Herpes on the lips: treatment quickly at home. What to do to make herpes go away faster

You will need

  • - “Acyclovir”;
  • - herpetic polyvalent vaccine;
  • - “Dekaris”, “Gamma globulin”;
  • - “Viferon”, “Likopid”;
  • - intravenous laser irradiation;
  • - Echinacea purpurea.


In addition, immunomodulators that support the body’s defenses are necessarily prescribed - “Dekaris”, “Gamma globulin”, etc.

Modern drugs such as Viferon and Likopida not only have an immunomodulatory effect, but also have an effect. Drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician after conducting the necessary tests and diagnosing the type of herpetic infection.

As soon as the cat begins to behave restlessly, suffer from a lack of appetite and go to the toilet, while experiencing pain, it is necessary to immediately visit the veterinarian. If this is not done, the disease will begin to progress, blood will appear in the urine, vomiting will begin, and the cat may die from dehydration.

Independent choice of treatment for a disease can lead to negative consequences, since only a doctor can prescribe medications based on what type of stones are present in the animal’s body - struvite or oxalate. And this can only be done after a urine test.

Treatment of this disease is individual and is aimed at relieving pain, renal colic and relieving the inflammatory process. Antispasmodics and antibiotics (Gentamicin, Disparkam and others) are usually prescribed. If there is no urination, catheterization is performed. Homeopathic remedies are also used, for example, Apis, Magnesia, Cantharis and others. It is useful to give your cat decoctions of herbs such as plantain, lingonberry (leaves), and bearberry.

When treating urolithiasis, much attention is paid to diet, which consists of consuming food of plant origin (porridge) and dairy products. Veterinarians often recommend excluding dry food, meat and fish from the animal’s diet.

Urolithiasis, experienced in an acute form, often becomes a chronic disease. Therefore, to prevent its reoccurrence, disease prevention should be carried out. It includes the correct selection of food, always enriched with vitamins, an active lifestyle, drinking plenty of water and reducing the cat’s excess weight.


  • how to cure a disease

Is alcoholism curable? There are different opinions on this matter. But all experts agree that it is possible and necessary to help people suffering from this disease; modern methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction give very good results.

If you are concerned about preventing colds, which can be caught at any time of the year, then try using it periodically. Cognac, added in a small amount to this drink, will facilitate the complete absorption of vitamin C introduced by lemon. And cloves and cinnamon strengthen the immune system.

When warm, cognac helps the body fight sore throat, and also reduces fever when consumed together with honey and lemon.

Vodka is a great help for colds

It is good both for external use and for preparing various infusions and even teas.

You can rub vodka on your chest, make compresses on your throat, lungs, feet and back. Under no circumstances should a compress be applied to the heart, but otherwise there are no contraindications to this method of treatment.

Medicinal tea: pour 10-15 tablespoons of vodka into a container and place on low heat. When the boiling process begins, you need to add a teaspoon of black tea. Remove from heat, cover with a tight lid.
After cooling, take 1-2 sips at night. To enhance the effect, you can add honey to the drink. This combination cures colds in the early stages in most cases.

Another folk method of treatment is strong drinks: brandy, cognac or vodka.

The appearance of herpes on the lips always occurs unexpectedly. This can happen even for no apparent reason. In such a situation, only one desire arises - to get rid of it as quickly as possible. When the first symptoms appear, do not panic. Quick treatment of herpes on the lips is possible.

The stages that herpes on the lips goes through:

  1. Itching sensation and visually noticeable redness. If a primary infection has occurred, these symptoms will appear after one week. In addition to itching, there may be a slight tingling sensation in the lips. This stage can last from several hours to one day. It is at this time that you can quickly cure and stop herpes on the lip.
  2. The area where itching and tingling was felt becomes swollen. Characteristic bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the skin. Then the bubbles become larger, become cloudier, and become painful. At this stage, other symptoms may appear: fever, allergic manifestations, etc.
  3. The blisters burst and in their place small ulcers appear, which become crusty.
  4. Complete healing of ulcers. If you tear off the scabs, scars will remain in their place. At the site of healed ulcers, itching, tingling, and mild pain may continue.

