When to have prophetic dreams. Secrets of dreams: on what days does the dream come true?

Sometimes dreams predict the future, coming true down to the smallest detail. But not everyone has such dreams, because for this a person must have the gift of foresight. There is a separate category of people who know how to manage their dreams, read them and understand the signals sent by fate through the subconscious. In some cases, they can “program” what they want to get answers to pressing questions. To figure out which dreams come true and which ones don’t, you should pay attention to the days on which you dreamed them.

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      Prophetic dreams

      The desire to know one's future is a characteristic human trait. Often people try to interpret what they see in a dream. But not everyone can understand the meaning of night dreams after waking up. Sometimes dreams include events related to recent experiences or problems, pleasant events and vivid impressions. Such dreams are not prophetic, and you should not pay attention to them.

      • Prophetic dreams can predict various events - both joyful and tragic. Such signs of fate should not be considered fatal. But it’s still worth paying attention to them.

        According to healer Maria Fedorovskaya, in a dream the soul is able to leave the body and wander into other worlds. If it does not fly far from the body, then dreams on such nights are considered empty and do not carry important information.

        To understand why any events occurred in a dream, you need to understand how symbols and signs are deciphered. This system has been formed over centuries, and came to us from distant ancestors. It is believed that prophetic dreams can come true within a few days and even 10 years.

        Prophetic dreams can be:

        • Symbolic. They require deciphering the signs that appeared in the dream.
        • Literal. They come true down to the smallest details and do not require decoding.

        Time value

        The meaning of the dream depends on the time at which it occurred.

        Day of the week

        Each day of the week has a specific meaning. It has long been believed that visions come true from Thursday to Friday.

        Day of the week Patron planet of the day Meaning of sleep
        MondayMoonPeople often dream about things that worry them. Come true in a few months or a few years
        TuesdayMarsSuch dreams are most often empty. In rare cases, very vivid good dreams can come true within 10 days
        WednesdayMercuryThe time of literal prophetic dreams that come true in a short period of time
        ThursdayJupiterDreams are empty. They come true very rarely, but within 3 days, and are most often a guide to action
        FridayVenusVisions are considered prophetic and come true within 7-10 days. If they foretell trouble, then the course of events can be changed for the better
        SaturdaySaturnThe patron of the day can warn about something. Dreams do not carry valuable information
        SundaySunGood dreams may come true before lunch, or they may simply turn out to be empty.

        Days of the month

        The meaning of night visions also depends on the numbers of the solar calendar. Those that were dreamed about in the following numbers are considered prophetic: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28. In this case, you need to compare the date with the day of the week. For example, a dream that appeared on Saturday on the 8th should not be classified as prophetic. It is believed that on the 31st day of the calendar only those that portend love come true. A dream before marriage on this night can predict what life together will be like.

        The meaning of visions by day of the month (you need to take into account the coincidence of the phase of the Moon and the day of the week):

        • 1st number. What you see always comes true and carries good omens;
        • 3 - fate warns or gives advice;
        • 4 - will not come true soon;
        • 5 - usually good events are dreamed of and fulfilled to the smallest detail;
        • 6 - what you see will come true in 12 days;
        • 7 - you cannot talk about what you saw. Dreams promise happiness;
        • 8 is the best time to get an answer to a question and to listen to the clues of fate;
        • 9 - will indicate events in the business sphere;
        • 10 - signal troubles in the family or at work;
        • 11 - happy and joyful signs of the future;
        • 12 - will be fulfilled very soon and lead to prosperity;
        • 13 - despite the prophetic nature, they bring disappointments and problems;
        • 15 - good events that await a person soon;
        • 17 - will be fulfilled in 20 days, will bring goodness and joy;
        • 18 - portends successful purchases;
        • 19 - warn about bad things. Concerning the climate in the family;
        • 20 - they come true, but you cannot tell anyone about them;
        • 21 - help to fulfill your plans. On such nights you can find the answer to important questions;
        • 22 - good dreams. Always fulfilled;
        • 23 - accurate visions with a high probability of being realized;
        • 24 - will be fulfilled very soon;
        • 26 - very rarely performed, but worth analyzing;
        • 28 - what you see will come true in 30 days.

        What you see can be fulfilled only if all three indicators coincide: day of the week, lunar day and date. On all other dates, visions are considered empty, meaning nothing.

