How to control yourself in a dream. How to make your sleep manageable

Sleep, a well-known state for everyone, is necessary for the physical body and mind to rest and recover. We can give the following definition of sleep.

Sleep is a naturally occurring, repetitive state of mind and body that is characterized by an altered state of consciousness, decreased sensory activity, suppression of almost all voluntary muscle activity, and decreased interaction with the environment.

Every person dreams, regardless of whether he remembers them or not. A person begins to dream in infancy and continues to dream until death. The average person spends a third of their life sleeping, which is between 25 and 30 years.

Every night we find ourselves in the unknown world of dreams. Moreover, in a dream we can be ourselves or someone completely different. We can see in a dream both familiar places and people, and places and people that we have never seen while awake.

And there is hardly a person who, at least once in his life, has not had fantastic or fabulous dreams that he could not invent in a waking state of consciousness.

Despite the fact that for the last 150 years psychologists, doctors and neuroscientists have been actively trying to unravel the phenomenon of sleep, this condition, familiar to every person, is still fraught with many mysteries.

At the same time, the secrets and possibilities that sleep brings with it have been known since ancient times. The Bible and other sacred books describe many stories in which miraculous or prophetic dreams had big influence on the development of history.

Expression, prophetic dream, is present in every culture. In ancient times, people capable of interpreting dreams were in every royal or imperial court and were revered on a par with sages.

In the Western tradition, work with dreams is more related to psychology and is based on the interpretation of the plot and meaning of dreams. In this relatively modern tradition the nature of sleep itself is rarely explored. At the same time, it is the nature and character of dreams that have a decisive influence on the plot, symbols and meaning of the dream.

At the same time, in Eastern culture and in the traditions of many indigenous tribes of America, shamanic traditions, dreams were used as a very powerful tool for gaining knowledge, personal and spiritual development.

Eastern traditions and traditions of the indigenous Indians gave modern culture knowledge of lucid or controlled dreams. Some of the most famous techniques for consciously working with dreams are Tibetan dream yoga and lucid dreaming. And in the tradition of the Yaqui Indians. The latter gained its popularity thanks to the books of the famous anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

In the Western world one of the pioneers of the practice lucid dreams and out-of-body travel are Stephen LaBerge and Robert Monroe. We want to talk about the above methods in more detail in our article.

But before moving on to their description, I would like to dwell in more detail on why you need to pay such attention to sleep. Some people may have a completely natural question: if sleep is, first of all, rest for the mind and body, then what is the point in continuing to do something in a dream?

Isn't it better to just make sure that your sleep is healthy and sound? Certainly, healthy sleep in itself is a great benefit for the human body. But giving away 25 years of your life to just sleeping unconsciously is like keeping all your savings in a jar buried in the yard.

In this way, of course, you will preserve your wealth, but you will not be able to increase it. In a sense, this is a talent buried in the ground.

But the truth is that lucid dreaming can not only be used to gain more effective use knowledge and skills, but also contribute the best holiday and even healing the body.

Dreams come to us during rest, when we are immersed in a certain state, which gives us the opportunity to explore our inner world. All people sleep, but not everyone can remember their dream, much less control the events taking place in it. Everything that we see during the period of night rest is considered beyond our control.

Most of us consider those fanciful fantasies incredible events and scary characters are nothing more than a simple reaction to the events that happened during the day. In our dreams, we are accustomed to acting as an ordinary spectator who accepts everything he sees at face value. Only in the morning comes the surprise of waking up in your own bed. However, such a concept is the result of insufficient awareness and low level free energy. If we wish, we can always learn to have controlled dreams. How to achieve this and why?

Do we need lucid dreams?

This is the first question that arises in a person who encounters this topic for the first time. Do we need controlled dreams, and are they harmful to our mental and physical health? There is nothing to worry about here. Consciously managing your sleep is completely normal for anyone. This phenomenon is often observed in young children who create new worlds for themselves, which they then explore with great interest. But do adults need controlled dreams? Yes, and there are a number of reasons for this. Among them:

  1. The emergence of new sensations. These amazingly beautiful landscapes and flights during a night's rest are worth mastering the technique of sleep management.
  2. Self-knowledge. During sleep, a person finds himself in conditions of permissiveness. This gives him a reason to behave completely differently from how he does it in life. And there is a reason to think about newly discovered character traits.
  3. The departure of the fear of death. According to Buddhists, sleep is a transition to another world. That is, a little death. Most of those who fall into controlled dreams (the methodology and practice of this phenomenon have already been mastered) are not afraid of death. They managed to make sure that consciousness is preserved even in cases where the body switches off.

