How to understand what color. How to tell if blonde hair is right for you

Good day, dear readers! With you is the presenter of the beauty column Olga Ramazanova. Have you ever wondered why one color suits one person, but does not suit another?

The thing is that nature created us completely different in the shade of our skin, hair, and eyes. However, there is a certain similarity in the appearance of people and they can be combined into conditional groups. In this article I will introduce you to a very interesting topic- how to find out your color type.

Why do you need to know your color type?

The answer is very simple - so as not to make mistakes in choosing clothes, hair tone and even accessories. Knowing what color type a person belongs to, he can choose exactly what suits him. This knowledge will help you create your own individual harmonious image. Agree, quite often you can see on the street, for example, a fair-haired girl with bright dark eyebrows or dyed a bright red color. This imbalance is very noticeable. Remember that fashion is fashion, but you need to know your nature of beauty and present it competently.

How to determine your appearance?

Most likely, you have already heard about the division of color types according to the names of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are other systems for determining a person’s color type, but this one is the most convenient (especially for makeup artists).

There are such concepts in color as cold and warm shades.

  • Cold ones are those that contain blue pigment: turquoise, lilac, fuchsia, burgundy, etc.
  • Warm ones have a yellow pigment: brown, gold, peach, grass, etc.

To understand what type of appearance I have, you first need to determine which shades predominate in my appearance. Look carefully in the mirror and pay attention to whether there is a golden tint in your hair, what color your eyes and freckles are. The most important thing is to understand your skin tone. With a cold color type, the skin of the face has a slightly gray tone, and with a warm color type it has a yellowish tone.

I'll tell you one more secret. Look at the color of the veins on your wrist. If there is yellow pigment in the skin, then the veins will be green ( blue vein and yellow skin gives green). In this case, you can be sure that the color type is warm. If your skin tone is cold, the veins will remain blue.

Cool color types include Winter and Summer. To warm ones - Spring and Autumn.

  • If you are the owner bright eyes, dark hair and eyebrows, then the color type will be Winter or Autumn.
  • Spring and Summer are usually characterized by muted tones and soft transitions. Brown, ash or blond hair combined with pale skin gives a feeling of lightness.

Description of color types

I hope you have already figured out what color type you consider yourself to be. If you still have doubts, then I give detailed description with recommendations about who gets what.

Winter is cold and bright. Often these are oriental girls with an exotic appearance. Their skin can be dark olive, pale porcelain, cold beige. Eye color is bright - brown, green, blue, etc. The lips are clearly defined and rich in color. Hair – black, brown, dark brown without red.

Such girls can have bright accents in their clothes and not seem vulgar: red, purple, turquoise, a combination of black and white, pink and others. Makeup is also acceptable, although winter girls look amazing without it. Lipstick should be cool: red, burgundy, fuchsia, lilac and almost all shades of pink. It is also advisable to keep eye makeup in cool shades. Metal of such girls: silver, white gold.

Spring is warm and subdued. This type is quite rare, but most often these are European girls. They have delicate and fair skin and may have freckles. The hair is golden, light brown with a slight reddish tint. Eyebrows and hair color do not contrast with the tone of the face. The eyes are soft - blue, gray, green.

A spring girl needs to choose her wardrobe in her own color scheme. All gentle warm shades are suitable: yellow, mustard, grass color, peach, etc. It will create contrast and add freshness to the blue color. The main thing in makeup is not to overdo it. Light tone, pastel shadows, brown mascara, warm lipstick and peach blush are all you need. Jewelry is suitable from gold, wood and natural stones.

Summer is cold and subdued. Most often this type is found among us – Slavs. Light skin, porcelain or cold beige. Eyes gray, green or blue - gentle. Hair color is mostly blond with gray tint.

Clothes are suitable in soft light colors: tea rose, blue, lilac, gray, etc. The make-up is also maintained in these colors. Almost all shades of pink, cool red and berry are suitable for lipstick. It is better to use brown mascara. Girls' summer metal is silver and white gold.

