Who has purple eyes? What is the rarest eye color on the planet? Facts and fiction

Eye color is of great importance in a girl's life, even if we don't think about it. Very often, clothes and accessories are chosen directly to match the color of the eyes, not to mention the fact that thanks to existing stereotypes, we, to some extent, form our initial opinion about a person taking into account the color of his eyes.

Therefore, when special lenses appeared that changed eye color, many girls rushed to purchase them in order to create images with different eye colors. And besides lenses, Photoshop helps us, with its help you can achieve any color, but unfortunately this is displayed only on the monitor screen and photographs.

What determines the real color of a person's eyes? Why do some people have blue eyes, others green, and some even boast purple ones?

The color of a person’s eyes, or rather the color of the iris, depends on two factors:

1. Density of iris fibers.
2. Distribution of melanin pigment in the layers of the iris.

Melanin is a pigment that determines the color of human skin and hair. The more melanin, the darker the skin and hair. In the iris of the eye, melanin ranges from yellow to brown and black. In this case, the back layer of the iris is always black, with the exception of albinos.

Yellow, brown, black, where then do the blue and green eyes come from? Let's look into this phenomenon...

Blue eyes
The blue color is due to the low fiber density of the outer layer of the iris and the low melanin content. In this case, low-frequency light is absorbed by the back layer, and high-frequency light is reflected from it, so the eyes turn out blue. The lower the density of the fibers of the outer layer, the richer the blue color of the eyes.

Blue eyes
Blue color occurs when the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser than in the case of blue eyes and have a whitish or grayish color. The higher the fiber density, the lighter the color.

Blue and blue eyes are most common among the population of northern Europe. For example, in Estonia up to 99% of the population had this eye color, and in Germany 75%. Only given modern realities, this situation will not last long, because more and more people from Asian and African countries are trying to move to Europe.

Blue eye color in babies
There is an opinion that all children are born blue-eyed, and then the color changes. This is a wrong opinion. In fact, many babies are actually born light-eyed, and subsequently, as melanin is actively produced, their eyes become darker and the final eye color is established by two to three years.

Grey colour it turns out similar to blue, only in this case the density of the fibers of the outer layer is even higher and their shade is closer to gray. If the fiber density is not so high, then the eye color will be gray-blue. In addition, the presence of melanin or other substances gives a small yellow or brownish impurity.

Green eyes
This eye color is most often attributed to witches and sorceresses, and therefore green-eyed girls are sometimes treated with suspicion. Only green eyes were obtained not due to witchcraft, but due to a small amount of melanin.

In green-eyed girls, yellow or light brown pigment is distributed in the outer layer of the iris. And as a result of scattering by blue or cyan, green is obtained. The color of the iris is usually uneven; there are a large number of different shades of green.

Pure green eye color is extremely rare; no more than two percent of people can boast of green eyes. They can be found in people in Northern and Central Europe, and sometimes in Southern Europe. Women have green eyes much more often than men, which played a certain role in attributing this eye color to witches.

Amber eyes have a monotonous light brown color, sometimes with a yellowish-green or reddish tint. Their color can also be close to marsh or golden, which is due to the presence of lipofuscin pigment.

Swamp eye color (aka hazel or beer) is a mixed color. Depending on the lighting, it may appear golden, brown-green, brown, light brown with a yellow-green tint. In the outer layer of the iris, the melanin content is quite moderate, so the marsh color is the result of a combination of brown and blue or light blue. Yellow pigments may also be present. Unlike amber eye color, in this case the color is not monotonous, but rather heterogeneous.

Brown eyes
Brown eye color results from the fact that the outer layer of the iris contains a lot of melanin, so it absorbs both high-frequency and low-frequency light, and the reflected light adds up to brown. The more melanin, the darker and richer the eye color.

Brown eye color is the most common in the world. But in our life, this - which is a lot - is valued less, so brown-eyed girls sometimes envy those to whom nature has given green or blue eyes. Just don’t rush to be offended by nature, brown eyes are one of the most adapted to the sun!

