Acne appeared on my face, what should I do? How to get rid of acne at home effectively and quickly

How to deal with acne on the face? Probably, at least once in their life, every person has asked this question.

Let's come to this problem as close as possible, find out the main reasons for the appearance of rashes on the face, find out what methods of dealing with them are now offered by modern medicine and what procedures can be carried out at home.

Important! It is worth remembering that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis for the treatment of acne on the face, as well as prescribe the correct treatment. All information provided below is for informational purposes only.

According to studies, acne appears as early as 4 years of age. About 95% of boys and girls aged 14-18 years have acne. This problem is typical not only for young people, but also for people of mature age.

Unsightly rashes on the face and neck can not only ruin your appearance, but also lead to prolonged depression. Each person tries to get rid of this scourge in his own way: one covers the raised bumps with a thick layer of foundation, the other squeezes them out, causing even greater problems for themselves in the form of infection and the appearance of scars on the skin. Cosmetologists do not recommend either method.

What are acne and why do they occur?

Pimples or blackheads are inflammation of the hair follicle. External symptoms may include tenderness, redness, swelling, or even pus.

Common causes of acne and pimples:

  • Poor diet (acne can appear as a result of excessive consumption of fatty, fried or sweet foods).
  • Bad habits (smoking, daily drinking of alcohol).
  • Pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Improper skin care. This includes the use of low-quality lotions, masks, and creams.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Long exposure to the sun.
  • Psychological trauma, constant stress.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. During puberty in adolescents, as well as during pregnancy in women.

Important! Do not squeeze skin rashes on the face. Such manipulations can lead to infection, inflammation and scars.

Visit to a specialist

The first step to treating acne should be a visit to the office of a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist. After taking a blood test and conducting some other studies, the doctor will determine the true cause of the rash, develop an individual treatment regimen and prescribe appropriate therapy.

As a treatment, local treatment with drugs or hardware correction may be prescribed to effectively relieve the symptoms of acne.

The most effective procedures today are:

  1. Ultrasonic and vacuum hardware cleaning.
  2. Peels.
  3. Ozone therapy.
  4. Mesotherapy.
  5. Dermabrasion.


The doctor prescribes a special diet that excludes fatty, spicy, fried and sweet foods. Alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks are completely excluded.

  • Drink more healthy liquids (juices, compotes).
  • Consume milk, vegetables, whole grain cereals.
  • Include onions, garlic, hazelnuts, and almonds in your diet.

Treatment of acne with pharmaceutical drugs

  • An effective remedy in the fight against purulent acne is ichthyol ointment. It is applied pointwise to each pimple 5-6 times during the day, and at night a bandage with medicine is applied. Ichthyol ointment relieves redness and removes pus.
  • Another effective remedy is salicylic acid (1-2% solution). This pharmaceutical drug is used as an anti-inflammatory agent; it disinfects and dries out acne well. Inflammations will quickly go away if you wipe them with a cotton swab soaked in salicylic acid 2-3 times a day.
  • Zinc ointment is considered a reliable and inexpensive drug for getting rid of acne. It is applied to the rash for a week.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help dry out acne. The pharmaceutical solution is diluted with boiled water in proportions 1:3 (for oily skin), for normal and dry skin (1:5, 1:8).

Getting rid of acne using traditional medicine

Today, there are many recipes for getting rid of acne at home. We list only the most effective of them.

Fresh peeled lemon is cut into pieces and placed in a half-liter jar. Half a glass of vodka is added to the jar. After 5 days, you can wipe acne with this infusion. Before preparing this recipe, it is worth remembering that lemon juice causes a burning sensation on irritated areas of the skin.

A more gentle remedy is yeast (dry or fresh). Moreover, they can be applied not only to acne, but also to the entire skin of the face. A small amount of warm water is added to the yeast and everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is applied for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. After this procedure, the skin will become soft and velvety.

You can get rid of acne marks by using one whipped egg white with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Cleansing time is 15 minutes.

Decoctions for external use

You can also get rid of acne with herbal decoctions:

  • St. John's wort. 3 tbsp is poured into an enamel bowl. l. dry grass, add half a liter of boiling water. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes.
  • Chamomile. 2-3 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water and infused under the lid for 20 minutes. Warm compresses are applied to the face. The procedure is repeated 5-6 times a day.
  • Oak bark has anti-inflammatory properties. The recipe is quite simple: 2 tbsp. l. oak bark is boiled in 200 ml of water for about half an hour. Wipe the skin with a warm decoction in the morning and evening.