You should not be afraid that you can “get lost” in a controlled dream. This chance is zero. Physical body a person cannot be harmed by the fact that his owner sees controlled dreams. There is only a chance of accidentally falling out of bed. But sometimes those who sleep in a “normal mode” also suffer from this.

However, practitioners often face one significant problem - excessive enthusiasm. Those who are not going well in their real lives especially suffer from it. Such people tend to immerse themselves in the world of dreams. A certain dependence arises, which can be compared to a computer one. However, the emergence similar problem Most likely, a weak psyche and one’s own dissatisfaction contributes.

What is a lucid dream?

The possibilities that control gives us during a night's rest are simply endless. Guided dreams allow you to interact with your own subconscious, improving existing skills, working to eliminate bad habits and getting rid of fears. Ultimately, this helps restore mental health.

How to achieve controlled sleep at night? The technique of this method can be mastered within two to three weeks. At least half an hour should be allocated for this daily.

Phases of lucid sleep

Everything we saw during the night's rest can be divided into 3 stages. In order to master the technique of lucid dreaming, you need to start with the very first of them, then move on to the second and add the third phase at the end. Let's look at all three stages in more detail:

  1. Entering into sleep. This phase is based on auto-training and self-hypnosis.
  2. Being at the stage controlled sleep and working with the subconscious according to a pre-planned plan.
  3. Coming out of sleep, combined with motivating psychosuggestion.

There are a number of features of entering controlled sleep, and they are taken into account in mandatory. First of all, a person must be in a rested state. This will allow him to control everything that happens.

Moreover, very important point is the position that the practitioner assumes during sleep. It is advisable to take a sitting position. Ideally, this is the so-called coachman pose. If you lie comfortably on soft sofa cushions, then most likely, instead of controlled sleep, regular sleep will come to you. It will also be difficult to control nighttime events if you were under stress or had excessive physical activity before the rest.

What else do you need to know to answer the question “How to manage your sleep?” The instructions given by psychologists advise choosing a time for this when there are no external stimuli. However, this is only necessary for initial stage. Further, when it becomes a regular practice, no one will be able to disturb you.

In addition, psychologists who studied all the ins and outs of dreams were able to develop the most effective techniques, allowing you to begin to control night scenes. You can find these recommendations below.

want to see

Many people believe that they do not have dreams every night. However, it is not. Dreams come to us every day. Thus, children dream during 80% of their nightly rest. In adolescents, 65% of the time is allocated to this, in adults - 50%, and in the elderly - 35% of the time.

Those who want to control their dreams need to realize the fact that we see night scenes regularly, we just need to remember them. This is the only and most effective method, which psychologists recommend for beginners.

Ask a Question

Also, in order to begin to manage your sleep, you need to remember the problem for which no solution has been found in the literature. real world. 10 or 15 minutes before your night's rest, experts recommend starting to ask questions to yourself. Thoughts should be concentrated on the unsolved problem until the very moment of falling asleep. This may seem surprising, but most successful people found answers to her questions in dreams. For example, in real life, Mendeleev could not create a table for a long time chemical elements. The answer to the question that tormented him came in a dream. The table of the famous scientist is still used by schoolchildren and students.

Psychologists say that dreams can do a lot. They show the future, they allow you to decide complex problems, present answers to difficult questions, etc. This is why dreams must be respected. Only in this case will they benefit you. For example, psychologists advise those who consider themselves unhappy today to ask their subconscious about the reasons for this. Surely at night you can get the right answer.

