Frequent bowel movements. When your gut needs attention

Frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea, is a symptom characteristic of various disorders in the functioning of the body and a number of serious diseases. The patient experiences discomfort due to a delicate problem, but often ignores the need to visit a doctor. Self-treatment at home can aggravate the condition and cause the addition of other disorders. It is necessary to distinguish a single loose stool in an adult from diarrhea in time and develop the correct treatment tactics.

Loose stools are a condition in which the consistency becomes soft and unformed. In this case, water makes up more than 70% of the total volume of feces. The disorder tends to become chronic and persist for a long time. The difference is that the patient feels the urge to defecate more than three times a day.

Frequent bowel movements differ from acute forms of diarrhea in adults by accompanying symptoms. In addition to changes in the consistency and color of stool, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, dizziness, and pain in the abdomen and stomach are observed. During the day, the urge occurs from 4 to 20 times during the day. The reason is that the percentage of water in stool increases to 60-90%. Contains mucus, undigested food, minerals, bile pigments, bacteria.

Diarrhea develops due to poisoning with medications, infection with rotavirus, salmonellosis, dysentery, or consumption of poisonous and poisoned foods.

Regardless of the nature of the problem, you should consult a doctor. Examination and laboratory tests will help make a diagnosis and choose appropriate treatment.

Causes of loose and frequent stools

Everyone is at risk of developing chronic loose stools. Frequent bowel movements without diarrhea can be caused by:

  1. Disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Multiple urges to empty the bowels, flatulence, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen torment patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, and colitis.
  2. Enzyme deficiency. Most adults experience insufficient production of digestive enzymes; some foods are not digested and come out in pieces. The disorder is caused by pathology of the pancreas.
  3. Wrong diet. Scientists and doctors urge people to pay attention to food. Changes in eating habits, increasing the consumption of fiber, dietary fiber, and avoiding meat can cause stool thinning.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome. A difficult disease to diagnose. Problems begin immediately after eating; sometimes the patient is unable to finish the meal due to the appearance of urges. The difference is that stool can change from liquid to mushy.
  5. Psychological reasons. The nervous system affects the functioning of the body and the digestive system. In an adult, the disorder can begin against a background of emotional tension, anxiety, and stress. Treatment should be provided by a psychotherapist.
  6. Alcohol consumption.
  7. Colon cancer. The disease is dangerous and affects the cells of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Often the only cause is bloody diarrhea or constipation.
  8. Gluten intolerance. Associated with malabsorption of foods containing gluten. The danger lies in the fact that gradual damage to the mucous membrane occurs; during defecation, loose, pale-looking feces with various impurities and an unpleasant, pungent odor are released.
  9. Hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland produces excess amounts of hormones, which speeds up metabolism. Increases the frequency of trips to the toilet, causes weight loss with increased appetite.
  10. Taking medications. Many medications have diarrhea as a side effect.
  11. Pregnancy. During this period, frequent bowel movements are a physiological feature. Most often observed at the end of the third trimester. The body cleanses itself in preparation for the birth process. Drug treatment is not necessary.
  12. Pathologies of the liver and gall bladder in an adult. A large amount of bile enters the rectum, which causes liquefaction of the stool. Signs: pain in the right hypochondrium, yellow-green color of stool.
  13. Chondrosis. Pressure on nerve roots and pressure on internal organs can cause a reaction - constipation or diarrhea.
  14. Kidney failure. Increased frequency of urges is observed in the last stages of uremia. The masses are dark in color and have a specific smell. Inflamed kidneys cause fever and vomiting.

All described conditions require medical examination.

Diseases and various disorders can occur in adolescents, older people, and adults. Pensioners are at risk due to decreased physical activity and age-related changes in the body.

It is necessary to correctly identify the causes of frequent bowel movements and eliminate them.

Features of the treatment of frequent bowel movements

Treatment is carried out after diagnosis and identification of the culprit of intestinal disorders. An examination is not enough for a doctor to make a diagnosis. It is necessary to undergo a set of laboratory tests to detect the presence of bile, pieces of food, blood, and other inclusions in the stool. Based on the results obtained, the doctor develops a set of therapeutic measures, including taking medications and following a diet.

Pharmacy drugs

Prescription of medications for adults is carried out in accordance with the identified problem.

