If not for these two verses, Abu Huraira (ra) would never have become a transmitter of hadith. Who is Abu Hurayrah? Paying attention to and studying the Qur'an

Hadith that made Abu Huraira faint

One day Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I will inform you about the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told me in this house, when there was no one in it except me and him,” after which Abu Hurayrah lost consciousness.

Having come to his senses, he repeated: “I will inform you about the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told me in this house when there was no one in it except me and him,” after which he lost consciousness again, falling on his face as if he had been knocked down. And this went on for quite a long time.

Then he came to his senses and said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told me: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah Almighty and Great will descend to His slaves to carry out Judgment, while all communities will be brought to their knees. And the first whom He will call will be those who have memorized the entire Quran; who died in the path of Allah; and who owned more property.

Allah Almighty will ask the reciter of the Koran: “Did I not teach you what I revealed to My Messenger?” He will answer: “Yes, O Lord!” He will ask: “What did you do from what I taught you?” He will answer: “I persisted in prayer night and day.” And Allah will say to him: “You are lying!” And the angels will tell him: “You are lying!” Allah will say to him: “You wanted people to say: “So-and-so is a reciter of the Koran,” and they said it.”

Then the owner of the property will be brought, and Allah will ask him: “Did I not increase your wealth until I made you need no one?” He will answer: “Yes, O Lord!” He will ask: “What did you do from what came to you?” He will answer: “I maintained family ties and made donations.” And Allah will say to him: “You are lying!” And the angels will say to him: “You are lying!” Allah will say: “You wanted people to say: “So-and-so is generous,” and they said so.”

Then they will bring someone who died in the path of Allah, and Allah will ask him: “Why did you die?” He will answer: “I was ordered to fight in Your path, and I fought until I died.” And Allah will say to him: “You are lying!” And the angels will say to him: “You are lying!” Allah will say: “You wanted it to be said about you: ‘So-and-so is brave,’ and this was said.”

After this, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) patted me on the knee and said: “O Abu Hurayrah! These three are the first creations of Allah with which the Fire will kindle on the Day of Resurrection!”

This hadith was reported by at-Tirmidhi 2383, Ibn Hibban 4502, al-Hakim 1/418. The hadith is authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ al-saghir” 1713, “Sahih at-targhib” 22, 1335.

As we have already said, Wahhabis are scammers who pose as “Sunnis”, but in reality do not know Sunni sources and Sunni hadith. We warn all Sunnis, as well as reasonable Salafis, against their lies and jahiliyya.

Another revelation concerns their lies about Abu Hureyra.

Wahhabis write: “before Islam, the name of Abu Hurayra was Abdush-Shams - Slave of the Sun, which in itself is a clear and indisputable argument that Abu Hurayra was a pagan Arab, since the name Slave of the Sun is a purely pagan name of idolaters who worship the sun.”

Let's see what Sunni scholars said about this:

وقال ابن عبد البر لم يختلف في اسم أحد في الجاهلية ولا في الإسلام كالاختلاف فيه

“Ibn Abdulbarr said: There was no such discrepancy about the name of anyone else, both during the Jahiliyya and during the period of Islam, as about his (Abu Hurayrah’s) name.”

(“Amdutu l-kari”, volume 1, p. 124).

اسم ابي هريره عبد الرحمن بن صخر علي الأصح من ثلاثين قولا

“The name of Abu Hureyra is Abdurrahman ibn Sahar, according to the most reliable of thirty (!!!) opinions.”

(“Tayassur bi sharkhi jimii sagir”, volume 1, p. 7; “Tadribu rravi”, volume 2, p. 284).

قال النووي في مواضع من كتبه اسم أبي هريرة عبد الرحمن بن صخر على الأصح من ثلاثين قولا

“Nawawi said: Abu Hurayra’s name is Abdurrahman ibn Sahar, according to the most reliable of thirty opinions.”

(“Isabatu fi tamizi ssahaba”, volume 7, p. 429).

Halabi writes:

اجتمع في اسمه و اسم ابيه أربعة وأربعون قولا مذکورة في کني الحاکم و في الاستيعاب و في تاريخ ابن عساکر

“Concerning his name and the name of his father, there are forty-four (!!!) opinions mentioned in the book of Hakim, in Istiab and Tarikh of Ibn Asakir.”

(“Isaba”, volume 7, p. 430; “Fathu l-mugis”, volume 3, p. 225).

So, thirty or forty-four opinions regarding the name of Abu Hureyra both under Jahiliya and after Islam!!!

As for why the Shiites do not like Abu Hureyra, it is not due to the fact that “he broke the backs of the Shiites with his hadiths” (what?), but simply because he was a liar and a fabricator of fake hadiths. Simply put, he lied against the Messenger of Allah (S). He accepted Islam 22 months before the death of the Messenger of Allah (S), and at the same time managed to convey from him at least 5,500 hadiths in Sunni books! In other words, he had to hear and memorize at least 8 hadiths a day from him. And this despite the fact that all Sunni books contain about 500 hadiths from Ali ibn Abi Talib (A), who was next to the Messenger of Allah (S) for 30 years and did not leave him a single step! That is, if we count only from the time the Koran was revealed to the Prophet, it turns out that Ali memorized 8 hadiths every 100 days! Despite the fact that it is “the gateway to the city of knowledge of the Prophet,” according to an authentic hadith! We leave it to our opponents to explain how this is possible.