Preliminary preparation

Those who do not yet know how to control sleep and have not applied this technique in practice should start with the following:

  1. Supporting the desire to enter controlled sleep. In this, as in many other cases, the success of the plan depends on the strength of intentions. That is, what a person will think more about, how he wants to see lucid dream, the more likely it will be that he will hit it. However, there is a nuance here too. Excessive desire is sometimes more detrimental to the success of an event than complete disinterest in it. Here you need to maintain a golden mean, that is, constantly experience interest in this topic and maintain it, but not so much that each of the ordinary dreams leads to despair and disappointment in your capabilities.
  2. Reading specialized literature. How to make sleep manageable? Methods for entering such a state can be found in books devoted to this topic. Specialized literature will allow you to maintain your interest in this practice at a certain level. Thus, the book of R. Webster, the works of M. Raduga and C. Castaneda and T. Bradley will teach you how to manage sleep. At the same time, not only serious literature will be useful. Various forums and blogs that provide information will help you achieve your goal. practical advice and describes own experience users.
  3. Keeping a dream diary. Not only a paper notepad is suitable for this, but also Word file. Dream description is an indispensable attribute of a “successful dreamer.” A record of your night's adventures should be kept daily, describing all the details in detail. At the same time, it is important to write down those emotions, thoughts and sensations that arose during the “meeting” with the characters in the dream. Or maybe before a night's rest or after waking up, unusual physical phenomena occurred, for example, trembling in the body, pressing pain V chest, dizziness, etc.? Then this should also be recorded in the diary.
  4. Regular practice. Is it possible to control dreams the first time? Not everyone achieves this. Usually people begin to control their nocturnal adventures only after a week of active practice, after a year or several years. It also happens that the first controlled sleep comes when a person has already considered this topic hopeless and has completely abandoned it. That is why beginners need to constantly train and try not to lose heart.
  5. Avoiding stimulants and following a diet. Is it possible to control dreams without adjusting your diet? No. It is believed that a practitioner’s diet should be free of meat and meat products. Drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking tobacco are also not recommended.

Mindfulness training during night rest should be similar to sports activities. The result in both cases cannot be seen immediately, but it is still there. Even if there are no signs of controlled sleep, certain shifts in consciousness are sure to occur. Over time, the necessary changes will be accumulated in such a volume that the dream will cease to resemble a film and will allow the sleeper to correct the events taking place.

Basic techniques for logging into the OS

How to manage sleep? The instructions given by psychologists recommend relaxing the body as much as possible without letting the mind fall asleep. Relaxation techniques that include relaxing muscles and observing your breathing will help you achieve a similar effect.

First of all, the practitioner must retire to separate room, close the curtains, turn off the phone and lie down in a comfortable position. This will serve as preparation for managing sleep. The technique allows you to light candles and play soft music. However, the above can only be done if there is confidence that it will not distract from the main goal.

What needs to be done next and how can you manage your sleep? For a few minutes after taking a comfortable position, you just need to lie down and breathe evenly. It is important to monitor the sensations that arise. Only after this should you begin to relax your muscles. For this there is a large number of technician, but the most widely used methods are:

  1. Mentally tell yourself that this or that muscle is relaxed. At the same time, it is important to feel that this is actually happening. You need to start with the muscles of each toe, then gradually move up and describe each small area of ​​the body.
  2. Visualize, imagining that in each of the muscles there is a small amount of some substance (water, metal, etc.). Once you get a feeling of heaviness, you should immediately get rid of it. To do this, it is recommended to simply imagine how water or liquid metal is gradually flowing out of you.
  3. Imagine that your body fell from a great height and instantly relaxed. It is important to prolong such sensations as long as possible.

However, how can you manage sleep if falling asleep occurs as a result of relaxation? Yes, this happens quite often, and such a reaction of the body is considered normal. Then you can try the following ways to relax:

  1. Rocking. This method involves mentally imagining yourself in a boat on the waves or riding on a swing.
  2. Visualization of an object in the hand. It's easiest to imagine mobile phone. After the feeling of an object clamped in your palm appears, you need to mentally raise your hand.
  3. The idea of ​​being in a pleasant place. In this case, consciousness has a chance to latch on to the picture and move into it.
  4. Trying to separate from your body. The feeling of pressure on the head helps you “fly” out.
  5. Movements performed by a non-physical body. Simply moving your arm or leg will allow you to achieve the desired effect. The physical body must remain at rest.

The techniques described above may cause confusion. However, in the near-sleep state, performing the above actions is not particularly difficult.