When pancreatitis, gastritis, and other diseases are detected, the drugs Festal, Pancreatin, and Mezim are prescribed. The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. Enough to normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

If the correct microflora is disturbed, it is necessary to take probiotics to eliminate gas formation, bloating, nausea, and form proper stool. They use Bifidumbacterin, Linex.

For psychological reasons for frequent bowel movements, Drotaverine and Papaverine are prescribed to eliminate spasms. Alosetron and Trimedat will help normalize the intestines. The main importance is given to the work of a psychologist.

To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, stool in adults, and get rid of diarrhea, a diet is introduced, followed by drug treatment. Changing habits and nutrition consists of:

  1. Replace bread with crackers. Allows you to strengthen the intestinal walls.
  2. The broths are not strong; cook with dietary meat and light vegetables.
  3. Lean meat and fish. Steam food, stewing and boiling are allowed.
  4. Drink strong black tea without adding honey or sugar throughout the day.
  5. It is recommended to eat boiled eggs regularly.
  6. It is necessary to remove products that cause fermentation.
  7. Eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese every day.
  8. Drink plenty of water.
  9. Avoid dairy products if you are intolerant.
  10. Don't eat fatty foods. It causes the release of bile.
  11. Drink jelly made from natural fruits. The powder is prohibited; it may aggravate diarrhea.

Food that is too hot does not have the best effect on the stomach; it is recommended to wait until it cools down to a warm state.

Do not self-medicate frequent bowel movements. You can reduce the daily amount of food.

Is it dangerous to have bowel movements often? Is it beneficial?

The boundaries of normality and pathology fluctuate. Normally, the frequency of bowel movements in an adult is from 1 to 3 times. But during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, after taking alcohol or medications, an increase in the number of urges may be observed. Temporary disruption is not dangerous and is beneficial; the body cleans itself on its own. But with a long course of the condition, there is a danger of developing vitamin deficiency, anemia, and insufficient production of bile acid. The reason is a lack of minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of internal organs and systems.

Against the background of deficiency, vision may deteriorate, bones lose strength, hair falls out, the anus begins to hurt and bleed.

Frequent bowel movements after each meal of solid food threatens the development of dehydration.

Diarrhea in an adult can be a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. The main reason is a reaction to a food allergen, for example, milk, sugar substitutes, flavorings. If feces are stored for a long time, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude various types of pathologies of the digestive system, peptic ulcers, and other dangerous conditions. Do not delay visiting the doctor, the doctor will help you maintain your health, normalize your stool, and choose effective treatment.

Some diseases change the nature and frequency of stool. Also, during defecation, a burning sensation, pain, blood, and incomplete emptying may be observed. If a person visits the toilet more than three times a day, then frequent bowel movements can be diagnosed. In an adult, the volume and weight of feces increases, their consistency and color change. Diarrhea is often a concern. This condition indicates a disruption of the intestines. That is, there are problems with fluid absorption in the large intestine and the result is dehydration or electrolyte imbalance in the blood flow. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to stop frequent bowel movements. It is easier to restore intestinal microflora and water balance in an adult than in a child. If diarrhea persists for more than three days, you should seek medical help.

Causes of frequent bowel movements in adults

There are many prerequisites and direct factors that affect the condition of the intestines. In the vast majority of cases in adults, it indicates the presence of infections. In response to pathogenic agents, our body turns on defense mechanisms to get rid of bacteria. The immune system removes pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products from the large intestine, preventing toxins from being absorbed into the blood. The next reason that causes diarrhea is uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

In the intestines, the absorption of nutrients and liquids is disrupted, and the microflora deteriorates under the influence of negative factors. Often in adults it is associated with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa, food allergies and all this is accompanied by pain and the appearance of fat in the stool. Against this background, anemia and vitamin deficiency often develop. A person suddenly loses weight.

It can also cause diarrhea. The character of the stool and its shade changes. The interval between bowel movements is 15 minutes. A common cause of such phenomena is constant fasting and dieting, especially in women. In addition, excessive consumption of fatty foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks negatively affects the functioning of the intestinal tract.

What to do?

If you have multiple loose bowel movements, you should carefully analyze your diet over the past three days. If, in addition to diarrhea, you experience heaviness in the right side and abdominal area, nausea, flatulence, fever, the presence of bile or bloody clots in the stool, then immediately consult a doctor for a detailed examination.