Autumn is warm and bright. These are fiery red-haired beasts - pale-faced and with freckles. Hair is deep red or brown with a golden tint. The eyes are very bright - green or blue.

The things of such girls should be bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, blue, etc. As a rule, they do not need special makeup. It is enough to highlight your eyes with brown eyeliner and mascara, apply transparent gloss and warm blush. You don’t have to skimp on jewelry; almost anything suits these girls.

To better understand what clothes will highlight your strengths and individual style, I recommend subscribing to free course « 5 stylish lessons" The course is very high quality, with concrete examples And a huge amount photo.

Excellent video about another classification of color types:

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Erofeevskaya Natalya

For men, girls and women of any age are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of famous branded coloring products are voluminous and varied: blondes, chocolates, chestnuts, ash, black and copper tones - their number is close to infinity, and the newly released collections are replete with a variety of “flavors”.

The easiest way that a woman knows to change what has become a habitual and even slightly boring look is a haircut and/or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi length hair, but change its color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

When dyeing hair color, it shapes a person’s individuality, but the procedure for choosing the appropriate option is complex and responsible.

General classification of color types

The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists who work with hairstyles do not bother much and distinguish only two types of women: “cold” and “warm”. In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

Warm appearance includes golden or peach-toned skin, amber eyes, Green colour or tea color. Copper strands gleam in normally chestnut-colored hair. Let's also name Penelope Cruz as a bright media representative of the warm color type. “Warm” girls and women are recommended to use any warm shades that enliven natural color hair and perfectly harmonizing with it - golden, red tones, nutty.

It is strictly not recommended to add cold tones to a warm color type, which include numerous ash and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for fairly dark skin, they will highlight every wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash or classic blonde

Cool beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes combined with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. Natural hair color varies from ash of varying degrees of saturation to raven. A platinum or black color will look impressive, original and stylish on such women, and for those with dark and black hair, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will be suitable. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make the complexion unhealthily greenish, shading it unfavorably with their sunshine.

Cool color type - choose paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, avoiding golden-red and nut tones

Winter spring Summer Autumn

More scrupulous stylists and masters of hairdressing approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very general color types, but four - two in each of the indicated ones: warm ones include Spring and Autumn, cold ones - Winter and, oddly enough, Summer. The principles remain the same, but colors can be chosen more carefully:

Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive skin that practically does not tan; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel-colored eyes; “native hair” is light brown (necessarily with an ashy tint) or cold chestnut. The optimal tones for hair coloring range from cool blonde with a light brown undertone to nut-chocolate.
Winter – pale, even bluish skin; necessarily dark hair - from dark chestnut to blue-black; eyes of rich bright color - gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

Spring - well-tanned ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheat-colored hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal tones for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber tones.
Autumn - your natural hair certainly shimmers with gold or copper, your skin ranges from easily burned, almost transparent to dark with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with luminous golden sparkles. Optimal tones for hair coloring: from golden-copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

Determining your own color type and focusing on it when choosing hair dye is the most reliable way not to get into trouble when changing your image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent her own color in it.

Skin condition

Few who want to change their natural hair color think about the fact that the result obtained after such a seemingly careful selection turns out to be far from ideal, because the skin of the face played a role. Unhealthy skin - acne, allergic rash, skin irritations, liver and dark spots, peeling - requires not only close attention and care, but also the right choice hair dyes, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial “charms” clearer and more visible.

An unsuccessfully chosen hairstyle color will place unnecessary emphasis on problem skin faces

Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blondes, ashy, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all the imperfections of the skin. If your skin is not entirely attractive, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that are more than a couple of tones different from your natural one. Full coloring of the head is optional, but it would be somewhat more organic to perform coloring in suitable tones, and for beautiful light heads -. Then the basic tone of the hairstyle will remain its own, native, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

How to choose a new hair color?

If the determination to change the image has become stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Bring a subtle revitalization to your usual hairstyle with tones that are in harmony with the “native” color, perform colorization, or radically transform from brunette to blonde or vice versa?

