Ready-made business plan for office supplies. Total cost, rub

Neither schoolchildren, nor students, nor mothers of preschool children, nor those responsible for supplying large enterprises can do without regular trips for stationery. Rulers and pencil cases, pencils and markers, pens, folders, diaries, notebooks and notepads - all these little things, firstly, are simply necessary, and secondly, they regularly run out, and therefore the need for them is constant. What does this mean for the entrepreneurial person? It's time to think about how to open a stationery store.

Enterprise registration

You can start this business as an individual entrepreneur. However, if there are two or more owners or you plan not to limit yourself to one retail outlet, but to open several branches over time, you need to register an LLC.

The optimal taxation system for such a store is UTII, but if retail trade in your region does not fall under the “imputation”, you should give preference to the simplified tax system “income minus expenses.”

Your activity code according to OKVED will be 52.47.3 - retail trade in stationery and stationery.

To work legally, you will need to buy a cash register and be sure to register it with the Federal Tax Service. To obtain permission to trade, you will need special permits, which are issued by the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and fire inspection.

Choosing premises for a store

When it comes to an office supply store, its location plays one of the leading roles in the success of the future business. The store should be located in a visible place with high traffic. Some good places to locate a retail outlet include the following:

  • in close proximity to large grocery stores and supermarkets: they have large, and most importantly, stable traffic, and many of their visitors will also come in for stationery;
  • in shopping centers, preferably close to children's goods or to stores that are often visited by women, because it is mothers who most often buy pencils, notebooks and markers for children;
  • close to schools, kindergartens, universities and other educational institutions, in this case students or their parents will become the main buyers.
  • in the center of business life, next to the offices of various organizations. If your main clients are companies and institutions, this should be reflected in the assortment - it will differ from “children’s”.

The size of the premises for a store can be from very small to quite impressive - it depends on the financial capabilities of the owner and the tasks set for the enterprise. You can organize a small store on 5-6 square meters. meters, but an area of ​​20–50 square meters would be more suitable for these purposes. meters.

Store arrangement

It is not at all necessary to make expensive repairs, especially at the initial stage: a stationery store does not need a stylish, luxurious interior. Everything can be simple and neat - that's enough. Make a colorful and noticeable sign, purchase the necessary equipment - and the room will be ready to receive visitors.

To present the product in a favorable light, you will need display counters with a glass top (if the room is small - at least one), shelving is a must; in a small store they are located behind the seller, in a larger store - along the entire perimeter of the room. You may also need glass display shelves where expensive products will be displayed.


Recruiting staff for a stationery store will not be difficult: the requirements for sellers are standard: they must be attentive and friendly. So, for a small store you need 1-2 cashier-sellers, an accountant, a merchandiser (unless, of course, the owner himself is involved in supply issues). If a larger store is opening, with a large sales area, you cannot do without 1-2 sales consultants. In addition, the store must have a cleaning lady.

Where to buy and how to choose a product

Finding a good supplier is another important step towards the success of your enterprise. For small stores, wholesale warehouses become the solution. Fortunately, today, to choose the right product, there is no need to travel around the area: everything can be ordered using the Internet. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to compare the conditions offered by different suppliers and prices in different online catalogs. Wholesale companies usually sell goods with delivery, so it is very convenient to cooperate with them.

It is cheaper to purchase goods directly from manufacturers, but in this case you need to be prepared to arrange delivery yourself. How much more profitable this will be as a result, you need to calculate using specific examples and then make a decision.

Demand for these products is usually stable throughout the year, with one exception - on the eve of September 1st. At this time, more stationery is generally needed, and in particular, notebooks, covers, pencil cases; You can offer customers a seasonal product - school bags. The rest of the time the assortment will be approximately the same.

For a store to prosper, the product must be of high quality - this is an axiom. This is also true for office supplies. Nowadays, products from domestic manufacturers are in great demand; it is believed that their quality-price ratio is optimal.

However, you can “dilute” the patriotic assortment with inexpensive Chinese or expensive European goods - depending on what kind of buyer you are targeting. If the majority of your visitors are schoolchildren and their parents, inexpensive products are a must. But organizations and enterprises may need something more representative.

Financial costs and income from the store

When drawing up a business plan for a stationery store, you need to take into account all the necessary costs, and also leave a small financial reserve (at least 10-15% of the total amount) for advertising and unforeseen costs that may arise.

The opening cost estimate will be approximately as follows:

  • registering an enterprise and obtaining permits – 10–15 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises - from 8 to 30 thousand rubles per month;
  • redecoration of the premises - 50-80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​from 25 to 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for the store - from 100 to 400 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary is 30–90 thousand rubles monthly.

