The wonderful magical power of St. John's wort. The magical properties of St. John's wort St. John's wort how to use it against damage

Yellow panicles sway in the wind and circle above them, believing in the deceptive warmth of autumn, bees and bumblebees. St. John's wort is not only a medicinal plant, but also a mysterious one. He is called the doctor who cures 99 diseases.

They fear him... St. John's wort is the strongest remedy protection from human exposure black magic. To do this, it is collected during the summer solstice on Ivan Kupala (June 21-24) or on the day of Perun (August 2).

St. John's wort is an unpretentious plant, and finding it is not a problem. It grows almost throughout Russia. He prefers to settle in meadows, forest clearings, and clearings. Despite the fact that the sun in autumn is not as hot as in summer, it is still dangerous for animals that accidentally eat it, especially if the animal has a light color. The plant causes him itchy skin, ulcers and death, hence its name - St. John's wort.

People, as they say, are not cows or horses, therefore St. John's wort has long been used in folk medicine . For example, it was recommended to be used as an analgesic and wound-healing agent by Ibn Sina.

Modern healers claim that extracts, decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort, when entering the human body, trigger a number of vital functions for maintaining health biochemical processes. Some of these processes are impossible without the influence of substances contained in St. John's wort.

Healers in Rus' used it to treat gout, rheumatism, hemoptysis, hemorrhoids, mastopathy in women, and relieve liver colic and recommended for general liver health. Grandmothers in villages give a decoction of St. John's wort to children when bedwetting. Now it is used for rheumatism, diarrhea, diseases digestive tract, liver, gallbladder.

In the old days they insisted on St. John's wort. And she helped with colds . St. John's wort infusion is effective for interruptions in heart function, excessive anxiety and timidity. An infusion of St. John's wort increases urine output by 40%, relieves stagnation of bile in gallbladder and liver.

It improves metabolic processes , treats headache. And he is very actively fighting against male impotence . To do this, brew 1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, leave for 20 minutes, filter. The volume is brought to the original volume by adding boiled water, and drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

St. John's wort oil is better pharmaceutical ointments helps for burns. It is best to do it on olive oil. ½ cup of St. John's wort flowers is poured with a glass of oil. Keep for 2 days. Take out the St. John's wort, squeeze it out, throw it away, and put the next portion of flowers into the oil. And so 3 times.

St. John's wort infusions do an excellent job of depression, colds, fatigue. To do this, you need to drink St. John's wort tea or add it to green tea.

St. John's wort is highly valued in folk magic and is considered one of the most strong herbs, opposing the servants of the prince of darkness. Its main strength is recognized sunlight , which, according to magicians, the plant absorbs and then treats the human body with processed solar energy. It is precisely because of the richness of St. John's wort sunlight

All evil spirits are afraid of him. Previously, when building a house knowledgeable people

They placed it under the threshold, in the cracks between the logs and in the rubble. Now we only have a threshold at our disposal, but not everyone will decide to break it. You can simply hang a bunch of St. John's wort over the door and place it under the baseboard during repairs. Even if dry branches of St. John's wort are on the kitchen cabinet, they still serve to protect the house from everything unpleasant and dangerous. And if previously St. John's wort was collected strictly at , now it is allowed to collect it until its flowers fade. But St. John's wort must be cut very carefully

. Grandmother herbalists say that you first need to ask the plant for forgiveness, explain to it why exactly you need its inflorescences, and only then carefully cut it off with a sharp knife. Under no circumstances should you cut the plant with scissors, break it, or pull it out. Firstly, you will hurt him, and secondly, the spirit that guards the plant may punish you. In addition, they say that this plant can hide and move. If St. John's wort is offended, it will disappear from its place and you will never find it again. IN Ancient Rus'

Only hereditary herbalists and sorcerers collected St. John's wort. Now many people do this. For pharmaceutical needs, St. John's wort is grown on special plantations. In cosmetics, St. John's wort is used to strengthen hair and give it vitality So, if during the autumn-winter months you rinse your hair with a decoction of St. John's wort once a week after washing, by spring it will not only not fade, but, on the contrary, will become a source of pride. The decoction is made as follows: 2 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over spoons of dry herbs with inflorescences and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave for 1 hour. Strain, cool. It is good to rinse the whole body with the same decoction. Then throw on a terry robe or wrap yourself in a terry sheet.

Useful for the face warm compresses from St. John's wort decoction for 10-15 minutes. After which a nourishing cream suitable for you is applied to the skin. St. John's wort relieves inflammation, fatigue, refreshes and strengthens, making the skin elastic.