In Sahih Bukhari, he himself admits to being a writer of hadiths:

فقالوا يا أبا هريرة سمعت هذا من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لا هذا من كيس أبي هريرة

“They said to Abu Hurayrah: did you hear this from the Messenger of Allah (S)? He said: no, this is from Abu Hureyra's bag."

(Sahih Bukhari, volume 5, hadith 2048).

Abu Hurayra had a big bag!

About one of his “hadiths” he says:

يقول أبو هريرة أفكنت محدثكم بهذه الأحاديث وعمر حى أما والله إذا لأيقنت أن المحففة ستباشر ظهرى

“If I had told you this hadith during the life of Umar, then, I swear by Allah, I would have been hit on the back with sticks”!!!

(“Bidayatu wa nnihaya”, volume 8, p. 107).

Zahabi reports:

عن السائب بن يزيد : سمع عمر يقول لأبي هريرة : لتتركن الحديث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أو لألحقنك بأرض دوس

“From Saib ibn Yazid: I heard Umar say to Abu Hurayrah: stop telling hadith from the Messenger of Allah, or I will send you to the land of Dus”!!!

(“Seiru aalamu nnubala”, volume 2, p. 600, and also: “Bidayatu va nnihaya”, volume 8, p. 106; “Tarikh madinati demoshk”, volume 50, p. 172).

If Abu Hurayra was transmitting authentic hadiths, then why did Umar threaten to expel him?

Ibn Qutaybah narrates from Ibn Masud:

وذكر أبا هريرة فقال أكذبه عمر وعثمان وعلي وعائشة رضوان الله عليهم

“They mentioned (near him) Abu Hureyra, and he said: Umar, Uthman, Ali and Aisha considered him a liar.”

(“Tavilu mukhtalafi l-hadith”, volume 1, p. 22).

Ibn Abi Hadid reports that Ali (A) considered Abu Hureyra to be the most deceitful person:

ن علي عليه السلام أنه قال : ألا إن أكذب الناس — أو قال : أكذب الاحياء — على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أبو هريرة الدوسي

"Ali (A) said: Beware of the most deceitful person - Abu Hureyra."

(“Sharh nahj ul-balagha”, volume 4, p. 68).

Aisha also accuses him of lying:

حدثناه أبو موسى حدثني عبد الصمد نا همام نا قتادة عن أبي حسان أن رجلين من بني عامر دخلا على عائشة فقالا لها إن أبا هريرة يقول ان الطيرة في الدار والمرأة والفرس فغضبت من ذلك غضبا شديدا وطارت شقة منها في السماء وشقة في الأرض فقالت كذب والذي أنزل الفرقان على أبي القاسم صلى الله عليه وسلم ما قاله إنما قال كان أهل الجاهلية يتطيرون من ذلك

“From Abi Hassan that two people from Bani Amir entered Aisha and said that Abu Hurayrah reported from the Messenger of Allah (S): there is impurity in a bird, a woman and a horse. She said: I swear by Allah, he lied! Only the people of Jahiliya considered it bad.”

(“Tarihu madinati demeshk”, volume 67, p. 352; “Tamhid” by Ibn Abdulbarr, volume 9, p. 289).

The evidence of Abu Hurayra's lies from Sunni sources is very numerous: we have cited only a small number.

As for Shiite sources, it is enough to mention the narration from Imam Sadiq (A):

ثَلاثَةٌ کانُوا یَکذِبونَ عَلی رسول اللّه صلّی الله علیه و آله و سلّم: ابوهریره و انس بن مالک و امرأة

Imam Sadiq (A) said: “Three people lied against the Messenger of Allah (S): Abu Hurayra, Anas ibn Malik and a woman.”

(Sources: Bihar, vol. 2, p. 217; Hisal, p. 190).

This question was perfectly answered by the great scholar Muhaddith of the last century, Sheikh al-Albani.

Question: Why do Shia Rafidis hate Abu Hurairah?

Sheikh's answer: Because he broke their backs with a large number of hadiths transmitted from him, may Allah be pleased with him.

Part one

Answers to the absurd arguments of the Shiites against this great companion of the Prophet.

The Shiites, proving their “following” of Ahli Beit, which in fact is following Khomeini, Sistani, Shirazi and other fire worshipers, once again shamefully lie by citing the following:Aisha says: “Abu Huraira lies a lot. He composed many false hadiths in the name of Rasul Allah.” Source - "Sahih Muslim", vol. 2 "Fesail Abu Hureyra.

And it’s strange why the Shiites didn’t provide the text of the hadith?

However, every Shiite can open Sahih Muslim and make sure that there is no such hadith there
and the Shia scholars are clearly lying following the footsteps of Satan.

This lie is given on many Shiite websites, although they began to remove this article, as they often do after their obvious lies are conveyed to people, we saved the screenshot as proof of their lies:

But here is the existing hadith in Sahih Muslim where Aisha speaks about Abu Hurairah:

It is reported from the words of “Urwa” that [once] “Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said [to him]: “Doesn’t Abu Hurayrah surprise you? [Once, when] I was doing extra prayer, he came and sat next to my room, and I heard him talking about the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He got up [and left] before I finished praying, and if I had caught him, I would certainly have contradicted him . Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not speak as quickly as you speak!”
Ibn Shihab reported that Ibn al-Musayyab reported that [once] Abu Huraira said: “People say that Abu Huraira [narrated too many hadiths], but Allah [will judge us at the appointed] time!And they [ask] why the Muhajirs and Ansars do not report as many hadiths as he reports? I will tell you about [the reason] for this: verily, our brothers from among the Ansar were busy cultivating their lands, and our brothers from among the Muhajirs were distracted by the clapping of the markets . I relentlessly followed the Messenger of Allah, content only with what could satisfy me , being present [where] they were absent, and remembering what they did not remember. One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever among you spreads out his clothes and [listens] to my words, and then presses them to his chest, will never forget what he hears.” Then I spread out my cloak, which was on me, [and it lay until the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) finished [speaking], and then I pressed [this cloak] to my chest, and since then I have not forgotten anything that he said to me. However, if not for the two verses that Almighty and Great Allah revealed in His Book, then I would not have conveyed a single hadith.” [Having said this, he read the following verses]:“Verily, those who hide the clear proofs and the right guidance that We have sent down, after We have clarified [everything] this to the people in the Scripture, Allah curses And those who curse will curse,[and this will not affect]only those who repent will be corrected and they will explain [truth]. I will accept their repentance[for] I am the One Accepting Repentance, the Merciful"(2:159-160).

“Aisha means that she would reproach him and indicate that the hadith should be conveyed without haste, so that everything is clear to people.

The meaning of Abu Hurayrah's words is this: Allah will demand an account from me if I deliberately lied, and will demand an account from those who thought badly of me.

This refers to trade deals, after the conclusion of which people shook hands.

Abu Hurayrah wants to say that if it were not for the need to get something for food, he would have accompanied the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, constantly.

That is, they will correct the mistakes they made and make amends for their sins.

Abu Hurayrah “narrates from the Messenger of Allah...” He then mentioned hadiths, among which was this one: “The Messenger of Allah also said: “The angel of death came to Musa, peace be upon him! And he said to him: “Answer your Lord!” He said: “But Musa, peace be upon him, slapped the eye of the angel of death and knocked it out.” He said: “He said: “Then the angel returned to Allah Almighty and said: “You sent me to a slave who does not want to die! He also knocked out my eye!” He said: “And then Allah returned his eye to him and said: “Return to My servant and say: “Oh, you want to live!” So if you want to live, then put your hand on the bull’s backbone and how many hairs your hand hides, the number of years you will live.” He asked: “And then what?” He replied: “Then you will die.” He said: “I’ll do it now! (But before it’s too late), I will immediately ask You, Lord, to kill me from the holy earth with a stone throw.” The Messenger of Allah said: “I swear by Allah, if only I were next to him, I would definitely show you his grave, on the side of the road, near the red hill.” . (Muslim 2372)

The claims of the Shiites to this hadith and proof of their ignorance:

1) Musa knocks out the angel's eye. This fact caused laughter among the Shiites. Firstly, proof of the ignorance of the Shiites is that this hadith is also present in their Shiite booksLaali al-Akhbar, 1/191 and al-Anwar al-Numaniyya 4/205. So uhthen this is their scientific approach? It's a shame and nothing more. besides the fact that these learned figures do not know their books, do they not also know that the angel of death appeared to Musa in the form of a man? Or do they not know that the eyes also correspond to the human image? Perhaps they don’t know that eyes can be knocked out? So what are they laughing at, these ignoramuses? Holy is Allah!

Are they laughing at the fact that Musa mistook an angel for a man and treated him like a man? However, these poor people (poor people in knowledge) are very likely not aware of the following verses:
“Has the story reached you about the honorable guests of Ibrahim? So they came in to him and said: “Peace be with you!” He said: “And peace to you, strangers!” He approached his family cautiously and brought a fat calf. He brought it closer to them and said: “Would you like to try it?” He was afraid of them in his soul, and then they said: “Do not be afraid.” They rejoiced him with the news of a knowledgeable boy.” Surah: The Dispersers (51:24-28).
“When he saw that they did not touch their food, he doubted them and felt afraid of them. The messengers said: “Do not be afraid! Indeed, we have been sent to the people of Lut (Lot).” Surah: Hud (11:70).
Holy is Allah! Ibrahim himself and his wife accepted the angels as people, even served them food and set the table! After all, the angels were in the form of people! And when these angels reported the news about the child, Ibrahim’s wife laughed and was surprised: “Am I really going to give birth? After all, I am an old woman, and my husband is an old man.”
So what prevents these ignorant people from believing the hadith about Musa?

2) They are surprised and unhappy that Musa knocked out the eye of an angel in the form of a man who came to him. However, they do not know that Allah has given permission to gouge out the eye of someone who peeps into a house. As imams al-Bukhari and Muslim report this in a hadith “If someone spied on you without your permission, and you threw a pebble at him and knocked out his eye, then there is no sin on you.” Musa did what he could rightfully do! So what is the claim at this point? Obviously, these people cannot have any complaints on this point.
3) Perhaps they will be surprised how Musa was able to knock out his eye, purely physically? But it is well known that Allah has endowed Musa (a.s.) with remarkable strength; the 15th verse of Surah al Qassas is enough for this.

"..One who was among his supporters asked him to help him against one who was among his enemies. Musa (Moses) hit him with his fist and finished him off..."

Musa accidentally killed a man with one blow, will anyone then be indignant about how he could knock out an eye with one blow? It is obvious that he had strength. And will anyone be indignant at this except the Shiites, who are indignant at the “injustice” of Allah?

Shiites say that Abu Hurayra was a Jew before Islam

Firstly, it would not even be worth spending time refuting this obvious and shameful lie, since the fact that a person was a Jew before Islam does not prevent him from being a trusted Muslim, however, especially for the Shiites who believe in this lie, we will give clear evidence that Abu Hurayra was an Arab, a pagan, and not a Jew.

