Mental abilities of the zodiac sign Cancer. Which zodiac sign is the dumbest, stupidest, smartest, wisest according to astrologers?

Many people who are interested in astrology are interested in learning about the smartest sign of the zodiac. Astrologers claim that there is not one such sign, but three. From this article you will learn about which zodiac signs are considered the most intelligent and why.

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Every zodiac sign has its own patron. This is a planet that influences the fate and character of a person.

Some are born under the auspices of the planet of love, others are protected by the planet of luck, and others are helped by the planet of power.

But today we will be interested in planets associated with the mind:

  • Mercury. Its sphere of influence is human thinking and intelligence, erudition and logic.
  • Uranus. It includes flashes of insight and genius.

Let's move on to considering the signs of the zodiac.

  1. Twins. This sign is ruled by Mercury. From birth, Geminis surprise first mom and dad, and then everyone around them with their curiosity and intelligence. They are very smart and value education, they know how to isolate the main thing from huge flows of information. Therefore, they often achieve success in learning languages, science and journalism.
  2. Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. Her trump cards are an analytical mind, developed intelligence and attention to detail. Moderate criticism and practicality will not allow her to be misled. Virgos often find themselves in research work. They also make excellent doctors and other medical professionals.
  3. Aquarius is under the protection of the planet Uranus. From birth, Aquarians are endowed with an inquisitive mind and seem unusual to others; they love to do everything in their own way, inventing new ways of performing the most ordinary actions. Many Aquarians are well versed in the latest technology and electronics; they adore everything ultra-modern. It seems that these are the people of the future. Aquarians like to conduct experiments - scientific, psychological, and social.

These are the three smartest signs of the zodiac.

Surprisingly or not, the symbols of all three signs are human. Each of them represents a person, not an animal.

But don’t think that the rest of the zodiac is stupid and uneducated. It's not like that at all. However, representatives of other signs received other things not related to the mind as their main talents. For example, a subtle sense of beauty or perseverance in achieving goals.

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Ladies love to compete not only in beauty and charm. It is important for them to be smarter than their rivals. Astrologers identify five smart female Zodiac Signs.

Even if you are not on the list, this does not mean that you have no chance to earn the title of a smart woman. Intelligence is not only erudition, but also wisdom, because it is important to be able to look at your life mistakes from the right angle, benefiting even from failures. Stupidity is repeating your mistakes and exaggerating your achievements.

Aries Woman

A woman born under this Sign is always one step ahead of her competitors. These representatives of the fair sex take you with their strength of spirit. They are smart enough not to give up just like that. Their leadership qualities are an indicator of a special mind. Aries are resistant to stress and overwork.

Another indicator of the intelligence of Aries women is their unique thinking, completely devoid of stereotypes. This is what makes them smart, first of all, in the eyes of men who adore originality of views. These ladies may lack erudition and wisdom, but the uniqueness of their thinking will never let them down.

Leo Woman

Female Leos are smart because they are experienced. They take absolutely every life lesson into account. If these women or girls have close friends, then they absorb their mistakes like a sponge. Leos also have pronounced leadership qualities, which make them seem even smarter.

“Lionesses” make contact very well with other women and men. They are characterized by some masculine character traits, which makes them more intelligent in the eyes of the stronger sex. Leo women adore being in the company of men, and even if they don’t adore them, they at least know how to behave correctly and how not to be boring.

Capricorn Woman

Girls and women born under the Sign of Capricorn are extremely well-read and intellectually developed. Their undisguised and obvious thirst for knowledge is visible from afar. They may not be very wise in life due to their extremely narrow circle of friends, but at times their level of thinking simply goes off scale.

Calmness and self-control are two character traits that can best describe ladies born under this Sign. Loud and annoying people always give the impression of narrow-minded individuals. Capricorn women are the direct opposite of men's stereotypical ideas about a free and self-sufficient woman.

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius women are smart and have a great sense of humor, which helps them gather the brightest people around them. Aquarians of the fair sex are very inventive and erudite. They like to expand their knowledge base, so you will rarely meet a stupid lady of this Zodiac Sign.

They are also very developed creatively. What makes them unique is not the genius of their ideas, but the speed of their generation. Women born under this Sign can demonstrate excellent memory and curiosity. As for men, Aquarians find a common language with them, perhaps the fastest.

Scorpio Woman

Women of this Sign have an incredibly strong sixth sense, which helps them almost always become intellectual leaders. These ladies always try to think first and then do something, which is why they are considered among the smartest women. There is almost no impulsiveness in them, just like the desire to let things take their course. Scorpios always finish what they start.

