What is the psychology of poverty. The Psychology of Wealth: Five Important Steps to Success

Why do some people attract money into their lives easily and without extra effort, while others are forced to be content with small funds and, besides their salary, there are simply no other sources of income in their space. How does the psychology of wealth and prosperity work?

Psychology of wealth and poverty

The psychology of the rich and the poor is fundamentally different. Affects the development of a person a large number of factors, and material well-being depends on the family into which a person is born, traditions, and attitudes that have developed in his family in relation to finances. Each person builds their relationship with money in their own way, based on the experience of their ancestors and personal experiences. Wealth comes from the word “god” and means an abundance of material and intangible values, while poverty is the inability to provide for one’s even minimal needs.

Events and situations influencing the formation of the psychology of wealth or a negative attitude towards material security:

  • family “ossified” attitudes towards money (the sad experience of dispossession from our ancestors);
  • parents’ attitude towards money (squandering or excessive stinginess and frugality);
  • stereotypical thinking regarding money: “money is evil!”, big money is dirty money (crime, corruption), “money doesn’t buy happiness!”;
  • children's experience in relation to money: the presence or absence of pocket money, the experience of saving and the joy of buying the desired thing in the end.

The psychology of poverty gives rise to something completely unspiritual in a person:

  • envy and doom: “born into the wrong family”, “bad government”;
  • victim status – “what can I do?”;
  • low self-esteem creates low aspirations and fear of success;
  • extravagance - if money appears, you must immediately spend it, go into debt.

Psychology of rich and successful people

The psychology of abundance and prosperity is not an ephemeral state, but a completely achievable state. Among rich men and women, there are a lot of those who grew up not just in a poor, but in a poor family, but thinking aimed at abundance stubbornly resisted external troubles, and the family’s attitudes ultimately give the desired result - prosperity. So what is the psychology of successful people?

Psychology of rich women

The psychology of a woman’s prosperity lies in the desire to fill herself and others, to give and share. The female psychology of wealth and success is the Yin (lunar) energy of relaxation, but this does not mean that there are no obstacles and difficulties, but that there is trust in oneself and the world and all tests are given for a reason and as a response to actions. Money comes to those women who:

  • use incoming resources for good;
  • take care of loved ones;
  • respect the laws of hospitality;
  • know how to be able and grateful to life for everything.

Psychology of rich men

The psychology of very rich people among the male population has several distinctive features. Male energy is active, yang (solar). For the stronger half, obstacles, overcoming, and competition are important. This is in their nature. The psychology of the well-being of men’s personalities and the receipt of material benefits is based on the following aspects:

  • developed leadership qualities;
  • determination;
  • responsibility and ability to make quick decisions;
  • mastery of emotions;
  • ability to set and calculate goals;

Psychology of wealth - how to easily attract money

The psychology of rich people is not an ephemeral, but a truly achievable state, based on enormous internal work, supported by actions. The psychology of wealth begins with changing your attitude towards money, isolating from your thinking all negative attitudes associated with material well-being and money. Simple practical steps to establish a money channel:

  1. Mastering financial literacy. The functioning of money, studying the investment market, putting 10% of income into a piggy bank, investing in money projects.
  2. Cost control.
  3. Take the courage and responsibility to leave a low-paying job for a more promising one.
  4. Own business can begin with a hobby that brings pleasure and grows into income-generating - for women these are various types of needlework, for men it is mastery of a craft.

Mindset is the main thing that distinguishes the rich from the poor. The reason for poverty lies in the inability to treat money correctly, the love of “freebies” and contempt for wealth. This combination is unnatural and these are not the only characteristic features of those who fruitlessly dream of wealth.

Money occupies a very important place in our lives. And not because we are greedy and money-loving, but because they give us freedom and confidence. But the world is structured in such a way that some people have a lot of money, while others have the opposite.

What's the matter? What has been revealed to wealthy people that the poor do not know? How do the first differ from the second? And finally, how much money do you need to have to feel happy?


