Acute rhinitis, nasopharyngitis. Symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis in children and treatment methods

R inopharyngitis (synonymous with nasopharyngitis) is a disease in which simultaneous inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa occurs.

The disease is characterized by symptoms of damage to both of these areas and can occur in acute and chronic forms. Therapy is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the pathology and eliminating symptoms that worsen the quality of life.

Rhinopharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process that simultaneously affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

These two areas are interconnected, and the disease, as a rule, begins in one area, gradually descending or rising higher.

This means that the development of nasopharyngitis can begin with:

  • Rhinitis (runny nose) inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The patient is concerned about excessive snot discharge, loss of smell, difficulty breathing, and headache. The acute process stops after 5-6 days or gives complications (passes below - nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Pharyngitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the back of the throat. The patient will complain of dry mouth, cough, pain in the nasopharynx, low-grade fever.

The combination of manifestations of this disease will be nasopharyngitis. It is more severe because several areas are inflamed.

The cause of the disease is:

  • bacteria (streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci, staphylococci, etc.);
  • viral microflora (adeno, rhinoviruses, influenza strains, etc.);
  • allergens (food and air);
  • toxic effects of harmful gases and impurities;
  • fungi and protozoa (less commonly).

In addition to pathological microbes, in order for the inflammatory process to begin, a combination of contributing factors is needed: hypothermia, decreased immune defense, injury to the nose or pharynx, vitamin deficiency, etc.

The ICD-10 code for acute nasopharyngitis is J00, and for the chronic stage is J31.1.

Forms of acute nasopharyngitis and their symptoms

Acute inflammation of the nasopharynx begins 1-2 days after a common runny nose. There are two forms, each of which is characterized by certain characteristics.

Catarrhal nasopharyngitis

Upon visual examination: the mucous membrane turns red, swells, and translucent mucus accumulates in the nasal passages.

Patients present the following complaints: dryness, scratching, sore throat, pain when swallowing, runny nose, nonproductive cough, mucus in the back of the throat, nasal congestion.

Body temperature remains normal or rises to subfebrile levels.

Purulent acute nasopharyngitis

Caused by bacterial microflora. Upon examination, the doctor pays attention to pus in the nasal passages, redness and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and single lymphatic follicles on the back wall are enlarged.

Body temperature rises to febrile levels, nearby lymph nodes (sublingual, cervical) enlarge and become painful. the patient is bothered by purulent (yellow and green) nasal discharge, weakness, loss of appetite, headaches, discomfort in the throat, aches in the joints and muscles.

This form can cause complications such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.


Both forms can cause swelling of the mouth of the auditory tubes and, as a result, hearing impairment and congestion in the ears. If not treated in a timely manner, the disease causes complications in the ears (development of otitis media).

Allergic form

Allergic rhinopharyngitis has distinctive features. This is not a disease, but a condition that is provoked by exposure to airborne or food allergens.

An allergic reaction develops only in people who are sensitive to a specific substance.

A special feature of this disease is the appearance of symptoms only after contact with a potential allergen (wool, dust, grains, fluff, etc.) and independent recovery after eliminating its exposure.

Characteristic symptoms of nasopharyngitis:

  • always clear discharge from the nostrils;
  • itching of the skin, sneezing, lacrimation;
  • sore and dry throat;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion;
  • feeling of lack of air with severe swelling;
  • relief after taking antihistamines.

Chronic nasopharyngitis and its manifestations

Chronic disease of the nasopharynx occurs under the influence of a number of accompanying factors: low immunity, persistent foci of infection in the body (for example, carious teeth), untreated acute infectious diseases and others, less significant.

The pathology is accompanied by a series of exacerbations and remissions and lasts for years. There are several forms of chronic nasopharyngitis:

  • Catarrhal.
  • Atrophic.
  • Develops in response to aggressive environmental factors (smoking, inhaling gases, alcohol abuse). In some cases, atrophic nasopharyngitis in the elderly is regarded as age-related changes. The patient complains of dryness in the nose and throat, the formation of purulent crusts, problems with swallowing, and a feeling of a lump in the throat. Upon visual examination, the specialist will see a pale, thinned mucous membrane, under which the vessels are visible. The nasal turbinates are cyanotic (bluish), with purulent dry crusts in the passages. Hypertrophic.

This form is characterized by pronounced proliferation of the mucous membrane. The patient complains of a lack of nasal breathing, nasal sound, swelling, and a feeling of mucus running down the throat. On examination: the nasal turbinates are enlarged, contract slightly under the influence of vasoconstrictors, there is thick mucus in the nasal passages. The mucous membrane in the throat is thickened, the follicles on the back wall of the throat are enlarged or the side ridges are swollen.

Features of the course of the disease in children

In children, acute nasopharyngitis is much more severe. At this age, full breathing through the nose is of great importance, and the child’s immature immune system reacts very violently to any inflammatory process in the body.

The disease occurs with a pronounced inflammatory reaction, the temperature rises (up to 39 degrees), the child becomes lethargic, moody, sleeps poorly, and loses weight. Against the background of hyperthermia and intoxication syndrome, vomiting, diarrhea, or convulsions may occur.

Acute nasopharyngitis, in the absence of adequate treatment, can go lower and turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.

