Three types of sewing hook, which one is better? Vertical or horizontal: which option is most preferable? Horizontal type.

Many people believe that a career is a process of constant promotion. From junior specialist to senior specialist, from expert to department head, from department head to top manager. But not everyone likes to manage people and take responsibility for budgets. So, don’t people like this have a career? Happens!

There are actually two main principles for career growth. They are called vertical and horizontal career types. Each type has its own pros and cons. And one is more suitable for some, the other for others. Let's tell you more about them.

Vertical career type

This is a career in the generally accepted sense: from the lowest position to the highest. For example, you are either an assistant or become a department head. As a rule, growth occurs within the same company or in the same area. Along with the position, the amount of responsibility and, of course, the salary level increase.

It is a mistake to think that a vertical type of career is the only correct way to develop at work. This opinion is especially common among middle-aged and elderly people, largely because promotion is always noticeable from the outside.

Pros of a vertical career type

In the minds of most, such a career is synonymous with success.

You solve ambitious problems, have great responsibility, manage other people and make financial decisions.

You are the person of the department (or department, or regional office).

These are great opportunities for the development of both you as an individual and the business you are involved in.

High salary.

Good for extroverts.

Vertical growth is possible in any company, in any professional field.

Disadvantages of a vertical career type

You are no longer responsible only for your own work, but also for others. Sometimes the responsibility is too much. This can lead to overwork or burnout.

You will have to make difficult personnel decisions - choose who to hire, and part with someone if they do not cope well with their duties (at the same time, they can be wonderful people), constantly demand something from subordinates. Not everyone likes this.

You will absolutely have to live in a busy schedule, get up early and go to bed late. And you can hardly afford to forget about work on vacation.

You will be less and less immersed in specialized issues of your profession (suddenly this is important to you) and more and more - in purely administrative ones. For example, the chief physician is no longer so much a doctor as a manager; the director of a design bureau is more a businessman than a designer. The head of a large legal department is unlikely to think through the legal position himself, write a lawsuit, and will only go to court in rare cases.

The more responsibilities you have, the more difficult it is to maintain a work-life balance.

Often, vertical career growth requires participation in office intrigue in order to obtain or retain the desired position.

The higher your position, the more unpleasant attention you receive. Expect office gossip and negativity from your subordinates behind your back.

A vertical career always has a ceiling. It will be much more difficult to get to the next job level.

Yaroslav Timofeev, director of the Moscow comics store “Twenty-eighth”: “I have always loved comics. I worked in the very first Moscow comic shop for several years. Then I dropped out of the industry for several months, and then returned because the creators of the Twenty-eighth store found me and offered to work on its development. I worked in retail for quite a long time, and I was always depressed by the lack of prospects, personal development and very limited scope of activity. Now that I manage the process myself, I always try to encourage initiative in the team in all processes: from assortment formation to store design. I want no one to feel like a mechanical performer. Although this may sound trivial, I believe that any leader must go all the way: from the starting position to the position of chief. Then the mechanics of the work will be absolutely clear to you. In other words, if you want to become a bar owner, you first need to come to the bar as a guest, then stand behind the counter, and so on.”

Horizontal career type

This is an expansion of an employee’s responsibility within one department or a deepening of his competence (when you become the best specialist in your field, no one is as familiar with all the nuances as you are, they always run to you for advice, you are able to find a solution where no one can ). In a sense, this is the natural path of professional development. You start as a young specialist, in the process of work you “pump up” your skills, learn new things, concentrate on a specific topic and become a professional with a narrow specialization. And this is a good option for creative and expert professions, if you are in love with your work and do not want to be distracted by management tasks that are not interesting to you.

Such a professional can be responsible not only for his own work, but also for the work of others: delegate responsibilities, advise, participate in decisions, accept or not accept the work of a new candidate. Such an employee’s responsibilities increase, his salary increases, his functionality expands, his opinion is taken into account by management, he is one of the most valuable employees that they are afraid of losing. But this most likely happens within one department.

Horizontal growth includes increasing ranks, categories, and awarding a scientific degree.