The smoke of St. John's wort scares away evil spirits. This can be done at home, slowly walking through all the rooms and nooks and reading. It is recommended to do the same before leaving the dacha for the winter. They say that a broom of St. John's wort hidden behind the door helps protect the dacha from thieves and homeless people.

One of my friends told me that she didn’t just have bad relationship with her mother-in-law, but unbearable, and someone advised her to resort to the help of St. John's wort. She invited her mother-in-law to help clean up and scattered St. John's wort branches everywhere she could. She explained to her mother-in-law that this helps against moths and cleanses the aura of the house. The most interesting thing is that this method helped. She began to treat her more softly, she herself offered to take the child to school and prepare him lunch, she stopped slandering her daughter-in-law to her son and even praised her in front of the neighbors.

It is believed that St. John's wort can tie your husband to you forever, if you drink tea with it for several months with the addition of St. John's wort and two dried raspberries.

You will find information on specific plants in the "Lecture Hall" section - tutorial for those interested in Herbalism. I would like to point out right away that I do not trade anything and do not provide treatment.
When preparing the materials, the goal was not to discover something new in terms of botany or magic. The main thing was to select material from various sources and arrange it in a form convenient for assimilation, to create a Textbook that would help when conducting lessons on Herbalism in any magical or near-magical schools.
Taking into account the specifics of the subject, and I don’t write about things that I made up myself, of course, I use a huge amount sources listed on the site. The reference to specific sources in specific lectures has been replaced. The goal was not to create some kind of scientific work in which citations must be indicated with footnotes. This is a textbook for a magical school with a list of literature used. Considering that this is not a printed publication, the formalities are more than met. The description of plants uses material from the encyclopedia.

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The herb St. John's wort is one of those that is used in Slavic divination. Northern herbs: St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle - primarily used to drive out evil. Yes, each herb has its own special properties. About what magic plant St. John's wort, and how its small yellow flowers are used in magic, we talk here.

This is what small flowers of the herb St. John's wort look like

The use of St. John's wort in Slavic magic

There are many ways to use the St. John's wort plant. Here we will briefly talk about them, and we will describe one northern rite in more detail:

1. Bags of St. John's wort herb are worn as a talisman against magical attacks and temptations.

2. Bags of St. John's wort were hung over the entrance to the hut or hidden under the threshold to scare away evil spirits and prevent the undead from entering the house.

3. The smell of the herb St. John's wort promotes divination.

4. St. John's wort hidden in shoes protects from devils and sorcerers.

5. St. John's wort in the hand or on the belt - relieves fatigue when walking.

6. St. John's wort, scattered throughout the field during sowing, protects the field from hail.

7. In the form of a decoction, St. John's wort heals coughs and helps heal wounds.

8. In the form of incense or a candle, it bestows happiness, love, and protection.

9. A belt woven from St. John's wort is worn and it will take on evil, and if you throw the belt into the fire on November 1, all the evil accumulated on the belt will return to the one who sent it. 10. Taken with you into battle, bestows courage and determination.

11. Protects against “lessons, ghosts and nightly disturbances,” i.e. from all types of damage.

12. A magical remedy against infertility, in the form of fumigation with smoke.

13. Protects babies from evil, placed at the head.

14. Fumigating the house with dry herb St. John's wort helps against all evil.

15. Helps with depression and fatigue.

16. If you carry St. John's wort with you, your will will be strengthened.

We know such a northern conspiracy with the St. John's wort plant. To stop grieving for the deceased, you need to weave a wreath of St. John's wort on the night of Ivan Kupala, throw it into the water, saying:

“Mother fast river, sandy shores, accept St. John’s wort from me, and calm my melancholy and sadness.”
We, following the traditions of northern magic, use it in rituals for the development of magical abilities and spirituality, for health, freedom from bad habits, to clean people and homes, protect people and homes from misfortunes. St. John's wort will give strength and protection during rituals, will help to gain physical and spiritual strength, will frighten and drive away all evil.

You can buy St. John's wort in the following forms:

And also read:

St. John's wort is a herb for 99 diseases. In addition, with its properties, St. John's wort protects against negativity, fills the body with energy and “sun warmth”.

Similar. It also protects against all kinds of evil spirits. Bunches of St. John's wort are hung above the threshold or above the windows to prevent evil forces from entering the house. St. John's wort was carried with them, thereby protecting themselves from damage and the evil eye, and also in order to strengthen their will.

St. John's wort was filled with strong magical properties on the great holiday of Ivan Kupala. On this day, boys and girls used this miracle plant for fortune telling. For example, unmarried girls they wove wreaths from St. John's wort, decorated their hair with them, and danced around the fire. And when the fire died out, each girl threw a wreath on the roof of her house. If the wreath remained there, it meant that marriage was not expected this year. And, if a wreath fell from the roof, then you could start preparing for the festivities.