Black eyes
Black eye color is essentially dark brown, but the concentration of melanin in the iris is so high that the light falling on it is almost completely absorbed.

Red eyes
Yes, there are such eyes, and not only in the movies, but also in reality! Red or pinkish eye color is found only in albinos. This color is associated with the absence of melanin in the iris, so the color is formed based on the blood circulating in the vessels of the iris. In some rare cases, the red color of the blood mixes with the blue to produce a slight purple tint.

Purple eyes!
The most unusual and rare eye color is deep purple. This is extremely rare, perhaps only a few people on earth have a similar eye color, so this phenomenon has been little studied, and there are different versions and myths about this that go back centuries. But most likely, violet eyes do not give their owner any superpowers.

This phenomenon is called heterochromia, which translated from Greek means “different color”. The reason for this feature is the different amount of melanin in the irises of the eye. There is complete heterochromia - when one eye is one color, the other - another, and partial - when parts of the iris of one eye are different colors.

Can eye color change throughout life?
Within one color group, color can change depending on lighting, clothing, makeup, even mood. In general, with age, most people's eyes lighten, losing their original bright color.

Have you ever seen a person with amber eyes? What about a person with green or red eyes? No?! Then, you will be a little surprised if you find out that everything is not some myth that has been put forward for centuries, but is quite real. Although there are not many people with such rare eye colors, but they still exist.

However, there is nothing sci-fi or extraordinary about this. Everything is quite natural, since he depends mainly on the pigmentation of the iris.

What is the iris of the eye: light, psycho-emotional and hereditary components

The iris of the eye is an almost impenetrable thin and mobile diaphragm of the eye with a pupil in the center, located behind the cornea (between the posterior and anterior chambers of the eye), in front of the lens. The color of the iris depends mainly on the amount of coloring pigment called melanin (responsible for color and affects the shade of skin and hair), as well as on the thickness of the eye shell itself.

There is a direct dependence of the color of the eyes on the reaction of the pupil to light, that is, the pupil reacts to light. When the pupil is constricted, the pigments of the iris are concentrated and the eyes begin to darken, and when the pupil is dilated, on the contrary, the pigments of the iris are dispersed and the eyes begin to lighten. In addition, the emotions that a person experiences also affect the size of the pupil, and, depending on the psycho-emotional state, his eye color may be different.

Eye type. For different people, these are combinations of combinations of four main factors:

  1. the blood vessels of the iris have a bluish tint: blue, cyan, gray;
  2. content of coloring pigment (melanin) in the iris: brown, black;
  3. the content of certain substances in the iris (often associated with liver diseases): yellow;
  4. bloody iris (only in case of albinism): red.

If you correlate these factors with each other, the result will be a certain color. For example, swamp is a mixture of brown and blue, green is a mixture of yellow and blue, and so on.

Top 5

What color do you think the eyes are? Honestly, it is difficult, or most likely impossible, to determine since there are so many different shades of eye colors, some of which are very rare and very rare.

Below is a list of 5 varieties of eye colors (from the rarest to more or less natural), which are less common, which makes them, in turn, more unique compared to the rest.

1. Purple eye color: hoax or reality!

It turns out that purple eye color is. There is an opinion that it is impossible to have purple eyes by nature. This is not entirely true. Purple eyes come from mixing red and blue shades.

From a genetic point of view, violet eyes are a similarity to blue eyes, namely a reflection, pigment or variant of the color blue. However, there are scientific facts that prove that people living in the remote and high altitude areas of North Kashmir have purple eye color. However, this unique eye color is very rare.

Varieties of purple eye color: ultramarine (bright blue), amethyst and hyacinth (blue-purple).

2. Green eyes: gene for red hair

Green eye color is second only to violet in rarity. This type of eye color is determined by a small amount of the coloring pigment, melanin, which, in combination with the light brown or yellow pigment lipofuscin (distributed in the outer layer of the iris), gives green coloring to the eyes. T

This coloring is usually uneven with many different shades. There is an opinion that the red hair gene may play a role in the formation of green eye color. Pure green color is an extremely rare phenomenon (only 2% of the world's population has green eyes). Carriers of this color are found mainly in Central and Northern Europe, less often in the southern part of Europe. According to a study of the adult population of Holland and Iceland, green eyes are much less common in men than women.