Pros of a horizontal career type

You upgrade your skills and become a valuable professional in your field. The narrower your specialization, the higher your “price” will be on the personnel market and the more respect you receive from your colleagues. You can expect special conditions from your employer.

You are in the process of constant self-education. And at some point you can start passing on your knowledge to others. The opinion of narrow specialists is more valued as comments in the media and scientific works; if your specialty is of interest to the general public, you will be invited to give lectures and conduct master classes. The transfer of experience can be turned into your own business, like training or consulting.

Your salary grows along with your skills.

You primarily engage in activities that are directly related to your specialty. You don’t have to delve into planning, budgeting, developing and monitoring KPIs for your department, “resolving” conflicts in the team, or keeping track of behind-the-scenes intrigues.

A horizontal career involves a smaller area of ​​responsibility. You are only responsible for the consequences of your decisions.

The horizontal type of career has no “ceiling”. It all depends on your professional goals and aspirations.

A horizontal career suits introverts.

People who have chosen a horizontal type of career can calmly maintain normal relationships with colleagues without participating in intrigues and competition for positions.

You have more freedom of action than a person in a leadership position. Most likely, you will not need to “look presentable,” negotiate with top managers, “meet a certain level, maintain subordination.”

Disadvantages of a horizontal career type

Your authority in the department may grow, but at the same time you will not receive a promotion and you yourself will remain in eternal subordination. At some point, your new boss may be someone half your age. For some this is not a problem, but for others it is uncomfortable.

It is not for nothing that King Solomon believed that “in much wisdom there is much sorrow.” The deeper a professional you become, the more noticeable to you are the mistakes of others. Including your managers, and you can’t just point out mistakes to them.

Your mother is sad that she cannot brag about your career achievements to her friends.

Another option for a horizontal career is when you try completely different areas and competencies as a specialist until you find something that is truly yours.

Ivan Thiessen, brand director at e2e4: “I joined the company in 2009 as a sales manager. Then it was one store with two dozen employees. Within two years I became a senior sales manager. I simply have a manic love for computers and technology, so when the company expanded to other regions, I began to form an assortment of stores. Every month I purchased goods worth 150 million rubles. Then I put purchasing on track and moved into marketing. Before this, there was no marketing direction in the company. Here I began to develop interaction with vendors and come up with marketing campaigns.

Today, in parallel with marketing, I am working on the development of a new direction - R&D (Research and development). This year, on my initiative, the company began producing goods under the e2e4 brand. I think I’ll have something to do here for at least another three years.

I always refused leadership positions because I was interested in developing a new direction from scratch and leading it until it became autonomous. My story is about how the interests of an employee coincided with the pace of development and company policy, so for seven years I have been developing and developing in different areas within one company.”

We have described the two types of careers in their pure form, as if they existed in isolation from each other. In reality, everything is more complicated: very often one type of career cannot exist without the second. For example, many begin to build a vertical career, having accumulated a sufficient professional base over the years of “horizontal growth” -. Some experts also identify a third type of career - cross-functional or interdisciplinary.

You can figure out what type of career is right for you using. The test will show your predisposition to a particular type of career and give advice on developing your skills.

What is the best type of hook in a sewing machine? This question arises in the process of choosing a suitable model of this technical device, which significantly facilitates human labor in the sewing process. The continuity of work and the quality of the resulting products are affected by such a seemingly insignificant detail as the shuttle.

What functions does this element have? What types are there? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What is the best type of hook in a sewing machine? We will look for answers to these questions in this article.

General characteristics of the shuttle

The shuttle is one of the most important elements of sewing equipment. Let's take a closer look at what functions this part performs.

When sewing, a loop is formed above the eye of the needle, which is captured by the nose of the shuttle and expanded with the help of the walls. The thread goes around it and goes down the walls. This is how the stitch is formed.

The performance characteristics of the machine depend on the correct settings of the shuttle. If this part is made poorly, then during the sewing process the master will experience a lot of inconvenience, expressed in skipped stitches, broken threads and other negative phenomena. The surface of the part must be smooth, without defects. Notches, rust, and dirt slow down the sliding of the loop, which negatively affects the quality of the stitch.