The name of Abu Hurayra before Islam was Abdush-Shams, - Slave of the Sun, which in itself is a clear and indisputable argument that Abu Hurayra was a pagan Arab, since the name Slave of the Sun is a purely pagan name for idolaters who worship the sun.

The Imams of Ahli Bayt considered Abu Huraira to be a truthful and reliable narrator.

The Shia scholar Abu Al Hasan Al Ardabili reports in his book Kashf Al Ghimma that Said ibn Marjana said:“One day I was with Ali ibn al Hussein (Zain al Abidin) and said: “I heard Abu Hurayrah's statement: “The Messenger of Allah said that if anyone frees a believer in Allah, Allah will free him piece by piece from the fire. Allah will free hand by hand, foot by foot, hole by hole.” Ali replied: " Did you hear this from Abu Hurayrah? Said said “Yes.” Ali ibn Al Hussein said to his servant: " My most educated slave boy, Abdullah ibn Jafar, offered a thousand dinars for him, but Ali ibn Al Hussein refused, and now you are free for the sake of Allah.»

(Al Ardabili. “Kashf Al Ghimma”. Vol. 2. “The Virtues of Imam Zayn Al Abidin”. P. 290.)
Here it is clearly shown how the imams of Ahli-Beit accept the hadith from Abu Hurairah, and the Shiites consider him a liar and thereby refute the imams of Ahli-Beit!!!
The descendants of the prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, accepted the hadith from him, which means they did not consider him a liar. Moreover, the Quran says (meaning):

“O you who believe! If the wicked brings you news, then find out, so as not to ignorantly strike innocent people, otherwise you will regret what you have done” (49:6)

However, Imam Zainal Abidin did not even bother to find out about this hadith; it was enough for him that Abu Huraira conveyed it and he believed Abu Huraira! What do the Shiites do? They call him a liar and deny his hadith, while their imams accepted hadith from Abu Hurairah. It is obvious that the Shiites, in order to justify the centuries-old lies of Shiism, are even ready to contradict the imams of Ahli-Beit, whom they attribute to themselves following.

Part two.

Virtues of Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him)

First, let's talk about the merits of this great man whom Allah chose as a companion for his last Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After all, undoubtedly it is his merits and truthfulness that are the reason for the enmity of the Shia Rafidis towards him.

He received his name - Abd ar-Rahman ibn Sakhr - from the Messenger of Allah after accepting Islam. In the era of paganism, he was called Abdush-Shams - “slave of the sun.” He came from the famous Daws al-Azdi tribe of Yemen, which still exists today. His family nicknamed him Abu Hurairah, “the owner of the kitten.” One day, when he was tending sheep, he found a wild cat with kittens. He really liked the kittens, and he took several of them and hid them in his sleeve. When he returned home, his relatives heard meowing and asked: “What is this?” He replied: “Kittens.” From that day on he was nicknamed Abu Huraira. Among his tribe, Abu Huraira enjoyed fame and authority, which he inherited from his paternal and maternal uncles. His paternal uncle was the emir of his tribe, and after he accepted Islam, the Prophet left him in this position. His maternal uncle was a famous hero and hero of Dausa.


Abu Huraira was a dark-skinned man, broad-shouldered, with two braids. He had a small distance between his upper incisors. He was a gentle, cheerful and cheerful person, he loved to wear linen clothes and a black turban.


The Daus tribe was pagan and worshiped idols, like all other Arab tribes. The patron saint of Daus was Zul-Khulsa, an idol worshiped by members of the tribe. The pitch darkness of paganism dissipated with the advent of the call to monotheism, brought from Mecca by at-Tufail ibn Amr, a poet, noble and very hospitable man from the Daus tribe. He accepted Islam in Mecca when he met the Messenger of Allah and then returned to his people, calling them to Islam, and they all believed thanks to him. Among them was Abu Hurayrah. Later, shortly before the conquest of Mecca, he moved to the Messenger of Allah in Medina.

At that time, Abu Huraira was still a young man, not yet thirty years old, but one should not be surprised that he was quick-witted, had a lively mind, excellent memory and strong faith. They were formed while he was growing up as an orphan, relying only on himself. His amazing memory was the result of asceticism and distance from worldly concerns. Abu Huraira said about himself: “I grew up an orphan and made Hijra as a poor man.”


Abu Hurayrah's migration to the Prophet and joining his companions allowed him to achieve great merit and great good. Allah granted him the honor of being a companion of His Messenger, and he deserved the reward promised to all the companions of the Prophet. Allah Almighty reported this in His Revelation:

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are furious against the disbelievers and be merciful to each other...” (48:29)

In one of the very last verses of the Quran revealed about them, the Almighty said:

“Allah accepted the repentance of the Prophet, the Muhajirs (Muslims, migrated from Mecca) and Ansars (Medina Muslims), who followed him in difficult times...” (9:117)

Abu Hurayrah is also a Muhajir who emigrated to the Messenger of Allah from his native Yemen. The Prophet said: “Do not scold my companions. If one of you donated gold as much as Mount Uhud, it would not compare with the handful they donated, or even with half of it.”(“al-Jami” as-Sahih” (“Collection of authentic hadiths”) by Imam al-Bukhari. Volume 5, p. 10). Therefore, love for the companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them, and turning to Allah with prayer for them forgiveness belongs to the foundations of pure Islamic belief. Ibn Abbas, the paternal cousin of the Messenger of Allah, said: “Do not scold the companions of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and send him peace, because an hour of their presence with him is better than your efforts for 40 years. years” (“al-Aqida” (“Belief”) of Imam at-Tahawi, p. 398);