So, depending on how large a store you plan to open, you need to have 220–800 thousand rubles.

Calculating what the income from an enterprise will be is somewhat more difficult than figuring out how much it costs to open a stationery store: what matters here is how briskly the trade will be, and this in turn depends on how well the store is located and what its pricing policy is.

To make the store pay for itself faster, it is better to open it in July - on the eve of the September rush. With a successful combination of circumstances, a new business pays for itself in six months to a year.

How to open a stationery store if the starting capital is not too large. This type of business remains in demand in large cities, so you will need minor investments to start. The main emphasis is on meeting requirements.

Selection of legal form and documentation

The sale of stationery does not require specific strict measures for the entrepreneur, but it is recommended to register the enterprise. This will prevent the occurrence of problematic situations with the authorities. We choose the form of business as an individual entrepreneur - this type of business does not involve any special hassle. Documentation:

  • Passport and TIN.
  • Application for opening an individual entrepreneur.
  • Lease (purchase) agreement for premises.
  • Permission from the SES.
  • Certificate of payment of state duty.

There are several types of taxation systems:

  • UTII is a mandatory tax to which all private entrepreneurs are subject.
  • The simplified tax system provides for further cooperation with legal entities. This will allow you to obtain guarantees for the purchase of goods from large suppliers. Working with legal entities involves paying for goods by bank transfer; such a system is not provided for UTII.

Important: tax accounting is carried out separately - the simplified tax system (the application is submitted within a month), the organization of UTII takes place up to 5 days from the date of registration of the lease of the premises.

Place and premises

From scratch, you should open a store selling office supplies in a good location. This will ensure an efficient flow of clientele. Optimal options:

  • Close to supermarkets or food products. These stores have stable traffic, so customers will be able to visit your outlet as well.
  • Close to schools, kindergartens, educational institutions. The main stream of clients is formed from students and their parents.
  • Places near offices. These institutions often need office supplies, so there will be a constant profit. The only point is that you need to make sure that the product matches the direction of the offices.
  • Rent premises in business centers (preferably near a store selling children's goods).

The area of ​​the room will vary from 10 to 20 square meters. m. - this is enough to launch a stationery store.

Important: foot traffic near your store will provide a stable and effective monthly income.

Store arrangement

When opening a store from scratch, you shouldn’t create a chic and exclusive interior. The initial stage of activity in this direction includes neatness and cleanliness. An office supply store is not a boutique selling branded clothing; it is enough to furnish the premises in a classic style. A sign with the name is required, this part should not be too bulky. The following equipment should be purchased (rented):

  • Metal racks. This is a place for displaying goods. Here the buyer should see the stationery and quickly navigate the products. Accessibility is the main criterion for shelving.
  • Glass counter and cashier stand. An entrepreneur is setting up a place for sellers.
  • The cash register is designed to issue checks and keep records of store finances.

When selecting equipment for a retail outlet, you should pay attention to quality. This will prevent premature breakdowns of equipment and furniture sets. Interior parts should be purchased from trusted representatives with extensive experience and a good reputation.

Suppliers and assortment

Cooperation with suppliers is perhaps the only point that needs to be taken seriously. There are many representatives of the office, the main thing here is not to make a mistake in choosing:

  • Reviews from company clients.
  • Product quality.
  • Possibility of long-term cooperation.
  • Return of defective goods.

Found a supplier, organize an assortment. The correct selection of goods is a step towards success in business. Stationery categories: pencils, pens, notebooks, rulers, files, staplers, folders. Technical supplies for universities and colleges - tubes, compasses, sheets in various formats. Diversify your assortment with souvenirs, posters, and flash drives. The approach to the formation of goods for a retail outlet is based on the right decisions. Your products should be suitable for office and educational purposes. It would be useful to file diplomas, make photocopies and print out documents from removable media.

Tip: A small office supply store can be supplemented with coffee machines and refill terminals. This will increase profits and make your store convenient for ordinary customers who come in just to look at the product.


A small office supply outlet requires a search for personnel. It is almost impossible to run this type of business on your own; additional resources are always needed. Hiring an employee can be done through recruitment agencies or the Internet. The normal functioning of the store is achieved through:

  • Sales consultants.
  • Accountant.
  • Security guard.
  • Cleaning woman.
  • Courier (organization of delivery of office supplies in large volumes). A diversified business will provide stable profits.

The work schedule is made flexible, it is advisable to introduce additional motivation for consultants. These could be bonuses or a percentage of sales.