If you prefer to dye your hair at home, then, having narrowed the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the cosmetics store, in the department of hair coloring and care products, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a line of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a “color card” with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first number in this number indicates the depth of the color, the second - its shade. In natural lighting conditions, determine whether a strand of the palette matches your own “native” tone, and then (depending on whether you want to go darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that is different from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and the proposed shades, you choose the one that is closer to your soul.

When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use a palette of paints that is developed by branded manufacturers

It will not be possible to transform from a brunette to a blonde in one fell swoop, even with the help of a professional stylist: such an execution is beyond the power of even healthy and strong hair– global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will happily cover the light one at once.

The correct choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes – expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will highlight imperfections and make your skin look unhealthy.

April 27, 2014

Do you want changes in your appearance, but are you afraid of ruining everything? Whatever look you're going for (natural, radically new or bold), you can choose the right hair color. The right hair color will highlight your facial features and skin tone, and make your hair shine.


Determine your skin tone

    Find out why skin tone matters. Once you determine your skin tone, you can use your hair color to shade your skin. If your hair color doesn't match your skin tone and facial features, you will look unnatural. Before deciding on your hair color, decide whether you are a warm or cool hair type.

    Consider whether your skin tone is warm. In skin with warm tone there is a yellowish tint. People with such skin usually do not burn in the sun, but tan evenly. Earthy colors suit this skin (brown, yellow, cream of all shades). Gold jewelry looks good on warm skin tones.

    Consider whether your skin tone is cool. In skin with in a cold tone there is a pinkish or bluish tint. People with such skin burn quickly or cannot tan. People with this skin tone suit blue, red and burgundy in a variety of variations. Silver looks good on “cold” skin.

    Remember that you may have a neutral skin tone. Some people have a skin tone that is neither cool nor warm. This skin has a neutral tone: it has neither pinkish nor yellowish tints. The veins of people with such skin are neither green nor blue. Almost all colors suit people with this skin tone.

    Consider whether you want to keep it natural or radically change your look. Your desires determine your choice. Do you want your hair to look natural? Or want to dye your hair the opposite color? Or dye your hair with bright and unnatural dye? Decide what suits you and your lifestyle best.

    Choose a color that will look good on you. You may have always liked red hair, but this color just won't suit you. If you have a warm skin tone and want to dye your hair blue, it is better to choose another bright color.

    Decide what kind of paint you want: permanent, washable, temporary. If you are not sure about choosing a color, try dyeing your hair with a tint balm. If you have decided for sure, choose permanent and washable dyes - they stay on your hair longer.

    Don't make impulsive decisions. Before you decide to make drastic changes, carefully consider this desire. Do you follow fashion? Did something happen to you (death in the family, separation)? The decision to dramatically change something in appearance under the influence of emotions is not The best way adjusting your image.

    Find a suitable color using the Internet. Many sites allow you to upload your photo and choose a new hairstyle. There are also sites where you can enter your wishes regarding hair color and hairstyle and get several possible options.

Dye your hair

    To check, dye a small section. Take a strand of hair from below (it won't be visible there). Dye a strand to see how the dye will adhere to your hair. This will help you judge how good your hair will look after dyeing it and will save you from disaster.

    Wear a wig. If you want to try out a different color before you dye your hair, buy a wig. A wig will give you an idea of ​​how it will look on you. new color without risking anything. Buy a quality wig that will convey the desired color well.

    Sign up for a salon. If you're dyeing your hair for the first time or have decided to make a drastic color change, it's best to get your hair dyed at a salon. Professional hairdressers will select the perfect color and take care of your hair.

    • Bring along a photo of the color you want to achieve. This will avoid misunderstandings. Words like "brown," "red," or "blonde" aren't specific enough, but don't use words like "ashy," "honey," or "coffee" if you don't know what they mean.
  1. Try coloring first. Dyeing individual strands will add warm or cool shades to your hair. If you have a warm skin tone, colorize with gold, copper or golden brown tones. If you have a cool skin tone, choose wheat, honey, taupe and ash shades.