To quickly prevent and cure herpes on the lips, treatment should begin at the very first stage when the first symptoms appear. However, not everyone will be able to recognize the onset of the disease behind these sensations. If immediately after the appearance of signs you start taking pills and applying external remedies against herpes, you can quickly deal with herpes and avoid the second and subsequent stages.

If blisters have already appeared on the lips, then you will not be able to quickly get rid of the manifestations of herpes on the lips at home. However, treatment can be accelerated if you approach it comprehensively. It is necessary not only to use antiviral agents and drugs for external manifestations of the disease, but also to strengthen the immune system with the help of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. On average, treatment of already manifested herpes takes 5-7 days.

How can you cauterize herpes on the lips at the initial stage?

Treatment will be most effective if you start it at the very first stage, when transparent blisters have not yet appeared on the lips.

At this stage, slight tingling, itching, and burning are felt. If you start therapy at the very beginning, then it is quite possible.

To quickly remove the symptoms of herpes from the lips, you should take antiherpetic drugs. These include tablets based on Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir.

  1. You should also use external remedies that will help stop the development of the disease. Ointments, creams and gels based on the following active ingredients quickly help treat colds that pop up on the lips:
  2. Acyclovir.
  3. Valaciclovir.
  4. Famciclovir.
  5. Penciclovir.

Drugs may have different names depending on the country and manufacturer. The main active ingredient will be indicated in the instructions. When purchasing a product, you should not rely only on the recommendations of the pharmacist. Ointments for herpes on the lips based on one substance can have a big difference in cost, so it’s worth asking about the availability of cheap analogues.

If the above-mentioned drugs are not in your home medicine cabinet and there is no opportunity to purchase them, then you can cure and cauterize herpes on the lip by other means.

How to quickly prevent and remove colds from the lips:

  1. Ice Cube. You need to put a piece of ice on your lip. It can be wrapped in a thin, clean cloth (such as a handkerchief) to make a cauterizing compress. You can repeat the procedure once an hour.
  2. Used tea bag. For this purpose, it is better to use tea without dyes or additives. The temperature of the bag should be approximately equal to body temperature. The compress can be applied for an unlimited amount of time.
  3. Drops from the heart.
  4. Apply a few drops to a cotton swab and cauterize the area of ​​the lip where discomfort appears. The procedure can be repeated up to 6 times a day. Sea salt solution.
  5. Sea salt is dissolved in warm water, a cotton pad is moistened and applied to the area of ​​the skin where the disease is felt to be approaching. This compress should not be kept on the skin for a long time, as this can dry it out.
  6. Toothpaste. To cauterize herpes at an early stage, you should use mint paste. You need to smear a thin layer of it on the cold on your lips and leave it for a while. Cauterize herpes with toothpaste should be done with caution. If the burning sensation is too strong, it should be washed off to avoid burns, then repeat the procedure after a while. Laundry soap. Grate the soap and mix with big amount

water and make a compress. If the soap comes into contact with the skin for too long, it can cause excessive dryness. This procedure can be simplified - vigorously rub a wet cotton pad on a piece of laundry soap and apply it to the skin.

How to quickly cure herpes/colds on the lips

If herpes has managed to manifest itself and transparent blisters appear on the lips, do not despair and neglect treatment. It is no longer possible to quickly get rid of a cold that has popped up on your lip. First of all, you need to start taking special antiherpetic tablets and medications to maintain immunity. External remedies based on the same active ingredients that are part of the main drug with an antiviral effect will help to quickly remove colds on the lips and dry out herpes.

In addition, there are a number of folk and pharmacy remedies that can further speed up the treatment of colds on the lips and carry it out more effectively.

Mint compress

It is necessary to make a concentrated decoction of mint. To do this, you need to pour about one tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves with 100 milliliters of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused for at least half an hour. Then make a compress and apply to areas of the skin affected by herpes. To get rid of a cold, you need to apply it to the sore spot several times within one hour.