You should avoid taking dairy products, chocolate, hard drinks, coffee and tea. Mineral water, activated carbon, a weak solution of potassium permanganate and the drug "Regidron" will help relieve symptoms. For seven days, take slimy porridges (rice, oatmeal), wheat crackers, cookies, jelly. Herbal infusions of chamomile will relieve the inflammatory process. Frequent bowel movements in an adult are not a harmless condition, as it might seem at first glance. In the acute form, antibacterial therapy and a strict diet will be required to restore eubiosis.

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Chair or feces- This is the contents of the lower parts of the colon, which is the end product of digestion and is excreted from the body during bowel movements.

Individual stool characteristics can tell a lot about a person's health and help in making a diagnosis.
Below are interpretations of stool quality in normal and pathological conditions.

1. Number of bowel movements.
Norm: regularly, 1-2 times a day, but at least 1 time in 24-48 hours, without prolonged strong straining, painless. After defecation, the urge disappears, a feeling of comfort and complete bowel movement occurs. External circumstances can increase or inhibit the frequency of the urge to defecate. This is a change in the usual environment, a forced position in bed, the need to use a bedpan, being in the company of other people, etc.
Changes: Lack of bowel movements for several days (constipation) or too frequent bowel movements - up to 5 times or more (diarrhea).

2. Daily amount of feces
Norm: With a mixed diet, the daily amount of feces fluctuates within a fairly wide range and averages 150-400 g. Thus, when eating predominantly plant foods, the amount of feces increases, while in an animal that is poor in “ballast” substances, it decreases.
Changes: Significant increase (more than 600 g) or decrease in the amount of feces.
Reasons for increasing the amount of feces (polyfecal):

  • Consuming large amounts of plant fiber.
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis, in which food is poorly absorbed due to its too rapid movement through the intestinal tract.
  • Disruption of digestive processes (digestion or absorption of food and water) in the small intestine (malabsorption, enteritis).
  • Decreased exocrine function of the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis (insufficient digestion of fats and proteins).
  • Insufficient amount of bile entering the intestines (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).

Reasons for reducing the amount of feces:

  • Constipation, in which due to prolonged retention of feces in the large intestine and maximum absorption of water, the volume of feces decreases.
  • Reducing the amount of food eaten or predominantly digestible foods in the diet.

3. Passing feces and floating in water.
Normal: feces should be released easily, and in water it should sink gently to the bottom.

  • If there is insufficient amount of dietary fiber in food (less than 30 grams per day), feces are released quickly and splash into the water of the toilet.
  • If the stool floats, this indicates that it has an increased amount of gases or contains too much undigested fat (malabsorption). Also, stool may float if you eat a lot of fiber.
  • If the stool is difficult to wash off with cold water from the walls of the toilet, it means it contains a large amount of undigested fat, which happens with pancreatitis.

4. Stool color
Normal: With a mixed diet, the stool is brown. Breastfed babies have golden-yellow or yellow stools.
Change in stool color:

  • Dark brown - with a meat diet, constipation, impaired digestion in the stomach, colitis, putrefactive dyspepsia.
  • Light brown - with a dairy-vegetable diet, increased intestinal motility.
  • Light yellow - indicates too rapid passage of feces through the intestines, which do not have time to change color (diarrhea) or impaired bile secretion (cholecystitis).
  • Reddish - when eating beets, when bleeding from the lower intestines, for example. for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcerative colitis.
  • Orange – when consuming the vitamin beta-carotene, as well as foods high in beta-carotene (carrots, pumpkin, etc.).
  • Green - with a large amount of spinach, lettuce, sorrel in food, with dysbacteriosis, increased intestinal motility.
  • Tarry or black - when eating currants, blueberries, as well as bismuth preparations (Vikalin, Vikair, De-Nol); with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, cirrhosis, colon cancer), with ingestion of blood during nosebleeds or pulmonary bleeding.
  • Greenish-black - when taking iron supplements.
  • Grayish-white stool means that bile is not entering the intestines (bile duct blockage, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver).

5. Consistency (density) of feces.
Normal: shaped and soft. Normally, stool consists of 70% water, 30% from the remains of processed food, dead bacteria and desquamated intestinal cells.
Pathology: mushy, dense, liquid, semi-liquid, putty-like.
Change in stool consistency.

