The role of cereals in nutrition. The meaning of cereals Plants of the cereal family

Lesson type - combined

Methods: partially search, problem presentation, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative.


Students’ awareness of the significance of all the issues discussed, the ability to build their relationships with nature and society based on respect for life, for all living things as a unique and invaluable part of the biosphere;


Educational: show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of “harmful and beneficial factors”, the diversity of life on planet Earth and options for adaptation of living beings to the entire range of environmental conditions.

Educational: develop communication skills, the ability to independently obtain knowledge and stimulate one’s cognitive activity; ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the material being studied.


Formation of an ecological culture based on recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment.

Forming an understanding of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle


nurturing Russian civic identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland;

Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning;

3) Formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding modern level development of science and social practice.

Cognitive: ability to work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: the ability to organize independent completion of tasks, evaluate the correctness of work, and reflect on one’s activities.

Communicative: Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, seniors and juniors in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other types of activities.

Planned results

Subject: know the concepts of “habitat”, “ecology”, “ environmental factors“their influence on living organisms, “connections between living and nonliving”;. Be able to define the concept of “biotic factors”; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

Personal: make judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to a problematic question


The ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems.

Formation of semantic reading skills.

Form of organization educational activities - individual, group

Teaching methods: visual-illustrative, explanatory-illustrative, partially search-based, independent work with additional literature and a textbook, with COR.

Techniques: analysis, synthesis, inference, translation of information from one type to another, generalization.

The economic importance of cereals is very great. Almost all bread plants belong to this family.

Independent work students with textbook

Using the text of the textbook (textbook by I.N. Ponomareva § 45; textbook by V.V. Pasechnik § 53), write down all the main plants of the cereal family used in human life and economic activity, and indicate the area of ​​their use

(About 5 minutes are allotted to complete the task, after which the students take turns naming one of the plants of this family and giving it brief description and indicate areas of its application. After completing this task, you can listen to the reports of some students.)

Oral presentations by schoolchildren

(Several students prepare 2-3 minute mini-reports in advance about one of the most interesting representatives family of cereals. The rest of the students formulate the information received in the form short summary or a small table.)

Plants of the grass family


Characteristics of the plant and its areas of application


About 20 species are known and a large number of varieties, in Russia there are about 10 species. Hard and soft varieties are common. Used in baking, as well as for the production of semolina, pasta, and edible alcohol


There are 26 species (of which 8 are in Russia), as well as a large number of varieties. It is found wild in the southern regions of the country. Mainly two types are cultivated: two-row barley and common barley. Used in brewing, for the production of pearl barley and barley, and also as a fodder plant


About 8 species are known, in the flora of Russia 4. Distributed and cultivated mainly in temperate regions and semi-mountainous regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Rye is mainly grown as a spring (annual) and winter (biennial) crop. Used in baking for the production of black bread, for the production of edible alcohol


About 30 species, in Russia - about 15. Distributed mainly in Mediterranean countries. The inflorescence is complex. Simple spikelets are collected into a spreading panicle. Oats are cultivated as a valuable food (cereal) and fodder crop.


About 400 species are known, only 4 in Russia. It grows mainly in tropical and subtropical zones. Has a panicle inflorescence. Unlike many cereals, its stems not only bush, but also branch. Drought-resistant, non-frost-resistant plant. Millet is cultivated as a cereal plant, from which cereals (millet) and flour are obtained. Straw is used as feed and bedding for livestock, and is also used for the production of lower grades of paper.


One species, divided into 8 subspecies. Not found in the wild. Flowers of different sexes. Male flowers are collected in an inflorescence panicle at the top of the stem, female flowers in an inflorescence spadix in the leaf axils. Monoecious plant. Stems can reach a height of 2-3 m. Cultivated in southern and warm temperate latitudes on all continents. They are grown to produce grain and flour (in some countries it is used to make bread). It is used as a fodder plant, as well as for the production of starch, alcohol, fiber, and paper. In addition, it is an oilseed crop, used in medicine as a diuretic and choleretic agent (columns with stigmas)


There are 24 species and about 2000 varieties. In Russia there are only 2 species. Distributed in tropical and sub- tropical countries. Hydrophytic plant. The spikelets are collected in paniculate inflorescences. Mainly two types are cultivated, the most important being rice. It is consumed as food, used as a raw material for the preparation of starch, alcohol, etc. Rice straw is used for making paper, as well as in applied arts


About 40 species are known, in Russia 3 (cultivated and weeds). Drought-resistant plant. Distributed in tropical countries, mainly in Africa. Common sorghum is a plant up to 6 m high. It is cultivated as a grain, fodder and industrial crop. Grain is processed into starch, sugar, alcohol



15 species are known; they are not cultivated in Russia (in former USSR- in the south of Tajikistan). Distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. The stems contain up to 15-20% sugar. Used to produce sugar, rum, alcohol, molasses

Continuation of the teacher's story with elements of conversation

In addition to the listed plants, the cereal family includes many cultivated food plants that are important in life and economic activity person. Let's list

just a few of them: French reigrass (a relative of oats), mogar, boron (Italian millet), gomi, chumiza, paidza (related to millet), as well as dzhugara (in Central Asia cultivated as grain, fodder and industrial crops).

