White cats with blue eyes are deaf. White cat in the house: features, character and care

Not all cats are pure white blue eyes suffer from hearing impairment, but many of them. Let's find out in more detail where their deafness comes from and how to live with it.

Pure white cats with blue eyes are very beautiful and popular, but unfortunately they high probability may be deaf. Of course, being deaf is no reason not to fall in love with these beautiful creatures! But white cat owners should learn a few tips to keep their cats safe and healthy.

“Hereditary deafness is a serious problem in white cats, especially if one or both of their eyes are blue,” says the Cornell University of Veterinary Medicine.

Deaf cats are happy and healthy, but should not be allowed outside alone. "Even cats that are completely deaf from birth can make wonderful pets and companions as long as you take some precautions. Avoid putting cats in situations where their safety depends on their ability to hear sounds. Don't let them go outside. , where they may be killed or injured because they will not be able to hear how it is approaching them homeless dog or a car approaches.

The so-called “W” gene gives cats a beautiful pure white color, and sometimes in addition to this - partial or complete deafness.

The facts tell us this. Not all white cats with blue eyes are born deaf, but most are, according to studies compiled by the Cornell University of Veterinary Medicine. Research has shown that 65 to 85 percent of white cats with two blue eyes are born with hearing loss. This percentage drops to 40 if the cat has one blue eye and 17 to 22 percent if the cat is pure white but does not have blue eyes. Deafness is associated with defects, " hearing aid" inner ear and may appear in one or both ears.
The cause of deafness is the dominance of the "W" gene, which, when transmitted hereditarily, always gives a white coat color, and sometimes, but not always, gives partial or complete deafness. "If White cat has two blue eyes, he is 3-5 times more likely to be deaf than a cat with two non-blue eyes."

If you want to have a white cat with blue or with different colored eyes, then you should check her for deafness.
You can perform a simple, non-invasive test called a BAER test at your veterinarian's office to check for deafness in your cat.
The owner can suspect hearing problems independently based on the behavioral reactions of his pet. However, only a specialist can accurately determine the presence or absence of deafness/hard of hearing, as well as its nature, especially if we are dealing with one-sided deafness.

Testing an animal's hearing begins, as usual, with asking the owner about the animal and a general clinical examination. Further veterinarian performs an otoscopy (examination of the external auditory canal and eardrum using special instruments) to identify inflammatory processes in auricle And ear canal, the presence of foreign bodies, injuries, neoplasms, etc.
Then the doctor proceeds to a functional hearing test, i.e., conducts the so-called BAER test.

The principle of this method is based on the assessment electrical activity brain and recording so-called evoked potentials in response to sound stimulation. In this regard, the test is carried out only under relaxants! The use of relaxants allows you to avoid interference and interference from muscle tissue and, accordingly, more correctly interpret the results.

The BAER test is an internationally recognized test that allows you to objectively assess the presence or absence of deafness in an animal, as well as the degree of its severity and, in many respects, the cause.
Testing is carried out separately for each ear. This is due to the fact that in dogs and cats, not only bilateral deafness occurs, but also unilateral deafness.

Single-sided deafness is often difficult to diagnose using conventional methods and can only be detected using the BAER test. This is especially important for cats and dogs that are planned for further breeding use.
Of course, you can try and test the animal’s hearing yourself. You can approach the animal so that it does not see you and produce loud noise– clap your hands, whistle or shout. But it won't be accurate test and it will probably do nothing if the animal’s deafness is one-sided.

If your cat does turn out to be deaf, don’t despair. These animals are almost no different from their counterparts and can delight you all their lives, just like healthy animals. There are, of course, minor features, such as a loud voice and a ban on independent walks, but this is not a reason not to love them!

Judge about physical features It is not entirely correct to identify a cat or cat solely on the basis of coat color and eye color. However, the stereotype that all blue-eyed cats with white coats are deaf is very persistent.

Scientists began to mention cases of deafness in white blue-eyed cats back in the 19th century. In particular, Charles Darwin described this problem in his work “The Origin of Species.”