  • Very dense feces (sheep) - for constipation, spasms and stenosis of the colon.
  • Mushy feces - with increased intestinal motility, increased secretion in the intestines during inflammation.
  • Ointment-like - for diseases of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis), a sharp decrease in the flow of bile into the intestines (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis).
  • Clay or putty-like feces are gray in color - with a significant amount of undigested fat, which is observed when there is difficulty in the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, blockage of the bile duct).
  • Liquid – in case of impaired digestion of food in the small intestine, impaired absorption and accelerated passage of feces.
  • Foamy - with fermentative dyspepsia, when fermentation processes in the intestines prevail over all others.
  • Loose stools like pea puree - with typhoid fever.
  • Liquid, colorless stools like rice water - with cholera.
  • When the stool has a liquid consistency and frequent bowel movements, they speak of diarrhea.
  • Liquid-mushy or watery stools can occur with high water consumption.
  • Yeasty stool - indicates the presence of yeast and may have the following characteristics: curdled, foamy stools like rising sourdough, may have strings like melted cheese, or have a yeasty odor.

6. Shape of feces.
Standard: cylindrical, sausage-shaped. The stool should come out continuously, like toothpaste, and be about the length of a banana.
Changes: ribbon-shaped or in the form of dense balls (sheep feces) is observed with insufficient daily water intake, as well as spasms or narrowing of the large intestine.

7. The smell of feces.
Normal: fecal, unpleasant, but not harsh. It is due to the presence of substances in it that are formed as a result of bacterial breakdown of proteins and volatile fatty acids. Depends on the composition of the food and the severity of the processes of fermentation and decay. Meat foods give off a pungent odor, while dairy foods give off a sour odor.
If digestion is poor, undigested food simply rots in the intestines or becomes food for pathogenic bacteria. Some bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide, which has a characteristic rotten odor.
Changes in stool odor.

  • Sour – for fermentative dyspepsia, which occurs with excessive consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, flour products, fruits, peas, etc.) and fermented drinks, such as kvass.
  • Fetid - with impaired pancreatic function (pancreatitis), decreased flow of bile into the intestines (cholecystitis), hypersecretion of the large intestine. Very foul-smelling stool may be due to bacterial overgrowth
  • Putrefactive – in case of indigestion in the stomach, putrefactive dyspepsia associated with excessive consumption of protein products that are slowly digested in the intestines, colitis, constipation.
  • The smell of rancid oil is due to bacterial decomposition of fats in the intestines.
  • Faint odor - with constipation or accelerated evacuation from the small intestine.

8. Intestinal gases.
Normal: Gases are a natural by-product of the digestion and fermentation of food as it moves through the gastrointestinal tract. During and outside of bowel movements, 0.2-0.5 liters of gas are removed from the intestines of an adult per day.
The formation of gas in the intestines occurs as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms inhabiting the intestines. They decompose various nutrients, releasing methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The more undigested food enters the colon, the more active the bacteria are and the more gases are produced.
An increase in the amount of gases is normal.

  • when eating large amounts of carbohydrates (sugar, baked goods);
  • when eating foods that contain a lot of fiber (cabbage, apples, legumes, etc.);
  • when consuming foods that stimulate fermentation processes (brown bread, kvass, beer);
  • when consuming dairy products if you are lactose intolerant;
  • when swallowing large amounts of air while eating and drinking;
  • when drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks

An increase in the amount of gases in pathology.

  • Enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, in which food digestion is impaired (chronic pancreatitis).
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic liver diseases: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Chronic intestinal diseases – enteritis, colitis
  • Malabsorption.
  • Celiac disease.

Difficulty in passing gases.

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony with peritonitis;
  • some acute inflammatory processes in the intestines.

9. Stool acidity.
Normal: with a mixed diet, acidity is 6.8–7.6 pH and is due to the vital activity of the colon microflora.
Changes in stool acidity:

  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) – with fermentative dyspepsia.
  • acidic (pH 5.5 - 6.7) - if the absorption of fatty acids in the small intestine is impaired.
  • alkaline (pH 8.0 - 8.5) - with rotting of undigested food proteins and activation of putrefactive microflora with the formation of ammonia and other alkaline substances in the colon, with impaired pancreatic secretion, colitis.
  • sharply alkaline (pH more than 8.5) - for putrefactive dyspepsia.