    • If you want to change your hair color a little, try dyeing individual strands in a tone that is darker than yours. natural color.
  2. Don't forget about your eyebrows. Always keep your eyebrows in mind when coloring your hair. If you have dark hair and decide to lighten it, try dyeing your eyebrows too. A sudden change in hair color with the same eyebrow color will lead to an unnatural and unattractive look, so do not forget to take this factor into account.

  • Wash-out dye is a great choice for those who want to darken their hair without the consequences.
  • Remember that it will take a long time to grow your hair, and you will need to constantly adjust the color to keep your roots looking neat.
  • Just because a certain dye matches your skin type does not mean it will suit you. All people are different.
  • If you are not ready to regularly tint your hair, dye it lighter or darker just a couple of shades - gradually the regrown roots will merge with the new color.
  • If you are planning to dye your hair with a dye that is 2 or more shades different from your natural color, go to the hairdresser.


  • Use hair conditioner, get your hair cut regularly and avoid using a straightening iron, hair dryer or curling iron, because heat further damages the hair. Changing your hair color is fun, but dyeing is harmful to your hair. Take care of them and monitor their health.
  • Don't try to change your hair color from brunette to blonde on your own - go to a salon, otherwise the color may turn out orange.

Probably every woman, wanting to change something in her appearance, thinks first of all about a new haircut and the question often arises: “What hair color is right for me?” After all, dyeing your hair is a fairly simple matter, but hiding the traces of a failed experiment is much more difficult. It’s worth noting right away that when choosing shades you need to pay attention to some character traits appearance.

For what

Probably every person at least once in his life wanted to change something in his appearance. And hair coloring is one of the opportunities to create a completely new, often even more successful look.

After all, with the help of correctly selected colors you can change literally everything - emphasize your skin tone, make your eyes more expressive and hide some imperfections in your appearance. On the other hand, poorly chosen paints can ruin all your efforts. That is why almost every woman asks the question: “What hair color is right for me?”

Little tricks for beginner experimenters

If you want to experiment a little with colors, then you shouldn’t immediately use permanent hair dyes. After all, they penetrate inside each hair, changing its color, and getting rid of the consequences of unsuccessful dyeing is not so easy - you will need various chemical removers, which are not very beneficial for the hair.

Therefore, those who have not yet decided on the shade of paint should first try out various coloring shampoos and balms. Naturally, they will not give the same effect as chemical dyes, but they will help lighten or darken your hair by several tones - this will give you an approximate idea of ​​what color scheme will suit you. And in case of failure, they can be easily washed off on your own.

If you decide to use chemical dyeing, be sure to consult your hairdresser or stylist. A specialist will help you find the answer to the question, what color hair will do. The test is another opportunity to present yourself in a new guise. For example, there are various computer programs, which will help you choose not only the shade, but also the most suitable haircut. If possible, try on several wigs. different colors- this will also help you decide on a suitable color scheme.

What hair color suits me? Pay attention to the natural shade of your curls

Some experts advise first to take a closer look at the natural shade of your hair. For example, if you are a brunette, or your hair is brown and chestnut shades. You can also try the red and eggplant palette - these colors look original.

Light or you can try to lighten it even more - it's worth trying out ash and platinum tones. And if you want to add brightness to your hair, then you can experiment with a golden palette. Red hair can be dyed brown, or you can try bronze shades that will add a seductive shine.

How to choose paint to match your eye color?

Of course, the eyes are one of the most striking “details” of your face. Therefore, in no case should you ignore their features. For example, many are interested in questions about what hair color is suitable for blue-eyed women. It's no secret that in this case great options there will be light colors. Ash, wheat and golden shades will harmonize perfectly with blue eyes. But caramel, golden nut and auburn are also suitable. On the other hand, some blue-eyed beauties look great with black hair.