Years passed. There is growing evidence of a relationship between white coat pigmentation, blue eyes and deafness in cats. And thus, over time, the situation transformed almost into a genetic fact.

And although there is a connection between coat pigmentation and various neurological problems in cats, we should not forget that each animal has its own set of genes and not every such “set” is fraught with deafness.

It is known that genetically white colors are divided into five varieties:

1. With completely suppressed color ( White color– this is, in fact, not a color at all, but a lack of pigmentation).

2. Dominantly white color (appears due to the epistatic gene, which suppresses all colors and patterns). And it is this gene that is “to blame” for the deafness of newborn white, blue-eyed kittens. It happens that this gene appears in the genotype of black, red and even tabby cats, but much less frequently.

3. With solid white spots.

4. Albinos

5. Albinos with blue eyes.

Thus, geneticists have proven that not all cats with white fur and blue eyes are necessarily deaf. As they say, it's all in the genes!

How can you tell if a white kitten is deaf?

If you want to have a snow-white blue-eyed cat, but you are not sure that you can provide proper care to a deaf animal, then you need to try to distinguish a deaf kitten from its healthy counterparts at the selection stage.

The sounds made by deaf kittens are an order of magnitude higher than those of their brothers and sisters. If the kitten does not respond to noise stimuli (the clapping of hands from the animal’s back, the rustling of a bag of food, etc.), we can assume that he has hearing problems. A “hard of hearing” kitten will continue to sleep peacefully, even if a shelf with dishes collapses in the kitchen. A deaf cat will be scared if you approach her from behind and touch her fur, because she did not hear your steps. But an experienced veterinarian will help you confirm your guesses about your pet’s hearing with 100% certainty.

A deaf kitten is unlikely to grow into a first-class hunter. A hearing kitten very quickly begins to understand that it is necessary to sneak up on mice and birds as quietly as possible, but a deaf baby may never understand this. And, of course, such special cats should always live at home under supervision. The street is fraught with too many dangers for them (dogs, cars, children). In general, deaf pets are just as gentle, playful, and affectionate as their hearing counterparts, they just need a little more attention.

Very often, cat owners ask the question of whether their pets can develop deafness. You call your cat, but he doesn’t seem to hear you (read about how to call cats and how to choose the right nickname for them). With what it can be connected? Is it possible to somehow help a cat adapt to a world without sounds? Our publication will try to help answer these questions...

Why does a cat need hearing?

Nature has endowed representatives of the cat family with an excellent sense of smell, the ability to see in the dark and keen hearing (learn more about cats’ abilities to perceive the world). But what if, for some reason, the cat cannot use this last gift? How does an animal feel when it finds itself in a world without sound? In fact, according to experts,

the ability to hear is very important for cats, since with its help they can determine the distance and direction to the source of noise.

Having lost this ability, cats become helpless, especially for those animals that live not in apartments or houses, but on the street. Such a deaf cat will not hear the sound of an approaching car or the barking of a dog, and her entire life will be accompanied by constant risk for her and severe stress.

However, to say that a cat that is deprived of the ability to hear cannot live a full life is not correct. And, although a lot depends on the owners of such a deaf pet, as practice shows - such cats can lead normal image life and no different from their other relatives, if their owners help them adapt to their condition, and, if possible, try to eliminate the causes of deafness.

Causes of deafness in cats

First of all, it is worth highlighting 2 main reasons why your cat may not hear you. This is congenital deafness and acquired. One of these reasons is the explanation why your cat does not hear you, does not respond to his name and behaves unusually.

Congenital deafness in cats

Congenital deafness in cats can very often be hereditary in nature and be caused by the action of certain genes (more about). So, for example, cats with white fur blue eyes are prone to this disorder. Therefore, owners of such cats, first of all, should pay attention to whether their pet can hear them.

Acquired deafness in cats

How to tell if your cat has hearing problems

So, how do we as owners know if our pet has a hearing problem? In fact, it is not very easy to notice that a cat is completely deaf, because it seeks to compensate for the lack of ability to hear at the expense of other senses available to it. However, if you are very careful, you will still be able to notice that something is wrong.