Psychologists are unanimous in their conclusion: the main thing that distinguishes the rich from the poor is their way of thinking. In particular, the poor do not know how to build relationships with money and treat it incorrectly.

And, as all the same experts in the field of psychology believe, parents are to blame for this. They themselves did not know how to manage money and did not teach their children. It’s even worse if they instilled a negative attitude towards material well-being as something shameful and even sinful.

The special worldview of the poor is also manifested in the fact that they do not want to take responsibility for themselves, for their lives, for their future. They are accustomed to the fact that someone else is responsible for their well-being - the state in the person of the plant director or the owner of a private company. And note, people with the psychology of poverty are not used to and do not like to earn money. They prefer gifts, handouts, freebies.

Rich poor in spirit

It is curious that the psychology of poverty manifests itself not only in contempt for wealth, hatred of the rich and love for “freebies”, but also in the inability to pass the test of money. Some modern nouveau riche, having suddenly become rich, demonstrate a completely ugly, distorted attitude towards money. They measure everything in monetary terms, believing that absolutely everything in this world can be bought and sold. The fetishization of money is the other side of the psychology of poverty.

Neuro-linguistic programming of poverty

But it is not only the psychological attitudes described above that push a person into the arms of poverty. According to experts, even certain words and phrases that he constantly pronounces contribute to this.

For example, the favorite expression of the poor is: “It’s too expensive, we can’t afford it.” Such a phrase is pronounced, as a rule, with an air of offended greatness and betrays hidden, malicious envy. They say, how can we, the poor and the poor, compete with the successful and wealthy.

Another favorite phrase of the poor is: “I have no money.” You can also add to this list:

  • “I can’t afford it”
  • “I won’t succeed”
  • “I can’t” and so on in the same spirit.

Meanwhile, as we know, words have the ability to materialize. When a person utters such expressions, he unwittingly programs himself for a miserable existence (see “”).

Psychological Traps for the Poor

It is believed that even special character traits are associated with the psychology of poverty. For example, stinginess, when a person looks for promotional products in the supermarket, even if they are past their expiration date, in the market - the cheapest fruits and vegetables, even though they are rotten, and in clothing stores - everything is the cheapest, although of poor quality.

Or such a characteristic feature as the desire to receive instant benefit, and not to go long and hard to financial success, to work tirelessly, to earn money, and not to receive from someone else's generosity. People with a poverty mentality dream of money falling from the sky onto their heads. That’s why they love all kinds of lotteries so much and enthusiastically tell stories about how someone once won an apartment in the capital or a million.

The ability to get into debt is also characteristic of the poor. They also love to take loans. Moreover, we are not talking about the amount of money that will help promote the business. (By the way, all businesses operate on the basis of lending and on-lending.) We are talking about those cases when the bank takes out significant funds at interest, which are spent on a wedding or on the purchase of not even an apartment, but all kinds of home appliances, starting from a washing machine and ending with the fifth TV (according to the number of family members).

And also envy of other people’s successes, inability to calculate your budget, laziness when it comes to finding extra work, passivity and much more relates to the psychology of poverty (see “”).

Psychology of the Rich

  • The rich are the opposite of the poor. They are distinguished by everything: way of thinking, character, worldview.
  • The rich learn throughout their lives. Poor people don't like to exert themselves.
  • Rich people set goals and achieve them. The poor go with the flow.
  • The rich seize every chance, use the slightest opportunity to achieve what they want. The poor don't have time to buy a lottery ticket.
  • Rich people love what they do. The poor view work as a burdensome chore.
  • The rich strive to increase their capital. The poor work to earn a piece of bread.
  • The rich do everything to be rich. The poor dream of wealth.
  • The rich think broadly, open-mindedly, and are not subject to prejudice. The poor think utilitarianly.
  • Rich people are confident in themselves and their abilities. The poor suffer from an inferiority complex.
  • The rich show generosity and engage in charity. The poor become misers due to lack of money.
  • The rich are grateful to God, Fate, and the Universe. The poor have only grievances and complaints.
  • Rich people associate with successful people from whom they can learn a lot. The poor spend their time among others like themselves.
  • The rich perceive problems as a factor contributing to their own development. The poor are afraid of problems and do not know how to solve them.
  • The rich are not afraid to take risks and love change. The poor prefer to live in a quiet, established swamp.
  • The rich rely only on themselves. The poor rely on the “rich uncle.”