Normally, feces should not contain blood, mucus, pus, or undigested food residues.

Each person has an individual bowel movement regimen, depending on the amount of food consumed, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, age, and other factors. When the usual frequency of stool changes, many people mistakenly believe that diarrhea has appeared, but this is not entirely true. With diarrhea, feces are not only released more frequently, but also have a watery consistency. Therefore, frequent bowel movements are not considered as an unambiguous sign of a pathological condition of the body. But it is still necessary to clarify the reasons for its appearance, since this may be only the first signal indicating malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, which in the future may result in the development of serious diseases of the digestive system. The article discusses the symptoms if you constantly want to go to the toilet, by and large, what they can mean and what they indicate.

Frequent stools, but not diarrhea in a child or adult, can indicate completely different reasons, ranging from physiological (non-dangerous causes of frequent, but not loose stools) to pathological (diseases and illnesses). How often should a person walk around normally, how many times a day should he poop for this to be the norm? The frequency of bowel movements for a healthy person should be within 1 time a day, 2 days and ending with 2 times a day. If a person goes to the toilet less than once every 2 days, then this can already be considered symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. If a person goes to the toilet more than 2 times a day, generally 3, 4, 5 times, then this can already be considered symptoms of a deviation from the norm. It is noteworthy that even if a person poops 3, 4, 5, 6 times in 1 day, and the stool is not liquid, this cannot be considered symptoms of diarrhea or signs of the development of diarrhea. Frequent stools, if a person went to the toilet more than 3, 4, 5 times in 1 day, but after that the stool and its frequency returned to normal, is not considered a pathology or dangerous cause, most likely there was a violation of the diet or poor quality products., others physiological reasons. Further in the article, we will go into detail about what may be the reasons for frequent bowel movements, which can affect the frequency of bowel movements when there is no diarrhea, but you often want to go to the toilet.

Reasons for frequent bowel movements, but no diarrhea, why constantly go to the toilet

What determines the frequency of bowel movements in a child and an adult, which can influence how often you go to the toilet in general. When changing the frequency of bowel movements, you need to pay attention to the seasonality of this phenomenon, since in the summer many people switch to a fruit and vegetable diet rich in fiber, which can provoke an increase in bowel movements. If a similar phenomenon is observed regardless of the time of year, it is worth remembering whether problems began in connection with the transition to some special diet. For example, patients who have changed their usual diet and switched to a raw food diet and vegetarianism note an increase in the number of daily bowel movements, but do not complain of diarrhea. This happens because the intake of a significant amount of plant fibers into the body with food stimulates intestinal motility and accelerates the movement of intestinal contents through the digestive tract.

If the change in stool frequency is not one-time, but regular, it is worth checking the functioning of the digestive organs. To do this, you need to take tests and be examined by a gastroenterologist. The reasons for the increased frequency of defecation may lie in disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by pathology. Frequent bowel movements in the morning, afternoon or evening in an adult can be caused by diseases such as:

1 gastritis;

2 pancreatitis;

4 cholecystitis.

Frequent bowel movements are accompanied by a number of painful signs, including: a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of constant transfusion, and distension in the intestines. When the stomach growls, a false urge to defecate often appears, forcing the patient to stay closer to the toilet all the time. Because of this, nervous tension increases, which can further aggravate the situation. If the patient’s feces consistency does not change during bowel movements, but a number of dyspeptic manifestations increase (belching, heartburn, attacks of nausea, epigastric discomfort), the reasons should be looked for:

1 if you often want to go to the toilet during the day, then the reason may be functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

2 if you went to the toilet for a long time, and after a while you wanted to again and this happens several times, the problem may be insufficient secretion of enzymes necessary for digestion;

3 if there is a feeling that you still want to poop as soon as you went to the toilet for the most part, the reason may be the consequences of nervous tension, stress, psychological problems;

4 if you often want to go to the toilet but have nothing with which to go, if a person cannot go, but the feeling of wanting to go to the toilet remains, there may be problems with the movement of feces through the intestines.

With irritable bowel syndrome, the urge to have a bowel movement appears almost immediately after eating. In case of lack of secretion of digestive enzymes, produced mainly by the pancreas, part of the food mass is not fully digested and leaves the intestinal lumen in an accelerated manner.

