Laser eye surgery: how does it work and how long does it last? Pros and cons of laser vision correction Eye correction, how it happens and why.

All materials on the site were prepared by specialists in the field of surgery, anatomy and specialized disciplines.
All recommendations are indicative in nature and are not applicable without consulting a doctor.

The light beam is refracted several times in the eyeball before hitting the sensory cells and further along the nerve pathway into the brain. The main site of this process is the lens. How we perceive an object depends mainly on its properties and abilities. Correcting pathological changes in the lens is quite difficult; the most effective way is to replace it - a complex, high-tech operation.

But there is an alternative method - exposure to the cornea. This is one of the layers of the spherical eyeball. It is here that the primary refraction of light occurs before it hits the lens. Non-surgical vision correction for farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism involves exposing the cornea to a laser and changing its curvature.

Indications for laser vision correction

The operation is performed for three main eye diseases:

  • Myopia. This disease is also called myopia. It occurs as a result of a change in the shape (stretching) of the eyeball. Focus is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. As a result, the image appears blurry to the person. Correction of myopia is possible by wearing glasses, contact lenses, laser and surgical methods. Eliminating the cause of the disease - the altered shape of the eyeball - is currently impossible.
  • Farsightedness. The disease occurs due to a decrease in the size of the eyeball, decreased accommodation of the lens (often occurs in old age), and insufficient refractive power of the cornea. As a result, the focus of nearby objects is formed behind the retina, and they appear blurry. Farsightedness is often accompanied by headaches. Correction is carried out by wearing glasses, lenses, and laser operations.
  • Astigmatism. This term refers to a person's ability to see clearly. It arises from an abnormality in the shape of the eye, lens or cornea. The focus of the image is not formed on the retina. The disease is often accompanied by migraines, eye pain, and rapid fatigue when reading. It can be corrected by wearing special glasses with different longitudinal and transverse curvature of the lenses. But the most effective is laser surgery.

All these diseases are united under the general name “ametropia”. This includes ailments associated with problems with focusing the eye.

Indications for vision correction surgery for the three diseases described are:

  1. The patient's desire to get rid of glasses and contact lenses.
  2. Age from 18 to 45 years.
  3. Refractive indexes for myopia are from -1 to -15 diopters, for farsightedness – up to +3 diopters, for astigmatism – up to +5 diopters.
  4. Intolerance to glasses or contact lenses.
  5. Professional needs of patients, the requirement of special visual acuity and speed of reaction to the image.
  6. Stable vision. If the deterioration gradually progresses (more than 1 per year), then you first need to stop this process, and then talk about laser correction.


The operation is not performed in the following cases:

Preparation for laser correction

The patient must stop wearing glasses or contact lenses at least a week before the correction. It is better to take a vacation during this time. This is necessary for the cornea to take its natural shape. Then the correction will be more adequate and accurate. The doctor may increase the period of refusal from artificial lenses at his discretion.

Each clinic has a list of necessary tests that must be taken before surgery. Usually this is the absence or presence of certain infections, blood tests, and urine tests. Test results have a limited validity period - from 10 days to a month.

For two days you need to stop drinking alcohol and using eye makeup. Before visiting the clinic, it is better to wash your hair and face. It is important to get a good night's sleep, calm down and not be nervous before laser vision correction. If the patient feels too scared or anxious, the doctor may recommend mild sedatives.

Types of operation

There are two main methods of correction - PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and (laser keratomyelosis). The first operation allows you to correct myopia up to 6 diopters, astigmatism up to 2.5-3 diopters. Both types of laser correction are carried out sequentially: first on one eye, then on the other. But this happens within the framework of one operation.

For laser correction of farsightedness and myopia complicated by astigmatism, Lasik is more often used. This is because PRK requires a long (up to 10 days) healing time. Each type of operation has its pros and cons, but still Lasik is a more promising direction, so this method is most often preferred.

Photorefractive keratectomy

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor treats the eyelid and eyelashes with an antiseptic. Sometimes an additional antibiotic is instilled to prevent infection. The eye is fixed using an eyelid speculum and washed with saline solution.

