Clinical scientific and practical center for specialized types of medical care (oncological), Oncological Center. Cancer treatment at the Oncology Hospital in the village of Pesochny Clinic in Pesochny Leningradskaya 68a

Hospital address: 197758, St. Petersburg, Pesochny village, st. Leningradskaya, 68a, lit. A
Hospital phone numbers: (812) 573-91-31, (812) 573-91-41 (reception, information)
Email: [email protected]

Oncology hospital in Pesochny (“St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types medical care(oncological)" was created in 2011 as a result of separation from the "City Clinical oncology clinic St. Petersburg".

The medical facility has a capacity of 531 beds (including 340 surgical beds). The hospital's outpatient consultation department, which employs 30 oncologists, receives about 600 people daily. Approximately 1,600 patients are served monthly in the facility's inpatient departments.

Services of the oncology hospital in Pesochny:

Providing specialized medical care to patients with tumors and
- dispensary observation for cancer patients in St. Petersburg,
- prevention and early detection oncological and precancerous diseases in St. Petersburg.

Departments of the medical institution:

- day hospital(for ),
- neurosurgical department,
- coloproctology department.

The hospital’s specialists implement modern diagnostic and treatment methods in the field of oncology, participate in conferences, seminars and other scientific and practical events on oncology problems.

The hospital has modern equipment for early diagnosis And effective treatment malignant diseases with different tumor localizations. Thus, in March 2014, a neurosurgical operating room with a unique intraoperative Polestar was put into operation, and at the end of 2014, the ONCOR linear accelerator was put into operation. After repairs, the gamma camera came into operation.

Patient care in the hospital is carried out within the framework of compulsory medical insurance programs– in the direction of district oncologists. Selected species treatments (and hormone therapy) are available only to residents of St. Petersburg with an insurance policy. If you do not have a referral, you should make an appointment with the oncologist on duty, who sees you in the outpatient consultation department. Patients who do not have insurance policy, can receive services at the hospital on a reimbursable basis.

If cancer treatment Oncological hospital in the village of Pesochny does not bring results

However, situations may arise when cancer treatment at the Oncology Hospital in the village of Pesochny turns out to be ineffective and the disease begins to progress. In this case, you may be advised to go abroad for treatment to one of the specialized oncology clinics.

Where can I get diagnosed and treated for cancer?

The pages of our website provide information about many medical institutions from European and other countries where diagnosis and treatment can be carried out various forms cancer. For example, these could be centers and clinics such as:

Israeli Medical Center Meir provides wide range services in the field of diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases of the most different types. The Institute of Oncology of the Meir Medical Center, established at the center, has in its structure several divisions equipped with last word technology.

GBUZ "St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncology)" was created as a result of separation from the St. Petersburg "City Clinical Oncology Dispensary" (Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 05.05.2010 No. 541). The institution is under the jurisdiction of the Health Committee, which coordinates its activities.


The oncology center in the village of Pesochny began to be built back in 1988, but only in 2008 the first stage of the complex, which included a radiation building, a ward building with a chemotherapy department and a block of support services, was put into operation and began to accept patients.

The design and construction of the second stage of the oncology center was carried out until the end of 2010. In April 2011, with the participation of the Governor of St. Petersburg V.I. Matvienko, the grand opening of the center took place, called the “St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncology).”

Since that time, several new departments began to function in the center, including an outpatient consultation department for 70 visits per shift. As part of the compulsory health insurance program, the issuance of medicines patients suffering from cancer.

In March 2012, the center's doctors were able to begin surgical activities. The first operation was performed by surgeon V.D. Shestov.

Since August 2012, the oncology center has been operating at full capacity - all inpatient departments are functioning, the outpatient consultation department has increased its capacity to 400 visits per shift, patients are received by diagnostic services equipped with the most modern equipment.

In 2013, the staff of the oncology center managed to double their performance indicators compared to 2012 - the growth in indicators can be seen both for the institution as a whole and for each department. The planned target for the provision of free medical care, financed from compulsory medical insurance, was exceeded and increased by almost 2.4 times during the year.

