What hair color suits you. How to determine your appearance color type correctly

Erofeevskaya Natalya

For men, girls and women of any age are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of famous branded coloring products are voluminous and varied: blondes, chocolates, chestnuts, ash, black and copper tones - their number is close to infinity, and the newly released collections are replete with a variety of “flavors”.

The easiest way that a woman knows to change what has become a habitual and even slightly boring look is a haircut and/or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi length hair, but change its color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

When dyeing hair color, it shapes a person’s individuality, but the procedure for choosing the appropriate option is complex and responsible.

General classification of color types

The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists who work with hairstyles do not bother much and distinguish only two types of women: “cold” and “warm”. In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

Warm appearance includes golden or peach-toned skin, amber eyes, Green colour or tea color. Copper strands gleam in normally chestnut-colored hair. Let's also name Penelope Cruz as a bright media representative of the warm color type. “Warm” girls and women are recommended to use any warm shades that enliven natural color hair and perfectly harmonizing with it - golden, red tones, nutty.

It is strictly not recommended to add cold tones to a warm color type, which include numerous ash and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for fairly dark skin, they will highlight every wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash or classic blonde

Cool beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes combined with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. Natural color hair varies from ash of varying degrees of saturation to the color of a raven's wing. A platinum or black color will look impressive, original and stylish on such women, and for those with dark and black hair, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will be suitable. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make the complexion unhealthily greenish, shading it unfavorably with their sunshine.

Cool color type - choose paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, avoiding golden-red and nut tones

Winter spring Summer Autumn

More scrupulous stylists and masters of hairdressing approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very general color types, but four - two in each of the indicated ones: warm ones include Spring and Autumn, cold ones include Winter and, oddly enough, Summer. The principles remain the same, but colors can be chosen more carefully:

Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive skin that practically does not tan; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel-colored eyes; “native hair” is light brown (necessarily with an ashy tint) or cold chestnut. The optimal tones for hair coloring range from cool blonde with a light brown undertone to nut-chocolate.
Winter – pale, even bluish skin; Necessarily dark hair– from dark chestnut to blue-black; saturated eyes bright color- gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

Spring – good tanning shade Ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheat-colored hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal tones for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber tones.
Autumn - your natural hair certainly shimmers with gold or copper, your skin ranges from easily burned, almost transparent to dark with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with luminous golden sparkles. Optimal tones for hair coloring: from golden-copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

Determining your own color type and focusing on it when choosing hair dye is the most reliable way not to get into trouble when changing your image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent her own color in it.

Skin condition

Few who want to change their natural hair color think about the fact that the result obtained after such a seemingly careful selection turns out to be far from ideal, because the skin of the face played a role. Unhealthy skin acne, allergic rash, skin irritations, liver and dark spots, peeling - requires not only close attention and care, but also the right choice hair dyes, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial “charms” clearer and more visible.

An unsuccessfully chosen hairstyle color will place unnecessary emphasis on problem skin faces

Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blondes, ashy, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all the imperfections of the skin. If your skin is not entirely attractive, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that are more than a couple of tones different from your natural one. Full coloring of the head is optional, but it would be somewhat more organic to perform coloring in suitable tones, and for beautiful light heads -. Then the basic tone of the hairstyle will remain its own, native, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

How to choose a new hair color?

If the determination to change the image has become stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Bring a subtle revitalization to your usual hairstyle with tones that are in harmony with the “native” color, perform colorization, or radically transform from brunette to blonde or vice versa?

If you prefer to dye your hair at home, then, having narrowed the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the cosmetics store, in the department of hair coloring and care products, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a line of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a “color card” with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first number in this number indicates the depth of the color, the second - its shade. In natural lighting conditions, determine whether a strand of the palette matches your own “native” tone, and then (depending on whether you want to go darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that is different from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and the proposed shades, you choose the one that is closer to your soul.

When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use a palette of paints that is developed by branded manufacturers

It will not be possible to transform from a brunette to a blonde in one fell swoop, even with the help of a professional stylist: such an execution is beyond the power of even healthy and strong hair– global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will happily cover the light one at once.

The correct choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes – expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will highlight imperfections and make your skin look unhealthy.