In addition to cultivated plants used by humans, many cereals are also environment-forming species (edificator species) in plant communities of meadows, steppes and forest-steppes. (Some representatives of wild plants of the cereal family can also be introduced using the material presented in schoolchildren’s reports.)

Tsitsaniyu broadleaf and water tsitsaniya (Canadian rice) are bred in lakes and reservoirs as a protective and food plant for waterfowl.

Different kinds feather grass are often the main ones in the vegetation cover of steppes. Many of them are valuable forage plants (Lessing's feather grass), and some can cause serious injuries and even death of livestock (feather grass, or tyrsa), and spoil the fur of animals.

Canary grass found in middle lane and in the south of Russia in the wild. It is bred as a food plant for many species of indoor birds (“canary seed”).

Most common growing wild plants of the grass family are meadow timothy, meadow foxtail, meadowgrass (turfgrass), hedgehog grass, meadow bluegrass, meadow fescue, awnless brome, chicken millet, green bristle grass. Almost all of them are specially grown as valuable feed plants.

A relative of oats is the wild oat weed, which not only clogs the grain, but also dries out the soil. Wheatgrass is a difficult to eradicate weed (but the roots of wheatgrass are used in medicine), as well as Aleppo sorghum (Johnson grass), chicken millet, etc.

Stems of plants such as cane ordinary, reed grass ground, used as fuel, raw material for paper production, mats are woven from them, mattresses are stuffed with them, and also used for buildings (to cover roofs).

Some plants of the family, such as imperata cylindrical, large shaker, are grown in decorative purposes (mainly for dry bouquets). White tolevka and some bluegrass are used to decorate lawns.

The Russian biologist made a great contribution to the formation of modern ideas about the origin of cultivated plants N.I. Vavilov. He substantiated the theory about centers of origin cultivated plants, according to which greatest variety natural forms(species and genera) is located in the centers of their origin. N.I. Vavilov identified 5 main centers of origin of cultivated plants.

Frontal survey

Answer the questions.

What family name is similar to the name “cereals”?

What signs are characteristic of plants of the grass family?

What life forms Are plants of this family represented?

Name a plant of the grass family that has a woody trunk.

Which plants of this family are used by humans as food?

List the wild forage plants of the grass family.

Why are there no honey plants among the plants of this family?

Give examples of plants from the grass family that are medicinal.

What parts of these plants are used medicinally?

What is the name of the fruit of cereals?

What is its difference from other dry single-seeded fruits?

What inflorescences are characteristic of plants of the grass family?

What is the stem of cereals called, what are its main features?

What methods of pollination are typical for plants of this family?

What is the difference between the concepts “species” and “variety”?

What type of root system is typical for plants of the grass family?

Creative tasks.

Determine from which plants of the cereal family semolina, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley, and barley are made, from which flour is made, pasta, bake oat cookies? What other cereal seeds are used for food? What other plants of the grass family do people use for food? What cereals are made from plants of other families?

Collect a collection of different rice seeds available in your area (usually at least 5 types). Measure and describe each of the samples. Specify its color, shape, transparency and others characteristics. Find information on the packaging about the growing area of ​​this rice variety.

Assignments for students interested in biology.

Collect information about N.I.’s research. Vavilova. Find out from which areas of the globe they originated different kinds cereals cultivated by humans. Map the centers of origin of different types of cereals

Prepare a report on interesting families of the monocot class that were not covered in class.

Department of angiosperms. Family of cereals. Diversity of plants of the grass family

Food plants. general characteristics by families of cultivated plants.

Food plants. Cereals. Wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, etc. Part 1

FamilyCereals(Bluegrass). Theory and practice of the Unified State Exam/OGE 2017. Biology.