“Entering” a lucid dream helps another very effective method. It involves setting an alarm for early in the morning. This can be 4 hours or 5. Having woken up, you need to get up, go to the toilet, preferably drink water and immediately return to bed. All of the above manipulations should not take more than 5 minutes. After this, you should use one of the methods of getting into controlled sleep.

Behavior rules

In order to adapt to controlled sleep as easily as possible, it is important:

  1. Do not be afraid. The emerging fear is the main obstacle to success. Any event that occurs in a dream will not affect real life in any way. There is no need to be afraid of the state of complete immobility during waking consciousness. This phenomenon will indicate that the “entrance” to controlled sleep is already open.
  2. Use the power of your thoughts. In a controlled dream, you just need to think about something and it will appear immediately. This will allow you to move in space, create your own worlds and modify characters that are unpleasant to humans.
  3. Move. Beginners can easily “fall out” of controlled sleep. This can only be prevented by constant movement. Attention must be fixed on any object.

Control over other people's dreams

You can also control a person in a dream, that is, his night visions. However, this practice is only available to those who are able to control their own plots.

How to control other people's dreams? To do this, first of all, you need to focus your thoughts on the right person. Next, you should relax and put aside all extraneous thoughts. Lighted candles in white, blue or of blue color, as well as incense. Next, you need to imagine a cloud that surrounds the person you need and walk through its white clouds. This method allows you to appear in a stranger’s dream. Only after this can you bring any picture, sound, action or image into someone else’s story. But it is worth remembering that a person will see the ordered plot if all manipulations are carried out after midnight.

Works by Elena Mir

This author is well known to those interested in the topic of lucid dreams. Elena Mir is a psychic, psychologist, parapsychologist, spiritual healer, artist and past life traveler. In addition, she is the author of a number of books on controlled dreaming, having been practicing it for over twenty years. The most popular is her work “Guided Dreams.” Elena Mir points out in it that during a night's rest, which lasts a third of a person's life, we learn new information about ourselves. In this book, the author introduces his reader to all possible methods conscious transition to new worlds that come to us in dreams. Based personal experience E. The world says that each of us can be aware of our “I” not only during the daytime. This is easy to do at night, during dreams.

This practice, according to the author, will expand life experience and fill existence with new events. E. The World indicates that every person can live a second life in their dreams, and reveals to its readers Parallel Worlds, which can be seen by stepping over the boundaries of space and time.

Sleep is one of the most interesting and unexplored phenomena. Some people see bright color images, while others see black and white images. It used to be that dreaming was simply a way for the brain to rest. However, later researchers from the University of Chicago found that sleep turns into an active process for a few minutes during the night.

Have you ever heard that you can control this process? Do you think this idea is just fantastic? In vain! It turns out that you can learn to control your dreams. How can you manage your sleep? Today we will talk about this.

Controlling dreams is useful

While in this state, we receive a lot of information from our subconscious. The brain sorts this information and remembers what is useful.

Lucid dreams allow us to go anywhere, to experience moments that we cannot experience in real life. real life. And these are limitless possibilities, because we can practice the skill of communicating with a foreigner or consolidate the acquired knowledge about driving a car. Now imagine how useful it is to manage your sleep.

Can this be learned?

How can you learn to manage your sleep? Here are instructions that will help:

  • How should you fall asleep to manage your sleep? First you need to feel yourself in a dream. That is, you need to kind of wake up there, understand that you are not awake;
  • then you need to learn to concentrate on objects or creatures. As soon as the picture begins to blur, you need to move your gaze to another object, and then return to the original object. Gradually you will learn to focus your gaze;
  • the next step is to remember everything. Often a person remembers that he dreamed about something, but cannot specifically tell. So this is what you need to learn;
  • the moment of awakening is very important. You need to lie down for some more time, feel where you are - whether it’s reality or a dream;
  • notebook. Get yourself a notebook or notepad where you will write down everything you remember: events, feelings and emotions;
  • During the day, remember your feelings and compare them with reality.

In order to control your dreams, you will have to practice a lot. When you learn how to do the above exercises correctly, move on to the next, more complex ones.