At the first stage, the doctor removes the epithelium. He can do this surgically, mechanically and laser. After this, the process of evaporation of the cornea begins. It is carried out only with a laser.

The method is limited by the required residual thickness of the cornea. To perform its functions, it must be at least 200-300 microns (0.2-0.3 mm). To determine the optimal shape of the cornea and, accordingly, the degree of its evaporation, complex calculations are carried out using special computer programs. The shape of the eyeball, the ability of the lens to accommodate, and visual acuity are taken into account.

In some cases, it is possible to refuse excision of the epithelium. Then the operations are faster and with less risk of complications. In Russia, a domestically produced Profile-500 installation is used for this purpose.

Laser intrastromal keratomyelosis

Preparations are similar to those for PRK. The cornea is marked with safe ink. A metal ring is placed over the eye, which additionally secures it in one position.

The operation takes place under local anesthesia in three stages. On the first the surgeon creates a flap from the cornea. He detaches the superficial layer, leaving it attached to the underlying tissue, using a microkeratome instrument—specially modeled for eye microsurgery.

laser vision correction: progress of the operation

The doctor removes excess fluid with a sterile swab. At the second stage he folds back the flap and laser vaporizes the cornea. The entire process takes less than one minute. During this time, the flap is also covered with a sterile swab. At the third stage the separated piece is placed in its place, according to the previously applied marks. After rinsing the eye with sterile water, the doctor smoothes the flap. No sutures are required; the cut-off piece is fixed on its own due to negative pressure inside the cornea.

The possibility of performing an operation is determined largely by the anatomical structure of the patient's eye. To implement this, it is necessary that the cornea of ​​the eye is of sufficient size. The flap must have a thickness of at least 150 microns. The deep layers of the cornea remaining after evaporation are at least 250 microns.

Video: how laser vision correction is done

Postoperative period, patient instructions

On the first day after laser correction, the following reactions are normal:

  • Pain in the operated eye. With Lasik, it is usually insignificant and feels like a foreign object getting under the eyelid.
  • Discomfort when looking at light.
  • Tearing.

The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics and corticosteroids to prevent the development of infectious or non-infectious inflammation. Beta blockers may be prescribed to prevent increased intraocular pressure.

In the first few days after surgery, the patient is recommended to:

  • Be in a darkened room. Light can cause pain and stinging in the eyes. It unnecessarily irritates the cornea, which prevents its healing.
  • Avoid touching the eye, especially in the first day. Important! The patient may feel as if a speck has gotten under his or her eyelid; there is no need to try to remove it! If the discomfort is very severe, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If there is no cause for concern, he may prescribe desensitizing medications.
  • Refusal to shower and wash. It is very important that your eyes are not exposed to any chemical agents that may be contained in soap or shampoo. Even water sometimes has a negative effect on the operated eye.
  • Avoid alcohol until the course of medication is completed. Antibiotics are incompatible with alcohol. It also makes many other drugs work worse.

During the first few weeks it is advisable to:

  1. Stop smoking and visiting polluted places. Smoke has a bad effect on the cornea, causes it to become dry, and impairs its nutrition and blood supply. Because of this, it may heal more slowly.
  2. Do not engage in sports that may impact the eyes - swimming, wrestling, etc. Injuries to the cornea during the recovery period are extremely undesirable and can lead to irreparable consequences.
  3. Avoid eye strain. It is important not to spend a lot of time at the computer, reading a book or watching TV. You should also avoid driving in the evening.
  4. Avoid bright light, wear sunglasses.
  5. Do not use cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes.
  6. Do not wear contact lenses for 1-2 weeks.

Risks and consequences of the operation

There are early and late postoperative complications. The first ones usually appear within a few days. These include:

  • Non-healing corneal erosion. Its treatment is quite complex and requires consultation with specialized specialists. Common methods of therapy are the use of collagen coatings of the cornea, contact vision correction (use of soft lenses).
  • Reduced thickness of the epithelial layer, its progressive destruction. It is accompanied by swelling and the development of erosions.
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the eye). It can be infectious or non-infectious in nature. Keratitis manifests itself in redness of the eye, pain, and irritation.
  • Opacities in the evaporation zones of the cornea. They can also occur later in the rehabilitation period. Their cause is excessive evaporation of corneal tissue. The complication, as a rule, responds well to treatment with the use of resorption therapy. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to repeated surgery.