I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilov, V.S. Kuchmenko Biology: 6th grade: textbook for students of general education institutions

Serebryakova T.I.., Elenevsky A. G., Gulenkova M. A. et al. Biology. Plants, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichens. Trial textbook for grades 6-7 high school

N.V. Preobrazhenskaya Biology workbook for the textbook by V. Pasechnik “Biology 6th grade. Bacteria, fungi, plants"

V.V. Pasechnik. Teacher's Guide educational institutions Biology lessons. 5-6 grades

Kalinina A.A. Lesson developments in biology grade 6

Vakhrushev A.A., Rodygina O.A., Lovyagin S.N. Verification and test papers To

textbook "Biology", 6th grade

Presentation hosting

Every tree has roots. The tree of knowledge about nutrition is very ancient, and its roots go back thousands of years. In the ancient Indian teaching “Ayurveda” there are no food products of animal origin, and most of all there are no grains in food. The diet of the ancient macrobiota of Japan looks similar. Cereals make up from 30 to 100% of the diet of sick people, and the higher the severity of the disease, the more cereal products there are in the diet. As a person recovers, the amount of grains can be reduced by replacing them plant products and vegetables.

Cereals provide a significant portion of the ballast content (fiber) of food. They thereby provide a mechanism for gastrointestinal peristalsis. Bread, cereals, crackers are the engine for moving food from higher to lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bile entering duodenum, most evenly saturates food only from cereal contents. As food moves along the length of the gastrointestinal tract, bile sterilizes the intestinal wall and creates a mechanism of peristalsis. Foods that do not contain grains can cause spastic colitis.

Eating grains to children helps to grow a longer small intestine, and therefore a more powerful apparatus. immune defense. The longer small intestine, those longer life person. People who eat a lot of meat from childhood and avoid grain foods have a short small intestine.

Cereals are suppliers of silicon, which is essential for sustainable human health. The skin of grains contains organic silicon, and foods made from grains must contain the skin. Unfortunately, modern technology grain processing produces most of the products peeled, without skin, thereby depleting human food of silicon.

A lack of silicon in the human body leads to generalized metabolic disorders. 76 elements out of 104 are not absorbed, numerous microelementoses arise (M. G. Voronkov “Silicon Organisms”). The lack of silicon in the body is replaced by its antagonist, more active calcium.

This is how diseases arise - decalcification of blood vessels (sclerosis), arthrosis, polyarthritis. Hair weakens and nails soften, causing skin diseases. Silicon is the element of life. Through it, as through a piezoelectric element, it manifests itself in human body intellectual beginning. There is no silicon - chaos comes instead of harmony. And these are numerous diseases.

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Family Poaceae (poagrass) - large family monocots, including about 10,000 species. Cereals are evenly distributed throughout the globe, forming grass cover. One species is even found in Antarctica. These are mainly annuals and perennial herbs. Shrub and tree forms (bamboo) are rare. This family includes the most important cultivated cereals - wheat, rye, rice, oats, corn, barley, millet, as well as many wild cereals - timothy, bluegrass, foxtail, etc.

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In addition, cereals include various types of reeds and bamboo.

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All types of cereals have a fibrous root system. The stem is a straw, hollow at the internodes and filled with tissue at the nodes. At the base of the internodes there is educational tissue, due to which the stem grows in length. This type of stem growth is called intercalary. The leaves of cereals are narrow, simple, and consist of a long leaf blade and a sheath that clasps the stem at the nodes. The leaf venation is parallel. Cereals branch by tillering, that is, they form new shoots in the lower part of the stem, close to the ground. A cereal flower consists of two flower scales - outer and inner, which replace the perianth, three stamens with large anthers on long filaments, and one pistil with two stigmas. One of the flower scales is sometimes elongated in the form of an awn.

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The structure of a cereal flower

Flower formula O2+2T3P1

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The flowers of cereals are collected in inflorescences - spikelets, of which complex inflorescences are made - a complex spike (rye, wheat, barley), panicle (millet), cob (corn), plume (timothy) Spikelets consist of two spikelet scales covering one or more flowers.

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Cereals are pollinated by the wind, some (wheat) are self-pollinating. The fruit is a grain. Cereals reproduce not only by seeds, they also have vegetative propagation by shoots and rhizomes.

Characteristics of the Cereal family. Representatives of cereals are well known to every person. This is not surprising, because among the almost 11 thousand species of these plants, many have been grown by humans for a long time: wheat, rye, oats, rice, corn and others. In terms of area under crops, cereals surpass all others cultivated plants. They grow on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

Cereals are perennial, occasionally annual or biennial plants. Their underground shoots can change into rhizomes. In some species, such as bamboo, the stem becomes woody. Most cereals can be distinguished by the characteristic structure of a stem that is hollow at the internodes, called a straw. But in corn and sugar cane, the stalk is filled with loose storage tissue (the pith). The stems are characterized by intercalary growth. The leaves are simple, sessile, elongated, with parallel veins, arranged alternately. The long tubular leaf sheath encloses the stem. The root system of these plants is fibrous.