What type of hook do you prefer in a sewing machine? Which one copes better with the functions entrusted to it? You can answer this question by studying the characteristics of such an important and indispensable part in the operation of the machine, as well as reviews from the craftsmen.


There are three types of shuttles: swinging, vertical and horizontal. In varieties of industrial equipment, a vertical shuttle is installed.

Modern sewing machines are mostly equipped with a horizontal hook. The part has a special design. The spool in such a machine is installed on top and placed in a shuttle under the cover.

It is believed that the most common is the swinging type of shuttle. It is installed in such well-known equipment models as Chaika, Veritas, Bernina. Having become more familiar with the characteristics of each type of part, you can accurately determine for yourself which type of shuttle is preferable to choose in a sewing machine. Expert advice will also help you figure out which one is better.

Swing shuttle

There are three types of sewing hook. Which one exhibits its characteristics better and more qualitatively should be determined by the master working with sewing equipment.

The most common type today is the swinging type, which has proven its effectiveness over decades of work in domestic sewing machines. The swinging shuttle is installed in the Chaika and Podolsk sewing machines.

A special feature of such a device is its movement during operation of the mechanism. The shuttle swings like a pendulum; removes the thread from the needle, brings it to the reset position, and then returns to its previous position.

Setting up the operation of such a machine is quite difficult. For the accuracy and correctness of the stitching, it is necessary to take into account several parameters at the same time. This is especially true for the Chaika brand machine. If the settings are incorrect, looping, skipping, etc. appear.

Old and new type of swing shuttle

Considering how a swing-type sewing shuttle is designed, a few words should be said about the varieties of this piece of equipment that differ in operational characteristics. There are old and new shuttles. The second option is preferable (for example, in a Bernina machine), as it has an improved design.

Old-style shuttles are demanding on the correct execution of the sewing process. To prevent nicks from appearing on the spout, do not pull the fabric by hand. Otherwise, the material and the needle will move at the same time. In this case, the nose of the shuttle will fall into the needle and become dull.

In new varieties of the swinging shuttle, all elements are securely fixed in one position. You will not be able to reset the settings yourself. In such mechanisms there is no need to configure the work. Unfortunately, the Chaika brand of cars cannot boast of such characteristics. Therefore, over time, various malfunctions may appear in its operation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the swinging shuttle

We looked at swinging types of sewing hooks. Which one is better: old or new, can be determined during operation, based on the given loads. In old-style shuttles, the shaft is firmly connected to the main metal lever. When the load increases during operation, such a machine will be able to fully perform the functions assigned to it.

There are a number of advantages of the swinging shuttle:

1. All its elements are made of metal. This makes the part durable.

2. Adjusting thread tension is quick and easy.

3. The cost of a machine with such a mechanism is significantly less than equipment with other types of shuttles.

The speed of sewing products is also low compared to new types of equipment. Disadvantages of operation also include noise, vibration and limited operations.

If you need a machine for sewing clothes only for yourself and your family (not for sale), the swing shuttle is one of the best options.

Features of the vertical shuttle

Before purchasing sewing equipment, you need to decide which sewing hook is best. It is recommended to consider a vertical shuttle as one of the preferred options. It is installed in expensive machines such as Brother PR 655, VR, Bernina 880, as well as Bernina 5th and 7th series.

The vertical shuttle moves in a circle and is the most durable type, which can work almost without failure.

In addition to a long service life, machines equipped with a vertical shuttle are characterized by high operating speed. They exclude the possibility of looping or thread breakage, provided that the equipment was initially put into operation correctly. If deviations occur in the operation of this type of shuttle, it is easy to adjust.

Vertical shuttle maintenance

When considering which shuttle in a sewing machine is better, you should pay attention to the rules for servicing the vertical variety. It is never taken apart. However, periodically the vertical shuttle requires lubricant, which covers all moving, rubbing elements of the tool. Do not apply too much lubricant, otherwise it will get on the fabric and ruin it.

A sewing machine with a vertical shuttle allows you to increase the stitch length to 6 mm, as well as expand the stitch width to 9 mm. Therefore, this type of parts is used in clothing production workshops. For home use, a machine with a vertical shuttle is also sometimes purchased.