Propolis tincture or propolis decoction

A decoction or tincture of propolis is used in compresses. You can also lubricate the skin with these liquids using a cotton swab. When using alcohol tincture of propolis, you should be careful, as it can dry out and burn the skin.

Raspberry lotions

To treat a cold, you can use fresh raspberries or a decoction of its leaves. You can apply them for a long time and repeat as often as you like. Raspberries help stop the activity of the virus and accelerate tissue repair.

Juice and decoction of celandine

To quickly treat herpes, you can use celandine - fresh celandine juice or a decoction of leaves (including dried). You need to lubricate the affected area with the juice, and make compresses from the broth. Remember that too frequent and prolonged use of celandine can lead to dry skin.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice can be used as an independent remedy to treat the manifestations of herpes. The juice should be applied to the affected area several times a day. This can be done several times per hour. Even with frequent application, aloe juice does not cause side effects.

Aloe juice is also one of the ingredients in medicinal mixtures that can be used to smear a popped herpes on the lip so that it goes away quickly.

Sulfur ointment and aloe juice

To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 teaspoons of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of sulfur ointment. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the mixture allowed to sit for at least 3 hours. After this, the resulting ointment should be applied to the inflammation twice a day.


"Levomekol" is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointment that helps fight infection caused by the herpes virus. This remedy is not included in the standard list of drugs prescribed for herpesvirus. However, the ointment can be used as an aid. It will be effective at all stages. It should be used for treatment at home only after reading the list of contraindications and recommendations for use. For example, it cannot be applied if a course of antibiotic treatment is currently underway.

Antiherpetic patches

Special Compeed patches for herpes on the lips are a fairly new invention. They are able to mask the wound and protect it from additional infection. However, antiherpetic medications are also applied to their surface and such patches help to quickly cure colds on the lips.

Herpes is a rather unpleasant disease. It takes a long time to heal and you have to experience significant discomfort all this time. It can be stopped completely only when the first symptoms appear. However, there are ways, even in later stages, to alleviate the condition and speed up treatment, and achieve faster healing. But the main method of therapy should be the use of antiviral drugs.

8 remedies for herpes on the lips

A “cold” on the lips is a manifestation of the incurable herpes simplex virus. Herpes usually goes away on its own after some time, but this may take several weeks. To get rid of herpes quickly, try using medications and traditional medicine. It should be noted that each body reacts differently to herpes treatment, so not every treatment method will help you achieve the desired result. This is especially true for traditional medicine. If you want to get rid of herpes as soon as possible, here are some tips.


Treatment with over-the-counter medications

    Apply antiviral cream to the cold sore. Although herpes cannot theoretically be cured, certain medications can relieve symptoms and speed up the natural healing process. Perhaps the fastest and easiest way to cure herpes is to use Penciclovir, Docosanol or Acyclovir ointment, which are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

    Use a styptic pencil - this is an alternative method. This treatment is less specific for herpes, but may well speed up its healing. You need to “draw” with this pencil once or twice a day in the area of ​​the herpes and directly on the ulcer.

    Use a dehumidifier. This is also a good way to get rid of herpes. Alcohol is a very popular desiccant. You need a 70% alcohol solution. Dip a cotton pad into it and apply it to the ulcer. Alcohol disinfects and dries the wound, accelerating the natural healing process.

    Try Vaseline. This is another simple and easily accessible way to get rid of herpes. Vaseline softens the skin rather than drying it out, providing a protective layer against infection. Any infection significantly increases the lifespan of herpes, but a protective layer of Vaseline will help get rid of it in a short time.

    • Gently apply Vaseline with clean, dry fingers.

    Precautionary measures

    1. Wait for the cold sore to heal. Sometimes you just want to “squeeze” herpes like a pimple, but this will only interrupt the healing process. If you want your herpes to go away, just leave it alone. There is no need to squeeze it out or rip it off. If you introduce an infection into it, you will increase the lifespan of herpes. And then you may need to visit a doctor.