The overall rate of long-term complications with Lasik is 1-5%, with PRK – 2-5%. In the later stages, the following negative consequences of laser correction may become apparent:

Vision restoration

For the final determination of the success or failure of the operation, as well as for the stabilization of its results, a rather long period usually must pass. The recovery period can last up to 3 months. Only after its expiration can a conclusion be made about the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as subsequent corrective measures.

Results vary depending on the type of surgery, underlying disease, and degree of vision impairment. The best results are possible with correction at the initial stages of the disorder.

For myopia

The most predictable operation is Lasik. It allows in 80% of cases to achieve correction with an accuracy of 0.5 diopters. In half the cases, in patients with slight myopia, vision is completely restored (acuity value – 1.0). In 90% of cases it improves to 0.5 or higher.

With severe myopia (more than 10 diopters), repeat surgery may be required in 10% of cases. In this case it is called additional correction. During this procedure, the already cut flap is raised and additional evaporation of part of the cornea is carried out. Such operations are carried out 3 and/or 6 months after the first procedure.

It is quite difficult to provide exact data regarding PRK vision correction. The average visual acuity is 0.8. The accuracy of the operation is not very high. The diagnosis of undercorrection or overcorrection is made in 22% of cases. Visual impairment occurs in 9.7% of patients. In 12% of cases the result does not stabilize. The big advantage of using PRK compared to Lasik is the low risk of keratoconus after surgery.

For farsightedness

In this case, vision restoration, even with the Lasik method, does not follow such an optimistic scenario. Only in 80% of cases it is possible to achieve a visual acuity score of 0.5 or higher. Only in a third of patients the functions of the eye are fully restored. The accuracy of the operation in the treatment of farsightedness also suffers: only 60% of patients have a deviation from the planned refraction value of less than 0.5 diopters.

PRK is used to treat farsightedness only if the Lasik method is contraindicated. The results of such correction are quite unstable, which means that quite serious regression is possible over the years. With a weak degree of farsightedness, it is satisfactory only in 60-80% of cases, and with severe impairments - only in 40% of cases.

For astigmatism

With this disease, both methods manifest themselves almost identically. Research from 2013 was published on the Ophthalmology Portal. According to the results of observations, “no statistically significant difference was found in effectiveness [efficacy index = 0.76 (±0.32) for PRK versus 0.74 (±0.19) for LASIK (P = 0.82)], safety [safety index = 1 .10 (±0.26) for PRK vs. 1.01 (±0.17) for LASIK (P = 0.121)] or predictability [achieved: astigmatism<1 Д в 39% операций, выполненных методом ФРК и 54% - методом ЛАСИК и <2 D в 88% ФРК и 89% ЛАСИК (P = 0,218)”.

However, it is worth noting that the success rate of operations is not too high - 74-76%. And also the improvement in vision when using the Lasik method is slightly higher than with PRK.

The cost of laser vision correction, surgery under compulsory medical insurance policy

The question of the possibility of free vision correction is quite controversial. Insurance companies tend to classify such operations as cosmetic, which, according to the law, are paid for by patients themselves.

There is information about the possibility of receiving such assistance for military personnel and their relatives in military hospitals. So, on the website of the Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov city of St. Petersburg indicated:“The Academy provides inpatient and outpatient treatment to military personnel and their families, as well as citizens who have compulsory medical insurance or voluntary health insurance policies from companies that have entered into an agreement with the Military Medical Academy. Without a policy, the VMA provides services to the population on a paid basis.” The list of medical procedures provided includes “ laser correction of visual acuity

“. Probably, in general practice, such operations are carried out free of charge if there is an agreement with a specific hospital in the region of military service/residence and the technical capabilities of the medical institution. The vast majority of laser vision correction operations are carried out on a paid basis. However, working citizens can return a tax deduction of 13% by writing an application.