“Those who came after them say: “Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith, and do not establish in our hearts malice towards those who believe) Our Lord, for You are Gentle and Merciful!” (59:10)

Thus, we are commanded only to pray to Allah for forgiveness for them. Allah Almighty also said:

“So We have made you a just community, that you may be witnesses to the people, and that the Messenger may be a witness to you...” (2:143)

Allah Almighty called us to adhere to the straight path, faith, knowledge, brotherhood, harmony and love that the Companions followed, saying:

“And whoever opposes the Messenger after the straight path has become clear to him, and follows not the path of the believers, We will turn him to what he himself turned to, and We will burn him in hell. How nasty this place is!” (4:115)

Imam at-Tahawi, in his work on the Islamic faith, the authority and authenticity of which was recognized by scholars of all madhhabs, wrote: “We love the companions of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and send him peace, do not show excessiveness in our love for them and do not renounce any from one of them. We do not like those who hate them or speak unworthily about them. When we talk about them, we say only good things. Love for them is part of religion, faith and ihsan (the highest degree of faith), and hatred for them is the direct opposite of the above...” (“al-Aqida”, p. 396). It is the duty of every Muslim to adhere to these beliefs. The Messenger of Allah turned to the Almighty with a prayer for the Daus tribe, saying: “O Allah! Guide Daus on the straight path and bring them to Islam!” At that time, Abu Huraira was already a believer, but the blessing of the Prophet’s prayer did not escape him. This is evidenced by the words of the Messenger of Allah, who emphasized the superiority of the Muslims of Yemen, saying: “Faith is from Yemen, and wisdom is from Yemen. Yemenis with subtle minds and soft hearts have come to you...”(al-Bukhari, 5/219).

Abu Hurayrah and his mother were also honored with a special prayer from the Messenger of Allah. He said: “O Allah! Make this Your servant and his mother beloved to Your believing slaves, and make the believers beloved to them!”(“al-Jami” as-Sahih” of Imam Muslim, 7/166). Therefore, love for Abu Huraira and his mother is one of the signs of sincere faith. However, true glory and merit found Abu Huraira when he settled in al-Suffa - a shady place in the courtyard of the Prophet's mosque in Medina. Its inhabitants were poor Muhajirs who had no other shelter besides the mosque. Their only concern was the study of the Koran and the religion of Allah.

As-Suffa was the first school of Islam, and Allah honored the believers who grew strong in it with His praise in the Holy Quran and commanded Muslims to be virtuous towards them:

“...For the poor who suffer need in the path of Allah; they cannot conduct fisheries on earth. The ignorant will consider them, due to their modesty, rich; you will recognize them by their signs: they do not ask annoyingly...” (2:273)

Allah also commanded His Messenger to stay with those poor people whose only concern was to worship Allah and obey Him day and night:

“Be patient with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His face...” (18:28)


Abu Hurayrah loved the Messenger of Allah very much. One day he confessed to him: “O Messenger of Allah, when I see you, my soul becomes happy and my eyes rest” (“Musnad” by Imam Ahmad 2/323). This love completely took possession of him, and he gave preference to hearing one hadith from the lips of the Messenger of Allah, before a thousand rak'ats of additional prayer. He said: “One part of the knowledge that We comprehend is more kind to us than a thousand rak'ats.” Passionate love for the Messenger flared up in him when his name was mentioned. After the death of the Messenger of Allah, he could not restrain himself and was ready to burst into tears until he lost consciousness at his mention. (“al-Jami” al-Kabir” “The Great Collection of Hadiths”) of Imam at-Tirmidhi 9/226). Being part of his faith, the deep love for the Prophet in the heart of Abu Hurairah prompted him to devote himself entirely to continuous communication with the Messenger of Allah - not only in the mosque and as-Suffa, but also on campaigns and travels, in the market and when visiting the sick, He held the reins of his camel, helped him at home and on the road. He very often asked the Prophet about things that no one else was interested in. allowed Abu Hurayrah to learn about many of the Prophet’s deeds, which most of the Companions were not aware of.

Look at his zeal for knowledge: when the Messenger of Allah was distributing trophies, he asked him: “Will you not ask me for a share of these spoils?” He replied: “I only ask you to teach me what Allah taught you.” Allah Almighty and Omniscient knew the truth of his words, and he became one of the great scientists.


He lived in al-Suffa - poor, without property, without shelter, without occupation. Like other inhabitants of al-Suffa, he was content with the guidance on the straight path that Allah had given him. He devoted himself to inseparably following the Messenger of Allah in order to hear everything he said and remember it in order to teach it to others. Sometimes he would go several days without food and would faint due to hunger. Through such self-sacrifice, the Prophet’s companions educated their own souls - this is how the generations that conquered Syria, Persia, Iraq and other countries grew up. Their aspirations were not directed towards filling their bellies, but towards knowledge of religion and obedience to Allah and His Messenger. One day Ali ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, entered the room of his wife Fatima, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, and saw that al-Hasan and al-Hussein were crying. “Why are they crying?” he asked. Fatima replied: “From hunger” (“Kitab al-Sunan” (“Book of Hadith of the Prophet”) by Imam Abu Dawud 1/398).


