butler Vario device is distinguished by the ability to adjust the length of the handles. The cost reaches 4800 rubles.
  4. Short and APM – used for putting on compression gloves and sleeves. Depending on the model, the price can range from 3,000 to 5,350 rubles. for overweight people.
  5. Travel – the folding model is very convenient for traveling and easily folds into a handbag. The cost of the set reaches 8300 rubles.
  6. A special device for tights is very convenient for putting on compression tights on both legs at once. Sufficiently long handles allow you to put on knitwear without bending over while standing. The cost of the device is about 7,000 rubles.
  7. Hospital use – the collapsible design of the product makes it easier for bedridden patients to put on underwear. It is used in a hospital setting and is convenient for serving bedridden or postoperative patients. The cost of a butler of this model ranges from 1875 to 7000 rubles.
  8. For people with limited mobility, different modifications of butlers are available: with a flatter part for a stocking or Reha golf, with adjustable length of Vario handles. Such accessories make it easier for overweight people with limited mobility to put on underwear, both independently and with assistance. The price of these devices is up to 7300 rubles.
  9. The 2 in 1 auxiliary device is intermediate in the process of putting on knitwear: it is a special stocking that minimizes friction between the skin and the product. Lightweight and compact, this device is suitable for putting on medical underwear of both standard and short length, with or without a toe.

Butler can be an invaluable helper, saving you time and effort every day when putting on compression stockings. Using this useful accessory and proper care of medical underwear will extend its service life.

New from Sigvaris

The manufacturer of compression garments and accessories for them, Sigvaris, suggests using a special cone made of sliding material to put on knitwear.

The Doff N Donner device can be used to put on compression sleeves, knee socks and stockings (for models with or without toe).

First, a device is put on the leg, followed by a product without a toe or a sleeve. With smooth movements of the hands (preferably wearing latex gloves), the stocking or golf is put on the leg. You can remove the device through the open toe by simply pulling the fabric.

Products with a toe are put on in the same order, but the device should be prepared according to the instructions: fold it and attach a strap to special Velcro, by which the device is then pulled out of the stocking or golf.

Doff N Donner can also be used to remove therapeutic knitwear. The cost of accessories varies: with an open cape, 1,802 rubles, with a closed cape, 2,652 rubles.

Briefly about the main thing - why is all this needed?

Treatment of varicose veins and trophic ulcers on the legs using bandages and pressure bandages goes back many decades. Until relatively recently, exclusively elastic bandages were used for this purpose, but now the medical industry offers a large selection of compression products: knee socks, stockings of various models, tights, leggings.

The basic principle is to create different pressure on different parts of the leg:

  • 100% - pressure on the lower part, in the ankle area;
  • 70% pressure on the shin;
  • 40% - on the thigh.

The therapeutic effect is that blood stagnation in the lower leg is eliminated: the compression of the underwear pushes the blood upward and the load on the veins is reduced. The higher the leg, the less effort is required to ensure blood flow through the veins. In general, the effect is similar to the natural load that the muscles create during movement.

Therapeutic underwear is made using seamless technology using lycra, microfiber, cotton and nylon from a special compression thread and is practically indistinguishable in appearance from analogues of ordinary items of clothing.

About classes

Doctors, according to the purpose and degree of compression, classify underwear into hospital (used after operations), preventive (pressure up to 18 mm Hg) and therapeutic (from 18 to 60 mm Hg), which in turn is divided into four classes:

  • Class I - it is recommended for the appearance of spider veins and heaviness in the legs, during pregnancy, and for reticular varicose veins;
  • Class II is intended to be worn by people with varicose veins or after surgery;
  • Class III underwear is prescribed to patients with thrombotic complications, diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis or lymphostasis;
  • Class IY is necessary for people with an advanced stage of lymphoderm, accompanied by persistent and extensive swelling, a complicated stage of phlebodysplasia, and chronic cellulite.

Correctly selected compression garments very quickly become an integral and comfortable part of the wardrobe, in addition:

  • a timely decision to wear therapeutic knitwear eliminates surgery, saving money on it;
  • it is much cheaper and more practical than elastic bandages;
  • significantly reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • due to its high density, it is much more practical than conventional analogues, which also saves money.

Like any product, such products have a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to the material;
  • the presence of certain diseases (for example, atherosclerosis);
  • frequent irritation, dermatitis or eczema;
  • cardiopulmonary failure, septic phlebitis, diabetes mellitus.

Help with vein diseases.

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Compression stockings can be a very useful wardrobe item. But you need to put them on correctly. They compress the leg with a certain force, causing the desired effect. But not everyone knows how to put on such stockings. It's worth figuring out how this is done.

How to put on stockings: what are compression stockings for?

Such products are created for the treatment of foot diseases. As a rule, they are used for varicose veins and their only purpose is to increase blood circulation in the tissues. Correct pressure provokes the inflow and outflow of blood into the muscles and skin.