Also, many companies provide discounts to their regular customers and some social groups - pensioners, disabled people, students.

The cost depends on the type of operation, clinic and region. On average, PRK in Moscow costs 15,000 rubles. Lasik, depending on the modification of the method, ranges from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. Prices are for vision correction in one eye.

Clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The most popular and well-known medical centers in the two largest cities of Russia are:

To do or not to do vision correction is a question that the patient must decide for himself first. This operation is not considered necessary or vital. However, the majority of patients who have undergone laser correction report a huge improvement in their quality of life and their well-being.

Video: LASIK laser vision correction – patient review

Video: laser vision correction - progress of the operation

Vision defects can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, surgery and laser correction. The last method of eliminating visual pathologies is the most effective. It provides excellent vision and is rarely accompanied by complications. Let's find out what the essence of this treatment method is, how the operation takes place and how long it lasts.

In this article

Laser vision correction today is a very popular technique for correcting refractive errors. Unlike surgery, laser treatment is absolutely painless and safe. With its help, it is possible to achieve almost one hundred percent vision. Laser correction allows many people to forget about glasses and contact lenses for many years or forever. This procedure is prescribed for the following visual pathologies:

  • Myopia or myopia (from −1 diopter). With this disease, light rays are focused in front of the retina, as a result of which a person has difficulty seeing what is at a distance from him. The operation is performed when the reading is no higher than −1 diopter. Usually this degree of myopia is not corrected even with glasses and contact lenses.
  • Farsightedness or hypermetropia (up to +6 diopters) is a refractive error caused by a decrease in the size of the eyeball. Light rays appear behind the mesh shell. The patient sees well into the distance, but objects close to the eyes appear blurry.
  • Presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) is a pathology that occurs in people after 40 years of age. Almost every person who has reached the specified age encounters it. This happens due to the natural aging of the body and all its organs and structures, including the lens of the eye. Over the years, it becomes less elastic and it is difficult for it to change its shape when looking from distant objects to close ones and vice versa. The first symptom of presbyopia is difficulty viewing small objects (for example, the type in a book) at close range. If presbyopia develops against the background of myopia, a person will need several pairs of glasses - for distance and for near.
  • Astigmatism (up to 4 diopters) is a visual pathology that results from curvature, change in the shape of the eyeball, cornea or lens. Light rays fall on several points of the retina and form a blurred image. A person has to constantly squint to see anything. Often, astigmatism is accompanied by myopia or hypermetropia.

When does a person need to sign up for laser vision correction?

All of the above diseases can be corrected with glasses and contact lenses. However, if a person wants to get rid of the need to wear them, select them and systematically adjust their optical power, he agrees to laser surgery. In some cases, patients have to do this. This is due to a profession that does not allow you to wear contact lenses and glasses: we are talking about firefighters, military personnel. Laser vision correction as the only opportunity to play sports is becoming necessary for many athletes.

Wearing glasses during sports activities is dangerous and inconvenient, as they can break, fall off the face, fog up, and contact optics are not compatible, for example, with water sports. Laser correction is for such people a chance to work fully and do what they love.

Contraindications to laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is a very safe and absolutely painless procedure. However, it is not available to everyone. There are a number of limitations that are revealed during a thorough examination of the patient. Contraindications can be relative or absolute. The first include:

Absolute contraindications

The above pathologies and conditions are temporary. Absolute forever exclude the possibility of prescribing the procedure:

Today, these contraindications are absolute, but the development of technology is expanding the possibilities for laser vision correction. Thus, some relative restrictions, for example, diabetes, were previously absolute.

How is laser vision restoration surgery performed?

There are several laser techniques that differ from each other in a number of parameters. In general, the essence of any technique comes down to the following:

In some cases, the surgeon installs a bandage lens on the eye - a hydrogel bandage that promotes rapid healing of the cornea and prevents bacteria from entering the eye.
The patient does not need to prepare thoroughly and for a long time for the operation. Two weeks before vision correction, he stops wearing optics. This is necessary for the cornea to take its natural shape. Two days before the procedure you should not drink alcohol. It negatively affects the blood vessels of the eye.