April 27, 2014

You've probably heard the phrase that if a woman changes her hairstyle, her life immediately changes. better side. The same can be said about hair color. If you want to change your color and become brighter, but don’t know which color will suit you best, take our test! Answer 5 simple questions and count total points. As a result, you will discover the most suitable hair color for you!

How often do you go to the salon to get yourself in order?

A. Once every six months, when I feel that my hair needs professional care.

B. Every 2 months to recolor or get a haircut.

B. Every time the roots grow.

How much time do you spend on your hair every morning?

A. 10 minutes, no more. My principle: “Wash and go.”

B. No more than 30 minutes. It's important for me to look good, but I can't devote more time to my hair.

Q. It depends, but quite often it takes me more than an hour to do my hair.

What principle do you most often follow when changing your hairstyle?

A. I value simplicity, easy to install and does not require special care.

B. I don’t want to be the same.

Q. Hairstyle is one of the important components of my image, so it should always be “on point.”

What's your everyday makeup look?

A. None, I often go without makeup.

B. Only the basics: mascara, concealer and lip gloss.

Q. Mascara, concealer, powder, eyeliner, eye shadow and other products that help me experiment.

You're late for a work meeting and you only have 5 minutes to spare. Which hairstyle will you choose?

A. I'll put my hair up or make a ponytail.

B. I’ll braid a casual braid – it’s fashionable and quick.

B. Work can wait, I have to look good.

What hair color suits you: test results

Most answers are A

It is no coincidence that nature has awarded each person a certain hair color! Yours definitely suits you, and you hardly need to change anything.

If you want to add shine to your hair and richness to the color, try dyeing it in the same tone or one close to your natural color. If you're not a supporter dramatic changes, then you can try a new summer trend - degrade - and slightly lighten the ends, as if they were a little burnt in the sun.

Most answers B

It seems like it’s high time you updated your look! Don't be afraid to experiment with hair color. You can be different - brunette, blonde and red-haired. But don't forget that dyed hair requires special care!

To preserve the beauty and health of your hair, choose coloring products that do not contain ammonia - they are less durable and wash off quickly enough. This will allow you to try different colors that suit your mood and settle on one.

By the way, highlighting and coloring are great ways to change without practically changing your hair color.

Most answers B

It's time for drastic changes! If you're a brunette, try going lighter. If you are the owner of blond curls, light brown and red shades, and even light chestnut, as well as its darker variants, will probably suit you.

But don’t forget that hair color dictates its own rules in makeup. Once you decide on your hair color, choose the right palette to match your new look.

Why the same dresses different color do they affect your complexion that much? How to use a colored scarf to turn shining eyes into tear-stained ones and why find out your color type?

A color type is a set of shades of skin, eyes and hair that we received from nature. Leading in modern conditions skin color should be considered. Hair color can be easily changed with dye; colored ones can be inserted into the eyes contact lenses, but it is impossible to permanently change your natural skin tone. Therefore, when determining the color type, it is recommended to focus specifically on the basic skin tone and its changes under the influence of tanning.

Traditionally, there are four color types: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each color type has its own characteristics.


Light, slightly bluish skin, any pimple or redness on it is very noticeable. Typically, Winter has blue or black eyes. Hair can be black or any shade of light brown. Tans poorly, the tan seems slightly grayish and fades quickly.


Light skin of a warm tone, there is a slight peach tint. Hair and eyes of any color except blue-black. It is almost impossible to get a dark tan; the skin remains a light cocoa shade or burns. Tanning Spring is coming, a light tan makes the skin brighter.


Perhaps the most diverse color type in terms of hair and eye color. Feature— tanning is good on the skin, it is possible to tan to fairly dark saturated colors.


Light skin that burns easily. A tanned Autumn is almost impossible to find. The hair or eye color will have warm shades: brown eyes, brown hair.

Seasonal selection

In accordance with your color type, you should choose a clothing color that will make natural colors brighter and emphasize the beauty of your skin.