The chronic form of the disease is less common in children than in adults. The cause of chronicity can be adenoids, carious teeth and other sources of infection in the body.

Necessary examinations

To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist interviews the patient about characteristic complaints.

Then examines the oral and nasal cavity with instruments or using endoscopic equipment.

  • After the examination, additional studies may be prescribed:
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses to exclude sinusitis;
  • a general blood test to confirm the inflammatory process and its severity;
  • allergy tests if an allergic nature of the disease is suspected;

After establishing the diagnosis and its cause, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. At the same time, factors that contribute to the maintenance of the inflammatory process are eliminated.

Differentiation with other pathologies

What diseases should be used in the differential diagnosis of rhinopharyngitis:

  • Flu. A viral infection that begins with fever, runny nose, and sore throat. Later, symptoms of general intoxication, weakness, and cough appear. Often causes serious complications on the heart, kidneys and other organs.
  • Diphtheria. An infectious pathology, the development of which is caused by the bacterium diphtheria bacillus. Thanks to routine vaccinations (DTP), the disease is rare. When infected, it affects the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx with the formation of dirty gray films. In childhood, it can cause the development of false croup and suffocation.
  • Angina. Infectious and inflammatory disease of the lymphoid apparatus of the pharynx. It manifests itself as a sharp pain in the throat, a rise in temperature and the appearance of plaque on the tonsils. Unlike nasopharyngitis, the nasal mucosa is not affected, but in children, nearby adenoids may become inflamed.

Treatment methods

Treatment for the disease depends on its cause, associated complications and other factors. Let's take a closer look at how different forms of rhinopharyngitis are treated.

Acute form

In the absence of severe inflammation, the disease can only be treated with local remedies. For this use:

  • Nasal drops. Choose for 3-5 days with severe swelling or combined, which includes an antibiotic and a hormone (Polydex with phenylephrine).
  • Washing and irrigation with saline solutions (Aqualor, Quix, Salin). Such procedures help cleanse the nasal mucosa and moisturize it.
  • Gargling with disinfectant solutions (Miramistin, Furasol, Rotokan, Septomirin).
  • Sprays Kameton, Ingalipt and Falimint, Faringosept. They help relieve symptoms of inflammation in the pharynx and disinfect the mucous membrane.

Physiotherapeutic treatment has a good effect. In acute processes, inhalations, quartz tubes, electrophoresis, magnetic laser and others are prescribed.

If local treatment turns out to be ineffective after 3-4 days, then the patient is prescribed systemic therapy:

  • Antibiotics. To treat upper respiratory tract infections, penicillins (), macrolides (Josamycin) or cephalosprins (Cefixime) are used. In cases of severe advanced infections, reserve drugs - carbapenems - are used.
  • Antihistamines (, Desloratadine). They are used to quickly reduce swelling and when the allergic nature of the disease is suspected.
  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroids (Ibuklin, Paracetamol). They help relieve pain, reduce fever and eliminate other symptoms of inflammation. Read more about this group of drugs in.

Chronic form

Treatment of rhinopharyngitis, which has entered the chronic stage, is carried out depending on its form.

During the period of exacerbation, treatment is prescribed according to the regimen of acute nasopharyngitis.

The exception is antibiotics, which are selected based on the results of a smear, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora in the nasopharyngeal cavity.

In addition, measures are taken to eliminate risk factors for exacerbations:

  • Restore nasal breathing (straighten the nasal septum, trim enlarged inferior turbinates, etc.)
  • Sanitize foci and sources of possible infection.
  • Strengthen the immune system: daily routine, nutrition, hardening, immunomodulators.
  • Normalization of the indoor microclimate (optimal humidity, temperature).
  • When working in hazardous industries, use personal protective measures (respirators, masks).

Rhinopharyngitis of allergic etiology can be treated with topical steroids (Maurice, ) and systemic antihistamines (Zodak, Zyrtec). An important role is played by identifying and eliminating contact with the causative allergen.

Alternative medicine

In the treatment of uncomplicated and chronic forms of nasopharyngitis, folk remedies can have a good effect.

Let's remember the most effective and popular recipes:

  • Gargling with solutions of medicinal herbs with antiseptic properties (calendula, chamomile, oak bark, celandine).
  • Inhalations with a nebulizer with saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride) for moisturizing, and hot (steam) with essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus to cleanse the mucous membranes.
  • Homemade oil drops. Used for dry nose and atrophic rhinopharyngitis. Recipe: mix sea buckthorn oil and a solution of vitamin E in a ratio of 10 to 1. Drop a whole pipette into the nose 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

Warming up the nose, hot foot baths and mustard plasters have a good therapeutic effect only in the initial stages of the disease, in the first two days.

Nasopharyngitis is a lesion of two adjacent areas of the nasal cavity and pharynx. The pathology occurs in different forms and responds well to treatment. With a decrease in immunity and other contributing factors, it can become chronic.

In contact with

- a common occurrence. It is not necessary to first get sick from one disease and then be treated for another. The human body can suffer from two diseases at once, which are often combined and given a new name.

What is it - nasopharyngitis?

It may not occur without inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, through which mucous or putrefactive secretions constantly flow, which irritates and inflames. What is rhinopharyngitis (or nasopharyngitis)? This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx, which occurs with corresponding symptoms.