The flowers of cereals are small, barely noticeable and collected in spikelets, which, in turn, form a complex spike (rye, wheat, barley, wheatgrass), a panicle (rice, millet, oats, inflorescence of staminate flowers of corn). Each spikelet consists of one or two or more (up to 20) bisexual or unisexual flowers. Pistillate corn flowers are collected in an inflorescence cob.

Cereal flowers have a simple perianth, consisting of two flower scales and two films. Typically, a flower has three stamens and one pistil. Among cereals, self-pollinated (barley, wheat, rice) and wind-pollinated (rye, corn, timothy, wheatgrass) species are known. The fruit is a grain with a large endosperm rich in starch and proteins.

Diversity and economic importance of cereals. The most famous among cereals are various grain crops (wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, corn), from the grains of which bread, pasta, and cereals are made, and they are also used as animal feed. The elongated stalks of sugar cane, grown in many tropical countries, contain up to 20% sugar. Bamboo, growing in tropical and subtropical countries, is used as construction material, furniture and decorative items are also made from it. High-quality oil is obtained from corn kernels.

Meadow grasses (timothy, bluegrass, wheatgrass, fescue) serve as food for domestic animals in fresh and dried (hay) form. Many types of cereals are sown on lawns as ornamental plants, as well as in ravines and gullies to consolidate sand and prevent soil shedding. Among the cereals there are also weeds: wild oats, bristle grass, wheatgrass. Wheatgrass has a well-developed rhizome and therefore, by reproducing vegetatively, it can a short time completely drown out the crops of cultivated plants.

The main grain crop not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world is wheat. A variety of bakery, confectionery, pasta and cereal products are made from its grain. Grain, green mass, and often straw are fed to animals. Wheat is a self-pollinating plant; only certain varieties are characterized by cross-pollination.

Most often, varieties of two types of wheat are grown - durum and soft, which differ in the properties of the grains. In durum wheat they are glassy at the break, rich in protein. High-quality flour is obtained from its seeds. The grains of soft wheat are mealy when broken, rich in starch; its flour is used to make delicious cookies and cakes. It is believed that wheat was introduced into culture by humans 7–8 thousand years ago.

Approximately 5 thousand varieties of wheat are known. There are winter and spring forms. Spring wheat is sown in the spring and harvested in late summer. It is less cold-resistant compared to winter varieties sown in autumn. Before the onset of winter frosts winter wheat sprouts and hardens. This gives it the opportunity to survive the winter period under a layer of snow and resume its growth in early spring. The most winter-hardy varieties can tolerate frosts down to –20 °C. Using significant spring reserves of moisture in the soil, winter wheat provides higher yields compared to spring wheat. Ukrainian scientists have created wheat varieties that, subject to compliance high culture cultivation are capable of producing 100 or more centners of high-quality grain per hectare.

The second place in terms of crop area after wheat among cereals in Ukraine is occupied by corn, a monoecious plant. Its male flowers are collected at the top of the stem into a panicle inflorescence, and its female flowers are collected into a spadix. It has a long (up to 5 m) stem and a well-developed root system. The growing season for corn in temperate climates ranges from 70 to 180 days.

Corn is a moisture-, heat- and light-loving plant. At an average daily temperature below +15 °C, its growth and development stops, and the leaves turn yellow. The birthplace of corn is Mexico. It was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in 1496.

Made from corn various products nutrition, medical supplies, pet food. Its grains contain high-quality oil and are rich in protein and starch.

In Ukraine, to obtain grain and green feed for large areas Other types of cereals are also grown: oats, millet, rye, barley.

It's hard to imagine the Ukrainian steppe without different types feather grass These are perennial herbaceous plants up to 1 m high with small spikelets collected in a panicle. Under the influence of human economic activity (plowing the steppes, grazing), these plants are gradually disappearing and therefore need protection. Some types of feather grass are grown by humans as ornamental plants.

The history of the discovery of vitamins is connected with rice. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, many people in tropical and subtropical countries suffered from the disease beriberi (this word means sheep in Malay). This name comes from the fact that the uncertain, shaky gait of a sick person resembles the movement of a sheep. In 1911, the Polish scientist Casimir Funk isolated the substance necessary to prevent this disease from the grain shells of rice and called it vitamin (from the Latin vita - life). Refined rice does not contain this substance, so eating only such rice causes beriberi disease. Later, other vitamins were isolated and designated by the letters Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, K.