      • Wash your hands regularly.
      • Wash your face carefully.
    2. Please note that you may need to see a doctor. Herpes usually goes away on its own or with the help of medication. But there are times when you cannot do without a visit to the doctor. If an infection gets into the wound and you see purulent discharge, consult a doctor immediately! You will also need to see your doctor if you notice the following:

      Try prescription medications. The doctor prescribing your treatment may have several options. Therefore, you must describe all symptoms in detail and completely. Any medications your doctor prescribes should be taken according to the instructions on the package and your doctor's advice. Here are some medications your doctor may prescribe for you:

      Don't let the virus spread. Herpes is transmitted through kissing and sexual contact. All you have to do to pass the virus on is give someone the glass you drank from. Herpes is a virus that is easily transmitted. Take the necessary precautions to avoid infecting people close to you (and others) with herpes:

    Home remedies with natural ingredients

      Rub vanilla extract onto the ulcer. Home remedies with natural ingredients have nothing to do with science, so their effectiveness is disputed in some cases. However, some remedies have a calming effect on herpes. Place a few drops of pure vanilla extract on a cotton pad and apply the cotton pad to the ulcer three to four times a day.

    1. Apply tea tree oil to the ulcer. It is used to treat various skin diseases, so it can be used to treat herpes. It dries the skin well, and this will help the ulcer heal. Tea tree oil has antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Apply a cotton ball with tea tree oil to the ulcer twice a day.

      • If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the oil with water before use.
      • Tea tree oil is toxic, so be careful.
      • Some studies show that using 6% tea tree oil has little effect on herpes.
      • Witch hazel irritates sensitive skin. Therefore, before applying it to your face, try it on your elbow first.
      • If irritation does not appear on your elbow, you can safely apply witch hazel to the herpes.
      • The sooner you apply witch hazel, the more effective it will be. This applies to all dehumidifiers.
    • If you used lipstick/lip balm while you had herpes, throw away the lipstick and don't use it again. Bacteria spread very quickly and can cause repeated inflammation.
    • If your cold sore doesn't go away within two weeks or more, especially if it doesn't hurt or doesn't respond to treatment, be sure to see your doctor.
    • If you have herpes, it is best not to use any lip products at all. You can introduce infection and excess moisture into the wound, which will cause the herpes to grow and take longer to heal.

Currently, there is not a single person who does not know what herpes is. Herpes can occur at any time and ruin a person’s mood. It appears due to an excessive weakening of the immune system. This occurs in the spring and autumn seasons. It can also occur as a result of severe stress and sudden changes in body temperature and the environment. To get rid of it, many citizens turn to a cosmetologist for help, others prefer to solve the problem on their own. Treatment of herpes at home helps to quickly get rid of the problem. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. Many people know how to cure herpes at home. The most important thing is that your home medicine cabinet contains all the necessary medications.

Features of the disease

Currently, herpes is considered the most common viral disease. This is due to the constantly increasing number of patients, the presence of a huge variety of its manifestations, various routes of transmission and its rapid transition to a chronic condition. In this regard, many people often ask their doctor about how to deal with herpes.

Once in the body, herpes enters the active stage after 2 hours. Its maximum concentration is reached after 8 hours.

Viral cells, in small concentrations, remain dormant in the body until favorable conditions arise. After their onset, the virus awakens and begins to attack healthy cells of the human body.

According to statistics, about 92% of people are susceptible to this disease, the remaining 8% are at risk of its occurrence. This happens because the virus can spread very quickly from person to person, especially at an early stage. Therefore, very often people ask the doctor about how to get rid of herpes.

Remember, if the herpes virus has once entered the human body, it will not leave it again.

Currently, there are no medications or special vaccines that could completely get rid of the virus. All medications only temporarily relieve its unpleasant symptoms. As a result of this, when optimal conditions occur, herpes may appear on the surface of the skin again.

Types of herpes

The virus occurs in different places in the human body, and its localization area depends on the type.