The presented equipment is characterized by high cost. It is suitable for those who sew a lot. For a professional seamstress, such a machine with a vertical shuttle will allow you to process various types of fabrics.

Horizontal shuttle

Horizontal or vertical shuttle in the machine? Which one is better to choose so as not to make a mistake with the quality and speed of work?

In the first version, the part will not have a bobbin case, which is considered one of the most convenient types of design. In this case, the bobbin will be inserted directly into the shuttle.

The design allows you to visually determine how much thread is left in the spool and how the process of removing it from the shuttle occurs. The advantages of a horizontal shuttle include:

  • quick refilling of the spool;
  • quiet operation;
  • high speed;
  • no need for regular lubrication;
  • simplicity of design to avoid thread tangling.

This is a convenient type of equipment that will create stitches softly and of very high quality.

A feature of the horizontal type part is the complex procedure for adjusting the tension of the lower thread. This adjustment is made using a small screw located in the shuttle plate on the side. However, such a procedure is required extremely rarely.

Features of the horizontal shuttle

When determining which type of shuttle is best for a sewing machine, you should take a closer look at the features of horizontal shuttles. Such parts are almost always made of durable plastic. This feature determines the operating rules of the machine.

The manufacturer's instructions clearly indicate what types of thread can be used in the equipment. If the manufacturer's recommendations are violated, the shuttle will quickly become unusable, and in this case it will be possible to configure its operation. A worn-out shuttle causes skipping, looping and a number of other problems. In this case, the part requires replacement.

The cost of this type of mechanism is low. Therefore, when purchasing a sewing machine with a horizontal shuttle, it is better to buy another one (or a couple) in reserve.

When determining which type of hook is best for a sewing machine, you should read reviews from professionals. This will allow you to make the right decision in the process of choosing sewing equipment.

Experts say that the swinging shuttle is made of durable, reliable materials. It is an order of magnitude more durable than modern horizontal types of parts. However, it also has a number of disadvantages. It will take longer to remove the spool than with modern types of equipment. The part will also make noise during operation.

The swinging hook limits the sewing speed. But the cost of such machines is significantly less compared to modern analogues. For sewing clothes in small quantities, it is still better to prefer this option. For professionals, experts recommend using a vertical or horizontal type of shuttle.

Concept of organization and structure

An organization is a group of people who purposefully interact with each other. All participants in the organization subordinate their work to the general goals of the enterprise (organization) in which they work.


Organizational structure represents the formal rules that managers develop to divide labor and formal responsibilities among individuals and groups.

There is a vertical and horizontal structure of the organization, which are necessary in order to correctly determine the scope of control of managers and subordination in the company.

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization is characterized by the coordination of a set of functions so that the company is able to act as a single whole.

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization are different types of organizational structures that managers resort to to externalize their ideas in the form of structural organizational charts.

The vertical and horizontal structure of the organization is presented in the figure, where you can see their main features.

Vertical organizational structure

Most businesses operate through organizational structures that are more consistent with the principles of a vertical organizational structure.

The vertical structure of an organization is a management structure of a company in which there is a certain hierarchy, that is, lower levels of management are subordinate to higher levels.

In practice, any organization in its structure, regardless of its type and form, has an element of verticality. Company employees most often report to the CEO directly or through their direct managers.

The vertical structure of an organization can be characterized by the number of levels of subordination and the existence of one manager for each employee.

Features of the vertical structure

The vertical and horizontal structure of an organization is different from each other. The vertical structure is often called bureaucratic or hierarchical. This type of management structure has a high degree of centralization in decision making.

Businesses that operate according to a vertical organizational structure are led by one person or group of people (the board of directors). The manager is directly subordinate to the other heads of divisions (departments), as well as employees. At the same time, in most cases, all strategic decisions in the operation of the enterprise are made by the manager alone.

The vertical structure of the organization, on the one hand, provides a high level of control over the processes occurring in the enterprise, and on the other, significantly contributes to expanding the manager’s area of ​​responsibility, thereby increasing the load on him.