  • Honey mask. A good therapy for skin restoration is honey masks applied twice a week. To prepare this mask, mix 50 g of honey, 50 g of olive oil, one egg yolk.
  • Viburnum mask. Viburnum juice with oatmeal will help get rid of whiteheads. 100 g of fresh viburnum berries are mixed with 5 g of flour until a thick paste is obtained. The mask is applied to acne for 30-45 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  • Cucumber mask. A medium-sized fresh cucumber is grated and mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice and one egg white. The duration of action is a quarter of an hour.
  • A parsley mask is prepared from fresh or dried herbs. To prepare the mask, parsley is chopped and brewed with boiling water. The cooled mass is applied to the face and covered with damp gauze. The duration of the mask is 60 minutes.
  • A clay mask effectively cleanses skin pores of impurities, removes redness, and also dries out acne. To prepare this recipe, take one tablespoon of clay (white cosmetic or blue), dissolve it in warm water to obtain a paste and apply it to the dermis until completely dry. For dry skin, you can add olive oil (3 drops).
  • Mask made from baking soda and bran. The product is prepared as follows: 1 cup of finely ground bran is mixed with two teaspoons of baking soda. Part of the mixture is poured into a separate container and filled with a small amount of warm water. The product is applied to the face. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes. Afterwards it is washed off with cold water. This mask will quickly relieve inflammation, and the skin will become smooth and fresh.

Infusions for internal use

Herbal decoctions for internal use will help cleanse the blood and replenish vitamin reserves.

  • Leaves of nettle, sage and birch in equal proportions are poured into 3 cups of boiling water and left until completely cooled. The decoction is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink 1 glass at one time.
  • An infusion of nettle leaves is taken half a glass 3-4 times a day. Recipe: 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused under the lid.
  • A decoction of dandelion root is taken half a glass 3 times a day. Recipe: 3 tbsp. l. crushed dandelion root is poured into a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered.

Fighting teenage acne

The appearance of acne on the face of teenagers is most likely the rule, not the exception. The main reason for this phenomenon is considered to be hormonal changes in the growing body. Simple rules will help you fight them:

  • Maintaining hygiene. Do not touch the rashes with your hands, especially do not squeeze them.
  • To open the pores before cleansing, you can use steam baths with the addition of herbs and a few tablespoons of soda.
  • For severe rashes on the facial skin, local antiseptics, antibacterial agents, and retinoid-based ointments are used.

Synthomycin ointment is an effective drug that helps with acne. But it is worth remembering that it is used in the absence of wounds on the face. The product is applied with a cotton swab to acne for several days. The maximum course of treatment should not be longer than 10 days.

Skinoren ointment can treat teenage acne (apply 2 times a day). Azelaic acid, which is part of it, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, keratolytic and depigmenting effects.

In addition, drugs such as Tetracycline Ointment, Cynovit, and Curiosin have proven themselves to be excellent in the fight against acne.

How to cure cold acne?

The consequence of severe hypothermia of the body can be cold-like acne. Inflammations of this kind most often occur on the face, but can also appear on other areas of the skin. Regardless of their location, such rashes not only spoil the appearance, but can also be very painful. Elimination of skin defects should be carried out in combination with immunity-boosting therapy.

Important! Don't cover cold pimples with cosmetics! It is especially dangerous to do this after opening the tumor, otherwise you can get a second infection and slow down recovery.

Factors that aggravate acne are:

  • frequent use of scrubs;
  • cleansing the skin with incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • touching with dirty hands.

Colds can be quickly cured using medications - ointments. In an advanced state, you will have to resort to antibiotics.

At the initial stage of acne, you can use:

  • antiseptics;
  • "Vishnevsky ointment";
  • "Ichthyol ointment";
  • "Syntomycin ointment";
  • "Levomikol".
  • "Baziron AS".

For frequent colds and rashes on the face, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist and immunologist. You may need to undergo a full course of treatment using immunostimulating agents, physiotherapy, and ultraviolet treatment.

To prevent acne, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Avoid hypothermia, stress, excessive sweating.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Introduce more fresh vegetables and fruits into your daily diet.

What to do if acne appears during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life. And everything that could be used before to fight acne may not be acceptable now.