Abu Huraira received from the Prophet an excellent education in the spirit of faith in Allah. It appeared repeatedly under various circumstances during his life. Sometimes the Prophet gave him instructions, saying: “O Abu Hurayrah! Be God-fearing and you will be the best in worshiping Allah! Be content with little, and you will be the most grateful of people! Wish for people what you wish for yourself, and you will become a believer! Be kind to your neighbors and you will become a Muslim! And laugh less, for frequent laughter destroys the soul...”(“Kitab al-Sunan” by Imam Ibn Majah 2/141). Abu Huraira always remembered this will. He was God-fearing, ascetic, far from worldly pleasures, wealth and temptations. He loved people, taught them and cared for them carefully. He was kind to his neighbor Ammar ibn Yasir, paying tribute to his services in the spread of Islam. He cried often and rarely laughed. May Allah be pleased with him!


Frequent reading of the Qur'an and learning it by heart are signs of faith. The Messenger of Allah said: “The best of you are those who study the Quran and teach it to others.” Therefore, Abu Huraira was ahead of many in this great matter.

He studied the Qur'an and memorized it from the words of Ubayya ibn Ka'ba, who was one of those who wrote down, collected and studied the Qur'an from the Messenger of Allah. Then Abu Huraira himself began to teach the Qur'an. His student was Abu Ja'far Yazid ibn al- Ka "ka" al-Madani, one of the ten most famous reciters of the Qur'an, through whom the sacred texts of the Book of Allah have reached our days, for the preservation of the Qur'an is not based on the books in which it is written: the Qur'an is kept in the hearts of scholars who from generation to generation brought it to the present day. A student learns from his sheikh, who learns from his, and so on until the Messenger of Allah.


Once Abu Usman an-Nahdi stayed at Abu Huraira's house, which he later recalled: “Abu Huraira, his wife and servant divided the night into three parts - one prayed, then woke up the other” (al-Bukhari, 7/ 102). Abu Huraira himself said about his regime: “I divide the night into three parts: the first third I sleep, the second third I pray, and the last third I remember the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah” (“al-Sunan” (“Sunnah”) by Imam ad-Darimi, 1/82).

He fasted every Monday and Thursday throughout his life: Abu Hurayrah said: “The most stingy is the one who is stingy in greetings; and the laziest of all is the one who is lazy to make a prayer to Allah” (“Fath al-Bari” (“Help of the Creator”) by Hafiz Ibn Hajar, 11/498).


Abu Huraira was virtuous to his mother both during pagan times and in Islam. One day he urged her to accept Islam, but she refused and insulted the Messenger of Allah. Abu Huraira began to cry, came to the Prophet and asked him to call on Allah to guide his mother on the straight path. The Prophet fulfilled his request. When Abu Hurayrah returned home to rejoice that the Prophet had prayed to Allah for her, he saw that she had already testified that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. (Muslim, 7/165).

One day the Prophet gave him two dates. He ate one and put the other in his pocket. The Prophet asked him: "For what?" He replied: “I left it for my mother.” He told him: “Eat it, and we will give you two more dates for your mother.”

Whenever Abu Hurayrah entered his mother’s room, he would say: “May Allah reward you with goodness for raising me when I was little.” She answered him: “May Allah reward you with goodness for being respectful to me when I am already old” (“al-Adab al-Mufrad” (“Pure Morality” by Imam al-Bukhari, 1/64).


Abu Hurayrah was one of the scholars among the companions of the Messenger of Allah, but he did not exalt himself either in his own eyes or in front of others. Once he said to Ibn Abbas, despite the fact that he was one of the young companions and was younger than him in age: “You are better than me and more knowledgeable.”

Abu Hurayrah was magnanimous and generous, lovingly treating the servants of Allah, orphans, widows, neighbors, the weak and the poor. When the caliphs sent him gifts, he distributed them that same evening. He took the orphan Mu'aviyah ibn Mu'tib under his wing, trained and educated him, and he became one of the greatest scholars.


Once Abu Hurayrah asked the Prophet: “Who are the luckiest people who will be worthy of your intercession on the Day of Resurrection, O Messenger of Allah?” He told him: “Seeing your zeal in studying hadith, I assumed, Abu Hurayrah, that no one would ask me about this before you. The happiest of people who will be honored with my intercession on the Day of Resurrection will be those who said: “There is no god but Allah” from a pure heart.”(al-Bukhari, 8/146).

The Messenger of Allah trusted him to spread his hadith one day he told him: “Go out and proclaim in Medina that there is no prayer without reading the Koran - at least Surah al-Fatihah; and who can do more than this”(Abu Dawud, 1/188).


Talha ibn Ubaydullah, one of the ten companions of the Messenger of Allah to whom he foretold heavenly bliss, a brother-in-law of the Prophet through his four wives and one of his closest disciples, said:
“Undoubtedly, he (Abu Hurayrah) heard from the Messenger of Allah what we did not hear, because he was a beggar, a destitute, a constant guest of the Messenger of Allah and walked with him hand in hand. We had houses and wealth and came to the Messenger of Allah only at dawn and in the evening” (at-Tirmidhi, 13/226).

Abu Huraira transmitted a record number of hadiths from the Messenger of Allah - 8374. Before Friday prayers, he constantly recited them in the Prophet’s mosque in Medina, and his companions and their famous followers listened to him (“al-Musannaf” by Ibn Abu Shayba 2/137). For 13 years - after the murder of Uthman until his death, he issued fatwas in the capital of the caliphate, which found confidence in all the companions of the Messenger of Allah. Many scholars from different parts of the caliphate came to Medina to study with him.