The St. Petersburg Oncology Center, located in the village of Pesochny, is the youngest oncology institution not only in our city and the North-Western region, but also in the country. The Charter of the Center was approved by the Order of the State Property Committee of St. Petersburg on December 28, 2011, and at full capacity, when all 13 operating rooms were put into operation, the center has been operating since 2013.

Bed capacity is 340 surgical beds and 191 non-surgical beds. The center's outpatient consultation department receives more than 10,000 patients a month. Also, every month more than one and a half thousand patients receive specialized and high-tech medical care in inpatient departments.

Since the opening of the center, the volume of high-tech medical care provided has tripled. Wherein surgical care Both residents of St. Petersburg and those coming from other regions of Russia are provided with free medical care in the center - under the compulsory health insurance policy. The operating rooms are equipped with the most modern technology; many installations, such as an intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging scanner, are unique to Russia.

The radiology department is one of the largest in the country and has three modern linear accelerators. Last year, more than two thousand patients received radiation therapy. At the end of 2014, the linear accelerator ONCOR was put into operation (now in the center for radiation therapy use all three accelerators). Also, after a two-year renovation, the gamma camera began accepting patients in 2016.

Patient care at the Center is provided within the framework of compulsory health insurance - on referrals from district oncologists. A polyclinic at the place of residence is the first step in routing when a person has suspicions of cancer. If the local therapist confirms your suspicions, then next step You will contact an oncologist in your area. Then you need to go through everything diagnostic measures that will be prescribed to you, and if the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, contact a specialized institution of this profile as soon as possible.

The St. Petersburg Oncology Center accepts patients from Petrogradsky, Kurortny, Vyborgsky, Primorsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Nevsky, Vasileostrovsky and Kronstadt districts.

Oncology center in St. Petersburg LDC MIBS- one of the leading oncology centers for the fight against cancer in Russia. The high professionalism and experience of doctors is successfully complemented by the use of advanced technologies. Patients receive highly qualified care that meets international standards.

In combination with traditional methods The latest radiosurgery and radiotherapeutic solutions are used. The center hosts the most a large number of radiosurgery operations in the world on the Gamma Knife machine.

Oncology center in the village of Pesochny, St. Petersburg

Contacts of the radiosurgery center

For questions about undergoing diagnostic tests, please contact the Republican Oncology Center located at:

197758 , St. Petersburg, pos. Sand, st. Karla Marksa, 43

You can make an appointment for consultation, diagnosis or treatment by calling:

"Center for Radiosurgery, Radiation Therapy and General Oncology" - LLC "Treatment and Diagnostic Center of the International Institute biological systems named after Sergei Berezin" LLC "LDC MIBS"

Main services of the oncology center LDC MIBS in Pesochny

  • Cancer treatment

    • Gamma Knife
    • Cyber ​​knife
    • Radiation therapy (conformal)
    • Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy
  • Diagnosis of cancer

    • Cancer screening - comprehensive programs
    • PET CT examination
    • MRI
    • Stereotactic biopsy
    • Laboratory research

Equipment of the radiosurgery department

In terms of equipment, this is the most advanced oncology center in Russia today, and one of the leaders in the world:

  • The original Swedish Gamma Knife system (Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion);
  • Original radiosurgical system CyberKnife (USA);
  • Linear accelerator Varian TrueBeam STx (radiosurgery and radiation therapy);
  • Linear accelerator Clinac 2100 CD - conformal radiation therapy.

Leading specialists in the field of oncology

The center takes an active part in the fight against cancer at the international level and actively interacts with both leading specialists and clinics in this field.

Involved international consultants

Professor Jean Regis

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Neurosurgery, Head of the Department of Radiosurgery at the Timone Hospital at the University of Aix Marseille (France). Specializes in radiosurgery of the brain. He holds leadership positions in a number of European and international radiosurgical societies: ESSFN, ISR, EGKS. Author of more than 300 publications.

Professor Jelle Barentsz

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Neurosurgery, Head of the Department of Radiosurgery at the Timone Hospital at the University of Aix Marseille (France). Radiologist, is professor at the university clinic - Radboud University Medical Center (Netherlands). IN different years held leadership positions in international and European cancer associations: International Cancer Imaging Society, European Society of Urogenital Radiology, Chairmanship of the Scientific Exhibits Committee.