Horizontal structure of the organization

The horizontal structure is inherent in companies that carry out decentralized coordination of the actions of certain units (workers, employees) of the relevant functional units in the course of performing common tasks.

The creation of a horizontal management structure at an enterprise in practice is the most common and significant trend in the modern business world.

The horizontal management structure has a competitive advantage over other management structures, which lies in the possibility of flexible and quick response to any changes in the conditions for carrying out its activities.

A horizontal management structure, regardless of its form, has a decentralized nature of decision-making through its transfer to groups that include specialists from various departments.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Highlight the features that are inherent in the horizontal structure of the organization:

1) Increased likelihood of conflicts,

The prevalence of malocclusion among children and adolescents is growing every year. Today, the percentage of Caucasian children with distal occlusion is greater than with orthognathic occlusion (Burstone, Charles J., Michael M. Marcoutte, Problem Solving in orthodontist). But if bite correction in patients with distal occlusion has become a routine practice for an orthodontist, treating patients with mesial occlusion sometimes causes difficulties. Fortunately, this type of malocclusion is rare and the prevalence rate among Caucasians is no more than 7%.

That is, we can say that 1 out of 13 patients who consulted an orthodontist has a mesial bite.

In the presence of a skeletal form of mesial occlusion in non-growing patients, the participation of a maxillofacial surgeon is required in the treatment process, since it is not possible to compare the bases of jaws of different sizes using teeth without complications(Fig. 1) . This is especially true if the skull grows vertically (dolichocephalic, hyperdivergent). In non-growing patients with a skeletal form of class 3 occlusion anomaly with a tendency to class 1, as well as in patients with class 1 occlusion anomaly with a tendency to class 3 or with a forced position of the lower limb, treatment can be carried out using a conservative method . To increase the effectiveness of the therapy, in addition to eliminating the dental component in the sagittal plane, it is also necessary to use the vertical and articular components of compensation, as well as control the occlusal plane. If the patient has a neutral or horizontal type of skull growth (brachycephalic, hypodivergent), vertical compensation can be used in the form of raising the height of the bite. In this case, the chin moves not only down, but also back, resulting in better conditions for matching teeth in class 1, improving the profile and facial expression.

Clinical case

Patient L.V., a 17-year-old teenager, came to our clinic for bite correction. Main complaint: periodic subluxations of the lower back when chewing solid food, accompanied by pain. The patient underwent sanitation of the oral cavity and a complete orthodontic diagnosis (photos of teeth, face, diagnostic models, bite registration, OPTG, TRG with data decoding). One of the obvious symptoms was pronounced reverse incisal overlap in the position of central occlusion (hereinafter referred to as CO). However, in the state of centric relation (hereinafter referred to as CR), the patient could easily compare the incisors in the “joint-to-joint” position, which gave a favorable prognosis when using a conservative treatment method(Fig. 2) . After processing the data obtained, the following was revealed.

Rice. 2a. Diagnostics, intraoral photos, before treatment. Rice. 2b. Face front, before treatment. Rice. 2c. Face in profile, before treatment.
Rice. 2g. Half-turned face, before treatment. Rice. 2d. OPTG before treatment. Rice. 2e. TRH before treatment.


  • The type of skull growth is neutral, with a tendency towards horizontal.
  • The type of growth is horizontal.
  • The jaw relationship is skeletal class 3.
  • The position of the military unit is neutral.
  • Protrusion of the lower part (forced protrusive position in the central organ).

Right tooth relationship:

  • molars according to class 1,
  • canines class 3 (3 mm).

Left tooth relationship:

  • molars according to class 1,
  • canines class 3 (3 mm).
  • Narrowing of the upper part in the area of ​​premolars and molars is 4-5 mm, reverse overlap of the lateral group of teeth on the left.
  • Moderate crowding in the frontal region.
  • The vertical overlap of the incisors is 4-5 mm.
  • Reverse incisal overlap along the sagittal 3-4 mm.
  • Deficiency of bite height, insufficient vertical support of the joint.
  • Stretching of the joint capsule, habitual subluxations, painless.
  • The profile is concave, class 3, the height of the lower third of the face is reduced.