  • For treatment, use antibiotics, salicylic acid, benzene peroxide, and steroids.
  • Use medications that penetrate into the blood. In order not to harm the baby, be sure to consult a gynecologist before using any drug.

During pregnancy, it is best to use masks and compresses made from natural products (fruits and vegetables). Masks made from cucumber, banana, pumpkin, strawberry will help normalize sebum secretion. Any of these products are ground into a paste and applied to the face for 10 minutes.

Proper skin care

If you suffer from facial breakouts, try to treat your skin with care. First, you need to calm redness, kill bacteria, and cleanse the dermis without stripping it of its protective sebum.

Take proper care of your skin:

  • Be sure to wash your hands before touching your face.
  • There is an opinion that when acne appears on the face, you need to wash your face as often as possible. At the same time, some people even try to use alkaline soap, which only provokes the development of inflammatory processes. After such procedures, the dermis becomes dry, and the rash covers new areas. To cleanse your face without harming your skin, it is enough to wash your face twice a day.
  • Before washing your face, spray your face with warm water and apply a couple of drops of cleanser to your fingertips. Then apply it to your face and neck without pressing.
  • To thoroughly remove makeup, it is recommended to use cotton pads.
  • Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • For problem skin, apply a pea-sized amount of moisturizer to your neck and face.
  • Remove excess cream with a napkin.

Proper use of cosmetics is the key to healthy skin

  • Do not buy soaps and products that dry out your skin.
  • Do not use gels or facial washes containing a dangerous group of sulfates (sodium laureth sulfate).
  • Cosmetics that are too oily are contraindicated. You should not use Vaseline-based cosmetics.
  • Opt for cosmetics containing natural oils.
  • It is better to buy oil-based toners.
  • Cleanse your face with scrubs once a week. This procedure is necessary to remove dead skin particles.
  • Publication date: 2018-08-5
    Last modified: 2020-01-16

    Dear visitors of the Farmamir website. This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

We all hate pimples and hate having to remove them. Squeezing pimples is not a good idea as it can lead to skin inflammation and eventually scarring on the face. Here are some tips on how to treat acne and prevent acne using simple, affordable remedies. After all, every girl needs to know how to quickly get rid of a pimple on her face at home.

Cause of acne

Nutrition also plays a very important role. You should cleanse your diet of harmful foods. Eating right can make a world of difference to your skin, with the biggest impact on your breakouts. The following techniques can be used:

  1. Mix salt, lemon and honey in equal quantities and prepare a scrub. You can also add yogurt here. Then gently massage the affected areas with this scrub for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your face and dry it.
  2. Mint, together with toothpaste, is considered a very effective remedy in cleansing pores. Apply a little mixture to your nose and leave for a few minutes. Then wipe with a damp handkerchief.
  3. If you are a fan of aloe, then you can use products from its juice, applying them to the affected areas of the skin. This should soothe and heal problem areas.
  4. Mix soda with water. Apply the resulting mixture to areas with acne. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.
  5. You can simply rub baking soda on the affected areas. It is recommended to do this procedure regularly.

Now you don’t need to think about how to quickly get rid of acne on your face at home overnight, as you have recipes available.

The most important thing is to strictly follow the recipe. The presented techniques can be used as preventive measures. Everyone wants to have a harmonious body and organism. But sometimes it’s a shame when your face becomes covered in rashes and looks like a tomato.

Unfortunately, most girls go through this stage. How to achieve clear skin on your face and body? What are the causes of rashes?

How to get rid of acne in a day

It is impossible to get rid of acne quickly. You need to know that you should not expect quick results, like from some kind of cream, when cleansing your diet of harmful foods. The body needs time to cleanse itself and create a protective barrier.

Common and popular methods for getting rid of acne:

  1. A mixture of turmeric and mint juice is applied to the affected area.
  2. A mixture of oatmeal powder and rose water can also be very beneficial. Apply it to the face and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Using peanut butter or ground cinnamon can not only remove blackheads, but also prevent them from growing in the future too.
  4. Mix lemon juice and cinnamon powder and apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Your facial skin will get rid of acne faster.
  5. Applying milk on the affected areas can help eliminate the blemishes.

You should try to monitor your skin's reaction to certain products. Sometimes dairy products or coffee with milk contribute to acne. If there is a suspicion about a particular product, it should be excluded from the diet for several weeks.