Leading doctors of the radiosurgical oncology center

  • Matsko Dmitry Evgenievich- Doctor of Medical Sciences , professor pathologist, chief researcher;
  • Bratanchuk Stanislav Yurievich- Ph.D. , surgical oncologist;
  • Ivanov Pavel Igorevich- Ph.D. , neurosurgeon, radiation oncologist(Gamma Knife);
  • Vorobyov Nikolay Andreevich- Ph.D. , radiation oncologist, urologist (Cyberknife and conformal radiation therapy);
  • Roshchin Dmitry Alexandrovich- Ph.D. , oncourologist, Head of the Oncology Department, Research Institute of Urology;
  • Volkov Nikita Mikhailovich- Ph.D. , oncologist, chemotherapist;
  • Zinoviev Evgeniy Vladimirovich– Doctor of Medical Sciences , Professor , plastic surgeon.

Partner cancer centers and clinics

  • NYU Langone Medical Center (New York, USA);
  • Medical University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan);
  • Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA);
  • Concierge Medical Services (Tel Aviv, Israel).

GBUZ "St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncology)" was created as a result of separation from the St. Petersburg "City Clinical Oncology Dispensary" (Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 05.05.2010 No. 541). The institution is under the jurisdiction of the Health Committee, which coordinates its activities.


The oncology center in the village of Pesochny began to be built back in 1988, but only in 2008 the first stage of the complex, which included a radiation building, a ward building with a chemotherapy department and a block of support services, was put into operation and began to accept patients.

The design and construction of the second stage of the oncology center was carried out until the end of 2010. In April 2011, with the participation of the Governor of St. Petersburg V.I. Matvienko, the grand opening of the center took place, called the “St. Petersburg Clinical Scientific and Practical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncology).”

Since that time, several new departments began to function in the center, including an outpatient consultation department for 70 visits per shift. As part of the compulsory health insurance program, the distribution of medications to patients suffering from cancer began.

In March 2012, the center's doctors were able to begin surgical activities. The first operation was performed by surgeon V.D. Shestov.

Since August 2012, the oncology center has been operating at full capacity - all inpatient departments are functioning, the outpatient consultation department has increased its capacity to 400 visits per shift, patients are received by diagnostic services equipped with the most modern equipment.

In 2013, the staff of the oncology center managed to double their performance indicators compared to 2012 - the growth in indicators can be seen both for the institution as a whole and for each department. The planned target for the provision of free medical care, financed from compulsory medical insurance, was exceeded and increased by almost 2.4 times during the year.

The St. Petersburg Oncology Center, located in the village of Pesochny, is the youngest oncology institution not only in our city and the North-Western region, but also in the country. The Charter of the Center was approved by the Order of the State Property Committee of St. Petersburg on December 28, 2011, and at full capacity, when all 13 operating rooms were put into operation, the center has been operating since 2013.

Bed capacity is 340 surgical beds and 191 non-surgical beds. The center's outpatient consultation department receives more than 10,000 patients a month. Also, every month more than one and a half thousand patients receive specialized and high-tech medical care in inpatient departments.

Since the opening of the center, the volume of high-tech medical care provided has tripled. At the same time, surgical care is provided to both residents of St. Petersburg and visitors from other regions of Russia free of charge at the center - under a compulsory health insurance policy. The operating rooms are equipped with the most modern technology; many installations, such as an intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging scanner, are unique to Russia.

The radiology department is one of the largest in the country and has three modern linear accelerators. Last year, more than two thousand patients received radiation therapy. At the end of 2014, the linear accelerator ONCOR was put into operation (now the center uses all three accelerators for radiation therapy). Also, after a two-year renovation, the gamma camera began accepting patients in 2016.

Patient care at the Center is provided within the framework of compulsory health insurance - on referrals from district oncologists. A community clinic is the first step in routing when a person is suspected of having cancer. If your local physician confirms your suspicions, then the next step will be to contact an oncologist in your area. Then you need to undergo all the diagnostic measures that will be prescribed to you, and if the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, contact a specialized institution of this profile as quickly as possible.

The St. Petersburg Oncology Center accepts patients from Petrogradsky, Kurortny, Vyborgsky, Primorsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Nevsky, Vasileostrovsky and Kronstadt districts.