St. John's wort is also known outside our country. In the old days, the Germans believed that it was St. John's wort that could protect a house from fire and. And in the Czech Republic, dried St. John's wort was placed in the lining of a child's cradle so that the smell of the plant would protect the child from fright in his sleep. The girls, asking the question “loves or dislikes,” twisted the stems of St. John’s wort. If the juice was colorless or green, it meant “no,” if red, it meant “yes.”

St. John's wort, like fern, was used to search for treasure. To do this, it was necessary to find it blooming on Midsummer's Day.

In addition to magical properties, St. John's wort has unique properties healing, which Avicenna himself spoke about, advising drinking a decoction of St. John's wort to get rid of inflammatory process in the sciatic nerve.

An infusion (in water) of St. John's wort even today helps with stomach pain. St. John's wort infused with vodka relieves joint pain and “softens” the pain from bruises. A hot drink of St. John's wort helps with chronic, old cough. Moreover, this grass best helper in the fight against depression, fatigue, and the first cold symptoms. St. John's wort "opens" the heart and "connects" it with the soul and mind.

The plant retains powerful magical and healing properties, if collected in mid-July before sunrise. However, this must be done carefully, without harming the plant. In Rus', at one time, tea replaced a decoction of St. John's wort. Our ancestors knew very well what kind of energy they received from this.

In the bustle of the city, we often forget about the valuable gifts of nature, because it is much easier to run to the supermarket for expensive and “good” tea than to go far out of town in search of magic herbs. But in vain. After all, no energy drink can compare in quality to St. John's wort decoction. There's still time to stock up on this powerful herb.

The magical properties of St. John's wort have been used for many centuries. Our ancestors believed that this “solar herb” was able to cleanse the body and room of negative energy and protect against evil spirits. It was believed that if you bring St. John's wort to a witch's mouth, she will make a confession about the deeds she has committed. St. John's wort was used for healing, cleansing from damage and bringing desired events into life.

Amber herb for cleansing negativity

St. John's wort is also popularly called amber grass or amber grass. It's all about the connection of this plant with solar energy. It is believed that St. John's wort (naturally, in moderation and in the absence of contraindications from a doctor) is useful to drink as tea in cloudy weather or during cold weather to maintain the energy of the luminary, cleanse, restore emotional state and strengthening willpower. Typically, the above-ground part of the plant is used for healing and occult purposes. To protect against evil spirits it was necessary to support several branches of St. John's wort over the fire, and then hang them in the house in a secluded place on the wall or hide them under the threshold. In this case, a person with bad intentions simply will not be able to enter the house.

St. John's wort as an intermediary fills a person with solar energy and brings success to all areas of life

If you plan to use St. John's wort in various rituals, collect the plant on the night of Ivan Kupala - July 7th.

Cut St. John's wort branches so that only a few shoots remain. Our ancestors believed that St. John's wort is capable of remembering the pain caused to it and, at best, the plant will be useless to you, at worst - the next time you go looking for it, you may not find it.

The best in this regard is considered to be blue St. John's wort or hyssop, which is able to influence a person's energy, cleansing his energy channels. Effective method cleansing from negative programs is as follows. On one of the days of the waning moon, light a wax candle, wait a minute until the flame gets higher and bring a sprig of St. John's wort to the fire, but only slightly scorch the plant.

Blue St. John's wort has particularly powerful cleansing properties

Immediately after this, start patting yourself with a twig on your left palm if you are performing the cleansing ritual yourself, or if your assistant should do this. After this, move the “broom” to left shoulder, then to the right and finally to the center chest. Immediately after this, sharply lower the St. John's wort branch into a container of water. Then repeat the procedure two more times, only now cleanse the lower part of the body. Follow this pattern: left foot, left knee, right knee, right foot, Bottom part belly. For the third time, move the St. John's wort branch like this: left palm, solar plexus, right palm, right knee, left knee, right palm.

A sprig of St. John's wort and a candle stub should be wrapped in a sheet of crumpled paper and taken out of the house. Throw the package into a trash can or trash container only after you have passed three intersections. You need to go back without turning around and without talking to anyone.

Sun symbol to attract wealth

If St. John's wort is dried, crushed, poured into a canvas bag (it's great if it is sewn with your own hands) and carried with you, you will remain invulnerable. St. John's wort powder will strengthen willpower, increase stamina and open up new opportunities for you to increase income. It is best to prepare St. John's wort powder for such purposes one of the first times. three days new moon Dry an odd number of plant branches in advance, and on the desired day, grind it into powder in your palms. Light a wax candle, pour St. John's wort into a bag and, before tying it, hold it on right palm

above the candle flame at a distance of 20-25 cm from the fire.