How much money do you need to be happy?

American scientists asked this question. After which we conducted a series of studies and this is what we found.

Happiness and money are interconnected categories. Having money gives its owner a feeling of confidence, comfort, stability and security. But here's what's interesting. Low-income people and very wealthy people alike experience a deficit of... positive emotions. They rarely enjoy life, but often suffer from depression, accompanied by headaches, low mood, and physical fatigue. It turns out that very big money does not bring happiness, nor do very low salaries.

Although it is clear that the rich are in a better position and are aware of this. They consider themselves accomplished people, look confidently into the future, are proud of their successes, but happiness does not live in their luxurious apartments, just as in poor dwellings.

Too big a bag of money is difficult to carry through life. A person loses his usual social circle, old friends, ceases to believe in the sincerity of feelings, and pressed caviar for breakfast eventually becomes boring... What remains? To be sad and reflect on the frailty of everything earthly.

Meanwhile, people with average income are the happiest. They are not strapped for money and can afford a lot. But most importantly, they have not lost the ability to enjoy what costs money. Travel, delicious food, exclusive alcohol, beautiful clothes, comfortable housing, a modern car, collecting - just the thought that a person can afford all this brings joy and satisfaction.

So there shouldn't be too much money. It is important to observe moderation in everything - that very golden mean that leads to harmony.

The rich are not always born rich. The path to success is different for all people. For most, it is associated with a large investment of effort and waste of a huge amount of time. Few people are given happiness just like that.

Many people think about why they fail. Introspection is important in our lives, but we also need to look forward. Financial success in modern society is not given to everyone and not always, but if you follow the sequence of your steps and are calm, you will be able to see the result in the near future. Every person is worthy of wealth and respect, but not everyone understands this.

In this article we will consider the formation of not a sales manager, not a cleaner, not a watchman or a salesperson, but a self-sufficient person who knows how to make money himself. Business is not always some kind of empire. Business (from the English Business - business) is your personal business that generates income. Here are the main steps on the path to business success and self-sufficiency.

Step one: awareness of your current situation

It all starts with the fact that you need to understand where you are now. Take a sound look at your financial situation. How much debt do you have, how much income do you have, what are you willing to sacrifice, what are you willing to give up for the sake of success. Perhaps you have a hobby that has nothing to do with money and will not help you earn additional income. You may need to remove it from your to-do list for a while. In this step, you need to find motivation for growth. It's rare that anyone is happy with their position, so you can ask for an outside opinion. Ask your friends and closest people if you need to develop and move forward.

Step two: setting goals

Correct goal setting is a third of success. At the second step, it is important to realize your capabilities and forget about ambitions, trusting common sense. Each person has a different bank of capabilities, strengths, and confidence. Push aside fear and face the facts - tell yourself about your fears, weaknesses, shortcomings. Set feasible tasks for the first time. There is no need to rush into this. You need to hurry in developing yourself. Haste is important at the very beginning, when people choose their field of activity. Don’t think too long, because you can earn income from almost anything. Hurry up to start, and then everything will go as it should.

It seems great to have a good home, not to think about the order of purchases when your child studies at a prestigious institution, to maintain the health of yourself and your loved ones and other benefits that only money can provide, BUT!, oddly enough, there are people who believe, that money is not everything in our lives! Let's think and analyze the main criteria by which the rich desire and strive to be richer, while the poor generally do not grieve that they are poor, besides, he has his own opinion on this...