What hair color suits green-eyed representatives of the fair sex? For green eyes, warm shades are suitable, for example, red, golden, chestnut, brown. You can also try red colors.

If you have, then there are practically no restrictions for choosing a hair shade. Grey colour the eye is neutral and looks great with almost any tone, from ash blonde to blue-black. Therefore, here attention first of all needs to be paid to the skin.

What hair color suits brown-eyed beauties? In this case, dark shades, as well as red, caramel and chestnut tones, will look good.

Color type “Woman-Spring”: what hair color will look beautiful?

If you are asking the question: “What hair color is right for me?”, then you must understand that you need to pay attention first of all to the totality of the features of your face. The Spring Woman is characterized by warm, non-contrasting shades. These women have fair skin (sometimes it has a golden or yellowish tint), light eyes (blue, light green or brown), and naturally light hair (from light blond to light brown).

Such representatives of the fair sex will look great with honey, light brown and even dark red hair. In some cases, deep chestnut and chocolate shades are also suitable for women. But ashen and light red tones should be avoided, as they make the face expressionless.

What colors suit the “Flying Woman”?

The appearance of summer girls is dominated by cold tones. Their eyes, as a rule, are light (gray, blue), their skin is pink or even bluish cool, and natural color hair varies from light to chestnut tones.

Light shades are often suitable for such women; in particular, an ash or platinum palette looks beautiful. On the other hand, sometimes certain facial features require making the hair darker - in such cases, light brown or chestnut colors are suitable. But beware of too dark shades.

Color type “Woman-Autumn”: the most successful shades

Autumn means warm, contrasting shades. The eyes of such women can be blue, green, brown or even deep black. It is worth paying attention to the color of the skin - the tone can vary from warm golden to yellow. As for natural hair, then such women are in most cases brown-haired or brunette.

To begin with, it is worth noting that representatives of this color type should avoid too light tones - ash blonde will make the skin unnaturally dark. But honey, light brown and golden shades will be just right. On the other hand, such girls look natural with dark hair. Walnut, chestnut and even chocolate tones will suit you. By the way, you should also avoid colors that are too light and sunny (for example, orange, copper).

“Winter Woman”: how to choose the right shade?

If you are wondering who the hair is suitable for, then they look great with it

just “winter” women. As a rule, they have naturally dark hair - they can be brunettes or brown-haired. The skin of this color type can be either light, almost porcelain, or, conversely, dark, but in any case, this shade is cold. Eye color can be black, brown, blue or grey.

It’s worth noting right away that, despite fair skin, blonde colors will look bad. These women should also stay away from warm golden tones. If you really want to go blonde, you can choose ash blonde dyes (but again, not too light). But they will look really advantageous dark colors, for example, black with a slight blue or purple tint.

In any case, it is worth understanding that choosing hair color is far from an exact science. So be sure to ask your stylist for advice and check out all your options.

Every person is already born with a certain color type, and no matter how hard he tries to change - dye his hair, remove freckles, whiten his face or wear colored lenses - his color type will not change, it remains for life. How to determine a person's color type? Should I wear yellow, green, blue or red? Issues of interest to many will be discussed in this article.

There are only four color types: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Every person belongs to one of them. There are no mixed color types, so it is not at all difficult to clearly determine whether you belong to one type or another. Many have studied people's color types. How to determine a person's color type? Today we will try to find the answer to this question.

  1. It’s better not to determine your color type alone, but to ask someone to help. It is quite difficult to evaluate yourself in the mirror, and the assessment may not be objective. Eat Great chance confuse a color that really suits you with a color that you just like.
  2. It is best to determine the color type in natural daylight. Evening lighting can distort colors and shades.
  3. Before testing, be sure to remove all makeup. The presence of any cosmetics will not give an objective result.
  4. If your hair is dyed, then you need to hide it by wearing a white or neutral light scarf or headband. Hair of an unnatural color will also become an obstacle to obtaining an objective result.
  5. After all of the above has been taken into account, you need to stand in front of a mirror and hold scarves, scarves, or simply pieces of fabric in the following colors to your face: peach or salmon, rich orange, hot pink and gray-pink.