        The truest dreams are those that occur in the morning. Visions in the daytime and evening are not considered prophetic and cannot predict future events.

        Particular importance is attached to visions that occur in dreams:

        • on the full moon;
        • 3rd day of any month;
        • on the eve of Christmas;
        • during the Holy Week (from January 7 to January 19);
        • on name day (it is believed that the Guardian Angel predicts the future);
        • on Good (nominal) Fridays;
        • on the days of the summer and winter solstice;
        • in a new place;
        • on the night from Thursday to Friday.

        Prophetic dreams come during Christmas time, from January 7 to January 19. It is believed that Christmas dreams are the most complete and prophetic. They can predict a person's future and help in choosing the right path. Such dreams contain vivid visions that are perceived as real. After waking up, a person sometimes cannot understand whether any events really happened or whether it was all a dream.

        Good (nominal) Fridays

        People call these days Temporary Fridays. It is believed that on such days, visions lift the veil of the future and give the most accurate predictions. These days of the week are called nominal because each of them is associated with a specific event described in the Old Testament: Assumption Friday, Annunciation Friday, Epiphany Friday. According to popular belief, Fridays are reserved for special grace. People say: “Whoever fasts on the first Friday will be saved from unexpected death.”

        Dreams that occur on Good Fridays are considered prophetic; there are 12 of them in total:

    1. 1. Friday of the beginning of Lent.
    2. 2. April 7, dream before the Annunciation.
    3. 3. Eve of Palm Week.
    4. 4. Ascension Eve.
    5. 5. Trinity Eve.
    6. 6. June 7, the eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist.
    7. 7. August 2, before the day of Elijah the Prophet.
    8. 8. August 28, the eve of the Assumption.
    9. 9. September 19, the eve of the day of the Archangel Michael.
    10. 10. November 14, on the eve of Saints Kuzma and Demyan.
    11. 11. January 7, Christmas Eve.
    12. 12. Eve of Epiphany January 19.

    Dreams are prophetic ifreligious holidays fall on Friday.

    Moon calendar

    The moon has a direct influence on our dreams; its phase is important. The meaning of dreams according to the lunar calendar is given in the table:

    Not only days and numbers are important, but also the plot of the dream. A prophetic dream depends on what exactly you dreamed about on certain days. For interpretation, you can use a dream book.

    How to program a dream

    By choosing a day on which the date and lunar phase coincide, you can “program” the dream by calling up images and symbols from the subconscious. With proper preparation at home, a vision can become prophetic.

    The main condition is to set yourself up, focus on the event or issue that needs to be resolved.

    The power of suggestion

    You should draw in your imagination a detailed picture of the desired events in the near future. It must contain symbols that signify desires. In order not to forget the content of what you saw after waking up, you can write down the visions in a notebook in the morning. Then it will be possible to analyze the influence of dreams on further events.

    The best time to make a dream is the night from Sunday to Monday. You need to completely relax and focus on your question. It is important to be alone in a room. The ritual must be performed in the waxing moon phase.

    Before going to bed, it is advisable to take a warm bath with a few drops of essential oil. It is advisable to prepare the room: you can fumigate the room with sleep grass or a dry aloe stem. Extraneous thoughts must be discarded. Before falling asleep, you need to say 5 times: “May I dream about what should come true. I want it so much! »

    You can use the power of imagination and the meaning of symbols to achieve results. If you want to achieve success in business, you can mentally imagine a beautiful flowering garden, a staircase leading up.

    Ritual with a mirror

    For this ritual, you must adhere to the basic rules: be alone and focus on the main issue. Before going to bed, you should put a mirror under your pillow and say the following spell:

    “Just as everything is reflected in a mirror - both light and darkness, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future will be reflected. Let it be so. Amen".

    On the same night, you should dream of a mirror in which future events will be reflected. If the expected happens, the mirror should be hidden in a secluded place and not tell anyone about it. Otherwise, everything may turn out differently.

    Dreams that occur on significant dates (days of the week, nominal Fridays, special numbers) should be kept secret. You need to wake up without an alarm clock.

    To see a prophetic dream, they resort to the following conspiracy: “Darkness is reflected in the mirror, light is reflected in it. So let my future be reflected and dreamed of in my dreams. Amen! " After this, the mirror is placed under the pillow and no other words are spoken.

    And in order to prevent what they saw from coming true, they read a spell in the morning: “Whoever’s dream comes true, but this does not concern me. The Lord is with me, bad dreams are not with me, Amen! "

    Why do we have prophetic dreams?