Varieties of green eye color: bottle green (dark green), light green (light green with a yellowish tint), emerald green, grass green, jade, leaf green, emerald brown, sea green (blue) green).

3. Red eye color: albino eye

Red eyes are called albino eyes, although more than usual, since blue and brown eyes are more common. This rare phenomenon is associated with the absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the ectodermal and mesodermal layers of the iris, and therefore eye color is determined by the blood vessels and collagen fibers of the iris. Sometimes, but very rarely, the red color of the eyes, when mixed with the blue color of the stroma, can turn into violet (magenta).

4. Amber Eye Color: Golden Eyes

Amber color is essentially a type of brown. These are clear, bright eyes with a distinct warm golden color. True amber eyes are very rare, and due to the monotonous light yellow-brown coloring, the eyes have a rather exotic appearance, like the eyes of a wolf. Sometimes, amber eyes can be characterized by a reddish-copper or golden-green tint.

Varieties of amber eye color: yellowish brown, golden brown.

5. Black eye color: high concentration of melanin

Black eyes, although considered rare, are much more common than all previous ones. Due to the fact that the black iris has a very high concentration of the coloring pigment melanin, the light that falls on it will be almost completely absorbed. This type of eyes is common mainly among the Negroid race: in East, South and Southeast Asia. In addition to the black iris, the color of the eyeball may have a grayish or yellowish tint.

Varieties of black eye color: bluish black, pitch black, obsidian color, pitch black, dark almond, thick black.

Congenital eye defects or heterochromia

Heterochromia is a congenital or acquired (due to disease or injury) eye disorder in which there is a different color of the irises of a person’s eyes, that is, a person has eyes of different colors.

Heterochromia is divided into two types:

  • complete (eyes are completely different in color);
  • partial or sectoral (part of the eye has a color difference from the rest of the iris).

Although this phenomenon is more typical for dogs and cats, people have cases too heterochromia, such as the famous American actresses Daniela Ruah and Kate Bosworth.

Video - why eyes are so different

Purple, red, green, black, amber! There are very few people with such eye colors, but this in no way diminishes them, but, on the contrary, makes them increasingly unique and extravagant. Violet– this is the color of purity and psychic energies, green is the color of youth and vitality, amber– strength and endurance, black– mysticism and magic, and red– ambition and passion.

Do you have a rare color? Which have you seen most unusual eye color?

Purple eye color has always been given special significance. It was assumed that the color of the iris predetermines character and destiny, and the more unusual the tone and pattern, the more special the path of its owner on earth will be. Rare shades arouse interest and give rise to many legends, but are they always real? Is there a purple eye color?

What causes color to form?

The color of a person’s eyes is primarily determined by heredity, but “technically” it develops as a result of a unique combination of the following factors:

  • blood vessels in the iris give it cool shades: blue, gray and blue;
  • the saturation of cells with melanin makes the eyes darker.

Thus, all existing eye tones are the result of a unique combination of blood vessel volume and degree of pigmentation. A low melanin content makes the iris light and cold, and its increased concentration in the cells gives it a rich, deep and warm color.

Unusual and rare shades

The main colors of the eyes can be mixed into beautiful shades, looking at which it is sometimes impossible to determine what tone they received in the end. So, you can meet the owner of a gray-green and gray-blue iris. But there are also completely non-standard colors.

The tone of the iris is determined by a lot of factors, and in addition to the most common shades, sometimes you can meet someone with an unusual eye color. It can be deep cornflower blue or mysterious amber, frightening yellow and alluring tea shade.

All these rare tones are obtained as a result of a unique mixture of shades imparted to the iris by blood vessels and natural pigment. So, the most common brown color may have unusual variants:

  • yellow;
  • walnut;
  • tea tree;
  • swamp;
  • honey

An unusual turquoise shade can result from a hereditary mixture of blue and green eyes. Rare tones are hardly perceptible; they are noticed only after a long study.