Thus, the following types of virus are distinguished:

  • Herpes on the lips. It is considered the most common form of the virus and can be easily cured on your own. It is treated with medications, which are sold in a wide variety at the pharmacy. In addition, it can be cured with folk remedies.
  • Genital or lumbar herpes. If this form of the virus occurs, a person is advised to contact an experienced specialist. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist.
  • Herpes in the oral cavity. It usually appears in young children. This is due to the fact that their immunity is very weak, so they often get colds. In this regard, parents often bring their children to the pediatrician and ask him a question about how to treat herpes on the child’s tongue.

It is characterized by the appearance of small blisters or ulcers with liquid contents on the mucous membrane of the internal organs. They can cause pain and discomfort to a person, especially if it appears on the surface of the tongue.

Many people believe that they can go away on their own, but this opinion is wrong. White sores that appear should be treated, as they can spread quickly and worsen the patient’s general health. In this regard, many people often wonder how to identify the disease by typical symptoms and how to cure herpes at home.

Symptoms of a person having a herpes virus in the body

The appearance of a simple form of herpes is characterized by the formation of a small rash with liquid contents, localized in one place. In this case, the skin around the ulcers becomes pink or reddish in color.

If the manifestations cause severe pain in a person, then in addition he may develop:

  • fatigue and aches throughout the body;
  • itching and burning at the site of the rash.

A few days after the first rash appears, the blisters begin to burst, and this leads to the formation of small wounds on the surface of the skin. Later, these wounds dry out and become covered with a hard crust. It is noteworthy that the tissues around the wound also have increased sensitivity and, when touched, cause severe pain in a person.

Standard ways to get rid of the herpes virus

Pharmacies contain a huge number of medications that help get rid of herpes at home. A separate group includes drugs that help get rid of herpes on the tongue. It is noteworthy that all medications are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Remember that before using them, you should carefully read the instructions for use, which are included in each package. The instructions for them describe in detail how to quickly cure herpes.

Treatment at home for the first signs of herpes is carried out using a remedy such as Acyclovir or other drugs based on it.

In order to disinfect and relieve inflammation, as well as improve the condition of the mucous membrane, the oral cavity is rinsed with a weak solution of manganese. You can also use chamomile infusion. Existing rashes can be treated with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.

If the bubbles occupy a large area, then the affected area can be smeared with brilliant green or zinc ointment. In this case, a person does not have to use antiviral drugs and give up pills. Remember that taking them only increases the healing process.

Medicines help fight herpes at home and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Monitor your body and if you have any unpleasant symptoms, start treatment immediately.

Exacerbation of herpes during pregnancy or breastfeeding

The appearance of herpes during this period is very dangerous for both the woman and the child. At this time, the woman’s immune system activity decreases. This creates favorable conditions for the development of the virus.

Methods for treating herpes at home in this case are complicated by the fact that a pregnant or lactating woman is prohibited from taking most medications.

What should a woman do in this situation and how to quickly get rid of herpes? Firstly, you need to take care of your health and eat proper and healthy food. A woman should also reduce the amount of carbohydrates she consumes and increase the amount of protein she consumes. In addition, many experts recommend that women start taking vitamin and mineral complexes created specifically for pregnant or lactating women. Healthy sleep and lack of stress will help maintain and improve your health.

Only an experienced specialist can answer a pregnant woman’s question in more detail about how to quickly remove herpes.

How to get rid of herpes yourself using traditional medicine

Doctors, when answering the question of how to properly treat herpes at home, recommend that all people use not only medications, but also traditional medicine:

  1. At the initial stage of virus development, it is very important to increase the activity of the immune system. Fir oil is used for this. They need to lubricate the affected areas. This should be done at intervals of 1 time every 2-3 hours. Before going to bed, fir oil should be anointed over the entire affected area. Do this for 20 minutes. 2 days after applying the oil, patients note that the inflammatory process and discomfort have disappeared.
  2. Many people note that it is fast. It should be cut into small slices and applied to the affected area at intervals of 2-3 hours. The procedure is performed within 3 days.
  3. Toothpaste helps not only clean the mouth, but also remove herpes at home. Applying it to inflamed blisters throughout the day helps dry them out and speed up the healing process.
  4. The heart medicine Valocordin, known to many people, can also be used to get rid of the herpes virus. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and keep it on the affected area for 3 to 4 minutes.