    For a long time, the phenomenon of prophetic dreams has interested scientists. It is associated with the psychophysiological characteristics of the body. The human brain constantly processes a large amount of information. At night, the subconscious mind turns to what worries or worries its owner. The body sends signals in the event of a malfunction of any system long before the development of symptoms of the disease. The scientific explanation is that during sleep the body is relaxed, irritants are eliminated and pain signals find a way to make themselves known.

    The nature of prophetic dreams is not fully understood. There are many more mysteries in this question than answers. But one thing is absolutely certain: everyone sees dreams, and some of the visions can be fateful, predicting the future, or warning of danger and illness.

For a long time, people believed that while our body rests at night, the soul can leave it and go to the other world. If she flies somewhere nearby, then the person sees ordinary dreams. But when the soul is too far away, the sleeper can look into the future. This phenomenon is usually called a prophetic dream.

There are true and false prophetic dreams. And although it is easy to confuse them, there are a number of differences between them.

  1. True the vision cannot be prevented: it will come true even after many years. During this time, such a dream is not forgotten. As a rule, a true dream shows a person vivid and memorable pictures. It always carries some clear meaning, a warning.
  2. False, on the contrary, has no meaning. It lacks specificity and clarity. Having woken up, a person instantly forgets it, but may experience fear. To prevent such a vision from coming true, you need to tell the flowing water what you saw and ask it to take away everything bad with it.

Classification of phenomena

The phenomenon of prophetic dreams has not yet been fully studied, but people have learned to classify them. There are several varieties:

  • Visions. It is very important to interpret them correctly, because they will definitely come true. Saints, dead or living, but located very far away, can appear to a person. Sometimes he himself visits them in their dreams. The day of the week and the time when the vision occurred does not matter.
  • Fortune telling. If a person performs special magical rituals before going to bed, he can see a fortune-telling dream. Such rituals can be prayers or conspiracies.
  • Signs. They should not be taken literally. To solve such visions, traditional dream books are used.
  • Bodily. Another name is empty. They reflect everyday life, and they never come true. This also includes nightmares.

Are they true?

A prophetic dream can be seen on days when the boundary between the real and other worlds becomes thinner - supernatural forces penetrate our dimension and influence human perception.

It is believed that this happens on the night from Thursday to Friday, on the third day of any month, as well as during church holidays, but the vision can also occur at other times. The veracity and likelihood of its fulfillment are determined by the days of the week, the dates of the month and the lunar calendar.

Days of the week

Each day of the week carries special magical qualities. Because of this, some visions come true and some never come to fruition.

  • From Sunday to Monday. The images seen on this night are usually not of a fateful nature and rarely come true. Even if they come true, it is unlikely that life will be significantly affected. It is not recommended to attach special importance to them.

    Images reveal a person’s inner experiences and indicate his emotional state. The more stress the dreamer experiences, the more confusing the vision will be.

  • From Monday to Tuesday. The images are emotional and very bright, revealing creative potential. Pleasant impressions after sleep mean that new endeavors will be successful. And vice versa - an unpleasant vision suggests that you should hold off on something new.

    A dreamed victory is considered a prophetic omen. As a rule, such visions come true within 10 days. If more has passed, there is no point in waiting.

  • From Tuesday to Wednesday. On such nights, a person sees very active dreams, filled with various scenes. However, they carry a certain meaning and are not implemented. Individual positive parts may have a low probability of coming true, but among the chaotic pictures it is difficult to predict which ones.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday. They have a fateful significance: they can help find solutions to controversial issues and a way out of difficult life situations. Interpretation should be approached with caution and special attention.
  • From Thursday to Friday. Intuition intensifies this night. Dreams are most often prophetic, come true within 3 years and reflect a person’s personal life. All the visions that were remembered by the morning are embodied.
  • From Friday to Saturday. Pleasant dreams mean that something good will happen soon. The dreamer may see events from the near future concerning friends and family members.
  • From Saturday to Sunday. They come true before lunch on the same day. The likelihood of it being realized depends on the person’s mood after waking up. If you dreamed of something good, then it will manifest itself in reality. Otherwise, the dream will not come true.

Moon phases

The likelihood of the dream coming true, as well as its meaning, depends on the phase of the moon: on different days, visions can have different interpretations. The lunar calendar is used for this.