The balance of BZHU plays a significant role in the diet. For example, if there is a lack of proteins in the body, then first of all this will affect the elasticity of the skin. It is also very important that a woman consumes enough fat, as this affects her women's health. It is advisable that the fats be of high quality (nuts, olive oil).

You definitely need to cleanse your skin; for this now there is a huge selection of different brushes and cosmetics. We have looked at how to get rid of acne on the face at home quickly in 1 day, now we need to talk about how to prevent the problem from occurring.

Under no circumstances should foundation or powder be applied to the skin before training; the skin must breathe.

  1. Do not dry your face with a towel after washing. Even if you have a separate small, white towel for your face, you need to understand that the towel is a fabric on which a giant breeding ground for all microbes is formed, especially if there are active inflammations on the face, they should under no circumstances be wiped with a woven towel. It's better to use paper ones.
  2. Don't forget to wipe your phone screen with a disinfectant wipe and change your pillowcase.
  3. Objects that most often touch a person's face are a breeding ground for bacteria and a causative agent of irritation. This also includes makeup brushes and sponges. Be sure to wash them as often as possible.
  4. You also need to pay attention to cosmetics and skin care products, read their composition and look at the expiration date.

By eliminating, if possible, all the factors that influence the appearance of rashes, a woman is on the right path to achieving a good result and cleansing her body.

If you know how to get rid of facial acne at home quickly and effectively, you won't need the help of a doctor. But if the problem is very complex, then you should consult a specialist (dermatologist).


  1. To hide a pimple on your face as much as possible, you need to relieve inflammation. To do this, ice, mint and other similar products are applied to the affected area.
  2. To prevent acne on your face, you must keep it clean and wipe it with disinfectant wipes.
  3. Prevention is the best way to get rid of acne before it even appears.
  4. Use protective creams every morning to prevent dirt and germs from entering your pores.


At all times, women have paid a lot of attention to their appearance. Spinning in front of the mirror for hours, creating your own image is the favorite pastime of any female. And everything seems to be done: hair, makeup, clothes. But something still haunts me. And these are acne, which can not only ruin your mood for several days, but also cause unpleasant and even painful sensations. What is a pimple and where does it come from? This question interests a lot of people.

And most importantly, how to get rid of acne on your face? What should you do, how should you eat, and what should you not do?

Acne is the result of clogging of the skin by the sebaceous glands. Interacting with oxygen, they form white or black dots in this place. When any infection enters a clogged area, an inflammatory process begins, which is characterized by the appearance of purulent red wounds, which subsequently burst.

The most common place for acne is the face, especially the forehead, sides of the nose and chin area. This is explained by the fact that in these places there are much more sebaceous glands, and the closer they are to the surface of the skin, the greater the likelihood of inflammation of these glands. How to get rid of this problem?

The cause must be determined

There are many different remedies to combat acne on the face, but before starting treatment, it is important to determine the very cause of their appearance, otherwise the treatment may be useless.

The causes of acne on the skin can be very diverse. To accurately determine this cause, you need to consult with a specialist (dermatologist or cosmetologist) who will prescribe you the correct course of treatment.

So, one of the most common causes of acne is considered to be puberty in girls and boys. This is justified by the large release of sex hormones, as a result of which the activity of the sebaceous glands increases and the pores on the skin become clogged with sebum. This creates a plug, which can become inflamed under the influence of various infections.

Equally common causes include poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of harmful foods can lead to the active appearance of acne on the face. Acne can also be the result of allergic reactions. Spicy foods, fatty foods, flour foods, excess sweets, alcoholic drinks, caffeine - all this only contributes to the appearance of acne on the skin of the face and the whole body.

Other causes of acne

Experiences and frequent stress have a significant impact on the appearance of acne. Nowadays it is very difficult to avoid them, because we encounter them all the time. Our body must somehow react to all this, so in times of stress it secretes even more sebaceous glands, which cause clogging of the pores on the skin, resulting in acne.

By the way, no matter how strange it may sound, sometimes the sun can be the cause of acne. The sun affects everyone differently. So, for example, for some, the sun is a way to get rid of acne, because it dries them out and makes the skin smoother, but for others, on the contrary, they suffer from the sun, because. it has exactly the opposite effect. Be sure to apply protective creams to the skin of the face and body during periods of solar activity. Even if you don't suffer from acne, a protective cream will prevent dry skin, premature aging and burns on your skin.