In the era of active use of colored contact lenses, you can very easily give your eyes a rare shade. This opportunity is actively used by young people who want to stand out from the monotonous crowd, and performers who want to make their image bright. Photographers and gloss retouchers process photographs of models, giving their eyes unusual colors. In this case, the tone of the iris is so bright that it instantly amazes the viewer.

Looking at such photos, the average person sometimes cannot understand whether such a shade of the iris is real. Bright, sometimes flashy shades simply cannot exist in nature. The most questions are raised by purple eye color, which has a rich “history”, famous wearers and even a number of legends.

Legends about violet eye color

Nevertheless, hoaxers have created a lot of legends and stories about those who were lucky enough to have violet eye color. Sometimes the careful validity of myths really convinces and forces one to believe in the reality of an unusual iris.

Is this unusual eye color real?

Violet eye color does not occur in nature. All evidence of his existence is nothing more than a simple hoax. Mysterious mythological stories about the rarest eye tone and the unusual abilities of their owners are fiction, and beautiful photographs of the owners are the result of retouching or the use of special lenses.


So, according to one version, residents of the highlands of Kashmir have this unusual eye color. The purple tint of the inhabitants of the disputed territory of India is explained by rarefied air and special climatic conditions, which allegedly led to the mutation.

In fact, Kashmiris' eye color is predominantly brown, like all Asians. Only a small percentage of the population has an unusual gray or blue tint of the iris for their area, which really looks very unusual with dark skin. But Kashmiris definitely do not have purple eyes.

Manifestation of Alexandria and purple eye color

Another legend connects the appearance of purple eyes with a girl named Alexandria, who became the first bearer of the rare shade. It is believed that this mutation was passed on to her descendants, who, thanks to the unique shade of the iris, have incredible abilities. These talents are latent and should be revealed in time. This legend is continued in the modern idea of ​​“indigo” children - they are also supposedly the owners of purple eyes by nature.

The “Alexandria manifestation” syndrome supposedly does not stand out except for the unusual color of the eyes and deeply hidden talents. Those with a violet iris live ordinary lives and get sick, just like mere mortals. Although in some versions the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor is attributed to the descendants of Alexandria.

Indeed, in her color photos you can see the unusual color of her eyes. But in most images of the actress, the hue of her iris is blue-gray, and the lilac tone in famous photographs is the result of retouching.

Albinism variant

The hoax about the violet iris quickly developed a scientific basis: the natural violet and lilac color of the eyes is explained by a mutation in which a mixture of blue and red shades occurs in them. This “artistic” approach looks convincing, but is still not scientific.

Natural lilac eye color does not exist in nature.

The red color of the eyes is the result of albinism - this pathology completely affects a person, depriving all cells of pigments. This disease does not require the presence of melanin residues in the tissues to obtain a beautiful lilac tone. Therefore, it is impossible to explain such an unusual eye color by nature with albinism - with pathology, the iris will only be red, but not violet.

Despite the abundance of legends confirming that such an unusual eye color is real, a purple tint does not exist in nature.

Is it possible to have purple eyes in cats? I look forward to hear from you.

From the famous saying we know that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” And each person has this “mirror” of a different color: brown, blue, gray, green, and even black and amber. Why do all people have different colored eyes? The answer to this question can only be obtained by learning more about the origin of eye color.

The origin of eye color or why do people have eyes of different colors?

Historical version

If you delve a little into history, you can find information that at first the entire Earth was inhabited only by people with brown eyes. As a result of the collision of the Earth with a comet and the onset of the Ice Age, certain mutations began to occur in people, since the vital energy and strength of brown-eyed people was not enough to survive in the harsh climate. This is how more resilient people began to appear, who became leaders and took responsibility for the survival of others. Their eyes began to change and became cold: gray, blue, dark blue. Many millennia passed and as a result of marriages of brown-eyed people with people with cold eye color, children with completely new colors began to be born: green, gray-green, blue-green, gray-brown and even gray-green-brown.