Important: when hiring employees for a store, you should pay attention to communication skills and neatness. Customers will be pleased to communicate with a polite and cultured seller.

Promotion of a stationery store

  • A unique name that will attract customers at first sight.
  • Publication of advertisements on the Internet.
  • Distribution of leaflets.
  • Offering discount cards for large purchases.
  • Implementation of non-cash payments by clients.
  • Providing convenient service.
  • The presence of a catalog with goods.

You can lure clients in various ways, the main thing is not to impose. This will scare off the buyer. Successful advertising will provide a stationery store with regular customers.


Organizing a business involves calculating costs. Beginners are wondering where to get initial capital? There are several answers:

  • Applying for a loan.
  • Participation in government programs to support individual entrepreneurs.
  • Attracting investors.

The options will allow you to get the required amount for business development. Below are the main expenses:

  • Business registration – about 10,000 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of premises for a store – about 20,000 thousand rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs (if required) – about 30,000 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - about 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees is about 100,000 thousand rubles.
  • The initial purchase of office supplies is about 200,000 thousand rubles.

The initial costs for opening an office supply outlet will be about 600,000 thousand rubles. Promoting this type of activity is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions. And remember - the desire to make a profit is not enough; patience and hard work are required.

Current entrepreneur Lyubov Kirilenko shares her experience of opening a stationery store. The author's article provides practical advice on organizing this type of business from scratch.


The stationery store sells school and stationery supplies, as well as some groups of goods for children, in some cases educational literature and other related products.

All buyers of stationery stores can be divided into four groups:

  • Schoolchildren and their parents
  • Parents of preschoolers
  • Students
  • Others

The first two groups make the lion's share of all purchases, which means they are our main customers. The products sold relate to general consumption goods, demand which are practically does not change depending on the economic situation in the country. Each of us, more often or less often, purchases stationery, and will continue to purchase it as long as educational institutions and office work exist - ultimately, until people forget how to read and write. That is why this type of business can be considered consistently profitable and not associated with serious risks.

Income from the stationery store is estimated to be average from September to July and high in August, before the start of the school year. Small wholesale at retail prices - this is how you can define trade in a stationery store at this time.

Organizational and legal form

We choose the form of conducting business - in our case it is most advisable to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. It will take less time and cost less than registering a limited liability company.

If you are going to run a business together with a partner who contributes to the formation of start-up capital and plans to receive part of the proceeds in the future, it is better to register an LLC - to legally formalize your business relationship by becoming co-founders.

To choose tax regime, go to the regional tax office and make sure whether retail trade in your region falls under UTII. Most likely, this will be the case - then you won’t face the problem of choice. If your activity does not fall under UTII, choose a fifteen percent simplified taxation system.

According to OKVED our type of activity is classified as “ 52.47.3 Retail trade of stationery and stationery products».


In order to open a stationery store, you need to obtain a Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate from the regional office of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and a Fire Safety Certificate from the Fire Inspectorate. The cash register also needs to be registered - at the regional office of the Tax Inspectorate.

Each employee must provide you with a certificate of completion of a medical examination in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 N 302n ( entered into force on January 1, 2012 and canceled order No. 83 dated August 16, 2004).

Selecting a location

A potential buyer will not travel halfway across the city specifically for a pack of paper clips - it is more convenient for him to make all the necessary purchases during a visit to the supermarket. This means that the proximity of our store to grocery departments, shops with household chemicals and household goods will be very beneficial for us.

We will also add departments with children's products here, keeping in mind who our main clients are. In essence, it will suit us any retail space with high human traffic, but the proximity to, say, the building materials department will not give us anything: the main buyer of goods for repairs are men, and Mothers usually buy stationery for their children.

High-rise buildings worth renting premises on the ground floor. This is usually more expensive, but potential customers will walk past your store all day long.

The size of the room depends on the expected quantity of goods. If you are starting a business from scratch, and, obviously, do not have unlimited starting capital, the minimum required assortment can be placed on four square meters of the sales floor. However, ideally it is better to choose premises 6-8 square meters: everything will fit, and in the future you can add several more groups of goods, while buyers will not have the feeling that they are in a cramped closet filled to capacity.

The rented premises must have room for storage. The larger the area, the better, but in essence, even three square meters is not bad. If there is no separate room, you can and should install a partition, separating the sales area from the utility room.

Important: Moisture causes paper to deteriorate, so you should not rent damp rooms.


Minimum necessary equipment for the sales area- a display counter in front of the seller and a wall rack behind him. If necessary, hanging elements are mounted on the walls - shelves, nets, brackets.

Order a bright, eye-catching sign with large letters, put something beautiful in the window - for example, gift sets for your desktop or globes.