At the stage of agreeing on the treatment plan, the patient was offered 2 options: the method of orthognathic surgery (shortening the length of the body of the lower part to compare with the base of the upper part) and the conservative method (dental-alveolar compensation and matching of teeth in centric relation, since with central occlusion there is a forced position LF). The patient refused the treatment plan using orthognathic surgery. Further treatment planning was carried out taking into account the use of a conservative method.

Treatment Goals

  • Expansion of the midsection in the area of ​​molars and premolars.
  • Raising the height of the bite.
  • Closing gaps at n/h.
  • Protrusion of incisors.
  • Control of tooth relationship according to class 1 in the area of ​​canines and molars.

Treatment plan

  • Orthodontic device Hyrax on onlays (7th free) in/h.
  • Rings for the upper and lower 7th teeth + intermaxillary elastics (4.6 mm, 150 grams).
  • Stabilization of bite height on 7 teeth.
  • Bracket system low, high (MBT 0.022), rings for the first molars low, high.
  • Installation of a multi-loop lower jaw arch (MEAW, S.Sato), short intermaxillary elastics according to class 3, extrusion of lower middle premolars, stabilization of the new bite height.
  • Creating a Positive Overjet.
  • Box elastics in the lateral group of teeth.
  • Detailing.
  • Removing the braces, cleaning, polishing the surfaces of the teeth.
  • Thermocap, retainer, high-grade, low-grade for 1 year.


Since the clinical situation was characterized by the presence of a forced position of the lower limb in a state of central occlusion (hereinafter referred to as CO), it was important to determine the central ratio (hereinafter referred to as RO). This was necessary for the manufacture of onlays for the Hyrax apparatus in the central center, so that consistent extrusion of the teeth would occur in the centric position of the lower part. The second molars on the middle part are free from onlays. At the age of 17 years, it is difficult to count on a rupture of the palatal suture for stable corpus expansion of the upper jaw, since by this time almost complete fusion of the maxillary bones occurs. However, this is exactly what we tried to achieve using a conservative method. After fixing the Hyrax device, activation was carried out 2 times by 1/4 turn and recommendations were given to parents for further activation (2 activations by 1/4 the next day and 1 activation by 1/4 turn on subsequent days for 14 days). Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve rupture of the palatal suture, and the expansion was more dentoalveolar in nature than skeletal. But the required value of 5 mm was achieved in 18 days.

After expansion, it was necessary to begin raising the height of the bite. For this purpose, rings were fixed on the upper and lower second molars and recommendations were given for wearing 4.6 mm, 130 grams of Up-and-Down elastics. After stabilizing the new bite height, it was possible to switch to the braces system. At the 2nd month of treatment, the system was installed on the entire n/h(Fig. 3) , and in the 4th month (after stabilization of the expansion of the I/H)- system on the military unit. Glass ionomer onlays were also placed on the upper 6th teeth to maintain bite height along with the 7th teeth.

At this stage, there was contact on 7 teeth, 6 teeth (on the onlays) and on the teeth of the frontal group. Next, it was necessary to induce extrusion of the premolar teeth. For this purpose, a multi-loop arc was prepared for low-frequency MEAW from BlueElgiloy 16#22 alloy. Activation type StepUp on the 2nd loop and StepDown on the 4th loop. An SS 0.018 arc is installed on the military unit. Elastics given are 4.6 mm, 150 grams, short, class 3(Fig. 4) . After creating a positive overlap on the incisors, the elastics are given in the form of a Box, for premolars, 6.4 mm, 146 grams(Fig. 5) .

Afterwards, the onlays were removed from 6 teeth and with the help of Up-and-Down elastics, the 6th teeth were tightened. Detailing of teeth to create fissure-tubercle contacts, checking forward and lateral movements of the lower jaw, no interference was detected.

After 9 months, the braces were removed, the surfaces of the teeth were cleaned and polished(Fig. 6) . For further stabilization, removable thermal caps and retainers were used, which the patient was recommended to wear constantly for the first 2 weeks (except for meals). Then only at night for one year.

Control was carried out 6 months after removing the braces(Fig. 7) .