There are several main common reasons for a person’s behavior in which access to wealth is blocked for him. Let's look at the most typical ones:

It may be low paid, but it is a stable job

A person with a poor man's mentality usually chooses a low-paying but stable job. In government agencies. Because the state will always provide. And if you go to a commercial organization, then there is a risk of remaining on the street after some time.
A person absolutely does not believe in his own strength and that his experience and knowledge will be in demand. In the end, this is what happens. He goes to a tedious, boring job, stops learning new things, becomes sour and becomes useless to anyone. Instead of growing and developing.

Fear of change

Again, for the reason of remaining useless to anyone, a person with a poor man’s psychology is afraid of change. The motto is - it's better to have a little than to risk and possibly lose everything. People with the psychology of poverty will never open their own business, will not explore new market segments, will not go to get a second higher education at 40, and will never move to another city in search of a new life at 50!

Low self-esteem

A characteristic feature of people with the psychology of poverty. And where does high self-esteem come from if a person does not live, but vegetates - a gray, uninteresting job, which is also scary to lose, a lack of bright impressions in life, a change of place and justified risks. Precisely those factors that make you respect yourself for your work and opportunities.
A person with the psychology of a poor man does not understand that wealth and good prospects are revealed to active people who are not afraid to take risks and start all over again.

Reluctance to be active

Obviously, in order to achieve something and get a good result, you need to constantly make efforts in this direction. For example, consider offers for an interesting and highly paid job with a wider range of responsibilities compared to the previous place. And thus grow all the time.

A person with the psychology of poverty does not want and does not know how (because he has never tried) to be active - he is afraid to look for a new job, because he already believes in advance that he cannot cope, does not work part-time, because he is sure that nothing will work out and there is no money anyway will not be. Man is passive, and therefore poor.

Everyone should

A person with a poor man's mentality is convinced that he should be paid decently. Simply because he does his job well. And his salary should be such that it is enough for everyday life, for recreation, for children, and for himself. Forgetting that he himself agreed to work with low pay. And now he blames the stingy boss.

A person shifts responsibility from himself to others. What's the point of moving if nothing depends on me anyway? Do it or don’t do it, but the result is the same - I won’t get anything.

It's easier to be frugal

The poor spend their energy not on attracting, but on retaining. They spend hours visiting stores, comparing prices and shopping where it's cheaper. They write and go to various authorities, seeking a meager reduction in utility bills or one-time social assistance, which is hardly enough for one trip to the store. Instead of effectively spending the same efforts on earning money or finding a good job.

Take a closer look at yourself. Do you have at least one of the listed qualities? And get rid of it urgently if something similar is discovered. Remember that your life and your well-being are only in your hands!


Everyone and everyone writes about the psychology of wealth. There are millions of books. Popular authors all over the world - Brian Tracy, Klaus Joule, John Kehoe, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale - and their scribes organize trainings and seminars around the world, from which they actually make millions.

It has been known in the USA for fifty years. Maybe that’s why there are significantly more millionaires there than anywhere else on the planet. Moreover, anyone can become one. Many people have gone from zero to millions in their accounts.

What distinguishes rich people from poor people? Amount of money? Not only. And not even that much. After all, a rich person, due to various circumstances, can at any moment be left without all his money, but this will not stop him from being rich - he will still have the soul of a rich person. Do you know why? Because a rich person is built in a special way, he thinks differently - not like a poor person. And he behaves differently, and he makes different decisions, and his attitude to life is different, and in general he is different. What is the other one, what is its peculiarity? But this, dear readers, is what we will talk about in this article.

The psychology of wealth that I will tell you about will teach you to think and feel the way rich people think and feel. And by learning to think, feel and, most importantly, act like rich people, you too can get rich. Not right away, of course, it takes time, but I promise you - you will definitely get rich, because it is impossible to be a rich person in your soul, but not have any wealth in life. At the same time, I want to note that in this article we will talk to you not about what you can read about in many books about wealth and success, you can find out this without me, everyone writes about this anyway, but about the other side of wealth, which is often hidden from you - about the so-called dark side. Understanding this particular dark side will help you get rich, as it plays a decisive role in how successful a person will be in life. Rich people themselves will never write anything bad about themselves, just as they will not order bad books about themselves. Therefore, I will write to you about what I myself managed to find out about rich people, and not what writers and they themselves write about them. So, friends, read carefully and take your time – now the other side of wealth will be revealed to you.