- This is a common runny nose, in which the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed. It occurs in three stages, which are characterized by their symptoms:

  1. At the first stage, aches, slight fever, sneezing, slight coughing, sore throat, and headache occur.
  2. On the second, the temperature rises even more, the nose becomes stuffy, nasal discharge appears, breathing becomes difficult, and consciousness becomes foggy.
  3. On the third, general nasal congestion and thick discharge occurs.

In the second week, the patient usually recovers, unless complications are observed.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, which often develops against the background of various infectious respiratory diseases (ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory infections, etc.). It is characterized by soreness, pain and difficulty swallowing, as with a sore throat, as well as a cough.

The combination of these diseases is nasopharyngitis, in which all the symptoms of these diseases are observed.

According to the flow, the following forms of nasopharyngitis are distinguished:

  1. Spicy
  2. Chronic, which is divided into types:
  • Catarrhal;
  • Atrophic – rawness in the throat, hoarseness, pallor and thinning of the mucous membrane;
  • Hypertrophic;
  • Granular - swelling of the tonsils, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes, looseness and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Certain types of rhinopharyngitis:

  • Infectious;
  • Allergic – an inflammatory process that occurs in response to an allergen, begins in the nose, and moves to the pharyngeal area.


A common cause of nasopharyngitis is complicated rhinitis. It is poorly treated or not treated at all; nasal discharge flowing down the throat irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to the development of a secondary disease. There are other factors that can provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • An infection (bacteria or virus) that enters the nasopharynx.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the upper sections, for example, laryngitis, esophagitis, etc.
  • In rare cases, the cause is the transfer of infection through the bloodstream when inflammation occurs in other parts of the body.

Symptoms and signs of nasopharyngitis of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx

General symptoms and signs of nasopharyngitis of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx is a combination of two diseases. The patient experiences the following phenomena:

  • Burning, tingling, dryness in the nasopharynx.
  • An accumulation of mucous discharge that can turn bloody or purulent. It comes off difficult and is viscous.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Nasal voice.
  • Painful sensations in the ears, clicking, hearing loss.
  • Possible increase in body temperature.
  • Redness and swelling of the nasopharynx.
  • Enlarged occipital and cervical lymph nodes.

With allergic rhinopharyngitis, the following symptoms can be observed:

  1. Inflammation and redness of the pharynx.
  2. Runny nose, stuffy nose.
  3. Cough.
  4. Mucus drains along the back of the throat.
  5. Discomfortable sensations in the throat.

The acute form of nasopharyngitis is characterized by a sharp and obvious onset, which manifests itself in the following signs:

  • Swelling of the nose and throat;
  • Formation of copious mucus or pus;
  • Voice change;
  • Itching in the nose, which causes sneezing;
  • Tearing;
  • Sore throat and sore throat when swallowing, like a sore throat;
  • Mild malaise;
  • Slight increase in temperature to 37.9ºС.

Hypertrophic and catarrhal chronic nasopharyngitis have common symptoms:

  1. Sore throat, rawness.
  2. Sensation of a foreign object in the throat.
  3. Coughing attacks in the morning with expectoration of mucus or pus.
  4. Nasal discharge of mucus or pus.
  5. Inflammation and redness of the tonsils.
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes in the back wall of the pharynx.

Rhinopharyngitis in a child

Cases of nasopharyngitis in children are becoming quite common. Moreover, the disease is more severe than in adults. The child experiences a sharp increase in temperature to 39ºC, belching, and vomiting. Due to nasal congestion, the child refuses to eat, sleeps poorly, and becomes capricious. Gastrointestinal upset may develop, that is, flatulence and diarrhea will begin. Often, nasopharyngitis in a child is a harbinger of pneumonia or bronchitis.

Rhinopharyngitis in adults

Rhinopharyngitis in adults often appears after untreated or poorly treated rhinitis. In men it may occur due to hypothermia. In women, it often occurs against the background of reduced immunity during cold seasons.


Diagnosis of rhinopharyngitis is carried out by an otolaryngologist (ENT), who first listens to the patient’s complaints, and then conducts a general examination of the nose and pharynx. The disease becomes visible by external signs. However, to clarify the following procedures can be carried out:

  • Analysis of secreted mucus;
  • Blood analysis;
  • Biopsy of the mucous membrane;
  • X-ray of the sinuses.


Treatment for nasopharyngitis is not the same as for a runny nose. The cause of the disease must be eliminated. This is done by clearing the nose of mucus, eliminating infection, allergens, if we are talking about allergic rhinopharyngitis.

How to treat? Medicines:

  • Antibiotics, which are widely used for this disease;
  • Antipyretic medications, if we are talking about a child;
  • Anti-inflammatory medications;
  • Nasal drops;
  • Antihistamines.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out:

  • Washing;
  • Inhalations;
  • Gargling, for example, with sage infusion, soda solution;
  • Warming up your feet.

The patient must adhere to the following diet:

  1. Drinking plenty of fluids to thin mucus;
  2. Refusal of cold, hot, spicy foods;
  3. Eating foods rich in vitamins.

All of the above measures can be done at home. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor, and the use of folk remedies promotes a speedy recovery:

  • Place 5 drops of Kalanchoe juice in your nose.
  • Place 5 drops of beetroot juice in each nostril or dip tampons that are inserted into the nose.
  • Rinse your nose with a solution: dilute a spoonful of calendula juice with 0.5 liters of warm water.
  • Pour a spoonful of plantain leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take the decoction before meals.