Rice. 6a. The end of the active phase of treatment with the brace system is 9 months. Rice. 6b. Face front, after treatment.
Rice. 6th century Face in profile, after treatment. Rice. 6g. Half-turned face after treatment.
Rice. 7a. Control after 6 months. after the end of treatment, fas. Rice. 7b. Control after 6 months. after completion of treatment, occlusion.
Rice. 7th century Control after 6 months. after completion of treatment, profile. Rice. 7g. Control after 6 months. after the end of treatment, turn it halfway.
Rice. 7d. Control after 6 months. after treatment, OPTG. Rice. 7th. Control after 6 months. after treatment, TRG.


The presence of a pronounced anomaly and malocclusion in a patient in some cases can disorient the orthodontist during the initial examination, however, a thorough analysis and diagnosis of the initial data, along with an assessment of the influence of favorable and unfavorable factors, can contribute to the development of a preliminary treatment plan. Of course, an orthodontist paired with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can achieve much better results than alone. However, if for some reason such cooperation is impossible, the use of the knowledge and strength of an orthodontist can give a fairly high aesthetic, functional and stable result.

Table 1. Decoding according to S.Sato before treatment.

Sato analysis











54 %









23.0 mm



50.0 %


U1-AB (degree)



U1-AB (mm)

9.5 mm

L1-AB (degree)



L1-AB (mm)


Intermolar molar angle



Kim analysis







Combination factor


Table 2. Transcript by S.Sato after treatment.

Sato analysis











54 %









23.0 mm



50.0 %




U1-AB (mm)

9.5 mm

L1-AB (degree)


L1-AB (mm)


Intermolar molar angle



Kim analysis







Combination factor


The sewing hook is one of the integral controls of a machine with a two-thread stitch. Among modern models there are three main types: vertical double-running, horizontal and pendulum.

Strictly speaking, the type of shuttle is not the only criterion for choosing a new device, but it is one of the indicators that determines the area of ​​use of the machine, its capabilities, and potential. Let's look at the features of each type of shuttle and find out which one copes better with its duties in a sewing machine. The swinging or pendulum shuttle is found in economy class sewing machines

, as well as in obsolete old-style models, for example, “Chaika”. Such machines are the optimal solution for an inexperienced user, or for extremely rare use. From the name you can understand that the shuttle works on the principle of a pendulum, moving from side to side, capturing the thread.

Swinging shuttle of the Seagull sewing machine

The pendulum type is quite reliable and unpretentious in operation. If previous versions of this design were difficult to configure, modern developments are free of such inconvenience. The main components of the shuttle device are tightly fixed, which eliminates seam defects: looping or gaps.

  • To describe it briefly: the swinging type is simple, inexpensive, durable (resistant to small overloads). Disadvantages of this solution
  • low speed of stitch creation;
  • excessive noise, vibration during operation;

limited set of lines. Vertical double-running shuttle, also known as vertical rotating or vertical rotary shuttle. It should not be confused with the vertical type described above, because the difference between them is very great. The rotating shuttle is usually installed in expensive professional sewing machines

, as well as in household products of the highest price category.

For example, the Japanese manufacturer Brother often implements this type in its equipment. The rotary shuttle knot is what is chosen by “pros” who sew every day for production purposes. Machines with this mechanism are distinguished by high operating speed and impressive wear resistance.

Vertical double-running shuttle in Pfaff sewing machines

Experienced users only confirm the reliability declared by the manufacturer. The device will withstand any load when working with thin or dense fabric. Tangling of the lower thread is completely eliminated. In addition, the rotary hook sewing machine has an impressive range of different stitches, which is what is required from expensive devices for production or industrial purposes.

This type is slightly different in its location and design. The working body is installed horizontally under the needle plate and covered with a translucent cover. This type of sewing shuttle does not have a bobbin case and is in immediate visibility. The user can control the remainder of the thread, see its color, and the capture process.

The thread itself is wound on a bobbin made of durable plastic; other parts of the mechanism can also be made from it, which does not allow for negligence in operation. The key to durability is to use only recommended types of threads or fabrics. If the bobbin is relatively inexpensive and is available for replacement, then wear on the remaining shuttle components will cost more and require specialized repairs.