And the first thing you need to pay attention to is the right attitude towards money. Poverty is not a vice, but it is better to be rich. And not so much because of money, money can always be earned and lost, but because of the state in which a rich, or at least not a poor, person is. A rich man is self-confident, again, not because of money - it is only money that makes a poor man more self-confident, and only for as long as he has it. A rich person is confident in himself due to his ability to earn a lot of money - thanks to his intelligence and understanding of life. Therefore, he values ​​not money, but his mind, his knowledge, his character and all other qualities thanks to which he achieved and is achieving success in life. It follows from this that the value system of rich and poor people is different. Rich people know that money in itself has no value, or rather, it has a conditional value. But a person who is able to earn them is a special person. Such a person not only wants - he can! He can fulfill his desires. That's what's valuable. Poor people think only about money and put it above themselves and their qualities, they are completely subordinate to money, money is their god.

So the psychology of wealth and poverty are different value systems. Money has great value for a person when he doesn’t have it, or when he simply doesn’t have enough of it. And you put yourself in the place of a person who has a lot of money and controls how it flows into his wallet, or, even better, invents and prints money in the amount he needs. What will be his attitude towards money? The same as a well-fed person feels about food – neutral and calm, and even indifferent. They exist and there is nothing to think about and worry about. The main thing is not to relax and not lose your grip, so as not to allow other predators to eat you. Therefore, never spare money for your own development, to become smarter, more cunning, stronger, and of better quality. After all, your strengths are your assets that bring money. Therefore, you need to think not about money, that is, not about the effect, but about what brings it, that is, about the cause.

Besides this, rich people don’t do things that don’t make any sense. For example, they do not help poor people with money unless they are pursuing some of their own interests. Poor people were, are and will always be, because everyone cannot be rich. It’s just that poverty can be different, it can come down to a constant search for food for yourself and your family suffering from hunger, or it can come down to a person owning cheap things and riding public transport. So there is discord between poor and poor. One person doesn't have enough for food, and another, you know, doesn't have enough for a Rolls-Royce. Therefore, I repeat, there will always be poor people. Therefore, to fight poverty means to fight with nature itself - with its laws, which is at least meaningless, and if you think about it, it’s simply stupid. And since it is pointless to fight poverty, then why help the poor, at least with money? Why feel sorry for them? Let them help themselves and feel sorry for themselves. You can give poor people knowledge so that they learn how to earn money, this is a truly humane act, but helping them with money is stupid. Today you will help them, and tomorrow they will come to you again and ask for more money, and then again and again. In general, they will sit on your neck.

Therefore, friends, we can’t necessarily talk about the fact that a well-fed person does not understand a hungry person, just a rich person understands that there will always be relative poverty, which means that there will always be people who are dissatisfied with something, and try to understand them, and even more so help them with money , it's just pointless. Money received for free does not make a person better. You can, of course, give poor people money so that they remain poor - this is what we practice, but not so that they can live well. A rich man understands that what makes him rich is not his kindness, but his ability to benefit from other people. Therefore, he not only does not want to help someone, but, on the contrary, strives to make other people weak and dependent on himself. Weak and dependent people are an excellent source of income. Understanding this makes a rich person practical, able to act in his own interests, showing off. And to be kind, in the eyes of most people, means to be weak. People go after such a person. Don't forget this.

What makes a rich man practical is also: deceit, meanness and deception, with the help of which he bypasses and destroys his enemies and competitors. Nobility, honor, honesty are good qualities that a person needs, but they do not allow him to get rich because they make him too predictable. But deceit, meanness and deception, as well as betrayal and hypocrisy, allow you to advance much further if you use them wisely. Rich people know that there are no good or bad actions, only actions that either help or hinder them from achieving their goals. Moral values ​​are not alien to them, these people just decide for themselves what is good for them and why, and what is bad. You see, if you play by generally accepted rules, then it will be very difficult for you to win; it will be difficult for you, for example, to achieve success in politics. But if you break these rules, you can get an advantage over other people. It’s much easier to stab in the back than in the chest, you’ll agree. Therefore, you need to think not about what other people will say about your action, but about how to achieve your goal. Winners are not judged, but losers are always condemned, they say that it is their own fault that they could not do everything to win. Draw appropriate conclusions from this.