Life Forecast

With rhinopharyngitis, a favorable prognosis for life is observed. How long do patients live? The disease does not lead to death, but it does have its complications: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc. This worsens the patient’s condition, while nasopharyngitis itself is cured in a couple of weeks and no longer bothers.

You should avoid hypothermia, treat all infectious diseases in a timely manner, strengthen your immune system - and then nasopharyngitis will not affect your body.

By nasopharyngitis we mean an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx in a child. The nasal cavity plays an important protective role during breathing. Constantly moving villi of the mucous membrane help to retain dust in the air. The mucus secreted by the glands of the mucous membrane humidifies the air and disinfects it with the help of a special substance called lysozyme. Thus, in the nasal cavity, the air inhaled by the child is cleaned, moistened and warmed. Therefore, free nasal breathing is of great importance for a child.

If breathing is difficult, this worsens the patient’s quality of life. Let us consider in this article the treatment of nasopharyngitis in children.

Causes of nasopharyngitis

The cause of most acute nasopharyngitis in children is viruses.

Rhinopharyngitis is a response of the mucous membrane to any irritant: mechanical, thermal, chemical, bacterial. Most often, viral and allergic nasopharyngitis develops. A one-sided runny nose can occur with a foreign body in the nose in young children. In very rare cases, isolated inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis) or nose (rhinitis) develops; usually the process involves the entire nasopharynx.

The causative agents of the process in the nasopharynx are most often adenoviruses, viruses, rhinovirus or. In addition to viruses, bacteria (diphtheria bacillus, streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci) can be causative agents of inflammation.

The inflammatory process can spread both ascending (from the pharynx to the nasal cavity) and descending (rhinitis occurs first, and then pharyngitis occurs). In addition, inflammation can spread to other parts of the respiratory tract - the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Given the connection of the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube with the middle ear, nasopharyngitis often leads to otitis media.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Susceptibility is high. The disease is especially dangerous for premature babies and malnourished children. Rhinopharyngitis can develop at any time of the year. The disease can be caused by hypothermia. The course of the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic.

Allergic rhinitis can be caused by plant, household, fungal, food and animal allergens. House dust, animal hair, bird feathers, pollen from flowering plants, particles of detergents, dyes, fish food, fungal spores (constantly found in house dust) - this is not a complete list of allergens that can cause an allergic reaction. Atmospheric air pollution, unventilated premises, overcrowding of people in an apartment under poor living conditions, vitamin deficiency - these are the factors contributing to the development of allergic conditions.


Acute nasopharyngitis

A constant symptom of the disease is nasal congestion and sneezing. Due to the accumulation of secretions in the nasal cavity, a small child experiences difficulty feeding: every 2-3 sips he is forced to drop his chest to inhale through his mouth. As a result, the child is malnourished and may lose weight. Difficulty breathing causes anxiety in the baby, he cries, and sleep is disturbed. To facilitate the passage of air, children tilt their heads back slightly.

At first, nasal discharge is clear and liquid, then it becomes mucous and thicker. There may also be purulent discharge from the nose. Due to the irritating effect of secretions on the skin and friction with a handkerchief or napkin, redness appears around the nasal passages. In rare cases, blood appears in the nasal discharge in the form of streaks.

In the posterior parts of the nasal cavity, mucus can stagnate due to obstructed outflow: dried mucus further narrows the already narrow nasal passages of a small child.

Older children complain of a sore throat and pain when swallowing, headaches and body aches. There is often congestion in the ears and decreased hearing, which indicates inflammation of the Eustachian tube. The voice takes on a nasal tone. Ear pain may subsequently appear. The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.

Body temperature can rise to high levels, but a slight increase is also possible. In small children, against the background of an increase in temperature, symptoms may appear.

In addition to a sore throat, inflammation of the pharynx is characterized by a cough. When examining the pharynx, you can see redness of the mucous membrane and mucus running down the back wall of the throat, which can cause vomiting in the child. In some cases, in addition to vomiting, loose stools appear and possibly bloating.

In the absence of complications, the disease lasts about 7 days and ends with recovery. In some cases (adenoviral, for example), a wave-like course of the disease may occur.

Complications, in addition to otitis media (the most common complication in children), may include. But especially dangerous for young children is the development of inflammation of the vocal cords (croup). In this case, emergency treatment is necessary. In severe cases, a retropharyngeal abscess may also form.

Allergic nasopharyngitis

Most often it appears in the summer, during the flowering period of grasses and trees. It can also develop upon contact with other allergens. It is not always easy to distinguish it from other types of disease (viral, bacterial) based on clinical signs.

Symptoms of allergic rhinopharyngitis are:

  • sudden nasal congestion due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • copious mucus discharge from the nose;
  • burning and itching in the nasal passages and eyes;
  • eyelid redness and tearing;
  • sore throat;
  • increased manifestations when the child is lying on his back;
  • Difficulty breathing often occurs;
  • cough.