Paying tribute to his devotion, loyalty and knowledge, Abu Bakr appointed him as assistant to the emir of Bahrain - al-Ala" al-Hadrami, and then to Qudama ibn Maz"un. Caliph Umar handed over the position of Emir of Bahrain to Abu Hurairah himself. This further demonstrates that he was one of the prominent Muslims, and in addition to his deep knowledge of the Qur'an and Sharia, he was well versed in matters of government and politics. For a long time during the life of the Messenger of Allah, Abu Hurayrah studied the religion of Allah, remaining single. After the death of the Prophet, he married and had four sons and a daughter. They all studied under their father and became credible scholars. His family continues to this day in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Among them were many famous Muslim scholars. Abu Hurayrah lived to be 78 years old. During his fruitful life, he honorably fulfilled his obligation to pass on the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad to subsequent generations of Muslims. He moved to the Messenger of Allah from a distant land, was content with little in his life, constantly accompanied the Prophet, fought against paganism, fought against apostasy, took part in campaigns, defended the Islamic caliphate, destroyed confusion and temptation, spread the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah... All he could do was go to meet the Supreme Lord. Before his soul parted with his body, he bequeathed to his loved ones: “Do not mourn me when I die, because the Messenger of Allah was not mourned.” Then he began to cry himself and was asked, “What made you cry?” He replied: “I am not crying for the worldly life in which I am leaving you. I cry because I have a long journey ahead of me, but I have prepared very little for it. I stand before the ascension and the road to heaven or hell and I don’t know where they will take me...” He died in 57 after the Hijra. His funeral was attended by many companions, their followers, prominent scientists, among whom was Abdullah ibn al-Ibad. He prayed to Allah for forgiveness and mercy for Abu Hurayrah and said: “He was one of those who preserved the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah for Muslims” (“at-Tabakat al-Kubra” (“Great Compendium of Biographies”) of Imam Ibn Sa’da, 4/30). May Allah be pleased with Abu Hurayrah and all the other companions of the Messenger of Allah and have mercy on them!.

When reading a hadith, in a hurry, we do not always pay attention to the accompanying information about it. As a rule, the transmitters of the hadith are indicated there, as well as the authors of the collections in which the hadith can be found. Most often, the same companion of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is mentioned as a transmitter - Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him).

Having accepted Islam, this companion was often in the company of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). This article contains important lessons and wisdom from one of the Prophet's greatest companions and transmitter of his words.

His love for his parents

Abu Huraira was born into the Daus tribe and learned about Islam in his youth through the efforts of al-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dausi. The fate of his father is unclear. What we know about his mother is that he brought her with him to Medina when he decided to move there to join the company of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This in itself is a very important point.

Abu Huraira took his mother with him, lived with her and cared for her in her old age. Al-Basha recounts a particularly moving incident involving Abu Hurayrah and his mother. Abu Huraira tried in vain at various times to convince his mother to embrace Islam. When she got angry and turned away from him, he did not bother her, but left sad.

One day his mother said something very bad about the Honorable Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and he went to complain to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), asking him to pray for his mother in order to favorably incline her heart towards Islam. Some time later, when Abu Hurayrah returned home, he was overjoyed to find his mother saying the Shahada.

His love for his companions

Arriving in Medina, Abu Hurayrah had only one goal - to be in the company of the righteous. However, who could be more righteous than the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)? Arriving in a new city, every person, first of all, looks for housing and work. However, Abu Huraira's desire to be close to the Honorable Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was so strong that he spent almost all his time in his company.

Every day Abu Hurayrah recorded and memorized everything that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said or did. He himself spoke about it this way: “Do not be surprised that I have transmitted so many hadiths. Since while our Muhajir brothers were busy trading in the market, and the Ansars working in the fields and gardens, I remembered the instructions of the Messenger of Allah.”

What motivated him in transmitting knowledge from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)? This is what he himself answers to this: “People say that I told a lot of hadiths. However, if not for these two verses, I would not have narrated a single hadith:

“Indeed, those who hide the clear signs and guidance that We have sent down after We have made it clear to people in the Scripture will be cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse, except those who repented, corrected what they had done and began to clarify the truth. I will accept their repentance, for I am the Acceptor of repentance, the Merciful." (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 159-160)."

Being in the company of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), he often received personal conversations with him and his special favor. For example, one day the companions were sitting in the mosque and taking turns making dua. When it was Abu Hurayrah’s turn, he said: “O Allah, I ask You for everything that they asked from You, and I also ask You to never forget anything.” The Messenger of Allah, hearing this prayer, said: “Amin! May this dua be accepted!”

Abu Hurayrah said: “There is no other companion who transmitted more hadith from the Prophet (peace be upon him) than me, with the exception of Abdullah bin Amr, who wrote them down, which I never did.”

According to scholars, Abu Huraira transmitted more than 1,600 hadiths, occupying a special place in the books of hadith as the most prolific transmitter of the Noble Sunnah.

Companion Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) is an outstanding scientist - al-faqih, al-hafiz.

There is disagreement among scientists regarding his name. His father's name was Sakhr, from the Davs family. Maimunat bint Safih ibn Harith. At-Tabrani writes that Maimunat bint Sabih. Ibn Sirin says that Abu Huraira's face was white and his beard was reddish (dyed with henna).