Bringing one color or another to your face in turn, you need to carefully examine your face. Now the main thing is to correctly determine which color refreshes and enlivens the face, with which the eyes begin to play, skin defects become less noticeable. There are different color types of people. How to identify yours using these colors? Very simple. If the best fit means your color type is Spring, orange is Autumn, gray-pink is Summer and hot pink is Winter.

This is how easy it is to determine people’s color types. How to determine in other ways? Is there such a possibility? Yes, this is not the only method, there are many of them. And we will look at some further.

Color type based on skin tone

How to determine people's color types by skin tone? You can find out the answer to this question by studying this table. The table shows the correspondence of skin color to a specific color type.

How to determine people's color types by skin tone
Color type name Leather
WinterTypicalBluish, earthy-olive, pinkish.
ContrastingWhite-beige, alabaster, porcelain.
BrightPink with blush, beige.
LightAsh brown, porcelain.
SpringTypicalPeach-porcelain, Ivory, there are freckles.
ContrastingLight golden, apricot blush, porcelain.
BrightPeach, beige or ivory.
LightIvory with golden freckles, light peach shade.
SummerTypicalIvory with golden freckles, peach.
BrightIvory, pink, light olive shade.
LightLight, porcelain, there is a pink blush, pink-beige, light with gray-brown freckles.
AutumnTypicalYellow-beige, peach.
ContrastingPink-beige shade, ivory color with peach blush.
BrightPeach, warm, beige-chestnut.
SetlayaIvory, light beige with peach blush.

Description of the Winter color type

Winter is a very bright type of appearance. Dark hair with contrasting porcelain skin - it's all about the Winter woman. She is always visible in the crowd. For women with the Winter color type, it is not even necessary to wear makeup; in any case, she will stand out. Dark eyes, black eyelashes, full, juicy lips, sometimes with a cold bluish tint. People of the winter color type are characterized by a beautiful, even tan or a predisposition to it.

The Winter color type can be divided into 2 groups:

  • contrasting (in other words, Snow White);
  • low-contrast Winter.

Contrast Winter:

  • almost snow-white skin has a porcelain tint;
  • dark brown or black hair.

Low Contrast Winter:

  • dark skin with an olive or bronze tint;
  • hair is dark with a brown tint or black.

Description of the Summer color type

Summer is also a cold range, but not contrasting. The most common type of appearance.


  • skin with a light pink, light gray or gray-beige tint;
  • hair with an ashy tint, light brown, often light brown;
  • eyes - gray-blue or gray-green, dark brown is possible, but rare;
  • lips pale with a pink tint;
  • the skin lends itself well to tanning.

Description of the Autumn color type

Autumn is a very interesting, “juicy” type of people, they are literally “chameleons”. Girls of the Autumn color type can easily radically change their style. Autumn is the most universal color type.

Main features:

  • skin with a golden tint has a large blush on the cheeks;
  • hair of golden, red or other color with a red tint;
  • eyes with a warm tint;
  • skin does not tan well.

Description of the Spring color type

Spring is the lightest color type.

People of the Spring color type can be characterized as follows:

  • thin, almost transparent skin has a slight blush;
  • Hair with a warm shade, it can be wheat, honey, golden or light brown;
  • eyes are light: light brown, light gray, light green, or light blue;
  • eyebrows and eyelashes matching the hair are also light;
  • lips with a warm tint - apricot or peach with a yellow tint;
  • The skin does not tan easily and is more likely to just turn red.