Manifestations of the disease decrease when contact with the allergen is stopped, which can serve as a distinguishing feature from other types of disease.

If a child has a runny nose (especially during the flowering season) that does not disappear despite treatment, consultation with an allergist is necessary.

Although allergic rhinitis does not pose a threat to the child’s life, parents should treat it, since it can be a precursor to the development of an asthmatic condition, and in schoolchildren this significantly reduces the ability to work.

Chronic nasopharyngitis

The disease is characterized by a long course and is the outcome of an acute form as a result of insufficient treatment. The presence of chronic foci of infection can also contribute to the chronicity of the process (,). There are catarrhal, atrophic and hypertrophic forms of the chronic process.

Unpleasant sensations in the pharynx persist despite treatment; Hoarseness of voice and sore throat may occur. Nasal discharge is mucous or purulent in nature. Frequent dry cough bothers me, although in the morning I cough up secretions from the throat, which can provoke a gag reflex. The tonsils are loose and enlarged. Lymph nodes (on the back and side walls of the pharynx) become enlarged.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints, medical history, rhino- and pharyngoscopy data and some additional research methods.

In addition to clinical manifestations, contact with patients with a viral disease is taken into account.

Laboratory diagnostic methods are used:

  • virological (to determine the type of virus);
  • bacteriological (diagnosis of nasal diphtheria, gonorrheal rhinitis in newborns);
  • serological (diagnosis of ARVI, syphilitic congenital lesions of the nasopharynx in newborns).

Treatment of nasopharyngitis

You cannot treat your child on your own; a mandatory consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Most often, treatment of nasopharyngitis is carried out on an outpatient basis. But, if the doctor recommends hospitalization of the newborn, the mother should not refuse hospital treatment.

For viral rhinopharyngitis the following are used:

  • Interferon;
  • Anaferon (from 1 month of life);
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Viferon-gel;
  • Amiksin (after 7 years).

Antiviral drugs should be used as early as possible: in the first three days of the disease. Interferon is used for a child of any age in the form of nasal drops or inhalations. Anaferon for children under 2 years of age is dissolved in a small amount of water, and older children dissolve the tablet in their mouth. Oxolinic ointment and Viferon are used to lubricate the mucous membranes in the nasal passages; they can be used even for premature babies. Viferon can also be lubricated on the tonsils using a tampon. Amiksin is used in tablet form.

To restore breathing through the nose, children are prescribed collargol 1% solution (Protargol), 4 drops into the nasal passages twice a day. Rivanol solution and 1% Ephedrine solution can also be used. Children can be prescribed other vasoconstrictors (Galazolin from 3 years old, Farmazolin from 6 years old), but neither the dose of the drug nor the duration of use should be exceeded in order to avoid complications. Vasoconstrictor drops should be used in children only as prescribed by a doctor.

Nasal drops with menthol are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, as their use may cause spasm of the vocal cords and convulsions.

Rinsing the nose with saline and suctioning mucus from the nasal passages are also used. The skin in the area of ​​the nasal passages is lubricated with Vaseline. It is necessary to ensure humidification of the air in the room and regular ventilation of the room.

At high temperatures, the child is given antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Paracetamol, suppositories with Analgin and Diphenhydramine and other drugs).

Gargling with furatsilin, sea salt, decoctions of chamomile, sage, and calendula are used. Rotocan and Chlorophyllipt and hydrogen peroxide are also good for rinsing. If the child does not know how to gargle, inhalation is used (if there is no increase in temperature) with a soda solution or mineral water. Older children can suck Strepsils lozenges (from 5 years old), Decathylene tablets (from 10 years old), Islamint (from 12 years old) and others. They will help relieve sore throat and sore throat.

You should be careful when using irrigating sprays: they can cause spastic contraction of the glottis. They are not recommended for use before 2 years of age.

Antibiotics are used only in case of secondary bacterial flora and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures, in addition to inhalations, it is possible to prescribe UHF to the nose area and ultraviolet irradiation of the pharynx. For a dry hacking cough, warming up the feet (foot baths with mustard powder) and mustard plasters can be used as a distracting procedure.

Treatment of allergic rhinopharyngitis

Treatment is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. A prerequisite for treatment is eliminating or at least limiting contact with the allergen. Allergodil (from 12 years), Sanallergin (from 2 years), Vibrocil (at any age) are used in the form of nasal drops. General antiallergic drugs are also used: Tavegil, Claritin, Gismanal, Clarinase. In severe cases, nasal drops with (Flixonase, Dexarinospray and others) can be used.

An allergist can prescribe a course of specific therapy (outside the period of exacerbation): administration of an allergen in very small doses to produce substances in the child’s body that can prevent the development of an allergic reaction. For some children, allergists prescribe antiallergic immunoglobulin and Histoglobulin according to an individual regimen under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Individually selected homeopathic remedies can also give a good effect.

During an exacerbation, various sorbents should be used to more quickly remove the allergen from the child’s body: Enterosgel, Flavosorb, Carbolong, etc. Elimination of dysbiosis, which often accompanies allergic diseases, will help to quickly cope with exacerbation of allergic rhinopharyngitis.