How to control dreams at home

To learn how to really use those limitless possibilities that we talked about, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Before you fall asleep, set yourself up for a certain story: visit a familiar place, for example;
  • Think in great detail about what you want to see, who to meet, what should be around. The more accurately you think through everything, the easier it will be for you;
  • give an instruction - why do you want to see these particular images;
  • when you feel like you are falling asleep, feel yourself there, and then repeat the installation to yourself;
  • After waking up, you need to remember everything.

Sleep is very mysterious phenomenon. For anyone to be able to control it, one has to work hard. Of course, it won't work the first time. Don't be discouraged, you have to try again and again.

When the exercises become easy, you can try another technique. It is much more complicated than the previous one.

Its essence is to change what is happening there with the help of willpower. That is, you need to wake up, imagine what exactly you want to change and fall asleep again. You have to go back to the same situation and change it.

Fighting fears

Having learned these techniques, you can try to fight your fears. You can't run away from your fear. We need to meet him face to face. Explore it and get to know it. Try to talk. It's even better if you make friends.

This is how you can get rid of your phobias:

  • think in advance what you want to see, give yourself a set;
  • if it’s already getting scary, feel that it’s not real and you will feel better;
  • find your fear, all the time remembering that it is a fantasy;
  • sit next to you, get used to it, understand that you are sleeping and can leave at any moment;
  • talk and see how things develop further.

Perhaps you will feel funny, or maybe you will become best friends with your fear. The main thing is that you will stop being afraid of something and become freer.

Try to learn to listen to dreams

When you wake up, you absolutely do not understand what and why these pictures were given to you. However, this is all superficial analysis. We need to be deeper.

First of all, think in images. Don’t try to squeeze everything you saw at night into a rational framework during the day. When you think about night looks, focus on internal sensations: where during memories you feel warmth, and where cold and discomfort.

Imagine how many amazing moments you can experience if you learn to control your dreams! This article is about what amazing worlds reveal themselves in our dreams.

Lucid Dreaming: How to Manage Your Dreams

Unfortunately, many modern people don't pay attention special attention to your dreams, which is a big omission. Dreams can be used to predict the future; they can explain a lot to us, tell us a lot, and deliver a lot of impressions. In addition, a person who knows how to work with dreams expands his perception to unimaginable limits and receives a significant hint about how the world works. First of all, we should introduce the concept of lucid dreaming. Conscious dream is a dream in which a person realizes that he is sleeping. At first glance, this may seem like a rather exotic and pointless skill. It is likely that you have already had experience of a similar state to some extent, but did not pay special attention to it. It is lucid dreaming that gives us the control mentioned above. This kind of dream can even be compared to a controlled hallucination. Of course, it has not been proven that in such dreams one can see the future and that something, however, there have been amazing cases when a person in a dream asked one of the passers-by for the number winning lottery, and it later turned out that it was the right combination. Or I saw in a dream a person whom I had never met before, I didn’t even see his photo, I just corresponded on the Internet, and upon meeting it turned out that the person looked exactly like in the dream.

How to learn to control dreams?

There is a certain technique consisting of several points. Firstly, you need to start a so-called dream diary. It is most important! It is necessary in order to learn to remember dreams with all the details, otherwise what will be the use of mastering lucid dreams if you can’t even remember them in the morning?! In this diary, every morning, and sometimes in the middle of the night, you will write down everything that you remember about each of your dreams. To do this, you should put a special notepad and pen on your bedside table. It is important to make notes in it immediately after waking up, since after half an hour you can forget a lot of details of your dream, and sometimes even the entire dream. In addition, when your diary has already accumulated sufficient quantity records, you can examine them and draw some conclusions. You should also put dates in front of each entry and preferably mark lunar days. This way you can track any pattern in your dreams. Secondly, every time before you go to bed, prepare yourself for the fact that at night you will travel through a lucid dream. Think about where you want to be in the upcoming dream, who and what to see there, with whom and what to talk about. If you have a question that you can’t find an answer to, or a problem that you can’t solve, then convince yourself that in a dream, for example, you will meet a wise man and ask him for advice. Third, it is worth noting that than longer person sleeps, the easier it is for him to be lucid in his sleep. Therefore, if you want to have such dreams, you must sleep as much and as long as possible; eight hours is clearly not enough. Remember also that lucid dreams occur more often in the morning than at any other time. This is explained by the fact that in the morning, sleep is no longer as deep as in the middle of the night or in the evening. Fourth, another important point is the understanding that a lucid and even prophetic dream is not something supernatural or unique, but just a kind of communication with the subconscious. How does this happen? The fact is that a person needs sleep so that the body and brain can relax, and most of all, rest is necessary for the mind. So, during sleep, our consciousness almost completely turns off, and the subconscious comes to the fore - an inexhaustible source of answers and clues. And if a person could manage, control and work with his subconscious at the same level as with his consciousness, then we would all be psychics, clairvoyants, telepaths and so on. Briefly speaking, open mind with an equally open subconscious - this, most likely, is the formula for supermind. You should also pay attention to the fact that in a lucid dream all thoughts will materialize instantly. That is, what you see around you will not be able to lag behind what you are thinking about for a single moment. For example, just a thought flashed about the sea, the beach and the sound of the surf - and you are already there! Lucid dreams are good because you can freely experiment and fantasize in them, so go for it and, who knows, maybe you will be able to predict the next end of the world.