Winter you need to be careful with warm colors. When combined with a cool skin tone, they can create a feeling of sallowness. But they are cold pure colors highlight the beauty of Winter. Ultramarine, fuchsia, menthol, rich wine - these are the colors of winter. By the way, it is by these that one can reliably distinguish Winter from other color types. Apply scarves of these colors to your face. If attention goes to the scarf, and the face seems dull and uninteresting, this is not Winter. If the pure colors of the scarves emphasize the beauty of the face, you don’t have to check further to see if the color type has been determined.

Spring feels great in clothes of pure pastel shades. In bright, saturated colors it gets lost, in warm, complex, muted colors the skin takes on an unhealthy tint, and fiery red gives the impression that Spring cried for a long time before fitting it on. But light, pure tones emphasize the airy beauty of Spring.

Let's fly on the contrary, muted complex colors are needed. In pure transparent colors, Summer is lost, the contour of the face is blurred, it seems that the model was fast asleep a minute ago, and now she needs to at least wash her face. We change the scarf to a dull green or dusty lilac, and suddenly the outline of the lips appears, the eyes seem brighter, the skin glows with health. One more check: most shades of brown don’t suit summer.

Autumn By suitable colors about the same Summer, but in a more intense version. The pale sandy color of summer turns into deep olive, coffee with milk is replaced by full-fledged brown— and Autumn is the only color type it suits!


How to choose hair color: basic rules

From time to time, any woman thinks about changing appearance. And most often the hair undergoes changes - if not its length, then its color. So that coloring gives positive result and decorated you, it is important to follow not only changing fashion, but also follow some rules that will help you choose your hair color.

Positive aspects of coloring

Psychologists say that a radical change in image can be beneficial. An example of this are many stars for whom a change in hair color became life-changing:

  • If Norma Jean Baker had not dyed her hair from brown hair to blonde, the world would never have known about Marilyn Monroe.
  • The same goes for Madonna: Maria Luisa Ciccone remained little known until she said goodbye to her brown hair and turned blonde.
  • Dita von Teese could not build a career while she was blonde, but choosing raven hair, she became a burlesque star.
  • Polina Gagarina turned from a chubby girl with chestnut hair into a slender platinum blonde, and took second place in Eurovision 2015.

Natural color

Natural hair color is determined by a professional color palette - a special card with strands located on it. To determine the natural tone, the colorist selects a control strand in the back of the client’s head. It is in this area in the root zone that hair retains its natural color, while in other areas they burn out from sun rays. Color is determined on dry and clean hair, since wet and dirty ones appear darker.

To accurately determine the natural color, the colorist lifts the control strand so that light passes through it. It is advisable to do this in daylight, because artificial light can give the hair both warm and cold notes.

Learning to choose the perfect hair color

When choosing a shade that best suits your appearance, you need to pay attention to the natural color of your curls, skin tone, your color type, coloring, the presence or absence of gray hair, and only then select the optimal hair dye.

Color of the skin

There are seven main skin tones. These include:

  • Very pale.
  • Pale.
  • Average.
  • Olive.
  • Dark-skinned.
  • Dark.

All of them are divided into three possible undertones (or undertones) - warm, cold and neutral.

A warm undertone has a yellowish tint, a cool undertone has a bluish or pinkish tint. Neutral is less common and is characterized by having both warm and cool notes. And it doesn’t matter who we are talking about - a resident of Spain, Africa or Sweden, since African-American women can have cold skin, and Scandinavian women can have warm skin.

It is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty that girls of the Scandinavian type of appearance cannot wear makeup dark colors, and dark-skinned and dark-skinned people - into light ones. An example of this is the change in image of Kim Kardashian: a socialite with brown eyes and with natural black hair she turned into a blonde. The same applies to Rihanna, who, despite her chocolate skin, is not afraid to experiment with cool shades.

To determine whether you have a warm or cool undertone, you need to take a closer look at the shade of your veins. inside the wrists of “southerners” are greenish or brownish, and those of “northerners” are blue.

  • Place a sheet of white paper or a snow-white cloth with a smooth texture on your unmade-up, well-lit face. Cold skin will look bluish against this background, and warm skin will look yellowish.
  • Experiment with colored materials. Saturated bright fabrics suit the cold subtype, while pastel colors suit the warm subtype.
  • If gold jewelry makes you more beautiful, you belong to the warm subtype, and if silver jewelry makes you more beautiful, you belong to the cold subtype.