Scorpios do not pursue quantity, but quality. This applies to both the business sphere and the love sphere. Men respect Scorpio women because they see them as faithful life partners who understand the importance of pure relationships. Another plus in the collection of women of this Sign is diplomacy. Scorpios, like no one else, know how to take revenge beautifully, which also creates an aura of high intelligence and endurance around them.

To increase self-confidence, every lady should not just think that she is the smartest, but try to achieve this by any means. Intelligent and wise people have always had special charisma and charm. It is impossible to find your place in life if you think stereotypically or only try to appear unique. Look for yourself, try to be self-sufficient and respect other people's opinions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2018 06:37

There have long been debates about female friendship: does it really exist? Astrologers claim that it exists, and...

People say that an intelligent person will be able to find a way out of a hopeless situation that a wise person simply will not find himself in. A person's mental ability is measured by IQ tests, wisdom by EQ tests, and the planets govern the predisposition to both. However, astrologers do not divide people into smart and stupid. The direction of intellect is different for all signs of the Zodiac, and if some easily manage to solve geometric problems, then others, those for whom the bisector and hypotenuse are a kind of rodent, easily compose scientific dissertations on the influence of ukulele music on the growth of red Plumeria. But there are still zodiac signs that are more susceptible to the influence of smart planets and “are distinguished by their special intelligence and intelligence.”

Who got the “mind” from Mercury?

Representatives of the signs of the Zodiac, who have fallen under the influence of the “smartest” planet Mercury, are more endowed with the ability of the mind to the exact sciences, have “iron” logic and high erudition. People with a strong Mercury in the horoscope are very curious and are always ready to learn new things. Gemini and Virgo are under the auspices of Mercury.

Geminis have every right to be considered one of the smartest signs in the Zodiac circle. Their sign most clearly demonstrates the ability of the mind for intellectual development, communication and expansion of cognitive horizons. They are easy to learn and show high results in public speaking, politics, journalism and any mediation.

Virgos are distinguished from other signs by their special pragmatism, which helps them choose and successfully implement their life strategy. They have enviable business qualities and know how to use their extraordinary intelligence for personal enrichment. This is confirmed by statistics according to which Virgos have the largest number of millionaires.

Mercury has a weak influence on Pisces. However, they don’t really need it. Representatives of this sign do not storm libraries and do not pore over self-improvement. This does not in the least prevent them from occupying high positions, being influential leaders and teaching life to more educated people. With their confident position, they prove an amazing paradox - you don’t have to be very smart to become a good boss.

Intelligence level of zodiac signs


Without claiming to be a genius, Aries easily take all the “peaks” with their clever ingenuity. This allows them to quickly eliminate those problems that for other signs seem insurmountable. Aries achieve success in life thanks to the ability to extract 100% benefit for themselves from any information.


Many consider Taurus, to put it mildly, narrow-minded. And in vain! Yes, they think slowly, are somewhat conservative and wary of any changes. However, having used their brains (which Taurus has in abundance in critical situations), they are able to surprise everyone with their knowledge.


One of the most intelligent signs has its own “Achilles heel”. Extraordinary mental abilities have more than once brought Gemini to the pinnacle of success, but sometimes they become hostage to the know-it-all mind and lose where they need to listen not to its clever logical arguments, but to the voice of a wise heart.


One can only envy the erudition of Cancers, but this can only be done by those to whom Cancers are ready to reveal their deep knowledge. And if they are in no hurry to share their intellectual achievements, then almost everyone can count on wise life advice from Cancer.


Leos attract others not so much with their minds as with their strength of character. Not everyone is able to see this substitution. This “hypnosis” is explained by the fact that Leos have highly developed intuitive thinking, and where their reason fails them, they easily achieve success with the ability to anticipate the development of the situation.


Don’t feed the girls bread, just give them something to learn. They master the chosen direction with feeling, sense and arrangement. However, some representatives of this sign have a tendency to go to extremes. Some Virgos literally collect their knowledge, walking through life as eternal students, while others, without having time to finish their lesson, rush to test everything in practice.


Smart Libras have a wealth of knowledge, which, unfortunately, they cannot attribute to their merits. Therefore, the fruits of their intellectual abilities are often appropriated by not very smart, but very cunning people. Libra can only enjoy the process of using their knowledge.