The opinion of other people, if it does not help to earn money and achieve success, is also not of interest to a rich person. Just think how many people have abandoned their ventures just because someone, out of envy and stupidity, told them a negative opinion about them and what they were doing. Do you really think that other people, seeing that you are moving towards success, will encourage you and help you in every possible way? Yes, only a few are capable of this. Many people, on the contrary, will begin to put a spoke in your wheels, will begin to hinder you in every possible way from achieving success and will judge you for everything that you do. Do you need the opinion of such people? So, rich people, they didn’t give a damn about the opinions of those who do nothing themselves, but only make sure that someone else doesn’t do anything like that. The loudest people who always express their negative opinions are losers who want you to sit in a puddle with them and not go anywhere. So forget about other people's opinions if they don't suit you, otherwise you'll never get rich.

The next point that I would like to draw your attention to, friends, concerns the attitude of rich people towards all other people. Rich people divide people into useful and necessary, and into useless and unnecessary. As a good example, I can cite Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous phrase about the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio: “He's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch.” This phrase suggests that it is necessary to proceed primarily from your personal interests when dealing with people. Don't think about how good or bad they are, think about how useful or useless they can be for you. A rich person cannot afford to rely on unreliable people and cannot afford to disdain scoundrels and scoundrels if they are useful. People are a resource that you need to be able to manage and that you need to be able to use wisely, and only then are they good or bad people, friends or enemies, and so on. Nature, God, made man the way he is, and it is not for us to judge how bad or good this or that person is. Everyone has their own use, everyone can be useful to this world in some way. Therefore, our task is to wisely use what we have, what nature and God have given us. We need to be able to find a use for every person we encounter in life. After all, in reality, there are no unnecessary and wrong people, there are only people whom we, let’s say, do not know how to use, and those who skillfully use us. At the same time, keep in mind that as soon as you find a use for this or that person, no matter what he is, you immediately accept him for who he is.

Thus, if you want to achieve wealth, use what you have at hand to achieve this goal. Don’t wait for better times, act based on the resources you already have, including human ones. And they are always there. Rich people strive to take advantage of everyone around them as much as possible. If you know how to build, great, you will do creative work. If you know how to break, that’s also good – and there will be a job for you. It is also necessary to destroy in this world so that those who build always have work. I repeat, all people can find use.

And now, I ask you, dear readers, to remember one simple but very important rule - never trust rich people! A rich man became rich because he managed to do something better than other people, he managed to beat and outwit everyone, he managed to surpass everyone in something. What do you want from him, so that he is crystal honest with you in everything, especially in how to make money, and thereby saw off the branch on which he is sitting? Rich people have a rule - not to trust anyone. For some reason, poor people don’t have such a rule. That's why they become victims of all sorts of financial pyramids and other types of deception, because they believe that rich people want to make them rich. They can tell you a beautiful fairy tale about how some investor [Pinocchio] invested his money in some shares [buried it in the field of miracles] and received huge interest [grew a money tree] and thus became rich. At the same time, who will tell you that, even on the stock market, even on the Forex market and in other similar pyramids, most people lose rather than increase their money? But someone, thanks to the fact that many people have lost their money, actually becomes rich. As a rule, this is the one who controls these pyramids. Now, however, in order to attract new victims, these pyramids often give people the opportunity to win more or less good money in order, like card sharpers, to arouse the appetite of the gullible Pinocchio. I’m not saying that you can’t win anything on all these exchanges, or, if you want, earn anything, I’m just saying that it’s much easier to lose your money there, since that’s what attracts people to these exchanges in the first place. Wealth is inevitably associated with lies and fraud, and in some cases, with violence against people, so this is what you must be prepared for if you want to get rich.