Skin tone can change with age. It also depends on your health status and time of year.

Eye color



Black eyes are rare, and most often belong to residents of Asia, Africa and sometimes the Mediterranean. Black or dark chocolate hair color is ideal for this type of appearance. If you want to add more extravagance to your appearance, you can dye some strands in accent shades - copper, caramel or red.


They are a mixture of light brown, green, yellow and golden colors. As in the case of brown eyes, the ideal solution would be colors of brown and reddish tones. It is not recommended to lighten your hair too much as it can make your eyes look dull. Gray. When dyeing their hair, gray-eyed girls with warm skin should avoid black dyes - there is a high probability that they will visually age you. Instead, use softer shades - from wheat blonde to milk chocolate. If your skin is cold, choose contrasting tones - platinum or ash blonde, black, dark chestnut. Blue, blue, lilac.

Hair color for blue and

blue eyes

depends on skin tone. “Southern” blue-eyed girls look great with wheat, honey, caramel, and reddish hair, while “winter” girls are better off with cool blonde or black hair. Very light eyes cannot be combined with rich shades of hair - the look will lose depth and become faded.

Lilac eyes are extremely rare in nature. For example, actress Elizabeth Taylor had lilac ones, and the Targaryen family from George Martin's saga had purple ones. Cool hair colors - silver, ash, raven - go best with this eye shade.


Greens. Warm shades of red, caramel, wheat, milk chocolate, gold, copper - this is what green-eyed girls should take a closer look at. At the same time, it is better to avoid overly catchy ash or black paints.

Determination of appearance color type The appearance of people can be divided into four categories, which are conventionally called seasons. The skin of “spring” women is light - porcelain, ivory or yellowish. At the same time, she is often decorated with freckles and quickly turns red in the sun. Natural hair color is blond. The eyes are light - from gray and blue to bright blue. When choosing hair dye, avoid black, dark chestnut, cognac and chocolate. Choose delicate light shades - honey,, you should not paint in golden shades, as they will blend into the skin - choose cool, ashy tones.


Cold-toned skin - milky white, pale or slightly olive. When tanned, it turns cool brown, but not golden bronze. Hair is brown, ash or light brown new color. The eyes of “summer” young ladies are gray, steel, blue, light green, and sometimes hazel. The whites of the eyes and the iris rarely contrast.

To choose your hair color, analyze your type in detail: a wheat color suits fair-haired girls, and a black tulip can be recommended for a more “contrasting summer.”


In the autumn type of girls, the skin can be olive, golden or have a bronze tint. Freckles and moles are common. The sun gives your skin a golden tan. The natural color of hair and eyebrows can have warm shades of brown, as well as red, copper, and sometimes warm blond. The eyes are usually brown, hazel, green with golden yellow flecks. At the same time, their proteins contrast with the bright iris.

The ideal paint option is red, copper, milk chocolate, cognac, reddish, chestnut. Avoid black and cool white shades.


The skin is usually porcelain white. Sometimes olive skin is also found, but at the same time it has a cool pink or blue undertone. Hair is naturally dark brown or black. Owners of ash-blond curls are extremely rare. The eyes are steely, gray, dark brown, cool blue, have bright whites and a contrasting iris.

The winter color type looks perfect with cool shades of hair - it can be ebony, forest beech, black tulip, white platinum. But it is better to avoid dyeing your hair in red, honey, and wheat shades.

Determining the type of color

One color will help you look younger and brighter, while another will change you beyond recognition, emphasizing all the imperfections. To learn how to choose correctly, you need to determine which color of appearance you belong to.

  • Light. Your appearance is dominated by soft pastel colors: most likely, you are a “spring” or “summer” woman. When choosing clothes, cosmetics and accessories, stick to light tones of medium brightness.
  • Muted. Average saturation of skin, eyes and hair is found among all four color types, but among the winter color types it is the most rare. Using muted, soft colors of clothing will be an ideal option.
  • Bright. If you have dark skin, rich hair color and contrasting eyes (which are most common in autumn and winter), you are a bright person. Bright and expressive colors of clothing always suit you.
  • Contrasting. Contrasting combinations can be represented by light skin and dark hair or dark eyes and light hair. The ideal solution There will be contrasting combinations in clothes - black and white or black and bright. But it’s better to get rid of pastel combinations.