Rice grains, rich in starch, are not only eaten, but also used as raw materials for the perfume industry (production of the most exquisite varieties of powder). Made from rice straws the best varieties papers, hats, baskets, furniture.

Rice can grow in shallow water when sufficient quantity heat, which is why it is called “the son of water and sun”: only the leaves and inflorescences of this plant rise above the water. In Ukraine, rice ripens in the southern regions. It was first grown in China about 5 thousand years ago. The ancient Chinese considered rice one of the five sacred plants, along with millet, wheat, barley and soybeans.

Among cereal grains, barley rises highest in the mountains. Thus, in the mountainous areas of Nepal and China, this plant is grown at altitudes up to 5 thousand meters above sea level. There are over 200 varieties of barley known in the world. This is the most cold-resistant crop, capable of growing and ripening even in some areas beyond the Arctic Circle.

Leafing through the pages of biology:

Characteristics of mushrooms
Variety of mushrooms
The importance of mushrooms in nature and human economic activity
General characteristics and distribution of lichens

Hello. Today I want to talk about proper nutrition. And for it, cereals are the most suitable product.

Every tree has roots. The tree of knowledge about nutrition is very ancient, and its roots go back thousands of years. In the ancient Indian teaching “Ayurveda” there are no food products of animal origin, and most of all there are no grains in food. The diet of the ancient macrobiota of Japan looks similar. Cereals make up from 30 to 100% of the diet of sick people, and the higher the severity of the disease, the more cereal products there are in the diet. As a person recovers, the amount of grains can be reduced, replacing them with plant foods and vegetables.

Cereals provide a significant portion of the ballast content (fiber) of food. They thereby provide a mechanism for gastrointestinal peristalsis. Bread, cereals, crackers are the engine for moving food from higher to lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bile entering the duodenum most evenly permeates food only from cereal contents. As food moves along the length of the gastrointestinal tract, bile sterilizes the intestinal wall and creates a mechanism of peristalsis. Foods that do not contain grains can cause spastic colitis.

Eating grains to children helps develop a longer small intestine, which means a more powerful immune defense system. The longer the small intestine, the longer a person's life. People who eat a lot of meat from childhood and avoid grain foods have a short small intestine.

Cereals are suppliers of silicon, which is essential for sustainable human health. The skin of grains contains organic silicon, and foods made from grains must contain the skin. Unfortunately, modern grain processing technology produces most products peeled, without skin, thereby depleting human food of silicon.

A lack of silicon in the human body leads to generalized metabolic disorders. 76 elements out of 104 are not absorbed, numerous microelementoses arise (M. G. Voronkov “Silicon Organisms”). The lack of silicon in the body is replaced by its antagonist, more active calcium.

This is how diseases arise - decalcification of blood vessels (sclerosis), arthrosis, polyarthritis. Hair weakens and nails soften, skin diseases occur. Silicon is the element of life. Through it, as through a piezoelectric element, the intellectual principle manifests itself in the human body. If there is no silicon, chaos comes instead of harmony. And these are numerous diseases.

Among hundreds of food products, I especially want to mention three. People have long attached special significance to them. They were sanctified. They were blessed. They were valued most of all. Chapters are dedicated to them in Holy Scripture. It's forever necessary for a person- bread, butter and wine.

Bread - most important product nutrition, the beginning of all beginnings. A grain of wheat contains everything a person needs to live. Bread made from grain is a source of the element of life - silicon. Without silicon, “no living organism” can live.

Bread supplier essential carbohydrates- fructans, which provide nutrition to the symbiotic microflora in the human intestine and inhibit the non-symbiotic microflora. Bread ensures intestinal motility, which means cleanliness and health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treating bread as harmful product nutrition approved by specialists official medicine in the 70-80s of the 20th century, did not correspond to the truth and led people into dead ends of disease.

The result of these misconceptions was for many a terrible disease - intestinal obstruction - atony, constipation, hemorrhoids.

Guests are greeted with bread and salt in a Russian home. A festive loaf is baked for the wedding day. Elegant bread baking forms decorate any table, any home.

When choosing bread, you need to give preference to bran varieties, in order to saturate your body with silicon by consuming such bread. Avoid white bread, flour products made from premium flour is the path to disease and degeneration. Nowadays, crackers in a large assortment have appeared on sale. Adults and children love them. A good sign in assessing the role of cereals in nutrition. The range of breads baked from flour with bran is expanding more and more. It is gratifying that the sale of dark bread is much faster than white bread, and its sales volumes are growing from year to year. Such changes indicate a change in people's consciousness. This means that silicon will enter the human body naturally.
Cereal products are excellent protectors, that is, they remove radionuclides from the body.