Good to know! Trust the experience of the majority and purchase replacement bobbins with your machine. They will always be at hand, which will eliminate the disruption of work, because problems with equipment always occur at the most inopportune moment.

Horizontal hook in the Janome QC 2325 sewing machine

Key advantages of the horizontal version of the shuttle:

  • reduction of noise and vibration during operation;
  • soft, high-quality stitching;
  • adjustable seam width without distortion;
  • quick access to the bobbin, easy threading;
  • the mechanism will allow you to make buttonholes of different widths, and in electronically controlled machines - buttonholes with an eye or rounded edges;
  • average price category of sewing machines.

Disadvantages include: complex setup. The adjustment screw is located under the build plate and access is somewhat limited. In addition, the horizontal shuttle in a sewing machine is finicky and does not tolerate overloads, and repairing the mechanism is expensive.

Making the right choice

It should be noted that what kind of shuttle the machine is equipped with, despite the important role of this device, depends on its category. Conditionally, we can derive a simple algorithm:

  • economy class household machines - vertical pendulum type;
  • middle-class household machines, whose functionality is wider than budget modifications - horizontal shuttle;
  • industrial machines or expensive professional models for intensive work - rotary type.

Here, rather, the question is of choosing exactly the type of sewing machine, and the version of the shuttle unit is only a consequence. This does not mean that this mechanism is not worth paying attention to, because the algorithm described above is not a strict requirement; some manufacturers may deviate from it. Among the described types of shuttle for a sewing machine, you can choose the appropriate solution based on your own specialization.

  1. For users without experience In sewing, simple sewing machines with a pendulum shuttle are suitable. Such models combine a modest option and a reliable, durable shuttle mechanism. This same option would be a good solution if you are looking for a sewing machine for rare “occasional” use.
  2. If you need a car to create a small number of products from fabrics of different densities, and sewing speed is not a priority - you should buy a model with a horizontal shuttle. Modifications of sewing machines with such a mechanism have good functionality, and their price threshold starts from about 8,000 rubles.
  3. Professionals or employees of small studios always opt for a wide range of stitches, high quality and comfortable work. Machines with such characteristics are most often equipped with a rotating vertical shuttle.

Top 4 most common misconceptions

Sewing technology, like any other, is shrouded in many different myths. Let's consider and debunk the most popular of them.

  1. Chinese made mechanisms are of poor quality. The stereotype was born in the 90s, but today this opinion is no longer relevant. Even industry leaders are increasingly moving production to China. Firstly, it is profitable due to cheap labor, and secondly, not every country can boast of such experience in production as China. In order not to make a mistake, pay attention to the brand and appearance of the product. Low-quality “China” is distinguished by the lack of a complete, competent description and passport, as well as an unknown brand.
  2. The horizontal shuttle is the best. Indeed, this type is the most common today, as it is implemented in the category of sewing machines that combine low cost and wide options. Naturally, such cars are in greatest demand. The disadvantages of the horizontal type speak for themselves, and if you have the finances, it is better to opt for expensive machines with a rotary shuttle.
  3. Why overpay for a brand when there are cheap analogues?. This is a popular misconception that leads users to buy cheap devices with an impressive set of lines and useful options. Perhaps at first glance all the machines are the same, but it is hardly possible to find a high-quality and reliable device at a low price. If you have a sewing machine with a rotary hook and a wide range of functions at an economy class price, don’t be tempted; you’ll have to pay more for quality and reliability.
  4. The more expensive the device, the better the seam. Yes, a rotating sewing hook in an expensive machine will provide unsurpassed stitch quality, but under one condition - correct settings. If the setting is incorrect, it does not matter which shuttle is installed in it, the result will not be the best.


The hook on your sewing machine is one of the key working parts; both the quality of work and its range depend on it. Unlike the predecessors of sewing machines, modern devices have become more functional, but at the same time more whimsical. They require the user to follow all operating rules and maintain the device in a timely manner. A long service life will be ensured for any type, no matter what you buy, but only with careful and competent handling.