It is believed that on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th and 28th lunar days a person sees prophetic dreams. Empty ones come on days 2, 9 and 13. The rest of the time, the probability that they will come true is 50%, so you should pay attention to other factors.

Until the 16th day, dreams reveal the near future. After the full moon, the fulfillment of visions may take a long time.

Days of the month

The meaning of the dream and whether it will come true also depends on the numbers of the month.

  • 1st number: the images have a good omen and always come true.
  • 2nd number: dreams are empty and do not come true.
  • 3rd number: dreams carry some kind of warning about life’s problems and are often fulfilled.
  • 4th number: visions are fulfilled after a long time.
  • 5th number: good dreams come that come true exactly.
  • 6th number: what you see can come true in 12 days.
  • 7th number: the dream should be kept secret, it is a possible harbinger of great happiness.
  • 8th number: if a person dreams of something that he really wants, then the vision will definitely come true.
  • 9th number: good dreams about success in any business come true.
  • 10th: the dream warns of problems at work or in the family.
  • 11th: images that mean joy and happiness.
  • 12th: good dreams will come true very soon.
  • 13th: the dream will come true, but promises problems and disappointments.
  • 14th: images that warn of unpleasant events.
  • 15th: good visions of events that will soon happen.
  • 16th: empty dreams.
  • 17th: dreams come true in 20 days and promise great success.
  • 18th: visions promise monetary profit or a good purchase.
  • 19th: You may dream of a warning that you should beware of family disagreements.
  • 20th: You can’t tell anyone a good dream, otherwise it won’t come true.
  • 21st: visions tell you how to achieve what you want.
  • 22nd: good dreams come true.
  • 23rd: dreams will exactly happen.
  • 24th: images may suggest that joy is expected in the near future.
  • 25th: dreams warn of deception and come true very soon.
  • 26th: visions are rarely fulfilled.
  • 27th: empty dreams.
  • 28th: the dreamed events will happen within a month.
  • 29th: empty dreams.
  • 30th: dreams about unreal events.
  • 31st: dreams can mean victories on the love front; they come true within 15 days.

On the eve of church holidays

It has long been believed that visions on the eve of a church holiday are a sign from above, which was sent to prevent mistakes, sins and troubles. Such dreams can be changed. They dream about Christmas and Epiphany. At this time, the dead may come to a person, warning about something and revealing his future fate.

Visions are fulfilled before noon. It is also very common to see a prophetic dream on the night of one of the Good Fridays before church holidays associated with some event from the Old Testament. These are considered:

  • Palm Sunday.
  • Great Lent.
  • Annunciation.
  • Ascension.
  • Trinity.
  • Dormition.
  • Day of the Archangel Michael.
  • Epiphany.

It is believed that if a person fasts on these days and does not do housework, then the future will open up for him.

How to determine that a dream is prophetic?

Determining when you had a prophetic dream is quite simple. There are a number of signs that you should pay attention to:

  1. Logical and precise sequence of actions. In such a dream there are no unreal events that could not actually happen.
  2. "Color" vision. The images are very colorful compared to ordinary dreams.
  3. Strong emotional response. You may experience a strange, inexplicable feeling during sleep. After awakening, a person is sure that what he saw will actually happen. This will be remembered for a very long time.
  4. Repetition. The same vision can come over and over again over a certain period of time, warning about something.

What to do if you have a nightmare?

There is nothing dangerous about this. All people have nightmares and they are unlikely to come true. However, if a person fears that a bad vision may come true, simple rituals can be performed.

  1. After waking up, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder, saying: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.”
  2. Turn your bed linen inside out and try to go back to sleep. Negative energy will be absorbed into the pillow and will not be able to contribute to the fulfillment of the nightmare.
  3. The events of a terrible vision can be written down on paper and then burned. The dream will burn away along with the notes.
  4. In the morning, you should immediately make your bed to close the portal to the other world and prevent uninvited guests from entering.

Sleep is a kind of bridge between our world and the other world. Its meaning is not always clear. Correct interpretation of visions will help a person avoid problems, achieve success in career and love, and lift the veil of secrecy about his future.

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We often dream. Some of them are immediately forgotten, but others are remembered for a long time. When a person sees a plausible dream, he begins to wonder if it is prophetic? What does a prophetic dream mean? How to understand that you are having a prophetic dream? And on what days of the week can you see visions that indicate future events in fate? We will talk about all this in our article.