Recipes for preparing folk remedies for herpes

Doctors, when answering the question of how you can treat herpes at home using traditional medicine, note that most of them are based on substances that are always available in the house.

The choice of folk remedies used also depends on the location of the inflammation.

Recipes for folk remedies for getting rid of herpes on the lips:

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of ground coffee, half a teaspoon of flour and 2 cloves of chopped garlic.
  2. To prepare the composition, mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of ash and 3 cloves of chopped garlic.
  3. Squeeze 1 tablespoon of juice from calendula leaves and mix it with 1 tablespoon of Vaseline.

All ingredients are finely ground to a paste and applied liberally to the problem area. You should do from 5 to 7 procedures.

We treat herpes on the lips using traditional medicine

  1. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to mix 1 spoon of celandine juice and 1 spoon of honey. Lotions with the composition are applied to the affected area until the manifestations completely disappear.
  2. In a large cup, brew tea with viburnum berries. It should be taken orally until the symptoms of the virus are completely eliminated.
  3. A compress with oak bark helps answer the question of how to remove herpes and dry out existing sores. To do this, it should be mixed with chamomile in a 1:1 ratio. Instead of chamomile, you can also use calendula tincture mixed with oak in the same proportions.

When answering the question of how herpes can be cured, doctors recommend that all people adhere to the following simple rules:

  • maintain personal hygiene and eat right;
  • do not kiss strangers;
  • purchase for yourself separate dishes, cutlery and personal accessories: towel, soap, slippers;
  • avoid visiting public baths, saunas and steam rooms;
  • Use cotton swabs when applying the cream.

What foods can people with the herpes virus eat?

The use of medications and traditional medicine helps answer the question of how to treat the virus, but does not help quickly get rid of it. Doctors recommend that all people reconsider their diet. Every day they recommend consuming the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In order to restore the body in one day, you need to consume the following foods as often as possible:

  • with a high content of minerals. This includes a variety of seafood, seaweed, shrimp and squid;
  • low-fat dairy products of natural origin;
  • a large number of grain crops;
  • meat products with a small amount of animal fats. These include chicken and turkey;
  • soy products;
  • potatoes, greens, vegetable and fruit crops.

The following foods should be excluded from the human diet:

  • beef and excessive salt intake;
  • confectionery and alcoholic beverages;
  • large amounts of sugar and sunflower seeds;
  • peas, beans and chocolate.

In addition, you should eat foods high in vitamin C. This vitamin helps the body recover faster and improve immunity. If there is insufficient consumption, vitamin complexes are used.

What is herpes - a harmless skin defect or a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment? What to do to get rid of this unpleasant sore?

Perhaps every adult has encountered herpes. This bubble violates the aesthetics of the face and indicates the presence of a serious virus in the body. Therefore, you should not neglect measures if you find a formation with liquid content on your lip or other area of ​​your face. After all, the sooner the treatment process begins, the faster the problem can be solved. So, we’ll look at how to quickly cure herpes without harm to health in this article.

Treatment regimen

Treatment tactics are determined by the stages of the disease, which occur in 4 stages:
  • Stage 1. Gradual deterioration of the patient’s condition with increased body temperature and weakness. At this time itching appears.
  • Stage 2. Formation of small bubbles with cloudy liquid contents on the skin.
  • Stage 3. Burst of bubbles after full filling with liquid. At this stage, the infected person is dangerous to others.
  • Stage 4. Covering the eroded areas with a crust and gradual healing of the wounds.