Due to nervous experiences and shocks, frequent stress, people often complain of an increased frequency of bowel movements, but without diarrhea. This is explained by increased innervation of autonomic nerve endings in the intestinal walls due to the reaction of the central nervous system in a situation of nervous overstrain.

How dangerous is frequent bowel movements? What does this mean?

Frequent bowel movements in themselves are not dangerous, but with more frequent bowel movements:

1 a significant portion of nutrients, microelements and vitamins are removed from the body along with fecal matter;

2 the intestines are subjected to excessive stress due to being filled with unprocessed food residues due to the lack of sufficient secretion of enzymes;

3 loss of vitamins and minerals leads to the development of vitamin deficiency and increasing anemia;

4 when there is a deficiency of a sufficient volume of bile acids, feces acquire an oily consistency, since the fatty components of food do not undergo complete breakdown;

5, the anal sphincter muscle functions under increased load, its tone may gradually weaken, and the epithelium of the anus is constantly injured by feces, which can lead to bleeding.

6 The feeling of weakness and general malaise increases.

Particular attention should be paid to symptoms if a person has very frequent bowel movements in the morning, afternoon or evening, at night and there is pain in the abdomen or intestines. The desire to frequently run to the toilet can be accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, in the groin and genital area, or near the waist (for intestinal problems). You should also pay attention to what kind of feces are passed out during very frequent stools. If there are inclusions or streaks of mucus in the stool (white, transparent, yellow or green mucus), there is blood (scarlet, black blood or bloody inclusions), pus, all these are very dangerous symptoms of various kinds of pathologies. Stool should be light brown in color ideally, but the color of stool depends greatly on a person's diet. If the stool is light yellow or dark yellow all the time, or if the stool is often green or yellowish, then most likely there is a lot of bile in the stool. Very light or almost white frequent stools may appear due to liver problems.

Psychological problems as causes of frequent bowel movements

Sometimes suspicious people are faced with the question of why, when I’m worried, I really want to go to the toilet. The instability of the patient's psycho-emotional mood has a negative impact on the functionality of the digestive system. Frequent bowel movements occur in patients with a low threshold for stress tolerance. Anxiety, excessive vigilance, and increased irritability cause disruptions in the digestive processes, since they are completely controlled by the central nervous system. And her unstable condition due to the patient’s overexcitement and suspiciousness negatively affects the reaction of the nerve endings with which the gastrointestinal tract is saturated.

Due to personal experiences and stress against the background of more frequent bowel movements, the patient inadequately assesses the state of his health, “inventing” illnesses for himself, which further aggravates the situation. Such cases often lead to the appearance of diarrhea due to nervousness, diarrhea due to stress, prolonged emotional experience, and nervous overstrain. In more uncomplicated cases, diarrhea due to nerves can turn into just frequent stools, frequent bowel movements, up to almost complete cleansing of the intestines. Why do you get diarrhea when you're nervous? This is how the body reacts to a stressful environment. The body tries to free up its resources for a stressful situation and releases the intestines so as not to waste its energy on digestion.

What to do if diarrhea appears due to nervousness, what to do if you often want to go to the toilet because of psychological overstimulation? In such cases, the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is indispensable. A few sessions of psychotherapy and a course of antidepressants selected by a doctor are enough to eliminate overexcitation of the central nervous system, reduce excessive levels of emotions and stabilize the psycho-emotional mood. Following this, digestive functions should normalize, and stool frequency should return to its usual rhythm.

Diet, what should you eat to strengthen your stool, what should you not eat if you have frequent bowel movements?

Regular violation of the principles of healthy eating gradually leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system. Too frequent bowel movements very often occur due to eating incompatible foods, poor quality food, too fatty, spicy, salty, smoked food and food of indigestible quality. Difficult to digest and heavy foods overload the stomach and intestines, requiring increased production of enzymes and bile, which forces the pancreas and gall bladder to work harder. This leads to excessive irritation of organ tissues, and poorly digested food residues contribute to the development of fermentation and putrefactive processes. In such conditions, the intestines try to quickly get rid of the decay products of the food mass that irritate its walls, as a result of which the frequency of stool increases.