The power of this ritual is based on the combined energy of fire and the sun.

Look at the fire and mentally imagine how its energy fills the St. John's wort powder. By connecting with the power of the plant, it will help you “hear your heart” - develop intuition. After this, holding the powder in your palms, recite the spell twelve times: “I fill it with the power of the Sun, I kindle it with the power of Fire, I open locked doors, I accept my true wealth. My word is strong. My word is true. As I command, so it will be.” After this, tightly pull the edges of the bag with regular red thread and tie it into five knots. Your personal amulet is ready.

St. John's wort attracts wealth into your life due to its ability to accumulate the energy of the Sun. It is believed that St. John's wort unites the spirit, soul and body into a single whole. If you carry St. John's wort with you, you can not only attract wealth into your life, but also strengthen your own divination abilities. If this is your goal, be sure to harvest St. John's wort in mid-July. The contents of the bag need to be updated once a year. One more thing

St. John's wort pillow for health

St. John's wort is considered the "herb for 99 diseases." Moreover, the plant eliminates not only the consequences of the disease, symptoms, but also eliminates it energetic cause. It is thanks to this property that this plant has a special value. Under no circumstances should you cancel the course of treatment prescribed to you by your doctor for a particular disease. The occult power of St. John's wort will help activate recovery processes in the body and the treatment will be much more effective and work faster. And having your own little pillow filled with St. John's wort, you can prevent and avoid illnesses in the future.

An even simpler option for making a little thought is to pour St. John's wort into a canvas bag

St. John's wort pad is called dumochka for its ability to improve sleep. It is believed that if such a talisman pillow is located near the place where you sleep, you will not only have a good rest, but will also receive additional strength to realize your desires.

You need to start sewing the pillow on your date of birth in the current month, regardless of the phase of the moon. For example, if you were born on January 12, start making your personal amulet on July 12 or on the twelfth day in next month. Prepare in advance a new needle, a piece of linen or silk fabric or a special one for embroidery up to 20 cm long and 10-15 cm wide. You can use two new scarves as a base, but certainly from natural fabric. Ideally, you need to collect St. John's wort on Ivan Kupala, dry it and grind it in a wooden mortar. Sew a bag from one scarf or piece of fabric: fold the fabric with the long side (20 cm) in half and sew on both sides with thread of the same color.

Sew the second bag in the same way, leaving one edge open. Place the second bag over the first one, already filled with crushed dry St. John's wort, like a cover so as to cover the open edge. After this, sew up the remaining side. First sew a padding seam, and then a tight loop seam (shown in the figure). In the upper right corner, if desired, you can embroider the Uruz rune if you want to improve your health. While embroidering, mentally say: “I embroider, I open strength, I strengthen the health of (your name). Let it be so".

Appeal to the goddess Freya to find mutual love

In order to fix personal life, on the pillow you need to embroider a sequence of runes: Gebo (marriage, the right choice of a partner for marriage), Mannaz (will help draw the attention of a suitable partner to you), Uruz (strengthen love relationship), Fehu (ensures physical intimacy and compatibility). During the embroidery process, you need to ask the goddess Freya for help. The size of the runes is no more than a centimeter. No special abilities are required here. You will be embroidering runes for your own talisman, and not for an embroidery competition. First draw runes on the fabric with a simple pencil, and then embroider with a simple stitch following these lines.

Goddess Freya will help you find happiness in family life and strengthen relationships

Before use, read on the pad with love runes: “Goddess Freya! I turn to you for help. How gems sparkle on your neck, so let the flame of mutual love sparkle in my life. Just as you soar into the heavens like a falcon, so let my love lift me to new heights. Grant me happiness, grant me true love, grant me the long-awaited meeting. These flowers are a gift to you, Freya.” The first three nights after making the “love pillow” should lie under your pillow. On the first day, as you said in the plot, you need to buy flowers for Freya. It is enough to buy a small bouquet and place it in your room, mentally addressing gratitude to the goddess.

Harness the power of runes by embroidering them on personal charms

The goddess Freya is considered one of the most significant and is second only to Odin's wife, the goddess Frigg. She has no equal in beauty either among the gods or among people. Freya's heart is compassionate and responds to the needs of those who ask.

The main thing when making amulets using St. John's wort is your personal attitude. It is very important in the process of working on the amulet to clearly formulate your goal: for example, “I have excellent health,” “my love is mutual, I have happiness in my marriage,” “I live in abundance, I always have enough money for everything.” You can formulate your goals more specifically depending on your needs. St. John's wort, symbolizing our luminary the Sun, will direct energy to the realization of your desires at the most as soon as possible