In the treatment of nasopharyngitis, remedies recommended by traditional medicine are also used:

  • Freshly squeezed beet juice and Kalanchoe juice in the form of drops in the nose will help to quickly relieve the inflammatory process. You can also insert tampons well moistened with beet juice into the nasal passages. It is good to gargle with beet juice and diluted (1:1) Kalanchoe juice.
  • You can rinse your nose with diluted calendula juice (1 tablespoon per 500 ml of warm water), drawing the solution first into one and then into the other nasal passage (the procedure is carried out over a sink so that the solution flows out freely).
  • Onion juice mixed with lemon and honey also gives good results in the first days of the disease, but this treatment is not suitable for children with allergic reactions, since honey is an allergenic product.
  • Inhalations with potato broth have a good effect.
  • Infusions of coltsfoot, plantain, marshmallow, licorice root and elecampane herbs will help cope with coughs due to pharyngitis.


Hardening the child, frequent and long walks in the fresh air increase the child's immunity, reducing the frequency of nasopharyngitis.

General hardening of the child’s body, walks in the fresh air in any weather, clothing that prevents the child from overcooling or overheating will increase

Many people know: you only have to become a victim of this disease once, and that’s it - it will become attached to you forever. The doctor will prescribe different medications, and they will help you forget about the unpleasant symptoms for a while. But once you catch a cold, the disease will immediately return. This insidious disease is nasopharyngitis. What are its symptoms and how is it treated in adults?

One virus - two diseases: nasopharyngitis

This is a disease in which inflammation is localized in two places at once - in the nose and throat, which become clogged with mucus. Rhinopharyngitis, nasopharyngitis is a disease with a bad reputation: it occurs frequently, causes significant discomfort, is poorly treated, and easily becomes chronic. It is dangerous because it is of a viral nature (less commonly, bacterial), which means that antibiotics are useless against it.

Such ailments are characterized by the rapid progression of the pathological process. From the source of inflammation, it quickly spreads to the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, seizes the tonsils, larynx and can cause otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

There are 3 forms of this disease. Each of them manifests itself and is treated in its own way. No special diagnostic measures are carried out. The otolaryngologist listens to complaints, examines the throat, nose and ears, writes a referral for a clinical blood test and gives a list of medications.

Acute onset - runny nose, throat, fever. And yet not a “respirator”!

The acute form resembles an acute respiratory infection (often it occurs due to this infection). It begins suddenly, with the appearance of tingling and discomfort in the nasopharynx. At first, symptoms of nasal damage (runny nose, congestion) or burning, sharp pain in the throat may predominate. Soon the following characteristic signs appear:

  • dry mucous membranes;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • hoarse voice;
  • thick mucus that literally sticks to the nasopharynx;
  • temperature increase;
  • sneezing;
  • tearfulness;
  • general weakness, muscle tremors;
  • headache;
  • cough;
  • congestion, pain and clicking in the ears (usually from the 3rd day of illness);
  • lack of appetite.

Important! Viral pharyngitis is spread by airborne droplets. Therefore, it is recommended to isolate the patient so that he does not infect others.

If symptoms of acute viral nasopharyngitis are observed, then treatment in adults is aimed at combating the symptoms of the disease. Painkillers, antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin), decongestants (Diazolin, Loratadine, Tavegil), nasal drops (Isofra, Vibrocil), sprays for irrigating the throat, antiseptic tablets (Ambazon, Antiangin, Dyclonin, Lizobakt), vasoconstrictors based on oxymethasone and phenylephrine. You need to drink a lot of liquid, rinse your nose with saline compounds, and often gargle with soda solution, sage decoction, and Furacilin.

If symptoms and culture confirm the bacterial origin of nasopharyngitis, treatment in adults also includes antihistamines or steroids (Aldecin, Nasonex, Nasobek), anti-inflammatory drugs (Erespal), Hexoral spray, antibiotics (Amoxicillin). To maintain immunity - Interferon, Amiksin.

Improvement usually occurs within 7-10 days.

  • cough;
  • rawness and sore throat;
  • runny nose (stuffy one or two nostrils);
  • sensation of a lump in the throat that cannot be cleared;
  • mucous discharge mixed with blood or pus;
  • mucus running down the back of the throat;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • accumulation of thick, difficult-to-separate mucous secretion in the nasopharynx;
  • loss of smell;
  • sleep disorder;
  • when the body position changes from horizontal to vertical, the urge to expectorate begins (often to the point of vomiting);
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes on the sides of the pharynx is possible.

There are 3 forms of chronic nasopharyngitis. The mildest is catarrhal nasopharyngitis: without exacerbation, it does not cause any special problems. Subatrophic has a more severe course. The patient complains of intense discharge (often purulent), constant discomfort and sore throat. The worst prognosis is for the granulosa form, when the mucous membrane swells and becomes loose, and it comes to inflammation of the lymph nodes. It can cause life-threatening complications.

Therapy for chronic pharyngitis is aimed at eliminating the infectious focus. Treatment is carried out during the period of exacerbation. It is recommended to drip sea buckthorn or almond oil into the nose, intensively gargle with decoctions of sage, chamomile, chlorophyllipt, Lugol's solution, and do Borjomi inhalations through a nebulizer. The use of Miramistin gives good results. Among the medications used are Dexamethasone, Propolis, Fusafungin (in aerosols), Povidone-iodine, antiseptics in tablets - Dyclonin, Ambazon, herbal medicines - Rotokan, Septolete, anti-inflammatory.