For the warehouse, we purchase strong racks with sufficiently high (40 cm or more) and deep (30 cm or more) shelves so that boxes of goods can be placed on them. Make sure that it is convenient to bring them into the warehouse.


For a small store, one salesperson is enough, but if the retail space is large and customers walk freely between the shelves, you will need a cashier and at least one consultant. He also brings goods from the warehouse, keeps order on the shelves, and discreetly keeps an eye on customers to prevent possible thefts.

Before the start of the school year, the number of customers will increase significantly, so even a small store will need additional staff. Hire students for one month - in August They are still free and are happy to take temporary jobs.


Depending on the focus on one of the groups of potential customers, our outlet can be specialized as a school supplies store or office supplies for business use. It is very expensive to fully cover both sectors, and you are just beginning your journey to the first million, so let’s focus on one thing.

Many new entrepreneurs make the same mistake: they buy the cheapest product in the hope of attracting customers with low retail prices. But cheap products are rarely of high quality, and as a result, Chinese products gather dust on the shelves. It’s better to stick to the middle: customers are more willing to buy high-quality things that are pleasant to use, but do not want to overpay for them.

Large stores with a large turnover have the opportunity to set minimum prices. You won’t have this opportunity at first: you need to pay off debts, pay rent, and save money for new purchases of goods. Let low cost be what you need to strive for, but something else is more important: prices in your store should not be higher than in the nearest competitor outlets.

Is it worth having a dozen varieties of a similar product? This is an excess, three are enough: a little cheaper, a little more expensive and something in between. Too many choices will only confuse the buyer, and it will cost you a pretty penny.

Exists group of so-called seasonal goods, which are in use only before the start of the school year - for example, school bags. In September, everything that you don’t sell will have to be put into storage or sold at deep discounts. The second is in some cases more profitable, since bags that have been in boxes for a year will no longer look new, and you will still have to give them away cheaper.

Having among the store’s assortment educational and children’s literature, calendars, gift and souvenir and other products not related to office supplies, you will certainly increase sales. This makes sense in all cases except two: lack of space in the store or very limited starting capital.

Selection of suppliers

You will purchase the goods at wholesale centers. Today, it is more advisable to place orders via the Internet or by phone rather than going to the base in person. Enter " stationery wholesale", select several stores from your region, look through their catalogs, compare prices. Find out the delivery conditions, ask about the availability of quality certificates for the goods. Based on all the information received, make a choice in favor of the distributor with whom cooperation is most beneficial for you. Payment is made upon delivery in cash.

If the income from your store can be called consistently high, it makes sense to cooperate directly with the manufacturer: you purchase goods at lower prices - accordingly, you can sell them cheaper. But then delivery will become your concern, and the volume of purchases should be quite large.

Today, many beginning entrepreneurs are concerned about increasing or maintaining the profitability of their enterprise. Since the crisis in the economy is still quite strong and the reduction of staff does not give the desired result, we have to look for new ways to “apply strength” and transfer the business to the mode of searching for additional sources of profit. Opening a stationery store becomes such a fallback option for many. After all, direct sales of a popular product rarely lead to a negative result.

Business project summary table

Market analysis

The growth of the industry stationery market, which now, according to some marketers and economists, ranges from 20-40% per year, occurs largely due to the supply of office space, factory accounting and other organizations. According to preliminary data, office supplies account for more than 60% of total sales.

In the school supplies segment, on the contrary, there is a temporary decline due to the changing demographic situation in the country and the lack of older consumers of products. In addition, this type of product has always been characterized by seasonality.

Registration and organization of business

In order to register a store, you need to contact the city branch of the Federal Tax Service, write a statement of desire to become an individual entrepreneur and submit for consideration a basic package of documents, which includes:

  • passport details of the store owner;
  • Individual Tax Number (TIN);
  • signed premises rental agreement (original and copy);
  • a notarized list of the goods being sold (which will be sold);
  • work schedule (needed to certify the inspection organization about the actual hiring of employees or individual work);
  • a completed certificate on the form of maintaining the tax base - the simplified tax system and the deadlines for submitting reports (once a quarter, once every six months, once a year).

The OKVED code for retail trade in stationery products is:

  1. 62.20 – “Services for retail sale of stationery products in special stores”;
  2. 99.22 – “Sale of metal stationery products”;
  3. 29.25 – “Sale of plastic stationery”;
  4. 12 – “Sale of paper and cardboard”;
  5. 12.14.116 – “Sale of paper products for intaglio printing.”