Scorpios have never strived to be smarter than everyone else. They compensate for their lack of outstanding mental abilities with stunning charisma. And this, we must honestly admit, often has much greater weight in society and helps to achieve goals that even the smartest signs are not always able to achieve.


Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and knowledge. Their thirst for knowledge is irresistible, and they also have phenomenal memory and ingenuity. A predisposition to deep analysis, the ability to make complex and responsible decisions, pragmatism and assertiveness allow them to occupy high leadership positions and manage the masses.


Showing off your intelligence is one of Capricorns' favorite pastimes. And there is something to shine! Furiously absorbing knowledge, they do not put it on the dusty shelves of the archives of their memory. Capricorns need to bring all the projects conceived in their heads to life. The consistency inherent in the sign in everything helps to take any impregnable fortress by intellectual assault.


The Aquarius mind is ahead of its time. They own the inventions of the future, the understanding of which is still inaccessible to the minds of most people. Therefore, many of the ideas of Aquarius often raise suspicions of inadequacy or mild schizophrenia of their bearer. Balancing on the brink of mental disorders and genius, Aquarians achieve stunning success or fall into oblivion.


Pisces often become victims of the fantasies of their mind. They build invented illusions and worlds understandable only to them, rather not from a great mind, but from its ability to amazing imagination. Such qualities are indispensable for creative people. As for intellectual achievements and erudition, they are a random and hardly predictable phenomenon. Despite this, Pisces cope well with the role of leader.

Hurray I'm in the top three!!!

12th place - Aries

The honorable 12th place goes to Aries not at all for stupidity: firstly, the author still wants to live, and secondly, this is still not true. Aries are by no means stupid. Aries are simply guided by the principle “You need to think less! And think more!” At least that's what they say. From the outside it seems to us that Aries, in principle, do not think before acting, but, oddly enough, this does not affect the positive result of their actions. Well, if suddenly the sky falls to the ground and Aries’s rash actions lead to the wrong consequences, Aries will simply pretend that it was intended that way. And in this, by the way, he has no equal.

11th place - Pisces

Pisces has a mind, but they don’t need it. Because thinking a lot is harmful: from this, intuition begins to malfunction, the Sahasrara becomes clogged, and it will be faster to send mental messages to the Heavenly Office by Russian Post. At the same time, Pisces manage to be considered almost geniuses, which, however, is not far from the truth: have you tried to use intuition instead of your mind? That's the same thing. The only issue in which Pisces for some reason do not trust their outstanding intuition is the issue of finances. Apparently, it was when looking at Rybka trying to increase her capital that the immortal “We have funds” was born. We are not smart enough" (c)

10th place - Taurus

Well, as they say, we should all be as smart right away as Taurus is later. Because Taurus is reinforced concrete precisely in hindsight: Taurus knew in advance that this is exactly how it would all end - not like you fools. Fools at this moment make repentant faces and regret that they did not listen to the wise Taurus. Who, in fact, didn’t say anything, but sat silently and carefully built complex cabbage soup. He is speaking now, and he has a ready-made solution and wise advice for everything, as well as plan A, plan B and a plan for all the other letters of the alphabet. But! If Taurus is given a proper drink, or, say, a good scare, he will begin to think worse than Capricorn and Virgo combined, and freely shower everyone with the gifts of his outstanding worldly wisdom. Why Taurus doesn’t always want to do this before the local apocalypse, and not after - we don’t know for sure. Most likely, Taurus believes that teaching fools only spoils them.

9th place - Cancer

Cancer is a born conservative: the mind is supposed to be trained throughout life, so what? So, we will train. But nothing was said about the fact that training methods can be changed. Therefore, what they taught at school and college is enough. With this, in fact, you can finish your pension until retirement. And there is no need to waste the abyss of mind given by the dear Universe on all sorts of nonsense - you never know, it will run out. You need intelligence so that sometimes you can talk to an intelligent person. With myself, that is.

8th place - Scorpio

Genius and villainy are two incompatible things, said Alexander Sergeevich Our Everything, but we think that some Scorpio Jesuitically whispered this to him. Because they’re still so joint! You may ask, why is Scorpio not in first place, and why is there still anyone other than Scorpios in the horoscope? With such cleverness, you can take over the universe and, by the highest intergalactic decree, simply take and cancel all other signs, right? No. It is forbidden. Because Scorpio was not only generously showered with intelligence, but also endowed with a rich emotional world. So Scorpio, without really having time to understand and think through any incomprehensible situation, is already riding a goat around the hippodrome, tearing apart the button accordion as he goes. But, as a rule, he eliminates the consequences of his emotional outbursts wisely, this is true.