Anyone can have a prophetic dream. And such dreams most often come true. Ancient signs indicate that such night visions are harbingers of some dangerous or difficult events. But a prophetic dream may not always promise danger; it often indicates imminent happy situations.

Prophetic dreams are different.

  1. Literal night vision clearly and in small details describes the events taking place. In the morning a person remembers the dream completely, he remembers all the little things and can talk about them in detail.
  2. A symbolic prophetic dream must be interpreted. Such a vision is often presented to the sleeper in the form of symbols, signs, and numbers. To decipher the vision, you must use a dream book.

It is believed that a prophetic dream can come true only if it is dreamed during a certain period of the week. But how do you know when such visions will occur?

It has long been believed that the most realistic dreams, which can indicate future events, “come” from Thursday to Friday night. Our ancestors were sure that a dream seen on Monday night was also prophetic. But the visions that “came” to the sleeper on Thursday night turned out to be useless.

Determining prophetic dreams by day of the week

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that prophetic visions can only be dreamed during certain periods of the week. It is very simple to check this truth: you can keep a notebook in which you will write down clear visions and the dates when you dreamed them. Then you just need to compare the dates and check whether the folk wisdom is truly true.

  • Monday. You may have plausible dreams on Monday, but they often do not immediately come true. As a rule, such visions come true after many months, and often years.
  • Tuesday. In most cases, Tuesday does not bring prophetic dreams. Visions on this day of the week are empty and useless. But if the sleeper sees a vivid dream and remembers the dreamed plot in detail, then it is quite possible that it will come true in 7-10 days.
  • Wednesday. On Wednesday night you often have prophetic visions. It is recommended to remember and write down such dreams immediately after waking up. Visions dreamed on Wednesday night come true in a couple of days. A special feature of such a dream is that often a dream book is not required to decipher it - the plot of the vision can be easily interpreted independently.
  • Thursday. Visions often turn out to be useless and empty. In rare cases, on Thursday night you may have a prophetic dream.
  • Friday. All visions that you dream on Friday night need to be remembered. They are considered prophetic and will be fulfilled in the very near future. Dreams on Friday often indicate approaching troubles. If you remember the dream, interpret it and take the necessary actions, then you can protect yourself from problems and misfortunes.
  • Saturday. In very rare cases, prophetic visions occur on Saturday night. In most cases they are empty and absolutely useless.
  • Sunday. If you had a prophetic dream on Sunday, it will definitely come true the next day before lunch. Otherwise, the vision was empty.

On what dates do you have prophetic dreams?

You can see a vision that is considered prophetic on absolutely any day of the month. There are no specific dates when a person would definitely have a prophetic dream. But there are numbers that should be treated with special care.

On the 30th, people often have prophetic dreams. During this period, it is necessary to remember night vision, since the likelihood of its fulfillment in the very near future is very high.

On the 31st, visions of love come true. It is recommended to memorize them for girls and women who are lonely and looking for a life partner. A similar recommendation applies to unmarried men who dream of changing their marital status.

Prophetic dreams according to the lunar calendar

It is known that the night star has a huge impact on the life and destiny of a person. By the phases of the moon, you can also determine whether a dream is prophetic.

Waning phase

During the waning phase of the moon, empty and useless visions are more common. They do not carry any meaning, so you can not pay much attention to them.

It is believed that if during the waning phase of the moon one has an alarming or scary dream, this indicates that dramatic changes will soon occur in a person’s life. The dream indicates that it is necessary to mentally prepare for future changes, and try to do everything possible so that they do not contribute to a worsening fate.

New moon

During the new moon phase, the “rebirth” of all living things occurs. A person these days can see dreams and remember them. Visions indicate what the sleeper is thinking and experiencing. In rare cases they are prophetic.

Growing phase

In most cases, during the period of the waxing of the moon, a person dreams of prophetic visions. Such dreams need to be remembered and, if necessary, written down in a notebook.

Dreams on the waxing moon come true in the shortest possible time; they can even come true the next day. Often, deciphering a vision requires the help of a dream book.

Full moon

The phase when the moon becomes full has been considered dangerous and unpredictable since ancient times. During this period, a person’s emotional state changes, he becomes irritable, nervous, and actively worries about the slightest trifles.

On the night of the full moon, you have empty and useless dreams. If the vision is remembered, then it is a consequence of behavioral changes in the sleeper. During the full moon, people “come” with disturbing visions, but they do not carry any semantic meaning.