Sleep takes important place in our lives and is a natural need human body. For some, it's just a way to regain the energy they've lost during the day, but for others, it's more than that. Dreams are an opportunity to travel to other worlds, to be who you only dream of becoming in life. Sometimes you really want to influence the course of your night vision, but few people know that this is possible. Learning to control sleep and influence events in dreams is not at all difficult if you put in some effort.

What is a lucid dream?

The concept of “lucid dreaming” is quite long story. Also in Ancient Greece philosophers devoted their research to this phenomenon. The meaning of such dreams is that the brain is active all the time. A person understands that he is just seeing a dream, but it can influence the situation, the plot, and the people participating in the action. The dreamer understands that this is just a fantasy, but he is able to become an active participant in events, and not just a passive observer. A lucid dream is sometimes compared to the astral plane, but still these concepts are not identical.

This technique is often recommended by psychologists, since during such sessions a person can “dig” into himself. During night fantasies, the patient is honest with himself, he sees his true desires, problems, sometimes answers to his questions even come to him. exciting questions. There are known cases when, during a lucid dream, musicians, artists, etc. see their works. As an example, we can recall D.I. Mendeleev with his table of chemical elements. Such famous scientists as S. Freud, F.V. Eden, T. Brown, K. Hearn, C. Castaneda and others addressed the study of this issue.

You should learn to control your dreams only if you are absolutely sure that you need it. If you don't know what exactly you want to see, you shouldn't start.

How to learn to manage your sleep

In order to learn to truly control your dreams, make some efforts. The rate at which such abilities develop depends on individual characteristics personality. For some people it will take several weeks to achieve success, while for others it will take several months. The main thing in this matter is not to despair and confidently move towards your goal. You can achieve positive results only by repeating the techniques regularly.

  1. The initial task will be to remember ordinary dreams. When you wake up in the morning, don’t rush to get up quickly, it’s better to lie down and remember what you saw at night. It is advisable to look for some kind of connection in your visions; perhaps you already control them, you just don’t understand or don’t remember it. Particularly vivid dreams can be analyzed; some enthusiastic individuals even keep a dream diary. You can make notes in your notebook even in the middle of the night. Try to note every little thing, there will be no point in dreams if you don’t remember them.
  2. When you wake up, you can’t open your eyes right away. It's better to lie down for a few minutes and fantasize. Imagine how the story you just dreamed could end. Remember all the little things, faces, details, surroundings. Live the first minutes of waking up in a dream.
  3. Be sure to determine which dreams you have more often: bad or good, long or short, etc. This will help in the future.
  4. Before going to bed, “program” your brain. To do this, persistently think about what you want to see, if it is a person, then think about him, remember his facial features, voice, habits. When falling asleep, it is very important to visualize the desired images.
  5. Repeat the same steps every day before going to bed. For example, we washed ourselves, drank a glass of milk, and lay down. (Everyone has their own actions, this is just an example). The body will get used to it over time, and you will fall asleep and change your sleep much faster.
  6. In order to fully control the plot, you need to understand that your mind is already doing something. If scenes, pictures, characters, etc. quickly replace each other, this means that you are already in control of your vision, but you don’t realize it. Try to “take the reins of power into your own hands” and change something.
  7. While dreaming, try to awaken your consciousness. Try to change the course of events, pay attention to the situation. In fact, it’s not at all difficult, you just need to understand that you are not in reality, but in a dream, and then everything will work out.
  8. Psychologists advise paying attention to your hands throughout the day. In a dream, they change their appearance, the lines become blurred, the contours become unclear. If during your dreams you pay attention to your hands, you will realize that this is a fantastic dream world and you will be able to control the events in it.
  9. To achieve greater relaxation, you can use incense or. Some smells promote the development of imagination and open up the unique capabilities of the human mind. These scents include: , neroli, jojoba, cardamom, rose, etc. They can be used in the form of essential oils or special diffusers with sticks.
  10. For achievement positive result give up, especially alcohol and drugs. A person in any intoxication sleeps very soundly, and he does not remember his dream, and accordingly he will not be able to control it.
  11. Sleep should last as long as possible. The most vivid visions come in the morning, but in the evening you should go to bed early, especially if you get up early.
  12. Constantly think about lucid dreams, and then you will definitely succeed.