He transmitted a large number of hadiths from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), as many as none of the companions told. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) also transmitted the sayings of Abay, Abu Bakr, Usamat, Aisha, al-Fazl and other companions (may Allah be pleased with them all). It is also known, according to al-Bukhari, that more than 800 people from among the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and tabiuns studied with him. The hadiths narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) are given in six major Sunni collections of hadiths.

Coming to Islam of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him)

Tufail ibn Amr was the leader of the Daws tribe. When he met the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and heard what he came with, he accepted Islam. Returning home, he told his people about the true religion, but no one listened to him except his father, wife and Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him). Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) talks about himself like this: “I grew up an orphan, I made the hijrah as a poor man, I was a hired worker for Busra bint Ghazwan, she paid me for my work with food. I served her and those who were next to her, from the people of her tribe. Praise be to the Almighty, who gifted me with the true religion, made Abu Huraira an imam, from a mercenary I turned into a master, from a lost person into a scientist, from a worshiper of stones into a believer in Allah One. What benefit has been shown to me by the Almighty that can be greater than this? What could be better than having the name Abdushams (Slave of the Sun) to become Abdurrahman. I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when he was at Khaybar and accepted Islam. I answered the call of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and love for him mixed with my blood and took possession of my heart and soul. I could not enjoy looking at his noble face. His face was like the sun. Praise be to the Almighty, who directed Abu Huraira to Islam. Praise be to the Almighty, who taught Abu Huraira the Quran. Praise be to the Almighty, who blessed Abu Huraira with friendship with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).”

Mother pleased Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) with the acceptance of Islam

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) was virtuous to his mother both during pagan times and in Islam. One day he encouraged her to accept Islam, but she refused. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I called my mother to Islam when she was an idolater. One day, when I once again called her to Islam, she said something about the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) that upset me. I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I called my mother to Islam, but she refused. Today I called, but I heard something from her about you that upset me. Pray to Allah to guide the mother of Abu Hurayrah.”

And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ O Allah! Guide the mother of Abu Hurayrah”.

I left feeling joyful because of the prayer of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). When I reached home, my mother heard my steps and said: “Stay there, O Abu Hurayrah!” I heard the sound of water. She washed and dressed. Then she opened the door and said: “O Abu Hurayrah! I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.” Then I went to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and, crying with joy, said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have good news. Allah answered your prayer and guided the mother of Abu Hurayrah.” He praised and thanked Allah and said: “This is good.” I said: “O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah that He will make mother and me beloved to His believing slaves, and that they will be loved to us.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “O Allah, make this servant of Yours ( i.e. Abu Hurayrah) and his mother beloved to Your believing servants, and make the believers beloved to them.” And there is no believer who would hear about me or see me but would not love me.”

One day the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave Abu Huraira two dates. He ate one and put the other in his pocket. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked him: “Why?” He replied: “I left it for my mother.” He told him: “Eat it, and we will give you two more dates for your mother.”

Whenever Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) entered his mother’s room, he would say: “May Allah reward you with goodness for raising me when I was little.” She answered him: “May Allah reward you with goodness for being respectful to me when I am already old.”

Raising the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) received an excellent upbringing from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It appeared repeatedly under various circumstances during his life. He was always close to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Sometimes the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) gave him instructions, saying: “O Abu Hurayrah! Be God-fearing and you will be the best in worshiping Allah! Be content with little, and you will be the most grateful of people! Wish for people what you wish for yourself, and you will become a believer! Be kind to your neighbors and you will become a Muslim! And laugh less, for frequent laughter destroys the soul...” Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) always remembered this testament. He was God-fearing, ascetic, far from worldly pleasures, wealth and temptations. He loved people, taught them and cared for them carefully. He was kind to his neighbor Ammar ibn Yasir, paying tribute to his services in the spread of Islam. He cried often and rarely laughed.

Ibn Jarikh reports that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I divided the night into three parts: 1) for reading the Koran, 2) for sleeping, 3) for mentioning hadiths” (Bukhari).

He would stay awake for a third of the night and then wake up his wife, who was awake for the second third of the night. His wife then woke his daughter, who remained awake the rest of the night. Abu Huraira went hungry because he studied Islam and attended the meetings of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

The legacy of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

One day Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) walked through the market of Medina and, seeing how people were absorbed in the bustle of the world and trade deals, stood among them and shouted:

- How weak you are, oh, inhabitants of Medina!

– What is our weakness, O Abu Hurayrah?

- The inheritance of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is being distributed, and you are here, why don’t you go and take your share?

– Where is it distributed, O Abu Hurayrah?

- In the mosque.

People immediately headed to the mosque. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) waited until they returned. When they saw him, they said: “O Abu Hurayrah, we came to the mosque, but did not distribute anything there.” “Did you notice anyone in the mosque?” – Abu Hurayrah asked them. “There, some performed namaz, others read the Koran, and others discussed.” “Woe to you, this is the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)!”

During the reign of Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), he was appointed governor of Bahrain. During the reign of Caliph Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him), he served as qadi of Mecca. During the reign of the Caliph, Mu'awiyya (may Allah be pleased with him) became the ruler of Medina, where he died at the age of 78, may Allah be pleased with them all. The funeral of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) was attended by many companions, their followers, and prominent scientists, among whom was Abdullah ibn al-Ibad. He prayed to Allah for forgiveness and mercy for Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) and said: “He was one of those who preserved the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) for the Muslims.”

Material prepared from the book

“Al-miatu al-awail min sahabati”

Muhammadarif Abdulaev