Or maybe it's allergic?

The picture of the disease in the allergic variety of this disease generally coincides with the signs of “traditional” nasopharyngitis. But inflammation first occurs in the nose and then moves to the throat. You can recognize it by the following manifestations:

  • the nose stops breathing, it constantly “flows”;
  • cough bothers you;
  • suffers from itchy eyes and watery eyes;
  • the throat becomes red;
  • there is a feeling of the presence of a mucous lump in the throat;
  • mucus flows down the wall of the larynx;
  • the face swells.

To cure this form, contact with the allergen should be eliminated. Therapy is carried out using the above drugs, as well as antiallergic drops and general agents (Allergodil, Vibrocil, Sanallergin, Fexofast, Zirtek), sorbents.

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What it is? Rhinopharyngitis is a disease that develops against the background of acute inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity involving the mucous lining of the larynx in the pathological process. Accompanied by pain, hyperemia and thickening of the mucous membranes. The disease affects both adults and children, more often younger children.

The clinical manifestation of the disease is characterized by an acute and chronic course, which have their own specific development and distinctive features.

Symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis

In 90% of cases, the development of acute inflammatory reactions in the nose and pharynx is caused by a viral effect on the cellular structure of the mucous tissues that line them. In acute respiratory viral infections, acute nasopharyngitis can develop under the influence of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, or adenoviral pathogens.

In other cases, the disease can be triggered by increased sensitivity of the body (allergy to irritants), or bacterial penetration into the mucous tissue structure.

Unlike viruses, which, once in the body, immediately begin their active activity, bacterial flora can remain in the body for a long period of time without manifesting itself, waiting for favorable conditions for its development:

  • factors of hyperthermia or hypothermia of the body (overheating or severe cooling);
  • untreated colds;
  • weakened phagocytic defense;
  • harmful factors and contacts with patients;
  • activation of chronic pathologies.

The signs and symptoms of the acute form of rhinopharyngitis in adults have a vivid picture, due to the combination of symptoms similar to the course of rhinitis or pharyngitis. Therefore, the clinical picture of the disease manifests itself:

  1. Discomfort in the nasopharyngeal cavities, manifested by dryness of the nose and throat, tingling and burning sensation, causing paroxysmal tickling and sneezing;
  2. Mucus accumulations (often purulent) in the nasal cavity, flowing down the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  3. Lack of free breathing through the nose, causing rhinophony;
  4. Hearing loss and pain in the ears;
  5. Pain when swallowing and speaking;
  6. Low-grade fever;
  7. Hyperemia and swelling of the mucous structures of the nasopharynx;
  8. Inflammation and enlargement of nodes of the lymph system.

In this case, the patient feels general malaise, severe weakness, is prone to drowsiness and cannot bear any stress.

Symptoms of chronic nasopharyngitis

The form of chronic nasopharyngitis develops when the acute form of the disease is untimely or completely absent. The predisposing factor of development is due to various genesis:

  • adenoid and polypous vegetation (overgrowth);
  • processes of deformation of the septum in the nose;
  • congenital anatomical pathologies of the structure of the nasal cavity;
  • the influence of fungal infection;
  • stress and cold drinks;
  • medicinal effects on the immune system, weakening its functions.

The symptoms of chronic nasopharyngitis are characterized by a long, blurry pattern of progression. There may be no temperature, but exacerbation of the disease causes an increase in pathological symptoms, and its intensity is similar to the manifestations of an acute clinic.

Symptomatic manifestations, as a consequence of inflammatory reactions in the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx, can be caused not only by the clinical form of the disease, but also depend on the species of the disease. Depending on the causative factor, it manifests itself in the form of an allergic pathology, viral or bacterial (see below “types”).

With symptoms:

  1. Catarrhal inflammation;
  2. Granular, involving all structural tissues of the pharynx in the inflammatory process;
  3. Atrophy of the mucous membrane, manifested by necrosis of nerve endings in the pharynx and nasal cavity;
  4. Hypertrophic, leading to tissue proliferation;
  5. Subatrophic inflammation that disrupts the nutritional functions of mucous tissues.

Each type of inflammatory process manifests itself in rhinopharyngitis with corresponding, specific symptoms.

Types of nasopharyngitis, features of the course

Allergic type pathology develops due to exposure to certain allergens on the nasal mucosa. Symptoms of the disease are expressed by a dry cough, itchy and painful signs in the throat, clear and liquid substance discharged from the nose, increased lacrimation (epiphora).

  • Its distinctive feature is the absence of elevated temperature.

For bacterial and viral rhinopharyngitis, the symptoms are similar. It is expressed:

  • disruption of thermoregulation processes in the body (with one or another type of rhinopharyngitis, the temperature reaches critical levels);
  • severe soreness of the throat, making it impossible to take food and liquid;
  • development of a runny nose and sinus congestion;
  • inflammatory reactions in the lymph nodes of the cervical area.

With the development of nasopharyngitis of viral origin, it should be noted herpetic rhinopharyngitis, which manifests itself when viral strains of herpes infection are activated in the body against the background of failure of immune functions. Signs of pathology may resemble the clinical picture of common acute respiratory infections.