Biological version

From a biological point of view, the color of a person's eyes depends on the pigmentation of his iris. Depending on the distribution of pigment on its ectodermal and mesodermal layers, one or another eye color appears. The fibers and vessels of the iris also play a large role in determining eye color. Depending on the amount of melanin (coloring pigment) and the density of the fibers, different colors arise, from blue and light blue to amber, brown and green.

Where did the rare green eye color go?

The rarest eye color can rightfully be called green. Most of the world's inhabitants are brown-eyed and only 2% of the population have green eyes. Also, the appearance of green eyes is directly associated with red hair. In the XIII-XIX centuries, namely during the Holy Inquisition, girls with green eyes and red hair were burned en masse at the stake, considering them to be witches. And since eye color is most often inherited, we can say that the Inquisition is partly to blame for the decline in the birth rate of green-eyed people.

Mutations and eye color

Eye color is also determined by various gene mutations. So, with aniridia, the iris of the eye is either completely absent or partially. This disease is most often caused by a congenital pathology and carries with it a number of other problems, for example, cataracts, photophobia, changes in the cornea and much more. Also in nature there are people with different eyes. This pathology is caused by heterochromia, during which the irises of the eyes are painted in different colors.

Many people have heard that the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor had purple eyes. But does this happen in nature? Most often heard that her eyes were actually blue-gray in color, and the violet effect was caused by the light on set. So the main version of the origin of the purple color of the eyes of the great actress is an optical illusion, since at that time there were no contact lenses. (They didn't begin production until 1983, but Taylor's violet eyes were shining on screen as early as 1963.)

But there is a well-known myth that purple eyes still exist. So, an old legend says that several centuries ago, residents of a small Egyptian village observed a flash of unknown origin in the sky. After this, the villagers began to give birth to children with pale skin and incredibly beautiful violet eyes. One of the first such children allegedly officially registered was a girl named Alexandria, who was born in 1329. Six months after birth, her eyes changed from blue to violet, and this eye color was subsequently passed on to her four daughters.

No other pathologies were identified in people with violet eyes; they were all in good health and had excellent vision. And it was decided to call the pathology itself “The Origin of Alexandria”, in honor of the first born girl with purple eyes. Although to date, no cases of this disease have been registered and this is considered more of a myth than a real pathology.

You can often come across a version that purple eye color can be caused by a disease such as Marchesani syndrome. But among the symptoms of this disease there is no mention of the fact that this rare pathology, transmitted by inheritance, is directly related to the violet color of the eyes. People with Marchesani syndrome are characterized by short stature, underdeveloped limbs, and a number of vision problems (for example, glaucoma or lens subluxation). Although, one should not exclude the fact that it is ophthalmological problems that can occasionally cause changes in the pigmentation of the iris.

Are there purple eyes?

Medicine has its own version of the appearance of violet eye color. There is a disease called albinism, which is caused by a genetic disorder in which the body lacks melanin, which is responsible for the pigmentation of hair, eyes and skin. Due to the lack of coloring pigment, albinos have naturally red eyes, since all blood vessels are visible through the iris. But there are times when blue collagen is reflected in the eyes of albinos a little stronger than usual. This is what gives the eyes a purple tint. But most often, the purple eyes of albinos are associated with their increased sensitivity to light, as a result of which light penetrates through the iris into the eye and causes a purple tint.

One way or another, violet eyes always cause surprise, delight and interest. Which version of the origin of this amazing color to believe in is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In any case, “violet-colored eyes” are unusual, beautiful and mysterious. But if it is beautiful, it does not matter at all what origin this beauty comes from: from an ancient Egyptian legend, as a result of irreparable gene mutations transmitted by inheritance, or accidentally given to us by aliens from other civilizations.

Eye color is inherited by one human gene, and from the moment of conception it is predetermined to have a certain shade. Scientists have calculated that there are 8 eye colors. And these are just the most common ones. But there are people on the planet who have the rarest eye color.

For example, Hollywood actress Kate Bosworth has eyes of different colors. There is a brown pigment spot in the dark gray iris of her right eye.