Comparative characteristics of color types in the table

How to determine a person's color type? The table will help you see the difference between color types. This table provides a comparison based on certain criteria:

HairBlack, blue-black, dark ash, dark chestnut, platinum blonde possible.light chestnut with a golden or red tint, straw. Possible reddish, yellow or honey notes.Blonde or brown, but always with a cool, ashy tint.Exceptionally warm shades. Often all shades of red: carrot-red, golden-red, copper.
LeatherMilky or porcelain in color, sometimes olive or reddish brown. Whatever the color, there is always a transparent bluish tint.Very delicate, light, velvety, almost translucent, the color of ivory or baked milk. A slight natural peach blush may be present.Milky pink or white with a slight blush, almost transparent with a cool bluish tint. The option of nut or olive tint is possible.Definitely in warm colors. It can be honey-golden, or a champagne color option is possible. Sometimes it can be peach or light beige.
EyesBright, shining. It doesn’t matter what color - gray, green, blue or black - the main point is their contrast with the snow-white squirrels.turquoise, gray or walnut color. Often there are inclusions of other shades - gray-blue, gray-green,, light brown color with matte whites and dark brown contour of the iris.Grey, steel, sky blue, olive, or dark brown. That is, there are different possible options - there is no need to place special emphasis on eye color in this color type.
Matching colorsCold: white, black, purple, turquoise, blue, all shades of gray, blue-pink-violet, cold purple, emerald, blue silver, steel, metallic.Light colors: peach, apricot, champagne, sunny yellow, golden brown, yellow-orange, apple and yellow-green, pink, milk chocolate and caramel, coral, tomato, terracotta.Cool delicate shades: sky blue, lilac, turquoise, blue, lilac, crimson, lemon yellow, raspberry red, ripe cherry, pink, brown-pink, bright plum.Warm brown, golden, red, mustard, orange, brick, sand, terracotta, plum, olive.
Unsuitable shadesPastel shades and muted colors such as browns and warm yellows. Also the color of milk chocolate and baked milk, yellow-green, brick, smoky gray.Pure white, black, dark blue, purple pink, gray, cherry, raspberry, burgundy, dark cocoa green, indigo.White, red, black, orange, brick, yellow-green, apricot, indigo, milk chocolate, fuchsia.Light blue, blue, black, white, bright orange, blue, purple, pastel summer colors.
Jewelry and accessoriesEverything is bright and sparkling, diamonds, crystal, rhinestones, platinum, silver, gold, black and red stones.Graceful, sophisticated: turquoise, yellow pearls, topaz, red and yellow gold, amber and sapphire.Discreet jewelry: matte silver or white gold, blue aquamarine, diamonds, gray-pink pearls, blue or milky opal.Jewelry made from natural materials - feathers, leather, ivory, wood, amber.
MakeupWe select bright colors, but apply them only a little. The main thing is the play of tones. Color palette - pink combined with beige white or gray, blue, blue, violet, emerald green.It is necessary to focus on natural delicate flowers - peach, milk, young greens, hazelnuts, nougat, aquamarine.Cold milky or smoky tones: silver, eggplant, purple, violet, brown with a gray tint.Natural tones: golden, terracotta, brown, eggplant, olive.

Celebrities of the Winter color type

Determining a person’s color type is very important among celebrities.

Such people have a pronounced Winter color type famous people Stars: Anna Zavorotnyuk, Liv Tyler, Oksana Fedorova, Penelope Cruz, Megan Fox Monica Bellucci, Keira Knightley.

Celebrities of the Spring color type

The following celebrities can boast of the appearance of the Spring color type: Princess Diana, Anna Kournikova, Claudia Schiffer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Cattrall, Britney Spears.

Celebrities of the Summer color type

The following people have a “summer” appearance: Alina Kabaeva, Natalia Vodianova, Laetitia Casta, Mischa Barton, Liz Hurley, Scarlett Johannson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Aniston, Milla Jovovich, Uma Thurman.

Celebrities of the Autumn color type

The following famous people have a pronounced Autumn color type: Yulia Savicheva, Julia Roberts, Amalia Goldanskaya, Juliana Moore, Anna Bolshova, Marcia Cross, Lindsay Lohan.

Such different and interesting color types of people. You and I now know how to determine (photos of celebrities to help). Good luck to everyone in determining their color type!