Very often, acne on the face appears as a result of improper skin care. Many people forget a very important rule - always wash off makeup before going to bed and cleanse your facial skin. This is necessary in order to get rid of a large number of microbes, dead skin particles and dust that have accumulated during the day. To prevent the skin from becoming clogged with all these particles, it is imperative to clean it, otherwise the skin ducts may become inflamed and acne will appear on the face.

Treating and getting rid of acne at home

Before we talk about ways and methods of treating acne, it is worth mentioning the most important rule - never squeeze pimples. This can only be done by a cosmetologist using sterile instruments for extrusion, and it is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of infection. By squeezing pimples yourself, you put yourself at great risk and can very easily introduce an infection into the wound.

Firstly, a pimple you squeezed out may leave a scar that will “decorate” your face for the rest of your life. Secondly, in place of one squeezed pimple, many other, smaller ones may appear. Thirdly, the worst thing that can happen is blood poisoning, which is very difficult and sometimes impossible to cure.

Nowadays, pharmacies are simply overflowing with various acne remedies. No matter how good the product is (and their prices vary greatly), it is not able to get rid of acne in a short time. As a rule, complex treatment is required, which can last for months and even years. Why spend a lot of money if you can get rid of the problem using conventional means at home? So, what products help solve the problem and make your facial skin clean and beautiful?

Treatment of acne using traditional medicine methods

It has long been known that a solution of 1-2% salicylic acid is considered a good remedy in the fight against acne on the face and entire body. It has an antibacterial, drying and exfoliating effect. This product is available to absolutely everyone, it is very cheap, and you can buy it at any pharmacy. It is necessary to wipe the skin of the face and body with this solution using a cotton pad, but this should be done no more than twice a day. It would be right to make various moisturizing face masks, because salicylic acid dries out the skin very much. But masks should be done only when the acne is cured, otherwise it may become inflamed again.

Chamomile infusion is considered an excellent remedy for getting rid of acne. Chamomile flower has a number of healing properties; it can relieve inflammation and irritation from the skin. The infusion is prepared as follows: chamomile flowers (they are sold in every pharmacy) are poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Using a cotton pad, apply warm compresses to the face, paying special attention to the forehead, nose and chin. Such compresses can be done an infinite number of times a day.

Parsley and aloe flower juice are excellent in combating skin imperfections. To achieve the best effect, you need to wipe your skin with the juice in the morning and evening. But remember that you should not mix both juices with each other; it is better to choose one for yourself.

Other remedies to combat skin imperfections

Clay face masks are very beneficial for the skin and effective in fighting acne. Clay can be purchased at any pharmacy, as well as cosmetic store. The mask is very easy to prepare; just dilute the clay with warm water (preferably boiled) to the consistency of thick sour cream. The clay must be applied in a thin layer and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm running water. A clay mask can not only cleanse the skin, but also draw out impurities from the pores, dry out pimples, and relieve inflammation and redness.

A bodyagi mask can deeply cleanse pores, dry out pimples, get rid of them and remove dead cells. After applying such a mask to the skin of the face, the pores are saturated with oxygen, and the oily sheen disappears. Preparing the mask is very simple: you need to dilute bodyaga powder (you can buy it at the pharmacy) with warm boiled water until you get a paste. Next, apply the mask to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Bodyaga has excellent cosmetological properties.

After applying such a mask, the skin of the face looks more elastic, tightened, and rejuvenated. The pores on the face open and cleanse, the skin begins to breathe. It is important to know that after a bodyagi mask, the skin of the face may turn a little red, so it is better to do the mask at night. People with sensitive skin should not use this mask.

A honey mask is considered an excellent remedy in the fight against skin imperfections. Honey is an excellent antiseptic, containing many beneficial vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the skin. After a honey mask, the pores on the skin narrow, it becomes softer and silkier. The recipe for making such a mask is as follows: you need to mix 50 g of honey, 50 g of olive oil and 1 yolk. Everything is thoroughly mixed and then applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 20-25 minutes, the mask can be washed off.

The benefits of face masks and the prevention of rashes

All of the listed face masks, as well as many others, are very useful and effective in the fight against acne. But to achieve the desired result, you need to use them regularly, at least 1-2 times a week. It may take a long time before the results become noticeable. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem with the help of masks alone. To get rid of acne, you need a comprehensive treatment that includes proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, fresh air and proper cleansing.