There is a widespread belief that HSV activation occurs after excessive hypothermia of the body. Therefore, herpes that appears on the lip is often perceived as a cold. The primary sign of progression of this strain is itching, tingling and the desire to scratch the affected area. Already at this stage it is worth thinking about possible therapeutic measures by preparing the appropriate medications or folk remedies. And if you are prone to constant relapses, it is worth equipping your home medicine cabinet with an antiviral drug for external use. Such drugs are developed like the DNA of a cell, so after interacting with the body, they are introduced into pathological cells, which entails the destruction of the latter.

The ointment is applied using a cotton swab. When the composition is absorbed into the skin, the procedure will be repeated. This will prevent the formation of new bubbles. If it was not possible to start treatment in a timely manner, and the initial stage was missed, and characteristic ulcers appeared on the lip, quick treatment is unlikely to be possible. Indeed, in the advanced stage, the tissues affected by the virus begin to collapse. Therefore, doctors will advise adding tablets and capsules with antiviral and vitamin action to external remedies.

How to cure herpes in 1 day

You need to act immediately as soon as you feel something is wrong and suspect the progression of the disease based on the first signs. The essence of therapeutic measures is to increase immune function and remove foci of the inflammatory process.

To solve these problems, certain actions will be required:

  1. Stabilization of the immune status, which consists of the use of multivitamins and immunomodulatory drugs.
  2. Cleansing the body of toxins that lead to increased viral activity. Sorbents are used for this. The best option is activated carbon: it is inexpensive and helps instantly.
  3. Treatment of rash sites with antiviral ointments, creams, gels, emulsions. You need to repeat these steps often – up to 5 times a day.

When considering the question of how to quickly get rid of herpes, it is worth noting that it is important to read the instructions for use of the drugs and adhere to the specified dosage regimen.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs

When herpes begins to form, the symptoms are so pronounced that there is no doubt about the diagnosis. An unbearable desire to scratch the affected area, a burning sensation and unpleasant pain - this indicates that herpes is coming into play. Pharmaceuticals offer a huge number of drugs that help fight the disease. They are antiviral and have a different effect. But the main task comes down to relieving symptoms and suppressing the virus.

The following medications will help you overcome the disease very quickly:

  1. Acyclovir. This drug is sold in the form of a cream; packaging costs 50-80 rubles. It is prescribed primarily as the No. 1 remedy against herpes. As part of the therapeutic process, drugs under other names made on the basis of this substance are used.
  2. Zovirax. This remedy for herpes has proven itself well in cases of herpes infection, which affects most of the skin. But it has a higher cost - from 200 rubles per package.
  3. Valtrex. Expensive, but effective composition for those who are looking for how to get rid of this disease. The cost is from 1100 rubles. These are broad-spectrum tablets that can be taken by adults and children. The result is immediate recovery and restoration of the skin’s attractive appearance.
  4. Allomedine. This is a modern antiviral drug that costs up to 500 rubles. It is effective only in the initial stages of the rash. With late treatment, its effect slows down.
  5. Alpizarin. This medicine has pronounced antiviral activity and is used for herpes, as well as a number of other viral pathologies. The cost varies depending on the place of purchase.
  6. Panthenol. This is an effective spray used as an auxiliary drug to speed up the healing process for herpes. They also sell Depanthenol cream. It helps remove the crust as quickly as possible, but you will have to pay for this effect with rapid scarring.
  7. Herperax. This is an inexpensive ointment, the cost of which is 60-70 rubles per package. It is applied 4-6 times a day, and if treatment is started in a timely manner, it helps to remove the sore within 1-2 days.
  8. Miramistin. This is an antiseptic medication. To achieve results from its use, lubricate the wound as often as possible. The cost is 130-260 rubles.
  9. "Star". This is a time-tested and quite famous balm. It has a wide spectrum of action and has a warming, anti-inflammatory effect. With regular and timely use, herpes on the hand will disappear in one day.
  10. Doctor Mom. This is another ointment that is not intended to treat herpes, but helps relieve symptoms at the initial stage of the disease. The cost of this drug is only 80 rubles.