On the day of the procedure, the patient needs to wash his hair and face. Make-up, cream and make-up are not allowed. Fragments of cosmetics can get into the eye and cause inflammation. The doctor will give all the necessary instructions that must be strictly followed. Any operation is associated with risk. If you do not follow your ophthalmologist's instructions, the risk of complications increases. In addition, the doctor may cancel the procedure.

Are there complications after laser correction?

The likelihood of complications is very low. After PRK they occur in 2-5% of cases, and after LASIK - in 1-5% of cases. In the first days and weeks after the procedure, side effects may appear that do not affect visual acuity:

  • blurred vision at night. Most often, the complication occurs in patients with pupils that are wider than the average norm;
  • infection. May develop due to the patient’s failure to comply with hygiene in the postoperative period;
  • painful sensations. Lasts until the cornea heals;
  • lacrimation in the first three days after correction;
  • dry eye syndrome associated with drying out of the cornea after laser evaporation. It is treated with eye drops;
  • photophobia in the first 48 hours;
  • Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis) is a very rare complication that goes away without treatment after a few days.

There are a number of complications that lead to loss of vision:

  • poor-quality cut of the flap;
  • ingrowth of epithelium under the flap;
  • overcorrection or undercorrection (the doctor removed more or less tissue than planned);
  • keratitis is an inflammatory disease of the cornea that leads to vision impairment.

Almost all of these complications, except keratitis, require repeated vision correction. They appear within several months. There are even more severe side effects that occur extremely rarely and lead to a severe decrease in visual function:

  • displacement, loss, damage to the corneal flap in the first month after the procedure as a result of mechanical trauma;
  • diffuse lamellar keratitis. The reasons for its occurrence after laser correction are not exactly known, but treatment of the disease should begin as early as possible, as it leads to clouding of the cornea and serious vision loss.

Complications after laser vision correction, as already noted, are rare. The entire procedure and its consequences are completely controlled by the doctor. The patient only needs to follow his instructions exactly.

How long does laser vision correction surgery take?

15 minutes before the procedure, a local anesthetic is instilled into the patient’s eyes. During these 15 minutes, the doctor tells the patient about how the operation will proceed and what needs to be done. The laser action takes about 20-60 seconds depending on the damage. In total, the procedure lasts from 10 to 30 minutes on one eye.

The duration of the operation depends, among other things, on the technique. LASIK is done in 5-7 minutes. Usually, laser vision correction is performed on both organs of vision on the same day. PRK takes about 10-15 minutes on one eye.

After the operation, the person operated on remains in the clinic for 1-3 hours and is sent home. The doctor instructs him on what can and cannot be done after the correction, and sets the time for the next examination. The duration of the operation may depend not only on the degree of pathology that needs to be corrected, but also on the methods used by the doctor.

Laser vision correction techniques

There are two main types of laser vision correction surgery: PRK and LASIK. The second technique is constantly being improved, newer methods are appearing that are even safer and faster. LASIK modifications:

In terms of the time it takes the doctor to perform the operation, the techniques practically do not differ from each other. The doctor prescribes a particular procedure depending on the indications and financial capabilities of the patient.

Laser correction of vision pathologies: advantages

Now you know how the correction works, what the indications are for it, how long the operation lasts and whether there are complications. Despite the presence of the last point, this method of correcting refractive errors has a number of undeniable advantages:

The shape that the cornea takes on during laser vision correction lasts for life. In some cases, in the absence of progressive myopia, a person will never need to

Thanks to developments in modern ophthalmology, the use of a scalpel is becoming less and less common during operations. This is due to the fact that new techniques are emerging in ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, with the help of which the operation is performed using laser.

Compared to other types of operations, this is the safest and most effective method of surgical therapy in microsurgery.

It is mainly prescribed to patients aged 18 to 55 years who have a disorder:

  • Myopia.
  • Hypermetropia.

The main task during laser eye correction is to achieve precise focusing of the image on the retina of the eyeball. So that the patient regains the sharpness of visual perception and clarity of display of surrounding objects.