7th place - Libra

The seventh place goes to Libra, along with a beautiful medal and a diploma “Buridan’s donkey of the highest category”: when the distribution of intelligence began in the Heavenly Office, Libra received its considerable share in the order of the general queue, but forgot to take the instructions for use (lost, torn, washed with jeans, accidentally spilled red wine, etc). And now it is completely unclear to them where the button is for rational thinking, and how to stop this damn pendulum between “Or maybe it’s not necessary?” and “We need Fedya, we need it.” On the other hand, when the scarce sense of harmony of the surrounding world and internal space was finally thrown onto the heavenly shelves, Libra screamed “You weren’t standing here!”, pushed the crowd with their elbows and took everything into one raking paw. That is, in fact, how they are saved.

6th place - Capricorn

The honorable central place goes to Capricorns, who are so smart that it is just right to organize a charity event in the central square of the city and drive fools there on a voluntary-compulsory basis. No, honestly: if Capricorns had shared a small fraction of their intelligence with suffering humanity, it would have already built communism in the neighboring galaxy. Simply because Capricorn knows everything. That is, everything. Including how to build communism in a neighboring galaxy. The only thing Capricorn doesn’t know is how to live, Uncle Mitya? Because the function of “worldly wisdom” has atrophied in Capricorns. Like an atavism.

5th place - Leo

Fifth place is occupied by Leos - a gift to envious astrologers, who are so upset by the lion's star chart that they cannot even eat: everything about Leo is better than that of others! Where, one wonders, is justice? We answer: justice is that Leos are, of course, very, very smart. They grasp everything on the fly, are able to pump up their intellect to level 80 in between, without straining at all, and retain mental alertness until old age (yes, they also live a long time). But Leos spend all the treasures of their powerful minds not on helping grateful humanity, not on great discoveries, and not even on enriching themselves, their loved ones. They are simply making Napoleonic plans. Always. Right in the morning, having placed their beautiful ass on the sanitary ware throne of thoughts, they begin to build. And bringing all this to life, of course, is not a royal matter.

4th place - Aquarius

The clever Aquarius fell just short of the top three, and now, of course, they were very offended: they were probably counting on 12th place, or even better, on a category outside the overall standings. “La-la-la, I’m my mother’s fool,” Aquarius seems to be telling us and actively demonstrates the degree of truly outstanding cretinism in the simplest life situations. You can't say anything - smart. But you can’t fool us, and we know: Aquarius is just pretending and hiding his sharp mind so that he won’t be forced to solve all sorts of boring problems that aren’t worth a damn. Stop hammering nails with microscopes, really!

3rd place - Gemini

The sleep of reason, as is known, gives birth to monsters, and every intelligent and educated person agrees with the truth of this saying. Until he takes at least one glance at WHAT and WHO the waking mind of Gemini is capable of generating. The whole secret here is not only in the sharp mind and outstanding analytical abilities, but also in the completely uncontrollable imagination of Gemini. For this we give them a gold medal and then insidiously take it back. Because you need to cheat less, yes. And to spite your grandmother, you don’t need to freeze your ears either.

2nd place - Virgo

The silver medal rightfully goes to Virgos - people who have a computer in their heads, and before, before the era of computers, there was a complete collection of volumes of the national library, and even earlier there was “Burn the Witch!”, and before that - “Oh, great shaman say , when do the gods give us rain? In general, Virgos have always had an order of magnitude more intelligence than the average population, so Virgos often make great scientists and geniuses of deduction. True, when they, with their sharp and sterile, like a scalpel, logic try to delve into the incomprehensible depths of human souls, some kind of hat comes out. I mean, grief comes out. From the mind.

1st place - Sagittarius

Ta-damm! And here he is - the most important smart guy in the horoscope! Sagittarius is in complete harmony with this matter: developed intelligence, worldly wisdom, the ability and, most importantly, the desire to study and learn new things throughout their lives, wit, eloquence, abilities for all sciences at once - in general, Sagittarius has a simply fantastic mind. Unfortunately, we did not find a single Sagittarius who could clearly explain to us why they are often such fools (and are not treated!). Apparently, this secret is not for average minds. An incomprehensible mystery.

According to astrologers, the smartest signs of the zodiac have a whole set of qualities, including very well-developed intuition, as well as a tendency to develop and an innate high level of intelligence.