It is very difficult to “program” the brain and have a prophetic dream. Most often, such visions “come” unconsciously and spontaneously. It is important to be able to understand that a dream is indeed prophetic.


  • Depending on the day of the week, a person may have prophetic and empty dreams. Such visions need to be remembered and interpreted using a dream book.
  • You can also determine whether a dream is prophetic using the lunar calendar.

Pseudo-prophetic dreams

Current situation. In a dream, a girl sees a flock of pigeons flying past her window. A dream book opens, offering to interpret prophetic dreams: “A flock of flying pigeons dreams of a quarrel and loss of personal happiness.” An upset girl meets a young man in the evening and remains silent. The guy tries to find out what is wrong with his beloved, constantly asks questions that remain unanswered, asks again, gets accused of being meticulous, and in the end a quarrel actually occurs. And the girl thinks: “Well, that’s exactly what it said in the dream book.”

Is this a prophetic dream? No, this is a coincidence that a person programs himself, consciously creates a situation in which the meanings of the symbols seen in a dream are updated.

Twin dreams.

A phenomenon that often occurs among creative people or scientists who devote all their time to solving one problem.
It is well known that D. Mendeleev dreamed of his periodic system in all its details.
The case with the chemist showed that in the situation there was a logically constructed video picture with the rest of the day, which was transmitted from day to day, where chemical elements and data about them appeared, which required somehow identifying them in a scheme - all this in one fine day (night ) gave its result and appeared in the form of a table.

Surely, in the waking state, the obstacle was fatigue, distraction by something extraneous. In a relaxed state, when the interference was removed, the brain gave a logical ending to the research. The brain worked like a universal psychoanalyst!

Prophetic dreams.

When a situation in a dream is completely repeated in real life.
In 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov had a terrible dream. The body of his father, washed up on an island in the White Sea. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Mikhail learns from his brother that there has been no news of his father for four months. He, as usual, went fishing and disappeared. He knew the island that Lomonosov saw in his dream - he and his father had been there during his childhood. Mikhail sends a letter to the local fishing crew with a detailed description of where to look for the body of his missing father, and in fact the fishermen find it.

Or, the President dreamed of the White House, a coffin standing under a white cover and an address to the guard, from which Lincoln learned that they were burying the President, who was killed in the theater. 10 days later there was a terrorist attack in the theater, as a result of which the United States actually lost its president.

How to understand that a dream is prophetic?

Often it is possible to understand that a literal prophetic dream is only possible in the future. If people could determine immediately after a dream that the dream was prophetic, many events in life could be prevented or influenced. But symbolic prophetic dreams, if desired, can be interpreted. Dream books and interpretation systems have been created for this purpose.

If, say, you dreamed that you broke a plate, and you broke it in reality, this does not mean at all that the dream was prophetic. Perhaps this is a coincidence or you are too focused on the events of the dream and literally brought them to life.

But if you dream about the future, and it involves our friends, loved ones, many symbols and dubious things that we do not understand, then it is better to check such a dream. It may turn out to be prophetic.

Who sees prophetic dreams?

Research has shown that some people experience prophetic dreams. Scientists have been able to identify a category of people who have such prophetic dreams more often than others.

According to published statistics, 80% of prophetic dreams are gloomy. Most of them foreshadow the death of loved ones, the murder of world leaders, and disasters. Less often, such dreams are dedicated to joyful events - weddings and career advancement.

Experiments have shown that only some people can see prophetic dreams - they are, as a rule, very sensitive and have such a fine emotional attunement that they are able to see future events in their dreams.

The probability of seeing a prophetic dream is approximately 1:22,000, The Daily Mail reports.


Before you believe in a dream, do not forget to remember all its details. It happens that in a dream, say, an animal we saw seems important to us, but in reality, for example, a house played the main role here.

It is also important to understand that the interpretation of prophetic dreams is appropriate only when they are not related to events, objects and people that concern you. If you ate too much before going to bed, or the room was very hot, and as a result you had nightmares all night, this is quite natural, and nothing like this will happen in real life.

If you drank alcohol in the evening, your dreams may turn out even more colorful, but they will have nothing to do with your future. Dreams can also be influenced by a person’s well-being. Prophetic dreams occur in a healthy state and under normal conditions. They are often not connected to the present. And when waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains that would lead to their fulfillment.