What should you not eat if you have frequent or frequent bowel movements? The content of preservatives, artificial additives, synthetic dyes, and various flavor enhancers negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which, adapting to such a diet, reduce their motor functions and peristalsis is disrupted. What to do if you often have frequent stools? With increased frequency of defecation, the entire diet, including the drinking regime, is subject to revision. Food should be gentle, easily digestible, without excess animal fats, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, give preference to fish and lean meats, and minimize the consumption of foods rich in fructose and lactose (sweets, baked goods, milk, sour cream).

It is better to drink herbal tea, such as chamomile or mint tea, and avoid soda and energy drinks, as well as alcohol. And if a person says that he constantly wants to go to the toilet, but cannot go, he should consult a specialist. Problems with fecal stagnation in the intestines can cause serious complications if not treated promptly.

Recommended menu if a person often goes to the toilet for a long time

If you have digestive disorders and frequent bowel movements, you should give up fried foods and prepare food mainly by boiling, stewing, or baking. Recommended:

1 vegetable soup, stewed vegetables;

2 boiled, baked veal, poultry, lean fish;

3 hard-boiled eggs;

4 for dessert – soufflé of baked apples and bananas, cottage cheese casserole with raisins;

5 crackers or biscuits instead of fresh bread.

You need to drink freshly brewed black tea, jelly with a minimum amount of sugar, and an infusion of dried fruits.

What to do, how to treat very frequent bowel movements when there are no symptoms of diarrhea and signs of diarrhea

What to do, how to treat the constant desire to go to the toilet when frequent bowel movements in an adult or child appear due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? Diagnosed conditions of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis are subject to treatment by a qualified gastroenterologist.

Lack of enzymes as a cause of very frequent bowel movements

Based on the results of the patient's tests, the doctor will determine the level of deficiency of individual enzymes produced by the pancreas and delivered to the duodenum (protease, lipase, amylase). Therapy for patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis consists of correcting the required level of enzymes. In accordance with this, enzyme preparations are selected to replenish their deficiency. What should be the treatment if you suddenly want to go to the toilet many times in one day, but these are not symptoms of diarrhea or frequent and loose stools? A strict diet and medications, which additionally introduce missing enzymes into the digestive process, normalize digestion and eliminate frequent bowel movements.

If a person often goes to the toilet for a long time, these may be symptoms of gastritis

The etiology of gastritis conditions is varied; clinically they are manifested by a number of dyspeptic symptoms (belching, heartburn, indigestion). Impaired secretion of gastric pepsin causes insufficient processing of incoming food by it, as a result of which it is poorly broken down in the intestine. The patient is bothered by constant bloating and gases are difficult to pass. Undigested food mass is rapidly evacuated. To eliminate frequent bowel movements due to gastritis, the gastroenterologist selects drugs aimed at regulating the function of gastric enzymes and eliminating inflammatory processes in the gastric epithelium. This helps relieve the pain syndrome often observed with gastritis, as well as normalize the processes of digestion of food in the stomach.

Dysbacteriosis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome - causes of stool disorders

Pathologies associated with irritation and inflammation of the intestinal walls require complex therapy for the patient. Colitis of various natures are inflammatory processes in the tissues of the colon, which can be eliminated with antibacterial agents. With irritable bowel syndrome, it is often necessary to first eliminate the signs of the patient’s nervous overstrain, and then move on to the main treatment, which will relieve the patient of painful spasms and colic (Papaverine, Drotaverine) and stabilize intestinal motor functions (Tribudat, Duspatalin, Neobutin).

If you have previously been treated with antibiotics, this negatively affects the balance of intestinal flora. A decrease in the volume of beneficial lactobacilli and the predominance of opportunistic flora contribute to an increase in bowel movements. To normalize the intestinal environment, a course of probiotics is prescribed: Linex, Bifidum, Normobact, Enterol. Remember: frequent bowel movements are not a separate pathology, but one of the alarming symptoms that requires close attention and adequate actions in relation to your health.

The nervous system affects the functioning of various organs. Psychological difficulties can lead to disruption of the digestion process. Frequent bowel movements in an adult are not always a sign of diarrhea. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke pathology.

Causes of frequent bowel movements

What determines the frequency of bowel movements? There are several factors that force a person to visit the toilet more than 2 times a day:

How to eliminate psychological problems of the disease

The state of the nervous system affects the functioning of the digestive organs. People prone to increased anxiety suffer from frequent bowel movements. They adapt poorly to new conditions and get irritated over trifles.