During the processes of inflammatory reactions affecting the mucous layer of the nasopharynx, provoked by the introduction of bacteria, the characteristic signs of the disease are complemented by the appearance of white plaque on the tonsils (tonsils) and on the posterior mucous wall of the nasopharynx. In severe clinical cases, thick purulent discharge from the sinuses with a foul odor is noted.

The most dangerous type of rhinopharyngitis is the meningococcal form.

The pathogen is able to penetrate into the deep structure of mucous tissues, and quickly reaching the lymphatic and capillary vessels, penetrate into the blood. This contributes to the rapid spread of meningococcal infection, damage to various organs and brain tissue.

  • Failure to seek medical help in a timely manner often results in patient mortality.

In hypertrophic form diseases arise no less serious problems. It is caused by a long-term (chronic) course of the disease, which provokes the formation of irreversible changes in the mucous structure of the nose and pharynx.

Pathological changes are caused by the proliferation of reticular fibers of the lymphatic tissue, which prevent normal blood circulation in the tissues of the nasopharynx. Which leads to stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx and breathing problems.

With atrophic rhinopharyngitis forms, processes of cellular necrosis of mucous tissue occur, causing its depletion and cortical formations on its surface. With any attempts to remove them, open hemorrhagic processes occur.

Chronic catarrhal form characterized by unpleasant discomfort in the throat with the sensation of a foreign object in it. Copious purulent discharge flows from the nose into the throat, causing a constant cough. In the morning, patients suffer from strong discharge of purulent sputum during expectoration, causing vomiting. Symptoms are expressed:

  • local cervical lymphadenitis;
  • looseness and hyperemia of mucous tissues;
  • swelling of the tonsils (tonsils).

Granular appearance pathology is manifested by edema and structural loosening of the tissues of the mucous membrane, and local lymphadenitis in the tissues of the posterior or lateral pharyngeal wall.

Subatrophic rhinopharyngitis, manifests itself in patients with increased susceptibility to changing weather conditions. As a rule, it manifests itself in the cold season in patients with reduced immunity. Signs are similar to many forms of the disease, manifesting themselves as: increased body temperature, signs of runny nose and cough, weakness and local lymphadenitis.

Signs of the development of nasopharyngitis in children

Rhinopharyngitis in childhood is characterized by a severe course, so it is important to identify the pathology in a timely manner and prevent complications. In children, symptoms of nasopharyngitis appear:

  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • spitting up and vomiting in babies;
  • nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
  • purulent and mucous secretion discharged from the nose;
  • cough and fever;
  • dyspeptic disorders and insomnia.

Children are restless, lethargic and irritable, and refuse to eat. With timely identification of characteristic signs and symptoms of nasopharyngitis in children, early treatment of the disease will help to avoid complicated processes that often develop against the background of inflammatory reactions in the respiratory system.

Treatment of rhinopharyngitis, drugs

For acute nasopharyngitis, drug treatment consists of complex therapy. The first action of which is to relieve intoxication symptoms and restore free nasal breathing. Treatment begins with recommendations that can alleviate the patient’s condition. To do this, you just need to follow a number of simple rules;

  1. Maintain plenty of fluids;
  2. Avoid irritating, too hot and cold foods;
  3. Carry out frequent ventilation and humidification of the home;
  4. If necessary, maintain a rest period.

The complex of drug treatment for nasopharyngitis includes the following drugs:

  • Antiviral agents in the form of drugs and analogues of Engistol, Isoprinozide or Remantadine.
  • High fever is treated with antipyretic drugs: Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen.
  • To relieve swelling, inflammation and excessive lacrimation, antihistamine drugs in the form of Laratidine, Tavegil and Cetirizine are prescribed.
  • Pain when swallowing can be relieved with various tablets, lozenges and lozenges: “Decatylene”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Strepsils” and “Septefril”, throat treatment, sprays and medicinal solutions: “Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine” and “Lugol”, herbal gargles solutions prepared on oak bark, sage, tinctures of eucalyptus and calendula flowers.
  • To moisturize the mucous lining of the nasopharynx, irrigation procedures with saline solutions and vasoconstrictor nasal preparations are prescribed: Humer, Aqua-Maris, Protargol and Collargol, Vibrocil, Nazivin, Rinazolin.
  • Inhalations have a good therapeutic effect. To do this, use mineral water, the drug “Dekasan” or a regular pharmacy saline solution.
  • When a cough occurs, various mucolytic drugs are prescribed in the form of Erespal, Sinekod, Linkas or Lazolvan.
  • In case of bacterial genesis of nasopharyngitis, antibiotic therapy is selected.

It should be remembered that nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect have the opposite effect. When taken for more than a week, they provoke the development of edema in the mucous membranes.

In case of a chronic process, the following is used in treatment:

  • electro and warming procedures of the nasopharynx;
  • vitamin complexes and immunostimulants;
  • quartz irradiation and inhalation with alkaline solutions.

If necessary, it is possible to use laser and cryotherapy, minimally invasive surgical interventions.

What's the prognosis?

Rhinopharyngitis is successfully treated and does not lead to mortality. Although the life prognosis is favorable, if treatment is not timely, various complicated processes may develop - asthma, or severe forms of bronchitis.