Psychologists have developed a whole system of exercises that will help develop the ability to lucid dream in beginners. By following all instructions conscientiously, you will be able to master this technique in as soon as possible.

Exercises for training

  • Desired dream You can sketch it and hang it in a prominent place in the apartment. Thus, the picture will “get stuck” in your mind, and you will see the given plot or place. This is not yet a completely lucid dream, but it is already the first step towards it.
  • This practice was invented Tibetan monks who are fluent in the technique of guided dreams. Initially, take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then remember all the bright events of the past day. It is very important not to analyze behavior and events, but simply think about them. Next, imagine putting the day in a vessel and throwing it into the abyss of the ocean. This technique is similar to meditation before bed. After these steps, you will quickly fall asleep and be able to control your visions.
  • Having learned to be aware of your dream, try to change the environment. It is advisable to start with small details: rehang a picture, rearrange a chair, etc. But over time you can move on to more complex tasks.
  • Regular meditation will help to train you to control your dreams. During meditation, our mind is in a “suspended” state, which is very close to sleep, namely lucid sleep.
  • Before each dream, you need to set yourself that you are going on a journey and many incredible adventures await you.

It is very important to understand that a lucid dream is not some kind of magical ability or incredible skill, it is simply an opportunity to look “inside yourself” and communicate with your inner self. During sleep, the consciousness rests, and the subconscious begins its activity, so this is a great way to get to know yourself, determine the desires and capabilities of your body. Some trainees consider controlled daydreaming as a way to escape reality for a while, to reset the negativity accumulated during the day.

Possible danger

No matter how beautiful the world of dreams is, frequent practice of lucid dreaming (especially for inexperienced beginners) can be dangerous. What unpleasant moments can there be?

  1. A person cannot immediately distinguish reality from a dream, and during an unpleasant vision one can get serious psychological trauma. Very often they are embodied in dreams hidden fears, so consciousness may react inappropriately.
  2. Beginners sometimes have such a problem as false awakening. This is a state when a person wakes up and thinks that he is already in the real world, but in fact he is still sleeping. Such moments are very frightening. Often this phenomenon haunts a person during a nightmare, when the awakened person has already caught his breath and thinks that everything is over, but the dream continues, and the person does not wake up.
  3. If the dreams are too beautiful, the practitioner may perceive reality inadequately and escape from life’s problems into the world of night dreams. This is not good, you cannot replace real life with dreams.
  4. If you get too carried away with controlling dreams, you can confuse what is reality and what is just another fantasy. This problem is due to the fact that conscious visions are very well remembered and in perception they are quite similar to events in ordinary human life.
  5. To individuals with mental illness This practice is strictly prohibited.

Lucid dreaming is not only interesting activity, but also useful. You can use the ability to manage sleep not only for entertainment, but also to solve life problems, raise self-esteem and even improve your health. physical health. Yes, it’s no secret that problems with nerves are the cause of many diseases, and this technique helps to cope with ailments nervous system. In this way, you can improve your entire life as a whole, because the main thing is a positive attitude, and managing your dreams will provide it to you.