So let's start with cleansing. As already mentioned, every morning and every evening it is necessary to cleanse the skin, removing impurities from it. For cleansing, it is better to use special cleansers, the choice of which is now huge. These can be various gels and foams. It is better not to use regular soap, as it dries out the skin greatly. After washing with special products, use a cotton pad to wipe your face with special drying lotions, and then apply a moisturizer. Creams should be selected according to your skin type and age.

It is recommended to exfoliate your face 1-2 times a week. This helps remove dead cells and deeply cleanse the pores. It is not necessary to use ready-made peeling products; you can prepare it yourself. One of the recipes for such a remedy involves the use of coffee grounds, which must be mixed with one tablespoon of yogurt. Apply to the face with circular movements of the hand, massage for about 2 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. Skin cleansers should be gentle so as not to damage it.

What else is worth considering?

To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, you must first eat right. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, fatty, salty and spicy foods, sweets - all this will definitely affect your skin. In order for your skin to be healthy, you need to eat as many fruits, vegetables and grains as possible. Drinking plenty of clean drinking water every day will only benefit the health of your skin. It is better to replace fried foods with steamed ones.

Don’t forget about fermented milk products, because one of the causes of rashes may be intestinal problems. It is enough to drink one glass of kefir before bed, which will provide your intestines with healthy bacteria.

So, what should you do to make your skin look attractive? Lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time outdoors, eat right and take proper care of your skin, cleansing it and taking care of it. All problems come from within. Take care of your health, because healthy skin is the key to beauty. And this is so important for any girl. Following these simple rules will help you get rid of acne and solve this problem once and for all.

People of all ages periodically experience skin rashes. It’s difficult to say how quickly they appear, but getting rid of acne on the face at home is not easy. Often, the problem cannot be solved in 1 day if measures are not taken in time.

How to get rid of acne - determine the reasons for their appearance

  • improperly balanced diet;
  • poor metabolism;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergy;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • incorrect use of cosmetics;
  • low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • adolescence, puberty.

Folk remedies for acne

It is important to understand that this issue must be approached comprehensively. Home methods do not tolerate chaotic use. Only regular use of masks and other compositions will relieve you of acne.

Laundry soap

This is an excellent antiseptic, although it is not recommended to use it too often. But if you want to cope with rashes within a day, it makes sense to use it. Washing with laundry soap will help get rid of acne. If the product dries out the skin, apply moisturizer to your face 10 minutes after rinsing.

Tar soap

The composition copes well with acne of any nature. It can be added to masks in various forms. But it is very easy for the product to dry out the skin, so after each use it is necessary to apply a moisturizer to the skin. You can use tar soap no more than 2 times every 10 days. If you want to use it for washing, keep in mind that the composition has an unpleasant odor. Carry out the procedure at night or on a weekend.


It is difficult to say how quickly the yeast will act, but to get rid of acne on the face, you will need to carry out 2 procedures at home. It's okay if you complete them in 1 day. Dilute dry yeast with water to a thick consistency. Spread over skin and leave to dry. Wash your face with ice water.

Honey, lemon, chamomile

Combine lemon juice with honey and a strong chamomile decoction, taking 25-30 grams of each ingredient. Apply a thin layer of the product to your face, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. Leave until dry, rinse with contrasting water.

Egg white

Combine the chilled egg white with a teaspoon of lemon juice and beat until thick foam is obtained. Distribute several layers over problem areas of the face, allowing each layer to dry. Leave the mask on for a third of an hour, remove with melt water.


The beautiful orange flowers are great for fighting acne. You can buy calendula tincture at the pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, pour 0.1 l into 2 handfuls of flower caps. vodka and 50 ml. settled boiled water. Pour the mixture into a dark glass container and keep it cool for 1 week. Later, strain, then wipe the skin with the resulting product 2-3 times a day.


Fill a 100 ml bag of chamomile. boiling water and leave for half an hour. Use the resulting mixture to wipe acne areas up to 5 times a day.

Aloe vera

To eliminate acne with the help of aloe, you should place a piece of the stem on the damaged area, after removing the skin from it. Or you can squeeze out the juice and apply it on the blackheads. No rinsing required.