Advantages of laser surgery

Laser surgery has been used in medical practice for about 30 years. During this time, observations have shown its superiority compared to other surgical interventions.

The main positive qualities include:

Indications for laser surgery


In addition, surgical treatment can be performed:

  • If the value is from 1 to 15 diopters.
  • Hypermetropia from 1 to 6 diopters.
  • Astigmatism 0.5 to 5 diopters.

Contraindications for laser surgery

As with any type of therapy, laser eye correction cannot be performed in all cases. There are many reasons why surgery is not performed.

The most common reasons for refusing laser surgery:

Such pathologies make it possible to develop irreversible changes after surgery.

If the patient, for any reason, uses steroid medications or medications aimed at suppressing the immune system, then the process of regeneration and recovery in the postoperative period may be delayed.

Relative contraindications

Relative restrictions are temporary, and as they are eliminated, surgical intervention can be performed.

Absolute contraindications

But there are situations in which laser surgery is completely excluded:

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation you must:

Immediately before laser surgery, the patient must:

Equipment for laser correction

Modern ophthalmological clinics are equipped with the latest types of laser systems that allow high-precision operations.

Excimer laser WaveLight EX500

This is a device, the latest achievement of scientists in the field of laser ophthalmology. Has increased laser speed.

This contributes to a minimal thermal effect on the cornea of ​​the eye.

It does not cause symptoms of dehydration, which has a beneficial effect in the postoperative period (rapid tissue healing occurs).

When using this setting, the laser depth can be automatically adjusted. This allows you to obtain data on the thickness of the cornea at all stages of the operation, if necessary.

The infrared tracking system allows you to monitor the position of the eyeball in relation to the center of the pupil or the edge of the cornea. This significantly increases the accuracy of all manipulations.

You can achieve a positive effect:

  • For myopia up to 14 diopters.
  • Astigmatism and farsightedness up to 6 diopters.

VISX Star S4 IR laser

Unlike other laser systems, this device allows vision correction in advanced forms of myopia and hypermetropia.

After vision correction, the installation creates a smoothed corneal surface.

The use of this device minimizes the development of side effects and rapid recovery in the postoperative period.

It is possible to eliminate myopia if the indicators of visual impairment do not exceed 16 diopters. For farsightedness and astigmatism, the indicator should be no more than 6 diopters.

Femtosecond laser FS200 WaveLight

This device is a record holder for the formation of a corneal flap. This manipulation can be performed within 6 seconds.

With another device, you need to spend 20 seconds to carry out such actions.

What is unique is that, using this laser model, the ophthalmologist has the opportunity to form a corneal flap, while completely controlling its thickness, diameter, alignment and morphology.

Does not cause damage to nearby tissues and blood vessels. This device allows laser correction to be performed on patients who have anatomically thin corneas.


Using these devices, laser eye correction is performed using the .

In this case, the inner layers of the cornea are affected.

It is very important that most of these devices can operate without external power sources (autonomous).

Moria Evolution 3

Allows you to perform the preparatory stage of forming a corneal flap.

The design of the device makes it possible to take an individual approach to this stage of the operation, taking into account.

In the vast majority of cases this gives a positive result. And the patient’s sensations, discomfort or pain practically do not appear.

Epikeratome Epi-K

The purpose of this device is to separate the epithelial layer of the cornea, which creates the opportunity for subsequent laser correction.

The uniqueness of this device is that the removed epithelial flap has a minimum thickness, and the subsequent operation is performed in a gentle manner.

Photorefractive keratectomy and laser intrastromal keratomyelosis

To correct vision using a laser, three main techniques are used.

They are considered:

  • FRK(photorefractive keratectomy). This technique was one of the first to appear. It is used to this day to eliminate the symptoms of myopia in the early stages. Initially, the epithelial layer of the cornea is removed, the deeper layers are evaporated. Recovery after surgery occurs within 5 days, less often it can take a week.
  • LASEK(subepithelial keratomileusis). The operation is mainly performed on patients with an individual characteristic of a thin corneal layer. Using Bowman's membrane, stroma, and the epithelial layer, a valve is created, which is fixed with a contact lens. The operation is usually well tolerated by patients, the rehabilitation period occurs in a short time.
  • LASIK(laser keratomileusis). Compared to other methods of laser corneal correction, this is the safest and most gentle type of surgery. Surgical intervention is divided into two stages:
    • First, the superficial corneal layer is cut off with a laser beam.
    • The second stage involves the elimination of pathological processes in the deep layers of the cornea, followed by restoration of the cut-off layer.