Location and premises

Very important indicators depend on the correct choice of location: consumer demand and income generation with the prospect of increasing it. If earlier, just a few years ago, it was profitable to open a retail outlet in large shopping and entertainment centers, now newcomers are trying to rent small retail space next to other departments selling children's goods. Based on profitability considerations, this is the most acceptable option, since the main consumers of the products are children.

It is better to make the design of your store (outlet) bright and memorable. So that potential buyers can see from afar a sign or sign indicating that somewhere nearby there is a retail stationery store (department). This method of external attraction will help to immediately leave a “mark” in the memory of potential clients and will ensure an increase in the profitability of the entire enterprise.

If we talk about choosing a department or store, then it is better to choose a department that is small in size. Since the cost of rent increases every year and entrepreneurs enter into a first contract for at least 6 months (with prepayment), not everyone can afford an area of ​​50 square meters or more.


Most often, the design principle for a store (department) selling office supplies is the same. The entrepreneur purchases:

  1. Shelving.
  2. Showcases.
  3. Shelves.
  4. Other hanging elements.

In addition to all of the above, you need to acquire a cash register or other device for running households. reporting.

Assortment and suppliers

If you sell goods in two directions: to solve business problems and to sell goods for schools, you will have to draw up a plan of several thousand items of finished products. Moreover, the lion's share of them are famous brands, for example, Erich Krauze. After all, high-quality products will be in high demand, especially among small and medium-sized businesses.

School and craft supplies are also big sellers, especially early in the season. Therefore, it is worth taking care of purchasing methodological notebooks, reference books, brochures on preparing for the Unified State Exam and State Examination, paints and modeling materials, accessories for handicrafts, mosaics, and so on.

If we present the basic assortment of the most purchased products in the form of a list, we get more than 7 thousand products:

  • paint: oil, watercolor, acrylic, gouache (6,9,4 colors);
  • art brushes, glue brushes, ordinary fluffy brushes, individually;
  • pencils: colored (set of 6, 12, 16, 32, etc. colors), for drawing, regular slate, specialized for artists;
  • ballpoint pens blue and multi-colored - including sets;
  • helium pens – blue and multi-colored, including sets;
  • paper: colored, for printing, for drawing, for photo printing;
  • cardboard: white, multi-colored, thick and thin for crafts;
  • educational literature: workbooks for schoolchildren, educational and reference materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam and State Examination, for individual lessons with children from 2-7 years old;
  • creative books: art books, handicraft books, for learning to draw;
  • oil pastel;
  • notebooks.

Each type of product must be presented in at least 3 copies from different price categories to perform a different range of tasks: creative, production, educational, development.


Since a stationery store is a narrow-profile enterprise with an insignificant level of financial and accounting reporting, it will not be necessary to hire a large number of staff. To carry out all the basic organizational issues, it will be enough to hire a couple of sellers. They will be the ones who will carry out the sales schedule, keep track of working hours (noting going to work in a special book or notebook), count revenue at the end of the day and draw up initial reporting on the work done.

Accounting reports and sending them to the tax office must be carried out by the store owner himself (of course, if we are not talking about an expanding retail network).


A newly opened office supply store does not require a major advertising campaign or third-party attraction of first customers by distributing leaflets on the street or in shopping centers. The main thing is to arrange a bright sign and pointer so that all interested parties, passing by it, can come in, ask the price and see the assortment.

Financial component of business

The entire financial component of the project can be determined by calculating primary indicators: initial investments, monthly profit and full payback period.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Expense items for a business project represent the following type of expenses:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneur – 800 rubles.
  2. Rent of premises up to 40 m2 – 35,000 rubles.
  3. Salary to employees is 30,000 rubles.
  4. Purchase of office supplies – 200,000 rubles.
  5. Utility bills – 4,000 rubles.
  6. Other expenses – 5,000 rubles.

It turns out that you need to spend 300,000 rubles to start your own store.

Amount of future income

The level of profitability of an enterprise depends primarily on the established customer base and rich assortment.
Working according to this principle, an average-sized store can earn at least 50,000 rubles in net profit. Large retail spaces selling the most popular goods (notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.) generate 2 or even 3 times more revenue every week.

Payback period

Since this type of business activity is in the sales and trade segment, the payback period set by economists and marketers according to the standard scheme is at least 1 year. At the same time, no one excludes working faster or slower to achieve the goals.

Stationery products will always be in demand in various areas of people's lives - be it study, treatment, business management and documentation, or for personal use (drawing, crafts, writing). The market segment is quite rich in surprises and can provide everyone with a niche to start and grow. However, you should never forget about the rapidly growing level of competition and the constant search for new ways to develop the business.