So, deaf cat:

  • She does not respond to the owner’s call, and not only does she not know her name, but she does not even respond to the classic “kitty-kitty.”
  • The cat's behavior is somewhat nervous, she is excessively timid and often shudders, without any apparent reason.
  • Since the cat cannot hear itself, it meows very loudly.
  • Often the cat falls into a state of confusion and seems to lose the ability to navigate in space.
  • If deafness is acquired and caused by infectious disease, inflammatory process or foreign body in the ear, the cat may shake its head, rub its ears with its paws, or may emanate from its ears bad smell, discharge may be observed, and the skin in the ear area begins to peel...

Focusing on these behavioral signs and symptoms, you can determine that something is wrong with the animal’s hearing. A veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after full examination animal.

Diagnosis of deafness in a cat

As a rule, to diagnose hearing in a cat, a sound test is performed, which helps determine whether the reaction to sound is completely absent or the reaction is partial. Also, the veterinarian conducts visual inspection animal, in order to identify the presence of fungi, mites, tumors that may cause deafness.

By the way, until the kitten reaches 3-4 weeks of age, it is not appropriate to talk about its deafness as a congenital or acquired pathology. Because focusing on his behavior alone is not correct. He may not hear sounds, but he can copy the behavior of the other kittens in the litter. But, after he turns a month old, and he is no longer part of the cat group, then it will become clear whether he has formed predictable reactions to sound or not.

Treatment of deafness in cats

Depending on the type of deafness—congenital or acquired—we may be talking about treating such a disorder. Thus, congenital deafness caused by genes, unfortunately, cannot be corrected. Therefore, the owners of such an animal will simply have to come to terms with this shortcoming of their pet.

If we are talking about the treatment of acquired deafness, then it is very important to determine the cause that caused the hearing loss and find out whether such consequences can be eliminated. So, if the cause of deafness is a fungus or infection, an appropriate course of treatment aimed at eliminating the problem will help restore the cat’s hearing. If the cause of deafness is a tumor, then surgery to remove it or radiation and chemotherapy may be offered to ensure partial restoration of hearing.

In the event that deafness arose as a result of exposure to ear canal toxic substance or is explained in the pet’s body - unfortunately, it is no longer possible to help the cat. But, this should not make her less loved by you.

Oh, how beautiful white cats are, with blue irises. But it’s a shame that white cats are albinos, often with poor hearing or its complete absence. The dominant white color is found in many cat breeds, such as the Turkish Angora. And most albinos are born unable to hear. What is the cause of the disease? It turns out that the hearing loss is caused by degeneration of the cat's inner ear. Deafness may also affect only one side. As is known, animals, like humans, have two main genes, from the mother and father (chromosomes - X and Y). Whose chromosomes will predominate more during the development of the embryo, that gene will be inherited by the kitten. Scientists have proven that if an embryo receives the gene from a deaf mother, the offspring will be similar.

It is also known that white color is complete absence pigmentation in an animal. The main reason is heredity. Congenital deafness is the direct influence of the genome that is responsible for the coat color and eye color of a cat. Its impact is great; the animal also experiences decreased vision and the ability to see at night. This directly affects the hunting qualities of the cat. It is almost impossible to test an animal’s hearing in our country; there are simply no such institutions. Therefore, it is impossible to recognize a deaf kitten, except for external signs.

When the kitten grows up, you can explore it yourself. For example, make calls, a sharp sound near the kitten, tracking its reaction. Call (as is customary) cats, kitty-kitty. If the kitten does not respond, most likely there is a hearing loss.

If a cat does not respond to the sound of the refrigerator door opening and the rustling of food packaging, this is also a sign of deafness. If she doesn't respond to her kittens' calls or flinches when you touch her unexpectedly, this is also a sign that the cat can't hear. And if your pet systematically shakes its head, most likely the animal develops otitis media, which is dangerous disease. It's better to consult a veterinarian.