The dark side of the rich is precisely those scandals and dirt that we learn about from the media, when for one reason or another they expose [denigrate] some rich and famous person in order to discredit. People are told about a bad rich man, whereas in reality, no matter which rich person you take, everyone will have a stupid face. Therefore, if you think about it, it turns out that a rich person must be a bad guy in order to be rich. Of course, bad guys are different from bad guys, you can be involved in drug trafficking and banditry, and be a rich person, or you can be the owner of a large company that produces software that is popular and in demand all over the world, and seem like a good guy who knows how to earn good money thanks to his intelligence. But at the same time, thanks to your intelligence, you can deal harshly with competitors, lobby for not the most humane laws, hide from taxes, manipulate your clients, exploit your employees, as well as bribe, betray, intimidate, lie, and so on and so forth. In books dedicated to wealth and success, it is somehow not customary to write about this; in them, rich people are knights in shining armor who passionately want to teach all other people how to make money.

No, friends, in reality, the world is not as rosy as we would like, in it people have always fought with each other for resources, and are now fighting, or in some cases, competing. Therefore, the psychology of a rich person is the psychology of a fighter, the psychology of a warrior fighting for a place under the sun, and in some cases, above it. It also happens that you have to fight just to survive, because the world of the rich is a world of sharks, a world of predators, and in order to even just survive in it, you need to have good teeth and be able to bite with them painfully. Therefore, by definition, a rich man cannot be a good person who does everything right for the people, for the people. He can do things for people, but only when it suits his own interests.

Another very important difference between rich people and poor people is incentive. Poor people are stimulated mainly by fear and greed, and rich people by a thirst for power, interest and greed, expressed in the desire for more, and not, like the poor, in the love of freebies. In the lives of rich people there is also fear, it is in the life of any normal person, but this is a different fear that forces a person to fight, and not to run or fall into a stupor. In the psychology of wealth, the main role is played by the desire for more, and in the psychology of poverty - the fear of losing the minimum available, as well as laziness and the stupidity generated by it. I would say this - a rich man is a man who does, and a poor man is a man who waits. You see, if you have the psychology of a rich person, you will do, do and do again what you consider necessary to do, regardless of the criticism and dissatisfaction of individual human beings, as well as their opinion about your activities, which you should not care about no matter what, and no matter the difficulties. You will be active - you will strive for your goal. And having the psychology of a poor person - you will wait, wait for better times, wait until something comes to you, or when someone comes and gives you a kick in the ass, or takes you with them - to better lands for a better life . In general, poor people believe that someone else should do something for their prosperity and happiness, not themselves. Rich people understand perfectly well that in this world they can only rely on themselves and that wealth comes to those who act, and not to those who wait.

Well, perhaps, I’ll tell you, friends, about such things as upbringing and education. We all need to understand that rich people are not born, even if they are born into a rich family, they become rich. That is, the psychology of wealth is an acquired, not an innate quality. Consequently, how seriously parents take the upbringing and education of their child determines what kind of person he will grow up - rich or poor. If you were unlucky with your parents, or they simply could not teach you the right things, and if you went through a comprehensive high school, which, unfortunately, does not teach people how to be rich, then you will have to teach and educate yourself. Or, with the help of those people who know more about money and wealth than you do - it’s easier and faster. Even after college, universities, you will need to do this, because even in higher education, we are mainly taught how to do a certain job for someone, and not how to encourage people to work for themselves.

Look for those who will teach you to think the way rich people think, who will teach you to see life the way rich people see it, who will teach you to act the way rich people act, and then you too will very quickly become a rich person. It is clear that such training will not be disinterested; we are adults and must understand that in this world you have to pay for everything. But it’s better to pay for something that will make you a rich person, you see, than for something that gives you short-term pleasure. Whoever wants to live his whole life as a poor person pays for the pleasures available to him, and whoever wants to become rich pays for knowledge. So the choice is yours.