If you are looking for ways to quickly get rid of herpes, then these remedies will help. But the last two drugs can cause allergic reactions, so before using them it is worth conducting a mini-test on the skin of your hand. If redness and itching are not detected, it can be applied to the location of the disease.

It is strictly forbidden to treat herpes using iodine, alcohol, or brilliant green. Although these products have a drying effect and remove the wound, they do not fight the virus - the main culprit of the lesion. Therefore, it turns out that outwardly the disease has passed, but the virus remains. Moreover, there is a risk of skin burns.

Folk recipes

If you don’t have time to visit the pharmacy, and you don’t have a good antiviral agent in your home arsenal, your grandmother’s good old methods will help. Their use is convenient because they are always at hand. But you shouldn’t take folk recipes as a panacea for the virus. Rather, they are auxiliary in nature. And the antiviral effect is carried mainly by pharmaceutical medications.

Nevertheless, practice shows that traditional medicine can serve well if you turn to them in time:

  1. Salt. Every housewife has this product in her kitchen. And it not only gives dishes a salty taste, but can also be a good help in treating the herpes virus. The principle of action is to accelerate wound healing and stop the growth of the inflammatory process. To do this, you need to apply grains of salt to the affected area several times every day. Baking soda has a similar effect.
  2. Toothpaste. This is a pretty amazing remedy that helps dry out the sore and provide a disinfectant effect. But in order for treatment of herpes in this way to be as effective as possible, it is worth using the paste at the initial stage of the pathology, when blisters have not yet appeared.
  3. Fir oil. The sooner you start using it to lubricate a liquid wound, the greater the effect you can achieve in the end. Fir oil is applied every few hours. Within a day, the skin on the wound will dry out and begin to fall off.
  4. Tea tree oil. It is used along with medication methods. Sea buckthorn and almond oil have a similar effect. All of these products speed up the healing process by softening the skin and improving overall health.
  5. Propolis. This beekeeping product has long been famous for its numerous healing properties. He can also deal with herpes on his lip. You need to use its infusion to wipe the wound, as in a few days you will forget about what herpes is. So if you are looking for how to get rid of herpes quickly, this option is for you.
  6. Vegetable juices. Juice squeezed from aloe, lemon, and aspen leaves is suitable for therapy. The recipe for the drug is simple: you need to lubricate the blisters with juice and wait for the result, and it should come after a day of treatment.
  7. . It is the best natural cure for many skin ailments. If you want to know how to get rid of the disease, you should follow the instructions. For therapy, it is necessary to regularly treat the wound with garlic juice or a cut clove. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before going to bed to avoid an unpleasant aroma.
  8. Honey. You can use this folk product in its pure form, or you can use it as a component for a homemade ointment. In the first case, you just need to apply a small amount of honey to the wound and wait for it to be absorbed, and then repeat the procedure. If you decide to make an ointment, you need to prepare honey (half a tablespoon), the ash of one sheet of paper and garlic (2 grated cloves). All components are mixed and used to lubricate the wound twice or thrice a day.
  9. Aloe. This plant has undeniable benefits, and the beneficial properties of the juice and the leaves themselves can be used in therapy. To get rid of herpes, you need to take the shoot and peel it. The resulting component is applied to the affected area and secured with a patch for 20 minutes. After just 3 days, there will be no blisters left on your lip.

These recipes can become your lifesavers in case of a sudden sore.

Preventive actions

If you don’t want to look for all kinds of treatment methods and suffer from this disease, you can take preventive measures. They are as follows:
  • life according to the principles of a healthy lifestyle;
  • permanent strengthening of immune function;
  • regular physical activity;
  • frequent and prolonged exposure to air;
  • balanced diet full of vitamins;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • preventing contact with sick people;
  • use of personal household items.

An important role is played not only by timely treatment, but also by a positive attitude. Statistics show that the disease does not like positive people, so there is no need to get angry or worry. Power lies in knowing what to do, how to treat, and taking action accordingly.

How to cure herpes quickly and painlessly

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