It has been noticed that deaf cats are more aggressive and loud. Outside the home, unpleasant incidents often happen to them, even accidents. Such cats need constant care, supervision and a vigilant owner. Living with a deaf cat may initially seem difficult, but cats easily adapt to a silent life. Considering that cats who cannot hear do not know that they are different from others.

  1. To make your animal's life more comfortable, pay more attention and care.
  2. Treat her with respect, do not injure her or leave her in a room where she can escape.
  3. Determine a zone of guaranteed safety for your cat. Where she can be in complete peace.
  4. Remember that a cat without hearing has a good sense of smell - do not neglect this important component.
  5. Learning to understand the visual cues of a cat's language will make it easier for you to understand what your pet wants.

Why are white cats deaf?

The deafness of white cats has long been studied and proven. Many deaf cats have blue eyes, this is caused by the white gene. This gene affects the formation of ear cells and its nerve endings since the birth of a kitten. Therefore, according to genetic reasons It is white cats that are deaf and it is not possible to restore their hearing, since they have never heard sounds. Most often, the deafness gene is found in albinos and pure white cats. Cats with other colors can also be deaf if their parents had this gene. But it is believed that if an animal has even a small dark spot, it means that it will hear well. Only 20% of white cats are deaf and this is not scary at all, because otherwise the pet is completely healthy and deafness does not affect general state pet. Usually, such kittens squeak the loudest when they are small, since they cannot hear their own voice, but this is only one of the methods that can be used to identify a deaf kitten.

Deafness in cats may be bilateral or unilateral. Check your cat's hearing very easy, this can be done after 5 days after his birth. If you clap behind your cat's back and he gets scared, then your kitten has hearing. After all, revenge is a lot of white cats who hear well - it’s all about this gene. If you are not sure what kind of hearing your pet has, then this will help you determine this good veterinarian(animal otolaryngologist).

Features of caring for deaf cats and training them to use a tray

You can train a cat to a litter box in the same way as usual. The only method of punishment for a cat who is hard of hearing for going to the toilet in a place other than the litter tray is a pat on the butt and an appropriate facial expression.

There are some care features and disadvantages that are important to know:

  • do not scare the kitten, do not sneak up on him from behind, he should always see you if you want to pick him up or stroke him. A deaf cat must feel safe in its territory, and if this is not provided to it, it may become aggressive and begin to defend itself.
  • Don’t let your deaf cat outside, it’s not safe for her there at all! If you want to go to the dacha, then leave it in the house or make a special fence.
  • It is advisable not to get another pet, as it can frighten the kitten. Or it is better to do this from the very birth of the deaf cat, so that they can be friends.
  • in an apartment or in a house you will have to walk carefully so as not to step on the cat, especially while he is small. In this case, you can buy a collar with a bell so that you always know where your pet is and can find him if he hides.
  • If you have such a kitten, it is advisable to have it examined by a veterinarian so that you can make sure that the pet does not have ear infections or other diseases and disorders.

Often cats that have a white coat are allergic. Therefore, you need to think about the detergents and cleaning products you use in your home. Also, take care of her nutrition and buy only high-quality food. At the first signs of an allergy, namely: peeling of the skin, frequent scratching or sneezing of the cat, contact your veterinarian at the nearest clinic. Just like in caring for other cats of long-haired breeds, they need to be brushed regularly to prevent tangles from appearing. This, preferably, should be taught from childhood.

Positive aspects of deaf cats:

  • such cats are very beautiful, especially with blue eyes;
  • They are usually very affectionate and affectionate, and get along well with children;
  • are not afraid of a vacuum cleaner =) and other extraneous and sudden sounds;
  • They love to purr and thus show their love.

White cats with blue eyes are not only very beautiful, they are also loyal and affectionate, they love comfort and peace, so they easily make contact with children and adults, they will be happy to lie on your lap and love to be stroked and scratched, so give them some time more attention and affection, especially in tactile sensations..jpg" alt="bez_imeni_8" width="900" height="599" />!}