Frequent bowel movements indicate that a person is experiencing the following emotions:

  1. The patient is very irritated and constantly nervous.
  2. The patient experiences emotional instability and a feeling of fear.
  3. The patient suffers from symptoms of schizophrenia.
  4. If a person cannot solve the difficulties that have befallen him, then the process of digesting food is disrupted.
  5. People with an unstable nervous system perceive personal failures quite painfully. Suspicious people begin to suspect that their health is not all right. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist who will help you find a way out of this situation.

To calm an overexcited nervous system and diarrhea due to nervousness, you can use antidepressants. In combination with psychotherapy, treatment can achieve stable results. The functioning of the digestive organs should gradually normalize.

What is the danger of frequent bowel movements?

Too frequent bowel movements deprive the patient of essential vitamins and microelements. A lack of digestive enzymes leads to incompletely digested food entering the large intestine. The patient may develop vitamin deficiency and anemia.

What should you not eat if you have frequent bowel movements?

The cause of frequent bowel movements may be poor nutrition. In this case, treatment must begin with an analysis of the patient’s daily diet.

Products that stimulate bowel function include:

  1. Frequent bowel movements are provoked by dishes that contain a lot of fructose.
  2. Drinking milk causes frequent bowel movements.
  3. Artificial sugar substitutes are the most common food additive. Many people don’t even think about the harm that they can cause if eaten regularly.

To get rid of the symptoms of indigestion, you need to completely review your menu. During illness, exclude fried foods from your diet.

Smoked meats are prohibited, as they irritate the intestinal walls.

Eating too hot food does not have the best effect on the functioning of the digestive system. The daily amount of food must be reduced.

Foods that can help relieve indigestion

Are you tormented by the desire to go to the toilet at the most inopportune moment? You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms with diet. Be sure to include the following types of foods in your diet:

  1. Rusks will help you reduce the frequency of bowel movements.
  2. Healthy dishes include meat or vegetable broth.
  3. It is allowed to eat lean meat. It must be boiled or steamed.
  4. Visits to the restroom will become less frequent if you include boiled eggs in your diet.
  5. You can improve the functioning of your digestive organs using natural jelly. You should not use purchased briquettes, to which manufacturers generously add flavorings and dyes.
  6. Black tea has a healing effect for frequent bowel movements.
  7. Healthy foods include low-fat cottage cheese and fish.

How to eliminate digestive enzyme deficiency

Lack of enzymes is one of the reasons for frequent bowel movements. To treat patients with pancreatitis, drugs such as Festal and Mezim Forte are used.

Follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition. Typically, the course of taking medications takes from 4 to 12 days.

How to restore the functioning of the digestive organs with colitis

Frequent bowel movements can be caused by colitis. Doctors prescribe antibacterial agents (Polymyxin, Terramycin). They suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that actively multiply in the intestines. The dosage depends on the patient's condition.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Taking antibiotics leads to disruption of intestinal microflora. Not having enough beneficial bacteria causes frequent bowel movements.

To restore microflora, doctors prescribe probiotics to patients (Lactofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin). With regular use of the drugs, the patient's stool normalizes and gas formation decreases.

Treatment of frequent bowel movements due to gastritis

In the body of a patient with gastritis, the production of gastric juice is disrupted. Patients complain of pain in the stomach area. Gastritis complicates the process of digesting food. A deficiency of gastric juice leads to stagnation of food.

As a result, fermentation begins and belching occurs. Chronic gastritis often causes intestinal dysfunction. The patient suffers from flatulence, as food enters the intestines in an insufficiently digested form.

The factor that provokes the occurrence of gastritis is considered to be Helicobacter pylori infection. To destroy the bacteria, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. However, this is not the only cause of this disease. Ulcers and erosions in the stomach can provoke the development of gastritis.

How to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

The choice of means depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Often this condition develops against the background of nervous tension. Such patients are recommended to take antidepressants. Exercise helps relieve stress. Be sure to make an appointment with a psychologist.

To reduce intestinal spasms, you can use antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverine). To regulate intestinal motility, doctors prescribe prokinetics (Trimedat, Alosetron).