Ways to wear stockings to treat varicose veins

They can be used in cases where for some reason the outflow and inflow of blood is difficult. For example, with immobility and lack of muscle function in paralyzed or temporarily immobilized people.

How to put on stockings correctly: basic rules

Compression stockings must be worn correctly on your legs. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only preventing yourself from receiving the therapeutic effect, but also damaging the product. To do this you will have to practice a little and learn:

  • you need to trim your nails and file them with a special file so that they cannot catch on the fabric and tear it;
  • all calluses and roughness on the feet must be carefully removed with a pumice stone - they, like long nails, can tear the fabric;
  • put on thick medical gloves on your hands. They should fit tightly to the skin and not slip;
  • Before pulling on the knitwear, you need to give your legs a rest so that all swelling goes away. To do this, you need to raise them for 5-10 minutes;
  • after that, place your leg horizontally. It is important to keep the skin clean and dry.

After all the preparations have been made, you can start putting on stockings.

Problems with the blood vessels of the legs can significantly worsen the quality of life. A disease such as varicose veins can cause a lot of inconvenience and have a negative impact on the body.

To ensure uniform redistribution of blood flow from dilated vessels to normal ones, experts recommend wearing compression clothing.

Knitwear of this kind can save you from many problems, but for those who plan to wear such underwear, it will be useful to know several important nuances regarding its use. Reference!

Compression garments have proven to be an excellent alternative to elastic bandages. Due to the fact that such anti-varicose clothing is highly breathable, you can wear such stockings all day..

There are various methods for putting on such underwear

  • One of the most common methods is this:
  • the product must be turned inside out to the heel area, which is put on the foot;
  • carefully, without twisting in the process, the product must be slowly (centimeter by centimeter) put on the entire leg, as if screwing it inward;
  • After this, you need to lightly pull the sock to release the toes from the compression and make sure that the product does not bunch up and does not squeeze the foot too much.

If the compression stocking has an open toe, It is recommended to wear it as follows:

  • first, you need to put a special “silk” sock on your foot, which makes it easier for the stocking to slide over the surface of the leg (as a rule, such socks are sold complete with therapeutic knitwear) and fix the heel;
  • over a smooth sock, you need to wear a compression stocking, first turned inside out, in the foot area;
  • then the product should be carefully straightened with smoothing movements along the entire length of the leg, avoiding the formation of folds and twisting of the fabric;
  • after this, the smooth sock must be slightly pulled forward and removed from the foot;
  • The compression stocking should be well spread on the front and sole of the foot so that it is at the base of the toes.

Important! Do not pull sharply when putting on anti-varicose stockings. This method will not bring the desired result, but the likelihood of damage to products will increase several times.

Phlebologists do not recommend wearing compression garments around the clock. In the evening, stockings with a therapeutic effect must be removed. Since the blood vessels in the legs are in a compressed state while wearing compression stockings, too rapid release from the effects of therapeutic underwear can provoke a disturbance in blood flow, which, in turn, can cause excessive swelling in the legs.

Advice! Such products must be removed carefully and slowly, while sitting or lying down. With the gradual release of the limbs from such clothing, the muscles will relax, but the blood flow will remain normal.

Correct use of products

Compression hosiery should be put on in the morning (immediately after waking up) before possible swelling of the lower extremities appears and worn all day, removing only in the evening before bed. To prevent damage to the fabric, before using such linen, it is recommended to carefully treat your nails (trimmed or filed), as well as rough spots and calluses (if any).

The fabric and skin must be completely dry; the feet can be lightly sprinkled with talcum powder. Before use, the stockings must be turned inside out to the toe and carefully gathered in your hand.

Important rules for putting on knitwear

To ensure that your compression stockings last as long as possible, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • It is not recommended to use excessive force when putting on such products;
  • if there are rings on your hands, they must be removed before putting on such stockings;
  • If you have long nails and a textured manicure, it is recommended to use rubber gloves when putting them on.

If there is severe swelling, how to wear it?

Such therapeutic knitwear is quite difficult to put on even if there is no swelling. If your legs are too swollen to make the task easier, it is recommended to place your legs on a raised platform or even raise them up. The legs must be held in this position for 5 to 10 minutes. After this, the swelling will decrease slightly. Compression stockings can then be put on, following standard recommendations.

How to take off stockings?

Before removing the compression stockings, you must remove all jewelry from your hands. Take the compression stocking by the top edge and slowly pull it down towards the foot.

After which you should carefully remove the heel, and then the entire product.

Advice! Compression garments of this type are very convenient to remove while wearing rubber medical gloves.

Spray use

Specialized stores and pharmacies sell sprays that greatly facilitate the process of putting on such products. A product of this type can be applied from a distance of 20-25 cm both directly to the skin and to the inside of a thick knitted stocking.

Such sprays well moisturize the outer layer of the skin, making it much more slippery. After this, putting on compression stockings becomes much easier. In addition, such drugs also have a venotonic effect, reduce pain and help relieve swelling.

Compression hosiery is an essential component of the treatment of varicose veins and surgical intervention.