This technique allows you to get rid of advanced forms of any eye pathologies. The main advantage of this type of operation is the almost complete absence of complications and side effects.

Recently, this technique has expanded and been supplemented in three areas:

  • Super LASIK. It occurs using a high-precision apparatus, taking into account the individual structural features of the patient’s visual organs. Has higher efficiency rates than previous methods.
  • Femto Super LASIK. The method is similar to the previous version, the main difference is the cutting of the cornea using a femto laser.
  • Presby LASIK. Surgical intervention using this technique is performed on people over 40 years of age.

According to most experts, the most promising and safest method is LASIK.

Postoperative period

To avoid negative reactions from the body and the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to comply with the rules and regulations prescribed by the ophthalmologist:

Consequences of surgery performed using a laser

Like any type of surgical intervention, when performing laser vision correction, unwanted side effects may develop.

The consequences include:

Restoring vision in myopia

Most often used:

Restoring vision in case of farsightedness

To cope with this pathological process, you can resort to traditional methods of therapy.

They are:

In addition, people suffering from farsightedness are recommended to use:

Restoring vision with astigmatism

The correct choice of technique in the treatment of astigmatism can only be made by an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own.

To carry out complex therapy, the doctor may prescribe:

Cost of laser vision correction

Basically, this type of operation is paid. The approximate price may vary (depending on the region of Russia) from 27,000 to 105,000 rubles. The complexity and type of laser correction are also taken into account.

In some cases, applications from working citizens may be considered, after submission of which it becomes possible to return a tax deduction (13%).

In all other situations, insurance companies consider this type of surgery as a cosmetic procedure. This is an argument for the patient to pay on his own.

Sometimes companies can give a discount to regular customers or low-income social groups.


Laser surgery is a promising method for treating eye pathologies.

In most cases, the patient immediately after the operation forgets what glasses or contact lenses are.

In addition to restored vision, the operation creates a positive psycho-emotional mood for the patient.

Several decades ago, many visual impairments were very difficult to correct - patients had to wear glasses throughout their lives or undergo dangerous surgical operations. With the development of innovative technologies, medicine has advanced significantly; today many eye diseases can be cured with laser correction. Like any other therapeutic technique, laser treatment has its advantages, disadvantages, indications and contraindications, which should be taken into account before undergoing surgery.

What is laser vision correction?

For the first time, surgical operations to eliminate visual impairments began to be used back in the 70s of the last century. Over time, the technique was improved, and the first procedure using laser technology was carried out in 1986. Since then, it has been widely used to correct the most common ophthalmic pathologies - myopia, farsightedness, etc.

The essence of the technique is to change the upper layers of the cornea, which allows you to create an ideal curvature that will correspond to all optical parameters. The most common laser correction techniques include photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), as well as its modern variants - LASIK, Custom Vue, Epi-LASIK, etc.

Indications and contraindications

Vision correction using laser technology is carried out at the age of 18 to 45 years for farsightedness, astigmatism and myopia with a certain degree, which have been stable (not progressed) throughout the year.

Table. Indications for laser vision correction.

Contraindications to surgical intervention include:

  • serious impairment of visual function (more than 12 diopters) in any of the above diseases or progression of the pathological process over the past 12 months;
  • having only one seeing eye;
  • systemic, autoimmune and infectious diseases;
  • ophthalmological pathologies that provoke changes in the cornea, retina, fundus (cataract, keratoconus, glaucoma, iridocyclitis, etc.);
  • cornea too thin;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

To determine the presence of contraindications, patients are required to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body before undergoing surgery.

For reference: The possibility of laser vision correction after 45 years exists, but in this case the risk of developing age-related vision correction increases, which doctors always warn their patients about.