There are as many pairs of eyes in the world as there are people. No two personalities are identical, and no two pairs of eyes are identical. What is the magic of a look? Maybe it's the eye color?

From black to sky blue

Human eyes come in only eight shades. Some shades are more common, others very rare. The content of the melanin pigment in the iris determines what we call color. Once upon a time, about 10 thousand years ago, most people on Earth were brown-eyed. Genetics say that a mutation occurred, and people appeared with a lack of pigment. They gave birth to blue-eyed and green-eyed children.

The following shades are known: black, brown, amber, olive, green, blue, gray, light blue. Sometimes the eyes change color, more often this happens in babies. There are unique people with an indeterminate shade. Aishwarya Rai, a film star from India, is known not so much for her stunning figure and smile as for the mystery of her eyes, which can be green, blue, gray or brown in different moods and are recognized as the most beautiful eyes in the world.

What are the most eyes in the world?

Most often, brown-eyed children are born on the planet. This color predominates in all parts of the world. It is believed that their irises contain a lot of melanin. It protects your eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Astrologers associate brown-eyed people with Venus and the Sun. Venus endowed these people with her tenderness, and the Sun with ardor and passion.

According to sociological data, owners of such eyes inspire special trust in themselves. It is generally accepted that brown-eyed women are sexy and passionate. Whether this is true is unknown, but the fact is that the owner of dark brown eyes, Jennifer Lopez, is a symbol of precisely these qualities. The second most common color is blue. People originally from Northern Europe have such eyes. According to statistics, 99% of Estonians and 75% of Germans have blue eyes. Many children are born with blue eyes. Within a few months the color changes to gray or blue. Adult blue-eyed people are rare. Blue eyes are found both in Asia and among Ashkenazi Jews.

American researchers say that most talented people with high IQ have blue eyes. Blue-eyed people are often strong, authoritative personalities; when communicating, trust in them arises intuitively. Cameron Diaz's light blue gaze, giving warmth and positivity, made her a Hollywood star. At the right moment he becomes hard and cold, and then again kind and warm.

The rarest eye shades

Black-eyed people are very rare. Of the Hollywood stars, only Audrey Hepburn had this color. She once said that the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives. Her gaze always shone with kindness and love.

Elizabeth Taylor had the rarest color. When she was born, her frightened parents took the girl to a doctor, who said that the child had a unique mutation. The future Cleopatra was born with double rows of eyelashes, and at six months the baby's eyes acquired a purple tint. Elizabeth drove men crazy with her gaze all her life, having been married 8 times.

The rarest color of the iris

The witch's eyes should be green. Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes. Moreover, most of them are female. There is no rational explanation for this phenomenon. Historians believe that human prejudices are to blame. All European peoples, including the Slavs, Saxons, Germans, and Franks, believed that green-eyed women had supernatural powers.

During the Middle Ages, the Inquisition was rampant in Europe. A denunciation was enough for a person to be sent to the stake. Most of the victims were women, who were declared witches for the most insignificant reasons. Is it worth saying that the green-eyed ones were burned first? This is how the population of people with the most beautiful eye color was almost destroyed.

Today, 80% of green-eyed people live in Holland and Iceland. Astrologers believe that green-eyed women are the most gentle creatures, kind and devoted, but when it comes to protecting their family or loved one, they are merciless and cruel. Bioenergeticists who divide people into energy “vampires” and “donors” claim that green-eyed people are neither one nor the other, their energy is stable and neutral. Perhaps this is why they value stability and devotion in relationships so much, and do not forgive betrayal.

The most famous green-eyed beauty is Angelina Jolie. Her “cat-eye” broke a lot of hearts before it got to

Diversity is the norm these days. And rare eye color is a feature, not a flaw, like many others. At the same time, the beauty industry continues to consider people who do not look like they are starving or victims of serious illnesses as “too fat” or even “fat.” Therefore, many, in pursuit of a standard beautiful (that is, thin) body, go on the strangest diets. The editors of the site invite you to read about the craziest diets in the world.
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