The smartest zodiac signs - top 3

Not only a person’s character, but also his intellectual capabilities, as well as fate, directly depend on many factors. The zodiac sign is important in this, often predetermining milestones in people's lives.

The most intelligent sign of the zodiac

Children of Mercury from a very early age are able to amaze others with their intelligence, talent and ingenuity. Representatives of this sign, passionate about science, achieve high results in almost any field, but it can be very difficult for such intellectuals to find a worthy friend or companion for life, so the constant desire to study can do Gemini a disservice.

Inventive and creative Aquarius easily find a solution to any problem.

Uranus, which rules all people born under this sign, gives them ingenuity and the ability to look for non-standard ways to solve any problems and tasks. Aquarians are accustomed to approaching the issue of education in a very non-trivial way, and interest in many areas of life makes it easy to achieve excellent results. Nevertheless, the air sign is most often lucky only in difficult situations, and the simplest tasks can quickly throw him off track.

Many famous scientists were born under the sign of Sagittarius

It is people born under this sign who are the real engines of progress and the authors of the most significant discoveries on a global scale. From early childhood, Sagittarius is determined to develop and work hard. Thoughtful and very calm by nature, Sagittarius has an analytical mind, capable of managing an enterprise or state, but they often overestimate their strength and suffer from overwork.

Rating of other zodiac signs

No less interesting results were shown by the opinions of astrologers and IQ studies in which other signs of the zodiac constellations took part.

Virgo combines developed logic and innate intuition

Virgo men and women are real workaholics who prefer to learn and develop throughout their adult lives. Good intuition and a lively mind are supported by innate logic, but, despite such a positive attitude, a very wise zodiac sign that sees the root of the problem quite often gets lost in the abyss of ordinary everyday troubles.

Libras have high intellectual potential, but cannot always realize it

The moderately modest sign knows all its capabilities very well and develops well the high potential given from birth. Among the representatives of the Libra sign there are a lot of creative and comprehensively developed, intelligent and intelligent individuals. But it is precisely innate modesty and some uncertainty that quite often prevent Libra from being fully realized.

Scorpio always tests the acquired knowledge in practice

A sign that prefers to test acquired knowledge and skills in practice is not devoid of innate intelligence and natural logic. Quick wits and developed intuition allow Scorpios to quickly accumulate an impressive amount of knowledge, which is used strictly for its intended purpose. Only a bad environment can prevent this rule from being implemented.

Taurus are able not only to obtain knowledge, but also to use it effectively

Those born under this zodiac sign are distinguished not only by perseverance in learning, but also by the ability to correctly use all the accumulated knowledge. However, perceived favorably by others, Taurus can very quickly lose initiative and lose all the advantages of logic given by nature.

Susceptibility to flattery can prevent Leos from being reasonable

All representatives of the Leo zodiac sign act, as a rule, very “reasonably” from their point of view and often attract flatterers who praise their natural talents. Leos are, of course, accustomed to using their mind and logic to the fullest, but they are sure to look for benefit and maximum practical benefit in this process, which they do not always succeed one hundred percent.

A tendency towards laziness can prevent Capricorns from realizing their full potential.

Typical Capricorns are distinguished by a noticeable predominance of emotions over reason. Representatives of this zodiac sign have fairly well-developed logic, and also have a noticeable desire to learn everything new and unusual. However, the innate inquisitiveness of the mind and extraordinary perseverance are often offset by the simplest laziness.

Pisces constantly needs strong motivation to develop.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign need motivation and constant pushing in the right direction. From birth, they do not grab the stars from the sky, but in making difficult decisions they can easily rely on their well-developed intuition and very rich imagination. Simplicity, as well as incredible carelessness, are the main enemies of Pisces.

Cancers have wisdom and experience, but are often reluctant to learn

Erudite and intellectual from birth, Cancers are able to surprise their interlocutor and can give quite practical advice based on life experience and wisdom. Nevertheless, representatives of this zodiac sign consider studying to be a waste of time, so they prefer to use in life only a small part of the knowledge gained and accumulated experience.

Aries has great intellectual potential by nature, but can be lazy to realize it

Naturally dexterous and quick-witted, Aries is quite capable of making a favorable impression on others. All the problems of this sign are explained by ordinary laziness, as well as an absolute reluctance to take on any obligations for self-realization.

It is safe to say that, regardless of the influence of the planets, all people are individual, have a unique set of genes, therefore absolutely stupid zodiac signs simply do not exist in nature.