How is the correction carried out?

The operation using a laser is performed under drip anesthesia and consists of three main stages.

Stage 1. At the initial stage of surgery, a so-called flap is created on the surface of the cornea using laser equipment, which can later be unscrewed to gain access to other layers.

Stage 2. The device changes the shape of the cornea according to individual parameters, creating an ideal surface for focusing light rays.

Stage 3. The flap, formed from tissue, is returned to its place, after which it is healed without additional intervention, so there are no scars on the tissue.

After the procedure, the patient can go home and return to their normal lifestyle, following the recommendations given by the specialist. In the first time after surgery, you need to rest as much as possible, if possible, avoid activities that require eye strain and heavy physical exertion, and do not squint or rub your eyes. For rapid tissue regeneration, patients are prescribed drops, which should be used according to the instructions and medical prescriptions.

For reference: There are no restrictions regarding nutrition after laser vision correction, but patients must abstain from alcohol for the entire period of postoperative rehabilitation - alcoholic beverages negatively affect the blood circulation of the eyes and can interact with medications.

Video: Laser vision correction after 3 years

ReLExSMILE – the latest method of laser vision correction

SMILE technology is the 3rd generation, which replaced the outdated PRK and LASIK (including Femto-LASIK and Trans-PRK). It was developed in Germany in 2007 by Professor Walter Secundo and, since then, has taken a leading position throughout the world.

The correction is characterized by the absence of a flap (and associated complications), painlessness and virtually no rehabilitation period: the patient returns to his normal life the very next day.

In Russia, the expert on ReLExSMILE is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences - Shilova Tatyana Yuryevna, founder of the Moscow branch of the European network of clinics SMILEEYES:) and AugenklinikMoskau, where Professor Secundo himself conducts appointments.

Find out more about SMAFL correction on the clinic’s official website – WWW.SMILEEYS.RU

Video: Advantages of SMILE laser vision correction over PRK and LASIK

Benefits of laser correction

Over several decades, the laser correction technique has proven its effectiveness - millions of patients have become convinced that it has a number of advantages compared to other treatment methods.

For reference: The advantages include its availability, since the procedure is offered in almost every ophthalmology clinic, but its cost remains quite high - in the range of 25-40 thousand rubles per eye

Disadvantages of laser correction

Like any other treatment method, laser vision correction has a number of disadvantages, and one of them is discomfort during the recovery period. Some patients experience decreased night vision, the appearance of “spots” and “flashes” before the eyes, dry mucous membranes and a sensation of the presence of a foreign body. Discomfort is especially noticeable in the first hours after the procedure - doctors advise patients to come to the clinic accompanied by relatives, as it may be difficult for a person to get home on their own.

The likelihood of complications during laser correction is minimized, but still exists. Possible side effects of the procedure include:

  • corneal clouding;
  • incomplete correction;
  • obtaining the opposite effect (farsightedness in the treatment of myopia, etc.);
  • displacement of the pupils;
  • bacterial or herpetic keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • fragility of the eyeball;
  • disturbances of binocular vision.

Any of the above disorders requires repeated laser correction or surgery, and its successful outcome is not guaranteed. If the eyeballs become fragile after surgery, the patient will have to avoid heavy physical activity, active sports, high temperatures and any other influences that could cause harm for the rest of his life.

Finally, laser correction is not able to completely cure eye diseases, but only corrects their consequences. The causes of visual impairment remain and continue to affect the eyes, so after a few years a person may need glasses again.

Important: intense pain, severe redness of the cornea or swelling after laser surgery may be signs of complications and require immediate medical attention.

How to reduce the risk of side effects?

To minimize the risk of postoperative complications, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations.

Attention: We should not forget that each person’s body has its own characteristics, which can significantly affect the result of the operation - laser correction can be successful in one patient, while in another it can cause serious complications.

Is laser vision correction worth it?

Laser vision correction is an effective method for treating ophthalmological disorders, but despite the large number of advantages, it has a number of disadvantages and can lead to certain complications. For this reason, the decision to undergo the procedure should be made after consulting with a qualified specialist and carefully weighing the pros and cons.