Express test:

If you couldn’t decide what type of color you belong to, then take a short test. Take several pieces of fabric or clothing - pastel, muted, bright and contrasting colors (if you have pale skin, take black or dark brown; if you have dark skin, then white). Pull your hair into a ponytail and wash off all makeup from your face. When everything is ready, you can start the test.

Apply each piece of colored fabric to your face individually and see if it suits you. If several are suitable, then attach them again and choose the most suitable one. This way you can determine your color type.

We select hair color according to color:

  • Light - all shades of blonde are suitable, except: platinum, pearl and light brown.
  • Muted - from light brown to brown.
  • Bright colors - chestnut and chocolate shades.
  • Contrast - intense colors, dark hair ( clear contrast between skin, eyes and hair).

Presence of gray hair

The right color will help hide the presence gray hair. When choosing, listen to the advice of the colorist, and also consider what color type you are.

  • Women of Scandinavian appearance with green, blue or gray eyes look perfect with light or reddish curls. But do not forget that overly pale skin can blend in with golden hair.
  • Women with a southern appearance (dark complexion and brown or black eyes) are advised to choose a hair color that is darker than their skin. Dark chestnut, chocolate, and sometimes black are the tones that look perfect next to olive, dark skin.
  • Remember that dark tones visually give the hair more thickness and volume.
  • Red hair is good because it suits almost any color type, if you choose the right shade.
  • If you have freckles that you would like to highlight, use a dark chestnut or gold color. And if you want to hide them, then red or reddish dyes are suitable for you - they will draw attention to the hair, distracting it from the freckles.
  • Couperosis or pimples will be less noticeable if you avoid red shades. Instead, it is better to take a closer look at golden, light brown and chestnut.
  • Remember that jet black or platinum hair is only suitable for women who have... perfect skin faces without wrinkles, redness and rashes.
  • If you like bright makeup, it is better to choose dark shades. Blondes with heavy makeup run the risk of looking more vulgar than brunettes.

Paint selection

If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, start with tinted or non-permanent products, and if you are satisfied with the result, you can color it with permanent dye.

When choosing a paint, take into account your belonging to a particular color type and color. Do not ignore your natural color of skin, eyes and hair - and then choosing the optimal paint will be much easier!

Each person has his own specific color scheme - these are the colors given to him by nature. But, unfortunately, many girls do not know how to choose their color scheme, hope for fashion or even copy the style of their friends and acquaintances, but the wrong colors can emphasize your shortcomings. So, how to find out what color suits you?

Depending on the appearance, colors are divided into 4 groups:

  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

From them you will be able to determine those colors that will highlight your advantages, enliven your face and give it youth.

First you need to determine your natural palette: the color of your hair, skin, eyes, lips, face. To do this, remove your hair from your face, or better yet, tie it in a ponytail or bun, wash off all makeup and carefully examine your face in the mirror in good lighting.Determine what shade your skin is: light brown, brown, yellowish, pale blue, pinkish,what shade is your hair: bluish, yellow, brown, red, etc.This way you can determine which colors are predominantly found in your appearance: warm or cold.

Next, apply scarves of various colors and shades to your face. This way you will know which color is for you goes more, and which ones should not be overdone. It is important not to get hung up on your favorite colors. People often confuse their favorite colors with those that really suit them.After conducting these studies, you will be able to accurately determine the colors that suit you. If you prefer cool shades, this means that you are a Winter or Summer type, and if you are warm, then you are a Spring or Autumn. For a more accurate answer, remember: muted tones are characteristic of Summer and Autumn, bright tones are characteristic of Spring and Winter, light tones are mainly characteristic of Spring and Summer, dark tones are characteristic of Winter and Autumn. Based on these parameters, you can easily choose clothes that suit your type.

Know that white and red colors are more suitable for the spring type, white, black and dark blue for the winter type, green, brick, olive for the autumn type, and burgundy and pastel shades for the summer type. For greater effect, you can try combining monochromatic shades, they visually make you look slimmer.Naturally, each color has many shades, and over time you will learn how to select and combine them correctly.