The plant helps relieve inflammation, so it’s not difficult to say how quickly you can get rid of acne on your face. At home, newborn babies are regularly bathed in a series. In just 1 day, it can rid the skin of various types of rashes and acne. Pour 2 sachets of string 150 ml. boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Wipe your skin with the resulting infusion three times a day.

Sea salt

Regular baths with sea salt will undoubtedly benefit the appearance of acne. But they must be taken a maximum of 2 times a week. For cooking, use approximately 80-100 g. salt.


Dilute dry teeth cleaning product with warm (but not hot) water to a thick consistency. Apply directly to acne, leave for a long time (if possible, leave for 7-9 hours). Rinse off with cool water.

Cosmetic clay

Masks should be done a couple of times a week. Dilute the dry powder with warm water to a thick consistency. Black, white and blue clay are suitable for fighting acne. After application, keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. After this time, remove with contrast water and apply moisturizer.

Pharmacy remedies for acne


Chlorhexidine is similar in action to hydrogen peroxide. Only the range of its use is much wider. It is necessary to wipe acne with chlorhexidine as often as possible, so 5-7 times a day will be enough. But you should not apply the solution to the entire face; carry out the manipulations pointwise.

Cream-gel “Cinovit”

Apply the product a couple of times a day in a thin, even layer. Use it until the acne clears up. After obtaining the desired result, use the gel for another 10 days.


The product can be purchased in powder form and then diluted with water according to the instructions. Let’s take a closer look at how to quickly get rid of acne on the face in this way. At home, 1 day before an important event, the mixture should be applied to the skin in a thick layer and wait 7-10 minutes. Then wash with cold water and moisturize your face with cream.


The ointment is distributed daily in a thin, even layer over the entire affected surface. When using, it is not recommended to use other anti-acne products.

Salicylic acid

Apply salicylic acid with a cotton swab directly to the damaged area of ​​skin no more than 2 times a day. Before using the composition for the first time, read the instructions and study the safety precautions.

Capsules "Roaccutane"

Needs to be taken a couple of times a day. Capsules are very effective, but not harmless. Therefore, before use, be sure to consult a specialist.

Gel "Effezel"

The gel must be applied in a thin layer once a day. No rinsing required. Suitable for daily use. It's better to use it at night.


Zinerite is made on the basis of zinc. It helps get rid of blackheads quickly. Sold in two packages, they must be connected to each other and the damaged areas must be treated according to the instructions.

Cream "Skinoren"

Apply a thin layer of the drug a couple of times a day to damaged skin. No rinsing required. The product is also effective in the fight against acne marks and scars.

Gel "Baziron AS"

Use the product several times a day, rubbing into areas with acne. It should be used in a course lasting 1-2.5 months.

Cream "Kvotlan"

The product is ideal for daily use. Distribute it over problem areas 3 times during the day. No rinsing required.

Gel "Curiosin"

Before you quickly get rid of acne on your face using a gel, read the instructions. At home, you need to apply the product 2-3 times a day 1 day before an important event. Suitable for daily use. It is considered one of the safest remedies.

Store-bought acne remedies

Cream-gel "Clerasil"

The composition is applied to the face twice a week. After spreading, keep it on for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Cream "Floresan"

Apply the cream to problem skin with massaging movements. No need to rinse off. Suitable for daily use.

CreamSOS "Propeller"

The cream is distributed pointwise to problem areas. Can be applied several times a day. No need to remove with water.

Garnier “Clean Skin 3-in-1” cleanser

The composition can be used as a scrub, gel or mask:

  • mask: spread over damp facial skin, avoiding areas around the lips and eyes, rinse after 5 minutes.
  • gel: Apply on face, massage for a while and remove.
  • scrub: spread over the skin, rub the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin, remove with cold water.

Products that help get rid of acne

If an unpleasant feature occurs, reconsider your diet. The following products should be included in the daily menu:

  • seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • liver (chicken, beef);
  • veal and beef;
  • dried fruits;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • eggs;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood.


Pay attention to your drinking regime. You need to consume at least 2 liters per day. purified (but not boiled!) bottled water. The condition of your skin directly depends on how much liquid you drink. This amount does not include teas, juices and other drinks. We are talking only about clean water.

The above methods will help you decide how to quickly get rid of acne on your face. From the many options presented at home, you will find the most effective one for yourself. Remember that it will be quite difficult to eliminate the rash in 1 day, but it is possible.